MONDAY, OCTOBER Z, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, PAGE E. Ak-Sar-Ben Sept 30th-Oct. 10th 50 DISCOUNT -on Auto Bridge Coupons- 10.00 Toll Coii)on Books for $5.00 5.00 " " " 4i 2.50 Round-Trip Toll Bridge Charges Using Coupons: Auto and 1 Passenger 50c " " 2 " 55c " " 3 " 60c " " 4 " 65c " " 5 70c CTOur bridge is open for traffic day and night. Toll Coupon Books for sale at Bridge Toll House. POLLOCK-DUFF BRIDGE, Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska WrWCfy'tt f,E.JfT W'lft'JUO J A . -- LI r.3 14 4 F 1 Local Kews l'mm Kriilay's Iaily. .Mr. ;ml "Ls. IM. ( i.-inx-npT from --t if Murray, were I'lattsiuoutli i-ilrs Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C!ia. Itoy.'r friu tii !' Murray, were Plalts iiiMiitli visitors Thursday. .Mrs. Ini'z Sti nm-r came in Ihis a I ! iiio'ii from Lincoln 1 for a hnri t i 1 1 1 with relatives and 1 1 ifiids. San ' L" - i i i i yen rind daughter .Mi-- I.i'na 'if visitors in this My today. Mr. T.-t liirren was a pleasant caller at tliis ottice. :. i:. T. llt, I lie Weeping Wafer nllorin-y calm' in this afternoon t .-pond a few liours here looking a I iff .-oin,. matters at I lie court Mrs. if. w.lnlH-in .epartel la-! on . j fop (Weston. Iowa, where -lie will visit for a f da s there willi h.-r relatives and friends in that city. John Viind iiieh. deniooratic candidate for sheri'V came in 'li rday a f I e? :i. ma to i s i t here wi!h lii- friends and look af'er hi- cainlialacy in tlii- city. Mrs. 1. E. W'oolsey and Mis. Will Davis Davis of Wyoniinir, Nebraska, wi'iv here today at tending' the ll elll ill of the I.adi - Auxiliary of the Episcopal ciiurch. Rev. W. W. I!ain-s and wife, Mi. John C. Walton and Mrs. Charles lluhnei- of Nebraska City were here attending the conven tion of the Epi.-copal church there today. l.nllier J. Hall, on.- of (he pro. -p.-r-ous farmers of the vicinity of l iii .n. was in the city today for a lew hours looking after some matters of husiness with the iiici chant s. . I.. Mayes of Hu-Tiville, (ieo. Ma? cs ,,f Tilden, Nebraska, and .Tames Maxes of Lusk, Wyoming x ho were here to attend the fui'.'rnl of (heir brother departed tin- afternoon for their homes. Mrs. v. i:. Martin of Lincoln anid in the city e-terday atlei-n.,oi, r,,r a .-.hurt isit here a the ho:,i. of her sister, Mrs. Yal Hurkle, departing- this afternoon for her home in the -late capital. I-. Mej-dnuer, wife ami little A DAILY FOR A DOLLAR From Now Until April 1, 1915, Giving You All the War News Fresh from the seat of trouble, through the big press associations and special service. Political Campaign Affairs are independently treated as the paper is not tied up with any interests. Next Winter's Legislature will be fully reported in the interests of the taxpay ers of Nebraska. Markets, special articles and a vigorous policy make this the paper you should read. Lowest Priced Daily in the state. Try it at this cut price. Paper will stop when time is up. Send your order to LSWCOLfJ DAILY NEWS LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ; i 1M child came in this morning from their farm home and were pas sengers on the early Hurlington train for Omaha to visit for the day in that city. E. O. Max field and wife accom panied by C. A. I'osler and wife motored down from Omaha last evening to spend a few hours here, enjoying the spin down from the metropolis. Mrs. L. II. Brooks departed this morning for Forest City, Iowa, xx here she goes to visit for a fexv days there with her son, H. A. Mrooks in that city, and will then return here for a visit with her son W. . llrooks. Mrs. George A. Meisinger re turned this afternoon from Om aha where she has been at the bedside of her son at the hospital. The young man is resting quite easily and doinsr well at the time of her leaving the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, Mrs. Woolsey. Misses Florence Davis. Mini Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robb. Mrs. George Stiles, Mrs. Ro-e Kendall, of Union and Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. W. Harnes of Nebraska City motored to this city today to attend the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the south east district of the Diocese of Nebraska, which is being held el St. Lukes' church in this city today. From Saturday Dallv. J ;. Meisinger and son Hugo of Cedar Creek were visitors in this city yesterday. Mr. Meisinger was a pleasant caller at this otlice. C. C Bailey and wife and Mrs. It. I. Clements motored in from Elmxvood yesterday and visited here for a few hours with friends. Mrs. C. S. Johnson, who has been visiting at the Isaac Pollard home at Nehawka since Wednesday morning, returned home last evening. JM. Meisinger and wife return ed home this afternoon from Omaha where they have been for a time looking after some matters of business. Mrs. 'J. M. Johns returned home yesterday afternoon from Creston. Ioxva, where she has been for the past, few days visiting with re latives and friends. .Mrs. M. A. Street returned home last evening from an ex l ended trip to Washington and the Pacific coast for a viait at the home of hep son there. Henry Horn of the vicinity of Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. Chris Tschirren one of the energetic farmers of the precinct xvas in the city today looking after some business matters for a fexv hours with the merchants. Fred Hess and wife departed this morning on the early Bur lington train for Havelock where they will visit in that city over Sunday with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. B. Higlcy departed last evening for Stella, Nebraska, where she was called by the critical illness of her daughter, Mrs. Ilhoda Cotner in that place. Mrs. Cotner is suffering from a nervous breakdown. W. II. Ileil drove in this morn ing from his splendid country home near Cedar Creek in com pany with Jesse Brown and the teacher of that district, Miss Josephine Ilys and spent the day hero looking after business mat ters with the merchants. Adam and George KalTenberger returned homo this afternoon from South Dakota, xvhere they have been for the past several days looking after the land in terests of Mr. Adam KalTenberger who has a line half section in Beadle county in that state. Mrs. Alma Harney, of El Ileno, Okla., who is making an extended visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity, was a passenger to Council Bluffs this morning where she will visit for a short lime. She xvas acocmpanied by her cousin, Mrs. Julia Thomas, who is enjoxing her annual two weeks vacation from her duties at the institution at Glenwood. From Monday's Dally. Miss Julia Svohoda returned this morning to Omaha after an over Sunday visit here with her parents and friends. John C. Martin was a passen ger for Glenwood where he is engaged in some electrical work in that city. Frank Konfrst deparfed this morning for Pacific Junction to look after some carpenter work there for the day. I'd. H. Schulhof was a passen ger this morning for Glenwood to spend a short time there looking after some matters of business in that city. C II. Tains, president of the IMatlsmouth Turnverein, xvas among those attending the Ger man meeting in Omaha yesterday afternoon. Jake Denson came doxvn this afternoon from his home in Council Bluffs to spend a fexv hours here looking after some business matters. II. E. Burdick ami wife of Om aha were over Sunday visitors in this city with their relatives and friends, returning to their home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Barstoxv of Omaha xvas an over Sunday visitor in this city xxith relatives and . friends, returning to the metropolis this morning. Mrs. B. F. Crook is spending a few days at the home of her daughter near Salem, Nebraska, xvhere she xvas called by the ar rival of a new granddaughter. John Gauer, one of the whole souled and popular farmers of near Cedar Creek xx-as in the city Saturday looking after some mat ters of business with the mer chants. Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray was here yesterday for a fexv hours to attend the meeting of the democratic county central committee. Dr. Brendel is (he democratic candidate for coroner. L. F. Langhorst of Elmxvood, chairman of the democratic countv central committee was in the city yesterday for a fexv hours looking after some matters of business. Miss Marie Hiber has return ed home from O'Neill, Nebraska, xvhere she has been for the past fexv weeks visiting at the home of her brother John Hiber in that city. Bargain Farm. Consisting oT 240 acres, 150 miles west of Omaha, 5 miles from St. Paul, 2 miles from War saxv. All level land. 8 room house, ben built 5 years. Good barn, double corn crib, cattle shed, chicken house. Elegant grove. Good bearing orchard. Close to school and church. 27 acres of al falfa and 40 acres level pasture. Terms very favorable. For further particulars see Will Richardson at Mynard. 9-24-d&wtf W. E. Rosencrattg returned home this morning from Fort Collins, Colorado, xvhere ha ac companied the body of Mrs. Daniel Sechrist, foster mother of Mrs. Rosencrans, and attended the last sad rites there. Barley Buttery and xvife of Lincoln came in yesterday after noon for a short visit at the home of Mr. Buttery's uncle, William Holly and family, returning this afternoon to their home in the state capital. Mrs. Robert lleinrich and two children who have been here for the past xveek visiting at the home of Fred lleinrich, sr., and family, departed yesterday morn ing for their home at Henry, Colo. Mr. Adam Burkle and sister, Miss Annie who have been here making a visit of a fexv xveek s duration at the home of their, brother, Yal Burkle and family departed Saturday on Xo. 2 for their home at Portsmouth, Ohio. John Dorrington, an old time resident of Plattsmouth in the late sixties accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Reavis of Falls City and Mr. and Mrs. John Toxvle of South Omaha motored in yesler- dav from the metropolis and visited here for a fexv hours xxith their old friends. Po-Do-Lax Banishes Pimples. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Con stipation, etc., come from Indis- gestion. Take Po-DoLax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged Stomach or other troubles. It xxill tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use it re gularly and you xvill stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 50c bottle today. Money back if not satisfied. All Druggists. Your Photograph. Your friends xxant it. Have it taken today. The Greenwald Studio. 10-2-31. PRESIDENT ATTENDS PRAYER SERVICES Entire American Nation Prays For End of European Hostilities. Washington, Oct. 5. Prayers for peace in Europe arose from all parts of the United States, in accordance with President Wilson's proclamation. Clergymen of all denominations read the president's proclamation, itself a fervent prayer, and congregations athered to sing peace hymns and take part in peace services. The president himself attended the Central Presbyterian church here and heard Rev. James H. Taylor pray that the United States might be instru mental in restoring peace to Europe and that Mr. Wilson might be given wisdom and strength in his mediation proposals. The president xvas accom panied by Secretary McAdoo and sev. eral White House guests. In his sermon. Rex. Mr. Taylor de clared that the war in Europe meant rot the breaking down of Christianity, but the failure of some people to fol low Christian principles. He added that permanent peace would come when the nations of the xvond were turned mere to prayer. The church was packed until ther? was not oven standing room insi-Je. After the service a large crowd waited until the president had taken com munion to watch him ride away in his automobile. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as morcury will surely destroy tlio mmisp of smrll ami iinik't'l dormice the whol"- vstciu ulirn vnterinir it through the iuucoum surfaces. Sui-li rtii'len phuulfl iu'Vit In utl except prt,s4Tip- uons rroui rrpuiuole Dvi iuns. n ttie (I.ininnt tliry will do In feu fold to the cxl yon run ia sibly derlre from theui. Hull's Catarrh Curt manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. TVledo. C. contains no mercury, nod is taken lnternaliy. ictlnx directly nion the M'io.1 unrt mticotw sur- facea of tlie iyteni. In luiyine Ilall'n Catarrh Cure be ur you pet the jrenulne. It Is taker. Intcrnnlly nnd nude In Toledo. Ohio, by I". J ncucy u. t o. T tsnmcniaid iree. ojIJ by FTgNts. rrfce, 73c. per bottle. T k ; ' T T- 't, f. conxf Ination. L. J. Hall The Union Auctioneer Union, Nebraska All sale matters entrusted to my care wjll receive prompt and care- y ful attention. ; , ' .v Farm and Stock Sales a Specialty! Rates Reasonable! "Address or phone me at Uiyon lor open dates. WITH PfSxIv "k Jim ol Trout la Such as Never Was." CLASHING FRAYERS ASCEND. Great Confusion of Thought The Pres ent War Long Foretold In Prophecy. All Nations to Be Involved Inefficien cy of All Gentile Kingdoms to Bring Lasting Peace Need of Divine Inter position Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of Gentile Supremacy "Times of the Gentiles" Now Expiring The World's Hope Messiah's Kingdom. October 4. ras tor Itussell's dis course today was strictly up to date, lie took for his text the Master's words, "Ul'ou the the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts f a i 1 i n s them fur fear, and for looking after S.V3? . : v. a. (tKASTQg RU5SLLLJ those things that are coming on the earth." (Luke '21 o, 2U.) He said iu part: Never was there such a war a.s there Is at the present tinif. Peculiar con ditions have arisen, more so than has ever beeu known before in the history of the world. With the utter destruc tion of civilization impending, pres ent conditions seem to take on a pe culiar force as we think of what rela tionship God has to all these matters. On every hand prayers for peace are ascending to God. Some are praying for the success of the allied armies which means the slaughter of the Ger mans, Austrians and Hungarians; oth ers are praying for just the reverse; still others are praying that the war shall not go on. All this shows great confusion of thought. How could ail these prayers bo heard? The Master has told us that we are to pray in ac cord with the Word of GotL There fore, before praying oa the subject, it would be wed to determine what are God's purposes in regard to this war. In order to pray in harmony with His arrangements. Instead of telling the Almighty what to do, we should all hearken to His Word, and take note of what He says about this war and the terrible Armageddon which will follow it the "Time of Trouble such as was not since there was a nation." As I read my Ilible with clearer eyes than once I read it, 1 see so many things different from what once I thought that I have great sympathy with people who are confused on this matter. As I read the Iiible, God has foretold this very war and has indi cated just what is happening today. Through the Prophet Joel lie has said to all nations. "Let the weak say, I am strong. Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat" to the Battle of the great Day of God Almighty. If God prophesied this war of nations, then we need not pray that He stop a war which He has foretold would take place. Surely, so far as the present war has gone, it has brought a greater number to the grave than has any previous war. Man3 doubtless, will be shock ed at the declaration that this war and the still greater calamity to follow are of Divine Arrangement. Nevertheless, the gathering of the nations to the present struggle is referred to in the Prophet's words, where the weak na tions are called upon to assert their strength and to go down, all of them, to the Valley of Jehoshaphat other wise the Valley of Graves. In harmony with this prophecy, the nations have for years beeu "beating their plowshares into swords, and their pruuing-hooks into spears," in the sense that money has been spent for military purposes which should prop erly have been spent in agricultural implements and developments. Ap parently all the nations of the world will yet be involved. Happy would it be if our own land should escape! We are very glad to note that our Presi dent and our Secretary of State are men of peace, and will surely do all in their power to avoid complications and war itself. Nevertheless, it is reason able to expect that the great nations of Europe, realizing how much they will be weakened by the war, will do all in their power to ensnare these United States, lest at the conclusion of the war we should tower too much above the other nations in financial strength and in every other way. Seen In God's Plan. But to the majority it is very con fusing to think that God would bring about any great war. There is surely something wrong or there would not be such perplexity; for the Lord tells His people that they will not be in darkness. Speaking about this Time of Trouble, St. Paul says, "But ye, breth ren, are not in darkness, that that Day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of the light.'' and, the children, of the Day." (1 Thessaionians 5:1-0.) God's people should have gen eral information regarding His plans, purposes and "arrangements. Only as we look at the Divine Flan as a rrho!e can we understand GocT relationship with tbia bloody war and i f3 t - with all war. Many nave seen only small i?rtions of the Divine Plan, and so have failed to gra?p the great length, breadths, heights and depths of God's grt'at Purpose. But whoever has an understanding of the great Plan, of God will ever after be able rightly to appreciate and to locate not only the events of today, but also ev erything that is coming: for the Bible outlines the history of man. The Scriptures clearly teach that our earth is the only rebellious province in all God's fair creation. In this little planet God has permitted sin to take its course to bud. to blossom, to bring forth its fruitage that both men and angels may see the dire results of op position to the Divine Government. The Bible tells us how this world be came rebellious. It tells us that God did not create mankind imperfect, as we are today. Man was created per fect, an earthly being in the image of his Heavenly Creator, in the sense of having a moral character, but limit ed to earthly conditions. This perfect man was placed in a perfect home, in every way adapted to his needs. This Eilen was especially prepared for him, and be was to enjoy it. But ho was the king of the whole earth; and there fore his Creator instructed him that, as his family increased, he was to sub due the earth and develop it. Had mankind remained in harmony with God, the whole world would have be come as Eden. God foreknew just what would oc cur, however. He foreknew Adam's sin and fall, as well as the mental, moral and physical degeneracy which would result from the disobedience of our Urst parents. He foreknew our weakness and imperfection, our at tempts at moral, religious and mental reform and at mental and physical health. Yet He permitted all this to come to pass. Sin entered the world, and has con tinued to rest upon the human family for six thousand years. This curse of sin and death is upon mankind. God's penalty for sin is death, and whether it comes through pestilence, famine, war or by slower processes, matters little. There is no one so stupid but that he can see that the whole course of human history has been a reigu of Sin and Death. Why God Has Permitted Sin and Death. The Bible tells us that God has per mitted this condition to continue for the past six thousand years as a great lesson on the exceeding sinfulness of sin and on the utter hopelessness of any other he'i than that which lie Himself has provided. For six great Days of a thousand years each from Adam's time until now Sin and Death have reigned over the race. These are man's work Week, in which he has been permitted to try everything he could imagine for his own relief from sin and its penalty death. And now, after the Week has drawn to a close, what do we lind? Mankind are still dying mentally, morally, physically. So far from gaining life for our race, all our efforts through doctors, scientists, etc.. have accom plished practically nothing. Yea, our most learned physicians and special ists tell us that the world is on the verge of a collapse. They say that at the present rate of increase there would not be, in a hundred and sixty years from now, enough saue people in the world to care for the Insane. They tell us that various diseases are increasing so rapidly as to endanger the existence of the race in a very short time; and this in face of the fact that sanitary conditions are made a necessity, even to the extent of provid ing individual drinking cups. Our only hope is in God; and He has arranged that His blessing shall come through Messiah's Kingdom when our race shall have reached its limit Man's extremity will be God's oppor tunity. In the great Seventh Day of man's work Week, the autitypical Sabbath, Messiah will, in association with His Church of this Gospel Age. set up the Divine Kingdom amongst men a spiritual Kingdom, not an earthly one, ruling, blessing and up lifting mankind. For a thousand years this work of uplift wiil progress, un til all the willing ami obedient will have attained again the lost likeness of their Creator and all the unwilling and disobedient will have been cut orf from life in the Second Death. "The Times of the Gentiles." Another great lesson which God has been teaching mankind duriug the reign of Sin and Death is the fact that they are incapable of establishing such a government as is necessary for real blessing and uplift of the race. For I a time He appointed the nation of Israel to be His typical kingdom, se lecting King David and his posterity to constitute the royal family. The last king of David's line was Zedekiah. of whom we read: "And thou, profane wL.-ked prince of Israel, whose time has come that iniquity shall have an enl. Thus saith the Lord God. He move the diadem, take off the crown; I will overturn, overturn, overturn It until He comes whose right it is; and I will give it unto Him." (Ezekicl 21 :2."i-2T.) The One whose right it is, is Messiah Jesus the Head, and the Church His Bodj- on the spirit plane. Certain Scriptures Indicate that the time during which God's Kingdom would be removed would be seven prophetic Times, each of which is o(V) years in length. Seven Times would therefore equal 2.o20 years. That pe riod, reckoned from the time of King Zedekiah's overthrow ends 'with ; this year; for according to the Scriptures the crown was taken away from King Zedekiah in 000 B. C. If so. with the close of the present year Messiah' should take to Himself His great pow er and begin the long-promised Mil lennial Reign of Glory, the opening or bejinting of which, according to tha Bible, will be a very flare tour-"! Time of Trouble snch as was not hiuco there was a nation," "nor ever sliall be" the like again. . When God took away His typical kingdom. WW B. C.. He gave the Gen tiles authority or permission to do their best to rule and govern the world aid to bring in righteousness. That - we might know all this, Jle gave a dream to Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, and sent the interpretation of the dream through Daniel, the Prophet. The dream showed a grent image, whose head was of gold, representing Babylon; the breast and arms of sil ver, representing the succeeding gov ernment of Medo-Persia; the belly of brass, representing the Grecian Em pire, which succeeded the Medea and Persians; and its legs of iron repre sented Borne, the government of the Caesars. Each of these governments has had universal sway, each has shown the best it was able to do for humanity, and each has failed. The feet of the image were of iron, showing that they represented part of the Iloman Empire; but they were smeared with clay and thus made to represent stone feet. These feet rep resented the Holy Roman Empire, whose divisions, or toes, are now at war with each other. The dream and its Interpretation showed that the stone which struck the imago in tho feet, ground them to powder and ut terly destroyed the entire image, repre sented God's Kingdom. According to the prophecy, this Kingdom wi'.I ulti mately 011 the whole earth. The clay smeared on the feet, mak ing them look like the stone, repre sents the fact that the present Bouiari governments of Europe claim to bo Christ's Kingdom. On their coins, and otherwise, they claim to be representa tives of God. They have deceived themselves Into thinking of themselves as Christendom, which signifies Christ Kingdom. In reality, however, they are Gentile kingdoms, the last repre sentatives of Gentile power the feet and the toes of the Image of Gentile supremacy which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. These powers are what the Pdblo calls "the kingdoms of this world." But they are part of the Gentile pow er which has been permitted to rule the world up to the time when God will be ready to set up His Kingdot.i. which was also represented in Neb uchadnezzar's dream the stone cut out without hands. The Word of God transforming the hearts of His peoj lo will gradually make them Ills King dom, and in the spiritual Kingdom these wiil be Messiah's joint-heirs. When the image of Gentile supremacy falls, these will be put into power and place. Then all will have opportunity to return to the image of God. The Judgment of the Nations. We have read in history, and daily we are reading in the newspapers, how these nations are attempting to blow one another off the sen and the land. "The nations were angry," says the Ilevelator. There is no nation so small but that it desires to go to war. As the Prophet Joel says to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Jehosha phat." Outside of the walls of Jeru salem is the cemetery of Jehoshaphat, known as the Valley of Graves. Ia figurative language the Prophet is say ing to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Graves!" And this is Just where they are going. When wo think of the appalling loss of life amongst these angry nations, it is grand to know that all these bitter experiences are not lost, and that the poor creatures who have suffered are not, when they die, hurled Into eter nal torment that these poor creatures, not knowing what the war really Is about, but demonstrating to the best of their ability their patriotism, aro not thrown to the devil to be forever roasted- Ah, no! According to the Scriptures, they are falling asleep in death. Their sorrows and woes am all over for the present They will know nothing more until He who ha redeemed them will call them forth from the dominion of Death. The present war will weaken the na tions, not only of their life-blood, but also of their wealth; and it ill dem onstrate the inefficiency of all Gentile kingdoms to bring to the world peace, righteousness, satisfactory govern ment. But Messiah's Kingdom, which will then be Inaugurated, will be "the desire of all nations." This war and the anarchy of Armageddon, which will follow it, will prove conclusively the great need of Divine interposition in human affairs. Doubtless earth's great rulers have done the best they knew how to do for their peoples. Some of our very best laws came from Julius Caesar, in com bination with the Mosaic code. Somo of the world's rulers today are als doing their lest: but they are confused. Having a false idea of what consti tutes Christ's Kingdom, they seem to think it their mission to conquer th world- They also believe that they foresee a general uprising of Social ism, and their hearts are failing them, fearing the things coming upon tbo earth. While they knew that this would bn the worst war ever known, yet thfy preferred it to "that which they were striving to ward off and which tlicy have succeeded in keeping off for the present But they have lost their Lest blood, their best energy,, their money, commerce, etc.; and when the war is ended, these nations, sorrowful and famine-stricken, will be greatly anger ed at their rulers. 1 Then will come the determination for something like So cialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down,' and to some ex tent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion the Annagedlou of the Scriptures. .Then will, te the Time of Trouble, immediately preced ing the Messianic Kingdom.