The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 03, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1914,
& o. n. ji.
to excurse.
Now is a good time
Bill Jones, Bob Doom and
Mickelwait all in one buggy, go
ing to the dimmycratic confab
Oh, what a load of sin and pork
and owl-like wisdom for one
poor little team to draw.
Items of Interest to Our Reader
(jlr-aned from the Newspaper
Pile of Many Years Ago.
Ten million miles of ad
vertising. A half-million Fords, aver
aging twenty miles a day, circle the
world four hundred times every twenty
four hours. If the car wasn't right this
tremendous publicity would put the
Company out of business. The Ford is
its own best salesman. A demonstra
tion is a revelation take yours to-day.
S4t0f .rthe runabout: ?4J 0 for the touring car anl
irti-.M) for t li town car f. o. h. Detroit, complete with
f.iuipmcnt. (; f catalog ami particulars from Dovey
& Co. Wntch the Fouls go b .
The Athletic base halt team of
this oily -ecuii'd a game
Willi th.' .ehawka base Pall leam
and will jouiney down to that
pb-a-nnl little cily on n-t Sun
day to lake on the ?-'iiaw Laites
and ati.inpt lo c;:rry away the The Athletics are sh owinp
l.ettej- form than any time this
ea ) and -hould pic a pood ac
count nl t hel!lei e- in uoin: al ter
tin- I'.'.-s . -. . 1 ; : 1 1 y lea-:u"is. The
lo are lull of enthusiasm and
epecl to he iieci tM pall led to
hawk. i hy a lare uuinhcr of
th. ir friends and admirers. The
-iowiiiu made hy the tea n here
Sunday aaiut Mcl'aul encour-.fje-
tln-ni o heiieve that they
will he aide to line up th rejire-
nlatie of the southern I'.ass
county town.
The ploasan! Iioaie of Mr-, and
Mi's. I:. Fm nberer was th"
- c ue (,f a mo deii'-'h! t'ul yatlier
; - !a-l e( liing wii"n Mi-- Ileh-n
l-.i.-e:i.erger e ii I e i i a i i i ed a number
of friend- in honor- of Miss Kmily
Mc( .i '"-:or of Sargent, Nebraska.
The fM iiiii'.' was mo plea-antly
-!it in tin- playinur of game
s '!':" -rent ki:n's which fuini-
of j
icd ;
' .... y':' :'':9M0
I '::V"- 'yf,,sJiA: ' ;T:'K
much amusement for several
l,...,.. . o ...I- 1 . 1 : .. 1. 1 r. . 1 I
.e.,o.-. -n.u uruum,,
MiiiMi .11 nuiniH'i s were Kiven iv
dillereiit talented memhei's of the
parly that add--, greatly to the en
joyment of Ihe occasion ami the
musicians were heartly encored to
which they peacefully responded.
. 1 ii . 1
a 'iian.e nour a mosi .emp!-
1 11 pr ami delicious t liree-course
luncheon was served hy Mrs.
r'enherper that aided in making
the eveiil a most delightful one in
every way. 1'ollowintr the enjoy
ment of the delicious "feed" the
i. ....,..!, -p.-.n . ... MU.e ,
, 1 11. . 1 : :
(iciversai ion ami iiiiimc until a
late hour, when they departed for
their homes feelinir that the oc
casion had certainly been one of
the greatest pleasure.
Black Kats Here Sunday.
As Ihe opponents of the Red
So- next Sunday. Manager John
son has secured the Ulaek Kats
of Omaha, one of the strongest
aggregations of the metropolis
who will al-o remain here for the
game Labor Day. The Kats were
here earlier in the season and de
feated She Sox ;! to hut the boys
feel that they can get away with
them this time and will make a
de-perate attempt to down the
representatives of Charlie Black.
These games will prove a good
drawing card for the two days and
should be greeted by a good
crowd as on their previous tip
pearance !hey played excellent
P. E. 0. Notice.
Chapter V 1 E. O. will hold
its lir.-t meeting this fall at the
ln ine or Mrs. T. M. Patterson
I-ridav afternoon at 2:30.
No. 9 Big Beauty Chorus with "The Cow and The
:'.:.' - ' .; - -
Photo by American Press Association.
A complaint was lodged with
,lt, (onl y .,(((,r,H.v lojay ,,y ,,
i.arroii oi i-.tmwooii, against on
Leou IMoy, of the same place, al
Icpinpr tliat IMoy iiad made an a
sault on tlic complainant and had
struck him with jrreat violence in
the face with the result two
of i:amt NVtM.,. knm.k,.,.iml
and his features otherwise hal
tered ni. The trouhlc at Klmwood
prew out of tlie finding; of a foun
tain pen hy Carroll and which lie
advertised would he returned to
the owner on descrihinir the nen
,Mov (.lain,.(, ,,. an(1 ,::u.n,l
rcfuseil to pive it up and they
proceeded to mix with the result
nil ! 1 I
nl ine compiauu neur-r louden
with the authorities. Tlie i-om-
plaint was tiled in the otiice of
County Judge IJeeson.
This afternoon County Attorney
C. H.Taylor tendered his resigna
tion as county attorney to the
board of commissioners as well
as his withdrawal as the nominee
f the republican party for re
election to that otiice at She com
ing election. Mr. Taylor has had
this plan in view for some time
and was only persuaded after
much urging- to tile for the
primaries but lias since consider
ed the matter thoroughly and has
decided to take the step of resign
ing in order that lie may take up
Ill's private practice which has be
come so exttnsive that he does not
feel that he can do justice to him-
X - v- -KtWT :1m P ' :w Ji s'- ? -.y .---wvli . - - ? . $i-$Hv$-.t
s .W
-e!f in re taining Ihe oiliee. He
ill however continue to reside in
this city and conduct his Jaw
; practice. The admiu.-t rat ion of the
county atlornes otiice under
Mr. TaIor has been inns' aiis
faclory to everyone and that his
ser ice to the people was all that
could be asked was shown by the
fact that hi' was re-eecied to Ihe
fdhc.-' three years ago without op
position, lie is an abb- attorney
and it is with regret that the !;:
paers and I esidenf s of tin- county
will learn of his determination to
eer his connection with Ihe of-
lice which lie has Illicit wiili su-li
ability. The resignation will take
eli'ft at the time of the ineetiii':
i f the board on Septemln r l.sih.
Mi". Taylor feels very grateful to
ward the citizens of Cass county
regardless of politics who hae
supported him in his adminst ra
tion of the ottice. but feels (hat he
owes it to him-elf to take up his
nriv ale work.
Sells a Valuable Farm.
The one hundred and twenty
acres of land south of this i!y
which was owned by Charles I.oi
for the pas year or two has been
sold by tin owner to Mr. C. C.
Parnude of this city, the con
sideration being- sl.")(l per acre.
This is the farm known as the I'.
M. Young", jr., larm and is
situated near Murray. It is a nice
place and Mr. Long disposes of
it only because he is compelled I''
remove to California on account
of hs health.
Dr. C. R. Dais, Osteopathic
Doctor, will locate in l'lalismouth
on and after Monday, August .'it.
Otiice and residence, North Fourth
street in Babbingtou properly.
Watch for announcement of otiice
Watch our windows lor the
standing of the piano contest
ants. H. M. Soennichsen.
, r r .
Moon" At tlie Parmele Saturday, September
; . i ic
I . i Li o c.
A Reunion and a Compact Es;wjn the
Glue and the Gray.
Sly fattier was a i' :;!? hi the
Twenty-sixth Miciiiu.::! efren Jel'l
the following story, ali'ii. 'i h I was
never wise ei:ot;g!i to r i i -1 info of
tlie date nr the of ; : .eiua.ue
nieiit. Tlie re aa he no i - . : I t . iiiw
ever, of the substantial av-caracy of
tlie tale.
Tlieie Ii.-m! Ihhu t'mtit i !!'. but a ttau
or trace hail passe.l fnri tt;e Con
federate t; t!i. I'niMii lines, and tiring
was snspe:.;;. -. The lines v t re close
p '(. fiier ami t otli laliii. 1 cover. As
the white tt.ig pa -sod out of '-iuhf to-
I ward
lieadciiarters rl:e
tint .
t'owetl together, ineeliii in t ie vacant
space between l!!ieers on both sides
tri"il in prevent it. but their ofi'ons
were fruitless. Little groups formed
here find here aad h"L'.m to barter.
The Lr:ns had tobacco, and the bines
h; d coffee and a I it ! It? si gar. and)
trade was lively for a time. Then
they fill to iliscussing other tjiiirj,
and to understand their cot. wrsatian
it ought to I'o explained that the prac
tice of tiring on a picket tin was re
garded by those soldiers, hardened
though they were hy the awful sights
of a dozen bleody fields, as little bet
ter than murder. Said a gray:
"Why do yon fellows lire on picket?"
IViie Whv do you (ire en picket?
Irav Wei!, we don't, only when'
that o!d Colonel P.. from North Caro
lina is o!l..or of the day: then we
have to. Me makes us fu .. Hut I
tell you. Yank, we'll shoot high! 3V.'-
Yank, we'll shoot high!
The tiag of truce came hack; the
negotiations tmd failed. The lines re
formed, and tiring began again, (hire
more poor humanity icferrid to the
rifle and bayonet the questions it could
settle in no other way. Hut who can
doubt that in the hearts of nil who
witnessed the dramatic scene there
was less bitterness thrn before the
truce? Theirs was no -vulgar, sordid
quarrel: no bitter, personal vendetta.
Cacti side was pledged to the support
of antagonistic principles, to maintain
which they had staked their lives, but
they had no quarrel with their op
ponents as men. Youth's Companion.
Miss Hope Mutz.who has been
the gue.-t of .Miss M. at tie 1 arson in
this city for the past few days,
returned to her homo at Lincoln
vesterdav afternoon.
. ... x
4 -.T't
' .n't '
.i ,
.I!m Fitzgerald lias relumed,
ami v" hear, is to slay with us
Hi is winter. We are glad to see
him homo a any f itii.
Col. Wilson, of architect fame,
ami he i now supervising' Ihe Jj.
S. Po-loljre at I.iiM'olii, pah! us
a i- i!. 'I he Cm one I is in if troub
led wi'h h.i -h fu I nes generally,
hul we pnllv near dashed hi
irttie nioih -1 v on one occasion
while here, and all ahotif
an ap-
At la- .Joe is o!f. Joe Hobbs,
v.e mean. He has gone off to
Ann Arho;- lo graduate as a Mieh-i-
a 1 1 dor.
' i ' V.' i. .
Ihe irrepressible, is in
We had a ery pleasant letter
iioiii oi.r old friend. Dick Cush
this mo; n inir, dated Hunt
il!e. Tellil. Hi' holies the bov
will all pull through this fall.
1) locales sleeted o republican
co,i e;; ion at Weeping Water,
; : endcr 1ST 5, as follows:
Fir.-1 Ward J. W. Marshall
W. L. Hobbs. F. Skinner. Juliu
I'epperb; I'g.
Second Ward L. D. Bennett,
I ). McKinnon. M . MclTwain.
Third Ward If. . Palmer, J.
W. I!e ar.l-ley.-.M. 15. Murphy.
Fourth Ward 1'eter Johnson.
Wm. hairah. M. B. Cutler.
Rock HI nil's One se delegat es
io both conventions, J. Mr. 1
H.good. W. II. Hesser. Jos. Shera,
II. Allen.
Plattsiuoutli Precinct. N.
Jeans. it Kikonborrv. Thos
Aoca T. W. Jennings, J.
Lynn. Ceo. Switzer.
Ml. Pleasant J. W. Kirkpat-
rick. :. Hebner, S. B. Hobson, A
M. Sullivan.
Weeping Water Samuel Rec
lor. 11. W. Farley, J. M. Cox. F.
M. Walcolt. C. M. Sheldon. T.
Clark. J. L. ( Irahain.
I.iuiisville I. F. Polk, J. T. A.
Hoover, Samuel Twiss.
Flmwood T. H. McKinnon, J.
S. Mills. Ceo. Hayward.
Ci eenwoi d It. Knowles. Ly
man II. James, Isaac W. Tolland,
Ciieen M. Murray.
Salt Creek N. Sha tier. F. Doom.
(i. W. Maytiebl.
1' he re- not heard Horn, as
vet. ( Kditor.l
A big excursion train, 10 cars
and 1800 peopb
yesterday, west.
passed through
from the C. B.
v -.r
We visited Rock Bluffs this
week, and foiind our royal friends
J. ami H. Shera, selling goods
and working away like beavers.
Among" other curiosities Ihey
have two stuffed pelican?, and
Mr. Henry shot five at one shot.
The little room lined with brack
east of the store, is filled wilh
curiosities, and pleased Mike
Murphy most. Here we met Mr.
Hierbower of Nebraska City, Mr.
I'atlerson, of this place, A I -.
Jones, late candidate far sheriff,
and a host of Cass county polit
ical men. There must, be some
thing fascinating about,
Rock Hluffs, and a peculiar
strength in the votes cast thee.-,
to warrant so much election
eering in t hah direct ion.
Farly in May of 187 5, Lieut.
C.reely, tf the Signal OlVice at
Washington, passed down the
Missouri river searching" for
facts and authorities for fixing
upon a danger line which, if
reached, or exceeded by the rjs
ing wafers, damaged or imperiled
property in the vicinity.
For Plattsiuoutli lie fixed upon
17 feel 7 inches, as indicated by
the river guago at the foot of
Main street, as endangering
farms on Ihe Iowa side of the
river. e have as yet had no
test of the correctness of this
line as Ihe highest point reached
y the river since, were on April
Sfh, t875, la feet . inches; on
June 28th, 13 feet, i inches; each
lacking- better than 3 feet of
reaching said line.
But. another interest uncon
sidered by us while Lieut. (Jree-
ly was here, has suffered consid
erable damage with the water
from 1 1 to 13 feet. This is the
R. R. embankments; as at the
east end of the Omaha bridges,
the S. W. R. R. between Omaha
and Beiview, and the transfer
landings of the B. & M. R. R. at
In view of the wide-spread de
vastation and destruction, from
floods now prevailing; I have
been directed by the chief sig
nal officer of the U. S. army to
publish the points (as above) at
which danger may be appre
hended and thus guarded against.
Wilh the river now down to six
feet and falling there is, of course
no present danger.
A. L. Child,
S. O. River Observer.
Building Being Fixed Up Fine.
The appearance of the brick
building of J. C. Petersen on
lower Main street is being im
proved considerably by the use
of paint and it now looks as fine
and fresh as a new building". Dark
red is used on the hnck and be
ing trimmed with a facing of
white which makes a striking ap
pearance. The work is being did
by Frank Ciobelman and his force
of workmen and if adds very much
to the appearance of that part of
town. Mr. Petersen has determin
ed to put his building in good
shape for the winter by having it
fixed up in proper shape. This is
one of the best buildings on Main
street and its improvement will
be the source of greaf pleasure to
all the residents and business men
in the business part of the cily.
K. S. Dance.
There will be a social dance
given at the K. S. hall on Satur
day evening, Sept. 5. Old country
musicians will furnish the music.
A good time is in store for you.
Dance Saturday Evening. -
The dancing public of the
city is cordially invited to
J- be present at Coates Hall
J on Saturday evening to at- -l-tend
the dance to be given
I" uv ne Cosmopolitan club.
Ootid music and a good time y
assurred to all.
4. !
Seats selling now at Weyrich
Hatlraba for the musical comedy
The Cow antl the Moon.
To The Public.
Greenwald Studio
Open Again. K