THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 19 If. PAQC 4. rLATTSMOUTH SiSM I-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 0e plattsmoutb journal Published S e m l-W eekly at Plattsmouth. Nabr. Entered at the Tostoflice at riattsmoutlu Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe HKtJIH li ITU' TICIil'X Kt ;-v. !nM- John 11. .Mooreliea.l l.w l. if "t -il'ivoi iii-i- lames lVari-on l ..r S.-, !'f l;u v of State. .Cl aries W. Pool I".-r s'!:Oo AU'iaor Win. 11. Smith Km Su 'e Treasurer. .. .George 1'- Hall i'o.- State Sniiei inleii'lent I M Whitehead lr Mtornev :-:n-r;: I . . . V i 11 is K. Keel l'or i- ; -1 'oinmissi. !i . . . V. l:. Kastham For l.ailw.iv e'oiiimisioii.r Will M. Mauian For Kepents of Fniversity J.-hn K . Miller W. Noble For oiii;i e.-ma!i JoUii A. Mau're Siii-i i-'iif Juil-f Noil -1 'artisan m. it. r.'ecp , '. i ' 1 iollenl'eck jii'l-e ;is'ri.t 'o'iil Non-t'artisan James T. I'.esley F;-.t t - K pi s.nla t i e e"as a:nl lot. t'ounti-s V. 11. l'uls C";n'y J mis -Non- Partisan .O. K .A. .1. f 5 ra ves llreson 1;. j. I ive Sevenl h lustliet. . M. C5. Kinie Slate Senator ! n.l ! istriet . . .John Mattes. Jr. o. iitv I'l.rk Frank .1. I.ihershal CmmiH- Tn at:rer W. 1- I'"ox ;. lit v Sio rirt I.iIm I. W n n-ler 1 ii h e'.M.n! v Sim-'! ii:Te;i.!e!it . . Mary K. Foster ;(l;lt.l of I' . J SllV.l.r i-.eMitv- r.Tc-i.r I i .1. F. C,,:Mtv S'i-evor Kre-1 Patterson r- "mm i ioner Seeon.l lis- t i-j.-t H. S;olni Omnlv 'itii:nisi"ii'-r Tl-ird lis- iriet Henry Snoke THOKillT FOR TODAY. What tir.c wants is to be in- I tcrested, and if one isn't, life ! J is pretty much the same in a !- trolley car as in an automo bile. Ellen Glasgow. 4 :o:- Whuer coming on apace. Now's the time to fill that co:l bin. :o" Only three weeks frcrn tenia y till election. Keep on the move, boys. :o: There is one consolation left to the man in the ranks. Death tomes but It will be more patriotic stiil to ue plenty of cloth in that cotton dress. Moon changed yesterday. Maybe the next wiil be a dry moon. We can s-tand it. :o:- The Palace of Peace would serve a - an excellent a.-ylum for the widows a:ul orphans. :o: Attending to one's own business is the eas;e-t thin? in the world to do, which probably explains why it is seldom done. :o: Evidently, the motorcyclists about town think people would consider them bad ones if they did not keep their mufflers open. : : The railroads of the country are for an increased rate, as they are lort. When they arc yone, what about the rest of u-;? California may also be able to sell more of its justly celebrated climate to tour'sts who formerly went to Eu ioh for that commodity. :o: "Is your husband as noisy at home as he is down town?" a doctor asked this reporter's wife. Now, what's the idea of tailing anybody's wife what use of telling anybody's wife what ::-. Every voter in Cass county should vote against the removal of the state university. If removal carries, it will fcimply "feather the nests" of a few real estate speculators in Lincoln. That's all. :: M'ke Kime, democratic candidate for representative, is one of the -common people, and if he is elected the people of Cass county are sure to have a representative in the legis lature who will guard well their in ttrests. Mr. Kime is a man that de serves the support of the farmers and everyone else who wants the. county represented by one who knows the 7-eal need of the people. Thank goodness, there is no censor for the baseball news. :o: Every hour you spend on the main corner of the city is putting off mak ing good. ; t ; Safety first wouldn't be a bad thing to teach the boy, even if he is not to engaged in railroading. :o: Anyone can start a boom, but most of them are not loadtei heavy enough to cause much of an explosion. :o : About the only thirg that can be done with the Mexicans, it would teem, is to adandon them to their fate, and let them fight it out. :o: In voting for Frank J. Lihcrshall for county clerk, you aie voting far a young man who has been tried in the official duties of the office and not found wanting. :o: The republicans are making cal culations to capture one or two con gressmen in Nebraska. They had better make the effort of their life to keep what they already have. :o: The European war news has to take the back page for the great series of ball games. The great American game will create more ex citement than anything else in this country. :u: If every man in this town woultl make a practice of devoting two hours a week to yard improvement, it would lie but a short time when we would have the most beautiful community in the world. :o: According to reports from Wash ington, congress is arranging to ad journ next Saturday night. This will give members who are candidates for e-election a chance to fix up their fences. :o : Soon President Wilson will set forth his Thanksgiving Day procla mation. This country is at peace with the balance of the world, and this is something to be thankful for, be sides the overflowing granaries to furnish food for the outside world. :o: Says the World-IIerald: "The re publican party promises encourage ment of private development of water power. Its candidate for governor repudiates the promise in advance of his election and promises instead public development at public expense. He is at war with his party and his party would be at war with him ii he were electee!." :o: Don't you think for a moment that the people of Nebraska are ready to trade a man who has been tried and true as governor, for one of inex perience in the management of state affairs. Governor Moorehcad has proved himself a great man in the position, while R. II. Howell has noth ing to recommend h'.m but the mil lions of indebtedness he has saddled upon the taxpayers of Omaha. -:o: There will be no republican cam paign textbook this year, for lack of material. The predicted financial panic, the empty dinner pail3, the smokeless factory chimneys, disturb ed commerce, depressed business and pessimistic speeches have all gone into the discard "We cannot attack the currency law," said one repub lican spellbinder, who voices the opin ion of most of them, "for its worth has been proved within the last few weeks. It would be foolhardy to at tempt to convince the people that they pould return to te Payne-Al would laugh at us. Rttprni.ic9r ticket. Governor H. B. Howell I. lent. -Governor . .Walter V. Hoagland Secretary of State Addison Wait Treasurer F. L. Itatncr State Auditor Walter L. Minor State Superintendent . O. Thomas Land Commissioner Fred Beckman Kaiiway Commissioner T. L. Hall University Regents .F. P. Hrown .Peter Jansen Supreme Judge Non-Fartisan M. T. Reeee Conrad llollenbeck Congressman First IMstrlet t:. rrann iteavis Judpre of the IMstrict Court Non Partisan James T. I?esjley For State Senator Second District A. F. Sturm Float Representative Otoe and Cass Counties K. L. Nutzmann County Clerk John M. Creamer County Treasurer Major A. Hall Sheriff Carroll I. Quintoii Keirister of Heeds Mont Rofib County Attorney A. G. Cole County Superintendent t,iia Aiarquarat County Surveyor Fretl Patterson County Coroner H. I. Clements Representative Seventh Districts. . e". I'j. pool County Commissioner Second Dis trict Charles Ileebner County Commissioner Third Dis trict J. W Colbert County Judge Non-Tartisan C. Ii. Craves A. J. Heeson The vultures are having their day. :o: Some people read forever and never learn. :o:- Many a young man began life with a yell. :o: Wise men arc good savers. Fools good spentlers. :o: Dahlman for collector and Guen- ther for marshall is the latest. :o: When a man speaks for himself he is doing all tne Liora intended ne should do. :o: Even the colonel's remarks cannot add much to the present woes of Mr. Lorimer. :o: The biggest contribution to the cotton funel is urging everything ex- ept -spitting cotton. :o: Instead of a decent tax on Pullman tickets, the government might have made the porters turn over 25 per cent of their tips. :o: Who said Howell had no use for the rest of the ticket? Why, the cantlitlates who are on this same tick et with him, anel they ought to know. :o: John G. Wunderlich is still busy in terviewing the people on the sheriff question, and he is increasing his supporters in every section of the county. There is no doubt about John's efficiency, and as a good 'cit izen he is among thf- very best. : o : At both republican anel democratic headquarters in Lincoln the wiseacres at the heaels of departments are confident of success in the election. Somebody is going to be fooled, and it will be the fellows who are not counting on the strength of Senator Sackett for governor on the progres sive ticket. Mr. Sackett is making a great campaign, and he has a host of friends in every section of the state. :o: The tlemocratic party pledges the state a public warehouse law. With such a law in operation the farmers of Nebraska will not be required to sell their corn, their wheat, and their other products in the cheapest mar ket, that prevails just about harvest time. They will be enabled to store their crops in public elevators, re ceive tnereior warehouse receipts, that are prime security at the banks, to borrow on such receipts money for their immediate needs, and mean while hold their crops till they are ready to sell' them. The plan is sim ple, proved and sure. It prevails in many states. It not only enables the farmer to get a fair price for his proeluce, but it develops a local mar ket and home industry. Experience in Kansas, in Illinois, in Minnesota and elsewhere proves that it would save the farmers of Nebraska, and so to the whole state of Nebraska, enough money in a single year to de velop all the water power in the state. And it would not be at the expense of the consumer. It would simply give to the farmer instead of to the speculator and the great ter tninnl oleVator rnmMnio tb lipftflt of top prices. World-Herald. j STICK TO THE FARM. With winter coming on, and the crops safely harvested and stowed away, many young men of the farms will be casting longing eyes toward the great cities. They would leave the green fields and thelf-pieasures and seek the glare of the electric lights and the allure ments of the great white way. . They would taste of the greater life. And therein lurks the most haunt ing peril that confronts our country today, for the nation is dependent upon the farmer. Our population is increasing by leaps and bounds, and millions of ad ditional mouths must be fed each year. From the Roil of the farms must come the produce which sustains life and body for the countless thousands who throng the cities. And year by year young men of the country are leaving the farms to seek their fortunes in the human bee hives. And each one who forsakes the farm reduces the producing capacity of the country, although our con stantly increasing population calls for greater farm production. Voting men of brains are needed on the farm. Their presence there means much to their country a thousand times more than they real ize. The city offers but one chance in a hunelreel for success, for every large city is already over populated, and for every job worth the having there are many applicants. Today, as we write this article, every city in the country is groaning under the burden of itp unemployed. Many hundreds of thousands of peo ple are without bread, and wholly de pendent upon charity. That is the condition of the great cities today a condition which should not appeal to any intelligent young man from the farm. f The farm offers the young man a life of honor, and of peace, and of plenty. The glare of the electric light of fers him all that he should not have. Young men of wisdom should stick to the farm. Fools have no wisdom to lose. :o: Falsifying will not get ' anything for the man who engages in it. Mark that! :o:- No sooner does Mexico get through with a revolution than it must under go a street car strike. :u: The better looking the woman the more eager she should be to don a cotton gown. :o: The movement to colonize Belgians n the United States is becoming more popular than ever in Relgium. :o: American fashions arc being adopt ed bv American women. Who says the United States is not patriotic? :o: While the descendants of Welling ton and Ney are fighting, together, the descendants of Blucher arc on the other side. :o : Many of the bcllircrants signified a willingness to quit fighting. Will the rest of the world attribute it to divine influence? : o : A. J. Snyder, democratic candidate for recorder of deeds, has been very attentive to the duties of the office, so much so, in fact, that he has made many new friends by his gentlemanly deportment and efficiency. :o: They must have a queer attorney general down in Arkansas. He says that although the law exempts from the road tax all persons who are physically disabled, it does hot pro vide that the certificate Or oath of a physician shall constitute evidence of such disability. He recommends that persons refusing to work out or pay the tax be indicted by grand juries. But the grand jurors will be likely to supply the common sense to the Islvt which the exceedingly technical official has been unable to find. AN APPEAL TO DEMOCRATS. An obligation as party men and as citizens rests upon the democrats of Nebraska and it is one that calls im peratively for immediate discharge. The democratic state committee, charged with the conduct of the na tional and state campaign in Ne braska, is "broke." . It is in urgent need of funds with which to Carry on the ordinary and necessary activities of the contest that is being waged to put Nebraska in the Wilson and Moorohead column on the third day of next month. The appeal issued by Chairman Thompson and Secretary Spraguc ap pears elsewhere in totlay's paper. The World-Herald urges all those of its readers who are in sympathy' with the purposes of the democratic cam paign to give to that appeal their prompt and generous response. A great deal of money is not re quired. But a few thousand dollars may spell the difference between de feat and victory. There is work, a great deal of work, that ought to be done and is not being done, purely because of a lack of funds. The campaign against Wilson and Moorehead is well financed. The re publican headquarters at Lincoln are the scene of extraordinary activity. There is a plenty of money to hire a small army of clerko anel to provide an immense amount of literature and letters with which the state is be ing flooded, containing unfair and un truthful attacks on democratic ad ministrat'on in both state and na tion. It is up to the democrats of Ne braska who indorse the administra tion of Woodrow Wilson, and the ad ministration of Governor Moorehead, and who tlesire a Nebraska indorse ment for both at the polls, to fur nish the funds necessnry for provid ing means to meet the republican at tack. There is no time to spare. Send in your contributions at once to Dr. P. L. Hall at Lincoln, treasurer of the state committee or, if you prefer, mail it to the World-Heraltl and this newspaper will forward it to Dr. Hall. Send a dollar if you can spare no more. Make it five, or ten, or twenty-five dollars if you can afford it. It will be money devoted to a good cause the cause of clean anil honest and efficient government. World-Herald. :o: The Beatrice Sun winds up u long editorial in reference to Howell, who is trying his best to be governor of Nebraska, as follows: "Mr. Howell cannot claim the votes of republican partisans, because he opposed the re publican canelidate foi president; he cannot claim the votes of the Roose velt wing of the party, because Mr. Roosevelt has declared for Mr. Sack ett; he cannot ask for democratic support, because he cannot lay a finger upon any fatal error of Governor Moorehead's; he cannot ask the support of the independent vot ers whose only interest is in getting honest and efficient government, be cause it has not shown that a change in the governorship is needed to gain that end. Therefore Mr. Howell's name is pants." An effort is to be put forth by the members of the G. A. R. everywhere to organize the Sons of Veterans. We approve of this move because it will not be many years till the last survivor of the civil var will be con signed to the silent tmb. Why not also include in the organization of the Sons of Veterans Daughters of Veterans, also? The daughters of the old veterans could assist in many ways in making a success of local organizations. We wouhl like to adel this suggestion. :o: Senator La Follctte is a pretty shrewd guy. He is not to be seduced into giving up a good job to make an uncertain race for another. :o:- Fashion note: Fall weather has in duced the passing parade to wear duds as dense as the veil of censor ship. Buy your Stationery at the Journal office. Wf )(fllllIM.UIJ III Children Cry Tlio Kind You Have Always in uso lor over JO years, ana sonal J6CCA44t Allow All Counterfeits Imitations and ' Just-as-good " arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Casforia is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare froric. Jrons and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ot!icr Narcotics substance. Jt ajjo is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays I'cv rishnes.s. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant uso for the relief of Constipation, ITatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrlnca. It regulates the Stomach and liowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural fclcep, Tho Children's Panacea The 3Iother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought !n Use For Over 30 Years T M F CENTAUR TOrAMY. NPW TOW CITY See that it reads "Made ia Amer ica. General Villa is now engaged in killing off the men in Mexico he dis trusts. Mexico might as well be included in the national peace day next Sun day. It didn't require a war to teach a married man the meaning of cen sorship. :o: A Plattsmouth man ba? done every thing he said he wouldn't do, except marry a widow. :o: The weather for th.' past three er four days has proved a gentle re minder that winter is close. The Allies have had their inning, now the tables have tinned in favor of Germany, and she is eloing some fearful fighting with great results. Perpetual Motion: Madera chased Diaz out; Hucrta planted Madero; Carranza and Villa kicked Huerta to Europe, and now Villa wants to give Carranza the boot. -:o: Governor Moorehcad is addressing large crowds throughout, the state, and his speeches are lirtcned to with strict attention. The great mass of people of the state are for the gov ernor, which is indicated by the great crowels that turn out lo welcome him. :o : Don't forget that Henry Snoke is the democratic candidate for commis sioner from the Third district, and that he is excellently well fitted for the position. Henry is a well-to-elo farmer and lives near Eagle, where he has resided many years. He un derstands the wants of the taxpayers, and he will prove ready to serve them in the most practical manner. :o: Governor Moorehead has been a shrctrd, careful business man all his life. In every position he has held this has been proven. In his own pri vate affairs he has been successful as well as in positions of trust ten dered by the people he has proven a most careful public servant. His rec ord as a genuine business man is dem onstrated by his past two years' service in the governor's office, in which position he has taken the same interest in the affairs of the state as though they were' his :ndividuui inter ests. He is a friend of the people at large, and careful guarding of their interests has been his watch word. The people have cause to feel proud of Governor Moorehead, and his election is beyond a doubt., ' for F.eichor's Bonght, and which has heen has borno the signature o has been inado under his per supervision since Its Infancy, no ono to deceive you in this. Signature of How could a railway president be expected to remember such a trifle as a $1,501,000 note? :o : If Mr. Bryan and Senator Hitch cock would come to some under standing and get those appointments off of their hands, it would help the democratic ticket amazingly. They know tliis as well as we or anybody else then why not move and move eiuickly ? ;n : W. 13. Howard is the only man that has control of the state auditor's of fice that has made an effort to dis charge his eluty in its entirety. There is due the state from several counties the sum of SIW.OOO for the care of insane prior lo 1S91, and Au ditor Howard puts it up against for mer state auditors, including Silas L. Barton, and it becomes necessary for those former auditors to explain this neglect. Mr. Howard has demonstrat ed that he is one of the most com petent officials the state has ever had. : : Don't Be Bothered with Coughing Slq it with Foley's Honey and Til;- Compound. It spreads a soolliintr, healing coaling ;is it glidos down Cic throat, and lick ling, hoarseness, and nervous hacking, are quickly healed. Children love it lasles good and no opinlos. A man in Texas walk ed 15 miles to a drug slerc (e get a hot He. Host you can buy for croup and bronchial coughs. Try it. For sale by all druggists. PHYSICIAN WITH THE TREY 0' HEART FILM COMPANY It is an interesting fact, and one that is not generally known, that in view of the musical dangers that at tend the production of "The Trey o' Hearts" series, the company is not allowed to leave the studio grounds at Hollywood for tho purpose of staging scenes in the. serial unless it is accompanied by one of the com pany physicians from the hospital at Universal City. With him goes an emergency kit complete enough for him to set up p. temporary field hos pital, shoultl the occasion arise. So far as can be ascertained, this is the first time on record where such a precaution has been eieemed neces sary. The wisdom of the unusual procedure, however, has been demon strated a number of times, for scarce ly an installment is completed that has not been attended by some acci dent of more or les3 seriousness, call ing for the immediate services of a physician. That none of them have been serious is, of course, partly due to the character of ths actors who arc willing to run such risks. But it must be admitted that luck seems to have played an important p irt in the happy termination of v several of them. Buy your stationery Journal office. at the