The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
MONDAY, NOVE3IB9'R 9, 191 f.
0c platlsmoutb journal
Published Sem l-W eekly at Plattemouth, M e b r.
Entered t the I'ostofHce at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, as seeoad-cla&s mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
9 ? T V
mm mm w M'w w-w,w-
m m m m
i To know the future is no vir- -l-tuc,
but it is the greatest of J
virtues to prepare for it. Sam- I-
I- uel Smiles. V"
. . . . , . . , .
Self-esteem always stops when it
Lumps into a stone wall.
Don't delay until it is too late. Do
your Christmas shopping early.
Now, Governor, come along with
your Thanksgiving proclamation.
:v :
YesterJav was a fact. Today is
a reality. Tomorrow is only a vision.
Much of the greatness that is
thrust upon some men soon evapor
ates. :o:
French tango darners have been
sr-nt to the front. The kaiser f ur
idines the music.
Iljsy people are not always indus
trious. Trouble breeders and gossips
are the busiest people in the world.
The anti-surTragisls won out in
Missouri by 10r,0'J0 majority. It is
a. iittle closer than that in Nebraska.
Now Carranza says as long as the
constitutionalist chiefs are with him
he will not resign as president of Mex
ico. :o:
The man who waits until New
Y?;.r day. or ur.til he gets a responsi
ble position, before he reforms,
doesn't reform.
It voi-'d appear from reports up to
this t'rr.c that the democrats will
have a majority in both branches of
the legislature.
Regardless of what they do or
which way they turn, people are never
benefited. They don't even get the
btr.ef.t of the doubt.
I Judge Scully of the Chicago Boys
I courts finds that the beys who mo
frequently tangle wnn the law are
those who lack proper home infiu
ence, who have no friends to look up
J to the lonesome boys. And doubt
less the judge of a oys court knows
much about boys, particularly since
he was once a boy himself. Yet the
boy is a peculiar animal, and no gen-
-. . eral rule applies. We would detract
Anti-politics in the schools is the no whit from the importance of prop-
slogan of the members of the Ne-er home influence and friends of the
braska Stale Teachers' association, in J right sort, and wish all boys might
session at Omaha this week. have their benefits. Yet who does not
:o: know of boys who have gone straight
T . .11 1.flr.1 1 1 m
in proportion to tne numbers onto tne devil irom such an environ
pcpulation more Irish are volunteer- I ment ? Every community of consid-
ing for British soldiers than of any ei able numbers can cite such cases
other nationality of the United King- While, on the optimistic other hand,
dom. Which is sustaining the Irish are the boys who come out of the
reputation, and proving some other dirt and degradation of slums to use
points, ful careers lonely boys because any
:o: place is Lonesome Land where one
Late reports this morning make the is not understood, be it shim or des-
Icgislature strongly democratic. The ert, hovel or palace. Sometimes his
democrats don't want to make any very loneliness may prove a boy's sal-
i'ooI break in the selection of a speak- vation, as, perhaps more frequently,
er. Get a good, clean man. and the it may prove his downfall. And per
way to get him is from out in the haps it is a lack of sympathetic un
state, and not from Omaha. demanding which makes the boy
:o: problem seem difficult. What pass
It is the fellows who manifested as uplifting home influences to the
such great influence before the elec- casual observer, or often to the par
tion, and four.d out after the returns ents in that home, may seem like
showed up, that he didn't have a bit prison regulations to the boy, with
of influence, that has crawled in his Ids half-savage nature. Too much
hole and pulled the hole in after him. restraint may well prove worse than
It is very doubtful if such fellows none at all. In the latter case ho
are capable of influencing even their learns slowly what hurts, and to shun
own vote. it. perhaps, while in the former, when
'n' the restraint is removed, the tendency
Is Roosevelt telling the truth when to go the full distance in erstwhile
he says he has seen the plans for foi bidden paths is apt to prevail,
capturing two important sea coast Which are rambling ideas about the
cities of this country and holding boy problem which no one under-
il. O 1 f - I . A T 1 . v
inem ior ransom. 11 anv loreign tanas very wen: not even a uuige
... e tr- ' - . 1 T , .
lores vi sunicieni power to oo iniiz nr.o sees so many t;aii ones, nor a
Only seven more weeks till Christ- AGRICULTURE IN SCHOOLS.
mas. JJo your Christmas shopping From the Michigan Agricultural
early. college comes a report on. the teach
:o: ing of agriculture in the public
The election being over, now is the sc.10ols. It shows that thirty-Vwo
time to begin to hustle for holiday schools have regular courses taught
business. f ,y graduates of the college and that
:o." more than half of these have land
The state senate is safely democrat- Lnder cultivation for demonstration
ic, and the house has a majority of purposes. In all but three of these
nearly forty democrats. Good! courses were students conducting
:o: home projects in agriculture. They
No one is playing around in the were producers as well as students.
bushes waiting to tool your horn for Such instruction comes close scor
you. If you have any tooting to do, ing one hundred per cent. While not
get busy. all of us can be farmers, there is
-:o: I no denying that more of us should
The railroads will not cease opera- be and even the city man finds tie
tions, even if not allowed to raise in light in nursing a garden when he
rates. They would not be allowed to knows how to get results. Aside from
do that, either. reducing cost, such activity gives
-:o: the family fresh vegetables, and the
The election excitement has calmed gardener much needed exercise. Even
down. Now the question is how to a tir.v natch of land is a sovereign
get the coin with which to buy a antidote for nervous town living. Yet
Thanksgiving turkey. gardening may be elevated to a line
:n: art, and the bungler b far less happy
When a would-be friend says he at it than the finished craftsman. As
would do anything in the world for a general thing we like to do what
you, don't jolt the friendship by ask- we can do well.
ing him to loan von a quarter. Of the effects of agricultural in-
:o: struction on the immediate neih-
The election shows, among other borhoods, the report speaks for itself
things, that no partv can count on I more eloquently th:n anv town tiwell-
securing a permanent lease of the of- tr can speak for it:
ficial apartments at Washington. "The introduction of agricultural
ro: work in the high school course has
We regret that Senator John M. aroused a deep interesL in the subject
Tanner was defeated for re-election, of agriculture, has dignified it in the
There were several on that delegation eyes of the young run ar. 1 women;
that could have been spared better that is, made it seem worth while, and
1 I tit . "V f V I mm mm
. "V..
, a 0 I
e - Vf!
' A cc'aWe Vi crslnn for :
than John Tanner.
had such an object in view, do v.ou
suppose that they wou'd be fools
enoueh to let Roosevelt know it?
It looks bke the next legislature
will he democratic. Doi:g!as county
has a solid democratic delegation to
the next legislature.
If Governor Moreheai's majority
l."00, he will pull through
several of the state candidates Reed,
Smith, Hall and Tool.
:o :
If rustles do come into style again
tneie wid be a place to store a good
share of that tremendous cotton crop
they are worrying so much about.
Politics has attracted much less at
tention thiT year than usual, but we
s.-:oj:j naruy blame the politicians,
who have dore their best to enthuse
the boys all along the line.
I he numerous new cottages that
are springing up this faU are an
other oi-c of the numerous prosperous
Mens in Piuttsrr.outh. I'iatti mouth is
-in all-the-year-round improver.
Don't think for a moment that Old
Joe Cannon can bamboozle Champ
Clark. The election of Cannon sim
idy relegates the former leader
(Mhimi) to simply among the common
bunch in the house.
Governor Mcrehcad defeated R.
Ueecher Howell at his own home,
Omaha. This was enough to make
R. Hceeher sick of office-seeking.
-Maybe the next time he won't prom
ise the ether contestants for governor
in the republican primaries he would
stay out of the race until they had
gotten in and then get in himself. It
it just such fellows that always get
it in the necK Fjoner cr later.
One of the main rea.-ens so many
congressmen were not re-elected was
the fact that they remained in Wash
ington too long and did not have the
time tj tiuir constituents. You
can take it as you please, but the
common voters love to gaze upon
their servants occasionally, and it was
a great mistake in keeping them in
Washington until within a few days
of the election.
;o ;
It is the fashion of the day to re
vile John D. Rockefeller and to at-,
tribute to him all the troubles that
befai! society. Yet when it comes to
the line of practical benevolence, he
stands in the front rank. The Rock
efeller institutes for th examination
of diseases bids fair to taki r.rpro-
dence over all institutions of this kind
in the world. It is the first practical
application in this country of science
to this important subject, and now
when the Belgians are perishing by
starvation, it is John D. Rockefeller
who pours out his millions and is the
first to send ships laden with sup
plies to their assistance. John has been
the target for all sham reformers,
sham patriots, the people who are
perpetually trying to pk-k the mote
out of their brother's eye and the peo
ple who regard success as criminal
and the accumulation of property as
robbery. But in his old age Rocke
feller has shown that he possesses dis
criminating taste and knows where to
spend his millions to confer the great
est good upon the greatest numbers.
In the fierce competition for business,
Rockefeller has done a good many
things that will not bear the light of
day, but let us give the devil his due.
When it comes to a question of broad
philanthropy he has shewn that he
knows how to use his immense wealth
to the best advantage. It is remark
able that the criticism which he has
encountered has not soured his tem
per nor diverted him from his pur
pose, lie has accepted the portion of
abuse and praise and laudation with
placid equinamity, knowing that the
verdict of history will be after all fa
vorable to h:m. His actions in ten
dering relief to these unhappy Bel
gians is certainly worthy of all praise.
Drencher who tries to make the goo.i
ncs better. Which is because bovj
are as varied as men, and under
: landing one may prove no great help
::i dealing with another.
The dandelion crop is looking line,
and growing very nicely on the lawns.
! TnannLsgiving comes next, but the
most will have to eal anything but
Rcavis for congress will have a
majority over Maguire of about ('00,
according to later reports.
:o :
R. B. Howell, late republican can
didate for governor, very gracefully
extends congratulations to Governor
:o :
The rate for supreme judge is too
close for comfort, and may result in
the elec tion of Com ad Ilollenbeck,
inoiana seems to nave a queer
election law. It provides a way cf
taking away nominations procured
under false pretenses.
Mexico, without any government of
its own, does not seem to realize the
necessity for governments maintain
ing representatives there.
You are hearing much of the large
opportunities in South America, but
this is an awfully comfortable coun
try at this time, despite the high cost
of living.
Surgeon McGuirc of the navy .says
that quinine will not prevent malaria.
Just think of the large amount of
money the people along the rivers
and marshy country have spent foof-ishly.
The democrat who bolls the nom
ination of such a man as Governor
Morehead is certainly not us good a
democrat as he claims to be. It is
just such fellows as this is ruininc
the democratic party in Nebraska.
:o ;
Later returns from the election in
dicate that Governor Morehead's ma
jority will reach over 10,000. If it
reaches this there will be at least
three democratic state officers
elected, which is better than expected.
Those foreign military authorities
must have been shown Teddy's fake
plans for the capture of New York
and San Francisco. Or, at least, they
have since altered them.
:o :
The Turkish government disclaims
any responsibility of the Black Sea
ports bombardment last week, which
would seem to convince the world that
a spirit of anarchy rei.cns in the sick
man's domain. There is liable to be
Tuikey for Thanksgiving yet, and on
a large scale.
We are at loss to know how the
war is going on in Europe, reports
are so contradictory. One thhg we
do know, however, and that is we are
going to do all in our power with the
help of Wood row Wilson to keep the
United States out of the toil and
turmoil of this world-wide conflict.
Wc have no American blood to sacri
fice for the enrichment of kings.
:o :
It certainly takes longer to get the
full returns from an election in Ne
braska than any slate in the west, and
why, we can't understand. Of course,
the ballot this year was very lengthy
and complicated, and took more time
to handle it, which might be an ex
cuse this time, but it is that way all
the time. There should be some re
vision in the election law in which the
counting could be expedited.
: o :
The New York city health depart
ment investigated the spread of tuber
culosis and reports that 300 children
die every year in New York city from
bovine tuberculosis. It is well known
that tuberculosis often causes af
fections of bones, join Us and glands
which are not fatal, but which leaves
a more or less permanent deformity
and injury. If these cases are taken
inlo consideration, the percentage of
bovine tuberculosis very much
The Burlington railroad has added
another new feature that is destined
to become popular on a number of
their trains. They have equipped a
coach on trains Nos. 5 and 12, between
Nebraska points and Chicago, with
i ladies' lounging compartment. Here
tofore, if the ladies desired to ride
in a lounging car, it was in the men's
compartment, which was simply u
smoking car, for that is what the
men make of their compartment, and
sometimes the .smoke gets so thick
that even a man can hardly hold down
his Pullman dinner. The innovation
will be appreciated, because home
men will even enjoy th' new com
partment if allowed in it.
an increased interest in general school
subjects has been manifested.
"The effect produced upon the com
munity at large would not be the
san.e in all places. In many places a
large amount of interest has been de
veloped, so large that I he in-.tructors'
time has been largely drawn upon to
counsel and advise v.iih the farmers.
In others theie has been a marked im
provement in the general character of
farming operations; farmers' clubs
have been organized., and altogether
it may lie said the community effect
is good and strong. Reports to us
from the different schools sh-jw that
a large number of vountr men who.
when they entered hlsh school, had
practically decided net to be farmers,
have changed their minds and settled
tiown to the idea of becoming the best
farmers in the community. We find
an increasing desire on the part of
young men and women to have a part
in the development of a high type of
rural life and rural environment."
Sounds good, doesn't it? Espe
cially the last sentence. If the most
progressive farmer lad could be per- j
... .
suaded to stay on the land, a pro
found change w ould come ov er I lie
country in a single generation. They
are stuff which keeps cities going and
their energy would make the country
side immensely more profitable anc
Faith may move mountains, but it
never stalled a stubborn automobile
Twenty years auo in every election
the republicans held before the voters
the argument that democratic success
would deter fii vestment and drive cap
ital away from the state. It wa.s
rather amusing to see the old argu
ment reversed in the recent election
It is also gratifying to know that re
sults guarantee business men that
their business is not going to be de
stroyed by finatical legislation. Lin
coin Star.
1 - i ... mm I IA i..
Promotes DicstfonbnPJ
ness end f !csr.Cer.!ains reitx
( pir:n.M'jrpkirie rorf liauaL
Not y ah coti c.
lli-Jb Sft'J"
r:v SirJ
t ',. .Y T.nnr m
:.-.fitu tUrrr.
t ion . Sour Stomach iJiarriioca
Tit Sink $p&rxs cf !
liiz. Ce::iab Compass;
2,EW j OltK.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Edgar Howard must fe;l pretty
.-icd: over the resutl of the election
especially the big majority that Gov
c rnor .Morehead received. Edgar is
some on "wind," but Tds influence :
It Keally Does Kelieve Rheumatism.
Everybody who is afflicted with
Rheumatism in any form should by
all means keep a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment on hand. The minute vou
feel pain or soreness in a joint or
muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Lini
ment. lo not rub it. - Sloan's pene
trates almost immediately right to
the seat of pain, relieving the hot,
tender, swoolen feeling and making
the part easy and comfortable. Get
a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25
cents of any druggist and have it in
the house against colds, sore and
swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia,
Japan has really been a poor side- sciatica and like ailments. Your
low to the main circus of this war. , . "
I does irive almost instant rpbpf
let tne world Knows tne Japs ari
I have for sale four fine residence
the answer is that they aren t badly properties in IMattsmouth, all well lo-
needed. rated and prices richt: iust the thinir
for retired farmers or anyone wanting
an up to date, modern home in the
best town in Nebraska. T. II. I'ol-
llock, IMattsmouth. Tel. 213.
Nebraska is proud of Governor
Morehead, as the vote he received
utst Tue day will truly testify. Evi
dently, the saying that "You can't
keep a good man down'' hold good in
1 his case.
Dy some strange chance the report
was sent out cf Chicago the other
day that f.OO.of the saloon; of that
city would not renew their licenses
the 1st of November. There have
been rejoicings in dry circles and
shouts of triumph from the Anti-sa
loon league. Even those inclined to
doubt were forced to admit that, if
the Demon Hum had received such a
body blow in Chicago, the days of
interstate drought are near at hand.
As it turns out, the number of saloons
licensed in Chicago is two greater
than before. Newspaper faking ex
ploits itself in many improbable ways,
but when it runs to the audacity of
reporting a loss in the number of Chi
cago saloons it only invites a quick
Since the European war started,
deposits in postal savings banks in
this country have increased $10,000,-
000. More than 7.000 new accounts
rave uceii opeueu in v.nieago aione in nrTrl.
ilie last three months. .. .10.. t 1
Klnttcmniirh .f9tf Knnlr
I r r -1 1 j . ..11. 1 1
Cl j'ill ClLiUU V'L J lUiilUV..! Uttvl 111V I
I rii-irfor Vrt 7v:
i7.i i.iii. ii Li 1- Kwieu in oame is u '-!;"MilltWWai,,!iI1ll,cSlalPof Nebraska, at the
that strikes horror to the man who
loves his family and is drafted. There
close of business. September 31, 19U.
.1 1 m . 1 1 .11
are inousanc's or cases just nxe mis i.,):is an.i discounts.. .
, . I ( )v-riii af t
in tne 01a countries now.
One of the many pitiable plights
into which the European war plunges
many citizens in Canada is that in
that country they are drafting sol
diers for service in the British army,
and some German citizens who took
up claims in Canada and had been
naturalized, had to give up their
;i9.'i. 6t
Monris. securities, judeetnents, claims
et- I.74ii L'!t
Banking liouse.f urn it 11 re and fixt un-s 1.47U 00
K ul estate other than bank in if
huue .tiOO 00
Current expenses, taxes and interest
nakl 7.H 70
Cash items ii l
Iuefrtin nat tonal ana st ate h:inks. . 1 4.S44 4."i
C'her-ks ami other items of exchange C7 00
Ctirrejuw r,7." 00
(Jo'.il coin 3.540 0
Silver, nickels and cents hi
Total . eJtf.Oi-' L'l
Capii al stock paid in f.0.000 00
surplus fund. 3.000 00
. , . . , 1 lui'ii prunis !-..'.' s
claims to keep from joining the army indiv idual dcimsits subject tr. chcclt. 65..t.4 4 5
I Ii'IikhkI certificates of deposit 2.271 2"'
to fight against the Fatherland. Some rime cert iticatesof deposit iot;.::7 ;3
Vo nnrl bil!s rc-disrnn nf ed N'nni'
of these have fled to the United States, Hills payable Nn
Depositor ! guaranty runa 1,4'4 .t
Statu ok N fhhaska,
leaving their belongings behind them.
of the brewing industry, where the
wet'' sentiment predominates, voted
against the suffrage by only a few
hundred majority. Fremont, A "wet'
I 1 . .....J 1 ..,,1 t ..rk... 1 4 1.3.. - I 1.
- r I iMIIJ" I 1 1 Til tlllM 3UI II I H H I . IIIT. fill
tlty, voted strongly ior u, aim m day of October. 1014. II. B. VYiynnAW.
ivoiary tannic.
f-'IO.Pj'.' 21
T..T. At. Roberts.
cashier of the above named bank, do hereby
swear that the nttove statement Is a correct
and true ropy of the reiort made to the State
Banking Board, J. M. KOBKKTS.
. ) W. II- Nisweix. Director.
Attest.-; 1 11 !,.,.,. rnw..i.,.-
number of the "dry" counties of the
state it was defeated. The question
was considered by a majority of the
voters on its merits and not with ref
erence to its hearing on the liquor I
issue. Wor ld-I ferald.
Seal My commission expires Oct. 10. 1J13.
Don't Delay Treating Your Cough.
A slight cough often becomes
erious. Lungs get congested, bron-
cliifil tubes fill with mucous. lour
vitality is reduced. You need Dr.
Jell's Pine-Tar-IIoncy. It soothes
your irritated air passages, loosens
mucous and makes your system re-
ist colds. Give the baby and chil
rcn Dr. Dell's Pine-Tar-IIoney. It's
guaranteed to help them. Only 23c,
at your druggist.
L J. Hall
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All sale matters entrusted to my care
will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Safes
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
Tycwrlter ribbons at the Jour- 5&"Address or phone me at Union
nal offlcs. for open dates.