The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 19, 1914, Image 1

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    '&3 HIattemoutb journal
NO. 34.
Henry J. Streight Passed Away at His
Home in Plattsmouth, After an
Illness of Five or More Years.
From Friday's Daily.
At an early hour this morning, at
his home in this city, Henry J.
Streight, one of the pioneer residents
of Plattsmouth and Cass county,
passed to his final reward after an
illness covering the past five years,
and during which time he suffered
greatly but patiently waited the sum
mons of the Master to be relieved
of his afflictions. Mr. Streight had
been for years one of the prominent
figures in the businers, political and
social life of the community, and
while for the past few years he had
not been able to participate actively
in the affairs of the citv he had taken
a keen interest in the affairs of the
community. His passing will leave
a place hard to fill in the community,
and to his sorrowing widow and chil
dren the heartfelt sympathy of the
residents of Plattsmouth will be ex
tended. Henry J. Streight first saw the light
of day June 1G, 1839, at Natic, R. I.,
and here he spent his early boyhood
until his father, Jason Streight, de
cided to try his fortune in the west
and the family departed to what was
then considered the wild and unset
tled state of Iowa. It was in this
state that Mr. Streight enlisted in
the army to fight for the Union and
served until released on account of
sickness. He then moved to Platts
mouth in 18C3 and here, in the fall of
the same year, he was united in mar
riage to Miss Elizabeth Wells, who
is left behind to moi'rn the passing
of the husband and father. To this
union four children were born, one of
whom, a son, passed away some forty
years ago, while the children surviv
ing are: Edward Streight, Portland,
Ore.; Mrs. Arthur J. Jackson, Omaha;
William J. Streight, Plattsmouth. The
family resided here in Plattsmouth
for quite a number of years, during
which time Mr. Streight served in
the Nebraska Home Guards that were
engaged in the campaign against the
Indians for some time and returning
from the campaign engaged in the ho
tel business as well as in the mercan
tile business until 1876 when the
Streight family removed to a farm
near South Bend wheie they resided
until 1888.
When Mr. Streight anT family de
cided to remove from the farm in
1888 they came to Plattsmouth and
shortly after this Mr. Streight was
appointed as postmaster here by
President Harrison and served for
four years in that capacity to the
greatest satisfaction of everyone hav
ing business with the office. He re
tired in 1894 when his successor was
nominated by President Cleveland,
and at once started into the furni
ture business in the building now oc
cupied by E. A. Wurl, under the firm
name of Streight & Sattler, but a
few years later Mr. Sattler retired
and W. J. Streight was taken into the
firm which was then known as
Streight & Streight and as such has
been continued. Up to a few years
ago Mr. Streight was active in the
management of the store affairs, but
his failing health necessitated his re
tirement, and since that time his
health has gradually broken down,
and his crushing blow came when his
eyesight began to fail and render him
almost sightless. He was also strick
en with paralysis which made his
condition such that it was only a
question of time until he must suc
cumb, and this morning at 3:45 his
spirit took its flight to its final Home.
The funeral services of this grand
good man will be held Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock from the late home,
and the sermon will be delivered by
Rev. H. G. McClusky of the First
Presbyterian church. The casket will
not be opened at the services, and
all old friends of the family desiring
to take a last farewell may do so by
calling at the home tomorrow after
noon or Sunday morning.
Tyewrlter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
Motors Up From Kansas.
From Friday's Daily.
Iver Standish and wife and two
little daughters arrived in Murray
yesterday from their home in Kan
sas, motoring up ,from that state.
They came up yesterday on the train
from Murray to visit for a short
time. On the way up from Kansas
the party struck the rain just south
of Lincoln and from that place on
had very muddy weather that only a
Ford car could get through. After
remaining here a short time they will
go to Garnet, Kas., for a two weeks'
From Friday's Dally.
Wednesday night, in spite of the
rain and mud, the William Hunter
home was the scene of much pleasure
when the Senior German club gath
ered at that place for their regular
meeting and a jolly good time. A
number of the class came early to
the club, but the majority of the class
took in the many beautiful musical
numbers furnished by the Hawaiian
players at the Parmelc. after which
they plodded to the Honter home. The
evening was spent in playing differ
ent games, and music was furnished
by Miss Lillian Dwyer and William
Richardson. A delightful lunch of
cocoa and cream, pickles, sandwiches
and cake was served by the ambitious
committee, and at a late hour the
club members left for their homes.
But listen here, senior boys, don't
you think it would only be an act of
courtesy if you could pick up a lit
tle courage and not let some of the
"girlies" who live in the south part
of town as well as other localities,
plod home alone, and if you did hap
pen to meet some of them on their
way home and you just simply tip
your hat and say "pood night." It
would be a good plan, boys, to think
on these things. Don't you think so?
From Friday's Daily.
The soft shell clams are ripening
along the coast of Maine, the hard
shell crabs are fattening in Chese
peake Bay, the oysterc are ready to
be gathered from the beds in Long
Island Sound; and tl.c blue fish are
assembling in shoals from Hampton
Roads to Cape Cod ready for seining,
all preliminary to thj furnishing of
of sea-food supplies for the Elks'
Clambake that will take place at
Krug park, Omaha, cn Thursday of
next week, October 22. The digging
of the clams, the raking of the oys
ters, the netting of the crabs and the
seining of the blue fish will com
mence on Saturday of this week and
will be continued until Monday, when
they will be shipped to Omaha. The
agreement of the local fish dealers
is that the clams, crabs and oysters
shall arrive alive, and the blue fish
shall be killed and dressed within
forty-eight hours previous to ship
ment. Rock weed is a prime essen
tial for a Clambake, and fifteen bar
rels of the same will be required. It
is necessary to thoroughly soak the
rock weed in salt water previous to
shipment, and the cost of 75 cents
per barrel on the Atlantic coast is
increased by express charges to near
ly $5 per barrel before it reaches
Omaha. Mr. John Sipple, the expert
New Jersey clam baker, who will
have charge of the Clambake, will
arrive in Omaha on Sunday next from
Columbus, Ohio, where he pulled off
a bake for the Columbus Elks on Oc
tober 8, that was attended by 1,506
The Omaha lodge of the Elks have
arranged to care for all those who
desire to attend the bake and who
have failed to secure their tickets for
the event at the park on the day of
the bake. There are quite a number
from the local lodge who have made
arrangements to take part in the big
Do you know that the Journal of
fice carries the finest line of station
ery in the city?
Some Interesting Reading for the
- Benefit of Judges and Clerks
of the Election.
One of the requirements of the new
election law that will prove of great
interest to the various judges and
clerks of election at the coming No
vember election is the fact that they
will be compelled to make out two
sets of poll books of the persons vot
ing at the election. One of these
books goes to the county clerk, as has
been the law for several years, while
the one containing the names of per
sons voting for the different meas
ures under the initiative and refer
endum must be also turned over to
the county clerk and by him sent in
thirty days to the office of the sec
retary of state of Nebraska. The
poll of the voters under the referen
dum must also contain the postoffice
address of the voter In order that it
can be used as a basis for correcting
the names submitted on petition for
measures to be placed on the ballot
in the future. This will entail con
siderable more work on the election
board and the law is very strict in
its demand for prompt compliance in
the return of these poll books to the
county clerk. The law provides that
the salaries of the judges and clerks
shall not be paid until such poll
books are placed in the hands of the
clerk. For their services the judges
and clerks are allowed 30 cents an
hour and are limited to twenty hours
to complete their wor'c, and if not fin
ished then it will be done on their
own time. County Clerk Libershal
this summer mailed out to the differ
ent judges and clerks of election a
pamphlet containing the instructions
to the officers and Ihis feature is
carefully explained and it would be
well for the election officers to read
it over and see that they comply with
all requirements of the law. The
changes and additions to the election
laws of Nebraska which each suc
ceeding legislature tacks on makes
the job of voting as well as counting
the votes one of considerable labor.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening Charles W. Pool, dem
ocratic candidate for the office of
secretary of state, arrived in the city
to look over the situation here in re
gard to the chances of the democratic
state ticket and his own candidacy.
Mr. Pool has just finished an automo
bile tour of part of the Third and
Fourth congressional districts in
company with a number of other can
didates on the democratic ticket, and
reports that everything is looking fine
for their success on olection day.
Everywhere the voters are recogniz
ing the splendid administration of
Governor Moorehead and will give
him cordial support and elect with
him a set of officers which will assist
in carrying out his policies. Mr. Pool
has only been a candidate for office
before the voters of the state but
once before when he was defeated by
92 votes in 1910 for secretary of state.
His opponent is asking for his third
term in the office.
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends who were so
kind and sympathetic at the time of
the death of our beloved wife and
mother we desire to return our most
heartfelt thanks and assure those
thoughtful friends that their kind
nesses will long be remembered.
W. C. Tippens and wife were among
the passengers this afternoon for
Omaha, where they will visit for a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Try the Journal for calling
Assisting in Meat Market.
From Friday's Dally.
During the illness of the sister of
L. W. and E. A. Lorenz of Tobias,
Neb., these gentlemen have found it
nc:essary to be absent lor some little
time at her bedside ana to assist them
in the work at their jarge meat mar
ket and grocery store they have se
cured the services of Carl Kunsman,
Plattsmouth's veteran butcher. The
appearance of Mr. Kunsmann behind
the counter in a nrat market is a
familiar sight and his friends will be
pleased to learn that he is still keep
ing his hand in by supplying all those
who desire anything in the way of
juicy meats.
From Saturday f naitv.
Yesterday the Journal was very
agreeably surprised to receive a visit
from our old friend. Dr. J. A. Pol
lard, for many years a resident of
Nehawka, but at pre:sent residing at
Salem, Neb. The doctor is looking
fine and is still the genial and pol
ished gentleman that won so many
friends throughout Cass county. Dr.
Pollard has been visiting at Nehawka
and stopped off in Plattsmouth en
route to Omaha, wheie he goes to
visit his son there. .
From Friday's Dallv.
,In the election for officers of the
Degree of Honor of Nebraska, held
at the convention at Fremont yester
day Mrs. Mayme Cleaver, present
chief of honor, was re-elected to that
position by a large and decisive ma
jority, while in the election for grand
recorder Miss Rose Herrick of Lincoln
was elected to succeed Miss Etta
Brooks, who has resigned the office
to accept the position as a candidate
for county superintendent of Gage
county. A very active campaign was
made for this office by the different
candidates, including Miss Teresa
Hemple of this city. According to re
ports in the state papers, Miss Anna
Hassler, at present an employe in the
office of Miss Brooks, was also a can
didate for the position. The mem
bers in attendance at the meeting
from this city returned home last
evening after having enjoyed the ex
citing meeting. The officers outside
of the chief of honor selected wrere as
Grand lady of honor, Mrs. Magno
lia K. Duke, North Platte; grand
recorder, Miss Rose Herrick, Lin
coln; grand treasurer, Mrs. Pate
Schmidt, Omaha; grand inner watch,
Mrs. Mary Walker, McCook; grand
outer watch, Mrs. Ella Williams, Sid
ney; member grand finance commit
tee, Mrs. Adelia Harding; Hebron;
grand medical examiner, Dr. Ada Wi
ley Ralston, South Omaha; grand
chief of ceremonies, Mrs. Christine
Yager, Hastings; grand usher, Mrs.
Anna Glassman, Holdrege.
Returns Home From Knox County.
From Saturday's Dally.
Henry Horn came in last evening
on No. 14 from a shoit visit he has
been enjoying in Knox county at the
home of his son, George W. Horn, and
family as well as with his brother in
the same county. Mr. Horn states
that everything is looking fine in that
section of the state, and he was well
pleased at the splendid crops secured
there by the farmers.
Wedded at Bride's Home.
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening at the home of the
bride's parents, eight miles south of
this city, occurred the marriage of
Mr. William A. Oliver, Jr., and Miss
Winnie Frances Hutchison, the
charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Hutchison, and one of Cass
county's most charming daughters.
The wedding was attended by some
sixty of the friends and relatives, as
the bad condition of the roads pre
vented a .larger attendance. A more
complete account will be given later
of the ceremony, as it was impossible
to secure it for today's issue.
Alonzo Bellamy Makes a Successful
Getaway With the Assistance of
Another Negro Prisoner.
From Saturday's Daily.
! From an account appearing in the
I Omaha papers of this morning it
seems that Jack Williams, a colored
prisoner at the Douglas county jail,
whose time expired there on Thurs
day and whose place was taken by
Alonzo Bellamy, the colored man from
Cass county who was placed in the
Douglas county jail, has been held
there to await an investigation as to
his part in the plan that led to the
successful getaway of Bellamy.
When the jailor visited the section
of the jail containing the colored
prisoners and called Williams to don
his clothes, to be released from the
prison, Bellamy came lorward and
presented himself as Williams and
was allowed to leave the jail without
arousing suspicion that it was not the
right man who had been turned loose.
A short time later Williams "awoke"
as he claimed and demanded his re
lease, and then it wa? found that the
wrong man had been sent from the
jail, and the officials at the jail are
of the opinion that Williams was
fully aware of the plan to release Bel
lamy and is being held under orders
from County Attorney Magney on the
charge of aiding another prisoner to
escape. No trace has been found of
Bellamy so far and it is thought by
the Douglas county authorities that
he has made his escape from Omaha.
Bellamy was sent from" this county
to Omaha at the time the jail here
was unfinished in ordc that he would
be kept safely, as he appeared to be
a pretty smooth article, and had been
bound over to the districct court of
Cass county on the charge of enter
ing the bunk car of the Rock Island
section men near Murdock and steal
ing therefrom a pair of shoes belong
ing to the section boss. He was cap
tured near Loufsville after the burg
lary in company with two other gen
tlemen of color, and from the evi
dence offered was bound over to the
higher court for trial. That he was
fully as clever and tricky as was
suspected is shown by the manner in
which he put one over on the Douglas
county jail authorities in gaining his
Will Have Load of Apples.
From Saturday's Dally.
P. E. Ruffner, wno returned last
evening from Missouri where he has
been for the past two months looking
after the packing and shipping of ap
ples in that state, announces that in
a week or ten days he will have a
carload of the choicest Missouri ap
ples here for sale to all comers. Mr.
Ruffner is an expert In the apple line
and the purchasers can depend on
getting their money's worth in buying
of him.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening John G. Wunderlich,
democratic candidate for sheriff, came
in from a swing through the county
to spend a few hours here with his
friends. John is making a very
thorough canvass of the county and
is meeting with much encouragement
in the race for the office to which
he aspires. Mr. Wunderlich is one of
the best German farmers in the
county and he has all the character
istics of that sturdy race in his stead
fastness and unshaken devotion to a
duty. He is well qualified in every
way for the office of sheriff, and
should receive a handsome vote from
those who know of his splendid qual
ifications for the office of county
sheriff. From his owr home precinct
of Nehawka every day come the most
unaualified endorsements of his
splendid qualities as a man and neigh
1 bor. . .
J Visits Here From South.
From Friday's Daily.
A. C. Tucker and wife of near Alva,
Okla., are making a short visit in
Cass county with the:r relatives and
friends, and today Mr. Tucker, in
company with his son, Charles, of
near Murray came up to visit at the
county seat, and while here called at
the Journal office and renewed his
subscription to the Old Reliable. Tues
day Mr. and Mrs. Tucker returned
from a trip to the old home of Mr.
Tucker in Indiana, and while there
they report a most pleasant time. En
route home they were joined in Kan
sas City by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vir
gin of near Murray, who were also
bound for Indiana for a visit, Mrs.
Virgin being a sister of Mr. Tucker.
While in this county Mr. and Mrs.
Tucker will visit at the William Tuck
er home near Nehawka.
From Friday's Daily.
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity had an unusual interesting meet
ing last night. The district deputy,
Mr. Laverty, and wife of Nebraska
City made the council a visit, and
were cordially received, it being their
first visit to Plattsmouth. Mr. Lav
erty made an interesting talk, touch
ing on the work of the order, which
was highly pleasing to the members.
The question of maL.'ng a gift to
wards purchasing Christmas presents
for the children in the foreign lands
now in a state of war was brought up,
and after due consideration it was
unanimously voted to appropriate
$10, which will be forwarded to the
Omaha Bee, to be sent to the Christ
mas ship which will toon leave New
York. It was voted to receive and
forward any personal contributions
for this ship that anyone in the com
munity might wish to give. The
money can be handed to either A. O.
Moore, secretary of the council, G. H.
Forley, vice president, or R. B. Wind
ham, president, who constitute a com
mittee in charge of the matter. There
are probably a great many here in
the city who may desire to add a lit
tle to the attempt being made to shed
a ray of joy to the unfortunate little
ones in Europe at Christmas time,
many of whom have been made fath
erless and homeless by the awful war
now waging there in the different
countries. The movement is certain
ly a broad and lofty one that is well
worthy of the great American peo
From Saturday's Daily.
The programs for the Cass County
Sunday School convention, which are
being distributed among the dele
gates, are something out of the or
dinary and certainly will be appreci
ated by the delegates who attend the
convention. They are made in the
form of a calendar that can be hung
on the wall where it can easily be re
ferred to by anyone desiring informa
tion as to the association. On the
front cover appears the address of the
home office of the state association,
together with the calendar proper.
On the inside pages appears the pro
gram for the convent'on that will be
known as a goal convention. The
manner of arranging the program is
most attractive and carries out the
idea of the goal to which the associa
tion is working from the start on
Thursday morning, October 22, until
the last session labeled "Under the
Wire" is carried out on Friday even
ing, the 23rd. On the last page of
the calendar is found a directory of
all the Protestant churches of the
county, together with the Sunday
schools and superintendents and pas
tors. The goal featured throughout
the calendar is a record of 100 per
cent for the different schools by 1917.
To get 50 per cent of the Cass county
schools to make nine points in the
new work outlined is the aim of the
Sunday School association, and if
they continue as successful in the
coming year as they have been then
they certainly will make it a go.
Mr. Lynn O. Minor and Miss r.IIen
Pollock United in Marriage at
Home of the Bride's Parents.
On Saturday evening, October 17,
at the home of Mr. i :nl Mrs. T. II.
Pollock, occurred the wedding of their
daughter, Ellen, to Mr. Lynn O.
The guests assembled in the library
which was decorated with autumn
leaves. Here Miss Mnthilde Vallery
charmingly sang "I Love Thee," by
Grieg, after which the wedding party
slowly descended the stairs to the
strains of "Mendelssohn's "Wedding
March," played by Mrs. George II.
The four bridesmaids Misses Doris
Patterson, Madeline Minor, Isadora
Sheldon and Helen Clark, carrying
white satin ribbons, passed through
the library into the living room. Here
they formed an aisle before the win
dows which were banked wth aspara
gus fern and yellow chrysanthemums.
Master Edward Patterson, bearing
the wedding ring on a white satin
pillow, passed down the aisle in ad
vance of the bridal party. Immediate
ly preceding the bride came Miss
Kathryn Windham, the maid of honor,
carrying a bouquet of Mrs. Ward
roses. The bride, accompanied by
her father, was met at the altar by
the groom and his best, man, Mr.
Charles Patterson. Miss Alice, sister
of the bride, carried the train. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. II.
G. McClusky of the First Presbyter
ian church.
After the guests had congratulated
the bride and groom they entered the
dining room. Here bowls of Mrs.
Wa"rd roses were placed, which added
to the attractiveness of the scene.
Dainty refreshments were served by
Misses Vesta Douglas?, Emma Falter,
Elizabeth Falter, Catherine Dovey
and Lucille Gass.
The remainder of the evening was
delightfully spent in singing and
The bride looked charming in a
gown of imported satin with earl
trimmings, carrying a rhower boquet
of bride roses. She wore a string of
pearls, the gift of the groom.
Miss Windham wore a gown of
Nile green messaline and shadow lace.
Miss Patterson wore green crepe de
chene and shadow lacf .
Miss Minor wore a costume of
white chiffon with silver trimmings
and a green girdle.
Misses Clark and Sheldon wore yel
low messaline with silver lace over
dress edged with yellow ostrich feath
ers. Miss Vallery wore a dainty pink
charmeuse gown with silver lace over
drape. Mrs. Falter, pink messaline with
lace and chiffon basque effect.
Mrs. Pollock, mother of the bride,
black chiffon and shadow lace with jet
Mrs. Minor, mother of the groom,
black brocaded chiffon over white
The out of town gucFts of the wed
ding were Miss Doris Patterson, Chi
cago, 111.; Miss Helen Clark, Omaha;
Miss Isadora Sheldon, Nehawka;
Charles Patterson, Arapahoe; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles H. King and family,
Waukegan, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
White and Miss Bertha White, Oma
ha; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hopewell,
Tekamah; Mrs. Fred Murphy, San
Antonia, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pat
terson, Union; Mrs. Floyd Ralston,
Kansas City, Mo.
The bride attended Northwestern
university at Evanston, 111., where she
became a member of the Gamma Phi
Bet society, following her leaving the
Plattsmouth schools. The groom is
the present superintendent of the
Plattsmouth Water company.
Mr. and Mrs. Minor left Saturday
night for the south urd upon their
return will reside at their home on
Eighth and Elm streets in this city.
The best wishes of thir many friends
follow them.
Blank books of all kinds at the
Journal office.