The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 29, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any x-ial
event or i'em of iiilftei-t in
l liis vicinity, and will mail
same to I iiis ofnVe. it will ap-It-ar
under this lit" ailinr. We
want all iit-w.ilc o.s-F.iitok
z c. 3ri- rai u , mm i lxi
O.- -JL LJ&LLir
Put this kiki oi
- .i,v, V i,oc o TTTTTTr Tf)OK
; anv Dullness man iu j
OVE?v HI3 HEAD. CERTAINLY he has. He couldn t go busi
ness er.i he couldn't live at hone unlcrs he had. Wore and mere
NEATH t' c COVERS of a EANX ECOX. Of course you want to
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
O ir deposits are protected by th- State Guaranty Law.
lit it Y
J. I. I.t
i:. i
-eveie a!!
tng .-jwnt List Sunday with
ii :ir.d family.
wis is recovering from a
, k of tonsil it is.
r. iux
John Y.'irtiit": was: a I'latts-
i.-t S;.turd;iv,
.Mt'Hi-N v.
i I'latt.-rm
i-; transact ing bus
nth Motulav.
ar.d wife were I'latts
Saturday afternoon.
(It o.
VXtiiil Vi'sitol
! Coo l was amnnj those tran- i
srutmc ' ;jsine.-s iti Plattsmouth last j
Saiurua;-. j
Take dirre'' ar.d supper with the !
l.i. i;es on election day, Nov. 3d, at ,
Xhv 'r-ri-tiari church.
.Mi-s V;'ia i"ajen, 'i,n is attendin
.-d:v, ;.t IV; t;. visited with hr-m
f,!'.s i". : ,; ;",.v i.ouis Sundav.
lr. Jake!, Mi ; R. F. Rren- f
.- :,-- .;-i t, ..,,.1 -vt.- t' i m.
vi sitcu
her pa
f r i eiu's
I Will
I bu
Mr--. W. E. Jenkins is listed anions
the sik this week.
Mrs. ('lias. Schwab was calling on
the unay merchants Tuesday.
Mark White and wife made a busi
ness, trip to Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Prank Dugay was ti r.nsacting bus
iness in Piuttsmouth Saturday tvt
r in ;r.
!' T? On..n v:is with
.'1 IS.
friends and looking after
Plattsmouth Haturdav.
business in
oe! o Avoca Tuesday
on Arner.dnient No. ::fv..
ti '.i d.i.-. Peeause A Pemocracy is a
t'.'Vc! of the bv the peo
ple ar.d for th. pti.;-)!-, and women are
v lli 't-ler
Mi-s Marie Kienim was a passen
r for PL'ttsmouth Thursday wl.ere
she will have some dental work done.
P. I., llhoden ar.d wife, T. J.
Mlemm and Miss Nickels motored to
Mardey and other western Cass points
Mrs. L. T). Hiatt went to Platts-
th J uesday f -er.inir. whole si.e
over no nt at tne Home ot
V.nn:;. M
!:r.e ;.i:ia ni
teT!j..-d tie 1-
I.:s. lAJL'l:rid-e, S. ().
s ir-itrude. Pons. Pau
nd Maiirie Walker at
t.iie uiven lv Pr. Anna
rhur.-day eer.inir.
Pv.a Nickels Wi;s a Platts-
day of this week,
nd wife departed
ii tor Wood River,
iiey will visit tlieir
Pora Prosser.
Amerclment No. :):)i',f
ni'j-t obey the law as
-e wi.iiicn must pay
do; be.ause mothers
to protect their ehii
's ilo; becau.--e .". 00O
v f.n:en in Nebraska
their inter-
! Mrs
! home
last I
j itinr
Mae Lewis calling' on
in Union Tuesday afternoon.
Oliver, sr.. was 1 1 ansactiti.LT
in Plattsmoath Tuesdav.
I. (.'. Uhoden returned
from Fairbury Nebraska,
rid.iy where slie l;as been vis
v.'ith ulatives and friends.
Miss Marzie Walker was an Oma
ha visitor Tuesday.
(I. M. M in ford was a business vis
itor in Omaha Monday.
M. (L Churchill and family made a
trip to Lincoln in their auto Monday.
J. A. Walker and P. C. PJiodeii
were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday
Col. Jenkins and Elmer Boedeker
were Plattsironth visitors Wednes
day afternoon.
The election dinner and supper
will be served at the Christian church
on election day.
Several of the corn buskers of tihs
locality have been sutforins: with
sp'-ained wrists.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Nickels and two
little sons were Murray and Piatt s
mouth visitors Wednesday.
Coventor Morehead made a short
v in Murray last Friday, meeting
quite a number of the voters of this
.Mrs. John Rutherford of Platts
mouth, was in Murray last Sunday, a
.truest at the home of Mrs. W. K.
Pull for the day.
Miss Emma Wheeler departed Wed
nchday mornimr for Newcastle, where
she v.ii! visit with Mr. ami Mrs. Clem
Whitehead for a few days.
B rt Philpot, the rustling automo
bile man from Weeping Water, was in
Murray for a few hours Wednesday,
lookin "r after auto business.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. S. O. Pitman were
at tlie Brandies Monthly evening to
hear Harry Lauder. They were join
ed at Plattsmouth by Mr. ami Mrs.
(ilen Pawls.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller, Mr.
i'.nd Mrs. Ed. Lutz, anil son Paul, of
Plattsmouth, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hiatt
List Saturday.
Miss Myrtle Standish, who has
been teaching school over in Iowa
this term, is takinjf a couple of weeks
vacation, and is visiting with the
many friends at the old home in and
near Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivcr Standish, who
have been visiting with Murray rela
tives and friends for the past few
lays, departed Monday niorninjr for
their home in Kansas.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Leonard has been on the sick list for
the past few days.
County Commissioner Julius Pit,
was lookine: after tome business mat
ters in Murray Wednesday of this
Pr. (I. H. Cilmore made two pro
fessional visits to Lincoln this week,
both of which were made via the auto
Chr.s. Sans, W. (I. Boedeker and
C!ias, Boedeker were in Omaha visi
tors Monday of this week, making the
trip in the car of Mr. Sans.
Win. Puis, James Loufrhridjtre. W.
Vt. Boedeker, Cameron Cathy and S.
O. Pit nuMi attended the Elks Clam
Bake in Omaha Thursday of Jast
week. They report a ery fine time.
Pr. Bert You ns has been number
ed with the sick for the past few days.
Ed. Lewis lias been suffering for
the past few days witii a severe at
tack of tonsil it is.
J. L. Voting, of Caleridire. Neb.,
was visiting old Murray friends and
relatives over last Sunday, returning
to South Omaha Monday morning,
where he was on the market for the
purpose of buy ins a few car loads of
feeding cattle.
Mrs. (I. P. Connelly has been ill
for the past few days, and at one time
her condition was considered quite
serious, but is improvinir. Her son
John, who has been in Omaha for t he
past few days where he was just
reauy to undergo an now
:.t the .old Murray home, where he will
remain until his mother has sufficient
ly improved for him to enter the hos
pital. Alvador and Perry Nickels, the two
vnumr sons of .Mr. and .Mrs. Alf.
Nickels, have teen r.ursiris sore arms
this week as the result of the younsr
Luis endeavoring to crank up the auto
a few davs ajro. Aivador suffered
quite a severe misplacement of the
bones in the elbow, while Perry was
not m seriously injured, but was
struck quite hard by the engine kick
ins hack.
::: -u.ii v i . ;ior 1 lie
P. P.. N'ii-kels J
iirnl ;y al, i P..
Nebr., where
daughter Mrs.
We yes. on
Lecau.-e women
men do; beta'
taxes, as men
need the ba'lot
drn. as falhei
ware earn i tie-
-t to protect
F. L. Rhoden motered up to
county seat l uesoay aiternoor. lie
was licjcmpar ied by Mrs. Rhoden,
Mi..s Ida Good and Miss Etta Nick
els. The ladies of the K. N. K. will
hob! their rejrular lmsiness ineetinjr
with Miss Etta Nickels, Saturday.
Nov. 7, P14. .ll members are re
quested to be present.
'"Missouri Bill" Randolph and fam
ily have moved from Murray, depart
iS this week for Waubonsic, Iowa,
where they will make their future
heme. Their many Murray friends
wish them all the happiness imaginable.
You won't kick yourself for oversleeping these
mornings if you have one of our alarm clocks.
The price
55c to
$1.50 Each
Polly Prim Cleaner will scour as clean as any
Special 10c Size for 5c
Four cans Rex or American Lye for
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel en
tertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. B. P. BrendeL Pr. Will Brendel
and wife, of Avoca, Mr. and .Mrs.
Will Seybolt. Mrs. Amanda Parr and
Miss Emma Wheeler, of Sheridan.
jlnd., Mr. Arthur Baker and daush
;ter. Opha, and Miss Eda Marquardt.
Mrs. P. L. Amic-k, who has been
making a visit at the home of her son
I. L. Amk-k, at Monticello, Ark., has
been very sick for the past few days.
Sl;e had been suffering from an at
tack of remittent fever, and was re
covering very nicely when a relapse
set in, and in a message to Mr. Amick
at home, came the sad news that her
condition was very serious. This will
be sad news to the many friends of
Mrs. Amick.
.Miss Police, of Plattsmouth, who
conducts the Sanitary Beauty Parlor
in the county seat, was in Murray
Wednesday delivering a numer of or
ders that she had previously sold to
the ladies of .Murray. Miss Bonire
not only handles a number of the
best lemcdies for the face, hands and
hair, bet she also jrjves massages.
maniciM-ins, and treats the scalp at
her purlors at the Pease millinery
store in Plattsmouth, where she will
be pleased to meet any of the ladies
of tin's community.
Uncle Sam Latta took a number
of the delegates to the Sunday School
convention at Weepintr Water last
Thursday in his bis auto. Now that
bis Burs car of Uncle Sam's came
from over in Illinois, and of course
is a slranser in Nebraska, and did
not know the way to Weeping Water,
and sot lost. Now everyone in
this locality well knows that Uncle
Sam has resided in this locality for
xne past inty years or more, and
well knows, or should know the road
to every town in the county.
The following were the delegates
from Murray who attended the Sun
day School convention at Weeping
Water last week: From the Chris
tian Sunday School, Mr. and Mrs. I.
M. Davis, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Bren-
dle, A. L. Baker, ;. M. Reed, K. L.
Kniss, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Lulu
Ramse. From the Presbyterian Sun
day School, Rev. H. B. Hutchman,
Miss Ida Boedeker, Mrs. Cassie
Lloyd, Mrs. Eliza Young, A. M.
Holmes, Mrs. W. S. Smith, Miss Neva
Latta, Jas. Latta, Mrs. II. G. Todd
and Mrs. Thos. Brown,
The library meet ins Tuesday eve
nins was well attended, and a very
enthusiastic meet ins it was. Mrs.
Katheiine Gapen called the meeting
to order ar.d presided during the eve
nins. The resignation of Mrs. Mc
Donald as president, made it neces
sary to select another, and Mr. Lee
ini.s.s was unanimously chosen for
the !ace. Mr. Kniss was present
ami accepted the responsibility. Mr.
Kniss has always been very interested
in the library work, and we are sure
of having a good leader for the next
j ear.
Report of the state federation was
made by Irs. Pitman and Pauline
The plans for conducting the bus
iness for the year was transacted and
arrangements made to buy the books
at once.
As the books stood Tuesday evening
our memiiorsiup so iar tins vear is
1 he next meeting will take place
on Tuesday evening. Nov -Jth.
Doins a Good Busine
Baker & Nickels, the genial Mur
ray Hardware men nave been doing
a genuine good business for the past
few weeks in almost every depart
ment of their store. The furnace and
stove business would naturally be
good at this season of the year, but
in addition to this thev have been en
joying a good business in the other
lines. This is simply due to the fact
that the boys always treat their pat
ions right at all times Their prices
are right and the goods arc right. If
all business men possessed these ex
cellent qualifications they would all do
business at most any old time of the
. ea r.
A number of Buff Orpington Cock
rels and Pullets, also a number of
White Orpington Rose Comb Cock
rcl.s. .Mrs. J. II. Brown,
.Murray, Nebraska.
All sorts of political complications
will be encountered by the Nebra ka
voter when he goes to cast his vote
on November 3. He will find, in the
first place, that he .s expected to
mark four different ballots. He will
also note a change in the usual ar
rangement of parties on the regular
Democratic - populist- candidates
come first on the ticket this year,
by virtue of the fact that Wood row
Wilson received the highest vote for
president in P'lJ. The progressive
nominees will get second place, based
on the Roosevelt vote of two years
ago, and the republicans will have to
content themselves with their posi
tion. Fourth place goes to the so
cialists, and fifth to the prohibition
ists. On the regulation ballot this year
the voter will find the usual party
circles, together with three constitu
tional amendments submitted by the
legislature, taxation reform, five
sixths jury verdicts and increased
salaries for state officers, and all the
candidates for state, congressional,
legislative, county anil local offices
from governor down.
Another ballot will contain the pro
posed constitutional amendment for
equal sulfrage and the referendum
propositions on the Nebraska Ciiyt
armory appropriation and the work
men's compensation.
A third will carry the single prop
osition of university campus extension
or removal.
The fourth will have the names of
judicial candidates without any par
tisan label.
This afternoon, about 2:15, while
John Goucheuour, accompanied by
Will Egenberger, Henry Eikenbary
and an insurance adjuster, were mo
toring from this city out to the farm
of Mr. Couehenour to adjust the loss
of a hay stack that hail been burned
a few days ago, they met with an ac
cident that resulted quite seriously
for Mr. Gouchenour. When only a
shoit distance from the city, near the
Btins farm, on the road running east,
the steering apparatus of the automo
bile became out of fix, and in spite
of all the driver, M' Gouchenour,
could do, ran into a bank at the road
side with great force, throwing John
out onto the road and resulted in a
sprained ankle as well as severe
bruises on the shoulders and face and
a large section of skin being torn
from his face near the light eye. The
other members of the party were bad
ly shaken up, but escaped without
serious injury. The injured man was
brought back to this city by J. E
Kirby, who resides only a short dis
tance from the scene of the accident
and the injuries were dressed and the
W. D. Wheeler drove in yesterday
afternoon from his home, south of this
city, and spent a few hours here vis
iting with his friends as well as doing
some trading.
Hard coal heater for sale cheap if
taken soon. Telephone 4-N, Murray,
Nebraska, or call on R. M. Shrader.
Gasoline Engine for Sale.
Secfind-lind International, in
ffotiil condition, three horse-power,
for sale cheap, at the Journal
made as comfortable as possi
This morning Jack Gannon, who
gave his residence as the whole wide
world, and who had apparently no
definite plan of existence, was taken
in by Chief of Police Rainey, when
Gannon fell on the sidewalk in front
of the Goos hotel with great violence
that threatened to dent the concrete
walk quite badly, but did not jar
Jack, who was gathered up by Chief
Rainey and taken ove- to the jail to
rest up from his overload of liquid
spirit in order that he may be in beU
ter shape to receive his 'needings
at the hands of Judge Archer. Jack
claims to have had a very exciting
career during his existence on earth,
having been a member of the regular
army, and he says he has been in
Africa and other strange parts of the
wo'ld in his travels, but the stories
sound very much like they were the
inventions of a fertile imagination.
Can't look well, eat well, or feel
well with impure hiooit. lveep tne
lood pure with Burdock Blood Bit
ters. Eat simply, taKe exercise, iyci
clean, and good neaitn is pretty t-uie
to follow. $1.00 a bottle.
:o :
Dr. J. IL Hall of near Murray was
. , i A - .1 . . f rv - fnnr V. 1 1 T C pn
in tne city touaj "-o ...
ouie home from South Omaha, where
j he was on the market with a load of,
The Time Will Soon Be Here
when you will need that new Heater. We want
call your attention to the Favorite
Round Oak Heaters,
and Room Heaters...,
There are no hetter stcves and heating plants on the
market than the Round Oak.
Murray, - Nebraska
We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the
demand permits.
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment Relating to Taxation.
Intended to Open the Way For Increas
ing Taxes on the Lands of the State
and to Wipe Out Exemptions of
Church Property.
What does it mean what is the ob
ject of the proposed constitutional
amendment Number One? It relates
to taxation. Every bit of taxable
property in Nebraska is directly af
fected by it, and its adoption by the
pe.ople would work a great change in
the methods of taxation. It is pro
losed bv the ssinele tax contingent in
Nebraska. It opens the door for fur
ther exemptions of property from tax
levies. It is the opening wedge for
the introduction of the tingle tax the
ories as a untied to the taxation of
property in this state.
As everybody knows, the single tax
idea is to exempt all personal prop
erty from assessment. This includes
all buildings, merchandise stocks, ani
everything contained in buildings in
short, everything above ground. The
single taxers would place the whole
but den of taxation upon the lands
This would work an untold hardship
upon the farmers and other land own
eis of Nebraska. In the opinion of
the Lraeue of Omaha Taxpayers, the
proposed amendment is a dangerous
i-'ection 1 of article IX of the consti
tution of Nebraska reads as follows:
The legislature shall provide
such revenue as may be needful,
by levying a tax by valuation, so
that every person and corporation
shall pay a tax in proportion to
the value of his, her or its prop
erty and franchises, the value to
be ascertained in such manner as
the legislature shall direct, and it
shall have power to tax peddlers,
etc., in such manner as
it shall direct by general law, uni
form as to the class upon which
it operates.
The nenilinsr amendment which Is
submitted to the voters at the election
November 3 reads as follows:
The active work on the new curbing
and guttering on South Sixth street
was commenced this morning when
the work of erecting the forms for
the concrete was started, and the
work will be pushed right along. The
work is to be carried out by the B. &
M. Concrete company, who had charge
of the work on the North Sixth street
and Third street districts, which have
proven so successful. The adoption
of this method of taking care of the
streets has certainly proven a suc
cess in the localities where it has
been tried and taken away a great
deal of the expense of the street work
which was before to be done over and
over again, but without any real good
ever being secured; but under the
curbing and guttering system, this
is overcome to a large extent and the
improvement made along these lines
is certainly one that will be appre
ciated in the long run by the tax-payers
of the city, although the first out
lay may seem quite large, but it shows
in the end that it is the cheapest af
ter all.
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
17m. R. Young
Careful attention to Public Sales
Kates are Reasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - - - Nebraska
This morning a young man, giving
the name of James Franklin Milligan,
and his residence as Tarkio, Mo., made
his appearance at the ofi'ice of County
Judge Beeson with a request that he
be given a marriage license. As the
bride to be was not in company with
the groom, and had failed to arrive
in the city, the judge decided to
await the coming of the future Mrs.
Milligan before issuing the license.
The lady, Miss Edna Cunningham,
who gave her home as Oklahoma City,
arrived on No. 4, and being met by
the groom at the train, at once pro
ceeded to the court house and secured
the necessary license, going from
there to the office of Justice M. Arch-
, .i -
er, wnere tne ceremony was per
formed. The contracting parties stat
ed that they desired to surprise their
friends at home over the event, and
for this reason came to Nebraska to
have the knot tied.
L. F. Langhorst in City.
This morning L. F. Langhorst mo
tored over from his home at Elm
wood to visit for the day here look
ing after the interests of the demo
cratic county committee, of which he
is the chairman. Mr. Langhorst has
been very busy the past few weeks,
and thinks the chances of the demo
crats in the county are constantly
improving in every way.
Hans Tarns departs today for the
west, where he goes to take up his
work for the Burlington in his posi
tion of traveling carpenter of the
company, lie has been employed ex
tensively in Wyoming and the western
lines during the past two years, espe
cially on the Wyoming extension.
fPilCt FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
Ik 1 1 W a mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
eured' DR. TARRY Bo Building Omaha. .