5outin vr e VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOliEK 13, 1911. no. 3:1. FORMER PLATTS MOUTH GIRL MAR RIED IN LINCOLN Miss Anna Eikenbary, Daughter of the Late Crof. Eikenbary, United in .Marriage to J. N. Phillips. From Tuesday's Dailv. The following from the society de partment of the Sunday Lincoln Star gives the account of the wedding of Miss Anna Eikenbary, who for sev eral years was a resident of Platts mouth. She is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. Dora Eikenbary ami pos sesses a large number of friends here in the old home who will learn of her new happiness with the greatest of pleasure: The marriage of M:.;s Anna Eiken bary. daughter of Mrs. Dora Eiken bary, of this city, and Mr. J. N. Phillips of Billings, Mont., was cele brated Wednesday, October 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Polk, 528 South Twenty-seventh street. Mrs. Polk is sister of the biide. Rev. Stein read the marriage cere mony in the presence of seventy guests. Previous to the eeremany Mrs. Charley Shreck of York, Neb., sang "At the Dawning," and was accom panied by Miss Marjorie Shanafelt on the harp. The Lohengrin music was played as the couple entered the room, and "The Rosary" and other harp selections were roftly continued during the ceremony and period of congratulations. Miss Pearl Eikenbaiy of Memphis, Neb., niece of the bi ide, held the bridal bouquet during the ring serv ice. Hie bride's pown was white shadow lace over net and was trimmed in pearls. The corner in which the couple stood was banked in palms. The re ception hall and living room were dec orated in old rose. In the dining room decorations were in pink. Mrs. Tom Boome, Mrs. Charles Moyer, Mrs. R. J. Eberly and Mrs. Burt presided at the tables and were assisted by Miss Pauline Davis, the Misses Alta and Inez. Stevens and Misses Alma and Alta Hall. Miss Alice Davis and Miss Emma Leach, assisted by the Misses Olive Ladd and Latta Watson, presided at the punch bowl. Mist Alda Johnson had charge of the guest book. The bride and groort left for a trip to New York, after which they will make their home in Billings, Mont. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Eikenbary, Mr. E. C. Eik eVbary and Miss Pearl Eikenbary of Memphis, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robinson of Chicago. 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen of Plattsmouth, Neb.; Mrs. Charley Moyer of York.l Neb.; Mrs. Charley Shreck and Mas ter Chas. Moyer Shreck of York, Neb. THE METHODIST LADIES' MISSIONERY SOCIETY HELD A MEETING SUNDAY NIGHT The members of the Ladies' For eign Missionary society had a meet ing last Sunday night at the M. E. church in this city. The church was crowded. The meeting was opened by singing and prayer, and then Mrs. Newell arose and in a few sensible and pointed remarks explained the motives of the society and what they intended to do. The ?hoir then sang a hymn. Mrs. Phillippi next ad dressed the audience on the cause of women in India. Her address was well learned and delivered and made a deep impression. Mr. Northrop sang the hymn entitled "Your Mis sion; next Miss Ruby and Miss Decie Johnston read som? extracts in a very able manner. The meeting was then closed by an able and original essay by Mrs. B. Spuriock, and prayer and singing. Don't fail to attend the dance Sat urday evening at the German Home and enjoy a few hours pleasantly in dancing. Good order and a good time assured to all who attend. Top Hogs From Cass County. Peter Gakemeier, an old-time rog ii:er of Louisvii'. , was on the mar ket today with a prime load of hogs of his own raising that sold for the top of the market, $7.45. Mr. Gake meier has raised hogs for thirty years and has had a good many experiences along that line. His farm has all the latest improvements 'and is in every way up to date. He has a drinking fountain for his hogs that he invent ed himself. The water is kept clean and it is not very likely to freeze in winter. His hogs have the best of care and therefore are good and healthy: "I feed my hogs corn, oats and alfalfa, but not too much corn, for I believe that too much coin is the cause of most of the sickness that is found in hogs," says he. "If farmers would watch this and be care ful about it there would be less sick ness. Another thing, hogs should be given plenty of freedom." South Omaha Drover's Journal-Stockman. A VERY CLOSE CALL FOR AUTOMOBILE AND PASSEN GERS IN CROSSING BRIDGE From Tuesdays Daily. Yesterday afternoon at the toll bridge, north of this city, an accident occurred that might easily have prov en fatal to the occupants of the au tomobile that was dumped into the Platte river while crossing the bridge. The car belonged to Dr. F. W. Klasmire of South Omaha, who was driving along the Sarpy county road, when the steering apparatus of the machine refused to work properly and the doctor decided to try and drive on into this city to have the machine repaired. When the car was on the bridge only a short distance the gear again refused to respond to the driver, and he was unable to steer the car in the proper direction and it turned crossways of the bridge and crashed into the railing of the bridge, carying it away and plunging the ma chine and occupants into the first channel of the river below where the water happened to be only some eighteen inches deep and the occu pants were able to get out from be neath the car without suffering seri ous injury. The doctor was fastened beneath the machine, but his com panion managed to extricate him be fore he was injured in any way. The car was finally turned over by the efforts of the two men and will be taken back to Omaha to be repaired. It was very fortunate for the two men that they were not killed in the fall. WILL RETURN TO PANAMA. ACCOMPANIED RY HER PAR ENTS, NEXT SATURDAY On Saturday next Tnrs. W. E. Max- on, who has been enjoying a visit in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKay, will depart on her return to the canal zone in Pan ama, where Mr. Maxon is employed as an engineer by the United States government. Mr. and Mrs. McKay will accompany their daughter back to Panama, where they expect to spend the winter, enjoying the warmth and sunshine of that trop ical land. They will sail from New York on the government sail boat bound for that zone, and will have the opportunity of enjoying a fine sea trip before reaching Panama. In or der to keep in touch with their home they will receive the Journal twice a week to see what is going on in Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. , McKay expect to return home about the first of Aonl to Plattsmouth. Suit to Quiet Title Filed. From Tuesday's Pally. This morning a suit to quiet title was filed in the office of the district clerk, entitled Ellen C. Windham vs. John Schniter et al. The plaintiff states that she is the owner of lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 95; lot 1, in block 21; lot 10, in block 23, and lot 3, in block 28, all in South Park addi tion to Plattsmouth. The plaintiff prays that the decree quieting title to the property be given her. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT MEETING OF EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERN CHURCH From Tuesday's Dally. At a meeting of the congregation of the Lutheran church of Eight Mile Grove precinct, west of this city, held last evening at the church, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted and were handed to the Journal for pub lication, and we freely give it space: "We, the Evangelical Lutheran church of Eight Mile Grove precinct, Cass county, Nebraska, duly assem bled in congregational meeting, deem it necessary to take the following ac tion: Whereas, There appeared an article in the Plattsmouth Journal about our beloved pastor, Rev. Huebner, and this church, said ariielce containing some misleading statements concern ing the minister and the discharge of his duties; so be it Resolved, That we express our deep regret that those erroneous state ments were made, that Rev. Hueb ner's resignation has nothing to do whatever with any church trouble, a call to another part of the state com ing as much of a surprise to him as his announcement to leave was to us; that we gladly would retain Rev. Huebner as our pastor, if he wanted to stay; that it is entirely untrue, if there be said Rev. Huebner is leaving because a number of people withdrew their support of the church; and be it further Resolved, That we express our heartfelt thanks for what our beloved pastor has done for us and our church during the years past; in his moral life above reproach, in the dis charge of his duties always correct, a congenial friend, a true gentleman, an upright Christian, an earnest worker, a most able pulpit orator, a loving teacher of our children, a faithful servant in the Master's king dom, he has won a place in our hearts and met with success in upbuilding this church, as the regular and nu merous attendance of the services, and the increasing amounts of be nevolence, clearly show; and be it further Resolved, That we wish him great success and God's blessing in his new sphere of work, and that we ask Rev. Huebner to act as administrator of this church till a new pastor is se cured; and be it finally Resolved, That a copy of these res olutions be published in the Platts mouth Journal. Father M. A. Shine Quite Sick. From Tuesday's Pall A The many friend-: of Father M. A. Shine wll regret to 'earn that splen did gentleman and priest is quite ill at his home in this city, and his con dition has been such as to cause his friends much anxiety. Father Shine has been a sufferer from heart trouble for some years past, and it is thought that the present illness is due to that cause. It is to be hoped that he is able to rally from the attack and resume his duties, as there are fewer gentlemen more popular in the city and his absence from the active life of the city is greatly felt. GEORGE EVERETT. INJURED IN AN EXPLOSION RECENT LY. IS IMPROViNG NICELY From Tuesday's Daily. Advices received in this city from the home of George Everett, near Union, state that that gentleman is getting along in fine shape and grad ually recovering from the effects of the terrible injuries which he received from the explosion of the gas plant at his home and in which Mr. Ever ett sustained several broken bones and for a time it was feared that he could not recover, but the splendid attention and care of the attending ihysicians and nurses has resulted in narked improvement, and his family and friends are very hopeful for his recovery. This will be most pleasing news to the friends of Mr. Everett throughout the county who have been greatly worried over his condition. Tyewrlter ribbons at the Jour nal office. EX-MAYOR FITZGERALD. Leader of Boston Royal Rooters and Fan Shaking Hands With Joe Connolly. J ii U if! 4 -J -. v i L .' - - ... Photos by AiiuTitan l'ttss Association. A DRIDGE LUNCHEON IN HONOR OF MISS ELLEN POLLOCK, BRIDE-ELEGT From Tuesday's Daily. One of the most pleasant pie-nup tial social events, in honor of Miss Ellen l'ollock, was given yesterday afternoon at the charming home of Mrs. Wayne Dickson when Mrs. Dick son and Mrs. George U. Falter en tertained at a bridge luncheon in lonor of the bride-to-be. The rooms of the Dickson home were very taste fully decorated with a profusion of pink carnations interspersed with large bows of pink ribbon, which lent a soft and pleasing glow to the beauty of the rooms. The tempting and delicious four-course luncheon was served at 1 :.'J0 in the handsomely appointed dining room, where the guests were seated at a number of tables which were arranged in a most artistic manner in the color scheme of pink. Following the luncheon the ladies spent the after noon in playing bridge, in which Miss Gussie Robb was the most skillful and received a prize for her ability. The guest of honor. Miss Pollock, was presented with a very handsome tok en of the esteem and love of her friends during the afternoon, togeth er with the many good wishes for her happiness. The luncheon was served in a most charming manner by Misses Emma Cummins, Xoi a Rosencrans, Edith Dovey and Janette Patterson. The guests present were Misses Ellen Pollock, Kathryn Windham, Gussie Robb, Emma Falter, lone Dovey, Catherine Dovey, Doris Patterson, Helen Dovey, Mathilde Vallery, Marie Donnelly, Margie Walker, Murray; Mesdames T. D. Livingston, R. F. Patterson, F. L. Cummins, Jack Pat terson, G. O. Dovey. C. W Baylor, R. G. Rawls, Floyd Ralston, Kansas City; Fannie Dickson, Earl R. Travis and W. J. Streight. Pays Visit to This City. Frnm Tuesday's Pail v. Colonel Andrew r. Sturm of fse- hawka arrived in the city last even ing to pay his first visit here since the primary election when he was chosen for the republican candidate for state senator. Mr. Sturm has re sided at Nehawka for many years, but is not so well known in this sec tion of the county, save by reputa tion, as one of the successful busi ness men of our neighboring city. He is a most pleasant gentleman, and while here was a caller at the Jour nal office for a short .visit with the editor, and his social call was much enjoyed. ms r. j S3- fit OkwJ l WILL CELEBRATE ITS SIXTIETH ANN vERSARY Sixty Years Since Methodist Episco' pal Church Swept i.i From the East to the Wst. This fall the Methodist Episcopal church of Nebraska celebrates its sixtieth year of active work since the first wave of the Methodist teaching swept in from the east and brought with it the two prominent religious figures of that time, 1he circuit rider and the traveling evangelist, who for years, despite the hardships of pio neer times, labored faithfully in the cause of their church and in spread ing the doctrine of Methodism among the scattering population that at that time lSiJ-l were residents of the territory of Nebraska. In those times the pioneers were from the states farther east and had brought with them to the west an intense re ligious feeling that responded readily to the eloquence and appeal of the circuit rider and itinerant preacher, who on their journeys would stop at the cross roads and in some neighbor ing house hold forth services that would be attended by all for miles around. This anniversary of the church in Nebraska is filled with par ticular interest to the residents of Plattsmouth, as near this city was preached what is supposed to be the first sermon by an ordained minis ter of the church, Harrison Presson, who passed away some two years ago and whose pride was that he had been enabled to carve the way for the cause that today numbers some sev enty thousand members in the pop ulation of the state with that many more who affiliate with the church although not enrolled in the member ship. The work of the chnrch was really inaugurated in this section before the formation of the territory and several very interesting facts of the history of early Methodism in Cass county and eastern Nebraska are given in the following, letter to the first minister to be sent into the state. Rev. W. H. Goode, D. D., of the Indiana confer ence, was the first man to be placed in authority of the Methodist church in official relation to the Nebraska work, being appointee' June 3, 1854. The real beginning of Nebraska Methodism is found in the following communication, which on the 3rd day of June, 1854, Rishop E. R. Ames ad dressed to the Rev. W. II. Goode, D. D.: "Rev. W. II. Goode. "Dear Rrother: It is understood that emigration is terding largely to Nebraska (a name th?n embracing both territories, Kansas and Nebras ka). It seems probable that the church ought soon to send some de voted missionaries to that country. But there is not such a knowledge of details respecting the Topography and population of these regions as to ena ble the church authorities to act un derstandingly in the premises. You are therefore appointed to visit and explore as thoroughly as practicable, for the purpose of collecting informa tion on these points. In performing this work, you will be governed by your own judgment, and make full report, in writing, of your labor and its results, so that it may be known how many ministers, if any, should be sent, and at what particular point they should be located. "Yours truly, "E. K. AMES, "Bishop Methodist Episcopal Church." Four days after the Kansas and Nebraska bill became a law, and twenty-three years prior to the proc lamation of the president declaring the Indian title extinguished and the country open for settlement, and four months before the organization of the Territorial Government, the Metho dist church had made provision for the religious needs of the people yet to come, by the appointment of one of her best equipped men to go in person to the field and ' ascertain by actual observation what was needed. At the first Methodist conference, which was held in April, 1857, at Ne braska City, Hirum Burch was ap pointed to Plattsmouth. Early in the year he organized a class of thirty in this city. The following are some of the names of the first members, which will remind many of the older citizens of Plattsmouth of the early daj's: Wesley Spurlotk and wife, who was the father and mother of Burwell Spuriock, and grandfather and mother of Judge G. M. Spuriock, both now of York, Neb.; John W Marshall and wife, Mr. Marshall hav ing been postmaster of this city for a period of twenty-one years, running back into pioneer days; Father Throckmorton and wife, who were zealous workers in the church. And many others might be mentioned who together laid the foundation of Meth odism in this community. Following the Rev. Ilirum Burch was the Rev. David Hart, an Eng lishman by birth, who continued the strenuous work of his predecessor. MORE ABOUT THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA If man and woman would devote more attention to the Sunday school and the training of our boys and girls, many of our serious problems would be solved and tne blessing of God-fearing people vouchsafed to the next generation. The Cass County Sunday School association is seeking to increase the efficiency of the Sun day school. The convention, to be held at Weeping Water October 22 and 23, will be a veritable clearing house of approved methods and plans for efficient work. A souvenir pro gram has been prepared, and it is desired that every teacher and work er in Cass county shall have one. If you don't receive one, write to your district superintendent, who will sup ply you. Write to either J. P. Perry, Plattsmouth; Mrs. W. A. Davis, Weeping Water, or Miss Nora Eve- land, Murdock. The program begins Thursday morning, October 22, and continues until Friday night, the 23rd. Especially strong speakers have been engaged and a great con vention is assured. Weeping Water furnishes free entertainment, if you send names to Mrs. Thomas Murtey, Weeping Water. MISS ANNA LANGBEHN AND MR. HARVEY WORTHEN UNITED IN MARRIAGE From Wednesday's Dally. This morning at the office of Coun ty Judge A. J. Beeson, at the court house, occurred the ceremony that united the hearts and lives of Mr. Harry B. Worthen of this city and Miss Eva Anna Langbehn of Pacific Junction, la. The young people ar rived at the court house shortly be fore 1) o'clock, and securing the neces sary license requested the judge to unite them in the holy bonds of wed lock, which he did in his usual im pressive manner, and the young peo ple departed rejoicing in their new found happiness. The ceremony was witnessed by Miss Kathryn Lang behn, sister of the bride, and B. B. Worthen, father of the groom. Mr. Worthen is a very popular young man of this city, where he has made his home for a number of years, and his friends will all join in wishing the newly weds the best of happiness and prosperity in the years to come. Right Formation Belter Than Refor mation. Y'ou can bend a sapling to grow in From Tuesday's Daily. ;ny desired direction, but when it gets old your efforts to change it are vain. The childhood of our day can be shaped as we will it, but it will have to be done now. If we wait until habits and character are formed we will have a job on our hands to change it. In other words, it's bet ter to direct our attention to the right formation of habits and ideals than to depend upon the more laborious task later of re-formation. The Sun day school stands as the one great champion of early training in the right direction. The Cass county Sunday School association, which meets at Weeping Water on October 22-23, is one of the chief means of training the youth in the right direction. SLIPPED A COG ON THEIR PLATTS- MOUTH FR ENDS Miss Delia Moore and James Jones Keep Secret Their Marriage for Two Months or More. Another of Plat tsmoutli's fair young daughters has been claimed as a captive by Cupid, :;nd while the young lady has been a bride for the past two months the marriage has been known to only the immediate family, and friends were only en lightened a few days- ago as to the truth that their friends were united in marriage in Omaha August 10. The parties to the plcasn-it surprise are Mr. James Jones of Shenandoah, la., and Miss Delia Moore of this city. The wedding occurred at the home of Mr. C. A. Mordick at 3330 Fowler avenue, Omaha, jxnd was carried out without the slightest inkling of the matter reaching the friends of I he young people here, although they have been awaiting the news of the forth coming wedding. The young people returned to their hones after the ceremony and have since kept their friends guessing, but finally decided to end the suspense and break the joyful tidings to them. They will make their home in Shenandoah in the future. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Adah Moore of this city, and is a young lady highly es teemed and loved by a large circle of warm friends here who will wish her all the happiness she so well de serves in her future wedded life. Mr. Jones, the groom, is ci young man of high character and a genial disposi tion, and during his residence here as an employe of the Nebraska Light ing company made a host of friends who will join in wishing him anil his charming helpmate a long and happy married life. MR. AND MRS. EMMONS PTAK CELEBRATE FIFTEENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY From Wednesday's Dally. Monday being the liltecntn wee ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons Ptak, a number of their friends ami relatives decided to re mind them of the happy event and gathered at the cozy Ptak home on West Pearl street in the evening to spend a few hours most pleasantly. The evening was spent delightfully in playing card games which were in terspersed with a number of highly enjoyable musical selections fmm different talented meml ers of tne party and which prove:! a pleasing diversion of the occasion. At a suit able hour Mrs. Ptak, assisted by Mis. John Bajeck, served a most tempting and delicious four-course luncheon that was enjoyed greatly by the jolly crowd present. In corr.meration of the anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ptak were presented with a number of handsome gifts of cut glass, and on departing the guests expressed the wish that they might enjoy together the celebration of th.'ir golden wed ding. Those who were present on the delightful event were: John Bajeck, wife and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. August Cloi.it, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt, Mrs. John C. Ptak and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Meitzen of Omaha. Stork Makes a Flying Visit. From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday morning the home or Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Tritsch, west of the city, was made happier by the advent of a fine, bouncing, ten-pound son and heir that made his appearance there. The young man and the mother are both doing nicely, and Philip is auite proud of the new addition to the family. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tritsch will join in v.-rhlng that the young man may prove a joy and comfort to the parents in their old age. Try the Journal for calling cards.