The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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page 2.
A Large .ttr.d;nuf nd One of the
Mot Successful Sunday School
Conventions Ker
From Saturday's Dal'y.
M:e of tlie nui interesting and
lamest attended convt ntions of the
Cass County Sunday School associa
tion ever held closed irs sessions at
Weeping Water iast evening at the
( o.ip-i t -Rational chard , where for the
: a t two days they been in ses--i
!i. The attendance at the conven
tion was most pleasing to the officers
and delegates present, as there were
some 137 delegates present from out
fide of the immediate locality of
Weeping Water, while the total at-tc-i
ihn.i-e was c!or to 200. The
chuich in which the meetings were
he'd is oi.e of the m'.st commodious
as well as equipped in this section of
:he state. ai:i jrave the association
,i!;p!e room for their meetings. The
ji.oi.ram was carried cut practically
.-. printed, with the exception of a
ft v.- minor chances made necessary by
;i ::ce of circum.-tuices. One of
th.- mot pleasing features of the con
vertion was the illustrated lecture
griven on Japan by Mis Hi own. who
for years has Ween girMtly interested
:: t lie mission work of the church, and
ti.o-e who were fortunate enough to
. T-'-rd the lecture on Thursday even
ivg .-tate that it was well worth the
!, there" alone to se1 and hear this
...! i.-css.
TV e
ifeitiue and lectures given
i the meeting o the practical
; :ui modern methods of conducting;
the affair-: of the Sunday school, in
order to accomplish the greatest jrood.
pros Oil to We most beneficial to the
workers ;.:id a ranid ;.dva:ue in tire
v. i k throughout the county may We
looked for. I-. C. Onei'its of Lincoln,
the "Sirr.ny Jim" of th State Sunday
School association, was also a big hit
-f the e.'-nvent ion. as his clever and
l.i.rr.orou ; remarks placed the auditors
:n the iuvt of livrivr. vl lie his s'edge-himiic-
Wlows fell telling of some of
The rrea truths.
The meetings of convention
v v-cre r.prned with a riost ;werid
;i-,d interestinir address Wy Kev. W.
M. El' pastor v' the church
where the eoavention .vas held, urg
i 'Z the t?:i ht.-!s and delegates to as-
'. the 'jood work of upbuilding
' r. schoids of the county.
";-. of the unexpecle defeatures of
i:..- '.!.'.. tio-i pi-.ipiam was the pies
f .ce of (W-oij-e A. K'v 1. formerly of
Vv'hi -jiiii Water. hut who for the past
-cven'oen years has Wren aWroad on
nV:nr. v.-k. and he f;v..;ed the con
.'t.' :i!i with a short talk along these
li'.s. Mr. and Mrs. Oberbes also a most pleainir vocal number,
"A Touch of Hi.- Hand in Mine." and
th'- selection went far toward making
tii." r'or-ing hoars of tl e convention a
gr-:T sueces.
h- convention voted to locate at
!.-.;i-vil!e in October. 1!1", ar.d ex-ii:cs-i-.I
their appreciation of the
' ; g'ven them in Weeping
W:tc-r ar.d the snlen ;id manner in
which the cnterta'nnv nt committee,
headed Wy Mrs. Thomas Murtey, had
c hi itd o;:t the work.
Tne fil!. vir,ir officer.-- were elected
'"or the cominir year to serve the Cass
Co'.::;ty Sunday School a-sociation:
President C. S. Ald"ch, Elmwood.
Vi o President J. P. Gross. Union.
Secretary -Treasurer Miss Ella At
ki:i. on.
s u p k n i xt e x r e xts.
Elementary Emma Jordan, Alvo.
Secondary II. II. Ik tchman, Mur
ray. Adult C. C. We-cott. Plattsmouth.
Ilonr.e Department J. M. Eades,
Visitation C. E. Iluticr, Elmwood.
Teacher. Training W. M. Ellege,
Weepinir Water.
Pa nor W. M. Rose, Weeping
Missionary Mrs. Fred Zink, Wa
bash. Temperance A. E. IJashford,
A voca. y
Literature J. X. Hungatc, Weep
ing Water.
We, your committee, recognizing
the goodness of Cod in permitting us
to assemble again in our annual coun
ty Sunday school convention, to enjoy
its mutual fellowship and inspirations,
do ascribe to our Heavenly Father our
most sincere praise and thanksgiving
for these added blessings.
We further acknowledge His father
!v interest in the bountiful harvests
that hare so fully piovided for our
every need; and, furtner. we humbly
and devoutlv thank Him for giving us
peace within our borders and for fill- j
ing our nation with such a spirit of
philanthropy and brotherly sympathy
that it has become a standing rejmke
to the selfish, sordid r.nd self-righteous
aims that have broken the faith
of nations, devasted homes and
drenched the land across the seas in
fratiicidal blood.
In view of these meicies, we deem
it fitting that we, His professed fol
lowers and co-laborers, here in con
vention assembled, do now formally
and sincerely recognise and pledge
ourselves to the following:
In view of the fact that the Uible
has had so little "place heretofore on
our convention programs; therefore be
Resolved, That we urge the pro
gram committee to at range for the
opening of the sessions of future con
ventions by a short space of time be
ing set apart for Bible reading and ex
position; be it
Resolved, That we urge upon all
our Sunday schools the adoption and
use of the regular graded lessons,
carrying out as far ay possible the
departmental plan, that we may have
that uniformity among the schools of
our county that is so oesired in such
a correlated work; be it further
Resolved, That we :eeply deplore
the lack of moral training in our
public schools, and to partially supply
this need we most urgently express
it as our conviction, i.nd do hereby
urge every teacher engaged in pub
lic school work to read the llible in
their schools.
We congratulate th;s convention
upon its splendid ar.d efficient orTi
cers and the wisdom and effective
ness of the program committee, in
the splendid program devised ami
carried out for our 1 elp, for all of
which we are mindful, nr.d beg them
to accept our sincere appreciation.
To our splendid and efficient state
workers. Miss Hiwvn and Mr. Kim
berly. who by their wipjom. devotion,
kindly spirit and exceedingly helpful
suggestions and inspiration, which
have welded more firmly than ever
upon our hearts the sacred bands of
Christian brotherhood, we give you
our hands, our hearts, our love, thank
ing you in Christ's name for your
noble ministry among i;s and praying
that Jods blessing may attend you
in crreat fruit fulness in your future
labor of love; be it further
Resolved, That we employ this, the
best present means wy have, of ex
pressing to the Brethren in Christ
here In Weeping Water, who have
ministered so gladly .:id so abun
dantly to our comfort nnd pleasure,
our grateful appreciation of their
royal hospitality. You have refreshed
us: may our Heavenly Father till you
wkh all joy and grac" is our prayer.
B. F. .1 UP KINS.
Among the different improvements
that the summer of li14 has seen
brought forth in this city is that
rr.ade by the Stenner Bros, in their
greenhouse on west Locust street in
this city. These, young men have tak
en hold of what was fcr years a los
ing proposition all th; way through
in this city, and where it seemed im
possible to really make it a go, but
with true spirit of enterprise these
gentlemen, after securing the control
of the plant, started in to give the
city a first-class greenhouse where the
demand for potted plants ami cut
flowers could be secured when need
ed. They started in to place their
greenhouse in the proper shape and
have succeeded in making it a first
class place in every respect. The
erection of a new section to the
green house was commenced and is
now leady for occupancy, and is com
plete in every way to caje for the
flowering plants during the winter
months when they will be in demand.
Concrete has been used in forming the
base for the building and to form the
different sections of the hot house,
large jrlass sections from the roof of
the new building that is ample to pro
vide plenty of light Vr the growing
plants and to insure them be'ng for
use when needed. The heating of the
building is constructed along the
most modern lines and, in fact, a more
complete or better, equipped little
greenhouse could not be found in the
whole state of Nebra-ika. The suc
cess of these young men is a matter
that the ieople of Plattsmouth should
assist in and whenever possible see
that they receive the patronage of
those who desire anything in their
line of business.
For Sa ie.
Thoroughbred D. C. and S. C. Rhode
Island Red Cockerels; S. C. Mottled
Ancona Cocker sit. aw- D. C. Rhode
Island Red Cocks, at $2 neh.
Alvo, Neb.
The Way Some Merchants Draw From
the Rural Merchant on the
Refund of Railroad Fare.
The following article, taken from
the Omaha Trade Exhibit, is written
by a country merchant with whom
the Journal editor is acquainted, and
contains so much good, sound sense
that we appropriate it for the benefit
of the merchants of Plattsmouth and
Cass county. We are so close to Oma
ha that this refund would cut but lit
tle figure, yet many are liable to take
advantage of it to save a dollar and
at the same time get the same goods
for a dollar less, and thus save two
dollars instead of one:
As requested in last week's issue of
the Trade Exhibit, I heieby desire to
register my protest against the unfair
and unjust method of railroad refund
fare scheme, practiced by merchants
;n larger towns to draw trade from
smaller towns. I want to give my
First of all, this refund fare prac
tice is unjust against :?1! regular pa
trons of the towns practicing such re
fund. I believe that if anyone is enti
titled to a better deal i: is the custom
er who year in and year out is a pa
tron of the store practicing the re
fund and not the stranger who comes
only occasionally.
Second, it is absolutely unfair by
using this example as a comparison.
The stranger from a prir.t twenty-five
miles distance buys a suit of clothes
for $20. At the same time the good
loyal customer of 'the store buys a
suit of clothes for $20, both settle
at the same time. The stranger is
handed back -SI in presence of the
good and loyal customer, who gets
nothing in the way of refund. I can
not understand how any merchant in
this enlightened age of merchandis
ing can practice a scheme that is so
unjust and unfair.
Third, it is unjust because all towns
by it in this state or any other should
thrive in proportion of larger towns.
Each village and town as well as city
is entitled proportionately to their
j share of trade, on an equal basis of
competition. Much h;is been said on
the concentration of capital and bus
iness to large trade centers. The
practice of refund trade fare is the
very thing that will encourage such
condit ion.
Fourth, the refund fare is unjust
because the stronger. taking advan
tage of the weaker. To better under
stand this, the merchant of a larger
city who is practicing the refund fare
should 'n his own-heaH and mind ex
change places with his brother mer
chants of a smaller town who cannot
adopt and successfully operate the
railroad fund fare scheme. The larger
merchant in a larger city has already
much the advantage ever the smaller
mc'chant by way of larger stock and
better assortments and stronger trade
di awing power, becarse of a larger
city. Why, then, because he is al
ready the stronger and has the great
er advantage, take any advantage of
the railroad refund fare scheme?
The writer rememberr when Mont
gomery Ward issued their first cata
logue. It was something on the order
of an almanac in thickness. It was a
very feeble beginning. Nothing was
done to counteract their efforts until
it was too late. They have become so
powerful that they arc bound to suc
ceed and grow even stronger. The
railroad refund fare would flourish in
the same way if the retailers would
not enter their protest. "Whereas this
refund fare is practiced in the larger
cities where the jobbei.-: and manufac
turers in a commercial way have a
strong influence, it is up to the job
bers and manufacturers of the city
that they bring pressure to bear and
stop such practice. It is up to every
retail merchant buying goods from
jobbers and manufacturers from the
city practicing refund to register their
protest, yes, even go so far as to
withdraw patronage, and when this is
done we will start something. This
refund fare has been practiced by sev
eral of the merchants in Norfolk. The
wi'ter has taken it up with them in
person and pointed out as in this ar
ticle the injustice of such practice.
And I am free to say that not one
answered my communication, which
in itself is an admission that they
are guilty of wrong-doing. I have
taken it up with practically all job
bers and manufacturers of Norfolk,
and many of them deplore the exist
ing conditions and hope that they will
be righted before long and I feel con
fident that they will - be.
I trust that the merchants sur
rounding Norfolk will lend their loyal
" - -"-a .,
this evil. I am also advised that this
same unfair fare refund has been in
troduced in Alliance, and there too I
trust the merchants in the surround
ing towns will get basy to kill off
this infant evil, which is bound to
grow if nourished.
In my registering a 'strong protest
against this practice, I am not doing
so on behalf of losses 1 sustained in
my business, for I can truthfully say
the amount of trade that leaves us is
nothing more than that which leaves
any other city, it being by a class who
are never satisfied to buy at home.
Our stock is large, extensive and well
assorted, so that we can please the
greatest number of patrons.
I register my protest principally on
behalf of the retail interests of this
state, and I do not believe that anyone
will doubt but what I am sincere in
this movement. I have piven much of
my time and money in behalf of bet
ter merchandising. There was a time
many years ago when writing on an
article similar to this, merchants
would answer thereto, "and it gave one
some encouragement and satisfaction
to know that others were interested.
I would indeed be pi iased to hear an
expression from merchants over the
state on this subject of refund fare,
and if they think as I do I shall be
pleased to have their hearty co-operation
to counteract the evil and the
losses that merchants in smaller
towns are bound to sustain through a
well organized and inaugurated rail
road refund system.
Madison, Neb.
Shortly before noon today the. fire
alaim was sounded and the depart
ment called out to the home of George
Wir.scott in the south part of the city,
where the alarm was ti rned in. The
work of the family and neighbors
saved a great deal of the loss by re
moving articles of furniture from the
house as the damasre was confined al
most exclusively to clothing and a
portion of the furniture. The fire ori
ginated in one of the bed rooms of the
home, where some of Jthe small chil
dren had been playing, and it is
thought that they in some manner se
cured some matches and the lighting
of these caused the conflagration. The
blaze was extinguished fortunately
before any serious damage was done
to the building, and the loss will be
confined to the content' entirely.
They Make You Feci Good.
The pleasant purgative effect pro
duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and
the healthy condition cf body and
mind which they create make one feel
joyful. For sale by all dealers.
To Put Up New Railing.
Through the efforts of Postmaster
Morgan, the postoffice department
has authorized the placing of an iron
railing through the center of the steps
both on the east and north side of the
building, in order to make it easier
for aged persons to climb the steps
and to avoid accidents in the snowy
and slippery days during the winter.
The work will be don by Warga &
Schuldic of this city, who have se
cured the contract from the govern
ment. &)UICKS
sold by the
Buick Co.,
from August 1st, 1914, to Octo
tober 1st, 1914
Ask for Demorslration
TEL. 215
Plattsmouiti, neb.
uiiii iiiiii i iiuiiu
On of Howard Iiell right's Master
pieces at the Parmtle Theatre
Monday Night, November 2.
The dramatization of "The Calling
of Dan -Matthews," which comes to
the Parmele theatre on Monday night,
November 2, is so well known as a
book that is utterly unnecessary to
give a detailed description of the plot,
as every reader of Harold Bell
Wright's stories and their name is
legion has read "The Calling of Dan
In it we find the familiar and well
loved scenes, faces and names we met
with in "The Shepherd of the Hills.'
The play belongs to , the twentieth
century and, like all of Mr. Wright's
stories, when put into playing form
makes an intensely interesting and
powerful acting drama. Mr. Wright's
characters when produced behind the
footlights are always true to life, as
the author himself is a magnificent
delineator oi cnaracter and never
fails to imbue his men and women
with a realism seldom equalled by the
modern playwright. The play is in
four acts, each one growing more in
teresting, as the drama draws to a
close, and while serious in theme it
has a powerful vein of comedy that
lightens it and acts, as a base of re
lief to the stronger and more intense
scenes of the drama. "The Calling of
Dan Matthews" has been dramatized
by Mr. Wright and E'sbery W. Rey
nolds, and is produced by the well
known hrm or theatrical managers.
.Messrs. Gaskill and MacVitty, who
have already given us "The Shepherd
of the Hills" and "That Printer of
Udell's," and have established for
themselves an enviable reputation for
sincerity of detail and a desire to fur
nish for their various productions act
ors of merit and ab;lity, and scenic
equipment far above the ordinary.
Both in its company of players and
scenic production "The Calling of Dan
Matthews" bids fair to outshine any
previous attempt by these popular
producers; and to those theatre-goers
who take real pleasure in a splendid
play, mounted with caie and cast with
a company lar above tne average,
"The Calling of Dan Matthews" will
make a very powerful appeal.
Mr. and Mrs. Dani-d Stevens of
Fremont announce the approaching
marriage of their daughter, Estelle,
to Mr. Benjamin Harrison of Omaha,
to take place on the evening of No
vember 11. . The wedding will be a
quiet affair, attended only by a few-
relatives and close friends. Miss Ste
vens is a member of the Alpha Omi
cron Pi sorority. Mr. Harrison is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Harrison,
He was graduated from the Nebraska
university last year and is a member
of the Phi Kappa Psi Iraternity.
Mr. Harrison was formerly princi
pal of the High schooi in this city
under Superintendent Gamble, but for
the past three years has made his
home in Omaha. His many friends
here will be pleased to learn of his
forthcoming happiness.
In Honor of Eleventh Birthday.
Sunday being the 11th birthday an
niversary of little Miss Helen Gapen,
a number of her little friends accom
panied her home from Sunday school
to assist her in celebrating the happy
event in the proper manner. They in
dulged in amusements dtar to childish
hearts until a suitable hour, and then
they were ushered into the dining
room and seated at the table where
thev enioved a nice dinner. The cen
ter-piece was a huge birthday cake,
adorned with the eleven candles. Af
ter dinner they whiled away the aft
ernoon hours in gam"? till toward
evening, when they departed for their
homes, leaving with Helen many pret
ty gifts and wishing her many more
Those who enjoyed this occasion
were Frances Martin, Grace Living
ston, Ruth Brown, Helen Perry, Helen
Nimms, Helen Wiles, Kermit Wiles,
Mnrp-uerite Wiles. Gencveive Good-
man, Fern Fight, Emma Richardson,
Ethelyn Wiles, Helen and Edith Ga
pen; James and Covert Jean.
Tytwriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
--Lt 't'T1
Some men are always spruce looking.
They get that neat, well-dressed appear
ance because they buy their clothes carefully.
That's why they like to come here and select
Clothes J"
"1 be xmse price the worW over."
Because' the makers plan this suit in
a big, broad-gauged way you get the
one style best adapted to your person
ality and your years.
No chance to get a bad fabric. Nothing
but all wool or all wool and silk is used. Every
suit is guaranteed to give wear and
satisfaction. Suits and overcoats.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
From Friday's Iaily.
Yesterday a land deal was carried
out in this county that illustrates the
rising value of the Cass county land
and the wonderful strides in price
that it is making. The eighty-acre
farm belonging to Theue Amick, and
located near Mynard, was sold some
eight months ago at the time Mr.
Amick removed to Avkansas, at pub
lic sale, and was purchased by W. H.
Rainey and his brother, James Rai-
ney, lor the sum oi .,tiu. ine new
owners put in a crop ana received
the full value of a most successful
crop off the farm, and yesterday aft-
ternoon disposed of the place to Al
bert A. Wetenkamp, whose farm ad
joins the Amick place, for the sum
of $8400, which gives the boys a
handsome rate of interest on their in
vestment on the farm as well as the
value of the crop, aud they consider
that the investment in the Amick
farm was certainly a good one for
them in every way. The farm is a
good one and well worth the money
paid out for it.
Wedding stationery at the Journal
a new Stetson
hat style,
llih crown
Jack Frost
m i ! MMM'M',M','jtij,';';",;!'l v!:'j"
fc? ftf if
UJ is
I f' i, P
&urifltj Bran! (Ulntljrxi
Copyright 1013- Alfred Decker it Calm i
HallowE'en" week sug
gests 'spooky things,' black cats
with their 'backs up,' pumpkins with 'scary faces'
dancing and much social life.
Your appearance counts as a
first duty m society. Dress suits, Tango shirts, stiff
hats, dress gloves, evening neckwear all these
things you will find here as the occasion demands.
.-:Z-:f:i U''-V : --:
Fnr vonncr mm MM
ana aii men t
Contributions for Christmas Ship.
All members of the Methodist Sun
day school and their fiiends desiring
to send gifts on the Christmas ship
to the boys and girls of Europe arc
requested to bring them to Wescott's
Sons' store not later than Wednesday,
as no gifts will be accepted after that
day. The kind of gifts desired are
new and substantial, as no old or second-hand
stuff is desired. All who
so desire may write their names on
the packages that are contributed, so
that the recipient of the gift in Eu
rope may know who has sent them.
Your Fall. Cold Needs Attention.
No use to. fuss and try to wear it
out. It will wear you out instead.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery, re
lief follows quickly. It checks your
Cold and Soothes your Cough away.
Pleasant, Antiseptic .and Healing.
Children like it. Get a 50c bottle of
Dr. King's new discovery and keep it
in the house. "Our family Cough and
Cold Doctor" writes Lewis Chamber
lain, Manchester, Ohio. Money back
if not satisfied, but it nearly always
Dance at K. S. Hall.
There will be another pleasant so
cial dance given at the K. S. hall on
Saturday evening, October 31, to
which everyone is invited. The music
will be furnished by the old country
Window Glass. Frank Gobelman.
Two new
collar styles
Just in
very latest.
See hem in
our windows.