The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 10, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1914.
CT)e plattsmoutb journal
Published Sam l-W eekly at Piatt mouth, Nebr.
Entered at the I'obtofflce at riattsmoutb. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R . A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloei $1.50 Per Year In Advefnoe
Small thanks to Hie man
for keeping his hands clean
who would nol touch the
work hut with glows on.
It lakes a crew lo sail a ship;
it takes co-oueration lt make a
I he aily .Journal will im he
i-ue.l next Monday on account of
l.abr Day.
Een if not a crank, there is
always a turning point in every
man's life.
Tln'o r.x.l mornings serves as
a i:Mille reminder that winter is
headed this way.
Occasionally a criminal law
nit is continued for lack of
evidence to acipiit the defandaut.
the war maps are another
soiu-ce of information. where one
may lind much that isn't true.
While a word to the wise is
-iitricimt. old Wiseacre will hear
more if there are women present.
Villa did not do much censoring
when lie fought. It, would have
ruined the. motion-picture bus
iness. :o:
ltiMi the schools. Encourage
oiir children to be particular and
.-l.eilieiif. They will be taught
nl that which is right.
general Villa declares now he
will on-t Carranza from the
presidency of Mexico. Nothing
iIoi:r". old boy; the fust page is
fully occupied.
:o :
The thing fop the United Stales
to do i to stay out of the war
game until all other nations shall
h:e exhausted their supplies
and ammunition, and then to in
sist upon universal peace.
Onr chief strategist informs
u that European army officers
don't go into action wearing their
full rc-alia of (Christmas tree
decorations, as when they pose
for picture
.ludi-'e .T. E. Iiouulass and A. i.
Eole are both spoken of as sue-rc-ors
to County Attorney Calvin
II. Tax lor. w ho has resigned,
which resignation will take effect
September 18.
There are two "theatres of
war" in Europe, eastern and west
ern, and both are pulling on about
tin- same class of productions,
apparently and these are not
camedies. by any means.
:o :
A woman of "experience" gave
out some expansive philosophy
I lie other day on "how to manage
a man." We mention the guess
that if such a woman has a man,
she will manage him all right.
Notwithstanding the fact that
Senator Norris made a four hours
speech in the senate afraint his
continuation. Hie senate confirm
ed the appointment of former At
torney tic'iiel'.ll McReyitohls to Hie
supreme bench. Ail the democrats
hae to do in the .senate to have
an appointment eontir.ii.d by that
body, is to have Norris make a
speech against it. His influence in
the senate is very weak indeed,
If the industrial and commer-
cial nations of Europe are deter-
mined to commit suicide, the in-
duslries and commerce must suf-
fer the consequences. America,
while sympathizing to the utmost
with the people whose misguided
diplomats have plunged them
into prolillos war, will calmly
proceed to reap the natural ad -
vantages 01 ner position.
... . . l. .. . : i : 'I'l. .1
world's trade will not slop because
the powers have dropped the led-
ger for the muster roll. America
will provev herself adequate to
the task. While Europe is de-
troying ami consuming wealth,
we shall be producing. Our farms
ami factories will care for the
needs of Europe, and of the rest
of the world that is dependent on
Europe. We have no shuts to
carry such a vast commerce.
Very well we shall get ships.
If England chooses lo sacrifice
her trade primacy in a supreme
effort to preserve the mischiev
ous balance of power, we shall
take her ocean commerce as she
look ours when we wen; engaged
in our civil war. We shall have
a new, great merchant marine,
created with unexampled speed.
A law of congress will admit ves
sels to American registry on easy
terms. Heligerant nations will
be obliged to register their ships
with us to gain the advantage of
a neutral llag. We shall buy lin
ers and freighters by the score.
ii,,,. n o n.,.,. ni i, -.v.. ... ...wi.
of orders such as a monev sub-
sidv could never have niven them.
Of the two great ocean gales of
the world, we have the one the
been opened to navigation. It is
the ilmir between east ami west,
the "open sesame'' to the com-
merre of Asia. The oilier, the
Sue canal, may be closed w hile
the powers battle for control of
the Mediterranean route. W'e
shall soon build up an enormous
traffic, surpassing all that we ex
pected of Panama. While the
powers are lighting, loo, we shall
enter the rich commercial lields
of South America without the
stigma of "dollar diplomacy,"
ami perhaps gain a permanent
foothold there. Our vessels will
ply every sea, and our flag will be
familiar again in every port, as
in the days of the "Yankee clipper-."
And while we are thus ap
propriating the lion's share of
the world's commerce Willi Euro
pean bourses closed ami mar
kets demoralized, we shall neces
sarily do the bulk of the world's
banking. We need not rejoice in
Europe's misfortunes. And we
ahn have much to lose for long
years in such a world catastrophe.
Hut there is a certain grim satis
faction lo America, which has
......... i... i.. i . i-n"i-
pie of peace, in the reflection that
we shall derive much immediate
and some last advantage from
the suicidal strife of a continent
that has too often treated our
pacific efforts with amused con
tempt. :o:
(lay vacation time is over. Eet
lhe children return to school
w ith a healthy coat of Ian, a merry
laugh and an eager mind.
:o: r
Dr. Y. E. Cook has been elecl-
i i, .-. ..r ii... ....... .i.i I
,.u o.a.u,,.,,.
eounly central committee. A good
man for the position.
people who have money and are
afraid of the banks instead of I
hiding it in an old house or in the J
barn should bury it in the
cemetery where everybody is
honest. '. - - '.
Most of the war correspond
ents are unable to get to the war
and those who do, don't agree
very well.
The cost of the necessities o
life is not as high in Hit war zone
as it is on Hie outskirts, and u l?
not as high on the outskirts as
it is in remote localities. War
prices are not so much the result
of scarcity as of a scare.
If you want reliable information
regarding the European war you
will have to go there your self
i 'ench reports give it one way,
and (German reports another way,
and there you are. You don't know
any more after ytuiu have read the
metropolitan jouurnais than you
did before.
I :o:
v c believe the world is growing
. . ...
better, but the admission does not
include the man who will fondle
over another man's child and buy
if candy and popcorn and then go
limine and slan his own little child
because it asks him for a nickel.
Such a thing is not a man. but
a brute in disguise.
The hoine-couiing celebration
at I'acilic Junction this week was
a great success. See what 1'latts-
mouih is missing in not having
mil',, ami it don I. ihk.. any r.'.ore
than a successful ilh of .Inly cel
ebration either. How the pioneers
of Cass County, and the former
residents would enjoy such an
occasion! Only think of it.
Nearly three weeks since Hie
primary and no official vide of the
state at large has been published.
What's the matter with the elec
tion officers at Lincoln, anyway?
If il lakes this long to get returns
from the general election there
decided to run by petition at the
of the opposing candidates that
h'"PI' l run very logelher
Seeral of the defeated caudi-
dales on lhe ro publican primary
ticket in Lancaster county have
w ill be great supense on the part
general election. This may be an
honorable way of doing business.
but we ou't I liink so. Ifacaudi-
date is defeated in the primary,
he will stay defeated, because
the olcrs will not support such
fellows at the general election,
but they might be instrumental in
defeating their successful oppo
nent at lhe primary in lhe gen
eral election.
I'rank Heaves, republican can
didate for congress is not so sure
that he can be elected as he was
before the primary. He thought
that if he could only secure the
nominal ion an election was a
sure thing. Not by a long shot,
Mr. Heavis. You defeated one or
two candidates for the nomina
tion that are one thousand votes
stronger than you are in the gen
eral election and you will find this
out after the relnrns are all in.
You may possibly pull through. on
account of the disalfaction among
the democrats, but this may all
blow oer before the election day
rns around
We are all shuddering over the
news that the Oermans have al
ready lost 75,000 killed anil
wounded at IJege, but this is but
a straw out of a full stack com
pared to what is to follow. In the
Napoleon war 5.000,000 men were
killed on all sides, to say nothing
of lhe millions that were wound
ed. United States military experts
say that when the main forces of
the (ierman, French and English
armies clash that as manv as
10(Jf000 ln,,u wiU be kjlIed j
wounded in 4i:- w .ik.
hnr- the loss.. i., ii..
rebel forces were carefully
estimated at 80,000, but the
lighting extended over a period of
more than three days. It is doubt-
ful whether the European war can
be stopped before at least 1,000,-
looo men have lost their live
We wonder how much longer
M.. .. . 1. . - 1 . .
me peopie 01 Europe win accept
tne uoctrine or "ne aivinc right
41 1 . t i a
oi Kings, ii seems to us mat the
time has arrived when the worm
- 1 . 1 . I i a .
migiiL consistently turn auu give
belter to the iron heel that has
ground innumerable generations
into the dust. It may be that we
art; sngniiy prejudiced against
kings, but to our way of thinking
Hit! humblest citizen in all of the
vast expanse of the old world is
more wormy of a commission
from on high than is any king who
claims the Cod-given right to
rule, lie could not think otherwise
ami retain a decent reverence and
respect for Cod. A king may be a
good man and true, anil be right
worthy of wearing a kingly crown,
but he is carrying the joke too far
when he claims authority other
lhau he nets from man. Cod mav
onietimes hae. raised up - men
to rule, but when this was so,
Iheir insignia of authority and
power was the cross and not the
crown, cod s ambassadors never
paraded lhe courts of royalty in
uiee breeches and powdered his
lair, nor bowed before the altars
f wealth and ntuno and nroud
lypocrisy. The only divine right
that was eer bestowed upon any
king was the right lo live, a right
hat has been bestowed with equal
jounly upon every human uemg
who has eer breathed the breath
oT life. King's have no corner on
divine concessions no private key
o paradise. The colter and the
iing will sland side bv side at the
judgment bar of heaven, and the
amp-follower may be the witness
who will convict the crown. Yet
there are people in Europe, lots of
hem, who pretend lo believe in
the so-called divine right of
ings to rub.' who believe that a
king has the divine right to lead
i i i i-i t
ins irusiing subjects nwe lamu?
to the butcher's block. We predict
that the next war, if there shall be
another, will be an uprising
against, the crowned -heads, of
Europe. W'e beliee that in the fu-
lure the people w ill demand the
right to rule and to shape their
own destiny to say whether or
not they shall go to war. The war
of today is not the people's war
and the people have nothing to
gain, no mailer who wins or who
loses. True, the people are loyal
lo their kings, and light most
valiantlv as' Ihev command, but
the people of Europe have been
doing Ibis same thing as far back
as goes the memory of man. For
untold centuries they have been
sweeping back and forth across
Europe carrying death ami de
struction to their fellowinen do
ing so at the behest of kings who
claimed (Sod's sanction and auth
ority to make the sacrifice. The
millions of armed men in Europe
today are doing just what other
millions have done before
murdering each other to gratify
and glorify lhe kings. Poor bus
iness indeed, and butchery that
only kings would delight in. If
(Sod's hand is really in this game
of war, it must eventually prove
the fallaccy of the doctrine of the
divine right of kings and estab
lish the truth that the divine
right lo rule rests alone with the
CSeorge W. IJfi-ge, who was de
feated for governor on the de-
ni.afin f.VLM :,l the recent, nri-
m:., ie has announced that he
. 'ii.,. ...;n
will support uie iicm-i. uic m
n it... ...... ..I,. i 1. rn i l'j i 1 ) f
OI lllf IM-opie I- o. w
star, he says
In a government
-the win ofihe
like our" he says,
people is the supreme law and 1
accent, cheeufullv their verdict as
expressed at the primary election,
My devotion to democratic prin-
.u.r.end noon gel-
moo a. ,Mch.or Hiv lime
r ...... ;J -.iin .iisniw:it'or'
the c(mmittee to help elect (b.v-
ernor Morehead and the entire de-
mocratic ticket, and to register an
emphatic endorsement of the Wil-
son and Bryan administration at
Washington. . .
The straw hat harvest has al-
readv begun.
A dollar is no carrier pigeon;
I ... . .
send it away and it won t comei
luiry their differences? Not
much. But they are burvingl
their citizens
If port continues its upward
flight the only thing left us will
be the grunt.
I-1'! the carpenters of IMatls.
mouth be the only ones in town to.
use the hammer,
'd a word about bumper crops
I this week. The bumps are too
numerous for compilation.
- :o:-
Just eight weeks from today,
then comes the tug of war the
battle of the ballot.
J :o:-
That the war will be fought lo
a decisive end is the belief now of
uipioiuais ai vv asnington.
I :o:-
" The president is worried,"
says a Washinwton dispatch. Of
course. So are we. So are all
great men.
I :o:-
Congress is now engaged in
hunting up truant members and
iiring ahsentees, or putting up a
bluff to that effect.
J :o
I We must gie to the people who
live on the farm the
ame educa-
tional advantages for their chibl-
ren as those of the cities enjoy.
Would not tin anti-trut bill
luriher strengthened Iy pro-
viding capital punishment for of.
fending ollicials and directors ?
.... ...
I A former prime minister of
I ..1.- i
r ranee nas oeen tigiiting in me
ranks as an enlisted man. An
American politician would expect
to be colonel at least,
M ordinary woman's waist i:
hhirly inches around. An ordiu-
ary man's arm is about thirly
inches long. Oh. nature, how ad-
Liirablv arc lh works.
(Sovernor Morehead is the ma
jority candidate of the democratic
nartv for governor bv several
thousand, with two other very
prominent democrats in the race,
while H. IJ. Howell is the minority
republican candidate lor the same
position. Governor Morehead's
vote in the stale at large is nearly
doubll that of Howell.
How is the reader to judge
.. I.:.. i. : . il... 1,, . ,.c
which tiiiii is r' iiiiir iim- ii'.-i 11
paper dispatches are now giving
two kinds of war news, evidently
so sympathizers with both sides
may be furnished with what they
Senator Kemp figures that the
egg throwing in Omahha and the
arrest of Howell on the eve of the
primary election made ten thou
sand votes for him. Otherwise Mr.
Howell would have been defeated.
This is the general opinion of
W hat are the names of the
three largest cities in the western
hemisphere? About toil out of
every ion weii-posi.-u citizens on
the United States promptly answer
Vew York. Chicago ami Phil-
- -
communication just received i,y
the Pan-American Union, thev
would guess wrong. 1 his message
slates that the corrected returns
of the recently taken census show
Hiat the population of Huenos
Ayres has grown lo 1,7(1(1,(100,
Ours passing Philadelphia
crwding her out of tin
The best farmer does not
bother about getting ahead of his
neighbor. His great business is to
get ahead of himself.
ll r, .
J . a ! : i
A cgclabte Preparation CjtAs-
simiiaiuiG tiicloodanflKcdufa
tin Hie Stomachs aiuUJowelsef
Promotes DigestionGieerfii
ness and RstciUains neither
Ophmi.Morphinc norMafial
finvpiia Sitdm
AS 2
Anrrfcct Remedv for Consflpa-
t ton , Sour Stomach Diarrhoea
i a ,
racSintlk 'signaruK cf
The Centaur Compact,
NEW yUKis.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thirty-om iiiinian hoj.
have been indicted.
-: o:-
IM-esident Wilson's "watchful
wailing", has proved wisely.
No advance has been reported
on the price of air.
A well written advertimiiL
is jike a hungrv niosiiuilo.
commands instant attention.
II may be America's fault after
all. You know we have been
ending our missionaries to
Asia instead of Europe.
War correspondents for Amer
ican journals are barred from the
battlefields over in Europe. That
will give them more (ime in which
to describe them.
:o: :
The weather has not been very
favorable for the stale fair so far
tins week, still the claim is made
that large crowds have attended
cacti day. notwithstanding the
inclement weather.
l he Lincoln Star very trulh-
fully remarks in speaking of Con
gressman Stephens' manner of
selecting postmasters: Those in
dignant democrats who were cock-
I ... , .... ..r
I.-1 1 1 . - i
scl. ...I....,
m ep ii en s
gelling Congressman
phens scalp because he per-
miltcd the people to elect their
postmasters in his district must
get little comfort from the pri
mary returns, which show that he
got practically as large a vote as
did both of the republican candi
dates and his democratic antagon
ist put together.
Only Fifteen Days of
September 24th
Fa332ll buarantecd und2rthc f oo3M
If you expect to go to California during this brief au-
Itumn period of low rates, you
vnHr 0PAmmn,ln;,.n I
uiumuviauuuo m mc
steeping, cars io l,os Angeles
ver, through scenic Colorado
Daily through tourist sleeper
Scenic Colorado and SaJt Lako. by 4 daylight. . One Jine of these sleepers
may be joined along the Southern Nebraska- main- line. ' Arrande f r
iriir't r i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
They say whisky i going- up
ten per cent. 'Oh, then perhaps
there will not be so much of it
going down.
The county committees of both
parties are getting in shape fur
business, and that business means
a great deal of maneuvering from
now on I ill the 3rd of November.
10 Yards of
Unbleached Muslin
-Department Store-
Sale Starts Saturday
The Best Flour
on the Market
... rjLpuw - .
Low One-Way Fares to
to October 8 th
should arrange early for
D...1!-... ...
uuiinij-ioii s lliroufl tourist
and ban Francisco, via Den-
and Salt Lake by daylight.
A itir
to Los Angeles via Denver, through
your berths through the undersigned.
R.W.CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.
L W. WAKEIEY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.