if i i v FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1914. I!. PAGE 3. I a i ii m m mh rr n f tiu m m. r m fin itri in m rrn n n m iir ift irtin ifi ri mi jit m Th Tfc H i 1 'if ii i is I mi? FsiDD EfepDs PIOlff 1 and DO i of Bract BVOoSIoinieiry amid Dirotrodyciro September 11th and 12th marks the beginning of our second season and finds us prepared for a bigger and better business than ever before. We will show, and sell, a greater number of stylish hats this Fall than was sold here during tho eaocnn f WHY? Rprnii5f wf ii rp nrpnnrpd tn fn it. This is not n boasting stnte- f I Ctl L 1 l O JVUJUII V .J 1 W AAA . . . w. w " t - - C" mont it ia n nlir1 fart rirwl n lnoL- thrnndh nnr line will do a loni wav towards nrovind it. Exclusivs Design Pattern Hats rtmeimt IV? 5 c ( .-r no copies will be one of the features of this exhibit. Priced from $7.50 to $20.00. We will show the latest shapes in Black Velvets with classy metal and feather trim in prices ranging from $3.50 to $7.50. For the simpler street hats to those strictly for dress from $10 to 18. In Plush and Veloir so rapidly coming into favor you will find some of our best models every one worth the money. Yoiir Choice Fr6C Hair Dress Message, Manicure or Shampoo, with your hat pur- chased on September 11th and 12th, at this store. A pretty Flower Souvenir to each lady attending- ( -Telephone 352- Only Dependable Goods! &k (Th iTTfc i of Sanitary Hair and Toilet Goods Kquiped with the latest Electric Devices for sanitary treatment of the Hair, Scalp, and face. Guaranteed Human Hair Switches To dress the hair in the latest style one must have a good switchr Three strand wavy switches correct for the latest high hair dress effects. Price from $3.00 Up Switches and transformations made from combings; old switches renewed. Appointments by Phone - - FO R Shampooing, Manicuring. Hair Dressing and Massage. All Work Guaranteed. Miss Bonge Telephone 352 illlll SIONERS SELECT A NEW COUNTY ATTORNEY From Wednesday's Dally. Tfi baiil of t oimly ronnnis s'iimts llii-; iiiorniiitr :it t f ion mail- a .-Hrclioii of a rnij!it attorney (. Iak tin plar- uia;l" v.n :ml )i 1 1 1 - insinuation of l. II. Taylor ami for the position m !-rtr. A. .'. '.-. of tin's city, ! only aii :i .in t for the posi tion. ;!nl who will he a canliiat for tl, i. Hie,- at he general dec t: n in N.'viiiii"!-, Mr. Cole will at once r.-nme tin thities of lh" ollice ,;; mm; as the Jiece-sary I o-pl-; are anaiiL-rd ami :- pl . e,l. I he hoanl alo yesterday r- ieil a ie(ition sivit'-il hy some t.l lej.ients of Sail C.i-eek ami I'.lmw J pieeim-ts akinr thai the tpie-tion of suhmi! I iiiir l!io iii. titer of eleetitiir a (nii!it as- -eol- he phli-e on llle ballot al the coming r-h-i tion. The petition v,a refue.l hy the hoaril. as it Ii.l not coni.ly wilh tht' projs ion of lh,- eiel ta!ntfs of the -tate ,.f Nebraska. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. . W. E. ARRIVES FROM CANAL ZONE OF PANAMA From WVdru-pilay s Daily. This r n i n Mrs. V. V. Maxm ari it l in this city fioin the t'anal Zoin in l'anama, where she ami her hnshaml have been making their home ami where Mr. Maxim is employed on tbe poverninent work there. Mrs. Maxon made the trip by boat from Colon to New York and I lien to this city. She will visit here for a month or so ami will be accompanied back home by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKay, who will spend the winter in the tropic climate of the canal zone. The Maxon family hae had mnch success in l'anama ami are well pleased with the conditions there where the Tinted Slal'-s v-overnmcnl has every, provision for the improvement of the conditions there and every employe of the poveriimeiit i riven the best of treatment. IYI. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Examination free. Subscribe for the Jourial Germ u PHONE 36 g & C&.p - THE SPOT CASH FAMILY DRUGGISTS - Buy a Coupon Book A 00 Book for $5.00 A $3.00 Book for $2.50 School Supplies: Spelling Tablets Composition Books Writing Tablets Drawing Tablets Water Colors History Paper Inks Black. Blue and Red Fountain Pen Ink H ConklinSta,n The Only Non-Leakable Pen on the Market. From $2.50 Up THE ST. MARY'S GUILD ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF MRS. HENRY HERALD From Wednesday's Pally. The ladies of St. Mary's (inibl wore entertained yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. Henry llerold on North i'ifth street in a most charming manner. The ladii's spent some time in the dis cussion of plans for the year's work of (he iuild ami also in the plying of the busy needle in tht making of dainty articles that will me offered at bazaar to be riven by the (inild later in the season. lelieions refreshments was serv ed al a suitable hour by the hos tess asisled by Mrs. T. H. IJates which proved one of the most de lightful features of the afternoon The ladies at, a late hour departed for their homes delighted with the splendid hospitality offered them at the llendd home. There were ipiile a larjre number of the ladies of the Cuiid in attendance at Ihe -ratherinjr. WHEAT. AT THE COUNTY FARM, MADE SIXTY BUSH ELS TO THE ACRE The county farm west of this city has turned out, some splendid results this season under the management of Superintendent Tanis and the crops secured there are such that will insure a line showing at the end of the year. The wheat was threshed out Sat urday on the farm ami the aver age will he sixty bushels to the acre while the oats will show fifty four bushels per acre, which is a showin.tr am is secured by t he r- reful attention and the applica tion of the most scientific methods of farming-. The live stock on the farm has also nourished in splen did shape as some $70(1 worth of hojrs were raised and $500 of cattle and slock. There are now seventy head of hoprs on the farm all of whom are in the best of condition, and will add to the pro tits of the farm. The stock placed on the farm has been the very best here being- only thorough bread stock Used and tin advant ages of this method can easily be seen in the results secured by Mr. Tains. The business like methods used on the farm lias placed it in fine shape and it stands among Ihe very best in the state both in the equipment and in the manage ment. The new building- has been found perfect in every detail and it is really worth the time of any one to visit the farm and see how it is conducted. The Journal advertisers are do ing the business. GELE6RATES EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY On last Saturday evening- the pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. I.ohnes was Ihe scene of most delightful gathering- in honor of their daughter Miss Louise, whose eighteenth birthday anniversary fell on this date. The jolly crowd of friends who had decided to sul priM1 Miss J.ouie came with well tilled baskets of ail kinds of good things to oaf, which were enjoyed l the ulmo by the merry party, (lames ami other amusements served to pass the time away until a late hour when I hey all departed, wishing- their friend many more happy returns. I 1 ose present were: Mr. and Mis. J. (!. l.ohnes, Mr. and Mrs. Archie (iregory. Misses I Jolly (iregory. Fay (iregory, (irace Spenoe, lhoe be Spelice, I'.lilllia Ihteclller, Mable Meisinger, I )oi a Meisinger, Mable Kail enborger, Freda YVohlfarlh, Carrie Terryberry, J'.Ieanor lleil, Anna l.ohnes, Rosa F.ngelkemeier, Carrie, F.lla ami l.ouise l.ohnes. Messers, Ilalph Meisinger. Rud olph Meisinger, Philip FornofT. Clarence Musche. Paul lleil Virgil I'rish. Mike KalVenberger, Otto Sehafer, ntlo W'ohl fai th. F.rnest Kaehler, Cuy McCill, Orville (iil more, W ill (iraham, (ieorgc llenn ings. Theodore Creg-ory, Harry Horn, Willie Maey, (ilen, I.ouis and Lawrence Meisinger, .lohu. Fred. Jesse and Dan Terr berry, Martin, F.lmer, Louis and Henry l.ohnes. HEAVIEST RAIN OF THE SEASON FELL IN PLATTS MOOTH LAST NIGHT THE SOUS OF HERMAN , WILL PICNIC AT HAL GROVE NEXT SUNDAY One of the lal picnics of the season will be gieu a! Ihe Koukal gie north of the city on Sunday next by Ihe Sou of Iferman society, and every preparalion has been made to prmide a jjood time for those who attend the eveiil. The dancing' platform there will be found an ideal dace to spend Ihe time dancing- ami excellent music will be provided for the oc casion. Olhec games ami siu,-l will be indulged in and everyoae can find Ihe fullest opporlunih. to elljoy Ihem.-elves. The grounds chosen will be ideal for the scene of tht picnic and the ride from the cily. one thai will he me I lint can he Ihoroii-hly enjoyed. Thoe who desire to attend the picnie can liud pb-iity of means of transport ation as a line of automobiles and carriages will be provided to take out all who want lo go. If you are looking- for a nice pleaan place to spend the d iy doii'l fail to at tend the picnic Sunday to which evervone is cordially invited. Mi s. Moiile Franks and lit lie hahc accompanied hy her guesl. Mrs. Alma Raumey of Oklahoma, departed this morning for (ilen xvood, Iowa, where they will visit for Ihe day with Mrs. .Tulia Thomas in thai cily. NT! B I I Chickens U U??S fTSX vigy XSZZP Pounds! We vvil! pay for this week 12Jcalbfor Hens Halt Produce Company Citrolax. f si rs sny I hat it is the ideal, perfect Ia.xil iv e drink. M. J. Per kins. ;ree,i !av. Wis., says : "I have used pills, oils, salts, etc., but were all disagreeable and un satisfactory. In Cilrolax I have found the ideal laxative drink." For sick headache, sour stomach, lazy liver, congested bowels, Cit rolax is ideal. For sale by oil druggif s. R. S. W. l.-li and wife of Frio. Illinois, who have been in the west visiting with 'heir relatives came in la.-t evening on .No. l ami visited over night in Ibis ijfy as ,nests of their nephew. William Ihirclay and wife, depariid this moini 'g on No. (' for their home. Don't Be Bothered with Coughing Stop it with Foley's Honey and far Compound. It spreads a soothing, healing coating as it glides down the throat, and Sick ling, hoarseness, ami nervous hacking-, are ipiickly healed. Children love it tastes groin 1 and no opiates. A man in Texas walk ed l.r miles to a drug store to get a bottle. Host you "'an buy for croup and bronchial coughs. Try it. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Joseph Droege was among the passengers this morning for Omaha where she was called on some matters connected with the Woodman Circle work in this cily. This section was visited last I'vening by one of the heaviest and steady rainfalls of the year which fell to the depth of an inch and seven! enths. The storm came up about 7 o'clock and was almost continuous unl il'morning- and for several inches of water The storm crossings were covered with sevral inches of water. The slorm was accompanied by considerable lightning-. The reports from out in the slate indicates that the storm was even heavier there I ban iii this part of the state. At Ciiand Island the rainfall is re ported at four inches which caused a raise in all the creeks and waler courses in I hat part of the stale. Tlie rain has proven of much benefit to the pastures througout Nebraska and had it eame a few weeks earlier would have added much to the value of the corn crop. Th .lAiirnal ads pay. El m fcr 4l L. n lj Ej T rn sv m pnn "Hi kj mm 2g L GIVEN BY THE f n 14 unday9 September ISftGi AT L9S ai JUST WEST OF PLATTSMOUTH Amusements of All Kinds. Good Music and Dancing on the large outdoor platform. One of the IVSost Pleasant Occasions in Store for You. EVERYBODY INVITED "1 1 T i 1J. V. 6 V i 4 i i A t