The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 10, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    i r
THURSDAY, SEPT, 10, 1914.
Murray Department
Preiared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Sireim me
TWO ways of stretching yoTir income: First, yon and your wife can
pell cn it from OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long suf
fering pay envelope FAIRLY GASPS for' BREATH. That's
stretching it the WRONG WAY. Second and the RIGHT WAY
you End the better half can get right down to BRASS TACKS and work
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by tha State Guaranty Law.
Mrs. Frank r.amphell was n
tin -irk li-l for lh- af week.
I.. M. MrVry was a IMattsiiiiMitli Wriinr-day of this week.
Klin-rt Our. -M was trailing with
I'ialt-nioi:! h mrrfhaut s Wednes
day. Thre will In' preachinir at Ihe
r.hri-ti in church Sunday. Kvery
i:e inxilrij.
Mr. an. I Mrs. John Iurman were
Platl -iuu h vi-iloi s Wedncsday
ol till Wrrk.
Win. Hu.Jii:- of l'iattsmoulli.
willi hi- limiphtrr. Mis. Walter
;: !! and family.
Mr- . I. Hauard, who has
h'-rii Muitf ill for the past few
das. i- improving.
Jtrv. Ilutchitwui relumed la-t
wi'i-k a;i'l was in the plupit at the
I". P. church Sunday.
Mark Wliilr went to Nebraska
'.it Tiir-lay. where hr n 1 1-h ;i -I
-iiir '-ia-s -r-i l'oi his farm.
:h- wi-rk from Sunday is Rally
Iay at the Christian church. me
aiul hriuir nie our with yon.
Horn T Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
r.lir.r. on September 7lh. a ninr
pound hahy uv. All doinr nirrly.
Mi-. .lainr- Itusr. who wa
so ( iou-ly ill fi.i- thr past few
rrk-. i- -im.- better at Ibis timr.
Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Sporer hae
returned from thrii- trip to )en
vrr. ami olhrr western points.
They irpoi-l a rry plrasaut trip
whirh was greatly enjoyed by
18 lbs Sugar $1.00
Just look at this $5.00 assortment of Groceries
not a single item in it that you don't usf every day.
liny this assortment Saturday, September 12th for
cash or produce only:
1 Large Package Oatmeal 25c
1 Box Ground Pepper 10c
1 Box Table Salt 10c
3 Can? Eagle or Lewis Lye 25c
2 Pounds Peaberry Coffee 60c
1 Box Corn Starch 10:
1 Pound Assorted Cookies 15c
1 Package Cow Brand Soda 10c
1 Can K.C. Baking Powder "7 . . 25c
3 Cans Sweet Corn 25c
2 Cans Pork and Beans 25c
6 Bars Laundry Soap 25c
2 Cans Kraut 20c
1 Box Polly Pi im Cleanser 10c
A Pound Tea 25c
3 Pounds of Rice 25c
1 Box Tooth Picks 5c
Navy Beans 50c
18 Pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00
Murray, - -
Hr. 13. 1 Brendel is rxprrtrd
honir from thr rast nrxt Monday.
Mrs. Parr. Mrs. Hr-ernlel's niothrr
will accompany him honir.
Mr. and Mrs. J fir Urandel de
parted Wednesday morning for
Zionsvilir. Indiana, for a three
weeks' visit with relatives and
A. I.. Haker. of the hustling linn
4f Haker & Nickels, was taking in
the State Fair for the past four
days, looking after the many
points of interest.
The- hirih wind of Monday
caused some frar in this section
of Cass county. Near the Mis
souri Pari tic .-evrra! larjre trees
were blown down.
Hy subscription of a few of the
eurieprlir ritizrns the new school
housr will be piped for liphtin.
This is a f.' I movement if lights
should ever be wanted at the
school ohu-r, (ho piprs will be in
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes,
accompanied by Miss Margie
Walker, left for Dallas City, III..
Monday morning, where Jim has
been having his Herjr car over
haul! and painted. The party
of three will drive through from
Dallas City with the car-.
11. 11. Nickels, who returned
home from Savannah, Mo., a few
days auo, where he underwent the
second treatment for cancer of
the lip and neck, is geltinjr alonjr
nicely, ami his many friends here
hope that he will continue to improve.
- Nebraska
John lfobscheidl and wife were
Platfsmoujh visitors Sunday.
Tony Klemni was taking- in the
sights at Lincoln Wednesday.
H. H. Nickels made a Dip l
Savannah, Mo., Tuesday evening-.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
r.has Tigner has been on the sick
list for the past few days.
I. ee Nickels and Lewis Simon
attended the play at the Parniele
in Plattsinouth last Saturday
even in tr.
Miss Pearl Dujray went to
Plaltsmoulh Sunday evening:
where she will attend school the
coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy drefrjr are re
joicing over the arrival of a young
daughter at their home Monday
Despite the unfavorable weal her
many citizens from Murray and
vicinity attended the Slat' Fair
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Yore and daugh
ter, of South Omaha, were visit
ing a few days at the Walker and
Spangler homes.
Harrison Farmer, of Springfield,
Mo., arrived in Murray Tuesday
and has entered the employ of I).
C. Hhoden as drayman.
Lee Nickels and sister, Miss
Ftta were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost near
Nehawka last Sunday.
Mrs. liuthmann of Plattsmouth
is having a large corn crib erect
ed on her farm north of town. The
farm is occupied by Josepli Deetle.
Miss Villa Japeu departed last
Friday for Avoca where she will
have charge of the seventh and
eighth grades in the Avoca
schools the coming year.
School will be opened in good
shape by September i '. Sick
ness in the family of one of the
teachers caused the delay in
opening the school.
After spending the summer
months at home, Miss Olga Min
ford departed Monday for Lincoln,
where she will resume her studies
in music. Miss M in ford gives pro
mise of being one of the leading
light in her chosen profession,
and is not only talented hut
Itev. Clark and mother departed
on Monday of last week for their
home in Pittsburg, after spending
six weeks in Murray. During Rev.
Clarks' stay in Murray he tilled
the pulpit at the Presbyterian
church owing- to the absence of
Rev. Hutchman, who has been
visiting in the east for some
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Smith at Rock Hluffs was
badly scalded last Saturday af
ternoon. Mrs. Smith accidentally
upset a kettle of hot water which
struck the child upon the right
side of the body, quite severely
scalding the little one and takinff
the skin from the body about the
face, shoulder and side.
There is many a disappointed
auto owner in this section who
had planned a trip to the slate
fair this week, but the heavy rains
have prevented their going-. Re
member the old saying that "every
cloud has a silver lining" and any
way a little jnud on your feet is
not as bad as a lot of dust on
your feet.
The ladies of the K. N. K. held
their regular meeting last Thurs
day with Mrs. W, P. Hutcheson,
which was well attended. The
ladies made arrangements for
their annual Thanksgiving- dinner
which will be held at the Lewiston
church. The ladies invite the
community to join, also to an
nounce that the ladies quilting
society meets each Thursday at
the Lewiston church.
Chas. Royer, who has been
I'umbered with the sick for the
past few weeks, and whose condi
tion has been considered quite
serious, is improving very rapidly
at this time. He was in the Journal
office at Plattsmouth Saturday
afternoon enroule home from
Omaha, where he has been taking
treatment from Dr. Tarry, and
informs us that he is gaining
strength very rapidly, and feel
ing; better than he Tias for some
Dyspepsia is America's curse.
To restore digestion, normal
weight, good health and purify
the blood, use Burdock Blood Bit
ters. Sold at all drug stores.
Price $1.00.
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or Item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to ihU office, it will ap
pear under this headlnir. We
want all news items Editor
Jolly Party Visit the Larsh Home.
Last week we were unable to
secure the names of those that
composed the jolly parly that
motored to the Larsh home on the
Saturday evening: before taking in
the beautiful sights of the scenery
around the Larsh home. Follow
ing were those in the party: Mr.
am Mrs. Dr. Gilmore, Glen Perry,
C. D. Spangler, S. O. Pitman,
Mesdames Clark, D. J. Pitman, Jas
Walker, W. S. Smith, and Mrs.
Yore; Misses Neva Latta, May
Loughridge, Ida Boedekcr, Mar
garet Spangler, Helen Gilmore,
F.velyn Yore, Helen Perry, Messrs.
Clark, Latin, Hoedeker, Jas. Latta,
Virgil Perry, Russell Perry, Walk
er Gilmore and Everett Spangler.
Sends Journal to Daughter.
W. H. Sutton, from $outh of
Plattsinouth. called at the Journal
office on Monday of this week and
ordered the Journal sent to his
daughter, Mrs. C. F. DeJung", at
Nebraska City for one year. Mrs.
DeJung- was married a few weeks
ago, and moving from this county
io Otoe, she wants to know the
happenings of the friends at the
old home.
Is Now a Reader of the Journal
James Miller, from near Ne
hawka, and who has been doing
considerable concrete culvert
work for the county in this
locality, called at the Journal of
Pee this week and enrolled hi
name for the paper for a year.
Alfalfa Seed.
Home grown, yellow, plump,
reeleaned alfalfa seed, 99.98 per
cent pure. $10.00 down to 7.7.r
Rye 31.00, clover $10.71, timothy
$3.00. Samples mailed. Quick
shipment, Johnson Bros. Nebras
ka City, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sin
cere thanks to all friends and
neighbors who so kindly assisted
us during the illness and death of
our dear mother, also for lh
beautiful Moral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sterner
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knburpr.
Gerda Peterson
Alpha Peterson.
In Search of Curios.
Prof. Stearns who is camped at
Mr. Walker's grove, is doing- some
very extensive work along the
Missouri river in solving- the rid
dle of the first inhabitants of thi?
county, with several large burial
mounds, many house sites, and
two buried villages to work in.
Many interesting points in the
mode of living- can be arrived at
by their pottery, flint and bone
implements. In his opinion th
county is the richest in the state
for archeological research. He
will spend several weeks in this
part of the country.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Jr
Signature of CZst
Dlank books of all kinds at the
Journal office.
The Journal does job work.
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
Urn. R. Voung
Careful attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - - - Nebraska
. J. A. ROOT
The Community Mourns the De
parture of One of Its Most
Estimable Ladies.
The funeral of the late Mrs. J.
A. Hoot was held Saturday morning-
at. Murray from the home of
the parents of the deceased lady,
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, and
was attended by a very large num
ber of the sorrowing friends of
this beloved young lady whose
untimely death a few days before
had cast such a shaodw of gloom
over the community where she had
been almost a life long- resident.
The services were conducted by
Rev. A. C. Douglass of Omaha, a
minister of the Presbyterian
church of which Mrs. Hoot ha'
been a devoted member during he
lifetime. The sermon was one thai
paid a high tribute to the worth o
the Jadv who had been taken from
the midst of her family am
menus, wnue yei ine nioom o
youth was on her cheek. A choir
composed of a number of the
ladies from the Presbyterian am
Christian churches of Murray
rendered a number of the wel
loved old hynims during- servic
that assisted in bringing- com for
to the aching- hearts of the hu
band and parents of the departe
lady. The wealth of flowers lab
on the bier attested in a language
more eloquent than words th
esleen and love in which Mrs. Hoot
had been held bv a large circle o
friends. The interment was mad
in the 1). A. Young cemetery north
t Murray.
Agnes Kennedv was born at
Plattsmouth. April 2fi, 1881, am
resided here with her parents un
til their removal to Murray, wherr
the family has since made their
home. Miss Kennedy was for
twelve years one of the nuts
valued members of the teaching
force of the county and for the
last two vears was a member of
Hie teaching- force of the Plalls-
niouth citv school. She was mar
ried at Omaha, Neb., on April 20
iOl i, to Mr. .1. A. Hoot, with whom
she had been reared and their
friendship culminated in the
marriage that proved most happy
only to be terminated by the death
of the wife on September 2, 191
at the Methodist hospital in
Omaha, where she was sent for
treatment for a breakdown that
was caused from her ardurous
school work. She leaves beside
the husband, her father am
mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. V
Kennedy and two brothers, Chas
and Ralph Kennedy to mourn her
Card of Thanks.
We are taking this method o
returning- our heartfelt thanks ti
the many kind friends and neigh
bors, who were so thoughtful ant
kind during the illness of our be
loved wife, daughter and sister
and whose sympathy at our hour
of bereavement assisted us
much in bearing our grief.
Mr. J. A. Root,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kenendy
and family.
Next Sunday is the last Sunday
for this conference year at the
1 iherlv IT. Ti. church. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. and the elec
tion of ollicers. Sermon at 11 a
m followed bv communion. The
Ladies Missionary society will
render a program in the evening
at 7:30. The membership is earn
estly requested to be present.
9-8-d and w
Notice to Pay Up.
As will be seen in another
column of the Journal we are
soon offering a gigantic money
raising sale, in connection wiin
which we wish to inform all our
patrons that we are in need of
money, and must insist that all
book accounts be settled at. mis
lime. The dissolution of partner
ship compels us to make all co-
lections at once. Please can ana
settle our account now.
Fangers' Department Store.
Billious?' Feel heavy after
' . M t
dinner? Hitter taste? complex
ion sallow, Liver perhaps needs
w t i
waking up. Doan s ueguieis uu
bilious attacks. 25c at all stores.
The Time Will Soon Be Here
when you will need that new Heater. We want to
call your attention to the Favorite
Round Oak Heaters,
and Room Heaters.....
There are no better stcves and heating plants on the
market than the Round Oak.
Murray, - Nebraska
We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the
demand permits.
Keeps Your Liver Healthily Active
A man in Kentucky just told a
friend that Foley's Cathartic
Tablets were the most wonderful
medicine that had ever entered
his system. Said lie would not
be without them. Neither would
you. if you had ever tried them.
A thoroughly cleansing- cathartic
for chronic constipation or for
an occasional purge. For sale
bv all druggists.
Left at Soennichsen's Store.
A ladies
Kvner may
at this ollice
paying- for
black pocket book,
have same by calling
, proving property and
his advertisement.
Farmers, mechanics, railroad
ers, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas'
Fleet ie Oil. Fine for cuts, burns,
bruises. Should he kept in every
home. 25c ami 5Uc.
Mrs. Allen Heeson and daugh
ter, Miss CJertrude returned home
last evening from Norfolk, Neb.,
where they have been for the past
ten days visiting with Tom Heeson
and family.
Ti. E .Wiley of Lincoln came in
this morning- to attend to some
matters at the court house in con
nection with the sale of some of
the land belonging to the. Wiley
Will T. Adams was among the
passengers this morning- for Lin
coln where he will visit at the
slate fair there for the day and
iake in the sights of the capital
Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer of
Heemer, Neb., arrived in the city
thi safternoon for a short visit at
the home of her sister, Mrs. E. C
Hill and family.
Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
Evening Journal delivered, 10c
Fire, Tornado and Auto
mobile Insurance
Farm Loans at Lowest Obtainable
Tel. Office, 215; Residence No. 1.
Instant Relief for all Skin Troubles
Weyrich & Hadraba
aii nectai
to last a
Back Kidney
Causes It.
And it will give you even worse
if not checked. Mrs. H. T.
Straynge, Gainesville, (la., was
fairly down on her back with kid
ney trouble and inflamed bladder.
She says: "I took Foley's Kidney
Pills and now my back is stronger
than in years, and both kidney
and bladder troubles are entirely
gone." For sale by all druggists.
Notice to Rural Route Patrons.
It has for some time been the
custom of many patrons of the
rural mail routes running out of
IMattsmouth to place their letters
or mail matter in their boxes
without stamps, in the place of
which placing' in the box the re
quired amount of pennies or coin
to pay the postage. This is a
violation of the postal rules and
regulations, which plainly states
(hat all mail matter placed in
the boxes must have the required
amount of stamps thereon. While
we, the undersigned carriers on
the routes leading out of Platts
mouth are more than anxious to
do everything in our power to ac
commodate and please the
patrons along our routes, we
must insist upon the cessation of
the penny postage business as it
takes up a great deal of our time
and is entirely too much trouble
for the time it saves our patrons.
After two weeks notice to this af
fect, allowing all patrons to pro
vide themselves with postage, we
will leave all money and mail in
the boxes. We can provide you
with stamps in any quantity at all
Miles M. Allen
Herman J. Hough.
Better Than Doctors.
This is what Mr. John Drahota
says in the following letter: "My
.wife was sickly all the time, but,
M'nce she started using Triner's
American Elixir of Hitter Wine,
she feels well and is healthy. To
her Triner's American Elixir of
Hitler Wine is better than doc
tors. Yours truly, John Drahota
Sarona, Wisconsin.' e are
very tlianklul for nils letter, to
which we wish to add that this
preparation is perfectly pure and
tnat it has the best results in
many diseases which can be cured
wiinout me am oi a pnysiciau. in
sudden indisposition, in loss of
appetite, difficulties after meals,
in weakness and vomiting spells,
it should lie recommended. At
Irupr stores. Jos. Triner, Man
ufacturer, 1333-133' So Ashland
ve., Chicago, Ills. Use Triner's
liniment in all pains of the
iiuscles and joints. Price 50c, by
,13 il ()0c.
for 1 R "-
The Standard Skin Remedy
A Lame
diseases cured without a surgical y
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen
eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
LIFE - TIME, examination vrek.
Omaha. Nbraka