The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    4 Mfffr-l!'trW'l'
THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1914.
l; 1-
I Murray
fprepared in the Interest of the People
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or Item of Interest In
this vicinity, and will mail
same to t his office, it will ap
pear under this heading. 'We
want all news items Editor
OUR strong box is a GREAT MAGNET for the moaey of those who
conduct their homes and business by check. It DRAWS the DOL
you -would let it magnetize your money. Our FINANCIAL SERVICE is
TOWNSMEN on our board of directors is our BEST GUARANTEE.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by tba State Guaranty Law.
W. i. Hoed-kr wa an Omalia
isit"r Wednesday.
Mr. I:tu W hite has been quite
ik for the ,l wt'i'k.
Win. Spnirr was a IMal tmout h
iiT Tu'-l;iy of tin's week.
Mar! in, Spo;--r is attending i
-cln."I ii. I'la' t -nioiil !i anaiu this
Cha. Countryman shipped aj
car l"a.l of lii:s o Soulh Omaha
.Ji'-.-i- M"V'y lias been vi-iliiiu
hi- numerous Murray friends for
tl: pa l f'v day-:.
;.. Y"imir ami wife, of Okla
homa, are vi-itimr amoni:- Murray
fr.''Hi!- ami relatives this week.
lame- I. at la. of l.ouan, Iowa, a
cu-m of Mrs. Oldham, is ii
Murray this week a uue-t a! Hie
idham home.
'r. I ). I'.. Hunt, of Ho ton. Kan.,
;, ia .Murray a few day the
p.i-t ve-rk . i i I i i 1 at the home nf
lie;- -j-i.-r. Mis. J. . Shrader.
Henry lleebner. Homer Shrader
ami 11. II. Oiiei-ii were loitkimr
after ome lni-ine- mailer in
Omaha Tuesday nf this week.
Will Simia .-old ami delivered
lo frank eiliciili-iiieier a wa-on
load of lues Weilne-day. They
wer.. ieieiei in Murray.
.T.-ll!) Stones has oflIiieieei the
work on his new home. The W.
W. Hamilton new of .workmen
will lo the job. which is sutlirieiit
e iiji nee that it will be well built.
The work was started Weinesila .
Homer Schliehteineier ami wife
were IMatl-moiith visitors Wed-ie.-.lay.
lr. (Jilmore ami Mrs. (iilmore
were Plattsmoiilh visitors Tues
day afternoon.
Nick Klaurens was an Omaha
vi.-itor Tuesday, visiting with Alf.
.Nickels at the hospital.
I.. I). II ia! t was looking after
some business mailers in Ihe
eoiinty seat Wednesday.
M. !. Hi 1 1 i 1 1 made a trip to
Omaha and IMal t smout !i in his
auto Wednesday afternoon.
The J'arniers KIeator Co., as
engine has been out, of commis
sion tor the past week, and the
same was taken out and sent to
Omaha Wednesday for repirs.
I'lim-r llallstrom, tin- genial as.
-istant in the Murray Slate bank,
was numbered with the siek a few
days the pasj week, and was com
pelled lit remain at home in
Mark White has almost com
pleted the new tenant house on
Iris farm east of Murray. The
hou-c is ready for the plasterers.
It will be a mighty comfortable
little six room home when com
pleted. There was a slight freight
wreck in the Murray yards last
Kriilay. at which time one car of
cement, one of coal ami one of
lumber, all for Mi". Kikemlall.
were run over the derail injr
switch. The wrecking new were
beep Sunday to replace them.
18 lbs Sugar $1.00
Just look at this $5.00 assortment of Groceries
not a single item in it that you don't use every day.
Included in this special oiFer is l,s pounds sugar for
$1. Oirer good until Sept. -J 3.
1 Large Package Oatmeal 25c
1 Box Ground Pepper 10c
1 Box Table Salt 10c
3 Can? Eagle or Lewis Lye 25c
2 Pounds Peaberry Coffee 60c
1 Box Corn Starch 10;
1 Pound Assorted Cookies 15c
1 Package Cow Brand Soda ; 10c
1 Can K.C. Baking Powder 25c
3 Cans Sweet Corn 25c
2 Cans Pork and Beans 25c
6 Bars Laundry Soap 25c
2 Cans Kraut 20c
1 Box Polly Prim Cleanser 10c
X Pound Tea 25c
3 Pounds of Rice - 25c
1 Box Tooth Picks 5c
Navy Beans 50c
18 Pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Lee Allison has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Mrs. Jacob Sherwood is listed
with Ihe sick this week.
Henry Ost, of Nehawka, was a
Murray visitor Tuesday.
Chas. Tipner was transacting
business in Plattsmouth Monday.
Va. Lewis ami family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Qu eon .
J. I). Lewis and wife went to
Lin coin Friday where they took in
the state fail.
H. R. Nickels was looking after
business matters in Plattsmouth
last Saturday.
Jesse Hendricks and wife were
".nests of Mr and Mrs. John Hend
ricks Tuesday.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Hob
F.atoii. on Thursday, September
loth, a baby :irl.
Oeorjre Shields ami James
F.arhardl were Plattsmouth visit
ors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilhnden
made a business trip to Nebraska
City Wednesday.
Sam Shumaker of Plaf Ismouth.
was doinp- some pump work for
William Nickels Wednesday.
Hert Root was looking after
some business mailers ill Omaha
ami iMattsmowl h Monday.
Mrs. II. C. Creamer and
daughter. Henrietta were shop
ping; in Plattsmouth last Friday.
Mrs. Frank Campbell spent
Monday with her daughter, .Mrs.
Fverett Thomason west of
l.on Llovd. who has been visit-
inu: his brother. Oscar Lloyd left
ednesdav tor Ins Home in
Mrs. Ed. Lulz of Plattsmouth,
was visit inp: in Murray Tuesday,
a ".nest at Hie home of her sister.
Mrs. L. I). Ilialt.
Ilex Younir attended the state
fair last week, and in returning1
hi me made a business trip up to
S.oux City.
There will be services at the
Lewiston church Sunday after
noon at three o'clock, by Rev. W.
A Taylor of Union .
tiussie Pullen and Oscar
Shrader were looking after some
business matters in Union Tues
Mrs. Katherine Oapen left
Thursday morning' for a two
weeks slay with relatives and
friei-ds in Kansas City.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Lillie. on Sunday, Sept. 13th, a
baby boy.Hoth mother and little
one are getting along nicely.
Chas. Rover, who has been
numbered with the sick for the
past few weeks, is improving
slowly, and every hope is now en
tertained for permanent re
covery. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fredrich
have returned home from the
northwestern part of tin state,
where they have been visiting- for
the past Iwo weeks among- friends
and relatives.
Dr. H. F. Hrendel returned
home from his Indiana I rip Mon
day evening;, where he spent a
couple of weeks in a very plea
sant visit wilh friends and re
latives at Ihe old home
Mrs. R. D. Root, mother of
Hert Root, of Hig Springs, Neb.,
and MYs. Oeorge Sherley of Lin
coln were here to attend the
funeral of 'Mrs. Hert Root.. Mrs.
Root accompanied Mrs. Sherley
to Lincoln for a few days visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Durinan
were Plattsmouth visitors last
Saturday. John has been in very
poor health ever since the ac
cident last spring1 in which he re
ceived a broken leg1. He is gaining
Haker and Nickels, the genial
Murray hardware men, are putting
in the heating- plant at the new
school house this week. It will be
of the famous Round Oak make,
which is one of the best on the
market. The new structure is
nearly ready for the plasterers.
Miss Clare Copenhaver, who
has been visiting- with friends and
relalie.s in and near Murray for
the past few months, departed
Monday for her home in Horup,
She was accompanied by
her brother, Arthur Copenhaver
and wife, who will make a few
weeks visit at .the new home of
his parents.
Dr. H. F. Hrendel and Ed. Shoe
maker made a business trip lo
Omaha Wednesday afternoon,
making the journey in the auto of
Mr Shoemaker.
H. C. Creamer visited at the
state fair last Thursday and Fri
day, where he purchased some
line thoroughbred hogs, which
he had expressed home.
Mrs. Cuzza Haker came down
from Plattsmouth for a few hours
visit Wednesday. She is staying
with Dora Moore, who has been
quite sick for a number of
(lien Perry, residing northwest
of Murray on the main traveled
road between Murray and Plat Is
mouth. sure deserves a great deal
of credit for good road spirit
he possesses. After every heavy
rain he is out wilh the drag- pul
ling the road along his place in
perfect condition. This is what
makes good roads.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Virgin de
parted Wednesday evening for
Lafayette Indiana, where they will
spend a few weeks visiting the
scenes of their early lives, near
that city. Mr. and Mrs. Virgin
were born and raised near Lafay
ette, and although many years
have elapsed since they visited the
obi home, the trip will be an en
joyble one to them.
Library Notes.
He careful about keeping books
overtime, now that we have re
gular librarians.
September is the month when
membership fees are due. The
membership fee is 1.0-0 for a
family for the year. New members
are solicited. He as prompt as
possible about your dues, as this
money is used in the payment of
new books
Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, is
the first social library meeting.
Election of officers will be made
for the year at this meeting. Mem
bers are urged to attend and those
wishing- to become members are
invited to be present at this meet
ing. Delegates to the state federa
tion at Pawnee City will be made.
He sure and be present.
Free Show at Weeping Water.
Hert Philpot, the Weeping
Water Maxwell Auto man, has an
nounced one of the most pleasant
occasions of the season, that will
take place at his opera house in
Weeping Water on Friday even
ing, Sept. I8lh. There will be an
excellent moving picture show.
demonstrating how the Maxwell
tar is made, also a social dance
after the pictures. Everything is
free to all visitors, and a general
invitation is extended to all. Hert
s a hustler in the auto business,
and is sure selling the cars.
School Opened Monday.
The Murray schools opened
Monday with a very good atten
dance, and everything looks very
llatlering for a successful year.
Miss Lottie' Wunderlich, of Ne
hawka, . is filling the position of
Miss Foster for a few days owing
to illness in the family of Miss
Foster at Union. The old school
building and the east room of the
church is being used until the
new building is finished. The
church room has been filled up
so it. makes very comfortable
Try the Journal for calling
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
Urn. R. Young
Careful attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - - - Nebraska
The residents of Murray will in
a very short time be receiving
their mail through the hands of
Postmaster V. S. Smith, as that
gentleman has been appointed to
that, position held by Arthur Haker
for the past twelve or fourteen
years. 1 lie nomination oi .Mr.
Smith has been confirmed by the
senate and it only requires the
acceptance of his bond and the re
ceiving of the commission when
he will be placed in charge of the
office at Murray. Mr. Smith is a
gentleman eminently well fitted
for the position to which he has
been appointed, and a worthy suc
cessor to the genial gentleman
who has had charge of the office
for the past few years. As soon
as Ihe office is transferred to Mr.
Smith he expects to remove it to
his store where it can be handled
a great deal more conveniently to
him. The Journal extends con
gratulations to postmaster Smith
and trusts .that he will have a
most successful administration
of the office. The retiring post
master is a worthy gentleman,
and one who retains the confi
dence and respect of all who know
Stalled at Osceola, Iowa.
Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Miss
Margie Walker returned home
from their Illinois aulo trip Mon
day, but did not arrive in the auto
as they expected when the trip
was made back t Ialla City a
few days ago. They started a few
days ago in the big Rurg car of
Mr. Holmes that has been in the
factory receiving a new coat of
taint. They came through mud
and rain for many miles, and ar
ming at Osceola, Iowa, they were
compelled to abandon the trip for
the present, and Mrs. Holmes ami
Miss Margie came home on the
train and Jim remained at
Osceola to await more favorable
weather to complete the journey
home, which may be within the
next few days.
Rally Day at Christian Church.
Next Sunday will be Rally Day
at the Christian Sunday school in
Murray. An excellent program of
special music has been arranged
and the promoters of the occasion
hope to have at leasl 100 in atl en
dance. Two new teachers will be
added to the" staff, and the entire
school will be reorganized ami
placed into classes and graded,
and the graded lessons will be in
evidence on October 1st. The new
minister is just beginning his
year's work in Murray, and the
Sunday school workers wish each
and every one to give just as
much of their time as possible lo
Ihe success of Ihe church and
Sunday school. They have secur
ed very efficient teachers, and are
prepared to do better work than
ever, so let the attendance be as
large as possible.
Item of Interest to Our Reader
Gleaned from the Newspaper
Files of Many Years Ago.
A Movement That Forty Years
Ago Was Stirring Up
A movement is on foot lo grade
these roads and get them in run
ning tinier, for the benefit of our
Nebraska City friends, we give the
case' as it stands, being informed
that many persons down there do
not understand that aid has been
voted in Cass county for both
roads and not" one alone, and that
Cass county people are interested
in the building of both roads
alike. One hundred and thirty
thousand dollars are voted for
what we call the trunk road. Five
thousand dollars a mile are voted
for the Weeping Water road. The
Trunk bonds expire on the 30lh
day of June next, while the W. W.
bonds have over one year from
that lime to run.
Now none of use want to
lose the chance of any roads in
the eastern part of the state.
We have pointed out the ad
vantages of such roads on this
side of the river, in Nebraska, so
often that we are almost tired of
The Time Will Soon Be Here
when you will need that new Heater. We want to
call your attention to the Favorite
Round Oak Heaters,
and Room Heaters
There are no hetter stoves and heating plants on the
market than the Round Oak.
Murray, - Nebraska
We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the
demand permits.
river counties we like so much we
will go over the ground again.
These roads, if built, will bring
taxable property within the state.
They will keep money here in
stead of sending it away.
They build up towns and vil
lages and constitute a home mar
ket that will absorb more or less
of the farmers' produce that can
not be shipped abroad. They will
bring passengers and travel
through our river counties and
give them a chance to see these
counties and invest in them. Men
will be more apt to select homes
in a land they can travel through
than one they only view from a
distance. Lastly, they will open
a vast ami new outlet for the
former lo dispose of his produce,
and place the towns along both
lines on the great highway lo the
ocean at Oalveston, or somewhere
in that neighborhood in a few
years. The money and the travel, the
wealth and the new blood of the
state have been carried right by
us and beyond us to the far west
for some years, leaving Ihe fairest
and richest country in the state
behind in the race for settlement.
Don't you see this settlers in
Oloe; in Cass? Had these roads
been built some years ago there
would have been no "A. & N."
Neb. Citv would have divided the
trade with Lincoln, she may yet
when once on a great southern
thorotighfore and not on a side
If we understand the matter,
they are about to vote for an ex
tension of the "Northwestern"'
bonds in Otoe, that will give us
these roads at once, with all these
advantages. We hope no one in
Cass county will be fooli-h
enough to oppose this plan. It
will help Cass county more than
can be dreamed of now. In (doe
and Neb. City we consider it al
most their salvation in the fu
ture. I)o not let the chance slip.
We care not what you call the
road. Call it the N. W., W. W.. or
what you please, make the main
line up Ihe W. W. if you like, only
give us the outlet, and do not let
this chance slip to build two roads
through a section of country at
present left one side of the trael
and trade of the slate. One of
the finest portions at that. We
sincerely hope that the judicious
and far-seeing friends of Otoe
and Neb. City will see this and
feel that this is our last chance
to retain our prestige and our
business in the eastern counties.
Every settler in these two coun
ties has a stake in this mailer,
and in seeing these roads built.
Let none then throw a stone in
the way of success.
Ask Any Buick Owner
His answer will be the best argument for You
buying a Buick
Model C-25 $950, f . o. b. Factory
i VALVE-1N-HEAP nfo ft
! jZTS'
I Model C-37 $l,235,f.o.b.Factory I
0 Telephone 215 Plattsmouth, Nebraska i
it, but for the good of the old
"9 V""
i :'