The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Think of the Company
behind the car and you'll realize why
Fords and Government bonds are bought
with equal assurance. Strongest finan
cially world-wide in scope -largest m
volume of output. We build our repu
tation into the car and guarantee ser
vice afterwards.
Runabout $440. Tourinjr Car $490. Town Car $G90
f. o. b. Detroit. Complete with equipment. Dovey
& Co. Shipment received next week. Orders by con
tract will be tilled first.
One Used Car for
Sale Cheap!
Two Farmers on the West Side of the
County Held Up and Itobbed of
All They Had, but Are Caught.
F"One Motorcycle for quick sale.
One of the most pleasing shows of
the season that has visited Omaha is
now on at the Gayety there this week.
It is "Follies of the Day," and is one
of the cleverest productions that the
Columbia circuit has put out for some
time, and the company presenting it
is composed of the best actors and
actresses on the circuit. The central
idea of the show is a novelty in itself,
and is woven around the work of a
quartet of famous impressarios who
endeavor to discover what the public
desires in the way of rmuseraent and
embraces four of the leading figures
in the world of theatrical managers
w ho are backing grand opera, the dra
ma, musical comedy anJ the burlesque
show. The efforts of these four clev
er gentlemen are one of the leading
features of the show, and their work
is about as clever as can be seen in
any theatre of the country. The set
tings of the show are beautiful and
the musical numbers of the production
are in keeping with the usual tuneful
offerings of the Gayety and include
a large number of new and clever song
hits. Miss Gertrude Haynes with her
four "bricktops" are among the
pleasing features of the show, and the
star and her associates are all to the
eood on their singing and dancing. A
laughable travesty, "Three Weeks,'
also was received with much approval
Ly the audience.
Hopeless Lung Trouble Cured.
Many recoveries from Lung
Troubles are due to Pr. Bell's Pine
Tar-Honey. It strengthens the Lungs,
checks the Cough and gives relief at
once. Mr. W. S. Wilkins, Gates, N.
C. writes: "I used Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
in a case given up as hopeless
and it effected a complete coure." Get
a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
If your cough is dry and hacking let
it trickle down the throat, you will
surely get relief. Only 25c at your
Try the Journal for stationery.
ppc (fife fltamp
t :;;-;rH'!illrl:iJi:i:iiviu !.), ., .
" Jii,. '-r. 4 AtfSfvM j..i!;t S'liiliiM.ii, ill
.nl see i SiSfliM
A Strictly High-Grade Range Lined
Troughout With Fence Copper!
All nickle parts are plain -and rounded front surface,
without any rivets or bolt heads to mar the finish; also
hinges are invisible
A Copper Lined Body Will Last a Life Time!
A Malleable Top Will Last a Life Time!
Ain't that a good combination and being linked with the
Incomparable beauty of design and finish, it puts the
range in a class by itself.
To be fully convinced of the beauty of this range, call
at our store the first time you are near, and see.for yourself.
Furnished with or without legs.
From Saturday Dally.
Sheriff Quinton returned yesterday
afternoon from Weeping Water
bringing with mm trea Davis and
John Dees, the two men wanted for
holding up William .Nesteel, near
Elmwood, on Thursday, as well as a
similar offence committed near Eagle
on Wednesday night, when a man
named Wright was held up and re
lieved of a watch, knife and a small
sum of money. It seems that after
holding up Nesteel, near Elmwood,
the men visited the village of Wabash
and broke into a store there, securing
several cans of beans as well as ci
gars and chewing gum and a leather
belt which they successfully made
away with. The sheriff, arriving at
Elmwood early in the morning, was
joined by Mr. Nesteel and Ed. Dorr,
who,' securing an auto, started in pur
suit, having learned of the burglary
at Wabash, and going there took up
the trail of the two men who were
finally located in a piece of timber
between Wabash and Weeping Water
where they sought to hide from the
officer. While the men were on the
run, one of them, in crossing a small
slough, fell and cut quite a severe
gash on the right side of his head,
and was captured by the sheriff who
was only a short distance behind the
men at the time pursuing them
through the woods. A. shot from the
revolver of the sheriff stopped the
flight of the man, Davis, and he too
was handcuffed and placed in the au
tomobile to be brought to this city
for lodgment in jail. As soon as the
men were locked in the cells at the
jail Sheriff Quinton summoned Dr.
Martin to dress the wound of the man
who had been injured in the fall and
which required several stitches to
close the wound. They are both very
young men in appearance, seemingly
only about 19 or 20 years of age, and
were attired in overalls as if they
had been engaged in farm work of
some sort. They seemed not to be
affected in the least by their position
in being placed in jail, but laughed
and joked among themselves as to
the fact of their condition, and the
young man, Dees, who had the injured
head, was apparently not suffering
in the least from his injury, although
it was quite an ugly looking wound.
Returns From Colorado.
From Saturday's Dally
Yesterday Uncle Lig Brown re
turned from Colorado, where he has
been making a short visit there at
the home of his neict; and family at
Fort Morgan, in that state. Uncle
Lig enjoyed his visit, but finds that
Nebraska is a mighty good place to
be in during the winter months or any
other time, for that matter.
From a Plattsmouth Citizen.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after exer
tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney
region ?
These symptoms suggest weak kid
neys. If so, there is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys get fast weaker.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Your neighbors use and recommend
Read this Plattsmouth testimony:
Jonathan Hatt, general store keep
er, 414 Main street, Plattsmouth,
says: "I consider Doan's Kidney Pills
a very good remedy for backache and
other kidney troubles. They have prov
en their value to me. Others of my
family have also tried Doan's Kidney
Pills, procured at Gering & Co.'s Drug
Store. They think just as much of
them as I do."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Hatt had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. J. B. Highly and daughter,
Mrs. Rhoda Cotner, were among the
passengers this morning for Omaha,
where they go to spend the day look
ing after some matters of business.
Misses Annie and Clara Wohlfarth
were among the passengers this
morning on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where they will look after
pome matters of business in that city.
Candidates Get Very Active.
From Saturday's Dally.
' The nearness of election time,
which is a week from next Tuesday, is
causing a great acticity among the
different candidates throughout the
state and county and from now on the
common voter will get his in being
rounded up by some of the seekers
after public office, and already to ven
ture on the street is to have three or
four candidates jump on a man at
once to attempt to secure his assist
ance at the polls. However, after the
election there will be a great period
of rest for the weary.
From Saturday's Dally.
Yesterday a new daughter made her
appearance at the home ol Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Ofe and it, of the regu
lation size and weigh, ami a fine lit
tle girl in every way. The manv
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ofe will le
pleased to learn of the good fortune
that has fallen to their lot, and will
trust that the new daughter may live
to be a joy and comfort to her par
ents in the years to come.
The stork also made a visit this
morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Krecklen in the south part of
the city and left with them a new
son and heir, who is about as fine a
specimen of a lad as can be found in
this locality. The advent of the new
son is the source of great joy to the
parents as well as th3 friends of the
Cass County Sends Top Hogs.
From Saturday's Dally.
Peter Gakemeier of Louisville
topped the market today with a load
of good, healthy hogs of his own
raising. Mr. Gakemeier was here a
short while back and received the top
of the market for his hogs at that
time and he is very much pleased
with his sale today. There were sixty-two
head in the load, averaging
191) pounds. These hog? were not in
a finished condition, but were a
bunch of good, even hof. He reports
that farmers are busy shucking corn
which will average 15 to 20 bushels
more than last year. Wheat is com
ing up in fine shape, the ground be
ing in a moist condition and pros
pects in general are good. South
Omaha Drover's Journal-Stockman.
Last Saturday afternoon Gus Kno
flicek departed on No. 2 for Chicago,
where he goes to meet his little
daughter, Agnes, who has arrived in
New York from Prague, Bohemia,
where for the past Ixvy years she has
been studying the violin in that city
Miss Knoflicek is one of the lnct
talented young violinists in the west,
and while studying here under Prof,
Kolbaba and other instructors devel
oped a most wonderful talent in the
playing of this instrument that was
the marvel of all who had the pleas
ure of hearing her and it was to furth
er develop the wonderful playing of
the leading ladv that he was
under the leading violinists of Vo
hemia and in the city of Prague she
entered upon her studies and has de
veloped quite rapidly into one of the
most proficient pupils of the musical
world there. The outbreak of the war
which has demoralized all Europe
caused great uneasiness to the par
ents of Miss Knofl'cek, who at once
through thcvUnited Str.tes govern
ment began to take stpt to nave her
brought back to the United States,
and after several months of anxious
waiting she arrived at New York Fri
day and has started on her journey
west and arrived in Chicago yester
day and will at once start
IMattsmouth with her father.
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Republican Candidate for Congress First District
on to
Your Stomach and Liver
A vigorous Stomacr , perfect work
ing Liver and regular acting Bowels
is guaranteed if you will use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They insure
good Digestion, correcr Constipation
and have an excellent tonic effect on
the whole system runty your
blood and rid you of all body poisons
through the Bowels. Only 21c at your
Yesterday was an epen date with
the football team, owing to the fact
that there was a misunderstanding
over the dates scheduled with the
California Athletics of Omaha, and as
a consequence of the matter the fans
were deprived of witnessing their
weekly game. The team, however,
was given a thorough working out at
the ball park, in order to fit them for
the next contest that they will have
on their hands on next Sunday. The
boys from here were advertised in the
Omaha papers yesterday to play the
Columbias of that city at the Rourke
park, but this was a mistake, as the
team will not go thero until the 8th
of November to play. The line-up as
printed in the metropolitan papers
was certainly a poor guess.
A Marvelous Escape.
"My little boy had a marvelous
escape, writes 1. i isastians of
Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope.
"It occurred in the middle of the
night. He got a very severe attack
of croup. As luck would have it, I had
a large bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in the house. After
following the directions for an hour
and twenty minutes he was through
all danger." Sold by aii dealers.
I have for sale several good Cass
county farms near Plattsmouth at
from $125 to $150 per acre.
These are all worth the money.
Call and get particulars.
Tel. 215.
Mrs. Maude Test of Mitchell, S. D.,
and three children, who have been
here visiting at the home of Mrs.
Test's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Propst, for the past three weeks, will
depart this evening for their home.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Our old friend, R. I T'ropst, of My-
nard, on Thursday, October 1, passed
his sixtieth milestone of life's high
way and his family yesterday decided
to celebrate the event 1 y giving the
father a royal time. For the occasion
all the children were present arouix
tne lestal hoard wnere i- most sump
tuous dinner was served that wou!
nave graced tne banquet ot a prince,
and there was nothing omitted to
make the occasion most complete in
every way. It is unnoeessarv to sav
that the guest of honor was delighted
as the children and grandchildren
gathered with him to pass the day,
and the event will lon be fondly re
membered by the entire family. The
friends of Mr. Propst throughout the
county will rejoice witli him in having
parsed this period ef time with them,
and trust that he may enjoy many
more birthdays before he is called
hence. The beautiful home of the
Pronst familv has been the scene of
many pleasing entertainments, but
none more so than the familv reunion
held yesterday.
N'ursa Whose Face Was
Slapped by Mrs. Carman
Witness at Murder Trial.
, -y- ;. a-V; - v;-:
At the witching hours of 8 o'clock
Friday evening, forty Juniors of the
local High school hiked to their ren
dezvous, where a camptire had been
prepared and was awaiting them.
Everyone immediately joined hands
in an Indian war dance to the tune
of "Chicka-Ga-Runk-Garee-Garee."
More civilized amusements, such as
drop the handkerchief, charades and
three deep, followed oi:d were very
much enjoyed by the young people.
By the time the games and festivit
ies were over there was a splendid
bed of coals in which the juicy wee
nies were roasted to a queen's tasie.
The sandwiches and the bright, spark
ling apple cider were most refreshing
after the strenuous games of the oc
casion. The latter part of the even
ing was spent in story telling and
singing before the open grate fire in
the bungalow. Beyond a doubt the
occasion was a very pleasant one and
the members of the. class feel that
they are certainly a bunch of live
ones when it comes to providing en
tertainment for their class parties.
Apply Sloan's Freely for Lumbago.
Your attacks of Lumbago are not
nearly so hopeless as they seem. You
can relieve them almost instantly by
a simple application of Sloan's Lini
ment on the back and loins. Lumbago
is a form of rheumatism, and yields
perfectly to Sloan's which penetrates
quickly all in through the sore, tender
muscles, limbers up the back and
makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment for 27 cents of any
druggist and have it in the house
against colds, sore and swollen joints,
rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and
like ailments. Your money back if not
satinefid, but it goes give almost in
stant relief.
T u Vr.
Certainly Fine Fall Days.
Yesterday and today are certainly
mighty fine examples of the Indian
summer brand of weather that pre
vails in Nebraska during the late fall
and this year has been an exceptional
pretty one with no frost as yet to
speak of. A great rmi.y took advan
tage of the occasion yesterday to
.stroll out along the hills near the
bridge as well as along the new road
that winds along the river bluffs and
where the trees are fned with all the
beauty of autumn's magic touch and
the greens, yellows and reds blend in
harmony into a most beuutiful picture
to the eye. Those who have failed to
take a trip down in this direction cer
tainly have missed a rare treat in the
display of the glories of nature.
Photo ty Atneiioan IVpss Apor1t1on.
The millinery season is very rapid
ly drawing to a close, and our trim
mer will soon have finished her pre
sent season at our store, and for fear
that there might be some of our pat
rons who has not yet had their fall
millinery looked after, or that they
might be in the market for a new hat,
or the second one, we call the atten
tion to this fact. Please call within
the next few days while our trimmer
is still with us. We still have a nice
line to select from, and all made-up
hats are gonig at a real bargain.
We urge you to call early.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Sell your property
Journal Want Ads.
through the
Odd Lot of
Merchandise to
Close Out at Big
Bargain !
Where Was Wales?
Shphcit I.ei-ll Iluulns. .M. l. tells
of the tol!ovini! aiiinsiny e.peiiein-
II.' was once nassiim the war otliee
building in Whitehall when his com
.'.anion, a Scotchman, pointing to the
emblematic devices engraved over the
door indicated t he Scotch thistle, the
FniiMsh lion and the Irish harp
Where is the emblem of Wales?" ask
ed his friend "Oh." Mr. Hughes re-
plied. "I expect there is a leak in
t!ie roof." Loudon Express.
Badly Scared.
"Were von irichtened daring the
storm T
"Dear me. yes. The windows were
a I! op?n and 1 was so afraid of the
lislitiiing that 1 didn't even stop to
wake up John. 1 jumped right up and
closed them myself." Detroit Free
"What's the matter, daugher?"
"Father, I want a duke."
That can be arranged, my dear. 1
was afraid you might want n baseball
pitcher." Baltimore Suu.
There t3 no fatigue so wearisome as
that which comes from want of work.
Spnrireon. t
A line of Misses
Shoes that sold at SI. 35 and
$1.65, will be closed 1Q
out at, per pair J11
Outing Flannel that regular
ly sold at 12c, go JQC
Apron Check Gingham, five
yards length to close QC
Serpentine Crepe, the regular
18c value, will be sold in
short lengths at per 1
yard AOL
The regular S2.50 rugs, 3Gx
72. to close out, jj gg
The regular $2.50 rugs, 27x
54, to close out, jj
One lot of Ribbons that sold
as high as 40c, will OKr
be sold, at per yd. . JL
We offer several pieces of 50
and 60c Dress Goods to clean
up, per yard, 3C
Our 36-in Silk Taffeta, that
sold at $1, now goes 7Qr
at, per yard
One lot Ladies Shirt Waists,
that sold for SI and as high
as S1.25 and $1.35, CQ
will be sold at
Zuckweiler & Lutz