The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1914, Image 1

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Notwithstanding the Threatening
Weather, Governor Morehead
Addresses a Larg Audience.
Frnm Saturday's Tally.
The visit of Governor John II.
Morirhead to this city hist evening
was the occasion for the outpouring
of a large crowd of citizens of all
parties at the Parmele theatre to
greet Nebraska's chief executive, who
in the discharge of his duties has well
earned the title of the business gov
ernor. The arty, including C. S. Al
drich, L. F. Langhorn. chairman of
the county committee, r.nd the county
candidates, arrived in the city about
7 o'clock from an all day's trip out
through the county, which started at
Greenwood at V o'clock in the morn
ing and continued all dry without in
terruption, closing with the big meet
ing here in the evening. The trip
and the open-air speaking had a de
cided effect upon the voice of the
governor, who was horrse, and it was
with difficulty that he made his ad
dress at the theatre. There were a
large number of the democrats of the
city and county present at the Hotel
Riley before the meeting to greet the
governor, who was making his first
visit here since a democratic congres
sional convention helu here many
years ago.
The members cf the Burlington
band gathered shortly before the
hour for the -speaking and gave a
number of selections in front of the
theatre that were very pleasing, and
also one number upon ihe stage where
the governor and county candidates
and the chairman of thr meeting. Col.
M. A. Bates, were seated. Shortly
after 8 o'clock Colonel Bates, in a
few words, introduced Attorney C. II.
Aldrich of Elmwood, who had accom
panied the party on their tour, and
this gentleman proceeded in a short
address to point out the accomplish
ments of the democratic party in the
nation under the guidance of Presi
dent Wood row Wilson ?nd the extens
ive program of reforms that the ad
nvnistratior. had been i'ble to carry
out as well as many that were still
to be enacted into laws. He made a
short plea for re-election of Congress
man Maguire to represent this dis
trict in support of party measures.
The governor was aptly introduced
to the audience by the chairman as
'Nebraska's greatest chief execu
tive." and he at once launched into
his speech, which was largely a state
ment of the condition of the state's
finances during the time that he has
been in the governor's chair, and some
of the measures and appropriations
made by the last legislature in their
session. The governor pointed out
the vast sum of money that entered
into the mair.t -nance of the state uni
versity and the noriml school and
which covered a large per cent of the
taxes levied upon the state, but for .
which the legislature had made an j
appropriation that was necessary to
maintain. Governor Morehead, . in
this section of his speech, did not hesi
tate to state that he did not believe
thai the removal of the university
from its present location was a wise
move, as the buildings in use were
in good shape and the expense of mov
ing was wholly unnecessary to the
taxpayers of the state to gratify the
desires of a few who were working
for this purpose.
In response to the statements of
the management of the different state
institutions the governor pointed out
the fact that when his administration
went into office they were confronted
with the fact that the Aldrich admin
istration had left a deficit in a great
many cases that was necessary to
make good; in addition to this the
present administration had succeeded
in cutting down the running expenses
of the institutions and making a sav
ing of $100,000 to the taxpayers of
the state. This is true in almost
every one of the public institutions,
and each year that the board of con
trol has been in power has seen the
saving of thousands of dollars to the
state and its people. The governor
stated that he believed the affairs of
the state should be run with as great
a care as a man would give to his
own personal business, and for this
reason had made this the policy of
his administering of the affairs of the
state, and if re-elected to the office
would continue the policy in force.
The meeting was enthusiastic
throughout and the remarks of the
governor, in giving an accounting o
his administration, was frequently in
terrupted with applause in approva
of the telling blows made against the
weak charges of the republican state
From Friday's Daily.
This morning Mrs. S. E. Olive of
Los Angeles. -Calif., who has been
here for the past few days visiting
at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cummins
and family, departed for Omaha, from
where she will go to points in Iowa,
as well as at Cedar Creek, where she
expects to visit relatives and friends
for a few weeks before returning to
her home on the coast. Mrs. Olive
was formerly Mrs. Captain J. W. Mar
shall, and was for many years a resi
dent of this city, where Mr. Marshall
was postmaster from lSt"7 to 1884
The family removed from this city
some thirty years ago for the Pacific
coast, where Mr. Marshall passed
awav several years ago. Mrs. Olive
is interested in a large manufactur
ing concern on the and has de
voted the most of the past few years
in traveling over the country, but this
is the first time in years that she has
had the pleasure of visiting at the
old home in Nebraska. The old
friends here greatly enjoyed the short
visit from Mrs. Olive and were de
lighted to see that she was enjoying
the life on the coast.
From Friday's Daily.
Fritz Fricke, who has been visiting
in the locality of Cody, Wyo., for the
past few weeks, returned home yes
terday and reports having had one
of the times of his life in the en
joyment of the mountain atmosphere
and in search of big game. The party,
leaving Cody, struck out into the
mountains in search of deer and oth
er game and spent a few weeks there
most enjoyably, although the game'
was not very plentiful, as it has been
in the previous yearr. Mr. Fricke
states that the oil industry is devel
oping this section oT Wyoming in
great shape, as the oil fields are nu
merous and very productive of the
highest grade of oil, especially near
Thermopolis, where they have one ot
the finest wells in tb.2 country, pro
ducing a very high grade of oil. The
hunting trip was abandoned by the
party, owing to the snows which were
ouite heavy there, and the hunters
returned to their homes. Mr. Fricke
enjoyed the outing to the utmost and
feels very much better over his vaca
tion trip out into the fresh, brasing
Victims of Accident.
From Saturday's Daily.
A few months ago George, the lit
tle son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gar
rison, suffered an injury to the third
finger of his right hand, but it did
not appear to be of a serious nature.
Recently it became much worse, and
the physician concluded that amputa
t'on was necessary in order to save
the hand, and Saturday morning Mr.
Garrison and Dr. Hustun took the boy
to Plattsmouth, where the operation
was performed by Dr. Huston and Dr.
T. P. Livingston of Plattsmouth, the
entire finger being removed.
Ellis Daniel has been wearing a
handsome pair of crutches the past
few days on account cf a puncture
of his right foot by stepping upon a
nail. The accident occurred last week
and caused him very little trouble at
first, but a few days later he found
it necessary to have it attended to
by a physician. He is the same jo
vial Mr. Daniel who "roasted" us a
few years ago when we broke a leg
playing ball, and he takes no offense
when we "hand it back" to him and
suggest that he get a stock of pencils
and shoestrings and ell 'em on the
street. Union Ledger.
The Famed Dr. Anna Shaw Spoke to
a Full House, Most of Whom
Were Women of the Citv.
From Friday's Daily.
The meeting last evening at the
Parmele theatre, held in the interest
of the movement in favor of woman
suffrage, was attended by a large
crowd, most of whom v ere ladies who
were there to hear the message of
Dr. Anna H. Shaw, national president
of the Woman Suffrage association,
who has come from New York to as
sist the women in their campaign in
the western states. The meeting was
presided over by Attorney W. A. Rob
ertson, who in a few brief remarks
introduced Francis A. Brogan of
Omaha, one of the workers in the
suffrage cause, who gave a short out
line of the suffrage movement and
presented a number of arguments in
opposition to the statements made by
anti-suffrage speakers and pamphlets
circulated throughout the state
against the cause. Mr. Brogan is a
pleasing speaker and presented his
views in a very able manner. ine
chief speaker of the evening, whom
everyone desired to heir, was Dr.
Shaw, and her remarks well justified
the audience whether they were in
favor of the suffrage movement or
not, as she is a lady of keen intellest
and her address covered thoroughly
the grounds on which the women are
striving for the ballot. The speaker
pointed out the achievements of the
reforms that were carried out by the
women and showed the reasons for
their asking for the euual right with
the men in voting for the election of
the officers that governed the state
and country as well as the interests
of the women in legislation that would
tend to secure other reforms in the
state and nation. Dr. Shaw and par
ty departed this morning for Omaha,
where thev will take part in other
meetings in the suffrage interests.
From Friday's Daily.
'Alma, ,Where Do You Live?" is
the only attraction which ever was
played in three languages in one city
at one time. V hue this attraction
was being played at Joe Weber's the
atre in New York in English, Adolf
Phillips was playing it in German and
Fienih company ws also playing
t in that language. This is a record
held by no other attraction and only
goes to show the popularity of this
fascinating musical comedy surprise.
he famous "Alma" waltz, the strains
of which run all the way through the
piece, has a great deai to do with this
popularity, as it is a waltz which when
once heard can never be forgotten.
n all there are fourteen big song
hits of the singing and whistling kind.
At the Parmele theatre Tuesday
ight. October 27.
From Friday's Daily.
The following is the list of the
jurors who will compose the panel
for the November term of district
court, to convene in tnis city on No-
ember 1C:
William Peters,
Ed. Dorr,
Adam Stoehr,
John Group,
W. M. Wendt,
Albert Wolf,
Watson Long,
O. C. Zink,
James Tigner,
George H. Mei-
C. C. Baldwin,
J. A. Dysart,
Chas. Chriswisser,
Wm. Splitt,
John Neumeister,
Peter C. Stander.
Fred Hesse,
C. R. Frans,
Wm. Atchison,
Art Baker,
Chas. Hennings,
Q. K. Parmele,
Martin Borne-
George Ray,
A Fine Son at Fuller Hoiii".
From Friday's Daily.
This morning the stork made r.
most happy visit at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Clyde H. Fuller, bringing
with him a fine nine and one-half
pound son. The advant of the little
stranger was the source of much hap
piness to the proud paients, and they
are willing to wager that he is the
finest little man in the whole state
of Nebraska. The mother and little
one are getting along nicely and the
father is just about the proudest man
in the whole country, as this is the
first child in the family and is there
fore the object of a great deal of ad
miration from both th parents. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller
will extend their best wishes for his
future welfare and tle wish that he
may live to be a joy and comfort to
his parents in their old age.
From iriaays uailv.
The announcement has been made
from Washington of the appointment
of S. C. Hoback as postmaster at Ne-
hawka, succeeding J. M. Palmer, who
has held that position for the last
few years in a very acceptable man
ner. Mr. iiotjat-K is a ongnt young
democrat and a gentleman who will
give the good people oi Nehav.ka a
splendid administration of the office
to which he has been appointed. He
is a son of B. F. Hob-iek, one of the
most prominent residents of that pre
cinct, and the friends of the new
postmaster will be p'eased to learn
of the honor that has been bestowed
upon him by the president. This is
the last appointment ir- this county to
be made, as President Wilson has
filled all other positions.
From Friday's Daily.
I he Journal office has just re
ceived the following short biography
of the late Mrs. John Hein of Seattle,
Wash., and a sister of Frank Rauen
of this city:
"Mrs. Rose M. Ilein died at the
home of her daughter at 5427 Forty-
fifth avenue, Seattle, Wash., Septem
ber 23, 1014. She was born at Wald-
hausen, Germany, in 1357, and came
to this country while an infant inl8C0
in company with her rarents. Most
of her lifetime was spent in Platts
mouth, Neb., where her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Rauen, located and
where they resided until their death
a few years ago. She departed for
Tacoma in September, li'0!, where she
resided for three years until 'she came
to Seattle some three years ago and
where she has resided at the home of
her daughter. The husband and a
daughter as well a two brothers,
Frank Rauen of Platcsmouth and R.
P. Rauen of San Francisco, Cal
ifornia, survive hf i She . was
married to John J. Hein Oc
tober 15, 187G, at St. John's Catholic
church in Plattsmouth, of which
church she was a life-long and devout
"The death of Mrs. Hein was ouite
sudden, as she was in apparent good
health on the day of her passing
away and was out walking in the aft
ernoon, later in the evening retiring
to her room, where she talked for a
short time with her daughter, and
about 10 o'clock was seized with a
severe coughing spell which greatly
alarmed her family and a doctor was
summoned to her bedside about 10:10,
but Mrs. Hein was beyond all assist
ance and passed away at 10:30, peace
fully falling asleep with a clear mind
as to what was transpiring around
her. The cause of her death was dia
betes, from which she had suffered for
some years past. Th'. interment was
made at Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Seat
Goes to New York.
From Friday's Dailv.
Joe Mik, superintendent of the
Burlington station, left Wednesday
for New York, where he will meet his
daughter, Marie Mikova, who is re
turning from Paris, where she had
been studying music and giving con
certs up until the outbreak of the war.
Miss Mikova is expected to arrive at
New York Saturday. World-Herald.
From Friday's Dally.
Miss Olive Jones, the efficient li
brarian of the Plattsrr.outh public li
brary, has just returned home from
Oeneva, ;eb., where she was in at
tendance at the twentieth annual
meeting oi tne :ebra-.K.a Library as
sociation, which met there on Octo
ber 1!-21. Miss Jones reports a most
interesting session of the association
with an attendance of some forty-sev
en librarians representing thirty-six
libraries as well as l-.venty members
of library boards throughout the state.
Among the interestim: talks given by
the lecturers was one by Miss Char
lotte Templeton, secretary of the Ne
braska Library commission of the
public libraries of Nebraska and
which was illustrated with a number
of the different libraries and which
proved most interesting. On Tuesday
the visitors were entercained at lunch
eon at the state industrial school for
girls, where a most delightful time
was enjoyed in looking over the work
ings of the school, which has accom
plished such a great good. The vis
itors were also giver, an automobile
drive over the city and its surround
ings that came as a most pleasant
feature of the convention, and on
Tuesday evening a sumptuous ban
quet was tendered to the librarians by
the beard of trustees of the Geneva
library that was one of the most suc-
essful ever held in that citv.
orchestra of the Genea High school,
numbering some twenty pieces, fur
nished the music for the banquet in
splendid shape. The meetings were
filled with the greatest interest to
everyone in attendanc-2 nnd much good
will doubtless be accomplished in the
mingling of the librarians who have
charge of the work in the different
towns of the state.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon in Havelock
occurred the marriage of Miss Edith
Miller of this city an I Mr. Ratio Tay
lor of Havelock. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of a num
ber cf the relatives and friends of the
contracting parties who had gathered
to attend the happy event. The wed
ding comes as quite s surprise to the
friends of the young people in this
city, who while they Lave been await
ing news of the event were not aware
that it was to occur so soon. Miss
Miller departed yesterday morning
for Havelock, where the ceremony
was performed. They will continue
to make their home in Havelock,
where the groom is employed by the
Burlington there in the shops. Both
of the contracting parties were born
and reared in this city, where their
friends are legion. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Miller, and is a most charming and
accomplished young lady of rare at
tainments, and the groom is a young
man who has made many friends by
his splendid traits of character and
in his daily walks of "life. The best
wishes of the friends here will go out
to them in their new found happi
ness. Visits Here With Friends.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Fred Carey,
one of the members of the editorial
staff of the Omaha Daily News, came
down from the metropolis to visit
here for a few hours with his old
friend, Mont Robb, the proprietor of
the Hotel Riley. Mr. Carey was for
merly engaged in the newspaper bus
iness at Nebraska City and where he
became acquainted with Mr. Robb.
While in the city Mr Carey called at
the Journal establishment in com
pany with the genial hotel man and
we greatly enjoyed the visit with him.
I have several tracts of from 3 to
15 acres adjoining Plattsmouth, all
well improved. For sale on easy
Tel. 215.
the Journal for calling
Installs Valuable Machine.
The tailoring and repairing depart
ment of Fred P. Bush i:i this city has
just received a most valuable addition
in the shape of a new gas pressing
machine which will be used in the
pressing of the clothes that are sent
to his place for repairs. The machine
is one of the latest models and cost
some $250, which shows that Mr. Bush
proposes to give his patrons the bect
possible service and allows nothing to
interfere with securing the most up
to-date methods of looking after hi
business and the weliare or nis cus
Several Had the Pleasure of Viewing
the Inside of the New Jail
Consequence of Much Spirits
Saturday night seemed filled with
the spirit of discontent and desire to
war as well as to see how much dis
turbance could be created on the
main street. The first trouble oc
curred early in the evening, when sev
I eral parties became involved in a
chewing match and desired to settle
their wrongs by physical combat, but
this got no farther than a verbal bat
tle that was subsided when the police
entered where the war was waging
and quieted down the warriors. Later
in the evening one of the men who
had been engaged in the wordy bat
tie got in wrong with the police and
was escorted to the jail to repose
there until his spirit of rebellion at
the authorities had had time to quiet
down. The man was warned several
times before to behave himself and
quiet down from his loud talk and at
tempts to provoke a fight from some
one, but this he did not do, and not
taking the advice of the police to go
to his home, he retired to some ouiet
spot and proceeded to taken on some
more noise developer with the result
that when he came down Main street
about 11 o'clock he was seized with a
desire to speak publicly on the indig
nity that had been offered him in re
questing him to go to his home and
proceeded to announce his contempt
of the law and officers that attempted
to interfere with his desire to cele
brate. The man had only given a
short oration when the night force of
police swept down cn him and
dragged him over to the frowning jail
where he languished, resting up from
his strenuous exertions of the vocal
Shortly after 11 o'clock the resi
dents along lower Mam street were
aroused by more loud talking and
rather blue language, as a number of
men came down the street and one
of the number was evidently of a
very excitable nature, as his loud de
mands for protection rang for several
blocks and the police coming to the
scene decided that the protecting
walls of the jail would best protect
him from "the dangers that he knew
not of" and took the gentleman over
to the bastile. No sooner had he been
lodged in jail that remorse overtook
him and he decided that the danger
to his person on the street was less
to be feared than the confinement in
the jail, and loudly demanded that he
be released. This was declined by the
officers unless an ordev was received
from the police judge or a cash bond
of $10 placed up for his appearance
in court this morning. This was final
ly arranged for after much difficulty,
and the man allowed to go on his
Lincoln Parties Secure License.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning County Judge Beeson
was called upon to issue a marriage
license to Mr. Henry Wade Swain,
aged 44, and Mrs. Eliza J. Overton,
aged 42, both of Lincoln. The bride
is a former resident of Weeping
Water, where the marriage will take
place this evening at the home of a
sister of the bride, but for sometime
past she has been residing at Lincoln.
The groom is an employe of the Lin
coln street railway coirpany in the
capital city, wher they will make
their home.
"Safety First" Bureau of the Burlnf-
ton Furnishes Some Icrllini
Figures by Carelessness.
From Friday's Dally.
The following timely si.:ggot inns
looking toward the preventing of ac
cidents along railroad tracks and
trains has been furnished by the
"Safety First" bureau o the Builinr
ton and contains some very startling
figures as to the number injured each
year along the lines of the railroads
throughout the country as well as a
few simple means of preventing or
lessening the number el' accidents:
If you are a mother or father, it is
important that you know that 2,
children in the United States have
been killed, crippled and injured tint
ing the last twenty years (enough t
make a milepost for eery mile in a
trip round the world! by playing
around the tracks an! trains of rail
roads. Every town and village has
some child without an aim or leg, or
has a little grave in the cemetery, of
some child killed while hopping on
If you don't want to lose one of
your children, or have them suffer the
dreadful affliction of losing an arm or
leg, you will keep your children away
from the railroad tracks and trains.
Grown up people also run a dnnirer
from trespassing on the tracks of
railroads as the following figures will
show. During the lat twenty years
in the United States, s;,733 trespass
ers were killed; 1,GIG trespasser
were injured; 181,371 total trespass
ers killed and injured on the rail
roads of this country. Divided as
follows: 21,000 young people under
18 years of age, residing in the vi
cinity of the accident, many of them
under 10 years ef age; .'JC.27i' tramps
and hoboes; 120,103 citizens of the
ocality in which the accident occurred.
mostly wage earners.
More persons are killed while tres-
passing inan are kireei in an outer
ways together on the railroads. It
would cost less to stoo this carnage
by passing and enforcing laws against
trespassing than it does to pirk up
and bury the dead and care for the
Follow these few sample sugges
tions and you can save yourself a fa
tal or serious accident:
1. Never walk alon.T the track.
2. If you must cross the track, al
ways rsiur. L.uui a: a i.imi...
3. Never steal a ride on a freight
train in order to get home sooner, for
if you do you may arrive home hut
on a snutter.
4. Never crawl uwr a freight car
or over the couplings. PLAY SAI I.
The office of Secretary of Slate Ad
dison Wait in Lincoln has just .;. t
out notices to the different couniy
lerks in regard to the counting of the
otes for the congressional amend
ments that will appear on the ballet
this fall. The straight party tickets
will all be counted for 'he amendments
that were endorsed by the state eon-
entions of all the parties and in
cludes the one providing for the revis
ing of the methods of taxation as well
as the one fixing the t-jim and salary
of the governor of the tate. 1 he
referendum questions of the Fort
Kearney armory,, the employers'
iability law and the equal suffrage
amendment will have to be voted for
in order to have the count made for
them and in these cases all votes cn-t
that are neither for or rgainst the e
questions will be counted as t
them as they must have a majority
of the votes cast in order to win.
These facts will be a great aid to the
judges and clerks of election in de
termining the way to count the votes
on the night of the election.