The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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treats the flock rather than
the individual bird. He knows
that most of the troubles are
flock troubles, though net apparent in all at the one
time. He knows that most sickness of Chicks,
Chickens, or Pigeons comes from infected food and
drink, or defective housing; His favorite prescription
is Germozone.
Germozone is generally used for flock treatment,
though individually where necessary. Thousands give
it twice a w eek regularlv, a little in the drinking w ater.
It is a great bowel regulator as well as a germ destroyer
and, with chickens as w ith humans, the bowels largely
gauge the health.
Germozone is especially desirable for use during
changeable fall weather, warding off illness which, if
permitted a foothold, may draglong all winter, if not
immediately fatal.
For Roup, Canker, Swelled head, Sore throat,
Sour crop, Loss ot teatners, uuckcii pox,
Bowel complaint, Cholera, Worms, Gapes,
etc., Germozone carries a full guarantee
w ith every package.
Germozone is a valuable remedy for all domestic stock
$ .23
4 oi. bottle trial lize)
12 or. " (stanJarJ size)
32 oi. bottle (for stead) user? Jl CO
CaJloa " (for large flecks) 3.13
Tablet form 50c per pcicknge, post paid. Liquid
form sold by most druggists or poultry supply dealers
or delivered (in $1.00 and $3.00 sizes) prepaid to any
express office in U. S.
Sample and Booklets Free on Request
GEO. H. LEE CO. Omaha, Nebraska
l.r .)!. I.r I ii. VrUY.t- V- ri:itt-iu..utli : .lv. I ri!ir ".. AIv: r;i K. '..p,-.
A -: '. '. Pri.f. Knit: 1.. A. Tyson. Klniw 1: l'.i:tts .v ll.-.i.lrix. ; r m i :
IM.ikf M.i";it:v lrxir l.n i-v: : . 1 iit: j--- M;mV : I.. Ni-it.-l. M ir.t.'. k :
l: . lr.t. Murr.iv: I. ! . A.linn-. N.-!i:i '.: :. : 1".. S! iiri.i---Z' S..ii"!i :-n.l: I.. K.
I.t-.n. S. V. ortmi v .. .us.! M. i' r 1 nv-r . W-:::i- ;i.-r.
The interest in the revival meet
ings of the Christian church still in-ciea.-es
as the. meetings jto on. Last
evening a lare crovi were in attend
ance, s.nd with the most perfect or
der they listened to the able discourse
which was made by the Rev. Meyers
on the subject of the six kingdoms,
which wee illustrated by a diagram.
The first was the kingdom of child
hood, which must some time termi
nate, ami the child go somewhere el.-.;, j
which was shown was into the Kintr- j
dom of Chri st, or the kimrdom of th;
woi'd. l-Ycm both the kingdom of j
childhood and the kingdom of the j
wo rid ways led to the Kingdom of !
Christ. j
Another way from the kingdom of j
the world hd a j assage to another
kingdom, that of tlar'viiess or Hides.,
From this kingdom tl ere was no exit,
although it had two entrances. j
From the Kingdom of Christ there!
were two exits, one leading upward
to the Kingdom of Heaven, another
leading downward to the kingdom of
apostates, or the backslider, which
'also had an exit leading into the king
' don of darkness, which is witlvout
; j hope and from whence no traveler re
There was one addition to the
chrrch, with the interest increasing.
The subject for this evening will be
"Scriptural," what it is
and what it is not.
Excellent music and a large chorus
which handles the shirring, making it
one of thv features of the services
which can be appreciated by all who
i J
J5. I
to Buy a
Piano Right
About the Wonderful
mo ;Iiies at Hernias
H-iek J-t,re.
mii:--.!c-oving pui
Mid "'iciriitv. i.n
Hotel Riley
Papers Yen Can Admire
as long as they lat are the
kind that houhJ be rhostn
for the livinj rr.oni. Ft you
h-tve to live with them iirno
tically every Iay. Oar new
papers are the kind wliich
you will not tire with fami
liarity. Come see thfin.
You'll like them at once and
you'll like them always. Al
so paint, glass, and picture
Th-oueh Mr. ('. II. l'oorc, special
v. h(,!t s.a!e ivp. escntative of the i
Schmoller v .Mueller Piano Co., the
oldest and strongest Piano house
in the west, establi.-he.d 1S.V. cap-
ital and surph; over $1, ('00,000
an ancTr'.'-iit.s have been ma le with
Ileroid's l!ok .";to:e to introduce
the beautiful Schmoller ic Mueller
Pianos and Player Pianos to the
:di- of P!att.:rnouth
1 I therefore have
a icn-dav special
.-.ale and od'er all the instrumen'.s
at absolute wholesale jn ices. Peau
tifi.1, new and handsomely de
signed i'iam,. woj-th S'30(), $-100
and up. and I layer Pianos worth
,r.0i a;,, .-i:0iJ are now ofToretl and
sold at 5? 17,, :s:, f'?'. and
Mayer Pi;;:.os from up. at
your own tc:ms C'ah or Fasy
Payments. r-.e:r.k!y, )'.:ai tei ly or
sen" i-rnoiithly.
Puy your r.ov; and
:'l!,0 to S"J0O.
pi m
Karnivai at F;'tri-w School.
A "Karnivai" w:il be f;iven at the
Fai-view yihaA Snturd.-.y, Xovenib?r
7. There will be no rdmissic-n fee
chn'-'ed. Fidies are r. (,'ie.ted to
bring boxes wniih will be auctioned
dining the evening. Children's boxes
win be sold separate':.'. A small ad-
ini-sion fee will be cT
t'-nd'tur the shows on
hoilv invite!.
o e
Midway. F.very-
For croup or sore throat. ue Dr.
Thomas' Fclectie Oil. Two sixes -rc
and .".fie. At all dreg s'ores.
til ' -ri
As the final installment of "The
Trey o' Hearts" series draws nearer,
it becomes more and more apparent
that never before in the history of
film production has a series, so
fraught with dangers for the actors,
been attempted. Each chapter brings
with it the story of some near-fatal
accident, narrowly averted by- some
.strange freak of Fate.
The last, but by no means least of
thee hair-breadth escapes, fell to the
lot of Miss Cleo Madison, in the pro
duction of the twelfth installment of
I he series. That she escaped with her
life was little short of a miracle.
For purposes of production, Miss
Madison was tied to the back of a
half-tamed horse and started across
the desei t. Scorninur the use of a
h;iih!e, the plucky little lead was
fastened into the saddle, the horse
v. as stiuck a blow across the flank
and the action started.
Then it was that something went
wrong. The horse, realizing, perhaps,
that the inei t bundle of humanity on
ir 1 ack was unable "to control his
movements, went temporarily mad.
Ills eyes bulged, no tiihs distended.
and, with shaking head and outstand
ing tail, he began running and plung
ing over the p'ain, headed straight for
i canyon. In his maddened condition
it was patent that he would likely ru.-h
I :. ineiv over tfie eiize ot ti:e tiu:i, m
whith case both he and his rider would
undoubtedly be instantly killed.
When they saw what was happen
ing, several cowboys who were sta
tioned there for jii such an emer
erency, put spurs to their horses and chase. Th.-ce hundred yards
head, of them plun rj ! tls ? famom
........ nMg .' I'-t''
tables !
Frails and Vege
We are nov well supplied with all kinds of
Fresh Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Citron and
Lemon and Orange Peel. We have on hand Ne
hawka Cidar, and all varieties of Fresh Vegeta
bles. Now is the time to make your Mince Meat,
but if you don't care to make your own, we can
supply you with any quantity of best grade of Mince
Meat at very reasonable prices.
Our Dry Goods Department
is now completely stocked with Winter Underwear,
Hosiery and Outing Flannel. We are always more
than pleased to show you what we have.
H. M. Soeiinichsen,
Phone 53 and 54
The Daylight Store
V J -- .... -r it,
Just received A car
of Early Ohio poiatoes, ?
70c a bushel. A. G
Dac!i l Co.
t fc-r-SjC-1!!-'--? jiT3
"Forest Mills"
Fine Weave
-Knit Underwear !-
ugs, Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums
Floor Oiidoths, Wizzard Mops and
m m mm M. nt mm Hh. m mt m ann hkh mmbb m
Silk aists!
White Silk Fmbroidered
waLts; long sleeves, flare
collar-sizes 34 to 44
White Crepe de Chene,
accordeon plete price
Our Winter Stock of
Night Robes
for Men, Women and
Children regular and
irregular are now ready Ladies' JllllipCr DreSS
for your inspection. Go
ing at $1.25, $1.00, 75c js included with many other
stunning chic styles in the
Co. tainl.-.
'.villi :i :.'u;n riitce fc-r
leney ri'i'umlitl if llu
Id s.-iti-fv its iiv.-i'.w-.
to the vo:v.k-r:i;l low
:i'y tern'!.-; we ffive f
lutely f-ee with every
m;U1, ;i i.t-aut iful Stool
lueller Piano S
tain..-. l'l-i-K o: their i nuios I
L years,
l'iar.o fails
I:i a-iil'ition
lriees and
iv.ay au.-o-intrunier.t
:ul Searf.
This Smart
Fine in fabric,
perfect in
The cold win
ter days are
drawing fast
upon us. Have
you your win
ter under
wear. Protect
yourself from
colds and sick
ness by wear
ing Forest Mills
'.' ( Sic!
JV . l..iu.JC
Sale Closes
Saturday, Nov. 7
I'iar.os Steinway & Sons, Sie
j:er Sons, We'.ier, Il:mlman, Km-e:-so:i,
Meliiai!. Sehmoller & Muel
ler, anJ 2: other n.akes. T.erry
weod Kleetiie Orehc stras, Ueny
woo.l Electrie Piaiios.
St hrr.oHer tv Mueller Orp-ans, Co
liimSia rhono'rai'hs, Victor Talk Machines.
Piano and Player Pianos Stcin
vay,,' Sieck, Wheelock,
Stevvesant. .Stroud, Teehnola,
, Se!imo!ler & Mueller.
Pro.-pcetive iurehaser3, who are
eekin: ah:-olutely the Lest value
the lowest j'l ice, should rot fail
to take advantage of these special
(luotalions and terms. Pemember
the date of tale
STjiaison'.-. l.odv swsivins;
rnd heatln.'T r.rrain.-t the saddle horn
with evc-y i'lmp. If Mis Madison's had hcen le intent upon
th' ov. iiVT he-, the story would have a
H.Terei-J end. As it v.:;s, howover, !;
was vilhir. twenty feet of th? ed-e of
a ("ir.(-n when two of th? pursuers
. v iihin roping (MsLanee.
White-faced, they cast their lariat?,
rn.I as thev saw them settle over the
the 1
iorsc s
lend, thew
i.eir own
1 rei
Fur Trimmings
and Marabon
in all Shades and Colors.
new December Butterick Snaps, Wizner Ties, Stiff Collars
r- . Ci . yr and Cuffs and Fancy Lace Ores;
rashion bneet. You may r- D-L L , 0 , , ..
y J Fancy Ribbons and Baby s Knit
call at our Butterick Pattern Hoods.
Department and get a copy
?Blankets all sizes, all kinds
and all prices.
-Closing November 7-
Sale will .start promptly at 0
o'clock a. m. Remember the palca
Ileroi Vs Book Store, Platts
rnouth. C. II. rOORE,
Representative Sehmoller & Muel
ler Piano Co.; Largest Piano
House in the West; Established
l!r,9; Capital and Surplus Over
? 1, 000, 000. .
mounts hack on their haunches. A few
.'eeonds later and it would have been
ust!e-is. the horse was draped
back from the bluff, the others ru-hed
jun, and with swift hands releare 1 Miss
j Madison from her perilous position.
In a semi-conseiou-"' condition idle
jwas removed to an au'.o in th.e -hade
jof a live oak, where restoratives were
j administered and she was brought
j back to consciousness. A hasty ex-
! : min ition on the part of the accom-
I I'anvimr T.hvsie'an indicated no broken
i - 1
: I ones, in spite of the bruises,
j It was seme time before the nerves
Jof Wilfred Lucas, director, would ad
mit of the of the remainder
j of the scenes. The millions of spec
tntors who ?e Cleo Madison and
I Cieorcre Larkin risk their lives each
I week have no realization of the serain
1 h comes on Mr. Lucas, who has
on ins snouiuers ine saiei.v oi n.t- vn
tire company and the ten ible respon
sibility which it entails.
Some t'ire arro the board of edu
cation cf the Plattsmouth schools was
o resented with a petition signed by
the student body requesting that mu
sic be added to the course of .study
afTortletl the pupils of the Ilijrh .school.
The request of the youni? people was
deliberated by the board. and at their
meeting Monday it was decided to
allow the teaching of this course in
the school.-? to supplement the rejru'ar
courses of study now in use there.
The people of the school have
been very much pleased with the man
ner that music was ta':en up by the
children in the .:;ade school, and feel
that with the formation of a IIi:h
school !dee club a much greater in
terest can be created m this line ot
vvoil: in the schools that will be great
ly enjoyed by the ycun.r people as
well as provin.-r very beneficial to
them in every way. Mrs. Morjran has
been secured as an instructor in the
music department and the major part
of the work will be earned on out
side of the regular s hool hours and
not cut down any of the courses of
studies carried by the pupils.
. AND MRS. 0. P. NEW
Hold a Pleasant Meetinjr.
The Frau und Fraun met at the
beautiful country hone of Mrs. Ceo.
En.'elkemeir r on Wednesday, Octo
ber 23, in a most delightful tratherinR.
The time was spent pleasantly in vis
itinir anion? each olher and in the
enjoyment of a most delicious lunch
eon of coffee and coffee cake
O. P. Newbranch and wife are in
the city for an extended visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Travis.
Mr. and Mrs. Newbranch have been
out on the Pacific coast for the past
summer, visiting in the hopes of Ikii
efilting the health of Mrs. Newbranch.
but the climate there does not se mi
to atrree with her, although Mr. New
branch thinks that the coast was mo-t
beneficial to him, and he was able t
reduce his weight in a manner that
was very gratifying and puts him in
great trim for the winter. They have
been visiting at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. N. C. Abbott, at Ne
braska City, aid came up for a stay
with their daughter, Mrs. Travi-.
Their many friends will be much
pleased to' meet them and to h-a n
they have been spending such an en
joyable time this summer.
Notice to Water Consumers.
The corning on of winter and the
cold weather makes it imperative
that the hydrants and water pipes be
protected in the proper manner for
the winter months, as it will save a
great expense to the consumers in
repairs, and the water company will
be pleased to advise anyone as to the
proper way to care for their water
Special Sale on Furniture and Ilause
ho Coods for the Next
Thirty Days.
Reds of all kinds, Mattresses,
Springs and Sanitary Couches,
Covch Pads, Rugs, Ranges and Heat
ers, Perfection Oil Cookers, Parlor
Heaters, Rockers and Chairs, Tables,
Organ and Piano, and many other ar
ticles. I want to reduce the stock
of goods at once, so call and get prices
at once and be convinced that we are
offering you bargains.
Just received A car
of Early Ohio potatoes,
70c a bushel. A. G.
Bach & Co.
The Journal does job work.
was a large number of the members
is well as visitors present at the very
pleasant event. It was a late hour
when the company departed for their
homes, all having had a most delight
ful time. The next meeting will be
held with Mrs. Henry Horn.
The friends of Wayne Murphy, a
former Plattsmouth man, were very
much pleated yesterday when this ge
nial young man arrived in the city
for a few hours' visit. Wayne has
bee Ihing in the east for the past
There few years and has been unable to vi.-it
Ruvs a New Automobile.
W. II. Rainey of this city has decid
ed to get into the ranks of the au
tomobile owners of the county by
purchasing for himself a fine new
wuick touring car which he secured
through T. II. Pollock, the local agent.
The car is one of the latest models,
and Mr. Rainey will find that he has
an excellent machine for his use. Mr.
Pollock expects to go to Lincoln to
day, where he will procure another
car for the purpose of demonstration
You will find the most complete
line of stationery in the city of
Plattsmouth at the Journal office.
The finest line of box paper, visiting
and calling cards.
Sell your property
Journal Want Ads.
through the
back here at the old home, and while
he has changed greatly in appear
ance he is still the same genial gen
tleman as when a resident here. He
is at present located at Drookfield,
Mo.. where hs is employed as an
auditor for the Burlington there, ami
being in Omaha on business decided
to lun down to Plattsmouth. He re
ports that his brother, Clyde, is lo
cated in Chicago at present anil doing
Card of Thanks.
I take this method of returning my
sincere thanks to the many friends
who took such an interest in my elec
tion to road overseer of our district.
Accept my thanks, and at the same
time I wish to assure you that road
affairs of the district will be looked
after to the best of my ability.
BtliMS Ak j our lrticrlt I r
1111 in Ki d an I Ould r-rtiliicN
flf vrfl
AM I'll.l.v. t r Vi
V iivvii v.tix
f-f years k at,wu as Ucst. t:
Social Dance November I I.
The T. J. Sokol society have ar
ranged to give another of their pleas
ant social dances at their hall on west
rearl street on Saturday evening,
November 14. The general public is
cordially invited to be present and a
good time assured to all.
Ulg Social Deiice
Saturday, November 7th
The Hall is newly decorated and will be in good shape for
the enjoyment of the dance. Given by the Cosmo
politan club. Music by the Holly Orchestra
f f
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