The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 28, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
TZbc plattsmoutb journal
Published S o m l-W eekly at Plottsmouth, N b r.
Entered t the 1'ostoClc t I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, u second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe: S1.50 Per Year In Advance
vwv rrrrv vvrrr wwv
y.u toil for it, iT food you -y
toil f"i- it. Toil is the law. -J-v
Pleasure comes through toil v
an.l not by self-indulgencev
an.l indolence. When one
- u'ts to loe work his life is
V a happv one. W. Iluskin. 4
4 4"
I 'neas
lw- th"
i- the head that
head that wears
the :o:-
Soi;,.. tliink that diplomacy in
stead of progress is what will
Jii? about peace.
Anoth.-i- ri'ai.'ii for the great
f j''iie of war is that they still
l-"fd olilirs bacon.
I! i afe to presume that Lydia
Pin kliain, lrae old girl, is lead
i;:,: a regiment in Europe.
What oij say about your
i!ii-lil."r i news, hut what your
ii' ihb'M s say about you is gossip.
Old .! ' Cannon, having secured
I'm nomination for congress, may
iiw roar in comptition with the
hay artillery in Europe.
I'll.- war tax finally got around
to xnokiuir tobacco, although
.-oiii-t!iiii' wa said earlier about
taxing necessities.
:o :
"J lie world refuses lo sct r-eiit-d
oer the mirth satellite of
.1 ll'io-r. which can not he seen
Willi the naked eye or with a teles
cope. :o:
China i to sign a peace treaty
with th- United stales, being glad
to i-n onie international docu
ment that does not cost any
thing. :o:-
'I he house of Lords was not at
all reluctant to suspend the
operation of home rule. It would
be glad to peninanently suspend
TioubV comes in bunches as
shakepear and the father of the
triplets intimated; we were think
ing of millinery and the eoal
Mipply, but there are other for
midable collections.
Wat's blight, falls quickly and
heavily. Only a few weeks ago
Oerniany had -,351 vessels in her
merchant marine. Today practic
ally all of these vessels have dis
appeared from the sea, aud com
merce is Jead.
'this European war will give
habitual commerce of foreign
made goods a chance to get ac
quainted with home made pro
ducts, and the traveler who could
n't see anything any place but in
Europe may now lake time to see
America and learn the beauties of
our own country.
II. Li. Howell two years ago was
an extremist in his support of
Hoosee!t. From report the
gentleman who thinks he ought
to be elected governor of .Nebras
ka, was conspicuous by his ab
sence at the Roosevelt meeting in
Lincoln the other night. Can the
progressives of the state come up
smiling on the 3rd of November
and ole for Howell, as against
Packet I, the regular nominee for
governor on the progressive
In politics, as in life generally,
things which loom large momen
tarily have a way of shrinking out
of posterity's sight, while events
which at the moment nearly es
caped remark grow in signiliance
It is impossible as yet to know
just what Woodrow Wilson's
place in history will be, dependent
as it is on many and varied con
clusions of unfinished business.
That he has grown in esteem in
very recent months, it would be
idle to deny. His great grief has
made men know him for what
liny have sometimes forgotten
him to be not professor only,
not statesman aud partisan alone,
but a fattier a man with man's
responsibilities ami trials. And
now the president issues two im
portant documents an invitation
to all persons to pray on a certain
day that peace may be restored in
Europe; .an announcement to his
party managers that he will take
no "swing around the circle" to
mend the fences of his parly's re
presentatives in congress. This
decision is not a surprise to any
one who knows Wilson aud his
ways. Whatever his defects and
angles and asperities and time
will soften them and we shall
grow more conscious of his
qualifies Mr. Wilson is an
American patriot and a citizen,
not ot his own parish only, but
of the world. His presidency,
opening with the enactment of
promised legislation, has been
troubled by private bereavement,
b Mexican explosions, by partis
an ebullitions, and by the great
est war in present memory. What
ever mistakes we have charged
She president with, we hae never
charged him with losing his head.
Mis attitude toward events in
Mexico and in Europe alike has
been distinguished by a large
inindedness that we frankly envy
him. We congratulate this country
of ours that he has been our
White House ruler in these
months of storm. Collier's
Jolm (l. Wunderlich, demo
cratic candidate for sheriff is
making many friends wherever
he goes. John is as common as an
old shoe and the voters will find
him that way either in or out of
office. He is well qualified for the
office of sheriff, and If elected, he
will do his duty without fear or
favor. Mr. Wunderlich is one of
the best men in Cass county and
to know him is to praise him.
L. F. Langhorsl of Elniwood
chairman of the county demo
cratic committee, was in the city
a few hours yesterday. He had
just completed a trip in the west
part of the county interviewing
committeemen, and others inter
ested in the success of the ticket.
If the candidates gie Mr. Lang
horst the right kind of support,
there will be no question as to the
success of the democratic can
didates. Lou Langhorst will not
let any grass grow under his feet
in his efforts for party success.
Don't ocrIook the fact, as you
go along in this campaign that
M. ii. Kime the democratic can
didate for representative in the
legislature is one of the solid and
energetic farmers of Cass counfy.
Mikek Kime is the sole of honor,
and will be found on the right
side of every question that comes
before the legislature, and you
can bet your last dollar that the
Interests of the people of Cass
will be well guarded.
What a blessing is peace a
Jack Froast is hovering around
but he can't hurt anything now.
. Hereafter it is going to be
harder than ever to raise money
for the support of missionaries in
Turkey. '.'.''
Now is the time to keep on drag
ging the roads bad weather may
set in any day, and then'it will be
an impossibility.
Don't fail to look after that seed
corn. No use waiting till next
spring and then have it shipped in
at high prices. Native seed corn is
a great deal the best anyway.
It is a base slander! There is
no truth whatever in the report
that women's dresses this season
are to be made so tight that they
will have to walk sideways.
To support John Mattes, Jr
for state senator, means to vote
for a man who will support the
common people as against the
corporations. Hon. John Mattes is
a man of the people, and if elected
will support every measure that is
calculated to benefit the, people.
:o: '
A. J. Snyder who is a candidate
for re-election to the office of
tecorder of Deeds, has filled the
position satisfactory to all who
ias had any business with the
oflice and no one has had cause
o complain. He is genial in his
1 . . . . . . 1 a T . 1
uusiuess transactions, aim nas
made many friends bv his
rentlemanly qualities.
W. K. Fox has been in charge
of the treasurer's oflice nearly
three years now, and you hear no
me complain witn the manner in
which he conducts the affairs in
that oflice. Kelly is genial In all
with whom he meets, and bears
the reputation of being one of the
most competent officials that has
ever been elected in Cass county.
The time to prepare for an in
reuse of production next year is
now. Much of it will have to do
with fall plowing. Other phases
of the larger crop will be the
are with which seed is selected
and saved. There should not be an
acre of American land that is not
made to produce something of
alue next year. Not an acre of
ground should be wasted.
President Wilson is proving
limself to be the right man in
he right place these days. He
has declined fo take an active part
in the campaign this fall, as his
ime will be taken up in looking
after the welfare of the country.
he president is right. In times
ike this, when we might be forc-
d into war on a moment's notice,
partisanship has no place.
Hon. W. H. Puis, who served
one term in the legislature, and
was nominated at the recent pri
maries for iloat representative is
one of the best and most reliable
young farmers in Cass county,!
and the voters of Otoe and Cass
counties can support him with
he assurance that he is eminently
well fitted to fill the bill, and will
be found doing his duty in the
legislature all limes and under all
circumstances. Billy Puis is as
honest as the day is long.
"I look upon this European con
flict," says Henry Clews, New
York banker and writer, "as an
anti-christ war. What else can it
creditably be called, with its
brutal wholesale mowing down,
by the most modern killing mach
inery or all kinds of human be
ings, comprising all religions
without regard to race, and with
out mercy, the like of which the
world has never previously wit
nessed. The people of all nations s
should rebel even against their
governments, if necessary to stop
ror many years some or us
have been living too high. A man
lives too high when he spends the
bulk of his income on things he
does not need and doesn't lay by
for what he knows he 'is bound to
need. Mortgaging a home to buy
an auto is an example. It's fine
when a fellow can have an auto
but it's better to ay for the home
first. It is also better for the (auto
mobile business!, for a sane trade
is steadier. Same way wjtl
amusements. We need play - and
fun. But there is plenty of good
fun and play to be had without
rushing knee-deep into deb
and taking our pleasure at the ex
pense of the butcher and the
baker. Spending more than he
earned never yet made anybody
really happy. Least of all is it
good for business. The fewer the
doubtful accounts the safer is
business. The high cost of living
would come down very quickly if
there wasn't so much senseless
cost of high living. Now that a
great war shas shocked us like an
icy plunge and scared us into
feeling the need of closer econ
omy, why not takek advantage of a
passing emergency to turn over
;i permanent new leaf? What's
the matter with this as a safe and
sane creed: "I will make my out
go less than my income and lay
the difference by, no matter how
strongly tempted to 'blow' my
self. I will consider as debts of
honor, to be paid first, not what
I owe for things I could do with
out, but what I owe for useful
service fairly given. I will not joy-
ride till I have paid my debts." We
could make the creed a good deal
longer; but if that much gets
worked out into daily practice it
will be time to tack on some
"Watchful Wailing Wins," is
the campaign slogan.
Wilson and peace is much bet
ter than Itoosevelt and war.
The Germans seem to be worst
ing John Bull on the high seas.
Only live weeks from Tuesday
till election day- -Tuesday Oct
ober 3.
Some people say the new moon
is a wet one. We will wait a week
before we decide.
The senate lilibusterers are
doubtless grateful to President
Wlison. It is no fun to have to
talk twelve hours at a stretch.
A six days' battle can do more
injury than can be repaired in six
years, besides pushing civilization
back towards the dark ages.
Senator Burton of Ohio will go
down to his grave believing that
le secd the country about $53,-
000,000 at a single session of con
gress. :o:
The war may come to a close
within a few months, but the dis
cussion as to the identity of the
individual who threw the brick
continue for years.
If the story that a French bull
gored eighteen Germans to death,
be worthy of credence. Germany
overlooked one preparation. It
hould have trained some mata
The London reporters doubtless
deem it humiliating enough to be
under conpulsion to use only such
news as the war office has censor
ed without having to get it as a
hand out" at the back door.
:o : -
The fact that Miss Foster has
filled the office of county superin-
endent so efficiently has gained a
great influence among the school
workers of Cass county. Miss
"oster should be re-elected be
cause she has proved in fact and
in deed the "right person in the
right place." ,
The democrat who can't vote
for Governor Morehead is certain
ly not true blue in the cause.
Pittsburg has sent the allies six
million horseshoes. It is evidently
not altogether an automobile war
:o: :
Frank Livershall democratic
candidate for county clerk, for' the
short time he has served in. that
capacity, has proved himself equal
to the task and has demonstrated
to a dead moral certainty that
the democrats made no mistake in
his nomination.
The democrats in its entirely is
all is necessary to meet the ap
proval of the voters of Cass
county at the November election.
Every name upon that ticket is
well known and their records are
beyond reproach.
The sibe of the loaf of bread is
growing smaller in Germany. But
the overlords are not worrying
about that. It is the war widows
and orphans, whose rations grow
smaller with the size of the loaf.
But such is war.
Some people' are so partisan
that they think a newspaper is
not supporting the party ticket
unless the editor is pouring hot
shot into the candidates on the
other side. That used to be the
Journal's mode of ware fare: but
not any more, thank you.
This generation of Americans
has no personal knowledge of the
meaning of war on a large scale.
The impressive speclable of Eu
rope in combat has had an effect
on the public mind that it never
could have gained from history or
from tales of our grandfathers.
. :o:
The candidates who do the most
hustling in this campaign are the
fellows who are going to succeed
Don't expect too much from your
friends, ami don't never think
that a nomination is equivalent
to an election. No one has a
cinch in this campaign. Hemcm
bar that.
I lie republican papers are
directing their principal fight
against Governor Morehead. But
such llagrant lies as they put
forth are so dirty that no honest
voter will pay any attention. The
voters of Nebraska know Governor
Morehead's record better than
some of these hired defamers of
a good man and honest official.
Some diagnosticians are saying
he European war will help the
democrats in the fall election by
abscuring domestic issues. To do
justice they should say the shock
of the European cataclysm, but
gave the Wilson administration
an opportunity lo complete its
record of efficiency by meeting an
unparalleled emergency promptly
and effectively.
Yes, the Journal expects to
support the democratic ticket, but
some of the candidates upon that
ticket would have no right to com
plain if we fail to support them.
They should allow the writer the
same privilege they look upon
themselves four years ago when
ie was a candidate for re-election
as fioat representative from Otoe
and Cass counties, and never
whimper. But we are not built
that way.
President Wilson has informed
the Belgian delegation and like
wise the warring factions of Eu
rope that their complaints need
not be made to him while they
are at war, and that the matter
m Mi 1. 4
complained oi win iwe i
uutil they tire of the game and
top fighting when they can be
settled. The position taken by the
president is right, but the fellows
responsible for acts of barbarism
and cruelty should be made to pay
for their devilment when the game
js brought to a close.
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heen
in use for over SO years, has borne the signature ot
and has been made under his per-
-y? sonal
t-C&CCU4 Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanirer the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xurcotia
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fev ;rishness. For more than thirty years it
has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
All announcements under this
heading are run as political ad
f ;un the democratic nominee
for the office f County Sheriff,
and in keeping with the policy cf
J.'i candidates, I solicit your sup-
poi t at the November election, and
v.'ll certainly appreciate the same.
If elected, everyone shall recei
a square deal.
For Sheriff.
I am the republican nominee
for the office of County Sheriff, for
re-election, and your support
lo my success at the November
election will be appreciated.
For Representative.
My name will appear on the of
ficial ballot, at the November elec
tion as the democratic nominee
for Float Representative of the
Eighth district. Your support will
be appreciated, and I will, if elect
ed, always look after the best in
terests of the people.
You will find my name on bal
lot as the democratic nominee for
Representative, Seventh district,
and in soliciting the support of my
friends I wish to assure you that
your best interests will always
be mine and will work to that end.
M. ii. KIME.
For County Treasurer.
Deing the democratic nominee
for the office of County Treasurer,
I hereby solicit your support at
the November election. "lieliev
ing that one good term deserves
another," you will favor me with
the second term. Your support
will be appreciated.
T am the republican nominee
for the office of County Treasurer,
and being in no way contrary to
the usual run of candidates, I
hereby solicit your support at the
November election. The same will
be. appreciated, and the office will
be conducted to the best of my
For County Commissioner.
My name will be found on the
official ballot as the democratic
candidate for the office of County
Commissioner, Third commis
sioner district, and in making my
candidacy for the election to said
ffoice I solicit the support of the
voters of Cass county, 'lhe same
will be appreciated.
I am the progressive candidate
for the office of County Commis
sioner, lrom me &ecouu couiuns-
ioner district. I take this ineth-
..... i
od of soliciting tne support oi
all my friends and voters of Cass
county. The same will certainly
be appreciated.
for Fletcher's
I X I?
supervision since its infa
no one to deceive you in 1
you in this.
Signature of
t n Miiii' i" Ibtit 'tlitWrS in'Zi
For County Superintendent.
I have been chosen the demo
cratic nominee for the office of
County Superintendent of Schools.
In asking- your support for re
election, I have no hesitancy in
placing my record before you dur
ing the time I have held this of
fice. I solicit your support and
the same will certainly be appre
ciated. MARY E. FOSTER.
FOR County Clerk.
I am the present County Clerk,
by appointment to fill vacancy,
and I want to call your attention
to the fact that I am the demo
cratic nominee for re-election by
the voters of Cass county. In so
liciting your support. I want to
assure you that I will continue
the affairs of the office to best
interests of the taxpayers at all
We do not believe a bolter ever
lives happily after, for fear he
may get repaid in his own coin
When one conies to consider
the merits of the different kinds
of political tickets, most of the
democratic ticket in Cass county
look's mighty good.
The beef trust is said to con
trol the output of Argentine, and
cheaper meat will continue to be
an irredescent dream or some
other form of fancy.
Somebody may rise lo the de
fense of Plattsmouth dealers who
have been selling cigarettes in
llagrant violation of the law, but
who will defend the cigarette.
If it possibly can be managed
to keep that sheet called the Ne
braska Republican going the space
it is going until the election,
Governor Morehead and the entire
democratic state ticket will be
elected by an overwhelming
majority. The governor should
give then something to keep up
the gait.
The federal grand jury has re
turned several indictments
against those who nave raised the
prices on food stuffs by reason
of the war when the war has had
nothing to do with it. It will cost
them something to square ac
counts with Uncle Sam and it my
take more than what they have
made by their efforts to get even.
It seems to be a growing and pre
vailing opinion that the raising
of the prices of food stuffs is one
thing that nations will not toler
ate as it means starvation to those
who are unable to buy.