The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 03, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1914.
wvw yyyv'y-v,'s'v
A lino cirl rtitTloU at Ollie
A!li- l.rn Wi-dru'silay nioiainsr.
Mi- Nora, Ilo-iencrans of I'latts
HM uth visited at John Wuuder-li.-h's
this week.
.Max chafer and family shipped
ii r hou-eiiuld yuods t Lincoln
Wednesday to niakt Uwir future
li m.
Mi-s Hes-.ii Waterman returned
to umaha Mnn.lay after isitin?:
-eeral weeks with tier sister, Mrs
K. M. Pollard.
I., (i. Todd. cld"t s.n of I.. C
T.l,j was brui-ed up considerably
ne day Iat week when he ran
info another n:ot rc cle rider un
Up- streets ..f Tahle Rock.
I lie editor and Helen and Louise
attended a jrdenie al Ve-ta Tuf-s-dav.
returning hoin Wednesday
af: ernoi-n. Mr. I.nin's fathf-r came
!,. !;! witli them f 1 1 j. a few weeks
.Whawka will hae a number of
h"iiie candidates on tin tickets
ttii fall, and she can show her
'e'ard for them hy supiortinp:
tlo tn. Tiiey are worthy of our
-upport and should have it, irres
pi'ctixe of party.
S. H. r.ouch left Tuesday even
ing for Hurley, Idaho, where he
ha- been elected a principal of
the city school. Stewart graduat
ed froni Ioane eolb-e last sprinjr
and i- -.feppimr into a position of
i epo!;sibiIity and honor that we
Nehawka people know he will till
willi credit.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. S. Rou?h re
tnrned Monday nicht from a live
weeks vivsit in the pacific coast.
'Ih-y visited all the points of in
terest from Seattle to Lo Angeles
At Riverside, California, they
i-ited the J. H. Holmes family
whom many Nehawka people will
be i-lad to know are proierinir
an.i weil contented. Mr-. Rouh
picked her tirst oranpe in Mr.
Holme-' yard. They report a very
pleasant time on their trip, but
were ylad to uet liack home aain.
'.. J. Hani-: and S. X. Copeii
haer departed Monday for Min
nesota to -pend several days vi-it-iiiir
and bo-king after real estate
(-oi -e Xailor and family arriv
i nun
1915 Prices
Model 24 Four
Two-passenger roadster. The
business man's ideal car. The very
best that Buick could build for the
money. Keeps upkeep cost at the
Price Complete, $900, F. O. B- Factory
Model 25 Four $950
A roomy, splendidly designed five-passenger
touring car. A real quality. A car built
to meet all requirements and at least equal to
any other in the same class.
Price Complete, $950, F. O. B. Factory
t-irWe always have and still guarantee the
Buck Valve-in-head Motor to develop more
power than, any other type of automobile mo-
tor of equal size American or
Our electrotypes have not arrived, so we are unable to show ycu the "pictures
Buick Cars this week.
- Phone 215
ed Wednesday night from Battle
Creek, Iowa, and are visiting their
relatives, John Hansell and wife.
Mrs. Mary Allison, of PlatU
mouth and Mrs. J. R. Pierson went
over to Tucuinseh last Saturday
for a few days visit with Mrs. Al
lison's daughter, Mrs. George
Henry Chilcott and wife, Dean
Austin and wife and daughter
Mary enjoyed an auto ride over to
Table Rock last Saturday, where
they visited Emery Austin and
Claries Reeves of Rock HIulTs
precinct came down Wednesday
.norniny: to see his brother James
who had his arm broken Tuesday,
and accompanied him to Omaha to
consult a surgeou in that city.
I. Hlair porter and wife autoed
to Plattsmouth yesterday evening:,
and from there Mrs. Porter went
!o Rescue. Xeb.. to iit several
days with tier uncle and other rel
atives in that part of the state.
Mrs. Syl Hathaway has had a
very lame arm the past week, due
to poisonimr while assisting: in the
harvest of their grape crop. The
ar r. was so badly swollen that the
trouble appealed serious and the
services of a physician were re
quired to afford relief.
James Reeves, who resides on
"'i.- . Mary Taylor's farm south
east of town, suffered a broken
:.:ni by ieimr thrown from a load
of hay Tuesday afternoon. He was
riding on the load when it toppled
over, and he fell with the load on
top of him, causing- a fracture of
his left arm midway between the
elbow- and wrist and at the elbow.
The aid of a phyisician was se
cured as quickly as possible and
the wounds were given proper at
tention. Mr. Reeves went to
Omaha on the Wednesday evening
Ir.iin to have a specialist examiiu
the fractures.
Ghas. Rathbuu's new bungalow
on Railroad avenue is Hearing
completion and they expect to be
abb to occupy it in about two
James Ingrim, who moved to
Broken Bow last sprimr. where he
has charge of the Parmele ranch,
is back, visiting; old friends in this
Otto Peterson and wife of
Pierce are here this week visiting
relatives. Otto is in the drug- busi
ness at Pierce and is well pleased
with his business.
are Lower
$900 Model 55
Mead M
Seven-passenger, six-cylinder tour
ing car. It's a six-cylinder wonder.
The 1!14 six attracted the attention of
the motor world because of its wonder
ful gasoline mileage and its beautiful
lines. This year the car is bigger and
costs less.
Price Complete, S1.650, F. O. B.
Electric headlight with dimmer,
tail lamp, combination instrument
board and trouble lamp: electric
horn: high-grade speedometer: robe
rail and foot rest; one extra de
mountable rim; license plate hung
ers; tire irons; tools; mohair top; side
curtains; rain vision ventilating
Sturdy enough for any service and
handsome enough for any company.
Highest efficiency and economy
under regular road conditions.great
est mileage per gallon, and best
power performance are records be
ing daily made and verified bv Buick
cars, in every locality and under all
Foreign make.
Mrs. Charles Ahl and children
and Mrs. John Albeit and chil
dren left Monday evening- fur
Waukeena, Kansas, for a three
weeks' visit with relatives.
Knight Phelps and son, Duuald.
are here from Oklahoma. the
former to vist his parents a few
days. Donald will remain all win
ter and attend school at Spring
held. Frank Marsh, wife and two
children of Piekwell. -'eb., visit
ed here over Sunday wish J". W.
Sehliefert and family. They made
the trip in their automobile.
James Slander returned Thurs
day from a week's trip through
western Nebraska. He -ay- the
hot wind has damatrcd the corn
more or less all oer the state and
in some places, principally in Mer
rick county, the corn is burned
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Diers and
two children. Hilly and Katherine.
went to Oresham Wednesday and
returned Thursday, making- the
trip in company with Cort Ta:i-'-man
of Gretna, in the hitter's
car. They visited al the Herman
Diers' home in Gresham. and at
tended an old settlers" picnic.
Mrs. John Twiss went to Oma
ha Tuesday to accompany tier ,-i-s-ler.
Mrs. Sarah Cutfoifh. who
went to consult Dr. Gilford, tin
occulist. as her eyes have been
friviiiir her a great deal of trouble.
The occulist could not give her
much encouragement, but say
she will probably lose the si-rht id'
one eye, as he doe- not advise an
operation because of her a-e.
J (Special Correspondent.)
Robert pmpst .-helled c ru la.-t
W. F. Gilli-pie went to Omaha
last Monday morning.
The rain of Iat Monday even
ing: greatly cooled the atmos
phere, making it much more
pb-asant .
We are glad lo report that
Robert. Prop-t is again abb
be out. after ha ing a very se ere
case of acute indigestion.
There has b'ii some pretty
good land deals pulled t iV ihe la-t
few days J.y Ralph Wib-s, Gh nr.
Wiles and George Snvder.
George Snyder. Albert "ol-n
kanip and Will Wetenkamp de
parted for ("obuado la.-t Tue--day.
where they will spend a few
La-t Saturday morning Mrs.
W. B. Porter received a telegram
Cars are
Six $1,650 Model
More B
The handsomest roadster on the
market. A fine, bi, roomy, two-passenger
car that will take you any
where and bring you back sately. Ex
tra wide seat.
Price Complete, $1,185, F. O. B. Factory
Model 37 Four $1,235
Five-passenger touring car. Money can
not buy more comfort, convenience and style.
A car on distinctive lines, a car of power, a
real Buick in every way.
Price Complete, $1,235, F. O. B. Factory.
s-aTThe 1915 Buick has all the fundamental
Buick prin iples with the addition of every im
provement that has stood the Buick test of
worth. The buyer will find that regardless of
price we are giving more value than ever before.
II H ' m wmmm m i. ijiii un , m i. - , ... i.l - -
announcing; the death of her
mother, who she had been visit
ing with recently.
Lewis Crabtree is sporting" a
new Brush automobile. We won
der if Lewis won't soon hunt up
some one who will claim part
ownership in the car. Hurry up,
T. II. Pollock, of Plattsmouth,
agent for the Huick automobile,
was seen passing- through our
village with a line new car a few
days a'-'o. Come out again, Bert,
we like to see the Buick.
When Moles Fight.
You would hardly believe that moles,
clumsy ami almost blind, become per
fect demons when thoy quarrel. No
one knows what they quarrel about,
but if they cuce start figlHii-ig; one has
to (lie. They will keep v.i in the pres
ence of any number of spectators,
han'giug on to one another like bull
Joss r.i;d burying their enormously
strong jaws and teeth in one another's
Hedgehogs, another type of the quiet.
Inoffensive looking animal, not only
Cght. but always to the death, and
when one is killed the other generally
devours him.
Just Spending the Day.
A woman from out of town walked
into one of the bis hotels the other
morning and wrote her name on the
"What, madam." said the room clerk,
with one of those engaging smiles for
which he is famous, "can 1 offer you in
the way of a room?"
"Oh. I don't want a room.'" v.r.s the
reply. "I am just spending the d:iy
"Good thing some people srend more
than that with us," remarked the clerk
to himself as she turned Smilingly
away. New- York Times.
A Lawyer's Sill.
A lawyer's bill, like the plumber's, is
full of detail. I hare just seen a speci
men sent to a business friend of mine,
who. anxious to settle up his account,
telephoned to his lawyer. The bill
rame in with elaborate detail, and the
last item was. "To attending you on
the telephone in answer to your re
quest for bill, Cs. Gd." My friend vow
ed he -would see them in chancery be
fore he paid that and struck it out
London Chronicle.
Bobby's Idea.
"Cobby. 1 suppose you say your
prayers every night."
"And what are the things you pray
"Mostly that pop won't nnd out what
I've been doin' through the day."
Boston Transcript
l-'eel languid, weak, run ib'wn?
lleadaciie Slnmaclt ti" A
remedy i Hurd. c!v I 1 t 1 iSittei-.
Ah yi.tur druggist. l'ri e
WANTED Clean cotton
at the Journal office.
-'. cfri. t'f'.v .-""."e-Tl
36 Four $1,185
- y
American League.
Chicago. 4; Washington, 4.
Detroit, b'; New York, i.
St. Louis. Boston, C-7.
National League. .
Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 4.
Pittsburgh, 1; St. Ixuis, 1.
New York. 2; Brooklyn, 8.
Boston, 1-1.1; Philadelphia, 3 3.
Western League.
Denver, 1-4; Des Moines, 7-10.
Lincoln, t; St. Joseph, 4.
Topeka. s: Omaha, 2.
"Wichita, 5; Sioux City, 8.
Federal League.
Brooklyn, 1; Buffalo. 3.
Indianapolis, 2; Chicago. 0.
Kansas City, 3; St. Louis, 4.
Quotations on the Chicago
Board of Trade.
Wheat -Ccrn-Oats-.
;o. Sept. 3. Closing prices:
-St-pt.. $1.11; Dec, $1.14-,.
-Sept.. S'i'ic; Dee.. TTv'c.
-Sept., 4ST,c; Dec, ."C".c.
-S. pt.. $2"; Jan..
Sept., fln.iJG; Oct., SPJ.22'.:..
Sept.. $i2.oo; Oct.. $12.22'j.
Chica wheat.
o Cash Prices No. 2 hare
$1.11' -fa 1.12' y. No. 2 yellow
0;-rSl'Lc: No. 3 white oat?
4c; standard. A'jCi Zc.
4Cfx 49
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Sept. 3. Cattle Receipts
lo.iM-n; Et?ady: bet.'es. $.Ti'a 1 ".O
steers. $;. "& y.3.; stockers and feed
ers. ."..":!? .2": cows ar.d heifers
$'"5i f.P: calves, $7 ." ifi 1 1.25. Hog-
Receipts. 2'i. '.': strouu: bulk c
sales. $!.1-ifx 9..: light. $! 2'efi f.72'...
heavy. SS.7T.ft 9. m : roush. $s.7.jfi S.O'J ;
piss, $?i 8.23. Shee p Receipts. 3'
iM'O; w-nk: shep. $4.7-CZ 3.."k: yar
lings, $3.4,!'1 j.C'i; lambs. $3.7." ' 7. ".').
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Sept. 3. Cattle Re
ceipts. C.SOO: Pjc higher; heel steers
t'' fi li'.2.": cows and heifers, $3. 3"!f.
7. .",(;; sto kers and feeders, fij'S
nils. S5.23T7: calves. $Sfi P.3't. Hog
Receipts. 7.2nvi; shade lower; bull
of sales. 6.S39; top. $9.2'. Sheep
Receiptc. 17.')"e: steady to Kc lower:
lambs. $:.23ft 7.33; wethers, $4.30f
3.13; ewes, $3. befi 4. 90.
First to "Put His Foot In It."
It was u bishop of olden times who
first "put his foot in it." and ever
since then the most ordinary layman
who makis a blunder ia said to "put
his foot in it."
It wasn t the bishop's fault after all.
but the housewives who ran to doors
and windows every time the good
bishop passed and asked for his bless
ifiz acd while getting it they let the
porridge burn. Then they blamed the
bishop for the trouble and said "the
bishop put his foot in it" Milwaukee
Model Dairy.
A nn-Jel milk house, a mdel
i-iiw bar;), a silo and a eaif barn
will be feature- of the Hairy and
pure J-'oti. show in old ami
cultural hall at the Xebra-ka state
fair September 7-11. Supt. An-
ier.-un plan- to have specimen
of tie breed- of dairy cows on ex
hibition. leputy Food r.ommis---ion.-r
Harnian ha arranged for
a bir display of pure food prod
ucts and will demonstrate how
the pure food laws of the state
are enforced.
Office supplies at the Journal
In lie-Estate of Harriet Allison.
I )ecpased.
You are hereby notified that
Wilhelmina Tizner and Jessie
Dio-t Leach have liled their peti
tion in this court, alleprinj? anion?
other things that Harriet Allison
died intestate on the 19th day of
February , A. 1). 191 i, being at the
time of her death a resident of
Cass County, Nebraska, possess
ed of an estate of real and person
al property- to he administered,
and that her only heirs at law are
Leroy Allison. Wilhelmina Tinner
and Jessie Dro-t Leach, and ask
ing that findings be made in ac
cordance with the allegations and
that administration of said estate
be granted to E. E. Leach.
A hearing will he had upon said
petition at the office of the County
Judse. in the Court House, at
Plattsmouth. Nebra-ka. on the
14th day of September. A. I). 191 i.
af 10 o'clock a. to., before which
all objection- thereto, if any,
mu-t be tiled.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this - ith day of August,
A. D. I'M i.
r$v t!ie Court.
County Judge.
8-2 4-3wks
ie following pro0l inn'1u)eiit tl
the contitution of th State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter net forrb In full. 1 submit
te4 to the electors of the State of NWirni
ka. to be Toted upon at the penernl ti-r
to be held Tuesday, November 3rd. A. l
"KOK a Joint rvioltition to amend se.tloc
1 of Article of the Constitution f tl'
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Be it Resolved aud Knac-ted by the lVoid
of the iState of Nebraska: .
S-rtion 1. That Setiou 1 of Article V
of the foustittirion of the St.-it" of Ne
braska be nnieudfd to read as follows:
!ec. 1. The rule f taxation shall ht
uniform at to any given las and lave,
shalj be levied upon sticli property a th
Legislature su:ill prescribe. Taxes may
also be Imposed on income, privilciri" ",!
occupation, which tail's may tc graduated
and progressive and reasonable exemptions
inav be provided, in addition to here
inafter specifically mentioned in eection i
of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the peroral clction In
November. J. there shall be submitted
to the electors r.f the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to th
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" aud "araint aiti
proposed amendment to tiie Constitution
providing for uniform and progresslv
Approved. March 27. 1013.
I. Addison Walt. Secretary of State, ol
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foreeoinsr propose, 1 amendment
to the Constitution of tlx- State of Ne
braska, Is a true and correct copy of thf
original enrolled and enrosse.i till, a'
passed by the Thirty-third session of tht
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on file in
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to b
held on Tuesday, the rd day of November
A. D. It'll.
In Testimony Whereof, T have hereimtr
my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Pone at Lincoln, tui 2:'.rd day of March
In the year of ottr Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of th
Independence of th Fritted States the ten
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of thil
State the Forty-aeventh.
ISeal Secretary of State.
The followin;; proposed amendment to
the constitution of -the State of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full, is siihmit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be vote.l upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November ord, A. V
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section !i
6t of Article one 1 of the Constitution
of the state of Nebraska.
Be It Enacted by the People of the Stat
of Nebraska :
Section I. That Section six C, of Artl'-U
one (li of the Constitution of the Stat
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
Srctlon . The right of trial by Jury
shall remain inviolate: but in ail civil -asc"
and in criminal cases less than f-'louie
five-sixths of the ji:ry may render a vcr
diet and the Legislature may authorize
trial by a jury of a less number than
twelve men in courts Inferior to the dis
trict court.
sec. '2. That at the general election for
state and legislative otficers to be hclil in
the State of Nebraska on the first Tucd:o
ifter the rirsr .....i v in November in 1 !! 4
there shall be irihtcl upon the lialh.t ol
a h elector for his approval or reje.-j j, t
'he above and for..--, SI; amendment !n 1 1.
follow inj: form: -For pro,os.-,l :i :i:en.! men:
0 the coiisiiru; ion provi ! big fh;:t iu al
ivil casts arid in rrimiiiiJ cases less ibar
'elonies. five-sivths of i he jury may render
1 verdict." anil "Against the propose.:
imemiuient to the '..nst j : i;t ion orovble
tiat iu all i-iril eases and in criminal as-
ess than felonies, flve-sixths of tue Jur
nay render a verdict."
Approved. April I. I'.iJ"..
I, Addison Wair. S--.ret.irv of Stat", o!
-be State r.f Nebraska, do herein- cert if
hat the foregoing jiro..os.., a men duo-tit
-o the Constitution of r!ie Stare .if Nebraska
s a true and correct -npv ..f the origina
nroll.-d and engrossed li!!. as p.iss. ,v
he Thirty-third session uf the Legjslarurf
f the State of Nebraska, as appears from
;aid original till on hie -n this offl.-e,
.hat said pro.ose(i amendment is .submitted
o the qualified voters .,f the State of Ne
raska for their adoption or rejection a!
he general Utloii to be h-Id on Tuesday
-he Srd day of November. A. I. 1:114
In Testimony Whereof, 1 i,aVf, hereiintr
;et my hand and affixed the Great Seal oj
he state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 'jr.rd dav of Mirch
n the year of our Lord, one Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen. ;,rid of thf
Independence of the Fnite.t State the On
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of thi.
State the Forty-seventh.
lSealJ Secretary of state,
The following proposed amendment to
:he eonstitutiou of the State of Nebraska,
s hereinafter set forth in ful. is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
o be held Tuesday, November Crd, A. D.
1914. !
FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Section 1. of AiViclo V, and
Section 24. of Article V. of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term of
office and salary of Governor aud othei
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Peopl
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the tirst Mon
day in November. 1114. the following b
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V, of the Constitution ol
Nebraska :
See. 1. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
office for a term of two years from the
first Thursday after the first Tuesday In
January, tiext after his election, and until
his successor is elected and i.alitie.l. In
addition to the Governor, the executive de
partment shall Include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treas
urer. Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Attorney and Commissioner of
Public Lands and Buildings, each of whom
shall hold his office for the term of two
vears from the tirst Thursday after the
first Tuesday in January, next after his
election, and unrll his successor fs elected
and qualified: Provided, however, that th
first election of said officers shall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
in November, liilfi. and each succeeding
election shall be held at the same relat'.vs
time in each even year thereafter. The
Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of
Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of government during theif
terms of office, and keep the public records,
books and papers there, and shall perform
such dnties as may be required by law.
8e-. SI- The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand f.1.4X.0J dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public. Lands and Buildings shall
be two thousand live hundred i $J.." t
dollars each per annum, and of the Attor
ney General. four thousand dollari
($4,000.00) per annum, the salary of the
State Treasurer shall be three "thousand
$o.OOO.0 dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own uf any fees,
costs, interests upon public moneys jri their
hands, or under their control, perquisites
of office or other compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by an offi.-er provided
for in this, article of the constitution shall
be paid'ia advance-.into the state treasury.
There fehail be no allowam-e for clerk hir
In the offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney General.
Sec. S. That at said election on the Tues
day aucccedlng the first Monday In Novem
ber. 1914. on the ballot of each eleetor
otlnsr thereat, there stall b pasted or
written the words: 'For proposed amend
ments to (he constitution, tiling the term
f office and salary for governor, and other
executive officeravl ndL "-gi!niH siQSi&&
amendment, m t'.e con-r it ,r, p1n. n,Ilif ,,,
tern, of o!L.-.. aud I ai.,rv f .r vtLurl nuj
Other exer-ut ire nilc.r..
Ap. roved. April T. l'.'l.T
-Vddis. n W.-i.tT
tafe. of
,, , fr-unur prop j e.',
fO the t.ollsntu;!..;, ,,f Il4,. s, r r v
is a true und c.rre. t ,f ,.f (1-,'g "
enrolled e,lffrossei hl pa-sed "'Jr
the Thirty-, MM s.-s-,,.,, t,f t;. , . ,
of the state of Nebraska. M , pp.-Trs f r .m
"aid or.g, bill 1,1- itl ,!,:.',.,,,.",'
that s..:d proposed M,,,i,i,..nt SII,,,h,,.,
to the .inahhed vot..r. , , . S;.,r,. f N...
brasia for their adoption or r. jeer-on" at
the general . lection t., . held 1 rl
the day of November, A. I V'H
In Ttstimonv Wh.-rw.f. I Pave !.-', ct
Hi "stater Ur"
Inhe veaV.f 'A Z M'""h;
Nine Hundred and' Vn'l
Indepemlenc,. of the F,..,e.J Sfa te t i -Hundred
:,,! Thin v-s..v..llt, ' . ', ! "
State the For; y -sev. n t ,. ' tLi
rSe:J,I Secretary of s,:1.
AitiM i or ii oitpoit 1 1 mv
of Ike
PI. T1 s-MOl I II loT I.l 11.
Know Ail Men by These iv-sn,!:
That ve. the un.'.ers m n. .1. P:i - .-.s-si.
iated .i rsel ve.s together !'... tl
purpose of forming a 01 poi nt in i nit -r
ti e laws of ti e stiite or' No! i.iska. an. I
lor that purpose .hi adopt li e .,;;,;n.
ing Chatter:
auticli: I.
The name of this Cn.iiM::i,n sbull
be the l'la 1 1 smou t ii I'.oat C!uo
The principal place of s shrill
h- in the City of I'luttsiiooit ! . Ne
braska, and vi. imty. and the ofth e of
this cut p.. rati-. :i shall be m phitts
mout h.
-MTi. i.i: nr.
The mount of li e capita! sto li .
the Co. porat ion shal be Jl.iin.) im,
divided itito shares- ,,f tie pa'- ai i" of
$-' ( each, and said .apital s.., k shall
be paid ll at the date .if .l,ili -, or
may .l.-s 1 - fia t e. iu nionrv, j-:!it-,
may,.. jn m . . ti -.. . pi "p. i t ..
or any oti-ei- variable, rig. t " il 1 ; .
and the judgment .t" tie l; of in
lectors or ma 11.14:1 n t olb. ei s as t., j;,,.
value thereof sua!! be ri-m i,iu-
autici.i: IV.
The get. el';, I tlilt lire f tl..- I JS I'les-J j J
Which this cot ji.-i a t ion slail . ngage . s
as follows; The 01 gari i.itioM -. n r 1 a 1 ,. s
and mantaines at I '.a t !s'i ! . ,.f ;l
social lal to promote so. lat-uuv. in
structive, en t en a i n m.-n t . and anm.-.'-ment
of the members thereof and m.. ;i
p.-r-s.ins as the rules aid bv-:,. WS p!o-
Vide ent;tle. to receive tl .- 1. nep.ts
this '01 pora t ion - :ind tl is i ". . 1 p.. 1 a t ;..
shall have ti e right to a.-.ii,r- potsoi..)!
jiro.ert and tea! estat-, r-nt. nun -cons.
1 u.-t buildings, w l,ai-f, .1... ks
latidiiiK:- ;is may b- deemed r 1 1 - 1 I -
the s t o.k in. I derv and for providing .1
1 1 . 1 b room for s u. h .-lot.
AKTIi'l.i: v
The nffairs of this Corporation s a!l
be i'nd.:ct.l b a Ihiaid of lite. tor-.
Who Shall be elected or. tl - . t ! I ill! V
of I ( em her .,f ea-l: .-jf as the by
laws provide.
The highest .-imoiiit of inte.l .'i-.I;ii'
inrurred tl js- 'orportio'i -i ..CI n .t
exceed two-t birds of its paid-up
capital sto. K
This Corporation i-- form-1 to en
dure for ten eats alter j-s Slrt m
are duly executed. but a 1 rt--i-rights
mav be renewed i..f 0- ti
charter expires) from nni.- t-. tin..-, f.,t
a period tt --e. l!r. ten cai.s at a
t ime, pel pet tin 1 1 .
The capital stock of ti-is i'r,i;.
tion si.a'l b.- .'it'l til.' sitm- is ;.-:(-mad,-
non-assessable by tins I'.Mpoii'
tion for any purpose.
In witness w loTeof we I a . !reurilo
set our bunds tbis "!tli da v of Novem
ber, A. 1. 1. 1J.
.t IV Ma-on.
.1 l Ki .
1 i. ; ... ke.
I: I. Ih'sr.;-!.
1: c I; :ik--.
W. H. ilas.,,,.
Countv, of Ch-s, s.s
Before me. Ci8ts. K Mai fir. a X-tnrv
t'ubiic in and for said i-nuMi. 0:1 this
dav personally appeared .1 I". Mas,,i,,
.1 L. Ki.e. H. ijn.-i.i-i-. I 1. l;iist, Ki, I;.
C. Kitiket- and V.'m. Ma.soti, kn-i:i f.
me 10 be the persons Wpo sn tis.-i . bed
the foi ,"goi n i ns t r 11 ni-n r ail ac
knowledge In no- that thee ee-nt-.
the same for the purpose- and con
sideration therein expressed.
liven under m- har-d arid Notarial
seal this ll'.ttli dav f November. A. Ij
1 M 1 -t. Ci.r.s. K. Mart in.
"Seal) Notar I -u !...
Mv cfimmh-sion expires August x,
r.i.unty of Ia-.
In Hi.' Matl.-r ,.r tfi.' JMalc -f
(ii'ui'i:i. M. I t 11 1 . Iici-ca il.
T All pe-r.-niK In I po-.t o.J ;
Y.mi iiro ln-fotiv n i i t i - I flcif
Iht-i o will lo a lie-ai in' 1 1 . : 1 III'
o'titinii lil'l in llii-i r.iutt f.'r
aijoinl iiMMit if an aIin 111 i-1 !"
in aliic -laf" io-fni-c tiu . 1 1 ct .
af 1 1 ! a 1 1 -m 1 1 1 1 1 1 . in sai.l 1 ; 1 1 ( . .n
lh- 21-t la r S.-pl. 'in!., p. .m ',. at
.'"cl"rk a. in. All .i.i,-! i!!-. il
any. inut 1 i I 1 i.-f..i -ai. 1 1 n 1
Af.I.KX -r. UKKsnX.
r."un!v .Jiil-. 10 Miow ( vi i:.
In Ihe DNtrict oitrl of ( km I ..unit,
In the Matter of the Apt in a t ior. or
Willhim C. Lamsev, Adrtu-ust rator of
the Instate of Alice M T.i.'i.-, I -.eased,
for License f S-ll lital
Now. on this K.tli .la of A l-".;-;. 1'.1t.
the above entitled cmi.- a'.i - on to I.
heard upon the petition, under oatl:, of
Wiiliam C llanisi-v, d m 1 n ;s 1 1 a t o. of
the e-tate of Alue M. T.-igio-. H m
praying for license to s,.,i t.e fl!n'v
ing described real estate of said de
ceased, to-wit: Lots thit-e. four an-1
tive 4 and .". in bio. k sv-n i'i, in
South Park Aihhtioti to t e iv o."
Plattsmouth. of C..s-. ;
Nebraska, for the paymer t of .P l.t- al
lowed against the estate of said de
ceased, and expenses of ad in i ru -1 1 a t b 11.
and it appearing bv sai l i-tition. that
there is not su:fi. i.-nt por.-o al e-t.itc m
the lands of sail a dm i r 1 -t 1 11 1 or. be
longing to said estate, to pay the d-M
outstanding against said il '-a-e.l, ur.-l
the expenses of administration of saot
estate, and. that it is necessary to si-II
the whole Of said teal estate. f..r tin;
payment of such debts nnd e n.-ns.-s.
IT IS TIIKUL'FoKh: KFi:i:K t',..t
all persons interested In said estate j. p -pear
before me, at Chamber--. 1:1 1 1
f'ourt House, iti the Village I'apiMio'i.
in the Cotintv of Sarpy, in said Sti.
on the ""th dav of S.-ptem h. r, l!ll, at
the hour of e'even o' lo. U a in .
sbow caii-e. if anv tl.eie be. wl--license
should not be arar.ted to sa.-l
Administrator to sell said real estat'-,
to pax- such debts and expenses
IT is Fi KTHKi: ui;;ki that a.
cot.y hereof be published I jr four sit- -,-essive
weeks iu The l'la 1 1-mu t i
jam ks r f.i:c,li:v.
Judge of ti'e l.istr.ct Court.
WILLIAM C. l:AMS;:V Attorney.
s-iu-u ka -w kl y
Mr.-. Martin Hauni'-istor was
aumn? t ias-t'nt r tins nicrii-.
iur fr Liac'.lu wln.'ir hr; was
called to sprni a f''xv hour in
that rity sisiting- with tltr re
latives uud friends.
The Journal does job work.
L Li Li 11 .,. ; 'u:. i