MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1914. rLATTSMOUTH SKMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL! r v.u.i: :,. m n is ma m i mid Exposition of the Justice of the Day of Vengeance. "TKECOKTROVERSYOFZION" Explains How Jehovah Balances the Books Wrong Thoughts of God's Wrath Preparations For the Now Dispensation of World-Wide Bless ings to Both the Church and the World Terrible Fruitage Now of False Doctrines Taught For Centuries Oct. 2". A si rfeu did eon probation listened spell It o ii n d to Pas tor Russell ns Lis address inquired into the r e a b o n why in God's providence the wcrid is licinp ushered into "a Tinie of Trouble, such :is was nut siii' e there was :i nation." What IE 'PASTOR CUSSELL! Fj'O-ial sins rail uioii Justice for ex traordinary penalty? The Tastor's text was. "And tlie nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come." Revelation 11:1. After some introductory comments ui on his text, the shaker rend a iiuni Imt of corrltor:itive Scriptures Isaiah :U:1-T.; .Tereinft'.h r2T:T. 10. ITT-i;; Isaiah ;i:l.".. ir; Luke 21 4. Rerelntion ;;-ll: 2 15-10. Com menting on these Scriptures, the Pas tor claimed that their united testimony referred to the present, mistranslated the end of the world: property inter preted, the end of this Ace. lapping upon and inaugurating the New Age "the world to come." Only Jews, Gentiles and Saints. The Pastor declared that the whole world are Gentiles, according to the Scriptural presentation, except the true followers of 'hrist and the loyal-hearted Jews, who are still Jod's people uudor their Raw Covenant. In class ing the great mass of Jews and of pro fessed Christians as part of the world the Pastor meant ii unkindness; hut declared that t understand lod"s deal ins in the present time, nominal Chris tian'1, or mere professors, must not he confounded with the "little flock" who hare res;nmded to tlte Gosel Call, j "Gather My saints together unto haith the Lord: those who have made a Covenant with Mo hy sacrifice" self-sacrifice. (Psalm r.:r.: Romans 12:1.) If we shall recognize these saintly Christians of every nation and it'-nomination as lteittir the one true Church, "whose names are written in Heaven." end if we shall recognize all others as Gentiles, we shall lie getting the eyes of orr uiid'-rstandinz: into true alignment with the mind of God as ex pressed in the R-il'le. Thus seen. God is not merely callim: nations to war. to battle, as nations; but in a more particular sense the call is lo this Gentile clas irresicctive of national boundaries. AnTl it is worthy of note that throughout the Scriptures the great masses of India, China, etc., are comparatively i snored. P.eeause they have not come into particular con tact with Col's Messages they are not so particularly included in the judg ments, chastisements, troubles, fore told to be coming upon the earth at the lose of this Age. In other words, un intentional ignorance of God is not a crime to be punished, but a dofctf to le corrected in due time by the bless ings of Messiah's Kingdom. Wrong Thoughts of God's Wrath. When thinking of the wrath of God coming upon the world, we are not to think of the Almighty as having oxer eised great patio:. ee t'.r centuries aaJ finally losi.-r- His teuij"jr aud wreak ins venseauce upon His creatures. Sifh a thought misht be gathered from some of tile expression of the Scrip tures, becaue of adaptation of lan guage to human comprehension, and more or ls hss f the true sentiraen" iu translating and through the mental glos of the translators. In any event l-t us remember that this wrath of God and the judsuient coming upon the world are wholly dif ferent from the lecends-namely, eter nal torture at the hands of demons, tausht us by our creeds. Instinctively. h part of the dread we have of deatii in every form by war. famine au.l sickness is the fear of that eternal tor ture nightmare thrust iiHn us from childhood, inculcated by all the creeds f Christendom, but without Bible foundation when the latter is properly translated and rightly understood. Purthermore. we should remember that while GoJ has foretold the trou bles of the Iay of Wrath for ecntnrie and indicates that He will have to do with their precipitation ujon the world, nevertheless elsewhere He also .bowf us that theft troubles really ome from ourselves, that they are tho outgrowth of huiuan wrongdoing, and that these dire ienaltiet of siu would have wrecked our social and religions fabric long, long ago. had i.ot Divine Providence f erf ended us holding back the storm of human pas tdou and avarice, and permitting it to i-orue rev. in f!1? cni ? the A;. at the riae when Divine rrociden.e has Messfcrh'a Kingdom in fall readi I:) U ness to take control. Just so soon as the Ftorm human passion shall hare tacght humanity it needed lensou uud shall have liquidated the long standing accounts. Messiah's Kingdom, witli a clean slate, will be inaugurated. Accounts Yet to Be Squared. In Jesus and in His saintly follow ers throughout this Gospel Age. the world has had God's Cause, the Cause of Righteousness and truth, more or less clearly manifested. Every ierse cutiou against these niemlers of the IJody of Christ is a crime against God end against righteousness. Of such sufferings the Apostle says, "If any ruffer as a Christian, let him glorify God on this behalf; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth on such." As a blessing rested uion all the Lord's faithful jieople who have suf fered unjustly, so correspondingly a Iivine curse, or ienalty, has rested ujku all jiersecutors of these, their re-.-onsibility ln-ing gauged by the degree cf their knowledge, and their punish ment proportionate. On the loks of Justice, however, God represents that the lives of all His faithful ones cry out for vengeance; and that while mer cy comes to all mankind through the sacrificial death of the Saviour, this does not alter the fact that Justice calls for punishments for crimes more or less wilful and therefore not includ ed in the Saviour's ntonemeut. Thus it was in the end of the Jew ish Age. which may serve us as u pat tern, cr illustration of the ending of this Age. St. Paul, writing of that time. says. "Wrath is come upon this people to the uttermost, that all things written iu the Raw and the Prophets eoncerning them should be fulfilled." Notice, however, the vast difference be tween these Iiible judgments and the eternal torment judgments fals-ely de clared by every one of our creeds, which indirectly tell us that every Jew at death g.M's lo eternal torment !eeause he Is not a Christian. P.ut the Scriptures declare that the punishments upon the Jews which cul minated in the destruction of Jerusa lem in A. D. TO were, some of them, for sins committed long before. o tice Jesus" words. "The blood of all the Prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, shall be re quired of this generation; from the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacha rias. who jierisbed lietween the Altar and the Temple." Luke 11:.10, 51. Wherein was tle justice in exacting all that of the iK'ople living iu the close of that Age? We reply that those ieo ple had far more responsibility than all who preceded them. They had n great Right amongst them, shining from Je sus and the early saints. In their treatment of these light bearers, cruci fying them and variously injuring them, upon that last generation of the Jewish Age "wrathcame to the uttermost." "The Recompenses of Zion." The P.ible intimates that similar ag gregations of punishment are to bo exacted in the end of this Gospel Age. The great Time of Trouble, or Day of Wrath, is the "recompense of the con troversy of Zion" the saints, the true Church. For eighteen hundred years has Jesus prophetically declared that the Kingdom class would suffer vio lence; and the violent have usurped the place of the true by force. All the while, the violent have out wardly leen posing as the True Church of Christ, while the saints of God in every epoch and in every cen tury have suffered "as deceivers and yet true: as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing all things." f2 Corinthians r.:S-jo.) "Heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans S:17, they have loen count ed "the filth and offscouring of the earth." "of whom the world was not worthy." P.ut the sin of their persecutors must be liquidated, even though the perse cutors themselves will all eventually le forgiven. From this viewpoint, the Time of Trouble such as was not since there was a nation." and which is now lH'ginning gradually to be con summated, will be the squaring of God's accounts with the world, prepar atory to handing the Kingdom over to Messiah for the blessing of all. As illustrative of this principle, note the lesson of Revelation ",:'.-ll: The cry is. "How long. O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our bIMd on them that dwell on the earth?" The message for all thee martyr of Jesus was. Wait a little season, the vengeance will eome. but not until nil of this class shall have experienced their share of "the suffer ings of Christ." To these martyrs the suffering brought polishing of character, test ings of faith. Divine approval and an increasrd glory on the spirit plane as members of the Bride of Christ the blessings to be given to them in the First Resurrection the chief Resurrec tion, referred to by our Lord in Revelation 20:0. Then will be aceoni plished the binding of Satan: and then Messiah's Kingdom, with all it blessed and uplifting influences, will bless the whole world with the long promised "Restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all the holy Prophets since the world began." Acts 3:10-23. Modern Persecutions Differ. We do not say that the persi--uti'n of the last members of the lidy of Christ will be by literally cutting their tongues out. by literally burning them at the stake, by literally crucifying them or beheading them, as was done with some of the other members of the Body in the past. In our dy there is a more refined process often used. Some are gibbeted by the pulpit, some are "rousted" in tbe public prees. some bv their trngues cm out in ths bense that their words are misrepieented, mid that tIVy are domed a hearing. And ytt there are things in the Scrip tures which stem to imply that there may be a literal assassination and de struction of God's faithful people in the end of this Age. as well as a figura tive one. Put the Lord's grace will be sufficient for them; and the more they shall suffer for His sake, for the Truth's sake, the greater will be their glory and station in the Kingdom. Who shall be punishd for these crimes against the Saints of God? We answer, P.abylon; and Babylon signi fies what is today known as "the Chris tian world" a very anomalous term: for the world has no identification with Christianitr nor Christianity with the world. The so-called. "Christendom" of our day corresponds exactly to the Jewry of Jesus day. Then Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, were band ed together with the Sadducees and the Herodians. the worldly and infidel politicians. Their objoet was one. namely, the perpetuation of their own institution, regardless of God's ar rangement. So here, the civilized world, misnaming itself "Christ's King dom." is intent upon the preservation of the great Babylon which it has con structed, and willing to do anything to avoidTts foretold destruction. Hypocrisy the Greatest of All Sins. Taking into account the persecutions endured by God's saints throughout this Gospel Age, there must be a heavy account on the book of Justice to be settled. Saintly Catholics, saint ly Presbyterians, saintly Baptists, saintly Methodists, saintly people in and out of all denominations have suf fered; and Jesus' words still stand true namely, that whosover would give to the least of His followers even a eup of cold- water would not fail of reward, and that injury . to even the least of these would lo punished. Are we asked what are the special sins of our day? We reply that here, as in Jesus' day, hypocrisy is the greatest of all sins. There were thefts, murders, adulteries, and injustices of various kinds in Jesus" day; yet while denouncing all these in spirit. He prac tically ignored them all in His denun ciations of the hypocrisy of the re ligions rulers of His time. We be lieve that His judgment of so-called "Christendom" today is the same. There was xa time when the world ignorantly thought that the kings of earth were ruling as part of Christ's Kingdom. There was a time when men really believed that their ever lasting destiny was iu the hands of the clergy, Protestant and Catholic, and tiiat unless they had the good of fices of these iu baptism, marriage, funerals. &c.. they would le eternally tormented; but that day has passed a more enlightened day has coine. Our Bible is better understood: the clergy are no longer deceived. They know that the word Sheol of the Old Testament and the word Hades of the New Testament represent the state or condition of death, into which the whole world goes good and bad. They know that these words could not rep resent torture or lire in any sense of the word. They see God's character more clearly; they perceive that the kingdoms of this world are merely po litical institutions permitted for a time, waiting for Ue glorious epoch of Messiah's Kingdom to bring in the New Order of things. But notwithstanding this knowledge, the Divine character is still blasphem ed. The kings of the earth, told dur ing the "dark ages" that they were the sword of the Lord and servants of the Church, have not been undeceived. Hence the Czar of Russia, the Head of the Greek Church, believes he is work ing out a Divine destiny; the British under King George are equally con vinced that they are working out a great destiny us God's Kingdom. The German Kaiser is similarly deceived into thinking that he is the sword of the Almighty, as indicated in his report ed proclamation to his army in Poland. These false doetrines of the "dark ages" are bearing a terrible fruitage in the present war. Similarly the teach ings of eternal torment, misrepresent ing and blaspheming God's character, are learing an evil fruitage. Millions of people are being turned away frori faith iu a God of Love and from faith in the Bible as His Message by the most monstrous blasphemies of the "dark ages." I charge the reponsibili ty tit all this against the sects and creeds of Christejidoiu. A great fraud, a great hypocrisy, you say? I answer. Yes; the most astound ing the world has ever known. Two hundred thousand professed ministers of God and Christ are standing before the world today telling the legends of the Dark Ages and seeking to hinder the people from coming to a knowledge of the Truth, meanwhile receiving the people's money and reverence. Does not sueh hypocrisy, such blasphemy against God. such deception of the peo ple, such keeping of tbem in darkness, deserve a great punishment? What shall we do, do you ask? I answer: Be honest! lie true! Come out of Babylon. Stand free from all such slanderins of the Almighty Gxl and His gracious provisions. Stand for the Bible, the Truth, the God of Lore and Wisdom, Justice and Power. "Come out from among tiieui. and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." The forecast of the present distress of. nations is graphically set forth in the volume. "The Battle of Armaged don." cloth. Win pages, written in IS'JT by Taster Russell. This coupon with 2."ic. will secure to you this valuable book post free. Its chapter expound ing the 24th Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel is worth many times the price of the volume. Address. International Bible Students Association. 17 Hicks street. Brooklyn, X. Y.. and principal bookstores. CANDIDATES. All announcements under this heading" are run as political ad vertising: For Senator. My name will appear on the uf licial ballot as the Democratic candidate for stale senator, Cass and Otoe counties. 1 solicit the support of the voters of Cass county, pledging; myself if elected to look after your interests at all times. Your support will be ap preciated. JOHN MATTES, Jit. Having received the republican nomination for the eiTice of state senator for the second district com posed of Cass and Otoe counties, I will deeply appreciate the efforts and support of my friends in these two counties. A. F. Sturm, Nehawka, Neb. For Sheriff. I am the democratic nommce for the office of County Sheriff, and in keeping witti the policy cT all candidates, I s Hcit your sup port at the No ember election, a'ld v. ill certainly appreciate the same. If elected, everyone shall receive a square deal. J. G. WLNDEHLICII. 1 am the republican nominee for the office of County Sheriff, for re-election, and your support to my success at the November election will be appreciated. C. 1). OUINTON. For Representative. My name will appear on the f licial ballot at the November elec tion as the democratic nominee for Float Representative of the Eighth district. Your support will be appreciated, and I will, if elect ed, always Iok after the best in terests of the people. V. II. PELS. I am the republican candidate for flout representative, Eighth district, Otoe and Cass counties. Your sup port at the November election will be appreciated, and if elected I will look after the best interests of the people, regardless of party. F. L. Nutzmun. You will jind my name on bal lot as the democratic nominee for Represent at i Se ent h district, ixl in soliciting the support of my friends 1 whh to assure you thai jour best interests will always be mine and will work to that end. M. C KIME. For County Treasurer. Hoing the democratic nominee for the office of County Treasurer, I hereby solicit your support at the November election. "Believ ing that one good term deserves another,' you will favor me with the second term. Your support will be appreciated. W. KELLY FOX. I am the republican nominee for the office of County Treasurer, and being in no way contrary to the usual run of candidates, I hereby solicit your support at the November election. The same will be appreciated, and the office will be conducted to the best of my ability. MAJOR A. HALL. For County Commissioner. My name will be found on the official ballot as the democratic candidate for the office of County Commissioner, Third Commis sioner district, and in making my candidacy for the election to said ffoiee I solicit the support of the voters of Cass county. The same will be appreciated. HENRY SNOKE. I am the socialist caudidate. Tor the office of County Commis sioner, from the Second Commis sioner district. I take this meth od of soliciting; the support of all my friends and voters of Cass county. The same will certainly he appreciated. R. D. ST1NE. 1 am the democratic nominee for the office of County Commis sioner. Scctmd Commissioner District. Your support will be ap- j preciated, and if I am elected to j l lie office, the interests of the las; payers will always be guarded with care, and to the best of my ability. CHAS. II. SP0HN.. Bein the republicar candidate for commissioner from the Second com missioner district, I take this method j of soliciting; the support of the voters j of Cass county at the November election, - and if. I am re-elected will look after the interests of the peo- pie to the best of my ability. C. E. Ileebner. For County Commissioner. This is to announce that I am a candidate on the Republican ticket for Commissioner in the Third dis trict; that I also appreciate very much the liberal support I received in the primary election; will also appre ciate the support of any voter in the county who feels like placing a cross after my name in the general elec tion on November 3, and if elected will do my utmost to manage the af fairs of the county to the satisfac tion of the majority of the people and the welfare of the County. Yours very respectfully, JOHN W. COLBERT. FOR County Clerk. I am the present County Clerk, by appointment to till vacancy, and I want to call your attention to the fact that I am the demo cratic nominee for re-election by the voters of Cass county. In so liciting your support, I want to assure you that I will continue the affairs of the office to bcsl interests of the taxpayers at all times. FRANK J. L1BERS1IAL. For County Superintendent. 1 have been chosen the demo cratic nominee for the office of County Superintendent of Schools. In asking- your support for re election, I have no hesitancy in placing my record before you dur ing the time I have held this of tice. I solicit your support and the same will certainly be appre ciated. MARY E. FOSTER. As candidate of the republican party for the office of county super intendent, I respectfully solicit your support in the November election. Eda Marquardt. For County Coroner. Jlejng a candidate for the of fice of County Coroner on the democratic ticket, I take this method of soliciting the support of the voters of Cass county at the November election. The duties of the office shall be discharged o the best of nry ability, and your support will be appreciated. DR. J. F. HRENDEL. For County Clerk. Owing to the continued illness of my wife, I have been compelled to forego meeting a great many of the voters of the county personally, as duty of the husband came first, but any aid that may be extended to me at the coming November election by the voters of Cass county in my can didacy for the office of County Clerk will be greatly appreciated. JOHN II. CREAMER. The Right Man It isn't very ofLen that a busy, progressive farmer of the caliber that our friend, Clarence Pool, is, can be persuaded to run for office. When he does consent to gtt out and make the campaign for an office that needs his services, it is up to the voters of his district to see that he is elected. Clarence is a candidate for state rep resentative from Cass county on the republican ticket, and i will show mighty poor judgment on the part of the electorate here if he isn't the man Tito - - mn . msmnm or am ji it m.u Bra -wri -tjtecr-g jnsaKfaqtertei mmmmMmm MMXKKXXXKXKX K M A H K . '..' J ' l f ? II 1 l l v 1 oi siv t f i y THAT IS ALL THERE IS TO ELLWOOD FENCE Heavy steel cables lapped about and held together by steel wire, forming uniform meshes. Simple, isn't it? Mo chance for weakness in any part: uniformly strong. The reasons for the superiority of ELLWOOD FENCE are not hard to find. This company owns and operates its own iron mines and furnaces; its own wire mills and six large fence factories either one of the six being larger than any other Icnce factory iu the world. These facta should be convincing. - Cedar ;-Creek Lumber Company, CEDAR CREEK, that represents this county in the next legislature. Weeping Water Re publican. -"Adv. The Logical Candidate. A. F. Sturm, republican candidate for state senator for Otoe and Cass counties, was born of German par entage on a Cass county farm just a mile and a half from Nehawka. At 24, after spending a short time in the study of law, he started in the lumber business at Nehawka. That was in 1S87, and he has been there ever since. His whole iccord is there and is open to all. Jleared on the farm, he has the farmers' interests at heart. Experienced in business, he has the training necessary to make an efficient law-maker Such a com bination of these essential qualifica tions in the one candidate is seldom found, and it would seem that Mr. Sturm is the logical man for the place. Adv. CARMAN JURY FAILS TO AGREE bsabis to Reach .Verdict and Is Cisciiarsed. ACCUSED W0L1AU COLLAPSES. Her Attorneys Announce That Bail Will Be Furnished For Release at Once, if the Court Consents, Pend ing a New Trial. Mineola. X. Y., Oc t. !'(;. The jury in the case of .Mrs. Florence Cor.hliu Car man, charred with th murder oi Mis. Louise Ilaiiey. taiKd lo reach a ver dict after thirteen Lours and fourteen nrnut's' deliberation. The irry. v. en and happarr from loss of sicep. report ed its inability to asree and was dis charged. Mrs. Carman eoliap.-cd upon hearing the verdict and was carried from th-.-rourt room, lier attorney ;:ni:oiniee:l 11-at bail would be f-.'rr.ishe-I for her release ;it once, siionid the cent on sent, eiid'im a new trial. Ten jurors are s;r!d to have votei for acrjuittl aril two for con vict ion of mtirtler in the firht dearie en the final ballet. It is unlikely that Mrs. Carrasn ever will be brought to trial ;ic:iin. r.elcr" the jury crnr1 in Disirnt Attorney Lewis .1. Smith pair! that if it st' iu even eight to four ;or acquittal it was improvable that tiie defendant wo;il.l he rcuied. The defendant is on the verpe of a complete physical lrral-.d-.vrj. I: v.-.-'s sair! at the county jail ho:c that Mrs. Carman bad been crying cor. ur.tiy ever" f1: was ret::::: .'. to her cell. Do you know that Ine Journal of fice carries the finest line of station ery in the city? Deafness Cannot Be Cured hv Icxui :iiplii'stii"ii-. us tiny . -:i nnt r-m-li t!if !ifu"(l (niiikhi i'f lh' !. Tli'T,- i.- only m sjj to run' ir:if:i4-s. m! tliat is l.y cui;.-l Hntini al 7-mriiics. licafnos is ;iu-rl l.y mi inll;nncil -mili;i m m' liir imii i ii-i liiiiiiL' !' i';r eustachian lull". Wlii'ii liiis tut"' i- intt.imi"! you Iimvc a riinililinc MHiml or iuiiTli-rt lir.-irmj:. ami h'-n it is nitirrly ilnsrj 1 V:i Inrss is tin- n-siiit. alio unli s t ho intiiinilimt inn ran b- tak'-n out iiml tiiis tulio rcsr.ircd t" its normal miuiition. In-ar-li will lie ili'stroyril furr'vcr; liiur casus nut ' leu nr rimsiil l.y Catarrh, wtiii li is I'othi:: liut an iiitlanti-.l i nadi ti. ii f thr inn s siii fan s. Wi- will in"'" our Tlumlrnl Imllar f..r :y ran if lir.i'i:rs 0-mis'l hv ratarrtii Unit In ciin tl l.y Hall s Catarrh Curr. Srml for circu lars, free. F. J. CIIEM'.V & CO., Tolr-jo, O. SoM l.y nrupcl-ts, 7.V. Take Hall's I'utuUJ- fills for constIi'aU,lu 1 esfi Feme Science proves that the strongest fence, because constructed throughout on scientific lines, is the SirViPLE-SCiEP3TIRC-STRONC 58 INCH 50 INCH AAW 42 INCH 34 INCH UPJ J ' : i ? t 26 INCH $5 - - m&x. w w w fMe Your Wants Known!ients un!. r t!.i.- I.ra'iiiig live cents j.t-r lin; eadi 1 t.M i t ion. Six words will l.o cout.lcil a- a lino and no u! crti.-ciiicnt for lead than ten cents. For Sale1 A number of I'oland China piirs. J. M. Wiles, 1 miles north west of Menard. FOR SALE OR TRAIK. 1". II. Case Steam Knjrine iu fine shape. Reeves Corn Shelter, jrood as new. Will trade for horses or cattle or anything I can use ot equal value. Earpain if taken soon. Arnold C Mast, Nehawka, Neb. lu-!vl:wk!y. FOR SALE 20 tons of pool prairie hay. T. II. Pollock. Tt ! L'l.". WANTF.J) Oii l lir vein : a linn-.-work. ".N'ii wiiiiinp. i in family. liKjuire 1' .Mr-. ;.'!!:. Falter or call I'ln ne , . . i-rkl. FOR SALE Splendid improved lio acre farm near Flat tsmout h. Price and terms ripht. C.ll for particu lars. T. II. Pollock. Tel. FOR SALE llov... scale, .( pound capacity. Used oiu season. .Mrs. Walter J. While. 'Phone 20 1. FOR SALE pood "-acte improved farm. 7 miles south of Plattsmouth. T. II. Pollock. Tel. air,. For Sale An elegant home, i rooms, closets, bath room, furnace, electricity, pas, modern throuphout, pood locality, where vi'ues are al vancinp; no bill to climb. Windham Investment and Loan Co. 10-22-tfwklv The (allinsr of Dan Matthews." "The Calling of Dan Matthews," Mr. Wriphfs last hook to be put into playinp form by the author him.M-lf and Fishery W. Reynolds, has met with overwhelm inp siccess and will he tiie attraction at the Parmele the atre on Monday nipht, November 2 an 1 will be presented in the lavi.-h mar.iu r in repaid to cast and S'-cnery for which. Messrs. Ca.kill and MacVitty are justly famous. Paints and Oils. Cuinc, Co. Phone 36. Clayton Roencrans va amonp the passenpers this morninp on the curly Rurlinpton train for Omaha, where he poes to visit for the day lookinp after somf matters of husi.non. r i -The Plattsmoatl Auctioneer- will look after your public sale bu.ii ness. All business handled can fully, and satisfaction f.uarantecd. Farm Sales a Specialty Rates Reasonable Make Dates at the Plattsmouth State Bank or Telephone 296-J. 'i lii za The Reasons: 1st Kach fxi'ti'.i"ti of th" VLL WOOD is a utrrl cahlc, con.wMitii; of two btavy wires intertwined. 2d Each of these cables is t'rrl to en- h oturr cbue by a continuous heavy wile lapiM? tisitlT about every ca!le uttt tii tl fn a i ronl.eJ "knot" or twist to weaken the s'renjrth ot Oic tic wire at the bendinp point. I Wrap a wire ground your tinker anil the wire is put weakened: lie a wire up in a hartl kmt and you mnnot tin'ifl without breaking, it ts so much weakened ) g0 - - 00,"-,-j -T- NEBRASKA .- - "r-T -T -rrKT