The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Newsy Notes from Cedar Creek
Personal Points of Interest Picked Up and Penciled for the Persual
of the Cedar Creek Readers by Our Reg-ular Reporter of that Vil'ae
G. P. Mevsinger spent Tuesday in
Mr. Paul Roberts visited his par
ents ir. Plattsmouth Monday.
Mr. Paul Roberts visited his par
ents in Plattsmouth Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jardine and
family spent Sunday with John Gauer
and family.
In Plattsmouth Saturday: Mr. and
Mrs. John Gauer, Mrs. Frank Sayberg,
Henry Meisinger.
Mrs. Philip Stoher and daughter,
Mr?. August Keil, were shopping in
Louisville Tuesday.
Mrs. Hendricks of Ashland visited
her daughter and the Cedar Creek
school from 0:30 a. m. until 4 p. m.
Wednesday of last week.
The best way to hear about your
l'.ume town and community is to sub
scribe for the Plattsmouth Journal.
It keeps up with the times.
Report for Sunday, October 25: At
tendance, i.-i; collection, SI. 18. Re
port for Sunday, November 1: At
tendance, ; collection, .
Our enterprising business man, J.
S. Reumes, came to the school build
ing at noon one day week and
placed two mottoes upon the walls.
At the rate A. O. Ault has been
moving lately he wiil develop into a
traveling man rather than a merchant.
His carload of potatoes have arrived.
The way the cars are hitting the
bumpboards these mornings it would
i-tm the harvesters thought winter
was fast approaching, but delightful
weather this, roads dusty.
It is very seldom a real bird is seen
in the fall, but an especially brilliant
one appeared in town Tuesday morn
ing and acts very much as if it meant
to stay around all winter.
Mr. Broadbeck, on of Grandma
Broadbeck, had the misfortune to
slip and fall upon a stairway. lie was
quite seriously hurt and his brother,
Joe, was called from across the river.
He is recovering.
In our efforts to secure help to
provide for a speaker from Omaha on
the suffrage question last week we
aie indebted to Miss Valiery of
Plattsmouth and the '-Literary'' of
Cedar Creek wishes to extend to her
its thanks.
Ma j be I don't third, as my friends
do in many things, but I try to be
myself with then;. I may not act ex
actly as they do; in many ways thty
may not understand me at all; still
they love me, and that is the essen
tial thing with friends.
Sunday school next Sunday at 10
a. m. Time is short until it will be
known which is the winning side. Be
present and help your class to win.
Mis.-, Hendricks secuied some very
clear kodak pictures of her the boys')
class, taken at the church steps.
Any time John Gauer trades his
Mitchell for a Ford will be when he
knows about it. Most auto drivers
keep their tool boxes locked, but John
says he carries his Ford there and
hence keeps the box open that his
friends interested in Fords may in
tpect it. ii iwj ii i.i .. rr j ij L- . . j . ii i r
Tits Stromgosft Feme 1
A." J A A A A A
,. ' S t ? I i if t 'I
Heavy steel cables lapped about and held together by steel wire, forming uniform meshes. Simple, isn't it?
No chance for weakness in any part; uniformly strong. The reasons for the superiority of ELLWOOD FcKICS
are not hard to find. This company owns and operates its own iron mines and furnaces; its own wire mills"
and six large fence factories either one of the six being larger than any other fence factory in the world.
These facts should be convincing.
Cedar Creek Lumber C
George Sales stopped here between
trains Tuesday.
Mr. J. M. Roberts of Plattsmouth
was in our village Tuesday.
Ralph Atwood was in Omaha Mon
day. His wife met him in that city
Mrs. Hackenburg and son, Russel,
and daughter, Lota, returned from
Plattsmouth Tuesday. They were ac
companied by Miss Cressie, a daugh
ter, who teaches in Pierce county, but
who will now enjoy a month's vaca
tion through corn husking.
The pupils of Miss Hendricks' room
will enjoy vacation the rest of this
week, that she may attend the state
teachers' meeting in Omaha. Miss
Tremain chooses to continue now, out
later will visit the Omaha schools,
hoping to see the results of that great
teachers' school demonstrated.
Mrs. Fred Horn (Clementine Fray)
znd little daughter, Marie, of Beaver
City are here visiting Mrs. Horn's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyers.
Mrs. Horn as a girl was well known
here and her friends extend to her a
hearty welcome. She tells us she has
been reading with interest the Cedar
Creek items.
Mr. Reames stayed lr.g- enough tc
say that he would award a prize worth
securing to that pupil whose essay
proved the best. It is to be written
as suggested by the motto, "Onward
ai;d Upward." The second motto is
the one word, "Think." Both were
designed by the artful hand of the
giver. Accept our thanks!
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fackler left their
home in Blair, Neb., at D a. m. Satur
day. By auto they went to Spring
field, where they took dinner with his
mother. Arrived in Cedar Creek at
4 j). m. that "day to visit Mrs. Fack
ler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Schneider. The grandparents are
especially proud of the twin grand
daughters, who accompanied them.
We have often heard "Silver
Thieads Among the Gold," but some
how as Mrs. Hendricks, with silvery
hair and a voice above the average
for a lady of her years, sang that
song with her daughter it had a deep
er meaning than ever before. Some
how it made me think of my mother's
voice "singing in Paradise." Truly I
it has been said, "God couldn't be !
everywhere at once, so He made moth
ers."' No matter how many threads
are "!ig the gold;" how slow the
step or how wrinkled the features,
the very name, Mother, makes them
Whether or not women are wanted
in politics in Nebraska, we do know
women are wanted. Women who know
their own business better than their
neighbor's. Women who are true and !
pure. Women who will not weary in
well doing. Women who will daily
do loving service. Women who will
nor drift with the tide, but who will
courageously stem the current. Wo
men who will be stepping stones and
lift people up, not stumbling blocks
to hinder and cause others to fall.
Women who believe kind words never
di2, and who sow their loving acts
Science proves that the strongest fence, because
constructed throughout on scientific lines, is the
I3INCH ?'lrc. Vp
' T L? w " ? ( M i ' I M I
Lli.aiJUU, A
Rev. Schwartz's lecture will be re
ported next week.
Cedar Creek is planning to have a
Christmas program.
Mr. Meyers made a business trip
to Omaha Thursday.
Mr. Griggs of Omaha visited Hugh
Alexander over Sunday.
Miss Lola Hendricks spent Sunday
at her home in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferriers are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dasher.
Mrs. Ida Seybert of Cullom was
shopping in Cedar Creek Tuesday.
Miss Grace Duff v ent to Louis
ville Saturday evening to visit her
Henry Sanders, Jr., and family of
Omaha came Monday for a few days'
visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fairer of Lin
coln are here visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Henry Dasher.
Mr. Hensey drove from Louisville
Tuesday to call on our merchants, in
company with George Rhychart.
Mr. Hugh Alexander, while splitting
wood, had the misfortune to cut his
foot. He will be off duty at the sand
pit for a few days.
Mr. Stivers has been suffering the
past week with his back. We are
glad he is better an.d able to attend
to -business again.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Plattsmouth
visited their daughter. Mrs. Stivers.
They were the guests of Wm. Schnei
der's at Sunday dinner.
Henry Fornoff and wife tendered
the young people a veiy pleasant tine
Saturday evening. A large, crowd.
good time and lunch is reported.
The upstairs room of Cedar Creek
school was the scene of a Hallowe'en
surprise party in honor of Miss Hen
dricks and her pupils. The tiny tot?
from town came with their mothers
as especially invited guests.
If we have any excuse for being, it
is because we help others to become
something they never could become
without us something wiser some
thing better something happier
something more useful.
If, on your return from a lecture, a
party or a social and are questioned
about it and make a reply something
like this. "It was great:" "it was
lovely;" or "I'm crazy about it," is
your answer as brilliant as one might
expect? Suppose you give a real an
swer, not just talk.
absence of Miss Hendricks as organ
Sometimes I wonder what a mean
man thinks when he goes to bed
when he turns out the light and lies
down alone. He is compelled to be
honest with himself. Not a bright
thought not v generous impulse, not
a word of blessing not a grateful
look comes back to h'm. When he
does not hear "God bless you" of the
departed day, how he must hate him
self! How cheerless and dreary his
own path must appear!
The chorus class will meet i.galn
next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In the
ist, her place wiil be supplied at Sun
day school by Mrs. Olive, and at the
afternoon practice also. It is hoped
the attendance will bo good that we
may learn the songs Mr. Gates wishes
to illustrate in his lecture November
V), while the chorus sings. Twenty
four voices responded to the call for
last Sunday evening's, service. Cer
tainly their presence and songs helped
to intpire Rev. Schwartz, but some
body said, "Everything gets electrified
when Schwartz is here."
L223 Li J y lS3
The Reasons:
1 ;t Each horizontal extension of thn ELL
WOOD is a strt-l cable, consisting of two heavy
wires intertwined.
2d Each of these cables is tied to each other
cable by a continuous heavy wire lapped tichtly
abnui every cable not tied in a croukud "knot"
or twist to -weaken the s'rent; th ot the tie wire
at the bending point. (Wrap a wire around
your fincer ami the wire is not weakened: t i" a
'n a huril A-not uud you cannct un'ie
it wiuiuui ureaKinE, n is so ruut.ii wtateaej.)
f V T -T L -4 V r f"i-J
J 1
Henry Tieroff made his Monday
morning trip to Plattsmouth by auto.
Henry's little girl is1 hut a baby. The
interest he shows in seeing to it that
his sister-in-law, Miss Gertrude Mei
singer, and her friend, Helen Schnei
der, are in school at Plattsmouth in
rime, makes us feel safe for the edu
cational advantages of little Mildred.
Not only that, but every father should
feel a friendly interest in his neigh
bor's children, thereby promoting the
interests of his community and he is
filling his grave with kind thoughts
pnd loving remembrances when he
Hallowe'en decoiations were every
where in evidence with corn stalks
banked in, suggestive corners, the
floor leaf-strewn. Into this candle
lighted room the children were ush
ered by fifteen or more ghosts, who
managed the games until the blinds
were lifted. Grace Duff in costume
made an ideal "Jack in the Barrel,"
bcbLing up to hand out apples at
lunch time. Anna Schroder in gypsy
beads and paint sat in front of a gyp
sy tent and made a pleasing "child
of Ishmael" as she held the hands
of the children, reading them and
handing to each its fortune. The
ladies expressed themselves as hav
ing cr.jcyed the afternoon, and one
remarked it would be remembered
long by the children also -hs a success
ful Hallowe'en party.
On the evening of Saturday, No
vember 21, Cedar Creek school will
give a box social at the school build
ing at 8:15. A short program will be
fodewed by the reading of a literary
peptr. The proceeds from the sale
of the boxes will be used to finance
the "Literary" and Library move
ments and begin the fund for the pur
chase of a "Victrola" for the schocl.
At supper time the crowd will divide,
the ch:Idren going downstairs and in
the primary room their games will be
played, their boxes auctioned and their
supper eaten. No boxes downstairs
will be sold higher than 25 cents. Up
stairs we will let the boys decide on
the amount for themselves. This so
cial is for the benefit cf the entire
community, for whatever tends for
the betterment of the school in any
community can but lead to the ele
vation of community, state and na
tion. Help by remembering the date
November 21 and attend this so
cial. LI1KRAKY-
If you have never visited "Yellow
stone National Park," go through it
with Geo. M. Gates tf. Lincoln, Neb.,
in illustrated lecture Friday evening.
NovimLur 13, Union church. 8:15 p.
m. The appearance of Mr. Gates, with
his 20') fine pictures of cteysers, lakes.
1oillng pools, Indians, wild animals,
snow-covered mountains, etc., is an
entertainment endorsed by college
men and the press. The writer, hav
ing spent an entire summer in the
purl:, saw these pictures and heard
ihis platform and pulpit orator, and
can but say that Gates' pictures are
as natural in their rich colorings as
can be pictured. No child or adult
can afford to miss this, one of the
rr.o.-t pleasing features of the remain
ing literary meetings which end Jan
uary 1. Mr. Gates receives largs sums
for his lectures, but being a personal
friend has consented to make his
coming within reach. Hut to hear
him once will mean you want to hear
him again.
We have pledged ?10, expenses and
entertainment. Anything over his
amount will go into the church treas
ury or to further the "Victrola" fund.
T'ckets of admission only 10 cents, so
thut every man, woman and child may
hear him.
Rev. Schwartz's lecture will be re
ported next week.
Working Conditions.
The conditions, under which work
can be "done, are various, but the
main condition is physical strength
good health. This is only possible
by maintaining our digestion in per
fect working order. A:, soon as our
appetite fades, our strength is dimin
ished, our health is lost. It is evi
dent that there is something in the
body-that does not belong there. We
should clean out the system by using
Trincr's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine at ence. Many diseases are
either the result of constipation or
constipation is the most prominent
symptom of them. This shows how
important 'it is to start treatment and
to select a remedy which relieves con
stipation without wealrf-ning the body
Triner's American Eiixir of Bitter
Wine. Price $1.00. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1333-1339
S. Ashland ave Chicago, 111.
Pains in various parts of the body
usually quickly yield t- Triner's Lin
iment. Price of this liniment 50c, by
mail COc.
The Cosmopolitan club will give a
social dance at Coatfs' hall on Sat
urday evening. The music will be
furnished b3T the Holly orchestra, and
a good time is assured to those who
Alvo Notes
Sam Cashner was in Lincoln Mon
Fred Prouty autoed to Lincoln Mon
son of Greenwood were in Alvo Tues
Mrs. A. N. Meyers was trading in
Lincoln Tuesday. -
Mrs. Lydia Howe and children went
to Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles wen!
to Norfolk Wednesday.
Ed. Jerry, Jr., of ElAiwood was in
Alvo Friday evening.
Jacob Kam and daughter, Amelia,
were in Lincoln Saturday.
Dan Skinner was a passenger on
No. IS for Omaha Friday.
Mrs. Gurkin's mother, Mrs. Crud-
son, is visiting a few days here.
Ed. Casey was transacting business
with a dentist in Lincoln Saturday.
C. R. Jordan was in Weeping Water
this week, looking after county work.
Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick and Miss
Irene McKir.ney were in Lincoln Mon
Geo. P. Foreman, Sr., had business
at South Omaha and Omaha Wednes
Mrs. Minerva Curyea of Waverly
is visiting Miss Belle Curyea this
Alfred Stroemer took in an enter
tainment at Plattsmouth Monday
J. II. P'oreman, Sr., was doing bus
iness in South Omaha and Omaha
Mrs. Lincoln Dimmitt is reported
to be on the sick list, as is also Mrs.
David Stctler.
Miss Flora Boyles was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles,
a few days.
Geo. Curyea and son, Clarence, and
family autoed to Lincoln on business
There was a dance ut Jess Baker's
Tuesday night. A large attendance
is reported.
It is reported that about thirty-five
voters in this precinct voted for
amendment 300.
Will Sutton took the election re
turns to Plattsmouth, C. C. Bucknell
accompanying him.
Mrs. Eiia Prouty and daughter,
Miss Bessie, were passengers on No.
13 Friday for Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. Jones and children of
Murdock were in Alvo Sunday even
ing calling on friends.
The young people had a Hallowe'en
surprise party on Miss Nita Mullen
Saturday evening.
J. A. Shaffer, Harley Wolfe and
son, Cashner, were transacting bus
iness in the capital city Friday.
Paul Froehlich of Lincoln spent
Saturday and Sunday with his daugh
ter, Mrs. C. C. Bucknell, and family.
Ed. Carr and son of Eagle passed
through Alvo Wednesday morning,
taking the Tipton election returns to
The Ladies Aid society served din
ner and supper in the Thomas build
ing during election day, clearing
about $45.
Mrs. S. C. Boyles, her son, Dale S.
Boyles, and Ed. Evans took in the
Nebraska-Iowa football game at the
university last Saturday.
Mrs. Agnes Silverstrand of Hulitt,
Wyo., who has been visiting her
mother, Grandma Foreman, and broth
ers, Geo. P. and J. H., for some time,
returned to her home Wednesday.
Mesdames John Elliott, L. B. Ap
pieman, Fred Clark, S. C. Boyles,
Ella Prouty, Leonard Muir, II. A.
Bailey and Miss Bessie Prouty were
delegates to the Royal Neighbors'
convention, held at Louisville Wednes
day. John Elliott and L. B. Apple
man took the delegates down in their
Mrs. John Murtey gave an old
fashioned Hallowe'en party last Sat
urday evening to the members of the
Ladies' Reading club and their hus
bands, there being about forty-four
guests present. Games were played,
ghost stories told and an old-fashioned
lunch, consisting of pumpkin pie,
doughnuts, sandwiches and apples,
was served. Those present report a
delightful time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse were
called to the bedside of their son-in-law,
Ralph Uhley, at Verdon, Neb.,
by a telegram last Thursday night.
Mr. Uhley was much worse at that
time, though in some ways he now
seems to be improving. Mr. Rouse
returned home Sunday and Mrs.
Rouse returned home Tuesday even
ing. Mrs. Uhley, Sr., is still with
her son, helping to take care of him.
For Sale.
Thoroughbred JD. C. and S. C, Rhode
Island Red Cockerels; S. C. Mottled
Ancona Cockerels and B. C. Rhode
Island Red Cocks, at f2 each.
Alvo, Neb.
Chelsie Beasack Sundayed with her
parents in Springfield.
The M. L. W. gave a Hallowe'en
party last Friday evening in the M.
W. A. hall. The hall was beautifully
decorated with the Hallowen'en col
ors. There were about fifty present,
and at an appropriate hour refresh
ments were served. All present re
ported a very pleasant evening.
Mrs. W. O. Gillespie and Miss Daisy
Holka were Omaha visitors Friday.
The announcement of Alvin Neit
zel and Mayme Schew's marriage was
received Saturday. This vicinity
wishes them joy and happiness.
Mrs. Emma Towl of South Bend
was visiting at the Gillespie home
Mr. F. O. Everett of Elliott, la.,
was visiting his daughter, Miss E. V.
Everett, Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. F. O. Beall and daughter,
Frances, who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Beall the past week,
returned home Sunday on No. 14.
Mr. Louis Schmidt had a slight at
tack of appendicitis last week, but he
is up and around now. Hopes are he
will remain well.
The R. N. A.'s gave a Belle social
Saturday evening. They also had the
hall decorated with Hallowe'en dec
orations and a lovely program. After
the program they served a lunch. The
amount made was $29.50.
The election dinner served by the
ladies was well attended, they mak
ing $30.
Mrs. James Brittian of Omaha,
who has been visiting relatives and
friends, returned home Thursday.
Mrs. Fred Schew was a Lincoln vis
itor Monday.
The day of harsh physics is gone.
People want mild, easy laxatives.
Doan's Regulets have eateified thou
sands. 25c at all drug stores.
England doesn't seem to be in any
hurry to finish the war. She says
that it took fifteen years to polish off
Napoleon Bonaparte. The Canadian
volunteers who have reached England
are undergoing training in English
camps. The Indian contingent is just
now beginning to take part in the
fight. The plan of. the Allies is to
keep the Germans fighting along their
present line until their strength is
exhausted. Lord Charles Beresford.
in a speech at Stafford, England, the
other day, said: "The serious time
of the war will begin when the Ger
mans are forced over the frontier and
are in their own country with their
own base of supplies." He added that
it would take more than six months
or a year to put Emperor William on
his back. The British state that they
r.ow have 1 00,00" fresh troops witnin
one day of the line of battle in the
east portion of France, and their tac
tics contemplate keeping the Germans
continually on the offensive, in the
course of which they lose many more
men than the Allies. At all events,
there seems to be no chance of peace
at this present writing, and the inev
itable result will be to make a mar
ket for everything that the Missis
sippi valley can produce. The South
American trade that has hitherto
gone to Germany, France and Eng
land will be deflected tc this coun
try. Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
ruil office.
To the South Win
ter Tourist Fares
All the principal southern, gulf and Cuban cities and resort are in
cluded in the general arrangement of attractive Winter Tourist farts
Many circuit tours of the historic South are offered, going one way, re
turning another, including Washington, D. C.
Tho Burlington maintains the highest class, electric-lighttd, thre ugh
trains for southern tourists, either via Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago.
Ask the undersigned for the Burlington's "Winter Excursions" leaf
let, or for any of the handsomely illustrated publications of southern
Make Your Wants Known
Advertisements undt-r this fieadinj;
five cents per line eaHi insertion.
Six words will .e counted as a line
and no advertisement taken fur lcua
than ten cents.
For Sale A number of Poland China
male pigs. J. M. Wiles, 11-4 miles
northwest of Mynard.
A Good Yearling Mule For Sale
Cull on or address C. R. Reeves,
Murray, Neb., Tel. C-Q.
FOR SALE 20 tons of good prairie
hay. T. II. Pollock. Tel 215.
FOR SALE Splendid improved lcn
acre farm near Plattsmouth. Price
and terms right. C.dl for particu
lars. T. II. Pollock. Tel. 215.
FOR SALE Hov.-i scale. 8.0h)
pound capacity. Used one reason.
Mrs. Walter J. White. Thon.j
FOR SALE good f-aere improved
farm, 7 miles south of Plattsmouth.
T. H. Pollock. Tel. 215.
FOR SALE Seven-year-old mare.
weight over 1,500 pounds. Also
head of spring shoats. C. E. Bab
bitt, Plattsmouth, Neb.
ANYONE wanting apples can get
them at the Lasch orchard, located
one mlie north and one and one
half mile east , of Weeping Water.
Very nice Winesaps and Ben Davis
apples at reasonable prices and
plenty of them. A. A. Lasch.
FARMS FOR SALE Home farm of
040 acres in Cass county. Also 1,0"
acres in Chase county, adjoining
Imperial, the county seat. All said
land can be divided into quarter.-.
L. C. Todd, owner, Nehawka, Neb.
ed to call on auto owners and farm
ers. Entirely new system of lubrica
tion. Particularly tood proposition
to auto driving salecman. Write
Balso Oil Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
FOR SALE 1 dozen April hatch pure
bred White Rock cockerels at $1.0
each. Call 'phone No. 22:51. Mrf.
C. R. Bengen. 11-5-tfwkly
senger, 3G-horse Maxwell to'.irir:;
car, in A-l condition. Will
t'ade for a Ford roadster ; any
gi.od property. W. B. l'on-:v.
1!-? 21 J 21 w
FOR SALE A good dray wagon,
cheap for cash. T. II. Pollock. Tel.
FOR SALE Fresh tow and two
calves. Inquire of James Lough
ridge, Murray.
FOR SALE Two-seated, leather-upholstered,
rubber-tire surrey, co.-t
$200 and as good as new; will sell
at a bargain for cash or will take a
good horse or anything worth the
money. T. II. Pollock. Tel. 215.
of early hatched and good .-ize and
color, Buff Orpingtons. Inquire of
J. M. Young, Plattsmouth, Neb.
FOR SALE Two or three head of
horses. Will trade for most any
thing you have for second-hand
lumber or a building that contains
good, fair lumber. Inquire of J. M.
Young, Upper Chicago ave.
Foley Cathartic 'Tablets.
Are wholesome, thoroughly cleans
ing, and have a stimulating effect on
the stomach, liver and bowels. Regu
late you with no griping and no un
pleasant after effects. Stout peopU
find they give immense relief and
comfort. Anti-Bilious. For sale ly
all druggists.
lines, containing lists of resorts, hotels, routes, etc
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.