The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1S14.
The following proiosd aninclmnt tt
the constitution of tUe tate of Nebraska
s hereinafter set forth In full. Is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Xebrus
ka, to be TOteJ upon at the.eeneral el?-tiir
to be held Tuesday, November Crd, A. D
"FOR a Joint resolution to amend seotloc
1 if Article 9 of the Constitution of tfc
State of Nebraska, relatina to revenue
Be it Resolved anil Rna'-ted by the PeupW
of tlie State of Nebraska:
That Section 1 of Article i
cf the Constitution of the Stife of Ne
traka te .-nueuded to read as follows:
Sw. 1. The rules of taxation shall b
tjnifurm as to any civen l:iss anil taej
ftliail .- levied UW si;. !i property as the
Lt'iris'.ature shall prescribe. Taxes may
a!.-o be Imposed on ln-'otises. privii.-f.'" an-1
occupations, which taxes may be sraduateO
aad progressive a:il reasonable exemption?
may be provhicd. i a.MCioti to those here
inafter ppeMSeaily mentioned In section I
of this arti'-le.
Sec. 2. That at the penernl election lr
November. l: 11, thenf snail be submitted
to the electors of ihe -rite for their ap
proval or rejection the foresroinjr iiropoe!
ameiidinent to the Constitution in the frl
l'Wit'!r f.irn: "For' anieujtnert to tt
Const iu:tJ.-n providing for uniform and
progressive taxation and 'ai::!::.t s.ii!
pr.ip.sel oni"n'.l:uent to -the C-nsritt't ior
provfdiajr for uniform and progressivl
taxation.'' -
Approved. M.irh 27. 1013.
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, oi
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the f.ire.iin propose. 1 amendment
to the Constitution of the Stare of No
braka 1 a true and correct copy of tht
original enrolled and engrossed bill, a
passeil by the Thirty-third session of th
Legislature of t!ie State of Nebraska. n
appears from said original bill on tile ir
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their ndoptior
or rej-t-tlon at the general fleet kn to r
held on Tuesday, the lira day cf November
a. d. iim.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereuntc
et tny hand find afixed the Great Seal oj
the Srate of Nebraka.
Pone at I.In-in. mis 2"rd day of March
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of tin
Independence of the United States the O-n
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of thli
State the Forty-seventh. V
ISeal Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full. Is submit
ted to the elc-tors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the g'-neral election
to be held Tuesday. NoveiAer ill J, A. D
A Joint Resolution to amend Section all
(6 of Article one (l) of the CoustitutioE
of the state of Nebraska.
Be tt Kna.-td by the People of the Stat
of Nebraska:
Section 1- That S-tlrn si f0 of Art!el
one Hi .f th Constitution of rte stm
of Nebraska be amended to read as fed
Srction fl. Th r'.zht of trial bv Jury
' shall remain ir. violate: but In all t'vil ease.
anil in cri; eases less than f.-lonii-.
five-sixths of the jury may render a ver
I di-t Hnil tlie I.' i:r may authorir
. trial by a jury ..f a less number that:
twelve men in courts ii:f, ri r to t lie dls
tri.-t court.
. 2. Tfc.-:t at the general rlocfion fo?
tate and h-L';-':::ire ofi.'ers to l t- b,-!.l in
the state of N- raka on the tirs Tuos.l :
. 6ft'-r tiie first M,,r Vir in in i:H
"there shall 1c pri'.t-d up .:i the b.:!:,.t o
i ea a ehi tor for li:s approval or rcj i tio-.
J the ::b ve and fori ..inv; aincndvionf in tie
following f..rm: "For j.r..! I .-Tro-id met-
to the ut'on p:- .v, t:i:.r in ;il
fciv:; .:ies uti-1 ir. r:'i . :s,-s less f:.n
fe!ofies. ti -. , j x t i.f th- j..ry rr.av rend.-:
i a ver.ii.-t. arm .:r-i it: -1
aniet!dm-r:t to the i'o:)--;t:
that iu a'l '-iril eases and ;ri
: ti fro;oe
:t io:i ; rovldc
er:::iia:il case
.s c-f Jur
i-ss : ..:.;, s. tlv - s:ti
I may ri tol-r a v-n;i. r."
-v l-rove.:. .or;l 1. i;i;.
I. Addison Wait. So.-refarv S'ate c
the Stat.- 't N-ira-k!. .p. 'lerehv eer'tif '
that tie- f.iri-.'i.i-ii' pro;n s:-1 at 'nd-iien'i
to the ristifu:;--!! ..f :!,.. Stat-- . f V.-i.r-1s-.--i
is a tri.e : i.,i , (.rr--. t
cnro'lel :::;! erigross..d I
the Thirtv-r: ird s;.i,.r- ,
f the
as p
lie I.i
: ar.-c
o r I i n a .
:il it n rf
rs fron,
f of the Sfa'e of NebrjisUa
t sai.i ori.-:t.:,
5 th::t s;,:,;
I i'i oa I.:..
I r:
! li : s r.i.-e. a ti
OS. .1 ;.!M.. :
uei t i - sii!i::i it r.-,;
th- S::-e of X.
. or rej.-cti-i'i ;.!
l:el l o;i Tiii'MiiH,
!t I he ipla .ili. t) voters of
br:ika foi t:,.-;r
. tiie g--r-:. I
.e-T !! to tie
J the ;'..- !
X .v.-:;:f-.-
. 1'. 1:-14.
In Testit:.o:iv
i .
Win r-
-f. I
I tilt
have hi reuritr.
Grct Seal oi
niy liatol nml at! v.
! tlie State of Xi hra-ka
' l-.'tie at I. in. -o. ii. l-:r,1 .lay cf M-
In the yi-.r f our Lord. One Tiiot.
IXiie Il-ir.lre.l ;ie,i loiirtii n -i! 1 o'
. Illie;ier..lctlce of t'.e Ui, ,.... ....
iiuu.ire.i nr. i J rtv-s. vi-i.-Ii
an.! of tlii-
Slate the Folly -seve: th.
fc ,. AI;:lS W.XIT.
lheajJ Sii-retary of State
" The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the state of Nebraska,
i as hereinafter set forth in ubttiit
; ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
i ka. to be voted upon at tlie general election
to be held Tuesday, November lird, A. D.
. FoR a Joint resolution propos'-g amend
L nieuts to Section 1. f Arti.-i V. :md
I Section L'l. of Article V. of tht- Constitu
tion c-r Nebraska, relating to term oi
oh'ice and salary of Governor and othti
executive ofliccrs.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
f Section 1. That at the general election
for state oni legislative ollices. o be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the firt Mon
day in November, l'.14. tlie following b
ubmitted as amendments to St tions 1 end
24. of Article V, of the Constitution cl
iebraska :
ee. 1. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
otlhe for a term of two years from the
Erst Thursday after the first Tuf-sday in
January, next after his election, nrnl until
his successor is elected and iiua'.ili' d. In
addition to tlie Governor, the executive de
partment shall Include the following o!3
cers : Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas
urer, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Attorney General, and Commissioner oi
Public Lands and P.uildings. each cf whom
shall hold his office for the term of two
years from the trst Thursday afier the Tuesday in January, next after hi
ejection, and until his successor elected
and qualified; Provided, however, that the
first election of said o'fiocrs shall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the tirst Monday
In November, 1U1H. and each succeeding
election shall be hold at the same relative
time in each even year thcreaf;Vt. The
Governor. Secr"tary of State. Auditor of
Public Accounts, and Treastirer shall re
piile at the seat of government d tring theit
terms of oflice, arid keep the public records,
books and papers there, and shall perforin
such duties a.s may be required by law.
See. 24. The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand ($o,iM).(Mi dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Publie Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and I'.ulldriLts shall
be two thousand five hundred ($:.'.;" fdOj
dollars each per annum, and of the Attor
ney General. four thousand dollars
!.f0.ftO per annum, the salary of the
S'ate Treasurer shall be three thousand
?.'!. h . dollars per annum, aud the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this, constitution they
shall not receive to their own use any fees,
costs, interests upon public moneys In their
bands, or under their control, perquisites
of oCice or other compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by an officer provided
for in this article of the constitution shall
be paid In advance into the stite treasury.
There shall be no allowance for clerk hire
In the offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instrnction and Attorney General.
Sec. S. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Mondav In Novem
ber. 1014. on the ballot of each elector
Toting thereat, there Rhall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, fixing the term
of otHci. and salary for governor. nd other
executive oincr." nd "Agginjt iroposed
amendments 6 the constitution, rising the
term of ca.-e an! salarv fur governor, and
other executive officers."
Approved. April 21.
I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foreiroirijr proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Is untrue and correct . v of the oriiritial
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by Tdirtv-third session of the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska, as appears from
said original bill on file in this oIH-e. and
that said proposed amendment is sub:nitf--d
tO the 1 1 11-1 1 1 T"-j.-1 xr.t.rc r.f .
I Draska f.r their adoption or r-j.-rMnn at
iue general election to be held ou Tuesday
the Jrd day of November, A. I. 1014
In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto
set my hand and ailixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 2Hrd day of March
v? thV,5"M1" "'ir Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Indcpenden.-e of the United State tt tie
Hundred Thirty-seventh, and of thii
State the Forty-seventh.
isea.l Secretary of state.
of the
Know All Men by These 1 'resents:
That xve. the u nd-i- !?n-il, lmve as
sociated ourselves together for the
purpose of forming a c.: p.r;itio-i under
the Jav.s of the state of Nebraska, anil
for purpose do adopt the follow
ing; Charter:
The name of this Corporation shall
be the I'lattsmouth I'oat Club.
The principal place of business
be in the Citv of Plat tsmouth.
biaska. ami icinitv. and the utfiee
this corpora t iv n shall be in l'latts
mouth. AITICLi: III.
The amo'int of the capital stock of
the Corporation sha! be S l.')Oi).0o,
divided into share: of the par value of
$l'.yu i-al:, and said capital stock shall
be paid up ct the date (,f issuance, or
may designate, in money, property,
may designate. In money, property,,
or any other valuable, right or thing,
and the judgment of tlie Hoard of Ii
re( tors or managing officers as to the
value thereof shall be conclusive.
The general nature of the business in
which t h is corporation shall eiigaife is
as follows: The organization continues
and mantaines at I'lattsnmuth, of a
social club to promote sociability, in
structive, entertainment, and amuse
ment of the members thereof and such
persons as the rules and by-laws pro
vide entitled to receive the benefits of
this Corporation- and this Corporation
shall have the riirht to acquire personal
property and real estate, rent, own or
construct buildings, wharfs, dorks or
lar.iliti-s as may be deemed proper by
tiie stockholders and for providing; a
club room for s'l.-'n club.
The affairs of this Corporation shall
be conducted bv a Hoard of pirectnrs,
wlio shall be elected on the t'.th day
of Hf-i t' of each year as the by
laws provide.
The highest amount of intedbtedness
incurred by this Corporation shall not
exceed two-thin'.s of its paid-up
capital stock.
This Corporation is formed to en
Sure for ten years after it articles
are duly executed, but its charter
rights may be renewed (before the
charter expires) from time to time, for
a period not exceeding ten years at a
time, perpetually.
The capital stock of this Corpora
tion shall be and the same js hereby
made non-assessable by this Corpora
tion for any purpose.
In witness whereof we have hereunto
set our hands t!:ls HHtli day of Novem
ber. A. I. 11' 1.1.
T-:. Mason.
1 . Lice.
L. Hilstein.
C. Kinker.
II. Mason.
.state of xrnn.':cA.
County, of Cass, ss. me. Chas. 11. Martin, a Xotary
Public in and for said count v. on this
dav personally appeared J. K. Mason.
J. r. nice. 11. Crochet-, H. L. Hilstein. II.
C. Kinker and Wm. Mason, known f,
me to be the persons who subscribed
the foregoing instrument and ac
knowledge to me that tiey executed
the same for the purposes and con
sideration therein expressed.
Given under mv hand and Notarial
seal this :13th day of November. A. I .
191.1. " Chas. K. Martin.
(.e;ii) Notary Public.
My commission expires August 18
County f Cass,
In tlio Mattor of tho Estate of
deorpv M. Pat ton, Docoasfd.
To All I'-rsun Intor('.'d:
Yon aif hereby notified that
there will be a hearing upon tlie
petition filed in this court for the
appointment of an administrator
i:i above estate before this rourt,
at I'iattsmou! h. in said county, on
the LMst day of September. . 1 i. at
o'clock a. m. All objection-, if
any, must be filed before said time.
County Jud-e.
(iitnr.ii i snow cm
In the DLitrlct Court of Cnx CouiiIt,
In the Matter of the Application of
Y'il!i T. liamspv, Administrator of
the Wate of Alice M. Tague, Ie
ceaserl, for License to t?eil Ileal
Now, on this lath day of August, 1914,
the above entitled cause tame on to bo
heard upon the petition, under oatii, of
William C. iKamsey. administrator of
the estate or Alice M. Ta-'uc. deceased,
praying: for license to seil the fallow
ing described real estate of said de
ceased, to-wit: Lots three, four and
live (.:. 4 and ."). in blork seven (7), in
South I 'ark Addition to the Citv of
I'Tattsmouth. County of Cass. State of
Nebraska, for the payment of debts al
lowed against the estate of said de
ceased, atid expenses of administration,
and it appearing by said petition, that
there is not sufficient personal estate in
the 1. amis of said administrator, be
longing to said estate, to pay the debts
outstanding against said deceased, and
the expenses of administration of said
estate, and. that it is necessary to sell
the whole of said real estate, for the
pavment of such debts and expenses,
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me, at Chambers, in the
P.ourt House, in the Village of I'apillion,
in tho County of Sarpv, In said State,
on the 30th day of September, 1911, at
the hour of eleven o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why
license should not lc granted to said
administrator to sell said real estate,
to rav such debts and expenses.
IT IS Kl'KTlIKK OKIi:ki-;i that a
copy hereof be published for four suc
cessive weeks iti The Plattsmouth
Judire of the District Court.
Don't fail to make an appoint
ment to be present at the dance
Saturday evening on the occasion
of the Cosmopolitan club dance.
Good music and a good time as-surred.
In lie Kstate of lelilah Schwab. de
ceased. Application of Charles K.
Schwab, executor for license to sell
real estate.
This cause came on for hearing upon the
pel it ion of Charles i'l. Schwab, executor
of the last will and testament and
estate of I'eliiah Schwab, deceased
praying; for a license to sell the follow
ing dt scribed real estate, subject to
tiie lea.-e thereon to Jaims M. Woolard
from .March 1, 1VH to .March 1, ll.
to-wit :
Lots thirteen cl 1 and fourteen (14)
in the east hall' Fj one-half of the
northwest quarter nw one-fouithi
of section twenty-einl.t ('M. town
ship eleven ill north, ranire four
teen ill east of tiie tith p. m. in the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
To carry out the provisions of th last
will and testament of said I'eliiah
Schwab in respect to t.'ie shares given
l the grand-d:'.ighters of said deceas
ed, the children of one Andrew Schwab,
IT IS TIinmiFOr.ll OKnKr.En that all
persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at tlie office of the
Clerk of the listrht Court in the
'out t House in I '!a 1 1 smout h, Cass
Couutv, Nebraska, on the Jlth day of
October. A. 1. 1!14. at i o'clock A. M.
to show cause whv a license should not
he rrraTtr-d to said executor to sell the
above described real estate to carry out
:!:e provisions of the last will and
testament of said deceased in respect to
the shares of said grand-daughters of
said deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
Iated this Mli i'nv of August. 114.
(Seal) .1 A M 1 IS T. KKCLKV.
Judge of the liistrict Court.
It is hereby ordered that tlie above
order t" show (a use le published ill
the 'lattsmo'-,th .1 oi: ma I. a newspaper
published and of general ci rcn hi t ion in
the County of Cass, Nebraska, for Four
s 1,-cessi ve. weeks.
Mated tiie Mil dav of Autrust. 1!14.
Se;i! .1 AM IIS T. iiMtll.MV.
Judge of the Iii.-tr'ct Court.
ioiT nn itr in wni'iniciss
Clil T1 . MlJUt k .
In the Matter of the Kstate of Jacob
Heriricp. Pei-tastil.
Notice of hearing ou petition for dis-
tributatiou of residue of estate.
Notice is hereby given that Mary Tlen
rich, e ecu 1 1' ri x of the estate of Jacob
lleriri.-h. dec-ase.l. l as filed her petition
in said Court, the object and praVer of
which are that a decree of .'estribution
may be made of the residue of said
est;'t- now in her possession to the
parties entitled to receive the same by
law and under the hi-t will and teste
ment of the deceased allowed and pro
bate.! Oct. 1. It'll'.
You and each of you are porebv
notifi'-d that sa d petition will be heard
bv the County .lu.lLre at the County
Court room in the city of I'iat tsniont h
in said Count'" on the :10th day of
September I'.U !. at the hour of !
o'clock A. M.
IT IS oKDERK.n that a copy of this
notice be published, 1 once each week
for three successive weeks in the
I'lattsuiouth Journal. a newspaper
printed and pn lul ished in said count v.
1 aied this 4ili dav of S-ptemoer, FMl
I5- the Co,,rt.
(Seal i AI.I.KN J. r.KKSON.
County Judge Ca.-s Couritv, N'chr.
In Ro-F.stale of Harriet Allison,
I lorea-ed.
You are herrhy notit:el that
Wilhi'Iniina Tiirner anrl Jessie
Irost Leaeh have li 1 1 their pi ti
ti"ii in this eourf. allepinp: among"
oilier tliing-s thai Harriet Allison
iliei! intestate on the iDlh Way of
r. hi uary. A. P. L heing at the
time of her Weatli a resiWent of
iliiss r.iiuniy. Xe'nraska. posc
eW of an estate of n-al anW person
al projierty to lie aWniiiiislereW.
and lliat her only heirs at law are
I.eii.y Allison. Wiihehnina Tigner
anW Jessie lmst f.each, ami asking-
that linWinjrs he niaWe in ac
cordance with the allegations and
that administration of said estate
iie granted to K. K. Leach.
A hearinir will he had upon said
petition at the o!lic of tlie dmnty
Judiie, in the Court House, at
Plattsmouth, X hraska, on the
1 ith day of Septemhep, .. 1 . H'l i.
at in oYi.iek a. in., hei'i-re which
all objections thereto, if any,
must be filed.
lated at I'lattsmouf h, X'e
braska, this 2 i 1 1 1 day if August,
A. I. 111-1.
l?y the Court,
( ?eal ' ALLT.X J. I5F.i:OX,
County Judge,
8-2-1 -r.wks
nuntv Judge lleeson and
County AMorney A. 1. Colo d
parted this niorninpr for Weepin.g"
Water to lunk after some leg-a
matters for a few hours.
Clarence Ileal came in la
evening- on No. 1 5 from Hello
Fourche, South akola, where In
has been playing ball this sunmiei
and will remain here at home foi
o'ne time.
C. M. Seybert of Louisville was
in the oily today fop a few hours
looking after some matters in
court and shaking" hands wilh his
Mrs. F. L. Cummins was among
the passengers this afternoon for
Omaha where she will visit for the
Way looking after some business
mat I ers.
Don't fail to attend the danco
at the German Home Saturday or
you will miss one of the times of
ycur life. Good music and good
order will be the features of the
Blank books or all kinds at the
Journal office.
Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
Local Plews
From Monday's Dally.
f.d K. Leach of Lnii'ii wa in
the city a lev." hours !:i-s inoruiug'
l.o.king alter some n aii i- in the
probate courl.
Ajjs-es Mina and Tliierolf
were pa-enger- liijs nl'lernnon
for Omaha where lit. y were called
nil matle! of 1 n ; -i 1 1 !' a -hort
! hue.
S. A. Wile-, one .!' the energetic
I'aiineps of the precinct was in the
r-ity Salurdax ior a few hours
looking- alter some irndin'.r with
tlie merchant-.
Mrs, J. H. Teegardi-n ,,f llrock.
Xeb.. arriM-W in lliis city this
afternoon ior a sln-rt vi-it Ici eal
tlie home of iie!- p;wi-n:-. V.y. and
Mrs. C. H. Sinilh.
Paul I i 1 1 . 1 i g; of if : .!, was an
over Si'i'iday i-ifo-- in thi- eii- a!
tlie ho. ne of his p:He i!s. Mr. and
Mi s. William F.mii-:". i ! ii'g
this morning- I" hi- home.
Charb s ilan.-o:! . ; near Nehaw
ka one .-f I iie sr. i -1 : ! ! i :i ! farmer
of i ha' !oc;iii!y v. a in the city
Salurdav funking after -nine
trading" with l!ie mer'-hau's.
Mrs. William lli .iig was ;i pa
-eager Ihis motiiii u for Omaha
where lic accom ; : i i . 1 be- niece.
Miss Fischer who j- enroute (o
CiieyeJlPe. Wvu'lli' g". for M
there 1 1 Tt relatives.
Mrs. K. O. Ma ii'-id of t )maha.
came down 'his nn.rning- from hep
home to spend a lew hours looking-
afle;- snme im-iness mailers
a I I he court house .-in d to isji Jn-r
so. Claude Mnyli. !!.
Clarence Itu-cii" came in Ihis
morning- from his home pear
Cedar Creek and w i- a pass,.uger
o;i tin- afternoon p.iir!iugon train
for Omaha wln-re he will ;it for
a few days with f : n nd-.
From Tuesday's Dallv
W. I. Cillesp,.' of Mynardl
was in the ci'y I. day looking
afler -ome mailers in (he county
court for a few liners.
A. 11. Wall, residing near Wa
bash, came in this morning i'roni
his home to sp'-nd a few hours
looking- after some business
e ! s .
Henry ')chuin.g' of Murdoc; was
here ye-ten!ay afiernoon for a
few bonis looking' alter some
matters of business aj jlt. court
In 'Use.
Atlol'uey C. S. Abllich of Lim-
w 1 was her" for a few hours
today looking alter' s.-me m:. t-
tl-rs i.f liH-illl'ss at llle Co'il"!
ii.'U -e.
II. I". Funke of I.o;:i- iile.
president of (in- J'unke Lumber
company of ilia' city was I to-
i!av looliing- after" soine matters of
Frank Hh'ier of near I'eda?"
Creek was in the city yesterday
for a few hour- looking aller
some matters of business here
with ihe merchant-.
.less,, iim is of Weeping- Water
came in this morning from his
home and spent a few hours here
looking- afler some matiers of
business at the court hou-e.
C. I'. Ilichanls ami .1. II. Kui.i
nierlb'ld wer'e amoig- those going
to Cbmwiio.l liiis morning" on Ihe
early Ihii lingbu! train where they
Wel'e called lo look after some
lliatl "I S i ' f bll s iess.
Attorney C. S. j'olk of Lincoln
was in Ihe cily Ihis morning for
few hours looking- after the
final settlement in the estate of
Thomas I'aine. d-'cea-ed. ol
Mrs. Oscar (lapen and Mrs.
Will .lean were among- the pas
sengers this m.uming" for the
metropolis, where Ihey .go to
.speml Ihe day looking- alter some
business matter-.
Abram Martin d- Three taks.
Michi'vau is in tiie city for a short,
visit at Ihe home of his brother.
Dr. J. !. Martin. Mr. Martin is
the oldest brother of the doctor
l'eintr ejghty-tive years of ae.
County Commissioner C. L.
Meehiier and AMorney C. II.
Taylor were among: the pa-seii-ijfers
this morning fur maha,
where they will spuul a few hours
attendin.g- ti.' some matters of im
porlance. William Stark.joliu and Fred
Iiauiiii-'aii who have been in Lin
coln for the past few weeks taking-
treatment there at the
sanitarium relumed home last
evening- jr.-atly improved in
health and feelin- that they had
received much v-nod from their
Chas lleitiart of Louisville, was
in the city a few hours this mora
ine, enroute home from a com
bined business and pleasure trip
out in Denver. He reports a very
plcasant trip, but says the Colo
rado city is rather ipiiet these
' '?
j- r -;-
i- i , ?
' - lc
4- . j . 7 :-
x t
i i ' I-
t I t
i- i :-
5 fcfe'V -r
When a Woman slips her feet into a
pair of our beautiful Fall Shoes she
will be in the front rank cf correct
Shoe style.
We're Always "At Home"
to women who care to see tho latest
ideas in shoe style?, and tlie best
shoes made and sold at any stated
price. We desire to show our shoes.
The Fall' n otlels are beautiful.
Dull or brig-ht leathers. A vari
ety of new i:is!s. Shoes for the
street, for the house ur for ilre-s.
Oar prices are as low as can be
named for these shoes on special
$2.75, $3.00, $3.50 TC $4.53
We never handle uncertain shoes or
shoes built for "bargain sales." We
are known all over as "The Store for
Wonen's Shoes!"
I cl.idi b store...
The Home of Good Shoes
Mrs. j.. j. ium of l.eingoii.
Xeb.. who was called here by ihe
i!Ine-s of her broi he-. Wiiliam
Kink"'- departed this afternoon ('..
h. ;- home, sin was accompanied
.i.i f ir as mii '.'na b her si si
Miss.-s Ad 11 and I tin -ne H inker
and they will spend a b-w hours al
lb hospilal.
Fd. baiiio'!. the genial and
V ho!es,.,,b ,1 deputy -'f he A. b
F. W. came in this morning from
Fllioli. V. here iie h;. s be. ler ( lie
past i'.-w- w.-eks workim." i i lie
iu'er. -! of the ,-,!.! th -re. mv.
I'rrrioit i-ilii! here for the da
v. it Ii his friends and il is md
i ... i . i i. .. i i.e.
j ; , e c e s s ; j ! l i l s.iil e t i l . I i 1 1 l s ; , ,
t . i i i . .-
was enjoyeii very mum uy ins
Frem Wcdn'-E'lay's raily.
W. S. Va? rs. of l-'Jmwood. was
he?-,, today pn- a few hour.- looking-
alter some business mailers
at t h" court hoi; -e.
( aud wife w-'i e
iassengers this moiuing" for
oi'-iaha. where 'hey will visit for
the day with friends in that cily.
Mis. F. S. While deparled this
morning on the early Murlin-r-lon
tr.iin for Lincoln, where sir
will be the pues! ;f friends for a
slue i time.
p. F. Xord. ihe oM reliable
larmer from the vieinity of Ore
ipolis was in tiie cily yesterday
loi-kiug afler some matters wilh
the merchants.
Dr. C. II. Cilnu re and wife of
Murray motored up yesterday
afiernoon from tin ir home ami
- pent a few 'hi nil's here vi-iiin.-w
! h I heir friends.
Sam O. Smith and wife departeii
ye-terday afternoon for Weepiui:
Wa'er where they go to visit theii
soil Hav and wife. They moiored
down in Iheir atuo.
Ci.irence Mei-iiegei- and wife
drove in yesterday from their
home in-ar Cedar Creek and spent
a I'evv hours here looking afler
some shojiiunir with the in r-
eliaul s.
Mrs. Joseph Xovolnay and lil-
tb- dau-hler were among- the pas-senirer.-
this moi-nin.-' for Omaha,
wh.ere Ho y go to visit for the day
in that cdy looking- after some
matiers of business.
W. A. Fi-h! of near Mynard
was here yesterday for a few
hours looking alter some mailers
of business with the merchants,
ns well as attending- the Snydei
SI. 11 trial iu the county court.
Fred KafTenberprer and wife of
rear La l'bu'le was in the city
vesterday for a few hours visiting'
at the home of Mrs. Kafl eiiberue rs
ii.iienls, Mr. and Mrs. If. T.
laton. Mr. latton a.ccompanieil
hem back to the farm for a short
lit-rt Rooi oi .Murray was a
i-itor in this city fur a few- hours
yesterday. bejnu" on his way
home from Omaha.
lr. Ii. F. Ilrendel came up this
afternoon from Murray to spend
;t lew hours here Joking afler
some mailers of bu-iii-s.-
Prof. J. A-ch and wife of Mur
rav were hi the city today lor a
f--w hours looking- after s,,nie
matters at I he eour! house.
Wiiliam L.-iliiy of South Hem
was ln-re today for several hours
attending to some matters of im
poi lance at the court house. -
Fd. Ma-op. wife and daughter.'
Alice, ib parted ibis morning for
Central Citv. N"eb., win re they
were called by I he death of a
1-rolher of Mrs. Ma-.m in that
citv. They epoej I,, iiinain until
alter fin' funeral.
where the trail
Divides; at parmele
saturday, oct. 3
Robert Fdes.. n's American
drama "-Wh'-re The Trail Divides"
under !he diri-cliou of C. .-. 1'iim-io-e.
is tin oC'erinp" at Parineb
i.he(!-e. This great drama re
volves aiouiid Ihe romance and
a mi'i I ion of an Indian v out !i, "Me-UYi-Chn-Sa"
known as How
bander, aiuoup; Ihe whiles, wilh
w hom he has been raised and edu
cated. The locale js early lerri
lorial days of South Dakota, and
lie- jirincipal characters repre
sent Ihe pii.neers who blazed (he
way across Mm broad prairies for
the -el tb-menl of th. new stale.
-.!a-Wa-Cha-Sa" and I'.ess
Lander, the adopted daughter of
Colonel William Lander, were the
only survivors of a massacre by
the sjoux Indians a doen years
before "(iie opeiiiiig of Ihe play."
and are approachiiiy youny nuiii
'i: ml and young womanhood, "as
numbers of the family of Ihe
wealthy ranchman in whose home
all of their lives have been
-pent." Despite the bitter feeling
ami race hatred thai the prospect
of such a union nroii-e-, the
white girl determines ,. marry
i:ie Indian, and the action of the
play is based upon the unhap-piue.-s
and tragedy that results
from the union of members of
alien races. Because of unfore
seen circumstances and the
machinations of Claylon Craiir.
iv-s Lander leaves her Indian
L. D.- Hia't of Murray was in
I in- cily for a few hours las!
evening- looking- afler some mat
iers of business and visiting- his
numerous friends.
James Terry berry of near Cedar
Creek was in the city this morn
ing" for a few hours looking afler
some trading- and taking- in the
ball yame at Ihe tournament.
For j
I Man I
i )Bl"( Who 1
we have a high regard and we prove that in our
selection of
Men's Toilet Articles
Shaving Soap, Bay Rum, Witch Hazel and Face
Lotion. A full line of
Safety Razors
and Blades to Fit. Also
Weyrich 8l Hadraba
Make Your Wants Known
.Ail y-rt i?rtnf nt s uroler tliis le-ailini?
five cents p-r line f-ac h insertion.
Six won! will Ik? cojntt 1 as a line
;;ru! no ;nl i-i t ist-mt-nt t.ikt-n for li-s j
than ttn cents.
FOII-SALK Two-story brick resi
dence on Main and Liyhth -t ivcts;
contains rooms, not h, eluding t'aiti
room and closet-. IJeautifaily located
anil modern li x t Tu anil aie-
half lots, tiei.-s. barn and out
houses. I-'or fart In-:' particulars ad
dress Silas Loiiy, G4 Xortn gtith stre. t,
Lincoln, Xeb. 4-liuo-ilA: w
IT Mi SALK A pood L-any plow.
Iinpiire of Carl li. Coe, Mvnaid.
'-I i-I
I ill SALF. Scotch C. IIie pups.
Impure of A. I. Itame, Hmite
1, I'laltsnioiilh. Xeb.
WAX IT.l Cirl for general h..u-e
work. Xo wa-hinL--. i in familx.
Impiire of Mrs. ;.or'e Falter
or call IMioiie Xo. :;;i i.
.DI! fwkly.
I H I.AXD. Come to Perkins
Cniuty, Xeb.-r.-ka. We have
good crops i.f wln-at, coin, oats,
alfalfa aud potatoes, plenty of
hav. pa-lure and farming- laud.
This js' a black h-am soil
feet in depth ami produce al
most ev ery I h in is -own. Land is
cheaper h ue than any where in
the we.-t, runs from 1.".imi to
sj.").imi jn-r acre. Come and see
for vourselL Talk lo W. It.
I'.ryan of platlsinoulh. or sc.
X'omer iv lliatt, F.lsie, X-b.
'.l-l iin ivv ly
1 ( Ml SALF. Two tine Chester
White male hog's. Impiire of
James I.oiihi iifge.
FA I'M 1 HI SM.i: Dili acre im
proved' farm in r-ood locality,
." mibs from I'lal I -moid h. two
springs, no waste land. ' !'.'.
'iMi. Fasy terms. 17 acre
improved farm, well located.
:.' bl' miles from g I I own.
miles from Flat I -inmil h, - li
per acre, easy terms. T. II. I'ol, I'laltsnioiilh. Tel. -.'ir,.
I'i lit SALF. Male pigs, thornr-' h
bread . I. C. wilh pedigree, .i ;
D. Hess. Waha-h. X'eb.. IMmne
U'-l. .-1 7--'v sw kl
Tom Svoboda was amomg- the
pa-sener- this afteinoou for
imalia where be will look aft'-r
securing new music fur his
oi che.-l ra.
Mrs. f. F. Crime- nf ( imaha
came this r!e!-iioon to make a
short visit at the home of her
mother. Mrs. Dennis Dandier in
this city.
OA K-l 1 ' t.ur Z.
TH )frr.t. A-v I lll- HI --TFR
I c. lis i.-!.ij't i:um riLi.-. i v-
Regular Blade Razors
I.UlI Ak or nrncrlM l. A
l.l-cln--lrr ItlKMona IfrtiilXX
I'llUin l:-d i. I .IJ li"till.i.X
...s.. &r j ; I :-.h I '.Iue V.UJn.X