The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Our Dry Goods
will offer you regular 35c turkish towels at
23c only two towels to each purchaser and
strictly cash. In addition we will offer you
regular SI. 25 and $1.50 house dresses at
$1.09 and $1.2i). We have left a few chil
dren's dresses that we do not wish to carry
through the winter, and will offer you $1.25
values at 98c; 75c values at 59c and 50c
values at 39c. Also a few ladies' dresses
sacques, regular 50c value for 39c.
There are but two more Saturdays before the final
close of our Piano Contest which will take place on Wed
nesday, Sept. 30th. To give you an opportunity of assist
ing your friend in the contest, we are offering on this com
ing Saturday, Sept. 19, a few rare bargains that will be
money savers for you.
With every $10.00 cash purchase, we will give you a
guaranteed Aluminum lipped sauce pan, samples of which
rhay be seen on display in our window
Our Grocery
In addition to everything to be had in
the market in the way of fresh fruits and
vegetables, our grocery department will have
a special discount on canned and bottled
goods. These are the very best of goods and
well worth your consideration.
Do not forget that on Saturday you will
receive double 'your money's worth in
coupons witJi every cash puschase, payment
made on account, or produce brought in.
U Phone 53 or 54 jjjj
aylight Store
Oiio of the results of llw pri
mary -!'-! ift that ha come to
lit:hl ilwri:i'r the official count of
the l.a!!..t ca-l is Hi.- fad that
I r -t t It 1 of Kl i. mil' of tin
I I 1 1 i l i' ;'. 1 1 candidates for sheriff
.i . i ......ill..
I I I II- ia! I l Ml ITIMXI'll im-
. . . . . ,.:!. ..: I
i i i ami jr mi iim i m m 1 1. l i
nomination fr tliat office. Mr.
HiM-il has filed liis acceptance of
Hie nominal ion with the county
clerk, ami will be pineal on tin'
ballot for !! fall election, lit
was tii ru1 ! for the republican
nomination by Sheriff Ouinfon.
W illiam Dowd, a candidate for tho
democratic nomination also re
ceived tin peoples' independent
nomination hut In has declined to
I).- a candidate on that ticket hav
ing railed of landing I In demo
crat ir nominal iou
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
Ladies' Tailored Suits.
We have one lot of Ladies'
tailored suits, over fifty in iiiini
h'r, ami ;iiiiniir them are sonic
Wootex suits, last year styles, hut
all sensible garments, no freakish
styles, Skinner Satin lining, that
formerly sohl from SlLrti to
.'hUM, that will be sohl during
our big fall sale at from Sl.US to
-t2.'r. ranger's I epart nifiit
FA'Pnim? Journal. iOc per week,
nal office.
Rugs, Carpets, Matting, Linoliums
and Window Shades!
Rain Coats of Real Worth at Pleasing Prices
The most economical buyers will find these garments well within the
reach of their means however modest, and yet equal to every demand of style,
wear and becominness. With each raincoat our guarantee holds good on
every rubberized garment.
Children's Raincoats at $3.50 Ladies' $4.50 to $9.50
Jersey Top
Wyco Top
Jersey Top
with Silk Flounce
Jersey Top
with Crepe Flounce
Messaline Skirt
Good Quality
Stunning Redingote
will give you an idea of the
many, many lovely designs
you get with the October
Butterick Fashion Sheet.
We have a copy for you at
our Pattern Department.
Absolutely Free.
Garter Proof
5?r,"','? i
Hosiery fif
lint ham t'if'A
Gold pii
Guar. felJ
antee JPvL
$1.00 LA
Just a Few Notions
in the Notion
Latest Roman Stripe Ribbons,
Wire Frame Flare Collar Sup
porter?, Neckwear,
Hair Ornaments,
Human Hair Switches,
New Barettes.
are invited to inspect our new fall goods. We are show
ing some beautiful new wool goods this fall. Bear in
mind our Grocery Department good things to eat every
Pots, Pans and Queensware we have them.
v n n .rffcrsv p11 vL"i wi ri
1 r, X KT3 r 3 NA 1. I V fc 1
Jilin Wunderlieh ramc tip from
Nehawka Sat unlay evening 1"
spend Sunday., here wilh liis
friends in this city ami ioinily.
.Mr. Wunderlieh is the democrat ic
candidate fr tho of sheriff
ainl is 1 1 1 ;i k i 1 1 ir a vi-ry t lu'iitu:-li
oanijiain mortifijr as many of Mm
olers as Mssillf anil has mal'
a host of friMnls I y his gonial,
straiiilit forwanl maiinor of dcal
iutr with tin- uoplo of tli county
and fioin his loiii; residence in the
community evervonc knows him
to he 'absolutely as true as a dye
in his daily conduct, and which he
will carry into ollioe if elected as
sherin'. lie departed this niorninc;
for his home in the south part of
the county. Mis J.otlie Wunder
lich accompanied her father here
and spent the day with friends in
the city..
Last eyeninjr Judjro W. II. Ne
wel I departed on No. 2 for the
east, where lie jroes t make a
visit at Portsmouth, nhio. with
his old friend, I)aid Coiuhs. Mr.
.Newell is a natie of Ohio, and
was reared a shorj distance from
Portsmouth, and the visit hack
there anions the old scenes will
he one greatly enjoyed by the
-'onial enllemau. lie will be join
ed al rjiieairo by his son, James
Newell, who will make the trip to
Portsmouth with him and view the
scenes around tho oh home. The
judpro was hopeful of hoinpr able
to attend the old soldier's reunion
I here, but the dale nv i 1 1 bo so lale
that ho will bo compolled to miss
it this year.
UeJow is the list of the con
lelan!s now running in the piano
contest conducted by II. M. Soen
ichsen. All liiose holding: coupons
will plea-e see that they are re
gistered or uien to the proper
person before September .'in(h. No
coupons will accepted after thai
dale, as I he contest expires at 1
p. m. Wednesday, September .'!(lh.
Iretehcn Peiu
I'.hrist iau Church . . .
Yerpie Campbell . . . .
Mablo l.odowav . . . .
Ilessie W iles
i:;;a Noltinp-
, shobatka . . . .
ri!a Neuman
ir:i'a Shera
Anna Wairner
I'.i' -dd Ci oskary . . .
.Mis. It. i:. W'ampler
Presbyl orian church
Iterl ha Jackson . . . .
Cosmopolitan Club .
Mi s. I". .Morelaml . .
!ladys Coiner
l i ed KalVenberiiei- . .
Carol iu' I.ahoda . .
Virginia Tuey
Allies Kl'ecek
.Mrs. Jno. Mc( loo . . .
Mrs. Win. ( iravitl, . .
I Jerl ha Sehubieh . . .
Alfred (Jreeu
FJhel Lewis
;raco llunler
Mrs. Philip llirz
Mrs. Win. Simons
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Miss Sophia Chaloiipka tlepart
de Saturday aflernoon for Prague,
Nebraska, where she expels to en
joy a short, vacation there in visit
in ir willi bor ndalivos and friends.
Mother of Eighteen Children.
One of tho proatost foaluro
plays of the soasnn in I ho moving
picluro world and which will 1m'
shown in Omaha this week, has
boon socurod by Managor Shlaos
for an oarly appoarauoo at tho
Parmelo theatre. This is Annotlo
Kollerman foalured in "Noptuno's
Dushtor" pronounood by judjros
to bo ono of tho crroatost features
over placed on the slajre. There
will bo no need of anyone poinpr to
Omaha to witness this splendid
show, as it can bo soen riht here
at home in a few weeks. Miss Kel
lennan appeared several times on
the Orpheum circuit in a divinpr
act that was pronounced one of
the finest ever seen on the stage,
and in her new feature she excels
all previous efforts. The date will
he announced in a few days.
"I am tho mother of eighteen
children and havo the praise of
loing more work than any young
woman in mv town." writes Mrs.
C. J. Martin, Itoone Mill, Va. "I
suffered for live years with
stomach trouble and could not
oat as much as a biscuit without
sulToring. I have taken three
hollies of Chamberalin's Tablets
and am now a well woman and
weigh ICS pounds. I can eat any
thing I want to, and as much as I
want and feel hotter than I have
at any time in ten years. I refer to
any one in Itoone Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I
say." Chamberlain's Tablets are
for sale by all dealers.
were forced to piit work Monday
on a bridge I hey are putting in
west of Plattsmoulli. The hard
rain brought the creek up about
live feet.
lid. Wood and Johnnie While
man had a spill from the former's
motor near Murray Saturday af
ternoon. Fortunately they were
only goin-r about seventy miles an
hour and no one was killed.
Olio Carroll started a force of
men at work excavating for I he
auditorium Monday afternoon.
and I he hole w ill soon be ready
for the concrete men. Work will
be pushed rapidly, and it will not
be long before results show.
Seolt Norn's and wife returned
last week from a very pleasant
two weeks' visit lo Antelope coun
ty. They went in the now lluiek,
had no trouble to mar the pleas
ure of their trip, and found the
roads uniformly good.
John Whit omau got out Wed
nesday ofternoon and dragged
the road between his place and
town. John is one of the very
few people who have not forgot
ten how" lo use a drag, ami he is
running for road overseer.
An inch of rain Wednesday
nilit puts the ground in shape
for fall plowing, and makes the
wheat prosperls look better. Also
it helps out the fall pastures and
lives things so some of those fel
lows who have been hankering
all summer to drag I ho roads may
do so.
Ledger. 4
W. F. McCarioll and wife went
to Omaha on tho Saturday evening
train to make a visit with their
daughter. Mrs. Will A. Frans.
Wayne Dickson and wife came
down from Platlsmoulh Tuesday,
lo spend a few days with their
rel a lives" and friends here.
Mrs. M. S. Selby, of Oherlin,
Kansas, arrived on Tuesday and
is making a visit with her brother,
James W. Taylor, and wife.
F. J. Strong and wife arrived
Tuesday from Lawrence, Kansas,
to make a visit of several days
with their daughter, Mrs. Mose
W. II. Swan of Alliance, made a
two weeks' visit with his nephew,
T. W. Swan, and family northeast
of town, returning home yester
day. 11. C. Hussell departed Saturday
for Pond Creek, Okla., his former
home, having received notice that
one of his brothers is seriously
ill at that place.
John Pcarsley, jr., and Luther
Hall, jr., two of our enterprising
young farmer lads, hae spent
the past week at the stale fair
grounds at Lincoln, joining a
large number' of oilier bovs
their encampment and taking lee
hires and observations in agri
cultural depart n ion! s.
Dave LaHue arrived home last
Saturday night from Akron, Col.,
where he has been looking after
business connected with the land
ho owns near there. He also vis
ited Jake Fikenbary, Charley Me
Nainee and iSrueo Fngell, all
whom he says arc prosperous
and well pleased with their lo
cal ions.
Hey. W. A. Taylor ami wife and
Mall MeOuinn and wife havo re
lumed from their few weeks' va
cation in Colorado, and report a
very pleasant time. They visited
relatives and friends in Denver
and spent some time viewing the
interesting things in other parts
of the state, making a very enjoy
able vacation for all the party.
James Jones of Shenanadoah,
Iowa, was an over Sunday visitor
in this city with friends, depart
ing I his morning on No. (i for his
Ooorgo M. Porter came in this
afternoon from Lincoln to look
after the interest of the Omaha
Hee here for a few days.
,TTj?j. 2K'a M-J-X-H-
Peaches are beginning to come
in and are selling around a dol
lar pei" bushel.
Jessie and Julia Todd left
Tuesday for Nebraska City, where
they will attend school at the
Mrs. Raymond Pollard and
daughter, Virginia, left Monday
morning for a couple of weeks'
visit to relatives in Palmyra, Mo.
Jim Miller and his gang of men
In every state of the Un
ion you'll find Fords outnumering any
other car three to one. And there's a
reason aside lroin the purchase price.
They do the job they run all the time
they get you there-and-back at half
the cost of the steam-engine types.
Runabout f 110,
f. o. b. Detroit
& Co. Carsctm bo delivered SoptomtHir loth.
Tout ing' Cur tl'.'O. Town t.'nr f:.!0
Complete with e.pilpnuMU. Dovav