The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1914.
I Elegant Segerstrom Piano FREE!
B 'riiiiiiiMiTi mini-
We give certificates with every cash purchase made at our store and
soon this community will have many thousand dollars worth of these certificates
in its possession. It will be easy for you and your friends to secure a large per
centage of these certificates if you get busy at oone.
This piano will be given to the one securing the greatest number of certifi
cates between now and May 1, 1915.
Come to our store today and see the piano. Play it! Test it! Then enter
your name in the contest and commence raising certificates.
mm out
1 Sisn Name
Bring to Store Today
J UL HJ UJ ILf 'I1 H1 U lim 1111
Local News
France liallance of (Henwood was!
he-e over Srwv visirirj- fl.r the ,l:iv '
with his parents in thi city.
Fhil:i Becker, wife r.nd babe drove I
in yesterday to visit for the day at
the home of F. A. Cioidt and wife
in this city. j
John II. Becker and wife were vis -
iters in the country yesterday for a!
few hours visiting at the home of
their son. Ed. Keeker, and family.
Ed. Kar.ka of Omaha came down !
Saturday afternoon from the metrop
olis and visited here for the day yes
terday with his relatives and friends.
Chris and wife drove in
Saturday afternoon and spent a few
hours here in attending to some mat
ters of business with the merchants. !
Mrs. John Schiapaca-se and daugh
ter. Miss Cecil, were among the Oma-
ha visitors today, going to that city ,
to iook a.ter some matters 01 busi
ness. Mr. II. '. Tennar.t of Okoboji, la.. I
who has been here as a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, for a short
time, departed this morning for her
home. Mrs. Taylor accompanied her
as far as Omaha.
Women's ready
madeouting flannel
gow ns in a big range
of q ia'; y and price.
-5Cc. 53 and SI.CO-
Extra Sizes $1.10
The Ladies; Home Journal
Pattern for December are now in
Style Book 10c Fashion Book Free
Potatoes and Apples for Winter!
Our supply of Winter Potatoes is now in and we can
name you a very low price. Can furnish you with both
Red River Early Ohia or New York Rurals.
Ben Davis Apples, per bushel 90c
Fancy Wincsaps and Gano, per bu. $1.25
Fancy Jonathans, per peck 40c
ZWSevt York Applas, such as Greenings and Baldwins,
for delivery November 1st to 5th, at per bushel SI. 25;
barrel S3 25 arid $3.50.
(Fili Cut, Cut Cut
Nomination Coupon nominate as a eanJiiae in your piano
mui: rsfand . is is merely a noni)iaiion . not a
, i.': J itrs fu-t c'c air jjw in any r. -ay.
fair Address
IJ"gPQ1 II I I HI li llll 'II I 1 II I
C. H. Vallcry was in the city Satur
day, being called here to look after
some trailing.
-s Rose .Mae Creamer returned
this morning to her school work in
, Omaha after a week-end visit at the
'home of her parents, .south of this
Mrs. A. C. Tu'ene a:,d son. Roy.
were anion? the passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they will
visit for the day looking after some
matters of business. .
Joseph Zimmerer, the genial cash
ier of the Avoca bank, was in the
city tociav for a few hours looking
after some business matters anil vis
iting his many friends.
A'or.te Streight and wife arrived in
the city Saturday afternoon on No.
2 for a s-hort visit here at the home
of Mr. Streight's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. O. M. Streight
V. II. Vernier of Myi.ard, accom
panied by his wife and daughter, Miss
i DeFilri. were Dassentrers this morn-
ine for 0mata wbe..e thcy so tn visit
ror the dav in that city.
James Waybright of Crab Bottom,
Ya., who has been spending a short
j time here with hi-- relatives in this
j city, departed this morning for Eos
j Angeles, Calif., where he will vis't for
It he winter at the home of his uncle,
j Morgan "Wayhright, in that city.
Winter Underwear!
Our stocks are very complete
just now in both Union Suits
and two piece garments. You
can gpt Underwear hear for
the whole family.
sir. 'i '-. : ' V
l: r. . - jl x
end Mail, or Bring to Our Store
I. C. Hanson of Omaha came down
Saturday evening1 from Omaha and
spent Sunday here with his mother
and sister.
Chris Tschirren, from west of the
city, was here Saturday to attend to
some week-end shopping wiLh the
w . A. rigr.t was a passenger
: morning for Omaha, where he goes to
lock after some matters of business
! on the stock market there.
i David Amick drove in Saturday aft-
I ernoon from his home rear Mvnard
j to visit here with his friends as well
! as to look after some matters of bus-
P. A. and Henry Meisirger were in
the city Saturday looking after the
week-end shopping with the mer
chants as well as visiting with their
C. M. Seybert and Charles Reihart
of iAHiisville were in the city Satur
dav for a few hours looking after
some matters of business and visiting
with their friends.
John V. Wehrbein and wife, Fred
Kafftnberger ami II. T. Batton mo
tored to Omaha this morning, where
they will visit for the day looking af
ter some matters of business.
B. F. Wiles. Charles Troop and
George W. Snyder were among the
passengers this morning for South
Omaha, where they go to attend a
horse sale being held there today.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church will be entertained by
Mrs. J. M. Roberts and Miss Margaret
Hodgert at the home of Mrs. Roberts
tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30.
Everybody invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Leech and sons,
Lester and Glen, and Mrs. Arthur
Willett of Lincoln, who have been
here for a short visit at the home of
M. W. Thomas and family, departed
this morning on the early Burlington
train for their home.
I have for sale four fine residence
properties in Plattsmouth, all well lo
cated and prices right; just the thing
for retired farmers or anyone wanting
an up to date, modern home in the
best town in Nebraska. T. II. Pol
lock, Plattsmouth. Tel. 215.
I have for sale several good Cass
county farms near Plattsmouth at
from $125 to $150 per acre.
Tel. 215.
The Greenwald Studio. Coates'
block. - 10-31-4td
Depart for New York.
frni Saturdays Dal. .
This afternoon "Uncle" Tom Ken-ni.-di
departed on No. 23 for Omaha
fiom where he goes east to spend the
winter there with his relatives. Mr.
Kennish will stop off for a short visit
at Chicago and from there goes to
Philadelphia and New York, and in
the last named city will spend the
Christmas holidays. He looks for
ward with pleasure to the visit in the
east, but still regrets leaving his
many friends here in Plattsmouth,
where he has made a host of friends.
Anniversary Is Observed by People ol
Nebraska City.
Nebraska. City, Nov. 2. This city
observed an anniversary that in a way
marked the birth of the automobile '
today. However, the oceasiou eon)
nitmorated the advent of the first
steam wagon that ever went on
wheels one that ran fur a short time,
proved a failure and later went to tin
junk pile.
The celebration brought not only
the city people out. I in it uuthtie.!
n.on and ' omen troni the count t-ysid-.-and
attracted Chnncellt r Avery of tlie
state university. ('- S. Paine of the
Srate Historical so i ry, .luuce .1- s'-n
and many other notables. There wns
music and speeches and when 1 1:
porgram was concluded, on Sprint
street, a short distance from the Bur
.iniiton depot, thtie stood unveiled a
led granite monument, with this in
scription on a bronze tabic set in on.
side: Steam Was.-on.
Invented and owned by Joseph R.
lirown of Mii.ti' sota.
Manufactured by .lohn A. Reed
of New York.
Landed at N braka City from Steamer
V; st Wind, .buy 12
Started for Denver.
July 21'. 1.-',2.
Disabled and abnn!oi:'-d
-even miles
The niarber was bc;tt - at what old
settlers assert is the xact spot fnm.
which the steam wagon started on the
memorable trip.
Murder Charge Is Filed Against
Wounded Woman.
Omaha, Nov. 2. A complaint charg
ing murder in tl.
first degree
been llb-j by County Attorney Magi.ey
against .Mrs. Km ma 1 lit-l-: ns. who was
held in connection with the death of
Bruno C. Ilanx'ii at the Pre.-byterian
hospital some time ago. Mrs. Hick' r.s
shot herself, but pi-rtiaily reruverj.l
from the wound. allecc d that
Hans n inllitteil his own fatal wound
in a suicide pact ': Tv.ecn the two. fo'
lowing their c'.oi.- wnit after deserting
their families.
Secretary Says Nation to Keep Clear
of Dissensions Over Seas.
Omaha, Nov. '2 11. -fore :." mem
bers of the Youiic Men's Christian as
sociation, at a dinti"!- -iven in honor
of -117 r. w members o: the associa
tion. Secretary YV. .T. P,ran declared
this nation will not become involved
in the dissensions of the countries
n ross the seas. He pave President
Wilson credit for steering the l'iiit"I
Ftntes ch ar of entancleinent s and for
raaintainirc the stMrt neutrality it Las
( ed.
'Ve have had one and a half yenrs
of unusual opportunities to mal e niis
tnk s." said the secretary, "hut the nr.
tion is now in a position to render a
wot Id service it has never been ah!-.'
to render before."
Secretary l!ryan praised the wo'ic
rf the Youti- Men's Christian associa
tion and to prove his interest in th
fit aanizafion pointed to the fact that
I,e is the oldest continuous member
in Lincoln, having joined in October,
Hurinsr his address the secretary
paid a brilliant tribute to Christ v
ard attached heresies as the products
of idle brains.
Speahins broadly in retrospect the
secretary said:
-I have never lost sipht of the fact
that there is sometlnns ereater ttuir
government. Kemember, voting men
that man's happiness and usefnlnerF
depends upon himself. I have hem
happy upder a Republican povernment
and many are now miserable under
the l est of eovernnints.'
Pioneer Kills Himself by Shooting.
Nebraska City. Nob.. Nov. 2 Uo!
ert Schmidt, one nf the pioneers ot
this section, asred sevent y -nine, com
mitted suicide by shooting himself in
the head because of ill health. He
leaves a widow and one son. He cam
to Nebraska when eighteen years o'!
and was one of the freighters across
the phiins and rode pony express be
,ween Fort Iiramie and Salt Ial:e.
Indian to Ee Missionary In Own Tribe
New York. Nov. 2 Amos K. One
road, who is a full blooded Dakota In
dian. is a student at the bible trach
ers' training school, preparing to sre
hack to Roberts county. South Dakota
for Christian work anions his trib1
Oneroad has the distinction of beins
the fit st Americ an Indian to att r.d
the instittition.
Inman Beats Hoppe.
Toronto. Nov. 2 For the first time
in the international billiard champion
ship series. Melbourne Inman. thf
Enclish champion, pulled out ahead oi
Willie Iloppe by the narrow margin ot
throe in the four days' series played
in this city. The total results of the
four days' plays were: Inman, 2,r."3;
Hoppe. 2.0d0.
Rancher Charged With Cattle Rustling
Tierre. S. D., Nov. 2. Herman Son
cesehein. a rancher on Cheyenne riv
er, has been arrested by the Stanley
county authorities, charged with eat
tie rustling, and brought in for a pre
liminary hearing.
Sulian of Turkey, Who
Is the Latest to Lead
His Subjects Into War.
Peking Dispatch Says German
Fcrt Is About to Succumb.
London. Nov. 2. A dispatch from
IV;. ins says:
-The Jail of Tsinptau is expected
nioiii' nta rily. Loniharuinerit contin
ued strenuously all day, both from
si a an-i l.ind."
Ofacial advices show that a desper
;.:e haul-- is b ing waped at Tsmgtau.
For miles the sea is red with the
flames, from the burning shipyards,
gas reservoirs and he-uses that had
ben set afire by shells from the Jao
se and Initish warships and land
artillery. which are covering the
ru.-hes" of infantry. The Germans,
strongly irtrem bed. are resisting
fiercely. F--it litis has b-e:i damagxl.
Germans Report All Movements of
French Trccps at Frcnt.
Talis, N v. 2. A wire. ess station,
the loc at:on of which has n t been
diss ovc-ied. i- i.e i:g used by the (ier
i:.:;rs to report all niov: mcnts of the
F- euei. 1 1 -----1 .-. ac('.ulir.- to s;: t---:::
ins i ; a . e to C' iieral Cherlils 1
wo-iiiilcd soh'.ie:s who had hc-ii
I hrouuht back f:o:n the front Lvery
e.Vc rt has been made to laiii ii.e i-i.s
Lc;io,i.- on. but with. mt it suit.
(IciuK.l Clitifis mentions this in
i '-istra'ii. i tl.orousl.nt ss of the
if n s t- i.i of making war. Their
absolute kn.iwledr.e of ad e;.rts of the
comfy has pe: u d them to make
advanc e arran- inenis which are seiv
in- them well. At I iissicny a mush
locin p. s'uie was !c tnid to have beer
converted int.- a nmi'hi'-n depot, whil
a sTiot near Fixmude had bem pre
pated lor sou.e tiir.e bt fore to receive
the e T!..:;:i wound, d.
"It is this s-:ei!T;l':c 'rec:sion an'
i;erf c-t method." says C.tneral Cher
tils, '-which has peimittrd trie Germum
to choose so v.. 11 the line from the
Ai.-ue Sim! in of IVa ints. thc-re
to fi'sten a suHcient'y easy res'.stnce
win. h still l-s'.s."
i.i:;m. iri( i:.
IU-i-niia K. u in.lliam, FlaintifT,
S: lll-.e! C'.-lsev I"t At., I t'f'Tib!ltS.
'l' Samuel c'list-v, tlip eiikiniwn heirs
'nud d.-i-e-s of Samuel C'jisey; INitiert
.1. I.aekc v, the unknown heirs and ilt-v-S.-.-S
of l:..l.ei-t .1. Lai-U-y: W. II. Sha
ft!, the unknown heirs and devisees ol
V. i! Sa:cte! : I ia A. Jkycry, Sherwin
'I".' s, Thomas 11. (iiiriiiiii, tlie iin-!.i-ev
i) l .-irs anil devist-es of Thomas
I :. t 'mrdon :
Yon and each f yen will take notice
ti.iU on the I'llrd day of October, A. 1 .
llit;, lleiinia K. Windham tiled l:er pc
tition in the Idstlict I'l.nrt of Cass
'oi: nt y. ' Nebraska, atrain't you ami
each or" vnii, the object and prayer o.
wl i- i! i t'at slip may be ad.judtred the
owner in fee simple of Lot -j, in Hloi k
l: Lot 1, in Block 2; Lots 1. 2. 3 and
!, in lllock ." : Lids 1. ' and . in Hlock
I. ois .". and i. in lllock lu: Lots 1, 1'.
:: am! 1. in Hlock .": l.ets 1. r. and ,
in r.bicU if Lots .". and tl. in Hlock f'.
Lot-j 1 and 2, in lllock 1".; and Lots t,
2. a and 4. in lliock 17. in Townsend's
Addition to I'iattsmonth. Nebraska,
treed from all claim ot an estate oi
interest therein of aid defendants, and
each of tliem, and all persons claiminu
l.v. throcmh or nndrr them, and thai
von be- perpetual! v enjoined from claim
ing anv riirtit. title, interest or riphl
of jiossessinn in and to the same, ad
verse t.i the title of tt i plaintiff", bet
heirs er assitrns. and from interfering
vit!i tie iiiiet and peaceabl' enjoy
ment if said premises by said plain
rii"f: and that a certain bond for a deed
runr.iim from Alfi-d 11. Townsend tc.
the defendant, ltobert J . Lackey, date
MVembcr 2, 1-."X to the nlldivided one
'entii f tl irty acres oft" the south
vide d' the west one-hall of southwest
one-fourth of Sec. 7. Twp. 12. F.nnsre
It in fass- 'innty. Nebraska, and re
corded, in 1 look ".," on pafre 4:1:1 of tlie
Mortsiu;f Lecords of Ca.-s County. Ne
i.ravka, be (ance!b-d and satistiec ol
1-eei.ri!: and that all clouds cast upon
plaintiff's title be removed, and for
such other and further relief as equity
ma v require.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before Mon
day, the Hth clay of December, 1914,
or 'your defaults will be entered there
in and allegations of said petition tak
en as true.
K. IS. WINDHAM, Attorney.
I - , '
V : .... t ?
h: ' . its
Th following proposed amendment t
the of tu State of Nelrask
as tiereinafter set for-b In full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State or .NVhraa
ka. to tie vofd upon ut the general elect ior
to he hcrld Tuesday, November :ird, A. D
"LR a Joint resolution to amend ac-tlot
1 of Article of the Constitution of thi
St:ite of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Bf It Resolved and Enacted by the l'eopH
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of ArtM I
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows:
Ser. 1. The rules of taxation tdiull t
miif,.T-ni na tn siriv cieen c-hls and taxe
to any pir'n cius anci uj
ied tip'oa'stn-ri property as t lie
shall preerib. Taxes
seci oa lni-i.uies. privileges am
shall fie levie
d I . 1 1 i iti nft.
icupatious. vl.i.-h taxes may be praduated
and progressive and reasonaiue e&empi
mav be provided, in addition to those here
inafter pj.c iti.-ally mentioned In aection 1
of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the peneral election lr
November, lull, there shall be submitted
to the elect. of the state fur their lip
f.roval or rejection the forepoiujr propoe!
anienclment to the 'oustit ut in in the fol
lowing form: "ror amendment to th
Constitution providing for uniform and
propresive taxation" and "apain-t said
proposed ani-tidmet.f to tJi c'onstittitiot
providinp for uniform and proj;resiv
Apiroved. March 27. ion.
I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State. 01
tbe State of Nebraska, do tieretv certify
that the for;riiiTip proposed 11 mend tnen I
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braka Is h true and correct copy of the
oripinal enrolled and einrrosicd bill, ai
passed br the Thirty-third session of thf
Legislature of the State of Nebraska. a
appears from said oripinal bill on tlie lr
this office, and that said proposed amend
Dient is submitted to the qualified voter
of the State of Nebraska for t 'neir adopt ior
or rejection nt the peneral election to b
held on Tuesday, the Crd day of November.
A. D. 1014.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand nnd affixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Pone ot Lincoln, tnis 2:ird day of March
in the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred ami Fourteen, and of flu
It: dependence of the I nited States the Otic
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tLii
State the Forty-seventh.
Seal . Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska
s hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the eiector of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the pc-neral election
to he held Tuesday, November Srd. A. D
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section all
6 of Article one (li of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it r.n.-icted by the I'eople of the Stat
cf Nebraska :
Seel ion I- That Section six (t) of Artldi
ar.e Hi of th Constitution of the Stat
of Netiru.ska be amended to read as fol
lows :
M-tlon ft. Tlie ripht of trial hv Jury
iliall remain inviolate; but in all civil case
irnl in criminal eases less than f-lonies.
ivesiths of tiie jiiry may render a ver
li-t ami the Legislature may authorize
rial by a j-iry of a less number than
'"!vf ri-en in umrts rbr to the dia
ri -t conn.
--. . That at the general election for
it" Hi'd l-".'i-;.-itivc offi. ers be .-I1 in
tie St;:te of N' i -raka on the first Tue-d-ic
ft- r ti.e f rst Mond iv in November i r 1 11114
'ore sua il be printed upon the ballot o!
u.-h ele.-tor for his approval or reject ion
!, above and fur'-goltig a tm-ii.t ui.-n t in thf
dow iup form: "l or proposed aniendmeni
- the oi,,tii i,ri .1: providing that in ul
:vi .-;.. ai,,i in criminal cises less than
levies, five-sixths of the jury may rendei
verdi- t." iiiol " Airo :nt the proposed
iei,.lrri..iT m the ( "on s it ut ion provided
'1.1 f ir !! -j i i are! in criminal i-aiii'i
-.s tii in f. i..uie. nve sixths of tue Juri
it r- n b r a t."
Ant :-.n.- l. April L V.X
!. l iisen W nit. Secretary of State, o!
e s: of Nebraska, do hereby certify
ar tin. for.-iroiiip proposed a men d men';
l!ie Constitution of the S!.:te of Nebraskf
a tria- .i., .orr..,-t (-o.y of the oriirina
r..'1-..l a ml .1 grossed as passed by
.e !'!iirn Ihi-il s..,jon .f the Lepj-dat urc
the State cf Nebraska, as appears from
Mi oMi-n..: I. in on hi,, j,, olii-e. am",
iat s.-.i.i ametidmeut is submitted
t'-e iMi;.ih,.d voters of the State of Ne
tor th"ir ii.loption or rejection at
,. p. era) lion to he held on Tuesdav
e :; 1 ,!., v of November, A. I . I!il4.
ir, I stinoeir Whereof. I i,:lve hereunto
r,r ''! al. . fTivc.l the Great Seal ol
e State of Nebraska.
11. 'in- nt l.i!i. i.:t, tlds 2nl dnr of f
1 the veer of our Lord. One Thousatii!
'!" a-ol Four-en,, and of t h
cbu-ei, deuce of r;,e Cnited State the Otic
!,n ;'.',! ' : ' ' v seven til. and of thi
..Mir- liitf rn.l.l KCVl'I'tll.
A Dru se i y pr
lrea. S(s-rlMrr of s t h t.
In the County Court of tl:e County
of Cass, Nebraska.
In He Estate of Hannali i-echrlst, de
T-.i All Persons Interested:
You are lierc-by notified tliat a peti
tion was filed in the above court on the
th dav of October, A. 1. 1'.'14. alleg
ing the death testate of Hannah St-
hrist. a resident of said county on Oc
tober 1. If II, and reouestintr that an
instrument presented therewith pur
porting to be the lust will and testa
ment of said deceased, be allowed and
odmitted to probate as such. :md W
Itosencra ns, be appointed executor
thereof. Thr.t a hearing- will be had
on said petition at the office of tlie
County Judge. Court House, Platts
mouth. Cass i'ountv, Nebraska, on the
4th day of November. A. 1). 1914, at
nine o'clock A. M- at which time or
ders wpl be entered in accordance with
the findings of the court thereon. All
objections thereto must be fileS before
stud hour on said day ul bearing.
Itv the Court
County Judge.
State of Nebraska, Cass County, fs
In County Court, in the matter of the
estate of George H. I'oisr.U, cleceaseu.
Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of said dec-eased that hearings
will be had upon claims tiled against
said estate, before me. County Judge ol
Cass Count v ,' Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in paiii
County, on the 2"rd day of November,
3H14, and on the L'ltli day of May, lir,
ut V o'clock a. in., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said Court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
'Witness my liuncl anci .seal of jsaici
Countv Court, at Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this ;:;icl dav of October. 1914.
County Judge.
The Right Man.
It isn't very often that a busy,
progressive farmer of the caliber that
our friend, Clarence Pool, is, can be
persuaded to run for office. When
hefdoe3 consent to get out and make
the campaign for an office that needs
his services, it is up to the voters of
his district to see that he is elected.
Clarence is a candidate for state rep
resentative from Cass county on the
republican ticket, and it will show
mighty poor judgment on the part of
the electorate here if he isn't the man
that represents this county in the
next legislature. Weeping Water Re-
Tne following proposed amendment t
tbe constitution of the State of Neb-aika,
aa hereinafter net forth in ful. Is mbUitt
ted to the elector of the State cf Nebras
ka, to tie voted upon at the general electioa
to be held Tuewday, November Sid, A. D.
"FOR a Joint renoluc.ii proposlac smen
menta to Section 1. of Articie V, at, a
Section 'JA. of Article V. of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term ol
office and sslary of Governor ana otusi
executive onVers.
Be it KesoDed and Enacted bj the Proplt
of the State of Nebraska:
Sectioo 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative oth'-es. to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding tlie first Mon
day in November. 1HH. the following l4
submitted as amendments to Section 1 and
24. of Article V, of the Constitution ol
Nebraska :
Sre. 1. The execuriTe department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
office for a term of to years from the
frst Thursday after the first Tuesday in
January, next after bin election, and until
bis successor is elected jind qualified. la
addition to tbe Governor, the executive de
partment shall Include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor. Secretary ol
State. Auditor of I'ublic Accounts. Treas
urer. Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Attorney General, and Commissioner vi
Public Lands and Buildings, each of whom
Shall hold his office for tlie term of two
years from the first Thursday sfter the
first Tuesday in January, next after his
election, nnd until bis successor ts elected
and qualified ; Provided, however, that the
first election of said officers sIihII be held
ou the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
in November, 1116. and each succeeding
election shall be held at the same relu'lta
time in eu'-h eveu year thereafter. Tbs
Governor. Secretary of Slate. Auditor of
I'ublic Accounts, and Treasurer nhall re
side at tlie seat of government during thHl
terms of office, and keep the public records,
books and papers there, and shall perform
such duties us may be required by law.
See. 24- The salarv of the Governor shall
be five thousand $."i.xUioi dollars per sn
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of I'ublic Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Building shall
be two thousand five hundred J',."
dollars eact tier annum, and of the Attor
ney General. four thousand cb.ll.iri
($4.000. no 1 per annum, the salary of the
State Treasurer shall be three thousand
(?.'!. (Mtfi.ooi dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own use ar.y feo.
'osts, interests upon public moneys in their
hands, or under their control, perquisites
if office or ocher compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
-,ervi-es performed by an officer provided
for in this article of the constitution shall
be abl tn advance into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowaace for clerk ulrs
tn the offi'-es of the Superintendent oi
Public Instruction and Attorney General.
Sec. t. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday In Noretn
ber. 1114. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, fixing the term
of office anci salary for governor, and otuer
executive officers." and "axalust proposed
.mien. uncut to the constitution, fixing ttia
term of office and salary for governor, and
other executive officers."
Approved. April 21. 1613.
I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do "hrby crtlfy
that the foregoing proposed aniendmeni
to the Coiistlf ution of the State of Nebraska
is a true and correct eoj.v of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
tlie Thirty-third K-tin of the Legistaf lira
of the State of Nebraska, as appears from
said original bill 011 file in this ortb-e. mid
that said proposed amendment Is submitted
to the qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday
the iird day of November, A. II. inn
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Heal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 2.1 rd day of March.
1 the J1" our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred end Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the liiited State the Oris
Hundred Hn.l Tliirt v-eventh, and of this
Slate the Forty -Keren t li.
Iall Secretary of Stat.
T. II. Pollock, rialntiff.
Cassandra IT. Stone, and the unknown
Heirs nnd Devises of Cussandra L.
Stone, Deceased.
To Cassandra E. Stone, and tbe un
known Heirs and Devisees of Cas
sandra E. Stone, deceased. Defendunts
in the above entitled action.
You and each of you are hereby
notified tha Plaintiff has commenced a
suit against you in the District Court
of Cass County. Nebraska, for tlie pur
pose of quietins; th. title of. the
Plaintiff In and to the following- de
scribed real estate In Ca Countv.
Nebraska, to-wit: Lot S In Block 2
in the city of Plattsmouth. and for the
purpose of establishing adverse posses
sion, and to exclude each of you and
all persons claiming by, through or
under y-ou from having or claiming
any interest, right, estate lien or title
thereon, either legal or equitable in premises and to forver enjoin
you and each of you from in any man
ner interfering with the title and pos
session of this PlaintifT and those
claiming or holding through or under
him and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the ICth. day of
November, A. D. 1914. and in failing so
to do your default will be duly entered
T. Tl. Pollock. T-.alntlff.
By A. L. Tidd, His Attorney.
10-5-4 wks
i.i:;ai. xotici:.
Ellen C. Windham, I laintiff,
John Sohniter Et Al., Defendants.
To John Scliniter. the unknown heirs
and devisees of John Sc-hniter; Shake
speare Doves, the unknown heirs ami
devisees of Shakespeare Moves; Wil
liam Sneider, the unknown heirs and
devisees of William Sneider; David
iSeelie, the unknown heirs and devisees
of David Iteebo; H. L. Le vi, the un
known heirs and devisee:, of H. L 1-vi:
Anton Jozeflc-k. tlie unknown heirs and
devisees of Anton Jozefick; James M.
Jamison, S. Hyers. .1. V. Doud. the un
known heirs and devisees of J. F.
Doud; Michael E. Barinin. Elizabeth It.
Hesser, Frank I. Van Dorn, Eva L.
Harris, defendants:
You and each of you will take notice
that on the 13th clay of Oc tober. A. D.
1914, Ellen C. Windham tiled her peti
tion in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska, against you and each t.f
vou, the object and prayer of which Is
that she be adjudged the owner in fee
simple of Lots 3, 4, ." and 6, In Hlock
9r,, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska: and Ia1
1, in moc k 2-': Lot 10. In Hlock 22 : Lot
::. in Hlock s. all in South Park Addi
tion to said City of Plattsmouth. freed
from all claims of an estate or Interest
therein of the defendants, and each of
them, and of all persons claiming" by.
through, under them, and that you and
each of you be perpetually enjoined
from claiming any right, title, interest
or right of possession in the same ad
verse to the title of this plaintiff, her
heirs or assiens; and frm Interfering
with the nuiet and peaceable enjov-
ment of said premises by said plaintiff;
and that a certain mortgage dated Feb
ruary the 3rd. 1KSR. given by Albert N.
Sullivan to Defendant Eva L. Harris on
Lot 1. in Hlock 22. in South Park Addi
tion to Plattsmouth, Nebraska, lie can
celled, the sari having been paid. Tlie
plaintiff alleges open, actual an ad
verse possession of said lota for a per
iod of more than ten years. Plaintiff
prays for such other and further relief
as may be equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 21st dav of
December. 1914. or your default will
duly entered therein.
KL.L.l-:i c;. i.mhiam,
P.. B. WINDHAM. Plaintiff.