PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 19f4. PAQE 4. Ooe plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattemouth, Nebr. Entered t the I'ustoflloe at I'latumouLh. Nebraska, as weond-claas mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher 6uborlption Prioe: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe v THOUGHT FOR TODAY -I- .Nature 1 1 j I 1 1 1 -1 1 the besl rTin--i !--. I -'ri'.-h air is Ihe lc -l of tunics. The best re-J- slo;a!ie of exhausted iHTNi-s is p. dreamless sb-ip ,t sleep not produce.! by narcotic-,. I'lasiirahh' emotions are lln-best aids I" t' digti"U. Selected. :o :- "I Iii a line lime fur all good J r i -1 1 In keep cool. :o: lai rana' new press agent -in-. In In- a xci y capable one. :o : Uih huiidnd years ago this country xva at war with ;n-al Jtritain. :cr A I'laf ! -MKMit li man brags lip 1'i yl h ing In- po ll i" w ifc's feet. .(ssi's excepting :o:- There hae been so many here la! ! Ih'.if a declaration of war no 1' !i--r attra'! inucli attention. ;o : . Anil mii lad that old III lis lumhu- di-c.. i fi this countiy b'-f-Me the Ijjli'itean War bloke mi I -.' :o: A iii . di-palcli ay- a !! of .M' nan "aiiii were eii-d near 111 l'a-.i :il wi-ek. bat. doe-, I : i f - what became oT the le's and bo. f . :o: I tier.- nlll" I'l America who can enjoy a war in lairope. War, it may In- added, aua-, i pi-tier adantae a! lo;i raii'e. :o: cho..l a- are almot here. ei .Monday morning lliuli school hill will present a liey apear ain.e a- lh" irls and liovs wend t h ir w a I school. :o: I In- deijuiid fi'!' ioei nor Mon-head lo speak aL iniblic uat hernias i- i-i-aler than ever, nol w 1 1 h-l andiuu h" does md. claim t" i..- an orator. :o: Some person- are slewmu about -e I eel ion i if a name foj- this war. bill Hie chancf of calling it any Hiin' but eiiou-h lets out one with oiir liindcl ocabulary. :o: lion, lliierla (leiueiiiber hini? i marooned in London and must Ioiilt lo laud on the continent o see a lilll" real ecierneul such as he knew in the oml !! days. : o.- Ileic it , two weeks since the piimaiie and Ihe secretary of stale ha- not sent out a li-t of the iioin jip-cs of either party. How can our readers expect us lo print Ihe ticket in lull when we don't know po-ihely who they are. :o: None bllt those who expect to derive future political beiielil from woman sutTrajie are in fax or of women voting. The man who is ealerin.' to the women solely for their votes is a hypoerile of Ihe first vatr. lie knows il, and exeiybody else knows it. :o: Next Monday is Labor da. but it wiil not bo celebrated by any deinonstration in honor of the day, as it meJ fo be in l'lattsinouth. Ilowexer. the Burlinuton shops xvill close down in all depart ments, the banks .md public idaivs will be closed ii. Iionor of the event. HEADED FOR HADES. Looking across I In- sea toward tin' rising- sun, it would seem that tin- whole human race is headed ("or Ionics r.luUI i:mil v mn.1 how ils hi-ad in desi.aii- as il. sees the u-coiiipli-hnn'iits of twenty ecu- luries trampled under loot by the millions of armed men march- ing lo Ibn battle lields. Our faith in tin- powers of Chirstianilv to establish peace on earth needs lo he renewed and strengthened exery dav. Jioiihl forces itself upon u-. and we uncoil. ciij-lv tind our.-ees wondering if the message that tin angels rallied to the shepherds as Ihey leiiMeij iiicir Jlocks was not all a dream. of- course we. xxho are not at war, have not abandoned i. i I ... i , ... i; in-,"- iii.ii sini:- unit- .11S Willi I cea-e, but to the xa-l multitude of men wlio are lod.iy enuaed m human butchery, the promise of peaer ni eai ttl inu-l seem a mock ery. It reijUii-e.s a XXlde stleli li ot the imagination for one to see tin-' ilvex lining to the cloud that now li;i!i;r- oer the obi world. It is dillicult to lind the bright side of the picture that stretches across Ihe eastern sky. And behind it ill and extending back lo crea tion'., dawn, the pa'-'es of hislory ire red Willi human blood, r.ain killed hi- brother Abel Imii be- fiire tln fii-l 1 1 : ' i . I' li-.ti.iv written. And from thai fateful iv lo tills men liaxe s laUU II I eled icn oilier- a- il niiiciicrv was ni inely decreed lo be their natural occupation. Man's ingenuity ha been con-lanHy taxed in the iu xenliou and const ruct ion of mur- derous l :i-t ru men I s ol x:ir, and men haxe been trained and hard ened lo kill their fe! low -men. And howexer much xe may deplore the fact, we nin-l, admit that mankind lod.iy is not. diireren! from our remote anceslms xho brained each other xvilh sloiies and clubs. The instruments of war have changed, but lite change has made i In-ill more de-ti ni l i e uf human life. Modern uiis and modern methods i r war show that man's thirst I'm- blood is as keen and cruel as in any ae of all Ihe past. The hosts of ' barbarians that swept across Lurope durintr the dark ai:es xxeie more considerate of human life than the so-called eixilied poxxers thai now are war ing oxer the same hills and xal es. The obi sayinir of the war lords, that strong- armaments are Ihe best guarantee of jieaee, xvill iu longer haxe any les to slaud upon, (hi lb" contrary, it is be in"; demousl rat eil that strong armaments tempt nations lo po lo war, and thai Ihe nation that is prepared for xxar is Ihe first to si l ike. I) is a soldier's business to lilil. and the nation that exalts tile soldiery above the citizen, is a constant menace and is a sland iu": declaration of xvar toward all Ihe xxorhl. Not until nations, in fact and in deed, beat their swords inlo p I oxx shares, xvill they cease warring against. one another. Instead of brutalizing, nations must christianize the patriotism of the people. Seem ingly Christianity has received a stunning blow because of the great, war in Kurope, but Christ ianity is (he only power that can rather up the fragments after (he war, and set (he world going again in the right direct ion. We must pin our faith on this. :o: There xvill be more independent xoling this fall than ''xer before known in th hislory of Nebraska. This is the opinion of leading1 politicians in both parties. Time is money and it costs inionev to save it. .;o; A m,.l unli.-v is r.Tin thai changes with the time. :o: There is a war bud in m-aily eery home, ami he is a woman :o Dress goods going up, says a New York dispatch. Shocking! :o:- Itcmember the democratic con- vention meets jn Llruwood next Saturday : i He mail XXIIo nMCIHlS lo 111 I t i i . tit- own husiness seMom, ji cxcr, carries a gun. :n au I a11 "' l"-"I'ie an t'"1,, hui lhr book "Scut coa t,m"' l" 'lo :o: An oincial statement, anoiii. a battle is ui'l as convincing as of ticial lection returns. :o : Adx erl ising is like investing money at inn per cenl. 'I he re turns are a hundredfold. :o:- Talent, in a kitchen and money :.. ii. i . ..i : . .. .. :ii .....I-.. I III I lie ii.i 1 1 iv I nit will 1 1 1 i tv - l. I : il ........... '"" uu,.,,!--! umu -mi,u sutt'rage. :o: A l'lal tsiuouth man is so grouchy Ilia! he employs a physician by the ear to attend to hi- son: spo. :o : The tourists in Kurope are !'- my inlormeii mat mere are oc casions when the best'of company is erv eiirltariasin'. :o: It is poin lo be a hard mailer to commit suicide, as Ihe I'urop- e.iu war raised 1 1 - price car Indie acid bcoin! reason. :o: Ta 1 ! republicans are not at all plea-ed with the nominal ion of It. . Howell for poxcrnor. cm'l see how I hey Would b". :o: The waring nations of the earth x'.ill no! expect tin- Tniled Stales lo turnisii tin-in xxithguus and amminuation. Ail thai they will be likely lo need from this side of ihe xxaler will be Hour meat and other foodst nil's. ;o : L. I'. Langhorst, chairman of f ihe democratic county central committee, reue-ls. I hat all mem bers of the committee and ex cry candidate be present at the meeting- called to assemble in Llin xx nod on Saturday, September a next, Saturday. Itemember Ihe dale and be sure lo attend. :o: Noxx' some astronomer has dis coxered a great spot on Ihe sun and says Ihat Ihe superstitious xxiil see in it Ihe sign of the dis astrous xxar in Kurope. I'.xer since scientiiic exploration of the sun xvas made known thai a sun spot, no mailer xxhat. the size, is merely a solar cyclone. Anyxvay, nobody cer seen it, though it. be in, nun miles in diameler, without a tele scope ur smoked glass. Imifl be scared, brother, the spot is 1.'5, ono.noo miles distant from us and has business of its oxxu. :o : :o: A. O. Thomas, the deposed head of the Kearney Stale Normal school, has been nominated by the republicans for slate superinl end cut of schools. His nomination xvas brought about through sym pathy more than any thing else, because many probably thought he x as reinoxed through spite. Howexer this may be, xxe do nol beliexe Mr. Thomas should be elected under Ihe circumstances, as a. man occupy ing the responsi ble position of state superintend ent he will haxe an opportunity to use his authority In revenge. The schools of Nebraska are in line shape, and it would be a shame if anything should be attempted to mar the good work that has been done in the public schools of the slate. I Belgian Talcs of Horror. nc .siories mat are coining iirojn jjeigium are suinciont 10 I uurriiy manMmj. in men- lace Ihey are very persuasive. They abound in particulars. Names, places and details are given with such care as to give an air of x erisimililude. There are two rea sons x by Ihey can not be ac cepted without question. One is that there has been nothing in history of the (ierman race to lend credibility lo stoires of'such atrocities. In science, commerce ind religion they have been lead ers, in education thev have ranked at Ihe top. Their care of the xxeak and helpless is famous. It is in conceivable that their soldiers should hax-e committed some of the offenses charged by the Belgians. Painted sax ages would haxe shown more mercy than these enlightened soldiers, if Un reports could be believed. The other reason is furnished by ex perience. It x as but a few months ago that America xas shocked by stories of the (Colo rado home guard shooting xxo iii"ii and children and setting lire to I heir bodies. This charge was made as dTinilcly as those lodged by the Itelgians against the Ier man invaders. There xvas the same attention lo detailed des cription. We later found lhal Ihe-e women and children were concealed by their frinds and Ihat the militia did not know that they were there. I ne lire was an ac cident. A court-martial brought out evidence that exonerated the soldiers. In limes of xxar siories ol crueiix are common, j-.xen xvueu Ibex are supported by affidavit? they are open to suspicion. V haxe learned that ex parte testi mony is sebiou reliable exen in ixil matters concerning" next dour neighbors, men and women who haxe been Jriends lor years. Our coiisl il utjon guarantees lhal a defendant shall nexer be deiii"d Ibi." ii'-:lil of facing- his accuser in per-oii. If this is true xxith ueighboi's of the sain" race and country, it should gixe u pau-e abmit. ha-lily accepting charge made in I he heal of x ar. Lxery naliou is trying to enlist Ihe sympathy of the xxorhl. The Tniled Slates is Ihe greatest neu tral power and all the xxaiiing nations are making special efforts to xxin our friendship. This xxould in a measure account for Ihe siories of allrocities xxhich Ihe iJelgiaus are circulal ing. II is reported that Ihey xvill even semi envoys lo (he I nited Stales to make formal protest. On tin- oilier hand the dermaiis are slrixing lo retain our respect and good xvill and, all tpieslions of humane conduct aside, knoxv lhal, such violations of the rules of xxar xxould injure them beyond repair. I here haxe been pre . vious to this tune some lurid re ports xxhich xvere subsequently found to be baseless. The report of the summary execution of a Socialist leader because he re fused lo lake up arms for (Jer- ninny is a striking example. W'e afterwards learned Ihat he xvas not executed, and thai lie had not. refused lo tight for his country. Ill Ihe light of these facts, xxe should suspend judgment on the Belgian talcs of horror until both sides are presented. :o: II. is a pretty safe rule not. lo give credit to a calamity howler. :o: : Proxokingly the Furopean war broke out xxithout anyone liudiug a locusl xxilh a "W" on its back. :o: The policy of the. Ilousexvives' I.eajiue of Nexv York in meeting Ihe increased cost of living; is a ;nod one In adopt throughout the xxhole country: "Uuy in small quantities, select foodstuffs that are economical, encourage open markets, denounce and report ex tortion and dishonesty, and ho coutenled with a litl b- b-ss than usual on the tublo." After viewing- the clothes that some women wear on a scven-dollar-a-xveek salary, it eems like a blessing that their salary is nol sex only dollars a week. :o: The Standard Oil company has practically cea-ed buying etude oil. because of Ihe shutting oil' of export trade all oxer the world. Here is a line opportunity for the independent companies to jump in and reduce prices of oil and gasoime. Lan you see them do ing it ? :o r- I'roiu thconk-inl relurus il can readily be seen that It. !$. Howell is the minority republican candid ate for goxernor bx more than COOt) xx bile Io ernoi- Moorehead is the majority candidate of the de mocrats by more than 10.000 over Beige and Metchafe, two xxell known democrals of ihe slate. :o: Should the fellows responsible for the xxar in Kurope executed at ils clo-e. it might be a fexv lliooiis before another one would be declared. We xvant lo remark lhal h very thing max happen, a- the great mass of (he people do ind xx ant xvar bill van! I lixe in peace and prosperity while pre paring for xxar. xvhy cannot this condition continue on indefinite ly, and herein they are Ihinkin: right. :o: Profesnr Petelseil of I'tall t'nixeisity has discoxered thai there is mi dill'etence betxxeen Ihe mind of man and the mind of a dog-. We know a b'x cases xheic (here i-. ox erxx helui ing ex ideuce in laor of the dog, both menially and morally. lb pi-o-essor exidentiy considers the mind of a xxoiuan to that of a man or dog, or else conc'uidfs hiit xxo man's remains 1 1 1 wonderful mystery that il always has been, a lie makes no reference hat exer to her. Maybe he's married. :o : In his condolence cabb-d lo the xatican. l'residen! Wilson neatly and li 1 1 i ii 1 x eiiiesse, the regard i in which pope Pius X x;is held by Hie American people. Among other things the president said: 'The prine and gclle character, his unallected piety and his broad and thoughtful sympathy xx il h . . bis lelloxxmen, he adorucl Ins ex- ailed slation and attracted to imise 1 lie aueciionau' icgaiu oj all xx ho felt his xvoi bl-xvide in- tluence." I he pope had einieareu . . . . himself to Ihe people by his siiii- plicily and his democratic char- acted. That he xvas deeply affected by the xxar noxv raging- in l-'uroie xvas isxiiienl by his frequent sor roxxful references to Ihe coiillict, and there is little doubt Ihil his menial coul einplat ion of the tragedy as it is being enacted day by day, hastened his death. In Ihe lile of this great man, who rose from the humblest station in life to the most exalted place lhal can be allaine.l in the Catholic church, is furnished an example of broad humanitarian sympathy of devotion and pb'ly rarely equaled ill the ecclesiastical, xxorhl. The death of Pope Pius X is sincerely mourned throughout Christendom. :o: C. I. Ileavis, republican candid ale for congress, in a speech at llaxclock Tuesday night applaud- ed the efforts of president. Wilson in his peace policy. lie pledged thai if elected lo congress Unit he would stand by the adminil i ation in all il efforts '"'P nation from becoming inxolvedin Ihe great tangle, lie declared for palrioiisin before partisanship. :o:- The Omaha republicans fared pretty well in Ihe late primary, and xvill be xxell represented on Hit! state ticket. They have tins governor, allorney general and slate treasurer. Lincoln is also xxell represenled on the ticket. And the people out. in the slate do the electing and many time 'e" feu tins. Children Cry Tlio Kind You Have Always Boogbt, and ivliicli lias been in use for over SO years, lias born the signature ot - and lias been made under bis ner- J s-' sonal tafyry -&cU4C, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infuuts and Children Exxcrience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Paro poric, Lrops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age iss its guarantee. It destroys AVorm. and all.-iys Fev :rishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Iiowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural fcleep. The Children's lanacca The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S3 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought !n Use For Over 30 Years Ml CKNTAUH COI f'- i-t.c-: f.--.?jl-.A.-V-..'- If there is a hcax'cit for fools, Ihe fool xx ho runs an auto at high speed around a corner, thereby taking a chance of killing- some liille child or old lady or man, kv in it U( f.,,J!t a, j t,R. fl.)lll( ruw o: "I'oi -Innately." says Ihe Nexx Vo;-J Herald, 'xve haxe at the head of the go eiiunea I at this critical I line a man in whose calmness and .judgment v.e haxe as great con tideuce as xxe haxe in his patriot ism." : u : I leiiioci ai i- committeemen should bear in mind Ihe meeting al Klmxvood nel. Sat urday. Cliair- "la" I.angiiorst urgenlly requests Hie presence of exery member of (. miil lee, and also ex ery candidal e. as mailers of grave : i i . . ..11 ..;o I ... .-li I ""i""""" :o: ,e neon e o lie I niieu stales haxe a right to knoxx' xxhy this ...... sudden an oudl landisli prici j0osfing. Those xvho are engaged i xork of robbing' the people Liiioubl be made to xxalk right up L captain's ol'iice and explain. Let no guilly man escape! :o: II is comforting to hear of the receipt of the Panama canal of -J 5, nun a day and up. The canal has been an outgo and no income for ten years. F.xen Y-5,uim a day looks good for a change. This would be l,nin, uun a year. .Not a large return on a ? investment, -The That is the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming, with the heaviest crops in jtg hjstorv 0t irrigation; thousands of Government and private irrigated lands; oil discoveries frequent; you can homestead the finest grade of irrigated lands with reliable and perpetut 1 water rights from the government on easy terms. The Burlington's new mainline runs through the heart of the Basin, which has already over 20,000 population. Cheap coal and timber for domestic use. A farm in Wyoming's richest industrial and farming section can be yours to-day, with a certain increase in all land values. The New 20-Year Payment Law has just passed Con gress, This makes the land and a pertedual water right almost a gift. Come and see these wonderful cropf. Join our personally conducted excursions. I am employed for Fletcher's supervision since its Infancy. Signature of PNY. Nrw VORK CITY. Mr','-.- twl"in". . i.i nuunpw im if j .. -.a. - ;. but then a full return is not ex peeled for several years. :o: Don't reply lo criticism lyo often. Fools often critizice xxise men. :o: lust after spending all your money nn a summer's vacation, you haxe fo begin sax ing- your small change for ("hrislmas. :o ; The "prk barrel" trust is on he run, and there xvill be s.-xeial more food trusts in the race be fore the government gets through with its investigation. Mark that! :o :- Fx cry American heartily ap proxes the x igorous steps taken by President Wilson lo preserve absolute neutrality. In this al titude of the Americacii people is our best guarantee of peace. :o: .Meat packers haxe made the pitiful complaint at Washington that agitation against high prices is causing a meatless strike, and that consumption of meat is be ing cut down. The packers de clare that legislative investiga tions and nexvspaper campaigns are causing less and less meat lo be eaten and they don't xvant this lo happen, lias Mr. Packer ever considered that perhaps the enormous prices he asks for his meat may have cut dnxvu the pur chasing ability of Ihe meat con sumer aJid force him lo forego continuing to be a meat eater? orn of Plenty - tons of alfalfa, wheat and oats on to help you find a suitable location along the Burlington. Write for "Basin" Literature. S. B. HOWARD, ASSISTANT IMMISRATIOM AGENT, I00A Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.