PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Y NOTICE OF DELIN QUENT TAXES On Tlenl Folate in 'aM County. e lriikH, for the Witr l!li:t find Prior 1 fr. Notice is inifiiy given that I. V.". K.-!lv Fox. Tr;i s 'i er of fuss County, in r State of Nebraska, vt i!l on the first .M'Mniav. i-ej.-ig 1 1 sciinnl thl.v of Novem bo r, 1H14. as required by law. commence so-Iliiiii' at the office of the County Treasurer of said County, in the I'ity of Plat t.MiMiitli, at public unction, so in ill-li of Die followinsr ttails of hinds anil town lots as shall bo necessary to pay the taxes, together with interest ami costs that may have ::rcn;ed thereon tliat lay. being the de linquent taxes for tiie year 1!1:S ami jo -ior years ax appears from the tax lists of sa ul years. Slid sale will be hel.l between the l ours of nine oVIoi k a. r.t. ami four o'i lock p. li'. of said l;ite, ami con tl'ii.e from iiay to ilay letween said lio'.rs nnTil all of .-aid property, upon ivM.-li ib-i im iit-nt taxes remain unpaid, si a!! lie sold or op'ere.l for sale. . KKI.LV F(.. Ti'T.siirir Cass I'minlv, Nebraska. l'l:.rt.-::io!ith. .".-bra k a . October 1.FH4. I. WIN Timmlilp 10. Itiuige it. Sec. Amt. T.ot 2 ne'4 nw'4 2 f L.'.i. S 1 - Tie ' ( S W , Is 1 1 ,i Tot iiliit II. Itnue !t. Sec. Lot 1 n b. !'', l...t 12 ami 14 w'; sw'i .. f. i:.. sv'4 2! W . Tie', " 2 1 : ' . n w !, - i . iie', N 1 ' se'4 :::: N :' ft. lot V si-'i se ' i . . i:; Lot ! sei, se'.. ::4 S T.i) ft. bt set, se', ... :;4 Tov nship 12. limine !. Sec. NlV'i re', SU'lj fe', Se i nw', Ne, nw', SW; Nw e, V: 7iei, Lot 1 SV', Se , S ft. !!.- I sw"'4 se', 1 , Lot !) N'L. nw'4 2:: W-. sw', 2 S'.m'I, 27 l.oi !. se', r.e', Lot - se', ne', "1 Lot n s w "-1 se i , 1 Sub. 1 ami 2 of 17 sw', se', .".1 Lot 7 so'-, nw', T.J Lot LI se 1, nw "2 N'j se', 22 I nw .liip Id. Itmige ID. .Sec. S-"-1 s w i 7 Lot 7 nw 1 , nw ' , l.'i Lot 1 nw'j ne', 1". Ti ti'xlilp II. limine 10. Sec. Lot '.' wb. ne'4 2 Ne . . . : 2 5 ne', Lot 7 s w ' , nw', 'I o fi-hi j I-. Knnue H). Sec. S'- lot 2 n1- !"l 2 wb, nw', 7 Ne"', s-w', and se"-, nw1,.. ! N 1 - se', AS"' . nw - , 17 i:b." ne ', .- is Tim nlii lt. Itnutie II. Sec. Lots T. atol -!;, ne', se',.. 1 Lots 4."-:-!7-2" nw1, .-e',.. 1 Lot 12 se', se', 1 l.,.t 4 sw', se', 2 I.ot 1 1 SW ', se ' 1 . ne', 1 2 1 4 Lot : Nw ' , N . se-, 11 N 'H nw'; 2 I on n hi i II. Itnimc 11. Sec. Sw', : Se ! , Ne', t,e', s Nwb i:'.. ne, 2:: N w 1 , s w ' . b.t 1 2 s w ' , s w ' , .". S "' s u' ; , :: . ' , 2i Ne"', -w, Lots v aii'! 11 .-oV, sw', ... " Nw', e', :;t; I on nvtiip I-. Usui lie II. Sec. T.ot 1 1 ne', 11' ' 4 1 , wL 14 14 Lot 1 nw K--j b.t 1J ne'-. T.of !;e I , - w ' . w . -e;, L' S.-', Li't ! .-', II w Lot .". n'.. sw:, Lot 17, -w', -w', lot 10 n w ' , s w ' 11 T-t 2"' se'; i..t l'i; nw', sw', II Lot 4 1 i: ft. of b.t in jr. Lot n i" Lots .: an'l V. 2 Sv. ', sw', 20 Lot 11 sw'k nw', 22 Lot 1:: .-w:i nw', 22 Lot .-w'. nw', 22 Ne'. I;'-, 2i ! : ' . -e'; :;; iomiiblii 10. Ilaniir I-. Sec. Sw ' , nn' ' ', 1 L' . Tie'. N'l iv.-, 2 i , It) 1't 21 Lot 7 sw', nw', S w , Lot n w ' i i. w ' , N'.. se, nw', Se, N w 1 ; Lot 11 .-'. se'., Ne', : Nw', Sw'. 22 Kb. 'se'i 21 Toun-lilp II. ICnime 11!. Sec-. 'b. sw', :: Ne'", Ill Nw'. , ami lot :: r.e', sw', 24 Lot 1 nw', 27, i:'.. in-1, 2s I oil llhip 111. itllliue 12. Sec. S'i se', 7 Lots 2 an.! 2, wb. sw', ... IS Lot i; ii w ', s w 1 1 :;i Si b. lot 1 of lots 1 ami 2 in-', sw', :;i Tim noliip ItaiiKf Sec. Lot r, -jr. Lot 7 K 4i a ti w', sw', 1 s-', sw, :,i AV2 se', ;; Tonnhii 10. ICnnue IX Sec. So ft. lot 10 se', sw', ... r. Lot 17 sw n w ',4 7 W. sw'4 IS Wb se', H Se', IT, Nw', sw', r, a of se', 17 Lot 27 sw', IS Sub. lot 2 of lot 19 ne'4 so', IS Lot lf ne', so '4 iv 1't. lot ; ne'., ne', 19 Ne', 21 Nb. st-', 21 N1- tie '4 22 Lot 4 ne', nw'4 2:: Lots 2 ami 4 w1 . se',,. ... 2:: W. ne'4 24 S'- ne'4 24 sw', 2 4 N w '. ne ' , 2.1 N'- nw'4 2" Sw ' , sw I4 2 Se', ye '4 27 Lot 12 se', sw',, 04 TuHuohip 10. I(ani;r 14. Sec. Lot 2 ne'i tieli fi S1-. lot r. nw'4 ne', B Lots 4 to !) sw'i ne'4 .... C i:. neL 19 ::n 4 2 2,:i . Ami. . so 2' . x2. 2, 4.41 4 . s s ::4 :u 4 2.41 2 4 . V7 i::.::4 1 2 . 1 1 10.&0 Amt. 2") . t'7 21 21 -Sn ' 1N.7X !ol G4 1 7 . T. 4 24 . ;7 4 2 . 7 .". . S 2 ." 2.14 r. 4 . v r.i .ci 42.:: :: 2 . f. :. . r. l l')7 .sr. 17 )'.:; S7 t i; . nr. 102. 14 Ami. 2.i) . ! 2 2r,!2 Amt. . r, SI .S7 1 4 1 .so Amt. 7 . r.t 1-22 1. i .. t 22 .71 4 f. . S s Amt. 1. M 14.2T. 11.01 .-.2. 14 fi .02 1 .0D sr. .r,r ::: ir. 47 .:.o Amt. '.2.0 4 72.02 1 s . 7 ." ;o . nr. f.s :.:'. ."2 . 1 . r.s 2, s . or. 1 r. . :i 1 ::;.7 Amt. 17.42 7.i;.". 12.42 7 . 7 ' ". 4 .22 21 . si ;.",. 17 .4S 1 ; . 4 4 2 . r r..iii; . . :'. 1 1 . 'l'i 7.SN 15.21 . ".7 4 .!7 s . 20 21.22 4 2 . " s Amt. 21.42 27.7 4 2 . ! 1 1. r. 2 . :: ; H7.r.2 .47 f. . s 4 72. r. ::o . !i 2.0.00 !)0 .7)'. til .70 s I .74 Amt. 47.1s st;. 17 79.M 44.1C. Amt. 20.02 4 .t;s 3.2s 4 . oy Amt. 1 . t; l t;i .r,7 4.24 r,.;t7 17.T.2 Amt. :; . r.s 1:: .sr, 2D.S4 2 . 2 2 j sr...-,:: 27.42 IB. 41 21. S2 21 -S2 !.9:: 1 r. . s 4 lin.r.:: r.7.02 77. 4 !) .2 4 14.20 is.t;2 4 r..24 4t; .ss 22.01 44 .22 41 .r.2 20. r.s 14.07 Amt. 7.14 4 .50 K..4 7 C6.5S 'j ne NU nw4 S ne '4 . SV. nw'4 LOI 1 ne '4 sw : Lot K'2 Lot Lot Lot 1 . 7 ne tie '4 2 sw ' 4 iiw nwU 4 se'4 re 1 . , se'4 1 . ri IV '.. 19 19 19 20 20 20 2S 2S 2V a ., w Tim 24 tnlii II. ItiuKf i:t. Sec. Se' N w Lot Lot 27 Lots 2 Lot Lot "4 sw', s 4-22 ami 2S nw :9 s ' 11 w '., : ami ne'4 .e 1 II W ' , n w '. , ne'4 nw', j nw'4 .. Sec. 12 29. R9 24 . 05 2 . 4 22 . . 4 :: 2. t 2.H . S9.::4 2fi2 .:;; ::.i2 9 . SH 5 . 4 S S.Cl b; . no Amt. 77 . ot". 1 4 .97 12.2-5 Lots 12 ami Lot .. se', Se'4 se'4 l.ot 10 ne'4 V2 ne Lot 2 st Lot 2S nw'4 V' lots 2.". tie'., Lot 22 se'4 Lot It) ne-4 Lot s rn- Lots 19 Lots 5 Kb. sv4 ie-4 lin -. -1 'loiuhii II. Knuue 14. 1:; 14 . ; 1. . S2 . 9 5 14 . sw'4 . ne '4 nw'4 . ne ' , an.l 27 sw . 1 ami a ml Lot ne '4 . . nw'4 . n w ' 4 . 24 se'4 7 sw'4 e"4 n w ' iv , se "4 Toiviivlilp I-. Itmmr 11 w Lot ; nil lot 9 ne'4 ml 22 ot se'4 lot 9 Kb. lot Sub. lots 12 1 . o w ' 2s lie '4 .', InmiHliip Ilnuer 5 nw'4 sw 1 10s nw', se 1 4 If. 1 S 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 .21 29 ::i 1 1::. See. 11 X b. Lot S n; ri:iit 2 s 4 0 4 2 42 5 lie', It! ne'4 ne' 7 nw'4 ne' sw'4 14 Lots 22 ami VII. I. U.I Lots. 1 s 9- 10 ; 4 to 7 10- 11 I 4 to 10 II ami 12 r. - 7 to 12 . . . vi i.i. ;i; of .ots. 1 to 4 20 to 2 4 vii.i,;!: Lots. 1 fi to S :i 1-2 14 2ti 14. Sec. 1 19 20 20 20 2 0 20 20 20 20 2 9 Amt. i;.r:: 7.90 11.45 S .25 2 5.:i7 2.10 4.42 5.S2 4 2.r.r. 1 .22 :'. . :;; 2.14 it;, sr. 21 . 2; 4.S4 Amt. 21. S2 S .74 2.20 Amt. 1 5 . 2 I -i 2 ! 00 s . r.t; 2.92 .92 1 . 00 3 2.;i 1 .01 2 . " 9 1 .29 (HI HI k. M IM.KV. Llk. !' HltltV. l!Ik. !!!!!!".!! i !".!!!!!."! I 4 4 4 l.ntln'K l'ir.t Addition. '""'-1 2 20-21 ::-4 20 1) 11-12-12 -. S two-thirt! 12 12 15 lfi Ifi J Ait.'. to 1 s . 1 9 17 ami all is. .lfi ii.i..i: or M.itn. K!k. I.oii-'h Kirxt Addilion. 1 .29 7.24 IKK. Amt. $ 5 . S S .S4 2.71 5.0S 4.19 'V. OS 5.41 14.2fi .47 4.f.7 2 . of, .74 2 . s 2 9 . S9 2.92 2.1S .S4 . 29 Aral fi . tifi r . 2 6 Amt. 2 . r.; 4.24 6.17 2.21 5.4S 2.72 3.71 fi . 53 1 .Ofi 21 . 53 4 . :: 2 12.1 5 5 . 1 2 2.33 Amt. . 2fi 20 . :;4 2.4s Lots. vii.i. ;i: ok .N F.II WK.. Lik. Amt. So. 120 ft. 5 to S 1 11.00 1 to s 4 3 S . . S S';s lots 1-2 5 7.77 fi 5 4.42 1-2-3 fi 2 . 3 f, e 3S ft. 5 fi S. 75 19 9 1.72 j:;-2i 9 2i.s:: 1-2 11 fil.lO ::-4 11 11.01 1 13 s.7r. 12-13 13 r,.;o 4 11'. 5 14 9.9:: fi . ." 14 4. r.2 1 lfi 21.70 Lots. ;i: or whmi. HIk. Amt. 1 A 2.9-5 2 A .34 1 to.", 9.91 S 2 13.1(1 1 3 3.19 I anl 2 S ll.Sfi :: to 9 S .42 10 S .15 II to 12 S' .:.2 11 to 20 S .74 im -balf of ; 9 21 . fi4 ne-Half-f. 9 3110 9 9 1.99 10 9 G.fil Kb'. 22 9 .15 23 an.l 21 9 3.r,r. 1 to fi 10 .",.4 2 12 to 15 10 .31 Morton Addition. 1 to 5 1 2.25 1-2 fi 2.41 n.i.;i: or nuns m. i f; Lots. I'.lk. All 1 K 1 to 12 2 K 1 to 12 3 W 1 to 12 W 1 to 12 7 W 12 to lfi 1 N 10 ' 4 S 5-fi 13 S 1 to lo IN IK 1 to 10 1 N 2 K 1 to 10 1 N 3 K 1-2 IN 4 K 1 to S 2 N 2 K 1 2 N 3 K 2 to 7 3 X S W 3 to 5 IS 5 W IS 5 W 7 to 9 . IS T, W 10 to 12 IS 5 W 1 to 2 2 S 5 1 to 6 4 S 2 W 1 5 S 1 V 3 5 S 1 W 1 to 12 5 S 2 W 1-2 5 S V 3 ami 4 5 S 3 "W 5 to 12 5 S 3 V 1 to 12 5 S 4 V 1 to 12 1 S 2 K 1-2 .19 " Amt. 2.77 .34 10.30 1.S7 .56 o.r.o .52 i, S .1 s . 2 S .2 S . 2 S .2 S . 2 S .S s .2 S .4 S 4 ami 6 7 to 9 10 t; I.. 10 11-12 1 to 3 OITI.OTS TO I'lATTSMor Timnnhlii Kmiue 14. Sec. Lot fiS 7 So. 63 ft. lot 11 7 Lot 16 7 Lot 12 wi2 sw', 7 Lot 17 v'2 sw'4 7 Tn will hip JtauKe 13. Pec. Lots 63-64-77 se'i sw'.i .. Lot 96 sw', nw'4 Lot 2.S nw'4 se1, Lot 57 se4 Sub. lot 5S of lot 38 nw',4 se'4 Lot 24 sw'4 se'4 l.t 73 sub. of 2S-29 Lot 60 sw'i se'4 Lot 56 sw i4 se1, Not 46 se'4 se'4 Lot 7 ne',4 sw'4 Lot 20 ne'4 ne'4 VU lot 13 nw'4 ne'4 Lot 22 nw'4 ne'4 1 xit 46 se'4 ne'4 ToniMhip 12:. llingr 14. Lot fi s'4 sw'4 18 Lot 13 u, sw'4 18 K'a lot 17 sjt sw'4 18 Lot 24 sVi sw'4 18 .24 . 96 .01 .71 .60 .20 .2.6 1 .17 2 . 1 5 .15 .15 .1.7 .17 .17 . 2 . .26 .63 .17 .15 .17 .17 .15 .17 .17 111. Amt. 14.27 12 12 . 13 13 13 .13 13 13 , 13 .13 13 . 24 24 24 24 S.20 1.41 2. S3 8. SI Amt. 13.S6 29 . 27 6.27 IS. 43 6.27 15.40 23.03 1.21 . . . 1.21 8.30 4.53 9.22 15 1 40 10.54 263 .26 8.20 142.39 Lot 101 ft. lots 27 ami 28 ..IS 2.22 Lots 27 ami 2S sb. sw '4 .. Is 120.64 Lot 53 S'o sw '4 IS 14. 2S Lot 54 s'2 sw'4 Is 475.47 Lots 60 ami 61 s'i sw'4... IS 15.40 Lot 63 sb sw'. IS 13.39 Lot 22 s'o sw'4 IS 61.61 Lot 6 9 s '". sw'4 is 5.7 6 Lot 77 sb. sw'4 IS 1.21 Lot 7s b sw'4 IS 14.22 Lot 79 sb sw', IS 14.21 Lot SO sb sw', IS 9.13 Lot so Sb. sw'4 1 1-73 I.ot S4 sb." w'4 IS 9.13 Lot 93 sb sw4 IS 12.92 Lot 94 sb sw4 IS 9.09 Lot Sfi se', sw I IS .52 Lot 19 se', sw'4 IS' 6.27 Lot 7 ne'4 sw'4 19 24.51 Lot 10 ne'4 nw'., 19 IS. 96 So. 6S ft. lot 11 wis nw',.. 19 14.03 Lot 142 ) 2220Sb ft. so. of lot 11 ." '. 19 5.11 Lot 136 sw', 11 w '4 19 2S.57 Lot 9 sw', nw'4 19 12.35 Lot 111 sw', nw', 19 19.01 Lot 12 sw', nw', 19 12. S6 Lot 117 sw'4 nw', 19 5.26 1 in or Lots. ." ami 10 12 . . . b.' Y 7 to 9 1 ami s . . . . 9 ami 9 ami Sb 11 4 to 6 4 6 l'i. ITTSMOt TH. Ulk. ami all 5 w . 10" u ml It) 12 9 . 10 No. No. 5-6 to of of 12 Wash. Ave. 9 Wash. ave. 11 6 7 7 S 9 9 1 1 1 1 IS 19 19 20 20 20 10. 21 ami 12 21 Amt. 46.79 22. 6S 12.35 12. S9 53.60 20.4 6 IS. 43 49.25 4 5.4S 24.51 M.06 36 . 67 ami 36 70 193 OS '.0 ft. 1-2 W 21 W 23 W 23 It. It. ft. 10 . sub sub. 6 of lot 6 13 anil of No. 2S 14 26.5 4 S.30 14.06 1 .20 1.20 13.02 13.04 11.16 156.52 263 . SO 17S.65 91 .31 16-31-100 ft. 12 22 40.73 W 21 2-3 ft. 4 33 50. Sfi 7 ami s 33 7.11 Kb 2 w 4 ft. 1 34 SI. 26 K'4 5 34 81.26 Kb 6 34 32.62 10- 11-12 35 IS. 43 4 26 36.67 f. ::t; 34.65 10 36 112.26 S',, lot 11 except 1 ft. in wi.lth off e side 11 26 SC. 95 6 3S 22.4 1 1 ami 2 42 40.73 3-4 42 8.30 W 11 ft. 3 4 4 .90 4 44 17.43 7 4 4 20.4 6 2 46 1.00 So. 60 ft. of W 24 ft. 3 46 .62 N 4 0 ft. 4 4 6 6.21 5 100 ft. 4 -4'; 9.31 11 47 IS. 33 I't. 1 4S 13.20 4 ami 5 . . . . 4S SO. 35 I't. 9 ami 10 all 11 4S 3S.70 I't. 9 4 9 63.74 12 4 9 26.4 4 5 50 8.20 5-6 52 IS. 43 7-S 52 32.62 7 to 9 5:: 36.67 Sb, 1 ami 2 56 42.75 7 ami , 57 20.59 9 5S 16.21 fi 61 4 2. S9 7 61 14.46 s 61 13.76 S 62 5.0i; K'2 1-2 65 22.42 Wb 12 65 20.46 3 7 65 16.40 4 to 6 75 13.35 1't. 1 all 2-3 S5 1.21 4 to 6 S5 1.72 1 to 2 s 12..T. 4 to 6 SS 7 4.27 7 to 9 SS 43.14 10 to 12 SS IS. 43 All 90 S.30 7 94 44. S6 1-2 95 20. r.7 3 to 6 9.". 9.32 9 95 16.20 10 95 10. S4 11- 12 95 56.94 9 to 12 96 52. SS 9 97 2.90 4 9S 2.12 9 HI 23.90 10 Ill 11.1S 11 Ill 1.20 12 Ill 16.21 1- 2 122 105. SS 9 122 S.20 10 122 9.04 11-12 122 100.27 4 123 6.62 Sb 11-12 149 16.41 5 to 11 154 IS. 43 5 164 13. OS 7-S lr. 22.49 12 165 16.29 7 166 4 10.49 S 166 16.96 4 171 1.10 7 171 is.::n Kb 1-2 172 14 4.26 3-4 172 2 4.51 12 172 20.26 s to 12 173 40.13 2 221 26.94 7-1 S 221 25. S9 11-12 221 C.27 5 22 4 .91 7 224 6.01 I'ml.b S 22-4 1.29 Mlckelunil'x Addilion. Lots. 151k. Amt. 2 1 3.6 4 'I'un nuriiii Addition. Lots. J!lk. Amt. 1 1 11.51 2 1 11.49 2- 8 2 4.96 1 4 .61 1-2 5 6.91 1-2 6 6.91 3- 4 6 24.40 5-6 6 6.91 7-S 7 13.5s 5-6 12 1.73 7 to 12 12 IS. 43 s 13 IS. 13 1 to 4 14 4.24 While Addition. Lots. 1-2 . 1-2 . N 70 S 70 ft. 2 . ft. 3 . 1 oil ll K Lots. I't. 1-2-4- 1-2 1 to 4 . 3-4 1-2 4 to 6 7-8 Sb. 1-2 . 1-2 V llajM all 6 3-6 1-2 1 . . . 1-2 Lots. 3 . . 4 . . Orchard 6-7 8-9 10 11 to 16 21-22 .. 23 24-25 ... 26-27 . . 2S 29 ::o 31 1-2 6 to 8 . 9 10-11 .. Lots. 1 to Elk. 1 4 . . . . 4 Addition. Elk. . 6 10 20 21 26 2S 29 30 , 38 , 45 47 4S 49 Mill Addition. Elk. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Amt. 7. SI 1.10 1.29 2.35 Amt. 50. sfi 4 .25 IS. 43 8.30 3.74 20.40 16.41 12.35 20.46 14.28 11.25 64.02 18.43 12.25 20.46 Amt. 4 .26 3 .40 1 . 40 9.51 1.41 2.58 3.83 1.41 D.75 1.40 14.39 5.71 .7 .70 11 .82 Ilajin Addilion. to 28 to 14 to 14 to 20 to 20 Blk. 2 3 4 16 19 1.39 1 .40 12.04 5.20 2.05 6.81 Amt. 6.18 16.21 1.64 13.75 11.75 1.C2 Lots. 1-2 .. i't. 10 21 Richey Plaoe Addition. Elk. to 16 to -IS 26 Lots. 11 to 1 to 4 II row 11 14 4 13 14 1 .". tmiImII ision. Elk. 1 Amt. 40 . ol i . :: 1 6 . 0 6 . 50 6.67 5 . s 2 2s. 67 4.94 21.51 .71 .9 1 71 Ilnke Addition. Lots 9 to 1 to Lot 4 10 to 1 11 and 12 3-4 1 to 4 1 7 to 10 .. i't. 19-20-21 Se b 12 ... 4 to 6 1 to 4 2-4 14 5 t o ti and 22. Elk. 7 8 S S 9 11 1 1 12 13 1 s 19 20 2' 1-2 Lots. 14 . s to So 4 5-6 S w b S to 6-7 S-9 Thompson Addition. Elk. 1 Amt. 1 .61 1.61 Amt. 25.90 3 .24 2.2S IS .74 5 . 66 ls.r,7 7.S4 4 .25 10. S7 7 .02 5 . 09 s . ;:o 3 2 . 1; 2 16.63 4 . 77 10.23 1 .61 1" '. .63 Amt. 10 . ft. 10 lot 4 and neb 6 S t O 11 13-14 10-15 .... 3 to 6 ami 21 to 26 . 1 to 6 9 One-ha If 1 ne-third IS IS 13 13 Mi let Addilion. 10 11 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 Elk. 1 1 1 1 s . 24. 70. 11. s . 11 . 1 . 21 . 12. 14 . 12. Itoiielllll A ilililion. E! k. Lots. 1 . . 5 s b sis" Lots. 2-3 1 14 2 1 to 3 3 6 3 M lulelninmi Addition. Lots. Elk. s-9 1 10-11 pt 12 1 S-9 13 to is : C 42 ft. 19-20-21 Eli 15 wb 16 : I'.ueiil.eriicr or IMciitiiiit Hill Lots. Elk. 1-2 2 3-4 14.72 10.59 13 6.35 55s. 2 5 2 . f 2 4.S2 5 . 5 1 Amt. 7.1S 1 o . S.S 2 4.51 2.12 Amt. lHiiio 16.41 12.35 Amt. 3 . 24 I't 44 I'llillMT Lots. 5 ', 1 1 -1 2 ' .' 6 .... 10 1 to 6 4 to I Lots. 1 . . . . HurriM Lots. 1 2 to S Lots. 1 to " 3 to 5 1 to -I 12-13 . 14 15 ... 16 ... I- 2 . . :;-4 . . I . . . 9-10 .. II- 12 . 7-s . . 9-10 .. 11 3-4 ... Addition. i: Ik. 1 SlroilwHwer 4 , s , 10 1l1llf Ion. 151k. SMilxiit iion of I.ot m:1. , 4-1-1::. South I'nrk to 4 ti." 3 to 3 S Elk. ddilion. Elk. 8 S S S s 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 19 19 19 21 21 10 19. 3 0.23 1 11. 5s 13 .27 ... 2 1 ddilion. Amt. 1.20 1 .20 A m i . s . 20 14.61 55 01 ::. l:: 6 . 2 1 1 2 . S 1 Amt. 12.25 M5'4 Amt. 5.22 Amt. 1 4 '. 2 s 9.60 7.96 1 21 0 4 ::s 2 6 ::o. 10 to 12 10 I- 2 4 to 6 1 0 to 1 2 II- 12 ... Lots. ::fi to 29 1 . 1 . 2 1 . . i. 9 . 4 . 4 . 12.77 6.17 9.9:: 4 .50 15 .us 13.1 9 9.1:: 13.17 4.4S Ie Addition. 28 2S Elk. 4 . 9 . 4 . 13. 13. 9 . Lots. Sub. Sub. Sub. I'orter IMnee Addll ion. 15! k. lot lot lot of of of 12 1 4 14 Onril Addition. A m t. 14.3S Amt. 13.27 2 . 2 9 6.17 is.:;:; Lots. Elk. Amt. 1-2 1 2.7 4 7 to 12 2 2.24 1 to 9 3 16.90 1 to 6 4 3.2 1 7 to 12 4 2.24 1-2 5 2.22 3 to 6 5 4.24 7 to 12 5 6.27 1 9 10.72 1 to 4 10 2.22 5-6 10 2.25 7 to 11 10 2.22 Elicii Werner A. Troop Addition. Lots. Elk. Amt. 5-6 7 . 1 1 15 to 1 4 10 Lots. 1 to 16 . . CIT1 Lots. 4 1-2 1 '. 4 . 1-2 3 4 Nb Sb 1-2 S 62 ft. N 62 ft. 1 2 eb 30x40" N 106 N 106 2 . 26x4 2 2 .. 0 1-3 7 . N 67 ft of K 23 ft. of 5 and 5 1 2 Sb of b N 1-3 of e 1 K 1-3 2 .. Iltlicllc Trrrnee Addll ion. Elk. 1 nb Eli 8 3 IIW 1 or WKKI'IMi W A TIC II. Elk. 3 4 3 4 36 36 36 45 4 5 46 46 4 6 47 48 4S 2 49 4 9 49 : r.o 50 C 50 62 ,. . . 62 pt. 5 6 4 63 65 65 6 r. e 4 4 ft, 8 or. s 65 ft. 8 65 66 of 10 7 s 11 67 69 69 Amt. 10.03 Amt. 26 1 S 13. 93 100 13. 15 4. 1 . 10l 26. 4S 7. 19.16 16.77 68. 326 . 54. 76 87. 1' 7 ... 1 to 7-S . Sb. : 7 . . . 3-4 . Lots. 3-4 S',3 riemintc A Kace ... ii ... 75 . . . 77 . . . 81 ... 83 ... SS . . . 89 . . .100 Addition. Blk. . . . 1 .42 .78 8.41 17.52 2.57 15.78 8S.90 1 .54 16.83 Amt. S . S'O 30.00 32.10 18.15 .79 X 22 ft. 2 N ft. S 1, t 6.2 3 4 .6.-112.66 VII.LIGE or AVOCA. Lots. El K. :;- ' 7 1 iiiicr Aibiilioa. Heed Addition. Lots. Nb 1 Lots. All . All . A! I . 1-2 . Hat verlnil( Sulidit iiion lllork 1.' of Heed ddilioii. Lots. Elk. Amt. 1 n 7 1 'i.5t; HiterMide ddition. Llk. Amt. 1 :.!::. 20 Elk. Aim. 2 8 1 10.70 3 8 10.21 :-i 12 7 2.45 t' 1-2 5 12 W 1-3 r. 12 Elk. Amt. W 1-2 6 12 3 .51 K 2-3-7 12 6 1.5s W 2-3 5 13 9 1. ". s - ! 14 10 12.22 W 1-3 2 IS 13 V." 1-2 :: 3 Lois. 1 to 4-5 6 3 to 6 7 12-13-14 Lots. 1 I'ilehie Addition. Lot 5 to s . I t o 2 2 " ft. :::: Lot s. 5 t'o ' it II to II Is 1 to v . s-9 14 , Lots. 10-11 Lots. Elk. I'nrk IMace Addilion. Elk. 6 to ::s i; Hector Xildllion. Elk. 1 1 1 1 ".'.'..'.'.".'.!".".".".'.'.'.".'. 4 4 4 (lurk. Addition. Elk. Trent Addilion. Elk. ol.le lleiulilM Addition. Lots. Elk. 1 1 ami 12 sb i:: 6 Nb. 13 all 14 6 14 7 K lit. or eb. 12 S E ft. of wb, j 2 s Wnfimt Hill Addili Lots. Elk. 1 4 ". to s 4 ii.i.;i: oi. i.ot isvi i.i. I Lots. 27-30 3 1 to 10 Sb. 56 ail 57-5S .".:-fio 6 4 7 1- - 7 7 it; 4 177-17S So. 1 ftxtio ft of ISO and all 1 s 1 1 s 2 . 2-17 '. No. 37 ft. 29 1 .".00 to 3 0 2 3tl.. 310 3 21. :.:::i 34o 3 41 351 to :53 I't. 254 to :;r,6 ::: t ::;ni .... 11 ft. 452 and 4.' 4 5:. 467-4 6s 57 1 to 576 60 1-60 4 fi 1 0 to 612 616 64s to 651 7 1 n to 723 ..... . .67.52 lb".. 6 r, 2 . r.o 101.32 A m t . 4 . 09 4 . 09 4 .09 Amt. 5 . Of, A nit, . 15 1.94 2 . 97 S.41 14 .06 10.21 7.13 10.21 Ann. 16 . 13 Amt. . 4 4 Amt. 5 . 6 2 . 1 4 .21 .16 .29 Amt. all 4 4 . . -lo to ,22 760 761 7 6 6 to 76 9 770 to 77r. m i i.ot to soi ill hi:m. To!ti.liip 111, Itnuue Lb Lots sec. Amt. 20 13 1.20 1 1 . i. . i : oi. sin hi hum). Amt. 2 . 95 7 . 07 2 . 26 13.95 6 . 97 22 . 90 16 . S9 16.70 8.13 34 . 5s 14 . 54 3 . 0 9 7 . 07 5 . 60 6 . 08 5 . 6 5 5 . 6 5 4.25 4.76 4.76 4 .76 5 2.61 29 .10 7.07 17 .39 5 .60 1 . 57 5.02 7.07 5 . oo 4 . 22 2 . 26 4.32 .78 1 9 . 4 S .79 6 . 97 1 1 . 20 10.52 Lot S ' 3 4 to 6 7-s .... 1 2 ami 4 K 1-3 3 I'irM Addition. Elk. 10 1') 12 15 16 IS Lots. Eik. ili.(.ii or (diiiiAwoon, Lots. 1 4 e b 1 5 . 2 6 to 2S 2 9 to 3 S" 39 to 50 . 62 to 72 . . 7 1-75 !" to 101 10 2 156 to 1 6 2 ;:: t 17s 1 99-200 . . . 201-202 ... 2113 27 9 to 2S2 3 IS to 3 23 3.". 4 to 336 342-343 ... 354 366 to 372. .".7 I to 377 378 to 2s6 2S7-2SS . . . 390 to 39 9 4 03 to 4 12 423 to 429 436 to 441 443 to 456 553-554 ... r, r.9 56 1 to 571 t.73 to 677 6 S s to 690 w iisi ;hi:i: ooi'i. Lots. 6 it) !".!'.'.'". 14- 15 Lot 22 and sub. lots 2-3-4 of 23 and 26 24 J on cm Addition. Lots. N jt. 7 9 : ' .'. 2 . . ". ' '.: ; H.uliT Addilion. l-"'ts. IJik. 1-2 3-1 9 12 9 o I ti .ots to r.;i.r.. Tiinnkhlii 10, Hnciue !l. Sec. Sub. lot 1 of sw'4 se'', 20 I i.i. ;i: or i; .i.i:. Lots. i:ik. 7 to 12 :: I't. 1 16 C 20 ft. 1 is 15- 16 IS 1 20 15 22 OITI.OTS TO lll.MWOOI). 4 to 6 25 12 to ir, 27 T'omiMhip lO, ICnntse 10. Sec. Lot 6 ne '4 Pe'4 ' Lot 26 nw', sw'i 10 vii.i. ;i: or i:i,mkkhi. Lots. Elk. Amt. .is 2.S4 4 . 55 . sr. 9 . 50 1 .58 A in t . 4.24 Amt. 4 .01 r.i .77 7.24 t . . 4 ". 8.02 7 . 06 12.71 2.94 1 .20 4.57 10.16 10.25 12.71 4 . 89 4 . S 9 8. SI 3 . 99 40. S7 12.71 23.66 51 . 60 7.21 8.8 1 3.9 1 9.20 19.24 2 . 1 0 11.49 s . s r. 15.84 Amt. 9 . 4S 4 .01 15.S4 20. A nil. 1 :' . r:: : r-i ,y 2 Amt. 1 o . 2 0 19.24 1 . IS 11 to 14 12-12 .. All 12 . 21 . " b 2 . . 12 S'-i 4 ... Sb. 5 ... 14 W 25 ft. 14 4 9 1 6 16 21 Nb 1-2 5 . . 6-7 9 all 3 and 4 and 13, All 14 2.8 I'VrtriiKou Addition. OITI.OTS TO AVOCA. TnwuKhip lO,, IlanEr 12. Sec. Lot 17 sw'4 nw'4 21 Lot 4 sw'i nw'4 31 Lot 16 xe',, nwU 31 Amt. 12.64 Amt. 2 . 93 2 .78 . 28 9.10 13 . 25 S. 85 2.85 6 . 43 Amt. 2 0.65 20.76 Amt. 16. 94 IS. 47 38.16 10.00 29 . t)2 2 5.11 27.50 22.17 5.28 39.78 61 .09 16.94 9.33 11.81 29.42 1 .62 Amt. 4 3.85 12.83 .lo W W 2-3 s-9 . . . Lots. 1 to 4 16 ... 1 .... : to 4 11-12 . 4 . 4 . Curler Addition. IS 19 19 21 Elk. ol TI OTS 11 : . n 16 TO I MOV. Amt. 11.12 1 1'1.3. 5.96 .5.86 I 3.85 .59 .4 3 .43 S . 09 1.81 3 4.53 1 .21 S.97 4.19 6. r.s 62.76 2. S3 .89 Amt. 1.21 2.49 2.40 4 .Os 7 . 36 Sec. Amt. I't lot -1 ne'i Tiw', 23. 21.82 ii.lli: or I'Mov. Lets. Elk. Amt. 1 1 17.26 2 1 3.49 12-13 1 31.72 16 2 IS. 11 3-4 4 12.21 I.i mi Addilion. Lotp. Elk. Amt. I 5 2 s. 7 2 11-15 6 I.", ,!iv X b S ls.77 1 3 -1 4 9 13.71 1 10 1.22 ("nd 3-1 4 11 3o. 64 I'm). ', 4 11 7.42 SOI Til I MOV. Lots. T5!k. Amt. 10-11 1 is. 21 6-7 2 7.7" 15-16 2 16.71 llmiiiiii". Addition. Lot.--. I'.lk. Amt. 7 2 16.60 VI I.I. Mill OI' Ml HIHK K. Lots. Elk. Amt. 19 3 .57 10 13 -4s to 10 is .9 1 to 6 20 1.52 M 20 3.21 3 to 8 17 2.56 I i.i. Km-, or AI.VO. Lots. Elk. Amt. 17-18 1 25.72 l'L-0 1 "" -1--2 1 14. 42. So. 5 ft. 10 all 11 2 22.64 14 1-' 9.00 So. 1 ft. 2 all 4 4 10.28 X 2 1 ft. 5 4 10.19 So. 1 ft. 5 all 6 4 20. sr, 11 5 10.41 Hunger 1'lri.t Addilion. Lots. Elk. Amt 1-2 1 2.57 5-6 4 15.02 1 tJ 3 5 3.19 1--, 5 !t.69 Sell your property through the Journal Went Ads. rEorosm constitctioxaIi AMENDMENT NO. ONE. The following proiosed amendment tt the constitution of the State of Xebrak as hereinafter set for-h In full. Is submit ted to the electors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general electioi to be held Tuesday, November Srd, A. D 1914. FOR a Joint resolution to nmend seftloi 1 of Article 9 of tbe Constitution of in state of Nebraska, relating to revenue Be It lb-solved and Enacted by tbe 1'eopli of the State of Nebraska: , Section 1. That Section 1 of Artlole I of the Constitution of the State of Is braska be amended to read as follows: See. 1. The rules of taxation shall M uniform ns to any given class and tase shall be levied upon such property as the Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes maj also be imposed on income!, privileges am occupations, which taxes may be graduatei nd progressive and reasonable exemption niav be provided. In addition to those here Inafter specifically mentioned In ection 5 of this article. ... See. 2. That at the general election li November. 1914. there shall be submitter to the elc'-tors of the state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing propose, amendment to the Constitution in the fol lowing form: "For amendment to tht Constitution providing for uniform am progressive taxation" and "against Fair proposed amendment to the Constitntior providing for uniform and progressivi taxation. Approved. March 27. ini.3. I. Addison Wait. Secretary of State. W the State of Nebraska, do hereby eertlf;. that the foregoing proposed aiueinlmet:' to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska Is a true and correct copy of original enrolled and engrossed bill, passed bv the Thirty-third session of Legislature of the State of Nebraska appears from said original bill on file ii this office, and that said proposed amend ment is submitted to the qualified voten of the State of Nebraska for their adoptioi or rejection at the penernl election to b. held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November A. D. 1914. In Testimonv Whereof, I have hereimti set mv band and aflixed the Great Seal ol the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, tnis 22rd day of March In the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of t hi Independence of the United States the Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of State the Forty-aeventh. ADDISON WAIT. Seal Secretary of State. th. at th . at Oi.n thii PKOPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL, AMENDMENT NO. TWO. The following proposed amendment t the constitution of the State of Nebraska as hereinafter set forth in full. Is submit ted to the elc-tors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general electioi to be held Tuesday, November Crd, A. D 1914. "A Joint Resolution to amend Section ail (6) of Article one (1) of the Conatitutioi Of the State of Nebraska. Be It Kn.-icted by the I'eople of the Stati of Nebraska : Section I. That Section six (o) of ArMcli one (1) of tit Constitution of the Stab if Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows : Section fl. The right of trial by Jur.i hall remain inviolate; but in all civil cas.-f Hid in criminal :ises less than felonies Ive-sixths "f the jury may render a ver lict iind the Legislature may authorize rrial by a Jury of a less number thar twelve meu in courts inferior to the dls tri t court. Sec. 2. That at the eeneral election foi ifafe and b-j-istit Ive ofli.-ers to lie held lr. :he State of Nebraska on the first Tuesil-n ftvr the frst Monday in November in I'Jlj !n re shall be printed upon the ballot ot ach elector for ills approval or rejectioi, Mie above and forepoin amendment in th' '"nllowiiip form: "For proposed amendment o the constitution providing that in al dvil .-uses and In criminal cases less thar Monies, five-sixths of the jurv raay reudei a verdict," and "Against t lie proposed iincudinent to the Constitution provide!! that iu all civil cases and in criminal case .ess than felonies, five-sixths of the Jurj nay render a verdict." Approved. April 1, 1U1X I, Addison Wait. Secretarv of State, ol the state of Nebraska, do herebv certifv . A foreL-ointr proposed amendmenl to ttie Constitution of the State of Nebraska true an. i correct eonv r,f iim nrtin.,1 and engrossed bill, ns rinsed lir third ...i-,t . w t ni..i.i.. '.',,"T lJllr " -enrasKa. as app.-Hrs from i.nd original bill on ii(. j this office, and tnat said proposed amendment is submitted r ttie qualified voters of t lie State of Ne braska for fliejr adoption or rejection at he treneral le.-tlnn to be held on Tuesday, the jrd day of November, A. I. I!tl4 In lestimony Whereof, I have hereunto u .haI1,I !L"d ""ted the Great Seal ol the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 22rd day of March n t lie 'year of our Lord. One Thousand rMne Hundred and Fourteen, and of the dependence of the United State the One llutidred and Thirty-seventh, and of tbi. tate the Forty-seventh. Tc M ADDISON WAIT. ls,eaJl Secretary of titule. is a enrolled Mm Thirtv MONDAY, OCTOBER 12. 19U. r' ' TBOTOSED CONSTITrTIOTTAE A AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The fo'u. proposed amendment tf toe constinu.i l of the State of Nebratka, as hereinafter set forth in ful. is submit ted to the electors of the state cf Nbrn ka. to be voted upon at the jft-ueral lctlon to be held Tuesday, November wrd, A. E. 1914. "FOR a Joint resolution proposing ann ments to Section 1, of Artbi V. and Section 24. of Article V, of the Cotiititu tion of Nebraska, relating to term ol cfib e and salary of Governor and otLei executive officers. Ee it Resolved and Enacted $J the Feopli of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general el?ctlor for state and legislative offices, to be held en the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon day in November. 1V14. the following bt aubinltted as amendments to Sections 1 and 24. of Article V, of the CcnstttutLn ol Nebraska : Src. 1. The eTecutlve department nhall consist of a who shall hold hil office for a term of two years from tha flr:t Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, next after his election, and until Ids successor is elected and qualified, lo eddition to the Governor, the executive de partment fhall include the following offi cers: Lieutenant Governor. Secretary ol State, Auditor of I'ut.lic A'-counts. Treas urer. Superintendent of Public instruction. Attorney General, and Commissioner ol Public Lands and LuilJings. each of whom shall hold his office for the term f two years from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, next i-fter hli election, and until ids successor ts elected mil qualified: Provided, however, that t h trst election of said officers shall be held 3n the Tuesday succeeding the Erst Monday In November, F'16. and each succeeding lection shall lie lel.I at the same relaf've time in each even jar I tiereaf ter. The Governor, Secretary of ?tate. Auditor of Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re side at the seat of government during theii terms of office, and keep the public records, Looks and papers there, and shall perform iuch duties as may be required by law. See. 24. The salary of the Governor bliall De five thousand t $sj,ooo.(io i dollars per an num. The salaries of Auditor of Public Accounts and Secretary of state, Superln 'endetit of Public Instruction and Commis sioner of Public Lands and Puddings shall he two thousand five huinlred i $.'.."ioo.iiit lollars each per annum, and of the Attor ney General. four thousand dollari (II.OOO.OO) per annum, the salary of lin state Treasurer shall be three thousand $."..000.00 1 dollars per annum, and the Ll.-u-enant Governor shall receive one and one ialf the compensation of a senator, atnl :fter the adoption of this cons-it utb.n t'ey ihall not receive to their own use any feei, osts. interests upon public moneys In their lands, or under their control, perquNiteg if office or other compensation, and all f'- a 'hat may hen-after be payable by law for ;ervic s performed by an otJi er provided 'or in this article of the constitution shall e paid in advance Into the state treasury. There shall be no allowance f.-r clerk hira n the offices of the Superintendent of Public Instruetion and Attorney General. Sec. 2. That at aald election on the Tues lay succeeding the first Monday In Novem ber. K14. on the ballot of each elector oting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "For proposed ainend Tients to the constitution, fixing the term f office and salary for governor, and other xecutiva officer." and "Ajjainat uropuji-J tnendments to the constitution, fixing tne erm of office and salarv for governor, and ther exii utive officers." , Approved, April i'l, 1913. I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of he State of Nebraska, do here- trtlfy .hat the foregoing proposed amendment o the Constitution i.i the State of Nebraska s a true and correct eopv of the oriirmiil -nrolled and engrossed bill, at pasted by ;he Thirty-third session of the nr t the State of Nebraska, as appears fr..m taid original bill on lile in this office, ami that said proposed amendment is subm li ted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuedar. the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1H14 In Testimony Whereof. I hive hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March ' I?. t"L,-vear or Lord. One Thousand Mne Hundred and Fourteen, and of the Independence of the United State the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of Una State the Forty-seventh. , ADDISON WAIT. Secretary of Stute. Seal IN 'I'll I I)ITKICT CO! II T OF COl NT), m:iiu M . c the unknown Cassandra L. T. IL Pollock, Plaintiff. ' vs. Tassnndra I'. Stone, and Heirs arid Devises of St iH-iea.-ed. XOT1CK: To Cassandra FJ. Stone, and the 1111 itiiown Heirs and Devisees of ('as--andra K. Stone, deceased. Defendants In tbe above entitled action. You and each of you are herel.y notified tha Plaintiff lias commenced a suit airainst you in the District Court of fuss County. Nebraska, for tbe pur pose of quietinir tli. . title of tu Plaintiff in and to the following; d--ioribed real estate in Cass' Count V, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot S in Plot k ; t.n the city of Plattsmoutb. and for the -impose of establishing adverse posses sion, and o exclude each of you and ill persons claiming by, through la under you from having or claiming' any interest, riirbt. estate lien or title thereon, either legal or equitable in said premises and to forever enjoin von and each of you fioin in any man ner interfering witli tbe title, and pos session of this Plaintiff and claiming or lioldiiicj thronrli or under him and for equitable relief. ' You are required to answer said tietition on or before the 16th. day of November, A. D. 11)14. and in falling io do your default will be duly entered herein. T. H. Pollock. Plaintiff. V,y A. L. Tidd, His Attorney. 10-5-4wks IV Till: IJISTHICT COl HT ok tiii: Till: COLMi OF CSi, M'IIII iK X. XOTK'K OF SUIT TO yl'ILT TIT Li". Henry . Inbelder, Plaintiff. , vs. Henry II. Tozier, Abbie F. Tozier, tbe unknown heirs and devisees of Henry 11. Tozier, deceased, and tie unknown heirs and devisees of Abbie F. To.ier, deceased. Defendants. To the defendants. Henry II. Tozier, Abbie F. Tozier, the unknown l.eirs mid, devisees of Henry H. Tozier. deceased, und the unknown heirs hihI devisees of Abbie F. Tozier. deceased. You are herebv notified that on the I'lst dav. of May A. D. 1!U4. plaintiff filed 1 is suit in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, to quiet bis title to the following described land in the Count v of Cass. Nebraska, to wit: Tbe West half (W one-half) of the Northeast Quarter INK one-fourth) of tbe Northeast Quarter (Nil one-fourth) of Section seven (7) Township twelve (12) North Kange twelve (1) Last of the Ktb P. M. because- of bis adverse possesion by himself and hi. grantors for more tb,m ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, and to enjoin enc-Ii ami ail of von from . having or claiming any right, title, claim, lien or iiit-r.t therein, if any. either legal or eqtiitubln in or to any part thereof, and 10 have the same adjudged inferior lo the title of plaintiff, and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of tiie court. You are required to answer snl.l petition on or before Monday tbe 2nd dav of November A. D. 114. or your default will be duly enteted therein. Henry Inbelder. Plaintiff. Lawls & Robertson, Attorneys. 9-21-4WKSWKJT BETTER THAN HOMESTEADS! llefore leutlnic a fsrtn far oeit ton. write in for information reuar.llnit our "Half Earning" plan, and pet a farm tiotu of your uwu. K!i -r-ip OD urn braWt jj wiil umke you a lot of money ttit first ver. Wa have about I 000 quarter lectiom to select from, part under cultivation. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED Address: Hackney Land Credit Ce. Hackney Building, St, Paul, Minat.