The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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We are offering a very large lot of
Blankets and Comforters at figures
that will he hard to heat Our Com
forters are hand-made.
Also a lot of Ladies' Auto Hords
at 50c. 75c. $1.00. Si 25 and $1.50
eac h; and a lot of Children's Hockey
Caps and Tomoshanders for 25c, 50c
and 75c each.
Outing Flannel in all colors a
good grade - per yard, 10c
A new showing in Ladies Silk
Skirts. Ask to see the Ladies
Waists that we are offering at a
great bargain.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
i. Tifi".
KM-'i YViri.lliam, I laintj.T,
.Inhn S.-l nit-r i:t -1 . 1 i-f.-ri'lan ts.
T' Silmit.r. t'-i- n n ' i v !i I firs
am! .l.-vii-s i-r Jul m S-1.i-.;it: Sl:::ke-Mx-:il-
Ill'- ii!ik'i'V!i I i-iis :ml
!. vici-s f S' m k i 1 1 l'.'ivo: Wil
li. mi Sm-i.N-r. t! n tk"-vii luiis an.l
il.-vist-fs if Williiun S:ifi.!.-r; I':ivil
:iiik!i' ?i .t-ir.- ami l-.-ist-fs
..f liivi.l l:. If. !.. I.-vi. the
Kiiown ln-irs Mini l'vis'.- it' II. 1.. I.ti:
AtiT'iTi .loz.-li k. i!!ikn"tt'n heirs ami
js.-.s f Ant.n .1 . -:i k : .lames M.
.lamis-in, S. livers. .1. I. IMU'I. the tin
kr.K'vn l-irs an'! 1 vi.e.-s of .1. F.
I'.m.l: Mi. hai-1 K. P.amiiti. KI izn het !i !:.
ll.'S-.r; l-Vank 1 Van Jmrn, Kva I...
Harris, iU-1'en '' a n t s :
Vmi ami eah of you will take ruMii-e
that on the i::tli l.iy ..f etnl. r. A. I .
l'li. KH.-n W'imlham rile.l her pot i
tii'ti in lie 1 i.t ri-t 'r.r of Cass Coun
ts. .'.!.! aka. airainst yon ami eaeh of
von. the oi.jt-i t an.l prayer of which is
that she te a l.imlireil the owner in fee
simple of l.nts ::. I, .1 ami fi, in H!:k
in I'lattsrnouth. N'ehiaska: ami Lot
1. in liim k l.ot IM. in i:io k Lot
:;. in r.hi. k all in Smith fat k
ti..n to sai.l t'ity of l'lattsin iuth. free.l
f'-or-j all . 'aims of an estate or interest
therein of the .l.-lVn.I.i :it aml.eae'.i if.
t'em, an.l of all rs"li olaimin liv.
t''i. nmier tnem. an.l that -u an.l
eaeh of v..ii le perp.-t ca i 1 y eji ioine.I
fioin liaimiir-r iir.v Hull, title, interest
or I i-r! t of possession in the same a.I
vi rH to the title of this plaintiff. 1 t r
j.,-;.-s - assigns; an.l from i-i t vi-f-Ti n sr
v ith t'e n'liet fitnl i" aeea .le eni.-v-imnt
of sai.l i-ierni-i-.s l.y sai'l jilaintiiT:
s, ml that a certain movt u;." ue !ate. '"'-li-arv
The pv, uiven liv llert X.
Sn'.;iva:i to I iifemla r.t Mva 1. Karri- on
Lot 1. in Llo. k ir:?. in Sooth Park Aihli-ti.-n
t. rh'.t t sinont Nil r.iska. l.e eai:
c!'e.l. tiie savie l-.ii vititr h. en prii.l. 1 he
plaintiff alleges oi-en. actual ami
v i rse .ossessi.n of sni.l lets for a jut
h.l of more than ten years. I'lair.ri'T
piavs f,.r su. h other ami further relief
as mav he eunitaMe
Vmi are require. 1 to ai.swrr sai.l pe
tition on or before the L'l-t ilav of
li.-. emher. 1!14. or vonr ilefanlt will he
.;:;! enteic.l therein.
t i.rx r wiXhM Ar.
I! n. VL". H.M. IMaintiff.
otki: r (itritiifiiii.
In the i'r. tit-- "oiiit of the I'onnty
,,f 'ass. Xehr-:ska. v
State of Xehij.-ka. t"tss Cmmtv, s
In Comitv Cuirl. in the matt.-r of the
estate of ili-orrri T I. fo'sall. ileeeaseil."
X' t!" e is herehv pivin to the ef.-.l-jt.'.rs
of sai.l .lei ease.l that hfarinu'?
will P.- h.a.l upon claims rile.1 atrainst
sai.l estate, before me. tVnntv .lu.liie oj
c:;ss cnvt'tv, Xehra ska at the fount?
-'.urt room in I '1 a 1 1 sin., 1. 1 h, in snl.j
C.ntitv. on the i: :: i-i 1 da of Xovemher,
I'M 4. an.l oil the "Jth ilay of May, 1 i-1 ",.
at o'eo.-k a. ti:., each ijay for exam
ination. a.!.i:isiment a:ni allowance.
All i !a;ms must he tiled in sai.l fmirl
mi or lefoi sai.l la.-t hour of I.eariri'-T.
Witness !!iv haml aiel seal of sai'i
"mint v t'onit. at I 'la 1 1 smmi t h, Xehras
ka. this :ii.l .lav of o-toher. lull.
i.-.aii ALLKN l!i:i:Si.X.
c.inrity Ju. !-.
i.VM'-i. .::tki:.
Hermia IT. Win.lham. IMaintiff,
Samui 1 I'as.-v lit Ah. I fen.'a It t
Tn Sifirii I'as.-v, the i' tik'lioA? II l.i'iffi
ami ih vi.-eis of Satan. 1 I'asi v: Uohi-ri
.1. La. kev. the unkn-iwn hejis aml-i'ey-js,.,.s
of Lol.ert .1. Lackey; W. II. Sla
fer. the t'fknown heirs ami .lev ispes Ot,
V. li shafer; Ira A. .M.".Vrs, Si.ei'.vin
'P. I.niiiielhs, Thomas . liol.lon. tlie iin
ktiown heirs ;n..l .levisti-s of Thomai
l:. :.M.lon:
You ai .1 each nf you will take notice
t! ill on tie i: n! .lay of :etoher, A. 1 .
liMt. Il. rmia 11. Win. lh. mi tiled her i
titioti in ti e Iis!ri t 'art of "ass
'oi:nf. X.-hrnska. airainst you a:i.
Ki. !i of on. ti hjci t ami prayer o.
which i - 'at she mav a.l.'u 1 v 1 1
owner in f-e sira'.le i f Lot J. iti Hlo.-k
1: Lot 1. i:i Mh-.k 2: Lots 1. L :' ami
A. i-i i:'o. k Lots 1. l' T. ami ;. in K!oi k
i : Lots ". ami ;. in iSlnck 1 "J : l-ots 1, 1.
:: a".l I. in 1; Lots 1. U'. " ar.-l .
in ISioek ' : Lots " at..l ;. in l!l.nk 1 J .
Lots 1 am! 1, in l:!o.k 1"; ami Lois 1.
1". :: : nil t. in illo.k J 7. in Townsen.l't,
.V.l.lition to I Ma 1 1 sm'.ii! Mi. Xi'hraska.
fr-e.l f i om all claims ! an estate oi
interest tl.i r. ::i of :-ail i' . f emla n t s. ami
each of them, an.l a!! persons la itr inn
I. y. thnu'irh r.r umler tin-m, ami that
ii.ii he perpetuallv i-rijoincl from daim
ir. anv ri-ri.t. title, interest or riitht
of posses -ion in an.l to the anm, ad
verse to the title of t! : ' : i t i ft", liei
heirs or assigns, ami f "ti; ' it-rfeiitm
with the quiet ami pe;.c. lie cn.i.iv-tii.-nt
of said premises i.y ..ill phiin
tif: am! that a. ceilain l.oii.l for a iee.l
i,;.in''i" f-"-"! "f-"i r. ",, risen.' t'
the ,'. ;e..!a::t. !:.!. it .1 I:.."..
Xoenihel 1, !... to the l i in I i VI .leil one-
'enth of thirty :!) acrts otT the south
si.'e of the west onc-ha!i if .-'"lit li west
one-fouttli of Sec. 7. Tu... U, Kantre
It, in ("ass fnunty, Xehraska. ami fi?-
II. 1.I...I in Hook "A." on pae ll'l of the
Mortjrasre Leconls of Ca.-s ";unty. Xe
hraska. he caiiee!le. anl satistieil ol
le.eril: an.l that all clomls cast upon
phiintifl's title l. ri.move.1. ami fur
Mich other ami further relief as cinily
may require.
Vmi ami each of you .re require-! to
rnswer sai.l petitifm on or before lion-
lay, the 1 4 1 1 1 ilay of liecemher, 1MI.
or your lefaiilt's will he entered there
in arid allegations of sai.l petition tak-
n as true.
iii;i:ml i:. wixdiiam.
H. V.. WIXHIIAM. Attorney.
I have several tracts of from 3 to
13 acres adjoining Plattsmouth, all
well improved. For sale on easy
terns. T. II. POLLO K.
Tel. 213. .
i have for sale four fine residence
properties in Plattsmouth, a'l well lo
cated and prices right; just (he thing
for retired farmers or anyone wanting
an up to date, modern home in the
best town in Nebraska. T. II. Pol
lock, Plattsmouth. Tel. 213.
Local fJews
Krom Tut.lav's Daily.
Albert Young anJ Miss Pauline
Oldham of Murray were here last
evening in attendance at the play at
the Parmele.
Dr. J. F. Brendle and wife were
among the visitors in the city last
evening attending the play at the
Mrs. Wra. Long and son, Alva, of
Murray were visitors in this city yes
terday. Lee Allison of near Murray was in
the city yesterday for a few hours at
tending to some trading with the mer
chants. G-en Doedoktr and wife were in the
city last evening for a few hours in
attendance on the production of "The
Calling of Dan Matihews" at the
Parmele theatre.
Frank Khoden and wife of neat
Union were here last evening attend
ing the production of '"The Calling of
Dan Matthews' at the Parmele the
atre Inst evening.
A. M. Holmes and daughter, Mrs.
Y. S. Smith, were in the city last
evening visiting with their friends
and taking in the play at the Par
mele. Ed. Rummell came in this after
noon for a few hours looking after
some matters of business with the
Frank Konfrst returned this aft
ernoon to his work at Pacific Junc
tion after being here- exercising the
ri'rht to vote.
C. II. Vallery was in the city yes
terday attending to seme matters of
trading with the merchants.
From Wedr.esda v's PaPv.
E. T. Tool of Murdock was in the
city today brinsring in the election re
turns from Elmwool precinct.
Ed. Carr of Ear:e war in the city
today for a short time looking after
some matters at the court house.
Frank Grauf and wife of near Mur
ray were in the city teda.v; looking af
ter some trading with thJ merchants.
Oscar Zarr of South Lend was in
the city today bringing in the returns
from his precinct to the office of
County Clerk Libershal.
v'. G. Meisincrcr was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where he
will visit for a few hours looking af
ter some business matters.
E. T. Comer, L. F. Eanghorst an !
William Dales Deinier of Klmwood
crme in this afternoon to visit at the
couit house and take in the election
F. J. Ilennings of Eirht Mile Grove
precinct was in the city today for a
few hours looking after some business
matters and learning the results of
the election.
A. IJ. FornorT of Cedar Creek was
in the city today for a few hours en
route from his home tc Omaha, wh?re
he will spend the day looking after
some matters of bir-iness.
Mrs. Fred Pezner of AHiar.c?, Neb.,
tame in last evening from her home,
and will visit here fen- a few days
while Mr. Pezner is in Chicago at
tending a meeting of the Purlington
foremen in that city.
Hans Kemp and wife of LockwooJ,
Mo., who have been here for the past
few days visiting with their relatives
and friends, departed this afternoon
for Omaha and will depart tomorrow
for their home in Missouri.
from Thurs.ia v's lai!y.
J. I?. Nichols of Omaha was here
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
J. C. Spangler came in yesterday
from Louisville with the returns from
hat precinct to file with .the county
s.iet k.
J. C. Roddy of Union was in the
city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business at tho
court house.
J. W. Sutton, from near Alvo, wa.i
here yesterday with the returns from
Greenwood precinct to the county
clerk's office.
Wflliam II. Thiele of Avoca was a
court house visitor yesterday, bring
ing in the votes from his home to
County Clerk Libershol.
W. W. Hamilton of Murray was in
the city yesterday for a few hours
looking after some matters of bus
iness at the court hpuse.
Martin Steppat and wife of Blair,
Neb., came in last evening on No. 2
for a visit here with their relatives
and friends in this city.
James M. Robertson and wife de
parted this morning for Omaha, where
they will spend the day looking after
some matters of business in that city.
Mike Rys was a passenger this
morning on the early Durlington train
for Omaha, where he was called to
look after some matters of business.
William Starkjohn was among the
business visitors in the metropolis to-
! day for a few hours, going' to that
city on the early Hurlington train.
E. K. Pe?ce and W. E. Hand of
Greenwood were here for a short time
yesterday, having brought down the
official returns of Fait Creek pre
cinct. Mrs. M. Iliatt came up from Mur
ray yesterday for a vis't with her
son, Chttrles, and family and frien Is
in this city.
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al
most drives you mad. For ouick re
lief, Duan's Ointment is well recom
mended. "0c at all stores.
Robert Troop returned home this
afternoon from C'Ookston, Neb.,
v. hcie lie has boen for thi j;:'.st few
days looking after !-ome land inter-
e -I.-.
J. 7. Magniiy, one of the gcn;al
citizens cf Xehawka. was in the city
fo- a few hours yesterday, having
brought in the election returns from
hi.; home precinct.
Mrs. J. V. Egcnbergor and daugh
ter. Miss Floience. and ?.irs. F. I).
Egen'oerger were among the passeng
ers morning for Omaha, where
they will visit for the day.
X. P. Deles Petnier of E'mwood
was in the city yesterday in company
with his father, Hon. William Deles
Deinier. driving over from their home
to take in the election returns.
J. Ii. Jones departed this morning
on the early Burlington train for
Omaha, from where he goes to Walt
hill, Neb., where his brother, Jacob
Jones, is reported as being very ill
at his home there.
W. S. Askwith, superintendent of
the Masonic Home, was a passenger
j this morning for Omiha, where ho
jroes to look after some matters of
business in that city for a few hours.
P. W. Livingston and daughter,
Miss Jennie, were among the pa.-
I sence'
this morning for Omaha
where they will viit for the day
there look'ng after scrr.e matters of
Misses Alma and Elizr.bef h Holly
w;re among the passengers thi?
morning for Omaha, v. here they will
attend the State Teachers' asso?;a:ion
meeting there today.
Mrs. N. P. Schultz and little daugh
ter, Alice, were among the passong
eis this afternoon for Omaha, where
thev will visit i
da v
fr'ends in that city.
Mrs. Z. T. Brown an 1 daughter,
Miss Mable, were among the passeng
ers this morning for the metropolis
inhere they will visit at the hom? of
Mrs. Lou Trimpe an.l wife.
Max Fritchmyer was among the
business visitors in the metropolis
j today for a few boors, going to' that
city on the early Burlington train
this mornintr.
Mrs. Frank Kauble departed th;s
mo-ning for Niobrara, Neb.. wh?re
she goes for a short visit with rela
tives and tnsnds. ne was accom
ranied as far as Omaha by her son,
Frank Kauble, Jr.
W. A. Barnhart and wife wore
among the passengers, this morning
for Omaha, whore Mr. Barnhart will
consult a specialist a? to an opera
tion which he recently had performed
on his face for a growth there.
R. G. Wright and wife of Fremont,
who has been here for the past few
days visit'ng at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Smith, departed this aft-
roon for their home. Mrs. Wright
was here attending the W. R. C. con
vention. Mrs. C. E. Hartford and sis-
tor, Mrs. W. E. Zimbeck of Boone.
Ia., were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will visit for the
day looking after some matters of
Fred Ebinger and wife pnd Mrs.
Fred Wagner departed this morning
for Plamview, Neb., where Mrs. Wag
ner will make a shott visit at the
Ebinger home. Mr. Ebinger has just
returned home to Arneiica from a
five months' trip abroad.
Mrs. Earl R. Pl''h, who has been
here visiting at the homo of her moth
er, Mrs. Emma Weidman, and with
other relatives for a few weeks, de
parted last evening on No. 12 for her
home at Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Garri
Fon of Sioux City accompanied her as
far as Buffalo en route to Schenech
tady, N. Y., where she will visit for a
short time.
Everett Schermerhorn, a brother of
Mrs. C. J. Baker of this city, has been
taken to the hospital at Omaha and
will undergo an operation for stom
ach trouble tomorrow morning. Mr.
Sehei met horn is in a serious condi
tion, and his recovery is doubtful. II is
many friends in this city and vicin
ity will be sorry to learn of his seri
ous illness, but trust that the opera
tion may prove successful and that
he may enjoy a speedy recovery and
soon be able to be in their midst.
:!i!:r3 Getting S:up From
Kitchen on the Batt'efield
Curina Lull In Hocti'ities.
i -o,.- r.s, . -,v : k
Photo lv America n I'rcss Ass.iciatioa
Arthur N. Sullivan of Rock Bluffs
was here yesterday, diiving in wi'h
the election returns frc.m his precinct.
Ed. Miller of .cio'. City canro in
this morning for a .-hort visit v.I;h
his friends in this city.
Ben Hank'nson wa- a business vis
itor in Omaha today for a few hou s.
retianir.g home on No. '2 aft
er r:cion.
2sick Fre'u'rich of near Murray was
in the citv vesten-ay -.viih the ret
n .as ;
f.o-n West Ro
Blr.rTs i:r his po-
sicn. !
Mrs. Will Hughes of Elliott. Ia., a.-- j
tiv.'d iti the city h. :t evening for a I
shott visit at the heme cf M.-. ;-:: i J
Phil Hubbard. Fleming of Wec-ping Wa-
ter was amcno
terdnv, br:ng:n
er.gors v
no vote o
! is
hcrr.e precinct.
Miss Ellen Win.lham was a passer. g- j
r this morning for Oma'ca, wlvre !
-I'.o will look after her school work
bore for the day.
C. C. Ve.-:cott was among the btr?
iress visitors in Oir.ah.a today for a
few hours go:ng to that city on No.
rZ-1 this afternoon.
Henry Jess and B. G. Wurl were
V-or.g the business visitors to Omoha
snrr.e matters of l;us;no.-s.
Rud.'irh B?7'gm: n of Mai
rn the citv vesteruav oringmg n tne
election returns from Center precinct
to the office of the cr.unty clerk.
Misses Serbia Wesch and Celia Ka-la.-cV:
were among the passengers
afternoon, for Omaha, where they will
visit with friends for a few hours.
J. V. Hanc-ll of rear Union was
among the official messongei s in
the city yecteniay, bringing in the
Liberty precinct result; with him.
Keynote cl Slate Teachers' Con
VrKlioi at Oniilia.-
un wltli
ov, o.-
I :.)V n wii ii j o'it'CS,
arios. o .t v.-
ih t!;e j hsli
ly i: J-t.L ! That is ;i do ii;:;
the ::iina:;l corit i:iion of th
i t cry
Noli r...-
State Tenches ass. ' ciatun.
Tlie loeviution oper-e-l with a lar?
aticiditie in the br.miui.t h-11 ot Ho
tel l n.e.
The ina;n sessions of f.-.e conven
tion are Lvin.g held in the A.ud:loi icin.
Sottional nnoliiies are being h- !d ia
the First .Mi thoiib t and oilier nearby
oliunlHs. Treik! are thirty-two of
these departmental in all.
Superintendent C. -M. llarr o!" ll-ist-ings
struck what sems to be. a kov
note c-f t-cr.timeiit at this couveiuion.
when, in his nddress, he declare!
arainst politics, for hii; pay and
the elimination by examination of tV
physically unfit teachers. Along th's
lirre he said :
"I know of my own ahsolute know!
edae that manv teaeners stand a. I a-y
class" of thirty-five or mori j
before a
and fro through the pretense of tench
irg when they re physically inrom
potent to tnub. They o izht to ' -i
liminatod. and the only way to do It
is to serine the passage of a law re
quiring physical examination of echo;;!
teachers. With the physically ur. ft
c'i'iiirntcd ;n increase in piv v.o :P1
piohab'y follow. I believe the st".
of Nebraska 's wealthy enough to p-.y
every t:ic!o- a ! v'vg w: -. T! o r:ry
FhciM extrne r ovh -ear" '
Marshall, Dentist, Coates Block.
Paper lianjrins? and painting
Sep Louie Thomas or call tele
phone No. 131.
: V' i .-.:. 5 kV. "
: iVvVaSiiil . .
i V y. "? . . 4
: k.. ... - 1
I fliis l!defifant
Absolutely FREE to the Party having most
Certificates to their credit on May 1, 1915
How it Is Done !
This Piano will bo given to tho.
person or society securing me
greatest value in certificates given
with ail ni'woy laid at our store.
These certificates lange from
cents to and i're given in
amounts o;u:.l to raor.ey paid. We
are going to make the. conte'it in-te-.-e.-tiiig
to everybody, and want
all regular customers to bring
their fiieiids to the sti re and com i:u',f 1 sav.' certifii-atc-:.
i 3
Sign Nam
Bring to Store
i pjattrr.outh,
' .
:ood Tnat Rcureri tre fu'y the
Sleeping Wsii-C
! Si. me nt ill, i . i : i i i'i'V-it. In 'ew
'.e.i .a a.l win 1 3 1 1 r '.k i.ii--s iiie ;ire
s;.;j.iil .:.uvs. .n: i- 1 1 ' .11
lew ell. M too C.'.i !l vi.'lj'llli 'A I'.I M'll-
tile Xf ei i'l'ii i,m.Ii.ii: in
tl:le-..;'!e N'-V :l i.i I !i I il.-i l"!ii'k tile
n.ii lii of :i i:e -i i iriiiii d ;iiti..i.
tie .ell:u le-eni nt the eei an ill V l'lle
iltltl:iT I.i;t s -111. it I he ol'.iel; priest
ess v;is .i Minn Ki im li i K.l! li ii-e:i.
I'll v:is eli.tri.-d Ms ; I'.a iti;it rem
ilcielv loveleil Willi i.'ika. r'wl iiljd
! i -i -! in teatfiei :
j 'i'he -;ire!iiXet ) ro-teted K .! t II teen
J wi'.li a Lii: white Ii.-i-j in tian.l It was
j half full ot ellow soup etit into small
! ctl! es.
" 'Are yon ready. Kathleen ?' tie as'.ed.
Yes.' she promptly answered
"Taking out two or three handfnts
cif soap, the earetaker threw thi in into
U'airoa's deep throat antl then handed
the bag to Kathleen. Grasping the
string handle at the bottom of the
tiair. stie opened tlie mouth, and out
poured a sapena.-eiius stream.
"'Ten minutes passed, but there was
only n slight un rease in the volume
if steam ,-it Wairoa's mouth, atwl there
weie no siihterra nea u siutis et an im
nuiieiit erueti.'ii 1-ifteHU. twenty nnu
tites passed wilh very :.'tle chanue.
"U'la-n thit ty iniiiMtes had pone there
was a ruiiihie. then a splash ttf wtiter
The people near the geyser backed
away. Two or three more splashes
followed, and each ias hnrher than
il predeeessor; thti came n hoarse
roar, a rush ot steam, and up past
low sulphur dyed sinter wall tlashcil
a cobitnii ot water carrying up clouds
et steam. Soap, just ei. miiion wash
uiiT" soap, had coiiip-.ercil Wairojt mid
fon-ed tt from its lair Cp it contitiuetl
to iro - fifty, sixty, eighty. r'0 feet.
" 'Wsiiron would have cone higher If
it hadn't tnvn tor the wind.' the care
tiiket told iwe. 'It has been known to
go lvn feet.'
"U'hili Wairoi plaved it plave-l
magnilii-ently. In its shaft it rumhlel.
it Hung its hot tueath upon tlie von
turesoiiie. jtnd for more than loo fee;
aroniid it shook the ground until th
earth tiembted Kor ten iiiiutitos it
rose ;iad tell. Then down U went.
like n thermometer oiivn tiosty night
until it was a mere splasher."
I'cley's Honey and Tar Compound for
Croup scares you. The loud.
hoarse, croupy cou.trli, choking- and for breath, labored brer.thina-,
call for immediate relief. The very
first dose of Foley's Honey nr.d Tar
Compound will master the croup. It
cuts tlie thick mucus, clears away the
phle.rm and opens up and eases the
air passag-es. For sale by all drug:-
Paints and Oils.
Phone SG.
C-ripr Co. i
There will be another of thnse
pler.sant dances given at Coates' hall
cn nixt Saturday eveniner, and those
v.-ho enjoj- a good, clean dance may en
joy themselves here.
(Fili Cut, Cut
r. :. !; !tni iiut.'r its o tindiiLtlc hi cin f 'nmo
COll ft
in i .-t!iJ '.is i dkiiIv o io)n; i!itti,nt . ict it
:,-, and does not odiiutte vie in any r. i v.
.rne . .
hr.'e. . .
Da; Wins Ihrd Fiht to
N "Ccn-e Brck" l.i Pontics.
Photo ly Aiceln in l'l ess Association.
Clean, Clastv Entc-t'iiiniupt Evfi'Tfcsdr Goes: Ask
ftn.botfy. LAPiSS' llr-'E MATINEE DAILY
Setz En'arges Pictures.
------- Nebraska ft
I-.. I I
it i' : .
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&?S& ;5T-;;.J;i. X&?&
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N": -, -X - .' - ' - : . .
: i :v'v v-'i "' ' " y : - j
. f..':,.-.- . ;: I
Potatoes 65c bu.
Car IVSonday! No Delivery!
Best potatoes for Winter. Lay in your sup
ply NOW and SAVE money.
Bananas 15c per dozen always
Oranges 15c per dozen n:id up
Grape Fruit 5c each
Cocoa Nuts 2 for 15c Nehawka Cidar
Always remember we save you money
on everything. See us first.
nano biven
In order that everyone may have
a chance to express his or her de-f-ire
as to who should have the Pi
ano I regardless of whether or not
thry Irade here), it is our desire
that everybody make use of the
nominating coupon to nominate
the one of his or her choir', arid
-I hd it to tip store as .-oon as pos
sible. )
Out and Mail, or Bring to Our Store)
fjominaiicn Coupon
lddre . -
J 0 1 b i
sold by the
ick C
from August 1st, 1914,
to October 1st, 1914
Model 23 $ JK"()
Model 37 12.T
Six Cylinder KI'O
Prices f. o. b. Factory
Ask for Demonstration
HLH Plattsmoulh, Keb.
n C7 SiBK
M 1