THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1914. rLATTSMOLTH SKMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. I'ACH 7. eM Mi 7 wMSFA vi s.T EAKI CHICAGO Better cookies, cake and biscuits, too. All as light, fluffy, tender nii J delicious as mother used to bake. And jut as -wholesome. For purer Dakintr Pow der than Calumet caanot be bad at any fruc. Aok your grocer. RECHVID KICIHwT AWARDS VJorlA'i Pert Food EinontiVn. Chicaro. TIL Fen Eip-i.uoB, triacc, filirf i. 1912 Toe tas't tz-re c-.7 Train yen bar cbrar or big-caa KaLiSX powder. 2 Jt't tw- Kuied. Eojr Caltet. It's moro icoso-r.!'-! i-orr v hoione sires est ranks. Calcine! is tar rr--i.-r t3 Mir ni:iit and aoda. Just received A car of Early Ohio potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach Q. Co. 1 11 Tell You Why I Won't Invest in Your Enterprise Y TOF'RL J'M-a;d in iIip vrun Invn. (ilnscn M-vnifrii s;ilorvj, iu-l Spring, the firr-t iu-tiiuii-i ' come aern-s with lhrir M'lvc laxo:.. Yu voted your oul of lhi-e p'xtd fund-. hut ha it S"t ku? i'ia- il'K 1 v li tiCJ i! a tli ai Ya tri'il l' l-'jirivr men of ih'-ir T-iial ripiil.-. m 1olI -ru th-'j fouidii t Jrink. I'-r. ipo.irrai'-! v a- thry hal he'll riii:. Al"n o nmhin. t n-. gt unlimited rjuantities li;;i, ernzrr driiiK. in the eountless h! in'! 'iz that your hlue laws created. Tho-e rdrrly wlminj rrc the Li!erty Hall Of many wnrL mn v ho !oiiplit an hoiir rda atiou, amuM-iiK-iiU k'Hows-hiji. '! them, tiiex- were what a ehib is to vmi and me. .Naturally, ,l,ij.-t die jirivilee of drinkin? an i- ra-ional pId-- they sLalked lo the e.inveiiient t-jK-aiV-rasic'S and i'came law brcaLer?. There mi! are. 'Vi'jlliam''. None f inv money ir a luwn that o i IanT d:iwu iii'.-'MiK-mnee, and M',ri',v. t'.i-' j id hot fin hut ou buriness rt!.-ri:!rr:t i if) - SUFFRAGISTS LOSE FIVE ODT OF SEVEN Voles For Women Gained In Two Stales, fiionlana and Nevada. Chicago, Nov. 5. Woman suffrage leaders rejoiced when belated returns indicate that votes for women had been apparently granted in two of tbe seven states voting on the question in Tuesday'B election, with a third stale in doubt. First returns had indicat?d defeat of the granting of the franchise to women in all seven states con cerned. Montana and Nevada, according to latest returns, granted votes to wom en, while Nebraska showed such a small vote against the proposal that the women claimed the state. Mis souri. Ohio, and North and South Da kota refused to grant equal suffrago. the vote against granting the fran chise to women increasing with the size of the population concerned. In Montana, where the workers of the Wonian"s Suffrage association made heroic efirts to win the billet, the vote was so close that the official count will lie necessary to decide the outcome, but the women have a slight 'cad on unofficial returns. In Nevada, which seems won to the cause oi equal suffrage, lid precincts out of 24 gave H.f-lP votes for wom an's suffrage and 2.5S against. The effect of women's votes on pro hihition in Tuesday's eh ctiou indi cated that women do not unammous'.v oppose saloons. "Wtimea failed in two Pacific coast states to turn out srv lonns. although the exact status of the female vote on the subject in Califor nia and "Washington has not been tab ulated yft. Poth these states voi-d for the first time to ourt saloons, and In both the voting of women is c onv rnratively a novelty. The vote in fa -or of retaining saloons was large in loth states. Three States Go Wet. Three Dry. Chicago, Nov. 5. Three western states were aligned in the dry column, according to latest returns. Oreox.. Arizona and Colorado voted for state wide prohibition by clear margins, j? ay anti-liquor people. In addition the claim was made hy anti-saloon work ers here that the majority of I'dioi legislators as a result of the electicr. are "dry" in sentiment. Ohio, how ever, went overwhelmingly prohibition, as did California and Washington. New York Elects Socialist. New York, Nov. L. A Socialist h-.s been elected to congress for the fim time in the history of New Ycrk. He is Meyer London of the Twelfth con gressional district, who has been na tive in labcr and Socialistic circles ;r. this city lor many years. He defeated Congressman Henry M. Goldfogle. t' e Democratic and Independence league candidate. 70 Shells Fired at Turkish Forts. Paris. Nov. 5. A dispatch to th Havas news agency from Athens sav.--that the bombardment of the ions rt the Dardanelles, which was parii'i pated in chiefly by the riritih fie'-;, was suspended momentarily, but laf r was resumed. Seventy shells in vli were fired at the Turkish forts. F.epublicans Win In Hawaii. Honolulu. Nov. Z. The Republicans were successful in the election he'd here, winning the territorial and mu nicipal offices, with a few exception': Hon. J. K. Kalaniancle (Prince Cup?d was re-elected delegate to congress by Con,) plurality. Burke Admits Election of Johnson. Pierre, S. D.. Nov. Congressman Burke admits J-lie election of Ed Johnson, his "Democratic opponent, tc the senate by about 2. """''. and he h. wired Johnson congratulations, rem nerats get congressman in the Third district. "Engaged Man's Panic." "Kngnired uian's panic" is as famil iar a phenomenon as the squawking of a captured chicken or the flopping of a hooked fish. And woman in stinctively anticipsites it, feels it be fore It actually begins, deals with it according to her abilitleF. No woman ever feels that this is a slur upon her She knows that it does not invohe her. but is only the nervousness of the tree at the touch of the luatrimonial bridle and that bridle, as she knows and as he knows, is not in her hafids. but in the hands of society. Even the man marrying for a home, even the man inarryin; for children or for money, even the man marrying because only by marriage can be hope to get some one to associate with him. bear with him. listen to hiin on terms of his own arranging even these men feel the Tiervousne as the bridle drops over their heads nod the bit presses their quivering lips. From Deguanno'.s Wife,"' by David Graham Phillips. "Knotty" History. Tyius knots in a handkerchief to jog one's memory had its oriyiu in China thousands of years ago. I'.efore writ ing was Invented iu that country, which dkl not happen until ."000 D. C. memorable and important events were recorded by Ions knotted cords. The most ancient history of China is still preserved as told by these knots. When Emperor Tschang Ki invented writins the entire system of "knot ting" was abandoned. And today the memory knot made by us in handker chiefs are the only surviving descend- j ante of that ancient custom. j fe5, IK? Kaiser's Warships la Sighted In Baltic. EIGHT HAVE LEFT KIEL Gather Off Aland islands Oppo site Entrance to Biili of Finland. BRITISH SHIP SHELLING JIDDAH ArEbkn City, in Which Is Saidlto BsTcmb cfEr, Bcmbarried. Eondon. Nov. 5. The Hritish cruis er Mintna iiao l.oniharcied the Ara bian town of Jliiuah, on the Ked sea. ?idcl;-.k. n town of some So.imo iunaiii is the ch;ef sciuor; of Arabia, in the pn'Nince of liejaz. sixty-live mi'.es north wi st oi Mecca. From the -ea the white minarets .show plain'' within the wails; of the town and gie it a piciuivsqae appearance. T'.e augies of the wulls on the sea front are surmounted by forts. In the north ern part of the town is a tomb said to be that of Eve. Nearly half the population is Arabic. Large numbers ;f pilgrims pass through .lidciah each jear on the Mecca, pilgrimage. Turkey has now definitely broken off diplomatic relations with Great Britain, France. Russia and Scrvia. Its diplomatic re;'i-.-cntati es in the capitals of these countries, acting cn orders from the pone, demanded and received their passports. The powers which the Ottoman government tkvs defied are already taking warlike aiion against Turkey. The Pritish have destroyed Fort Akabah in Arabia, the Russians have invaded Asia Minor and an Anr! French fleet is bombarding the l"ors of the rardanelles. London. Nov. 5. A dispatch from Copenhagen says: ' A fleet of Gorman warships has gathered off the Aland islands, in the Baltic sea. northeast of Stockholm and opposite the entrance, to the Gulf of Finland. They evident ly were preceding north and have stopped to await orders." The report is bing circulated in Dover that the German fleet has conm out from its base. It is also reported from Dunkirk thai four battleships and four cruisers have put to sea from Kiel. With pressure on the Franco-Belgian sea coast relieved, interest in London has been, diverted from land cpeiations to n;wal movements. The daring dash of a German squad ron to within ten miles of the north cast ecast of England indicates thiit the prolonged inactivity of the larger units of the German fleet has been broken by ? raid on the coast of En gland, but much satisfaction is ex pressed that the cruiser Halcyon, by the clever seamanship of its com mander, escaped from a tight corner practically uninjured. The retiring German squadron chopped floating mines in its track and this delayed pursuit. MORE GERMANS IN TURKEY Several Hundred Officers Have Ar rived at Constantinople. London. Nov. 5. A dispatch reach ing London from Constantinople: sas that several hundred more German officers have just arrived, though a majority of them, it is asserted, are familiar with the Turkish army orgaiv izi'tion. having been employed at the Ottoman capital before. Turkey's fomial entrance into war with the allies for France cannot but follow Great Britain came at a time when the Turkish ambassadors st 5M rt London and Paris were uncertain what next was to come. Little Change. Says Paris. Palis. Nov. ,". The w;;r ottice made public the following official statement- "There is no important modification in the situation to report. In the nerth we have marie slight progress toward Messines. To the east artillery duels at several points of the front have taken place without any great re salts, notably ;,t the west of Ins, be f.vecn the Somme and Ancro in th? Argonne, and in the forest of-Apre niont." Russians Occupy Seven Towns. Petrograd. Nov. 5. An official com niunication from the staff of the Rus j Eian army in the Caucasus, given out! In this city, says that Russian troops; have crossed the Turkish frontier driving back the enemy's edvanc guards and taking seven towns. TWO MM STATES UNDER CATTLE BAN Hew York and Maryland Added to Those Now Quarantined. Washington, Nov. 5. The worst out break of foot and mouth disease ever known iu the United States is the de partment of agriculture's estimate of the live stock epidemic which has forced federal quarantine over s'x states and threatens a temporary re duction of the nation's food supply. An emergency appropriation by con gress may be required to finance the campaign to suppress the epidemic. Officials said it would be a week be fore they could forecast the extent tc which the food supply would be ef fected. They are inclined to believe, however, that the shrinkage will not be large in spite of the inconvenience to which stock .growers and packers will be subjected until the disease ir under control. Every possible effort will be made to lemove handicaps upon me movement oi" live stock. The quarantine doe not prevent the shipment of stock from unaffected districts to slaughter houses within the quarantined area, and there is no embargo against the shipment of dressed meat. New York and Maryland were added to the list of quarantined states. This outbreak, which is the first in the United States since liV;S, is re carded as the most serious of any thnt the United State3 has yet experienced. Not enly has it already spread ovf an extensive area, but its virulence seems to be above the average. Chicago Stock Yards to Close. Chicago. Nov. The Chicago Union Stock Yards, the largest cat tle market in the world, which hr. been in continuous business sine" K,;r,. was ordered closed for several days because of the prevalence of t:e hoof and mouth disease among cattle. The closingorder will go into effect at the close of business tomorrow. London Fears For Bridget. London. Nov. 5. More stringent or ders were issued in regard to the darkening of the city at r.ight because ol" the fear of visits from hostile aero planes. The city is very dark now. but under the new orders the number of stteet lights will be reduced. Those on' street cars are to be entirely ob scured while they are crossing bridges. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Closing Quotations on the Chicago Board of Trade. Vheat Dec, $1.17,; May. fl.-'S";. Corn Dec. 7'vc; May. 72:;4c. Oats Dec. 4'.c; May, o3T.c. Pork Jan.. $19.17v; May, Jiy.4. Lard Nov., $10.07';;; Jan.. $10. 17'. Ribs Jan.. $lt.07".; May. $10.22':... Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat. $1.3 4 US 1.14!;..; No. 2 corn, 751ic; No. 2 white oats. 40"449'-c. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Nov. Z. Cattle Receipts. 2;. nun; steady to lower; beeves. $G.t! (r1'i.S'; steers. S t" cjf 7 : cows and heif ers. $S.;:tfi 9.2f.; calves, $710.2"i. Hogs Receipts, 3o,(miO; fairly active at. fitOiric higher; bulk, $7.2.Cz 7.5"; light. $7!&7.o"; mixed. $7.20 7.;."; heavy. $7.t'5Jt7.'"it; rough, $7.03(g 7.2': ; pigs. $3.7o(y "Ci.2d. Sheep Receipts, IS.'Hio; steady: sheep. $5.45 .4'; yearlings, $t;.2"i 7.25; lambs, $G.75 s.t;o. South Omaha Live Stock. Scuth Omaha, Nov. 5. Cattle K c eipts. C.S'lO : steady; beef steers. Z. CZ ?P.oft; cows and heifers, $4'5"; stockei s and feeders. $5. 80 3 7.85; bulls. $i.5of7 ;.2."; calves $7.5O10. Hogs Receipts. 4.U0M; steady to strong; bulk of sales. $7.05'?J 7.15; top. $7.25. Sheep Receipts. 9.500; joil5c higher; lambs. G.25 8.50; wethers, $4.3oG.50; ewes, $3.25Q 5.6". Carranza Moves Capital to Puebla. El Paso, Tex.. Nov. 5. The Consti tutional provisional government, will its cabinet members and archives, w.r moved to Puebla, where General C?r ranza has been for several days, sab" an official report received from Mexict City. The cause of the change of th government seat was not given. Another Way to Get Even. "I want to sue Dr. Blank for heavy damages!" said the nDgry citizen en tering the lawyer's otlice. "Wbat iiA3 Le done'r" asked the at torney. "When be operated on me he left a fiair of surlier. I scissors in me. How much can 1 sue trim tor?" "Oh. don't sue him at alL" counseled the lawyer: p'just send liim a bill for storage." Lndies' Home Journal. Strange Works to Him. The hostess asked the o!id tnno of ber guest list to take a talkative younp woman in to dinner. The t-irl did tier best to keep up the cnnreraatfein. rang ing from Wall street to the crops and back. Out- once did the solid man de sert the unfailing affirmative, and that was wben she asked. "Do yon like Bee thoven's works';- -Never visited them." he replied. "Wtiat doe be manufac ture ?" Argonaut Republican Wins In Wilccn's District Trenton. N. J.. Nov. 5. Presiden Wllson'u home congressional district the Fourth of N'of Jersey, bas eleetet Elijah C. Hutchinson, a Republican, it succeed ConzrcsaLuan Allan B. Walsh a Democrat,, b about 2.0'ju plurality j FOREHEAD FAR IN LEADMWELL Returns From tfie State Increase His Plurality. FREND IS AGAINST SUFFRAGE. Shallenberger Runs Nip and Tuck With Barton In Fifth Congressional District Reavis Defeats Maguire In First Stephens Is Re-elected. Lincoln, Nov. 5. Returns from fifty seven counties have been received ou governor and show: Morehead, 52, 37; Hcwell. 43,1 S4. These totals ate both heavier than the vote for More head and Aldrich two years ago, and indicate a net gain tor Morehead. For congress, Loheck (Dem.), in the Second district, and Stephens (Uem.l, in the Third, are elected. Reavis (Rep.) has apparently de feated Maguire in the First. Sloan (Rep.) is elected in the Fourth district. Shallenberger (Dem.) has a chance to win in the Fifth district. Kinkaid (Rep.) is re-elected in the Sixth. Returns wre difficult to obtain in the congressional races. In the Fifth district, former Go'vernor Shallenbc-. ger and S. R. Earton. present con gressman, are having an up and down course. Barton losses were reported in several precincts. Trend Is Against Suffrage. After having led in the first meager reports, woman suffrage b'gan to fall behind. Counting Douglas county, the thirty-one counties from which incom plete returns have been henrd from give suffrage 1P.35G and against suf frage 21,057. This gives the antis in these incomplete returns a majority of 1,701. The thirty counties outside of Doug las, with mostly incomplete returns, i'lso give the autis a majority of 75'.. Douglas county voted: For, 7.GCC; against. S.G38. , Returns on the state offices ar buried while the election boards give attention to the county offices. This jear for the first time for more than thirty years full county tickets are elected with the full state ticket, ad! this centers interest in local candi dates. The occasional report of th:i vote on secretary of state indicate" that the Republican state ticket will run much ahead of Howell, and that it stands strong chances of election. STUDENTS TO VISIT YARDS Fifteen Will Judge Cattle and Horses at South Omaha. Lincoln, Nov. 5. Fifteen student? of the Nebraska college of agricu'.tu: c at Lincoln are expected to arrive in Omaha and South Omaha Saturday, where they will judge cattle and horses at the stock yards and visit other points of interest in the two cities. The visit is incident to several trips being made to different parts o! Nebraska. Missouri. Iowa. Kansas and Illinois, where the students are re reiving practice in this work previous to the selection of a stock judging team to be sent to Chicago at the In ternational Live Stock exposition. The party will be in charge of Howard .1 Gramlich. professor of animal hus Landry at the university farm. Two Men Drowned. Yankton, S. D., Nov. 5. Editor H TV. Cooley of the Crofton Journal ol Crofton. Neb., and O. W. Cass, drug gist, in the latter's car, were drowned in the Missouri river when the cat left the pontoon bridge and plunged into the river. Csss, who was mar ricd. was driving his car. O. D. Salley a barber, and L. S. Ross, jwclrymau were in the car and went to the hot torn of the river with the car. Thej freed themselves and reached short exhausted and nearly drowned. Speed is given as the cause of the accident Eroadwell Files Rehearing Motion. Lincoln, Nov. 5. A motion for a re hearing was filed in the supreme cour by Frank A. Broad well and the Anier ican Surety company in a case decidec ugainst them as defendants and in f.i Tor of Douglas county, covering an at tempt to collect from Broadwell wfier clerk ef the district court of the conn ty certain insane fees which he had ro tained. Nieuport City of Dead. London, Nov. 5. Telegraphing frort the north of France, the correspond! ent of the Cnronicle says: Nieuport which suffered severely from bom nurdment by the allies and Germans and was lost and taken three times ir one day. is now in ruins. It is occu pied only by the jdead, lying in an un buried heap." Rulers to Salisbury Plain. Iondon. Nov. 5. King Georges ant Queen Mary, accompanied by a smal suite, left London for Salisbury Plain where they will inspect the Canadiai troops, who have been encamped it this locality since their arrival in En gland. American Warship Arrives at Beirut London, Nov. 5. According to tin Athens correspondent of the Star, ai American warship has arrived at Be! rut. Syria, for the protection of th Christian tabulation. . ... OREHEAD W!HS OVER HOW Governor Is Re-e'ecied by In creased Majority. ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND Returns So Far Received Show That He Is Gaining Over His Former Vte Scattering Returns Frvor Re publican Ticket Eelow Governor. Lincoln. Nov. 4. Enough of the state has been heard from to make certain the fact that Governor More head has been re-elected by an in cret.sjd plurality. Sisty-one precinct ; report ed, coming from ail over the state, show; Morehead. G.227; Iiowtll. 5, -!;; Sackett. 305. These same re cincts two years ago gav-': More-head, 5.26-1; Aldrich. 5.C2S. This is a iv gain for More-head of more thai: eight to the precinct. Should he ma ntain thit ratio throughout the sttite, kir; final lead over Howell will be in the neighborhood of 25. m o. B.-low the governor, the Republican ticket seems to be running well. Re turns from a few scattering precincts ShOW PooL 310; Wait. Skalla, IS. On the suffrage amendment only fif teen precincts have been report. -d. showing 3.379 for and 1,425 ajiain.-t. Tight In First District. The city of O'Neill. I7iivt ;mu1 Sec ond precincts, give Muit-htad (Dem.) for governor, 1 :s ; Howell, 71'. Same precincts in 1012 gave Morehead 11"; Aldrich, 71k Women's suffrage an: -rJ-rnent received 7G votes to lny a:,a:nb:. One precinct in Clay comity (Lin coln) gives: Morehaad, 351; Howell, 2H1. Same in 1912 gave: Morehead, 142: Aldrich. 23o. One precinct in Richardson county gives: Morehead, 4:; Howcli, 1)7. Same in 3UI2 gave: Morehead. Aldrich, VS. For . engross: Etavb; (R?p.). 121: Mar:u ire (Pem.i, 112. Sa ne in 1512: Clark (Rcp... 132; Ma guire (Den:.), 104. Fourteen cf twen'y-ctie pior-ir.cts in Lincoln county give For removal of university, 1.17S; against removal. 3, OSIt. Seven precincts on suffrage-: For suffrage. 7!C; against suffrage. 7"2. Ten precincts in laucasie:- covnty give: Morehead. 1.432; Hcwell, 1.5j4; Sackett. U'.K Same in 1!M2 gave: Morehead, 3.4'::t- Ah.lrich. l,o5f). Sunday baseball i probably cirfetii ed iu Lincoln. Fourteen out of twenty-one precincts give: For, 2,254; against 2,374. Vote In Buffalo, Kearney, Neb., Nov. 4. One hun dred and three precincts. Kearney, Bf.ner. Gibbon. Logan and She'ton. Morehead, S2ti; Ilov.eli, C5; Sackett, 4-1. Three precincts, suffrage: For, 255;: against.. 2 4 G. York, Neb.. Nov. 4. York county, four precincts: Morehead, 3o2; How ell. 354; Sackett. G. Same 1912: More head, 224; Aldrich. MM. Osceola. Neb., Nov. 4. Polk county, two precincts: Morehead, 210; How ell, 253. Same 1912: Morehead, 194; Aldrich. 217. Papillion, Neb.. Nov. 4. Sarpy coun ty, three precincts: Morehead. 11: ILnvell. 148. Same 1912: Morehead, 259; Aldrich, 214. Lancaster Shows Democratic Gain. Lincoln, Nov. 4. Six precincts. Lan caster county: Morehead. SDG; How eil, GSG. In lf12 the same precinct: gave: Morehead. 737; Aldrich, 54G. The first returns to come in wore? from Mr. Bryan's home precinct, which gave Morehead 55, Howell 35 and Sackett 2. Three precincts for conrressman : Maguire ( 419; Reavis (Rep.), SS4. Same 1912: Mcguire (Dem.). 4GD; Clark (Rep.), 297. Stephens In Lead. Norfolk. Neb.. Nov. 4. Returns from the Third congressional district indi cate the rc -elect ior of Dan V. Steph ens (Deiu.) t' congress. Woman's suffrage has a good margin in the cifly returns, ami Morehead, for gov e nor, seems to have gained over his lead of two years ago. A number ot precincts favor university removal. Hews!! Leads Mcrehead In Dixon. Ponea, Ne'n., Nov. 4. Fie jfrcinrts in Dixon county give: Hcwell, 3u2: Morehead. 12!. Same precincts in 3-H2 gave: Aldrich, rSS; Moreh.eai, 152. Same precincts for woman's suf frage. 125; against, 3 i3. Spethnan (IJep.). for congiei-s. three precincts, lju; Stephens (Dem..). 3. Morehead Has Small Lead In Gage. - Ite::tric c. Neb., Nov. 4 Midland country precinct gives: Morehead. f3; Howell, 39; Sackett. 33. St!in pieeiuct gave: Aldrich. 72; Morehead, G7; P.ooBovelt, 3, in 1912. Dig vote case In Gage county. Deatrice total vote ras 1,8(51. C!oi? In Adams County. Hastings,-N'-b., Nov. 4. Scattering returns lrom Adams county give the piospect of small gains for HoweM and the rest of the Republican ticket. Equal sufTragt- probably loses in Ad county. The vole was heavy. First District Congress-ran. Liberty, Neb.. Nov. 4. Richardson county, eight precincts: Reavis (Rei.), $72; Maguire (Dem.), 252. ELL .-4 3 c Montezuma urss born in 1479, and uiheri ne ?rei) ;.?.Tie bsccne the ruler of the Aztecs, and they used m to meas ure their lo nd For them- LET'S ASK OfSE OF THE riE, WHAT TriTY Af?t mm : u J t X ( CHI CU SIZ JmEX THt ELEPHrtT IS Going on h;3 vaca tion. AD THfV Aiii GC!NG T O CAWt IF yoar hair is uraim, i and vm wish it to remain iu uaire wraie at trie sea side, jump into the mater and ijoii mill "haire ijour liair in maues VVr A COLD LT-i f I What tree do we eetfe most Fruit From ,lh2 pear, plum ot cpple? ies$ the pesr treeheara the most fruit For etcrfj Flum and apple, you get a Ve5r Frcrri the other! muwn 9umti fur CCSlUwtC SUIT costume suit is shown above. IF you knoiuhou to udlk out of a boardiritS hcase uithout paying iour Doard ijon cari easily acquire the aboi'e uidlk- Oidir.g throash the little village of BoiliTifDeaicitod in a seventy horse pouder Tnachine.uere two "brothers Messrs, Ham Burger StaiKcnd Dres Laa StoiK-TKey had cae ebod three qaarters oF the uay.whea along came Count Von Bismark HerRiue:uuo stopped end muttedthem to dine with "hiin-As the entered the Counts residency a seruant saidlf a ccraparj of scldiersleft Belfast for Belgvxm,iiTOLild a raiment from 6las6our ? V, HKT ARE AtO j 91 1 . .. those Msn in 4 -y? 237Tr : u ! SAY, MiSTEC KlTeil, ) 4 1 L. ! what &RE ai vnose fi fjk eg, li.'i ll'JJ J 1 v I I, I ' i t:. I . I !!s c V t r his ret' If IT 1. L J m m k . t.ttii.G7 VV I W K AT city IM . . GcRMANY r 1 I IS THIS? " f I ,i WILL. V V x. j j ( c m ir-A oc Ji'i