THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEIhI-WEEKLY" JOURNAL: ' PAGE 7. G6e o PROLOGUE. "It breaks the speed limit to smithereens." That's a candid opinion about this story. There may have been swifter tales, but not re cently. It's an aeroplane of a yarn, moving so fast that you lose your breath white you fol low it. Bat you don't need any breath, anyway, because you for get about respiration with your eyes on reading of this kind. Every man has his day of days. Yours may have come and you may be swimming in the full tide of fortune. If so, read how P. Sybarite found his. If your own ship is still in the offing, you will enjoy learning how the little spunky red headed bookkeeper won a fortune and an heiress, foiled all 7iis enemies and had some of the most amazing ad ventures ever penned all in less time than it takes the hour hand to round the clock dial twice. CHAPTER III. Aftermath. TimouCII the lialls resouuded the cacophonous clangor of a cracked pons: anuouiicliiir diu-ii-r. Sighing. P. Sybarite rose mid knocked the ashes delicately from Lis pipe, saving the lttl for a geod night whiff :ifter the theater. Ileing Saturday, it w.-ts the night of Lain and Leans. I. Sybarite loathed and beans with a deathly LatL in. Nevertheless, he ate Lis d.'e of Van and L-ans. He sat on the lnnd lidy's ritrht and was reluctant to Lurt ler feeiiuus r in nr her displeasure. 1-vides. he was hungry. Miss I.fsinir sat mi the same side f the main 'dining table, Imt half a il'Tn h:ii;s away. I. Sybarite could not se- Lit save by craning Lis neck, lie refused la crane Lis neck it might fceoui ostenti:tf'ns. Violet and Lr f'enrze ieeiip:rd ad Vuning chairs at antl.rr and smaller ab!e. Their attendance was occasion ally manifested through the medium f gizeies and guffaws. I. Sybarite en'. ied th tn. Iy custom the landlady reiiiupiished Lcr sent seine minutes in advanep of any guest. When P. Sybarite left the room he found Ler established at a desk in the baomcnt hallway. Pans Jnsr. he delivered unto Iir the major portion of Lis week's ware. Setting aside another certain amount airainst the cost of laundry work, tobacco and in'-identals. be had left. He wondered if he dared risk the extravagance of a modest supper after iho theater, and knew he dared n t Lnew it in a wretchedness of spirit, cursing Lis fate. TLere remained La If an leuir to be kiKed K-fore time to start for the theater. George I?ross joined Mm oa the stoop. TLey smoked pensively. It was snrimr the tenth spring P. Sybarite had wathed from that self Fame spot. 1 i-oiiteiit bred in him a brooding di'-peiidency. He felt quite sure that the r.-iilists were right about life it vasn'f worth living, after all. At Lis side, i leorje Ilross. on his be half, was nursing his private and per sonal gmueh. Hut presently Miss F'rim and Miss I.essing apper;reI and changed all that in a twinkling. Well." observed Violet generously. T thought lit tie me was pretty well stride broke, but I gotta Land it to oris. lie's son)" actor. He had n;e iZ'KHS from the tirst snore." "Some a tor is right." affirmed Mr. t; with conviction, "and some show. too. If you wanta know. I couid si r thrtuigh it twuct. Say. I couldn't juit thinkin" what a grand younjr time I'd stmt in tliis old bur;: if I could only con this "Kismet thins into slip pin me my day of days, p.elieve me or not. there would be a party." -Wlmt would you do?' asked Molly lA"siuj:. smiling. -Well, the- fir-t Hop I'd nail down all the com that was handy, and then Pd buy uie a flock of automobiles and Lave a bible reserved for me at tie Knickerbocker for dinner every n.'cht and" Imagination Ragged. Weil." he concluded defensively. "I can tell you one thins: 1 wouldn't do.' -What':" demanded Violet. I wouldn't let any ward poMtL-inu li'o' that there Wazir. or whatever them A-rabs call hi:u. kid me into try Ins to throw a Ikuu'i at Charlie Mur pay or unything like that." But. you bonehcad," Violet argued candidly, "he had to. That was hi p:.rt. It r writ ton Lj the play." i;vati! If he'd just stalled round jil refused to jump through the au tlior'd'vj? framed up boiae other way April 30 Days jj 1 A I DAY OF DAYS By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE Copyright, i'912, by the Frank A. Munsey Co. out. Wliy blame ill he'd've Lad to!" "That will le about all for me," said Violet. "I don't feel strong enough tonight to stand any more of your dramatic criticism. Lead me Lome and please taik baseball all the way." With a resentful grunt Mr. Pross clamped a warm, moist hand round the plump arm of his charmer and with masterful address propelled Ler from the curb in front of the theater, where the little party had paused, to the northwest corner of Broadway. P. Sybarite, moving instinctively to fol low, leaped back to Uie sidewalk bare ly in time to save his toes a crushiug beneath the tires of a hurtling taxi cab. He smiled a furtive apology at Mol ly Lessing. who Lad demonstrated greater discretion, and she returned the smile in the friendliest Jiannor His heed was Iv.'zi'ing. and Ler eyes were kind. Neither spoke, but for an instant he experienced a breathless sense of sympathetic isolation with her. there on that crowded corner. The wonder and the romance of the piny were still warm and vital in Lis Imagination, infusing Lis tlioughts with a roseate glamor of unreality wherein all things were possible. For three hours he had forgotten Lis lowly world, had lived on the high peafes of romance, breathing only their rare atmosphere that never was on land or sea. Difficult he found it now to divest his thoughts of that enthrallment. to descend to cold and sober reality, to remember he was clerk, his compan ion a shopgirl, rather than a prince disguised as C'alauder esquiring a prin cess dedicated to fatal enchantment that "Kismet" was a quaint fallacy, one with that whimsical conceit of ori ent fatalism which assigns to each and every man Lis day of days, -wherein he shall range the skies and plumb the abyss of Lis destiny alternately lord and puppet- liut presently, with an effort, blink ins, he pulled Lis wits tosetlier. and. a tmtlic policemau creating a favorable opening, the two scurried across and plunscd into the comparative oltcuti ty of West Thirty-eighth street, sturdy Corse find Lis modest Violet already a full block in advance. "If we hurry we might catch up," suggested Molly Lessing. "I don't miss "em much,' he admit ted, without ofTerins to mend the pace. She laughed softly. "Are they really in love?" "George is." replied V. Sybarite, aft er taking thought. "You mean she isn't?" "To blush unseen is Violet's idea of nothing to do not. at least, when one is a perfect thirty-eight and possesses a good digestion and an infinite capac ity for amusement a la carte." "That is tu say" the girl prompted. "Violet will marry well if at all." "Not Mr. Rross, then?" "Nor any other poor man. I don't say she doesn't care for George, but before anything serious comes of it he'll have to make good use of his day of days if 'Kismet' ever sends him one. I hope it will." P. Sybarite add ed sincerely. "You don't believe really" ".lust now? With all my heart: Pin so full of romantic nonsense I cat: hardly think." Again the girl laughed quietly to hi humor. "And si nee you're a true believer. Mr. Sybarite, tell me what use you would make of your day of days." "1 Oh. I" Smiling wistfully, he opened deprecatory palms. "Hard to say. I'm afraid I should prove a fat uous fool in George's esteem equally with old Hajj. I'm sure that, like hi:n. the sunset of my day would see me proscrited. a price upon my head." "Put why?" "I'm afraid I'd try to use my power to right old wrongs." After a pause she asked diffidently, "Your own?" "Perhaps. Yes, my own. certainly. And possiLly another's, not so old. but possibly quite as grievous." "Somebody you care for a great deal?" Thus tardily made to realize into what perils Lis fancy was leading him. Le checked and weighed Ler question with Lis auswer, gravely judgmatic-ai. "Perhaps I'd better not say that." he announced, a grin tempering Lis temerity. "P.nt I'd go far for n friend. somelMMly who had lioeii kind to me. stud ah tolerant if she were in trou ble and could use my services." lie fancied her glance was quick and sharp ajiid searching, but her voice when she spoke was even and lightly attuned to Lis whimsical tu-jo-d. '"Then you're not even sure she jour friend is in trouble?" "Pre an intuition. She wouldn't be where she is jf she wasn't." Tier laughter at this absurdity was delightful. Whether with or at him. It was infections. Ue eefcood it with out misgivings. "Put. seriously, you're not sure, are you. Mr. Sybarite?" "Only. Miss Lesslng." he said sober ly, "of my futile, my painfully .futile, good will." She seemed to start to speak, to think of it. Jo fall silent in a sudden, shy constraint. Compunctions smote him. With his crude and clumsy ban ter he Lad contrived to turn her tlioughts to sadness. lie would have given worlds to undo that blunder, to show her ttvit he had meant neither a rudeness nor a wish to desecrate her reticence, but only an indirect nssur ance of gratitude to her for suffering him and willingness to serve her. He respected her silence ami held Lis own in humility and mortihVation of spirit until they were near the door yard of their boarding Louse. And even then it was the girl who loosed his tongue. "Why. where are they?" she asked In nut-prise. Startled o.;t of the deeps of self con tempt. P. Sybarite realized that she meant Violet and George, who were nowhere visible. "Violet said something about a little supper in her room." explained the girl. "I know." he replied. "Crackers and cheese, beer and badinage, our humble pleasures. You'll be bored to extinc tion. Put you'll come, won't you?" "Why. of course. I counted on It Rut" "TLey must have hurried on to make things ready Violet to set her room to rights. George to fetch the wash pitch er to the corner for beer. And very r Li-'--' "Get rid of this microbe. likely pending our arrival they're lin gering at the head of the stairs for a kiss or two." The girl paused at the gate. "Then we needn't hurry." she suggested, smiling. "Wait just a minute, Mr. Sybarite." "As many as you wish." Le laughed. "As a matter of fact, I loathe draft beer."' "Lo be serious," she begged. "1 want to thank you " He was aware cf a proffered hand, slender and tine, in a shabby glove, and took it iti his own. uneasily con scious of a curious disturbance in his bosom. 'It was kind of you to come." he said jerkily in Lis embarrassment. "I enjoyed every moment." sbe said warmly. "Put that wasn't all I meant when I thanked you." His eyebrows climbed with surprise. "What else. Miss Lessing?" "Your delicacy in letting me know you understood" Disengaging her hand, she broke off with a startled movement and a low cry of surprise. A taxicab. swinging into the street from Eighth avenue, had boiled tip to the curb before the gate and. pausing, discharged a young man in a hurry. In a stride this man crossed the side walk and pulled up In silence, trying to master the temper which was visibly shaking him. Tall, well proportioned. Impressively turned out in evening clothes, he thrust forward a handsome face, marred by an evil, twisted mouth, and peered searchinsl.v at the girl. Instinctively she shrank back inside the fence, eyins him with a look of faseinated dismay. As Instinctively P. Sybarite bristled between them. "Well?" he snapped at the intruder. An impatient gesture of a hand. Im maculately gloved in white, abolished him completely, as far at least as the other was concerned. "Ah! Miss T.esins. I believe?'' The voice was strong and musical, but poisoned with a maliciou" triumph that grated upon the nerves of P. Syb arite. He declined to be alo!ished. "Say the word." he suggested se renely to the girl, "and I'll bundle this animal bael; Into that tnxl and direct the driver to the nearest accident wnrd. I'd rather like to. really.' "Get rid of this microbe." interrupt ed the other savagely, "unless you want to see him burled between glass slides under a microscope." The g!r! turned to V. Sybarite with pleading eyes and imploring hands. "If you pleuse. dear Mr. Sybarite." she begged in a tremulous voice. "I'm afraid I ruut speak alone w ith this there wis n bare'y perceptible pause "gentleman. If you won't mind wait ing a moment at the door" : "I it pleases you. Miss Ijesslng. most certainly." He strutted back to the brown stone stoop, out of ear shot. but within easy hail. j Hearing nothing, he made little more ! of the guarded conference thnt began on his withdrawal. The man entering' the dooryard bad cornered the girl inl mm 1 kk IJf Sir US an angle of the fence- He seemed nt onre insistent, determined and thor oughly angry, while she exhibited per fect composure with some evident eon tempt and implacable obstinacy. Nev ertheless, in a brace of minutes the fellow seemingly brought forth some telling argument. She wavered and her accents rose in doubt. "Is that true?" "You don't dare doubt me! "Very well." she said in a tone of resignation. -Yoa'll go?" ' "Yes." ) He moved aside to give her way through the gate, but she hung back, with a glance for P. Sybarite. "One moment, please," 6be said. "I must leave a message."' "Nonsense!" She showed displeasure in the lift of her chin. "I think I'm my own mis tressas yet" He growled indistiuguishably. "You have my promise." she cut him short coldly. "Wait for me." And she turned back to the house. Wondering, I. Sybarite went to meet her. Impulsively sbe gave him ber hand, a second time: with as little re flection he took it in both his own. "Is there nothing I can do?" Her voieejtvas broken: "I don't know. I must go it's imperative. Could you I wonder!" "Anything you ask," he asserted con fidently. Hesitating briefly, in a tonelittleabove a whisper. "I must go," she repeated. I can't refuse. But alone. Do you understand?" "You mean without him?" P. Syb arite nodded toward the man fuming in the gateway. "Yes. if you could suggest something to detain him long enough for me to get into the cab and say one "word to the chauffeur" "Leave it to me," said P. Sybarite. "Molly!" cried the man at the gate. "Don't answer." P. Sybarite advised. "Molly!" "Do be quiet," suggested P. Sybarite, not altogether civilly. The other started as if slapped and strode in to the stoop. "Do you know who you're talking to?" he demanded wrathfully. towering over P. Sybarite, momentarily forgetful of the girl. Stepping aside, as if in alarm, she moved behind the fellow and darted through the gate. "I don't," P. Sybarite admitted ami ably, "but your nose annoys me." "You impudent puppy!" stormed the other. "Who are you':'' "Who me?" echoed P. Sybarite in surprise. tThe girl was now instruct ing the chauffeur). "Why." he drawl ed, "I'm the guy that put the ioint in disappointment. Surely you've heard of me?" At the curb the door of the taxicab closed with a slam. Simultaneously the drone of the motor thickened to a rumble. The man with the twisted mouth turned Just in time to see it drawing away. "Hi!" he cried in surprise and dis may. Put the taxi didn't pause. To the contrary, it stretched out toward Ninth avenue at a quickening pace. With profanity, appreciating the fact that he had been tricked. Le pick ed up Lis heels in pursuit. Put P. Sybarite had not finished with him. Deftly plucking the man back by the tail of his full skirted opera coat, he succeeded In arresting his flight before It was fairly started. With a vicious snarl, the man turned and snatched at his coat. But P. Syb arite added implacably: "We were discussing your nose," he persisted. At discretion, he interrupted himself to duck beneath the swing of a power ful fist. And this last, falling to find a mark, threw its owner off his bal ance. Tripping awkwardly over the low curbing of the dooryard walk, he reeled nnd went a-sprawl on his knees, while his hat fell off and (such is the impish habit of toppers) rolled and bounded several feet away. Releasing the cloak. P. Sybarite withdrew to a respectful distance and held himself coolly alert against repri sals that never'cauie. The other pick ed himself up quickly, cast alout for the taxicab, discovered it swiftly mak ing off. already forty yards distant, and with a howl of rage bounded through the gate and gave chase at the top of Lis seod as the taxi turned the northern corner. Gravely, P. Sybarite retrieved the stranger's hat. Then he went back to the stoop and sat down. Turning the affair over in his mind. P. Sybarite decided (fairly enough) that it was on the whole mysterious, lend ing at least some color of likelihood to George's gratuitous guesswork. Certainly It would seem that one now had every right to assume Miss Molly Eessing to be other than as she chose to seem. She might very well be Marian Blesslngton after all! In which case the man with the twisted mouth was. more probably than not. none other than that same Bayard Shaynou, whom the young lady was reported to have jilted. Turning the topper over in bis hands, it suddenly occurred to I. Sybarite to wonder if he did not in it hold a valu able clew to this enigma of Identity. Promptly he took the hat Indoors to find out. investigating it most thor oughly by the flickering, bluish glare of the lonely gas jet that burned in the halfway. r : It was a handsome and heavy bat of English manufacture. It carried nei ther name nor initial, on its lining., anil lacked every least hint as to Its owuershin-ror. as it seemed, until the prying fingers pf P. Sybarite turned down the leather and permitted a visit-; Ing card corct flutter to the floor. The ball rack was convenient. Hang ing up the hat. I. Sybarite picked up the card. It displayed in conventional script the name Bailey Ponfield. with the address. t)7 West Forty-fifth street. One corner, moreover, bore a penciled hieroglyphic which seemed to read. "O. K.-B. P." "Whatever." P. Sybarite mused, "that may laeau." Ue turned the card over ar-d exam ined its unmarked and taciturn re verse. Stealthy footsteps on the stairs dis tracted his studious attention from the card. He looked up to see George de scending with the wash pitcher wrap ped in, but by no means disguised, by brown paper. "Hel lo! Where's Molly?" "Miss Lessing?" P. Sybariu: looked surprised. "Isn't she upstairs wiUi Violet?" "No." "That's f Jimy." "Why. wLien'd she leave you?" "Oh, ten minutes ago or so." "She must have stopped iu her room for something." "Perhaps." "But why didn't you come up?" "Well, you see, I met a man outside I wanted to talk to for a moment, so I left her at the door." "Well. Vi's waitin'. II un on up. I won't be five minutes. And knock on Molly's door and see what's the mat ter." "AH right." returned V. Sybarite se renely. (To He ConUnuod. Make Your Wants Known Advertisements nnler th is lit-ading five cents per line each Insertion. Six .wolds will be counted as a line and no ativei tisement taken for lest than ten cents. r'AHMs? I UII SALE b acres im proved, one miles trout J'latts inoulh; 80 acres improved, .seven miles, from Piatt smoutli ; 0 Ii- miles from Pacific Junc tion; also one team of black holies. 7 JI.'JII'S old: O'HJ cow and calf ami some implements. 1 or j articular? addicts the Plaltsinoutii Journal. $iu-3vks-vvkly ! li ijAI.l- A number of tlior .uilibicd l' duml-Chiua male hogs. K. W. lb-ins, Plattsiiioutli, II. 1). No. 1, Tel. 3J1 1. FOIt SALE Two-story brick resi dence on Main and Lighth streets; contains S rooms, not including bath room and closets. Beautifully located and modtrn fixtures. Two and one naif lots, with trees, barn and out houses. For further particulars ad dress Silas Long, 613 North l!ilh street, Lincoln, Neb. i-Slmtnliw FOlt SALF Pure bred Du roc Jersey boars. The red hog-. The Log of vigor. Pedigrees fur nished. Prices tight. See mo at Mynard. V. U. Porter. b--'U-tfvkly FOR SALi: 1 15 II. P. Lawson ga engine, very cheap, inquire of W. II. Hush, Munlock, Neb. 8-7--.'vks-v Wanted--Position as farm hand by th- month or year around, or janitor work in the cily. A1 dres Box 510, Plattsiiioutli, Neb. WAX TL Owner oT Ford car to demonstrate self starter, lMaltMiiout Ii and vicinity. Also other lerriloi-y still open: son. no per week without inter fering willi other business. Starter and price appeal to oer- Ford owner. No ine,t men! returned. No canvassing-. Exceptional opportunity for young man, city or country. Write today. L. II. MoConney, loth and Jones Sts., Satlley l!!dg.. Omaha, Neb. S-IM-dvVwlf FOIND On Filth street, a M bracelet. Owner may have same by calling tit this otlice and paying for Ihis advertise ment. 8-,'5-tfd LOST An "Aulo" strap ami safety razor. Finder please leave same at this ollice. I'-'J-wk I have for sale seeral small improved acre tracts adjoining Plaltsniouth. J'. . pollock, Tel Jlo. J-3-2twk!y W illiam and John F. Wherbein were in the etty yesterday motor ing iu from their farm homes west of this city !o attend to the hear ing of the ease in county court in which they were interested. List your farms with mc. I have buyers for good Cass county land. T. H. Pollock. Plattsmouth. Tel 215. 0-3-2twkly A la.y liver leads to chronic dpepiu a:id constipation weaker s the whole system. Poan Regule's (r,c per box; act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. New Fall Suit Fred P. Busch Hotel Riley Building Main and Local Slews From Tuesday's iJaily. 1. J. Pitlmau oi Murray came up Ihi.-. morning from his home to look after matters of business ut the court house. Mrs. Edith Hamburg and child ren of Oretna who have been here isilin at the William Hudi' home departed tlii-. afternoon for her home. Joseph Vetersnik and two s-on-. of Alberton, Montana, who have been here visiting with their le lativcs, departed this afternoon for their home. J. C Meisinper. wife and little laughter departed this afternoon for Madison,., to attend the wed diui: of Fred Me'siner and Miss Annie Solomon. J. E. Johnson and wife of Omaha came down this afternoon from their home to visit for a short time' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson. Mrs. A. E. Smith from the iciiiity of Jjock r.lull's was in tto city today for a few hours look ing alter -ome matters of bus iness with the merchants. Walter Meisiti'-cr and sister Miss Lena Meiin;-rer were anions I tie passengers for the north this afternoon nointr to Mtidi-on to at tend the Meisinirer-Sobuiiou wed diiiir. Clarence Stenner was anion;-' the passenpers on Uie early Uurl i uton train this morning f'r Omaha where he will spend the dey look in e; after some matters of importance. (ieorue Slander departed tins iiorninjr for Omaha where he locs to briujj his daughter. Mis Sylja home from the hospital where he has been for the pat two weeks underj;-ojnir an opera tion for append ie it is. Henry Mauy, wife ami daugh ter. Miss Marion returned last evtmin- on "o. from Kearney where they have been viitiuy at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Todd. Mrs. Todd is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mauy. A. M. Holmes and Dr. J. F. 'rendel of Murray were in the cily yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some bus iness matters here and having bronsh! lr. . V. Premlel this fat on his eastward journey. Albert Funk, who is eiia'-ed in briil-re work for the Nebraska Construction Co., "in the rapacity of foreman was a passenger this mornin? for Lincoln where he will visit the head olliee of the company and secure inslruclion as to his work. Mrs. Emma Drew and son. Cierald Drew of Omaha who visit ed in this city over Sunday with their relatives and friends depart ed yesterday for lehir home in the metropolis. Dr. Drew is a former Isnjuuth youm.- man who has b-'C.-ine piite prominent at the Douulas county bar. Former County Commissioner L. D. Switer motored over from his home at Weep in $r Water yesterday accompanied by his son to spend a few hours here looking after srme matters of importance. It was certainly a pleasure to meet Mr. Swilzer ajraiu as it has been some lim since he has visited this city and his friends were more that delighted to see him. H. L. Phi I pot and Lee Drown of Weeping- Water and John M. Filch and son Eugene of the icinity of Nehawka motored to this cily today to attend to some important business matters. Messrs Philpof and John Fitch were pleasant callers al this of fice. Mr. Fitch has just recently purchased a Maxwell car and the trip to this city was made in this new car. Mrs. A, G. Dean of South Free Extra Trousers and S27.50 Initial Belt only made to your individ ual measurement from fourteen of our leading 15-ounce all wool serge in colors b 1 u e, e; r e y, brown and fancy striped. Wear Busch tailored gar ments made right here in Plattsmouth. We Do Dry Cleaning. Tailoring Co. Sixth Street Plattsmouth, Neb. Haven, Michigan, who ha, bee;i visiting here for tin: pa-t suni niei at the homes of her grand daughters, Mrs. Oscar Oapcn and Mrs. Hill Jean departed la evening- on No. j for her bom' m the rat. Conrad Meisinger and wife and daughter, Miss Mailable drparhd this afternoon for Madi-o;i. Ned., where they go to attend I lie wed ding of Fred Meisinger and Miss Annie Solomon at that place to morrow afternoon. The groom a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Meis inger. Dr. 15. 1". Urend'-l came up yesterday afternoon from ln home at Murray and left on No. 2 for- II a-t where he will iit for a week or ten day.- at his old home tit Indianapolis. Indiana. The doctor ha-. i;o been bark at the old home for ome years and he is anticipating a nm-i delight ful time in review inu the old familiar- scenes. From Wednesday's J'uily. Fatlu-r- William Hi--iiis of Mauley returned home 1 1 j i after noon after a .short here with Father M. A. Shine. Mis Fanny Will was a pas-en ger for the metropolis where -lie will for the day looking after some items of business. Jacob Trilsch and wife were passengers this morning for Omaha where they g, . .spend the day in consuliat ion with a specialist there. Mis. Oeorgia Creamer from south of the cily was h -re today for a few hours looking aflei some business matters for a few hours with the merchants. Mr. and Mrs. J. ". Tr iiseh and dauuhlep Esther returned today from Norfolk, where they were called about a week auo on ac count of the serious illness and death of Mrs. Tnts-eh's mother, Mrs. Amelia llau-el. From TJi ursday's Iui!y. Cecil Aiuick of Weeping Water came in yesterday afternoon ami spent several hours here lookm after some matters of njiin--, al the court house. Mrs. John speed and children d Sioux City, Iowa, are here for a shorl time visiting their relatives in this eily and in the xjcjnily of Mynard. Mrs. Louis Thomas was aniou those journeying to tin- ii!ctropol is today for a few hours attending to soinc pusiness affair there for I he day. Mis. L. Y. Copenhaver was a passenger this morninu for Oma ha where she goes o as.jsl her brother, Charles Frees,, home from the hospital. Mis. S. S. flooding- wa.s a pas senger Ihis morning for Omaha where she goes to isi( for I he da v in that cjly with her son Exeieii at the hospital Where he s e covering from the elici ts of an operation. 93UJ0 IBUjnop Uin IB 631 tj The Best Flour on the market V'y y,yn(Jj sT L ' i FQEESTEDSr- WAHOOMILLCO.: wahoo, neb. FfltircT orir-l" f noun. '