The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1914.
I Fine Australian
- Lambs Wool Batting -
QTVW 72 and 84
Ul.i 6 J lNCHES-
just large enough for a full sized com
forter 2 pound full weight. Price
1.50 and $2.00
Because wool does not draw moisture
and is the most perfect conductor of heat
and cold, it is most comfortable and
healthful and is for this reason the
adopted bedding for hospitals and san
itariams of the world. You will be
more than pleased with it.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
gwf a Vienna:", wsgugg
Quite a Number of Petitions Pre
sented, and Resolved to Fix
Building for a City Jail.
From "iuesilav's Ualiy.
Ail "1 member tli' city
Miii- ii with Hi'- exception of .Mr.
;i.iih! .if tli.' !ii-t ward were
!!--. it la.-! veitimi at llii' city
ii.ili. when the mayor -;tI tin1
! i ial ' ! - ! s" i i- d take
np tli.
ni-l r ;il mm; i.l' tin- mal-
1 - !' in ; ;o; t ance and Sirriht
i :. r iii later wa. i''-i -t''i '-li a
I : i- i . t .
were 1 1 1 : ( - a niiinln-r of
l :' ii.- 1 - I to tin' council
ri::-: i J i . i -!! iinpiov -
':m-hN Ilia Wiii' 1 I'llil b 111"'
cb-ik. W ill uiit - pi i - n t -i 1 a
re.p: -t n-kimr that tin city urade
i the -tr--t ai jMiii!ir his pro
r Cost of
...."f.-,". v-?.K-r
Cist to th Mimmum
Cole's Radiant Hard Ccal Heater (with maga
zine is a radical departure from the style heating
stove made Icr years.
Colics EgjigM Eeaeg
is more cccr:omical than other hard coal stoves
it is a quicker heater it holds fire longer it will
radiate a greater degree of heat for a greater
length ci lime with one charge of coal.
It takes up less room in the home than a base
burner, it gives the same base heat and the same
illumination as the high priced base burners, it 'is
more easily moved and set up.
The features which make this stove a great
success are: First; the tight construction giving
perfect control over the fire and making it pos
sible to maintain slow, economical combustion
at cherry red heat day and night, with one charge
of coal, thus giving great economy in fuel; second,
the large sensitive radiating surface which radiates
all the heat from the large slow burning body
of fuel; third, the use of our new successful
gas burning and anti-puffing draft which saves
the wasting gases, prevents puffing and the escape
of deadly gases into the home.
Pries- Ifl 18 ; B f! V-
M4s In 3
i .mmv
perly nil lt 7, block o. locale, l mi
iiani!f street. This petition was
granted by Ihe council.
Another roimiiiinicat ion pri'M'iit
l fo In- council was from (ieo.
A. KalT'-nlM-ri r and C. F. WVs
cotl, nwiii'i s of properly on Main
.-I i t between Ninth ami Tenth,
a.-kiiip Ihal the cily take some
sleps to rellleijy tile Condition
ii-tii!Lr there in regard to their
sidewalk, as it is now several feet
above the v.rade established at the
t i ri ; the walk was pij' in. The
owners ile-ireil that the cily pur-'ha-e
the oh) walk. The mailer
was finally s'-ttb-il by the passage
of a resolution allowim: tin cily
'i lake up Ihe walk ami put it
"lov.ii to pr;nh'.
I h library board thron-h the
-irielaiy, Miss Jiarhara ;eiiu
pi t - ni i 1 a communication to (he
iiiieil containing a li.-t of names
rei-oiiiiiiemb-il as members of Ihe
iiinary board for a term of Ihree
v'-ar-s. The list con-i-ted of Mi--l."onanl.
Mi-s Hai-bara tiering
ami James M. Hob'-rt-ou. The li-t
rti-omm.-mb-.l by tin- library
board was continued without op
position by the council.
A petition was also receied
Tioiu Karl Harder and Mrs. iMix
liiiry j-eipiel in thai Ihe cily
.irade and place in iermanent
I 13
Hsafs Even??
BaKcm and
o i wuuu
walk adjoining Ihe property of Ihe
pel il ioiiers am Ihe same to lie
taxed auaiust the property. I his
was carried aud the work ordered
.1. K. Mchaniel also was .uranl
ed permission to place a walk al
.joinintr the residence properly lie
has purchased on North Thirtl
street, which was referred to Ihe
l reels, alleys ami bridge coni
inillcc with power to act.
As the contracts of the Kiuhf
i ii ir company wilh Ihe cily in re
gard lo Ihe liphlini: "I" H"' ''(
streets expires next month Ihe
subject when brought up was one
tilled with Ihe urea I est of interest
lo Ihe cily ami its represent al ives
ami alter a short discussion of
the mailer on motion of Harris,
Ihe liuhtin:: committee was ord
ered to confer wilh ihe Nebraska
I.i.uhlin company in regard lo
the rales before a new contract
was entered into.
The police conimillee Ihal has
hail umb-r consideration for some
time the mailer of a place for Ihe
citv to keep their prisoners, re
pot -d I hat as I he coiinly had
n;..ed into Ihe new .jail Ihe cily
was without a suitable place fo
keep the prisoners ami thought
in- t Ihe basement of Ihe city hall
should be fixed up as a cily jail.
The report was referred back lo
Ihe police committee and they
vre empowered lo uo ahead ami
; up Ihe buiblimr at a co-t not o
exceed sJoii and in which the cily
prisoners can lie confined in the
ful u re.
file committee Unit had umb-r
consideration ihe opeuinu- of the
alley adjoining property on
lii-anile ami Third street reported
back that they could im! reeoni
m -mi the openinir of the alb-y and
in support of Iheir report cited
!be opinion of lln- city attorneyin
M-L-ard to the matter. Ihe heavy
rains of the pat week hainp
re-.lly damaged a number of the
streets by washiim and umleruiin
inu th'-1 dirl, the couucilmen de-cid'-d
to hae tin- lii-- ui;nb'r ui
on llie-e streets lo put i 1 1 1 1 1 ill
lir-f class shape before tin- cold
weal her starts in this fall.
Councilman Hajecfc pointed out
lo the members of the council thai
in making Ihe fill in the new cul
er! al Locust and Foil i I '-en I h
street the city could secure the
dii't from Ihe vicinity of the K. S.
hail, a half block from tin- cul
eif. and if the cily saw that
there could 1"- a saxim: made here
lie thought it wi ll that they take
up tie- i opoil ion. This was i "
(led lo the streets, alleys ami
brid-ies coin ni it I ii- w ho will look
it up and if found sa! islai oi v.
see thai Ihe wuk was d ue at
once, a- tile s!lee( )hee lias been
closed for the past year.
I lie reporl ill tile police JIHUc
Which Was ple-enled l t!l
council was referred back lo him
in order thai the stalenient as lo
the suspension of lines miphl be
made more clear.
The finance commitlee of the
council alter thoroughly inesli
alinr Ihe following claims
auaiust Ihe cily, recoininend'd
Iheii- payment and warrauls were
ordered drawn for their sell le
nient: peters & Richards, cross
nips and sidewalks. slo:i.i'.:
Sandy Andrews, street work,
ss.ju; (i. Tompkin, ame, si.-Ni:
I'red;;y. same, s.jii; S. i.
Stone, same, s7.fu; lii n, Kudbiw,
same. Klx.,yn; J. Swanson, same
': Albert Jones, same s.Ti; Alvin
Jones, same, s.'tl; (Lharb-s Mc
lu ide, same, s5. in; William
liobelman. same, sfni.SM; Mike
I. ul. lreet commissioner. -S.'JO; J.
II. MeMakea, cinders, s' ; J.incoln
feb phone ami Telepraph '"..
''."(); M. Archer, salary, sjp";
I'rank Neumann. salary, noT;
Hruee iS: Standeveu, plans and
specitications curbing and j-'utlcr-inp-,
dislrict No. 7, sis. mi; llruco
Sland'-ven, estimate j-Tadmr at
Winlersleeii Hill liride, sr,.0U; J.
P. KaslAvood, sinplies, s;.7a: Neb
raska Kiyhtin' Io., lour loads of
cinders, si; 15en Hainey, salary,
17; Mural Panm-le, street
sprinklinj-'. sf,n; John Kitpat rick,
salary, sjd; Ni-hraska Kihlin
Ko., .street lihliuu' and liht at
cily hall, s 1 ' : Kdwai d
S obo(!a, work at cemetery, 817.-0,
1. N. . Oiinminps. hauling hose,
5u cents.
Head Fluttering
Floating Specks.
These are sins of kidney and
bladder trouble. You'll June
headaches too, backaches and be
tired all over. l)on'l wait bn?or,
but take Kobe's Kidney Pills al
once. Your miserable sick feel
ing: will be prone. You will sleep
well, pat well and a row .tron?r
and active asain. Try them. Far
?ale by all drug-gist?.
Evening Journal delivered, 10o
Quite 1 an Attendance of Both
Ladies and Gentlemen Hear
Mrs. Crumpacker and
Miss Dorman.
The cause of the opponents of
woman sulYiaae was presented
last evenina at the district court
room in Ihe court house by Mrs.
.1. Y. Cruuipaeker and Miss
Marjorie ltorinau, of New York,
in a clear and able manner by
these ladies and all who atlcml
el, whether for or aaainsl the
question, presenfed by Ihese
ladies, found much food for
thought in the statements of the
speakers, lion. it. . Windham
aeled as chairman of Ihe meet
inir. ami introduced Ihe speakers
of the eveiiuia- in a very pleasma
manner. Mrs. ( '.runipnekerave an
outline of (he work of the society
Ihal is oi'posina woman sulVraae,
and of w h it-Ii she is one of tin
oraaiii.ers. She made a ery abiw-
i i ur pb-a for Ihe work of tin
mother's in Ihe homes of tin
country as the bulwark (hat had
made ihe nation s'rontr ami would
continue to if tin- mothers wen
not forced out to niiuale in tin
political life of the country, am
spend their tune canipaiiruina-
and workina al Ihe polls. Mi
C.rumhackcr closed her addn-
with a pb-a for the continuance of
be mother in the home, and its
eifecl up"u checkina- many of th
evils of the modern life that ha
rui-sed Ihe land.
Miss Dorman proved to tie a
most inlerestiaa speaker and
coxeled the subject from the view
point of lli that labor as her
experience in the position of see
retarv of the waae worker's h-aaue
lias lu-ouaht In-r in Imich with tin
problems Ihal many claim would
be settled b the secuiilia "f H"
ballot, but Ihe securina of Hi
out Ihe weakness of the arau-
menls adauecd in Ibis direction
bv ihe adoca!es of siitTraae and
sh-oiialy ura'd her auditors lo op
pose the movement. After tht
close of Ihe meetina the two ladie?
were -ini a hearty reception by
the audience who expressed Iheir
aimrecia! ion of (he splendid
dies uien by the ladies.
Keeps Your Liver Healthily Active
A man in Kentucky just fold a
friend that Foley's Cathartic
Tablets were the most wonderful
i Heine that had ever enlerei
his system. Said he would md
be without them. Neither would
you, if ou had ever tried them.
A thorouahly cleansina- cathartic
for chronic constipation or for
an occasional nurae. For sale
bv all drua'ajsts.
Birth of a New Daughter.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The news was received here
yesterday afternoon from Omaha
of the birth of a line new- daugh
ter al the home of Mr. and Mrs.
II. o. Fillers in that city at an
early hour Monday. The news was
most pleas iua f Mi". am' Mrs.
William I'm-y, the parents or Mrs.
Khlers, and Ihe aramlnarents of
the little airl. and as this is the
first aramlchihl in the family it is
eerlainly an object of the great
est admiration to Ihe proud
parents and other proud re
latives. Don't Bo Bothered with Coughing
Stop it with Foley's Honey and
fa:- Compound. It spreads a
oothina, healina" coatina- as it
alides down the throat, and lick-
lina, hoarseness, and nervous
haekina, are Miiiekly healed.
Children love it tastes a;ood and
no opiates. A man in Texas walk
ed 15 miles to a drug; store to get
a bottle, llest you can buy for
croup and bronchial couahs. Try
it. For sale by all druggists.
Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
a mpfrtiry Trill Fiirrly lptror th fcpns" of rnrll
mi 'I i-iwil tlv- rii-raiiiiP the wboli yttui when
ii'prlni; it tUroiJKb ili tutn-ou nurfno-ii. Sm-lj
rii-l.s sliouid iifVfr be u4fl -xci-rt mi pr-riii-Jii'iu
fifini r-pii tnll physicians, us tin- lanmitv
llmv w.U Jn li Iftc f':U to tUe pood ym -an
ilil- fliivc from theui. Hull's Catuirli Cui(
mi: iiufJi turwl hv F. J. Cbeney 4c Co.. Toledo. O.,
r'..iasus u OtTcury. ami i taken lntprualiy,
Sftig illrertlv unnn the l)Im1 auJ miK-oiis but-firt-s
cf tl!.- i-rit'eai la bUTiHif Hail's CatarrU
rr.r " sa.-f ynu .t t'jf rfnuio" It U tak-0
lnr;-millr and msd in TV1p1o. Ohio, by V. J.
: U C . T''Stimon:a;s !:.
5.-:i r rrrriits. Trlre. 73c. rr bottle.
. 1-i.e il-lVi Famllj- iot conitipUon.
Alvo Notes
Feather Weight foot arches at
I he drug' store.
W. K. Casey had business in
Lincoln Monday.
Sam Cashnier was in Omaha on
business Monday.
.John Murty had business in
Omaha Wednesday.
Dell Tyson was in Plattsniouth
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Inicknell was in Lin
coln iriday and Saturday.
Verle Linch returned lo the
Weslyan university Monday.
P. J. Finch and Wesley Hird at
tended the state fair Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Appleinan attend
ed a funeral in Klniwood Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Curyca
were in Lincoln last Friday.
Khas. Appleinan was in Omaha
a couple of days the lirst of the
Mrs. (ieo. Conk of JUair was
visiting relatives al Alvo a few
Miss Flora UoIes returned to
her studies al the Slate University
Miss Marie Slroiner came home
from Klniwood Sunday, to isit
home folks.
(ieo. P. Foreman, jr., and
familv autoed lo the slate fair
Fred Manners of Kxetcr came in
Tuesdav lo attend lo some bus
iness matters.
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Miller
visited Itev. Mickey ami family at
Kearney last week.
Miss I'.ula Weaver or Soull
J?-nd called on the shoppers be.
tween trains Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kvans have re
turned from their vacation at tin
lakes in Minnesota.
Mrs. Ned Shaffer and Mrs. J.
A Shaffer were in Murdock b
tween trains Monday.
l'ihburn the Jeweler will be in
Alvo nn Wednesday. Lea e your
work at the drug store.
Miss Irene McKinney relurnei
last week from a visil with her
sister, at Central City.
For fall house (-learning, you
can get wall paper, alabaline am
paints, elc, al drug store.
Aunt Hina Kitej has returnei
home after a two weeks visit al
University Place and Plattsniouth
It. . Stewart and son Lee, left
for Oordon county Tuesday to set
Ihe country and may go from
there lo Montana.
Mrs. (ini McFarlan.l and child
ren of Vilisca, Iowa, came in la
week to spend a week with hei
sisler, Mrs. II. parscl!.
Chris J-:ichnian sold his farm t
a party from St. Paul. Minn., am
has brought a farm in the llei
Hier country, Minnesota.
Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son Ros
of Denver, Colo., came in on No.l i
Saturday to spend a week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer.
Kzra Fishburn jeweler of Lin
coin is in Alvo each Wednesday
repairing watches, clocks am
iewelrv work auaranleed. and
prices right.
The Misses Inez and Klowenc
Hamilton of Lincoln and Orace
Wood of Sioux City, la., were Sun
day guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Boyles.
J. W. and A. F. Hasp and
wives of Omaha were visiting their
father and mother, and lo cele
brate Mr. and Mrs. Hasps fortieth
anniversily last Saturday.
Ira Manners was kicked on the
ide of the head by a horse Mon
lay, while visiting at Harvey
Hoops, lie is getting along nicely
under Dr. Munger's care.
Mr. and Mrs. I). Staller have
purchased the home of Elmer
Marrett, and will move to Alvo.
Mr. Tiarrelt will move in the Geo.
Hess properly in West Alvo.
Mrs. Herbert Moore and daugh-
ler Blanch, were visiting friends
in Lincoln Saturday. They were
accompanied home by Mrs. Cora
Stulheit. Mr. Stulheit came down
Sunday to -spend the day.
The Mother's Council met al
tin; home of Mrs. II. A. Stone
Monday evening, to hold a fare-
. . i II ... I H f .. .
well reception ior ne. aim .ur,
A. V. Muselman who left Tuesday
for Beatrice, Neb., where they
will make their future home.
There were about fifty auests pre
sent, and all enjoyed the evening
verv much. 'The Council presented
Mrs. Muselman with a silver
berry spoon as a token or their
high esteen.
WANTED Clean cotton rags
et the Journal office.
Th Journal ads pay.
( 41
Model TO
It's time to begin the Fall clothes game. VVe
are "to bat" you are the "umpire." We are
sure our New Fall Lines will make a "hit"
with you and await your decision.
Styleplus Clothes $17
Quality Clothes
$20 to $35
C. E. Wescott's Sons
New ties Your suit
Every Pressed
Week Free
TMT- .. ...,, .
(Special Correspondent.)
.. . .- .
. . .
Alfred (iansemer made a trip lo
IMal I sukhiI b Monday .
Lewis Viui!i:r has coiiuneiiced
the erection of a new house on his
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. llerreii
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. 11. I'uls.
Mr. ami Mrs. l.ouie Puis spent
Sunday al the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred (Sansenier.
Miss Laura Puis spent last
week visitinir wilh home folks, re
turning to Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Heiiner
were the quests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy (Irepr last Sunday.
Mr. and -Mrs. Fred llild were
Ihe jruesls of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Will f near Avoca lasl Friday.
Mrs. (Jertie 1'eckner returned
home last Friday alter a week's
visit wilh friends in Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Low I her, of
Coleridge, are visiting old time
friends in this community this
There were quite a number
from this section in attendance at
the stale fair last week, anions
whom were Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Fnpelkeineier and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. C. (irefrory, Mr. ami
Mrs. Albert Sehafer, Mr. and Mrs.
Auirusl Fnpelkemeier, sr., Adam
and Mttoe Se hafer, Fred llild, W.
II. Puis, Herman Fn.-ellvenieir ami
Nick Friedrich.
Deutsche und Oesterreicher.
Hclft den Zurucck-
gcblicbcncn unscrcrins
Schlachtfeld gczogenen
Kricger. Gaben kocn-
ncn in den Gcschaeffs
hacusern unscrcr Lands
leute gezeichnct wcr
den. Einc 2. fVlasscn
Versammlung wird am
Sonntag den 20. Sept.
nachmittags 3 Uhr im
deutschen Hausc abgc-
haltcn. Jcder Dentsche
and Oesterreicher
Ungar in Cass County
ist freundlichst dazn
Harsh . physics, weaken the
)owe!s, will lead to chronic con
stipation, lkian's Iteprulels operate
easily. 5c a box at all stores.
Mrs. J. IL Hi-ley and daughter,
Mrs. Rhoda Coiner were passen
gers this mornJng- for Omaha
whrp thpy go to vi-it for thp dav
thre looking after some matters
of business.
Registered Every size
Key ring Overall
Free Made
Mrs. Galen Rhoden Improving.
From Tufsilay's Pally.
iab n Hhodeii, from the ve- .!'
Mynard, was in the ci'v llii
nioriiiiii: lookim: after muih- 1m i -
iness matters, and in conversa
tion wilh him in regard to Mr-,
ltho.b ns In allh. who i.- at lie
present time in Kansas Cil. ;tl
Ihe Thornlon iV; Minoi- san il a i m m
in that cily, and will be re-l.-itd
io her former health wilhoiil -m
operation. The many friend- wi t
be pleaded to learn of her im
proved condition. She will be com
pelled jo remain in Kauas Citv a
couple of week- buiuer.
L. F. Laui:hoist, chairman of
Ihe democratic central coiiiui il ice.
Attorney William leles hernicv
and 1 . T. Tyson inooi-ci over llo
noon from their homes at T'.lm-
w I o. witness the ball -ames a-
well as lo look after some mat
ters of business.
Cost Kept Down-Quality Kept Up
No heller medicine could be
made for coupiis, colds, croup,
hoarseness, ticklinpr throat, bron
chitis, etc., than Foley's Honey
ami Tar Compound. Thai's why
they can't improve the qualil.
and war or no war, the price re
mains Ihe same. No opiafe-.
IonT lake substitutes, for Fob-v's
Honey and Tar is the best. For
sale by all druisls.
the new two pur
pose coats made of brght
mixtures and gray effects in
sturdy tweed materials; good
to wear on rainy days and for
chilly fall weather. These
garments are cut with regu
lar shoulders and full sweep
skirt. All wool fabrics beau
tifully tailored, strong line at
Slipons for the rainy
weather a complete show
ing from
$3.75 to $15.00
Ste$so?i Manhattan
Hats Shirts