Tuiinenxv croT 47 -fit A PAGE 4. M W I mm aJS H W Mm m W m W T - - - PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbc plattsmouth fournal Published Sem l-W oekly at Plattemouth, Nebr. Entered at the l'astofliee t Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloa: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe -I- THOUGHT FOR TODAY - V The great difference be-J fween mm, the feeble and the powerful, Hit' great and the insignificant, is energy 2 and invincible determination s a purpose unci' fixed, and J thMi death or victory. T. -I- I-'owell Iiuxtou. J -K-X-: ; o l Kven Turkey wants to goble jitiiii' more. :o: War is powerless to d'day the opening of the pancake season. -:o: The harvest moon this car s.Mii" to have sprung a leak. :o: The fellow who has nothing to loe is alwas losing something. :o: I;Iesed is the peace maker, for Uieje j liltb' ehance for him to run out of work. -:o:- Speakinir pf armies, Cass eoMiity has moholied 150 school teat hers. mole or less. :o:- Not .ieim.ei als alone leslify to the goo. I work of I t Wil son, but iiM'ii of all parties. I'p.f i.i-tlale theme serins to be no I i -po-1 ! ion to blame the war on the emoeratie admiui-dral ion. :o: tr .iehds i making his heaibpiai fers with tin Kussiau airn, but not in front of it. :o: Iepile the unfavorable wea ther la- week t he at t enda nee at the -tale fair was larger than Iat ear. If men knew there would be automobiles iu lieaell, do Voll -uppoe I hex would try any hard er to '.( there? :o: W ar is a gaim at which every body lo-es. exeept the W Wilier, and be feels as if he had been set upon b a siitfra'-et I e. -:o:- Manwhile (tie moholizat in of small boys for the school rooms in eii.n, is railing forth no will bursts of enthusiasm. Fall plowing is being thdayed iu Kuiope. as tin sod is loo damp witli blood, fifty the poor farmers and peasants across the water, and damn the diadems. Aeordin to our latest of ficial count nine nations are at war. and the right first enlrans were of the well known Christian variety, '"peace on earth, (Jood will to men." :o: N it any wonder at the manner in wh ieh 1'. W". Itniwn has been appointed postniatser at Lincoln, that lh' democrats are sick and tired of ring rub? It can't be said that Brown is the man the patrons of the office wanted, at least his I eeoiinioiation didn't show up that way. It was done by a "pull" and a 'Tin-'." , :o : Wane, Ingland and Ilussia tlo j, ,l think Ibis the time for this country to build up our merchant mantov.but it is lli opportunity. and-when we h 'ok back we ' ee what they did f o4"u- ' during Hi" civil war. They? look advantage of the opportunity. They forge, the nhi dag " They that go down io, ?.". Anyhow let . us have The burden reels heavily upon LOOK YOURSELF IN THE FACE. The reaper of death sweeping1 over Europe brings to our minds a thought worthy of more than casual consideration. Let us look ourselves in the face, ami think think for the benefit of humanity, for the weal of prosperity. In all parts of tht schools are opening for country the fall ami winter terms, and much of the future will depend upon the training of the youth today. Never in our history was there a time when it was more impera tive that hasty passions and vindictive-temperaments be curbed and eradicated. Never was there a lime when the inculcation of brotherly love and a consideration for others was more urgently required. The youth of today will be the men of tomorrow, ami as we train them now so will they 1m then. The burden rests heavily up on us. W'e 'expect the teacher in the school to transform our child in to a man of learning and honor and integrity, but tlo we stop o cosider that more depends upon the parent than upon the educa tor? The one cannot succeed with out the eo-operation of the other but the two working earnestly and .jointly will accomplish won derful results. W'e should think before speak ing. Harsh words ami family jars in tiie presence or a 1 1 1 1 I gives it its first lesson in unruliness and puts a sharp edge to an awakening temper. It is natur al for the infant to copy the ex ample of the parent. As we expect much from the teacher, let us give equally of "iir own store of patience and consideration. Infancy demands kindness. gentleness and sympathy not the austere aloofness of age, or the coldness of indifference. A child is susceptible fo train ing, but when it reaches man's estate opportunity has passed it by. Shall we heed the lessons of a world calamity and face the duty that confronts us? Shall we look ourselves in the face? :o:- A dollar kept in this town is worth two across the county line. :o: Buy at home, use it at home and your money stays at home. Think first of home. :o: If we must have a war lax let's hand it lo the automobile seorhens and other poodle dogs. :o : The value of advertising is felt three ends by the merchants, the consumer ami the publisher. Now- which is the unknown quan tity? :o: There are, ve see by ads, some fancy shapes in men's new fall hats. And it may be added that this rull applies lo the wo men's new fall bats, also. :o: According to I he census in HMO the United States had i, 5 h U 18 1 :v ( lev mahs . don ble t h a t of any; 'other forejgy ' country, while Russia came next and Ire land third. And it is quite prob able that more Germans have emigrated fo America in 'he past four years than any other two foreign l.ation-. on earth. Here Iatelv kings have been too busy declaring war to keep their crowns on straight. :o: Wonder if the European war will give dealers an excuse lo raise the price of coal? :o: Why are some, politicians ant a hungrv horse of the same mind? Always hunting the feed trough :o : The war has put out of bus iness L'uo Hamburg-American steamers worth .$100,000,000. :o: The old fashioned advice to mind your own business" never was more needed than now. :o: There is no reasonable excuse for the advance iu prices, but what are you going to tlo about it? What can you do about it? :o: England wants to place an or ler with the United Slates for $3 5,000,000 worth of hosiery each year. Steady, boys! :o: When evidences of a wreck are found anywhere along a public lighway, it may be assumed that some fool has been driving an uiloniobile along that thorough- are. :o: The base ball tournamenl lo be held in lMattsmout h Thursday, Tiday and Saturday, September 7, 18 and 10, will bring quite a lumber of visitors lo the cily, and those who aid file enterprise will not regret their investment. :o : Iion'l let the n ice invest iga ious or the war news detract our keen attention from the cur ent market and don't heslitaleto stav with the market in its rise is well as in its fall. Omaha Trade Exhibit. ::- The I'anania canal is going ighl on, regardless of knockers m Ibis country, and regardless of the European war. and Uncle Sam keeping silent, but at the same lime is thankful that he has the ig ditch in case anything should lappen. :o : I5y proclamation, President Wilson has set aside Sunday, Oct- dter I, as a day of prayer, and alls upon the people of the nitel Slates to pray for peace in Europe. The cllieaey of prayer mav be the proper thing, and hows that at least the heart of resilient Wilson is in the right laee. The Omaha Trade Exhibit gives the merchants in general the fid- owing timely suggestions, which is worthy of adopting: "The time to break loose and do things is this very time. Clean up. Fix up. Make new displays; but above all, give the trade your best attention and act so you can fearlessly put a few sound replies to -I he ques lion: 'What have I done today lo advance this business."' -:o:- Prophets of the future insist that the present war cannot last long because the bonfire is bigger I ban the wood pile. Jbit this doesn't always prevent war. The Mexicans, destitute of money, supplies and everything consider ed necessary, have fought and are slill ready to fight. Turkey, al though its finances are in a wretched condition and it has just emerged from the JJalkan trouble, is getting ready to go lo the as sistance of Germany. All things show that people will light when they are unable to do anything else. All theories, therefore, that the war must cease soon' because there is no money left contradict ed lo history. The south, bankrupt cut off .from the. sea and vastly outnumbered, - maintained 5 ' its armies and for four years carried on a contest without aid from any outside force. All of which is not pleasing to those who are figuring on a speedy cessation of hostililes. IS GOD NEUTRAL? How can God answer the pray ers of Europe? Every ruler whose armies are now inarching to bat tle is appealing to God lo give him victory and to bring defeat and disaster to his emenies. The prayer is heing made in every camp and on every battlefield, and praying men and women in all of Europe is beseeching God to get into the game of war, either to bring victory to one side or the other, or to inlercede in behalf of peace. Millions of prayers are go ing up, or down, or somewhere, every hour of every day, and it all were immediately answered there would be a lot of surprised and disappointed people. It is for tunate for the world that the Al mighty uses his judgment in matters that affect mankind, and that his plans are not for a day or a general ion, but reach out through all eternity. It would be a sacrilegious thought and act to attempt lo define God's interest in man or. the extent to Which his special providence directs and controls the affairs of the world, but it seems lo us that men are too willing and too aid to throw the, blame and the respons ilulily f the Almighty. Men take it for granted that God will come to the rescue if they get into a tight place, and that he will follow- wherever they go that a prayer il the opportune time will ring up the New Jerusaleum and that the losts of heaven will swoop down ind fight their battles. 'The powers f Europe have been preparing for war for half a century, consulting nly Iheir own greed and a mo tions and leav ing God entirely out f their calculations. Now. that war lias orokeu out and it is ap- arenl that somebody will get erioiisly crippled, every mother's son lsitown upon ins. niarrow- ones begging God to mix in and iep him lick the other fellow. If the same efforts had been made by these powers to maintain the enee of Europe that they are now making to destroy life and pro perty, Uie people or r.urope wouiu today lie praising God instead of trying to drag him into a murd- rous war. God did not see lit to revent Ihe war thai is now raging in Europe, and he may not see fit o stop il. Possibly he may remain neutral, as the United States has wisely done, and let the best man win. If the people of Europe are lent upon butchering each other ind upon devasting and laying waste their homes and country, possibly tiou may let iiiem nave their fill of it. War has been the i t it. l. . hief occuption of man through out all the past, and God has per mitted it, and there is no ev idence I hat his attitude toward man and toward the world, has changed. We lave no faith in the so-called God of war. We tlo not believe that God accomplishes his ends by means of war. II is wholly repug nant lo our conception of God fo believe that he resorts to war or lo any form of cruelly lo serve and bless the world. Whenever Europe conies to depend upon God instead of upon their big guns ami big ships, then there will be an end lo their wars. :o : Some one has figured that 82 per cent of the population of Europe 's at war and that the combined army strength is 18, 700,000. That will make some thing for historians to write about and it, perhaps, all came from the disordincd training of man. :o: Let's get up a home coming celebration about the middle of October. Such a celebration would give all former residents of Cass county, and Plattsmouth, in particular, an opportunity l' come back and view the sur roundings of their old homes and visit with friends and neighbors of former days, and enjoy a genuine old-fashion home-coming time. Can't someone be in duced to start the ball rolling in that direction? an assur- And fall plowing. Why, it will be line. :o: Plenty of rain, thank you, fori the present. :o: Even the vice presidency has ils hazards. Congress is lo give Tom Marshall an automobile. : o ; I lie Pope is urging a peace movement, but whether this will have any effect in the right direc tion is hard to tell. :o : Now then, all the candidate who successfully passed the pri maries, how to do is to get elect ed ah, there's the rub. :o: A Chicago preacher advocates i merger of churches. If if will reduce the frequency of the col- leci on niaie. evervnoiiv will ne i ii iii for it. :o: . 'Those who are deploring the war may ge some slight consola tion out of the fact that Austria. which stalled il with great gusto iboul six weeks ago, is getting whipped all around. :o: Ibm. Harry Sackef the bull moose candidate for governor savs: "Withdraw: Withdraw: W fiy. that word isn I in my lolitieal vocabulary. I am in it o the finish." :o:- At last accounts tin; povcrn- im'ul's attack upon flu' cantaloupe trust had md succeeded in brin- in-dovvn the price below ten cuts straight, regardless of the I intensions of cantaloupe. :o: f.ourts are now pivnij,' men divorces because their wives are sullranel tes, and neb'cl, theii hriuseludd duties. Of course th Journal does not believe this re port, but il may be the truth jut the same. :o: W hat bird is most numerous. .....I I.. !!.. !.',,,.lil. ct.'ll'Mim'l IMAL III III': . Observers say it is the robin. Lately an attempt has been made fo take, a bird census, and as one result we have Ihe statement that (ICO million birds, exclusive f the sparrow, inhabit the United Slates east of states. the great plain -:o:- In the society of today there are three fundamental institu tions, the home, the church and the school. The home is first in the social and moral training of Ihe child, the church first in the ethical training. It is left for the school to develop the mental fac ulties and to enlarge upon the social and moral culture thai has been acquired in the home. :o: polities are almost at a land- till, and there has been, so far, f il 11... I very mile inieresi lawen in uie counly campaign. Of course t lie county candidates are quietly working, each one for himself. W'e do not believe thai the interest usually shown in elections in Neb- raska is going lo materialize this Fnc fall pasture is ed fact. :o: campaign. Therefore it behooves who swept over Ihe fairest port candidales fo keep moving, and jons of Asia and amused himself not expect their friends to get out and do the work they ought to do themselves. :o:- (Jovernor Morehead gave the printing of the amendments to his newspaper friends, the same as Aldrich did two years ago. Now the'fellovvs who failed to get a bite of the plums are kicking like bay steers. The amount di vided among the republican edi tors of the state was $30,000 two years ago, and this year Conernor Morehead gave to Ihe democratic newspaper? $17,000 for printing the amendments a little over one-third of what the republican editors received two years ago. Evidently some editors were born kicking and will leave land the same way. this happy r h y n y , i. C- !l! ALCOHOL 3 I'EK CENT.- AVcgefallePrcparalionforxls-imilaiinSihcFbotfanffRcguia-luiUicStomachsandDtwclsof fc avy- i 9tTJ 1 "W 111 Promotes Di$e3tton0if erfU nessandltestrontainsncitticr Opiuni-Morphine norMiuaral NotNah cotic. lUctpeofQUDcSSlllirirWIl ;: ft,- ' Brnpkat Seed" JtMte&ills yt'UStSted HiCafioackiiat Pi . "II' ml t tUrmSerd' CariAfd Sump Apcrfect Remedy for Consflpa Hon , Sour Stonach Dtarrhoca OF SLEEP. TacSiniik Sifoatureof j Tue Centaur Compass; ESS 3 CT J NEW iOIviv. 1 7Tvii'i?r''v'i Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE FRUITS OF WAR. The light goes on. II is stated that the Cierman's have lost over one hundred and fiflv thousand men. 1 he 1 reiich allies have losi an equal number, so that nearly a half million men have already been killed and Ihe war-only about six weeks old. What is most al arming is that it promises to he a world strife. Neither side be gins lo show any symptoms of ex haustion. Masses of men march up t the mouth of machine guns and are cut down like grass be fore the mower. When we take into consideration the fact that the number of wounded is al ways far greater man uie mini- er slam ouirigni, 11 win ne seen 1 - 1 it . -111. that more Ihan half a million men have fallen in this light which is L;milIv 1,, settle which nation is strongest and whether the mili- .,...... ,s ,,, .ij.-tate ihe nolicv ,,r Hie woil.l in ihe future. The . 1 conflict has no other motive than his. Tor years Kurope has been an armed camp and at last Ihe in evitable has happened. The nation could not always be grinding the edge of the sword. They must use it lo see how sharp it really was. The suffering already incurred is awful. Even in Holland, which has kept out of the light, the tales of a 1 . t t I . : women anu starving ciuiuren is pitiful to read. IJelgium is devast ated. A large part of France is in ruins. The great cathedral?, the admiration of the world, have ground and heen leveled lo the. 1 n j I. .... priceless wons 01 an, uie pro- ductions of the great masters, have been ruthlessly destroyed. War in ils ordinary aspects is (find and remorseless, but this strife has hardly a paralled ex- ,.,.j,t in the career of Tamerlane, h,y building a pyramid of skulls consisting of three hundred thou- sand human heads to mark his 201" r 0 ! . 1 "' V i TBmiii hi ill P II U V3?20 Guaranteed under the towQ F! I I nM FALL FESTIVAL Omaha SEPT. 30 TO OCT. 10 1914 WORLD AT HOME SHOWS livery afternoon and avanine. Electrical Parade Evening Oct. 7. Afternoon Oct. 8. HOME COMING WEEK OCT. 5 TO 10 PIONEERS iVSaatJoZlirlmi p,onM" "-Union, 'i !! nil x ii iiiiuj ii tai 1 VIAl U ISUUUHU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years id Tmc cCNTaun awraNT. new om errr truMiiph. tins feat, which has al ways been recorded with horror, is outdone by the slaughler which has been going on iu Kurope. AH Ihe peace conferences and The Hague iiibuals have been side tracked and the European nations are (lying at each other's throat with the ferocity of tigers and a icckless disregard for life that shocks us when we see it ex hibited by the lowest order of animals. All the maxims of re ligion, all the professions of Christianity, all the teachings of philosophy are set at naught and millions are sacrificed and an in calulable torrent of woe indicted upon the human race simply to sellle fhe question which nation is the stronger. :o: Americans are so opinionated it is mighly hard for fheni to re main neutral upon any subject. However, they are taking Presi dent Wilson's advice and are do ing the best they can. :o: As soon as the sugar trust found that the federal authorities had the sand to go after it, the, juice began to slump. Uncle Sam has quite an eflectionafe way of compelling people lo do good when he wants it that way. :o: In placing the blame for Ihe Sureopcan conflict, all the warring nations are select ing the other fellow, which is a slight improve ment in sentiment from the old days when a nation was proud of its willingness lo whip its weight in wildcats. :o: Is President Wilson looking iu courtesy, or was he just babber gasted? lie neglected to invite the suflrageltes to call. The pres ident's time is loo valuable fo fool it away on a lot of gossiping obi women, who ought lo be attend ing to family duties at home. YEAR Fraternal Parade 1 rfW 0 Alt I