The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 08, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Jkr 1 . I J
Ladies' and Misses Coats
We have just received a beautiful line of Ladies
and Misses' Coats, that we had contracted for some
time ago, before we ever knew that this dissolution
sale would happen. Even these magnificent sty
lish garments will go at dissolution cut prices.
What better opportunity could anybody wish for
In fact there isn't a single article in this great De
partment Store, that the price has not been great
ly reduced.
The mammoth stock of Fanger's Depart
ment Store will be sold at rock bottom prices, regard
less of cost and value. This sale is the greatest cutting, slashing, crashing prices ever known
in the State of Nebraska, for we have cut the prices below any possibility of profit. This
sale will eclipse anything ever before attempted at a bargain sale.
Our Clothing Department
Now remember this is not an nrdinnrv rpdnp-
tion sale, but a closing out sale every dollars t
worth ot goods must be closed out, as we will pos
itively not handle any more clotbing in the future.
So our loss is your gain.
So far as
Our Millinery Department
is concerned it talks for itsalf.
utoirag FBauromxel sumdl alloc for FPay
Clothing and Gents'
Furnishings !
Remarkable bargains in Men and Young
Men's Suits and Overcoats:
Not a Suit in tlie lot worth less than
$ during this sale ,
Men's and Boy's caps worth 50c, go at 18c
All kinds of heavy ribbed and Heeced
underwear worth 50c, now
Men's pants worth $1.50, (luring this sale 90c
Roys" hats worth J"c during this sale . 39c
A lot of shirts in different sizes worth
75c, during this sale 10c and 25c
Men's and J Roys" sweater coats worth
.c, now 39c
Men's Flannel shirts in different colors,
military and turn-down' colars, worth
$1.50, now 90c
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes
in various brands, will be sold during
this sale 48c, 95c, $1.48, $1.78, $1.98
Ladies' fine Furs will be bought cheaper here
than any place in the state.
Laces and Embroideries worth up to 10c
during this sale 1c, 2c, 3c and 5c
Ribbons worth up to 10c, will be sold
during this great sale, per yard
1c, 2c, 3c and 4c
Ladies' Waists worth '.M)c. sold during
this sale at
19c and 25c
Children's Dresses wort li up to S5c, now
25c, 39c and 49c
Ladies' Handkerchiefs worth up to I Jc,
for this great sale 2c, 3, 4, 6 and 7c
V. ZUCKER, Manager
ciai at 4c yd
Dry Goods and Ladies'
Furnishings !
Now is your best opportunity to put in
your supply for the winter:
One lot of Ladies' and Misses coats, for
merly sold from 7.50 to 15 these
are carried over from last year will
g at $2.98
One lot of Children's Coats, formerly
sold from up to $.50, will now go
for $1.98 to $2.48
Ladies', Misses and Children's ribbed,
Heeced and unfleeced underwear, will
be sold during this great sale
9c, 19c, 29c and 39o
Don't forpet to see those imported
Irish linens at the line sale at Warjra
& Schuldice's store Friday and Satur
day of this week.
Ralph Haynie came in this after
noon from Pacific Junction where
he has been making a short visit
there with his father
Linen sale, Linen sale, Linen sale
imported Irish Linens at the Warpa
& Schuldice store Friday and Satur
day of this week.
Just Received Our Fall Line of
Curtain Scrims, Nets and Swisses
Prices from 10 to 50c a yard in Beautiful Patterns!
7 J 31,
600stunningstyles in theWinter
issue of Butterick Fashions."
A magnificent selection to
choose your entire Winter ward
robe. This lovely publication
is only 25c, which includes any
Butterick Pattern you like Free.
At the Pattern Department
Sun Fast Draperies in rose, green, blue,
tan and brown
50c and Up
3f-in Silkoline, for Comforters, per
yard. . . .10 and 2l2c
3G-in Challie and Comfort Calico. . .10c
Dress Goods
38-in all wool Serges, black and colors, yd. .$ 50
54-in " ' Invisable check, black and col
ors, yd 1.00
42-in Crepe, all wool and silk and wool, 85c to 1.50
54-in Roman Stripe, $1.20, $1.50 and 2.00
Silk Crepe and Satins!
Beldings, yd wide Satin,' every yd guaran
teed, in black and colors, per yd $1.00
Belding, yd wide dress Satin 1.25
36-in Black Messaline. yd $1.00, $1.25 and. . . 1.50
35-in in Colored Messaline, yd 1.00
Roman Stripe Silk, a beautiful line at, per
yd $1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and 3.00
Chiffons and Chiffon Crepes, 45-in, a full line
of colors, at yd 1.25
Roman Stripe and Figured Chiffons at yd,
$1.25 to $1.50
See our New Line of Trimmings in Fur,
Beads, Bands, Etc.
Dance at Coatc's Hall.
TImti will li a social
-I- ilanrr jiiM'ii at I'nalt's iiall -l
J by the r.i.iiijniilan club -l-
J u Saturday t'wuiiijr, Oct- J
.- ulit-f loth. ( which I he
-I- public is cordially iuvilctl.
l 'I hc bst of music will be
furnishcil aiiil a I lime
L. C. Todd of the vicinity of No-
hawka was here today for a few hours
looking after some matters of bus
iness with the merchants.
Adam Meisinger, one of the sub
stantial farmers of near Cedar Creek
was here today for a few hours at
tending to some trading with the
Constipation causes headache.
indigestion, dizziness, diawness.
For a mild, opening medicine, use
Moan's Hegulets l?5c a box at all
J. B. Seybolt of Murray came up
this afternoon from hi i home at Mur
ray and was a passenger on No. 23
for Omaha to attend to some bus
iness matters.
Never can tell when you'll mash
a linger or suffer a cut, bruise.
uirn or scald. He prepared. Thou-
amis on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil.
Your druggist sells it. 25c and 50c.
A Lame Back Kidney .Trouble
Causes It.
And it will give you even worse
f not checked. Mrs. II. T.
Straynge, Ciainesville, Ga., was
fairly down on her back with kid
ney trouble and inflamed bladder.
She says: "I took Foley's Kidney
Pills and now my back is stronger
than in years, and both kidney
and bladder troubles are entirely
gone." For sale by all druggists.
My trouble began a long time ago
-U0 or .?( years. I hud a constant
pain in my right side. I didn't notice
it much at first but it kept getting
worse until -1 years ago I began to
pass blood in the urine. This frighten
ed me, and I consulted my local M. P.
who gave me no satisfaction as to
what the trouble was but wanted to
operate for removal of the right
kidney. lie told me I would die
inside of six months if the kidney was
not removed. I then visited four well
known specialists in Ies Moines, one
in Omaha, Neb., and one in Atlantic,
Iowa. They all insisted on an opera
tion for removal of the kidneys ami
they told me I would die in a short
time if I wasn't operated on. Last
June I was persuaded to go to Still J
College of Osteopathy at Des
Moines, la., to see what Osteopathy
could do for me. Dr. Taylor of that
institution examined me and told me
to go home and take osteopathy
treatments, which I did. I have taken
treatments about three months and
have done by work on my farm right
along. At the present time, I have but
slight trouble with my side and that
only at times. I have passed no blood
for nearly two months; urine is as
clear as it ever was. 1 don't say that
Osteopathy saved my life, but it
saved me a whole lot of suffering
The proclamation of President
Wood row Wilson in regard to the
neutrality of the United States and
its citizens in the European war has
been posted in the government build
ing in this city, calling upon all
American citizens to see that they
do not violate it in any way by taking
a too active part in the contest and
engendering ill feeling between, this
country and any of the warring
nations. The proclamation is printed
in English, Cerman, French anil Rus
sian in order that all nationalities
may read and profit thereby. The
president has endeavored to maintain
a perfect friendly attitude to all of
the battling countries and should
have the assistance of every citizen
in his splendid efforts.
When baby suffers with eczema,
ilchintr skin trouble, use Ioan's
iiilinent. A little of it goes a
long way and it is safe fop child
ren. r.Hc a box at all stores.
Wall paper, paints, glass, pic
ture framing. Frank Ciobelman.
L. J. Hall
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All sale matters entrusted to my care
will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
QF"Address or phone me at Union
for open dates.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
hv local applications, as they cannot reach thr
diseased K.ition of tin- ear. There is only one
vav to cure deaf ness, ami that is li.v .constitution
al "remedies. Deafness is caused hy :in inllauied
condition of thi mucous llniiip of the Kustarhiaii
Tulic. When this tnho is itillanii'.l you have a
rutiiMlnir Found or iuniorfoct lii-arlnn. ami wln-ii
It is ntiroly rlost-d Koafnoss is tho ri-sult. ami
unless the inflammation can be taken out ami
this tube restontl to its normal condition, hear
ing will he destroyed forever: nine eases out of
teu are caused tiv'Catarrh. which is nothing but
on Intlanied condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will Kie One ritimlrcd Dollar for any cae
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot b;
cored by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by HruKKlsts, 7rc.
Tuke Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
PUSS FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
U ' 1 9 mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Either or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha.
The first cost is the big
gest cost of the Ford and the smallest
cost of any other car because of the after-expense.
The Ford is the one car
you can drive at less than "horse-and-buggy"
rates. Thousands drive the
Ford at less than two cents a mile. It's
the "cost-ts-keep" that counts.
Runabout $140. Touring Car $490. Town Car $G90
f. o. b. Detroit. Complete with equipment. Dovey
& Co. Orders by contraet will be filled when the next
shipment arrives.
One Used Car for
Sale Cheap!