The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 31, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1914.
Many Matters Discussed, Chief
Among Which Was the Roads
Leading Into the City.
From Saturday's Iaily.
The meeting "T the Commercial
club last evening was one 111 led
with a great ileal of interest to
til lair-sized number nf the mem
bership present, and the dilVerent
subjects brought up for discus
sions were of ital interest to the
eily and its future dev elopnient.
The pi'ti'n of the best inelh
.m!s i if i;i-it ing at the paving of the
alleys in the business part of the
ity was one uf the chief subjects
before Mo- im-eling and all of the
membership are almost uuanim-
n- in being" in favor of taking
up tin- subject and circulating a
petition for the consideration of
Mie eityrouncil ilt next meet
ing. The alleys from Fourth
street iii Seventh in the business
section of the city are used a
i-.-.i! deal by the merchants, a lit I
under tin- pre-eiit contlitions are
-lit li that in rainy weather they
;:ie almo-t impassable at time-1,
ami the demand for having them
pa-d his grown greater eadi
.;tr until the club feels that the
lime i - ripe to lake up the work
of en culal ing the petition. There
-h"iild be no opp"ili"ii when the
gentlemen in charge of the peti
tion come around to secure I he
-I -I I el'-.
The pax i u:r of tin- alleys
brought mi the di-en-smii of an
other subject Mtat lias long been
agitating the minds of the resi
.but- of High School Hill, ami
Mia! the curbing aiid guttering
of .Main street from Seventh to
Tenth streets, as Well as Seventh
1 1 t li'oin pearl to Vine. There
x ere quite a number of the prop
erly r.XXP.els flt'lll the proposed
til-lint plf-ellt at the meeting
a ! ihe t""k up tin- subject xxith
!lie li!-eate-l of e 1 1 1 h II s i a -1 1 1 anil
Ihai i! xxiil go through without a
delay tin it- is little doubt. On mo
tion a i-tiinmit tee uf three. 'J. o.
P.'ll.'. k. -I. II. Roberts ami F. II.
e-ci t, were appoinleil to take
up the X"ik of visiting Mo' differ
ent f'!"op erty owners ami securing
their signatures to the petition
for the curbing- ami g u 1 1 er in
Mr. Hand -tarted a xery in-(iisijn-
subject in touching- mi
lie Ut'ii of a gooi tilst-Chl-S
.-Military dairy in the city that
X"llld be adequate to supply the
neeil- ,.f Mo1 persons xx h o are
ft in pel !til to buy milk, as at Ihe
pre-ent time there is much dif
ficulty e.elie:eet in securing
the right kintj of milk, as nio-t of
the ti:iiry men xht operate on ;
-mall -rale are supplied wilh al
the ru-tomers I hex- can po-siblx
handle. It i- expected that in tin
near fulure an attempt will in
made to interest soim-oiie in Mo
slat hug- of a large dairy and l
fry ami prevail uptn the gentle-
men now engaged in selling milk
t bram h out on a larger -cab- o
operation than heretofore.
The good roads mailer, xxhich
hi- been tine of the bigges poh-
iems before file club ill I lie past
ear. is being handled in lim
-hape by I he coiuniiltee in chargi
of it ami xvhile Ihey have not nun.
pbteii their canvass of the city
Mux haxe already secured sonn
'."u. xxhich xxiil be swelled io a
larger sum ny no lime uie com-
millee completes its solicitations
The money xxiil be applied to tin
-um that the county xxiil expend
it the roads leading- into the -px-
anil xx ill make a .ureal improx i
iih'iiI in Mo- thoroughfares thai
an- used in traveling: into Plaits-
riMMil'i rroni Mie country. This i
one o the besl moves lha! ha
exer been uiitlerlaken i Mie club
ami is f-jiieii to mean a ureal
b al to the betterment of the city
i;i Mie increasing travel Miat xvill
come lo'ie 1o allend lo Iheir trail
ing. Without, good roads xxe cau-
llo expect tile people o conic
lo-re from t!ie country, and xxilh
Miem there js no limit to the pos
sihililies of having Mie residents
of all .-eciiou of Mie County come
here often ami Mie result xxiil b a
feeling of friend-hip ami common
interest between exeryone.
Tin members of Mie club also
-pen! some lime in di-cii-sing Uip
condition of Mie streets, and many
of them thought that the paved
ih-pp's should be Moaned and
sxvept oftener than has been the
custom in Ihe past, and for this
purpose R. F. Patterson xxas ap
pointed a committee of one to look
alter the mailer and try and have
the work done by the city.
The committee on-Mhe'Masonir
orphanage reporter! iliju't ihe coin-
mitlee from the 'Ma-o;vifV i rn uU
l.iuluc hinl visited this -city and
xiexved Ihe land thai it expected to
establish the orphanage upon and
were favorably impresed with the
proposition offered by this city.
A committee from the (!oinmer
eial Club xxas appointed that xvill
further urpe the matter with the
Jrand Lod.ire. - The hour jrrtxvhi
late there xxas a unanimous move
for ajournnicnt. and the members
wended their way homeward.
The war in Furope has been fell
in this count ry in the increase
price of all lines of thai are
handled in this country and xxhich
have been imported from the for
eign countries now at war. One
of the druists of Miis cily xxho
had occasion t xisit one of the
lending drutr houses of the me
tropolis reports Mia! in all lines
ofdruuslhe ailxance has been
ipiile heavy ami the prospects are
for a si rontrer advance Mian cx t r
in this line of K"ds. Toilet -articles
that were imported from
France have iroiie up by leaps and
bounds and some of them cauiio!
be purchased at all. One of the
PlallsmouMi tlrx- uoods stores re
cently purchased a number of net
used iy Mie ladle- m hair dressnm
and xxas astonished to see them
adxanced several dollars on Mo
doen. The raise has been pro
portionately in all lines 'of ooiis
and Ihe resdenl- of the country
xxiil be compelled to open their
yes ami make preparations to u-e
only American-made poods fot
the present at lea-!. The Christ
mas season this vt;ir xxiil tind
practically only the American-
made tovs for sale, a- Fi ance ami
Cermauy. the largest makers of
the ibdls and other toys of Chri-t-
nias time ami these imlu-lrii
have 1 n.parulizcd by the .war..
Infection and Insect Bites
Mosquitoes, Hies and oilier in
sects, which breed quickly in
-rarbape pails, ponds of stagnant
xxater, barns, musty places, etc.,
are carriers of disease. Fver
time they bite yon they inject
poison, into your system from
xxhich some dread disease may
result. Oct a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment. It is antiseptic and a
lew drops xvill neutralize the in
fection caused by insect bitos oi
rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment
disinfects Cuts, Bruises ami sore.-
You cannot afford to be without
it in your home. Money back if
not satisfied. Only 23c at your
Here on a Short Visit.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last exening Albert Fickb-r
came doxxu from Stanton, Neb.,
xx here he is engaged in ranch in'-'.
and after deilxering a load of lim
call I e to Ihe stuck market a I Sou Mi
Omaha came doxxn here to xi-iL
his obi friends for a fexv minutes
While here l.ert xxas a pleasant
visitor at the .Journal oilicc.
A Great Help.
We xxere greatly pleased by a
letter received from Arkansas.
II I . ... r. II ..i
ii. j t-ii'is s ioiiows: i xxisii in
notify xou that 1 haxe received
TrinerVs American F.lixir of Jlil
ler Wine in perfect order. Af
ter having u.-ed it up 1 haxe to sax
that it xxas a great help In no-
and thai 1 feel well again. M
xvil'e, xx tin was treated by a phy
sician, without any result, round
her health in this medicine. "c
are both much obliged to you.
Mike Skovraitek, llox Den
ning, Ark." Triner's American
Flixir of Hitler Wine gives us
ually perfect satisfaction in every
hou-elmM. It, relieves cousti-
ft " ! .
paliou and help:9tn-Mt4estliies
to do tlo-ir woinHi:klnuy. 'At
drug stores. Jos. -Trine r. Man
ufacturer, 13 13 -13 31) " S. Ash-
land avenue, Chicago, 111. Ev
ery family should have at hand
Triner's Liniment for emergen
cies. It relieves iriieumatic and
neuralgic pains.
Oscar Lloyd Goes in Swimming
Near King Hill at Rock
Bluffs and Drowns.
Yesterday afternoon the obi
Missouri river, with ils deep
whirlpools, claimed another
victim in itie person of Oscar
Lloyd, a youm-' man residing
near -Murray. The drowning oc
curred near Kin'- Hill, several
miles south of this cily, where
Mr. Lloyd and several companions
were engaged in swimming there
in the rivei-. From what
learned of the accident it seemed
that Lloyd xxas not much of a
swimmer and had been warned
several times of Ihe danger of getting-
out into the deep water, but
did not heed the adx ice of his
friends ami started out into lip-
deep xxater, and the first -aw of
his plight xxas when he suddenly
sank out of sii-hl. His twin broth
er, olixer Lloyd, attempted to
rescue hi- unfortunate companion
ami being unable to swim xxas
nearly drowned himself, as it xxa
xxith ditliculty that the re-t of Mo
pa r I y -ecu ret I Olix !. xx bile i he at
leiupl to reach Oscar xxas xxiMioiil
axail. as there could be no M nee
found of the hotly. which has
probably lodged in one of Hp
deep pockets formed by the liver
along- the bank.
Wlo-re the drowning- occurred
is very dei p ami quile a distance
from where Ihe parly first started
to sxxim. but Llovd kept walking
out through Mie sh;il,.w xxater un
til xxithoul warning be xxas scut lo
his d'-ath. He has been employed
as a saw mill operative throughou!
this county and is a man well
known by almost everyone in Mur
ray and its iiiinn diate x n inry.
I he death came as a great shock
to Mp' friends in lhat place, as the opened up on Ihe slants of Mr.
news xxas telephoned from a farm ; t '."-. the Iowa iwirb-r, and plant
house near the scene of, (he a cd the ball for six scores that tied
eident. 'Ihe dro (ling should
serve as a warning lo tho.-e who
cannot swim going out into the
water of the river xxhere th''x are
liable al anx time to droxx n.
The Hotel Kib-y. which for Ih
past i-ar has beep under Mp-iiiaiiagt-meiit
of Mont lt"bi, one
of the most eHicieu! hott l men i i
Ihe stale, was sold Saturday by .1.
P. 'alter. Use ag.-nt for the build
ing', to Mr. W. F. Kin-Ioxx of
l.oxxry City. Missouri. This is one
of the handsomest buildings in
(he cily and xxas elected a! an
original xo.-t of -ome, and
is well worth purchasing- hy any
one seeking a gnod invest nienL
During the management of Mr.
Il"bb it has been very successful
and if is xxilh regret that Hi"
PlailsinouMl people xvill -ee this
gentleman retire from (he active
management tf the hotel, as he
has been a most accoumiodal ing
gentleman in the conduct of the
Itiley ami ills service lo the public
has been (lie best ftos-ilde (o e
eure. Mr. Kiuslovv xxiil lake pos
session of the hotel January 1st,
when the change in management
xvill be made. To the new owner a
hearty welcome will be extended
by Ihe residents. of Uiis cily, xxilh
Mie be-t wishes for his success ju
his new venture. Mr. Kinslow
comes here from Missouri, where
he has been engaged in (his liii"
of work and will enedaxor to
make the Hiley one of the most
popular hotels in the stale.
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery.
"I was attacked with dysen
tery about July 15th, and used Ihe
doctor's medicine and other rem
edies xxilh no relief, only irelling
worse all the lime. I was unable
to do anything ami my weight
dropped from 1 (, 15 pounds.
I shffcrcd fur 'about two mouth
when I xxas adviseij to use Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy. I used two bot
tles of it and it gave me perma
nent relief," writes B. W. Holl,
of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale bv
all dealers.
Buy -your stationery at the
Journal office.
House Party at Vallery Home.
The past week Ihe handsome
country home of Mr. and Mrs. .J.
It. Yalleiy, neai- Mynard. xxas the
-cene of a most delightful house
parly, when they entertained a
huge number of those in attend
ance at the Mulz family reunion.
The guests all departed for their
respective homes Saturday al'ler
iiniiii delighted with the charming
hospitality of the Vallery home.
Those xxho composed the party
were: Walter Mul and wife,
Miss p.essie Mut., -loliu Mul..
Harry Mul. Lou Mul. iu" Mul.
wife and son; J. Mulz, wife and
two daughters, Marxville, Mis
souri; Olio Mul, wife ami daugh
ter, Hope. Lincoln? Alberta and
Mary Mulz, Auburn.
There Was a Small Crowd Pres
ent to Viitncss Game and the
Athletics Were Defeated.
Ye-lerday secins o haxe been
an unlucky day for the Platls
llli'Ulll bo- in the field of the
grt-al national game, as b"ih at
Mauley and in this city the platt--
1 1 ) i 1 1 1 It b"s ent t. defeat.
The Athletics of this city p;i!
on a real in I ere-l i ng- Mo
iled Sox ball park, having as their
oppoip-nts a team fiom .AlcPaul
lovxa. and il required an extra i:i
ninn lor tin- low an s lo annex the
game bx- a score of S to tl. Mc
Paul -ecuit-tl theii- -cures scalter
i ug ly hroug hoii t I he tlill'i-i t-iit in
nings, getting one in the fourth,
one in the sixth a id in Mi"
seventh addi d three more ,, J 1 1 i r
ii.-t and one in the eighth. Tip-
I ' !a i i -li it U ! ll box s xX'ei-e scoreless
in'iil the eighth inning', xxheu Ihey
Ihe game up in g'tiod shape, and
the chance's winning" looked
good. In the ninth Ihe locals
xere in a i tit-it ion I" n.iil tit
game down seeurelx, as they ha
i'.liree mi ii on the bases when
rapped one t.o the oiillield. xxln-it
the !'p-ider 111 u 'Vcd Ihe hall and tin
iii-iii on third might haxe scored
J! ut tb laxetl. ami when (he boy.-
came to the side was 01P on ;
forced run. McPaul ended Mp
agony in the it-nth when they ad
ded I xvi i more scores to Iheir list
ami made a., victory out of what
seemed almost-certain 'defeat . Mi
Paul played a good game through
out ami their xvmk in Ihe oiiltiebi
was especially good, as their- play
i rs in Ihe ouler gardens did not
-dip up on their chances. J. ami
. ( J reel lX ood. Xllo fox'ered cenlei
ami right field f"r the loxxa boxs
were the
chief stickers for Mp
learn and done eiTectixe work. A
Hula of Ihe Athletics in the eighth
i:.. . l.i.... a ;i. in.
IMIIllIf ' OII II l! ' t 1 MM-ll.lUMp 111'
left lb-Id fence xxilh a long hard
hit thai did business with Mp
Storz sign and almost tore tin
board oil" the fence. Long", who
dope the tossing for the locals
was in good form and allowed
only three hits in Ihe ten inning
C.iarence Mason, in cenler Held fojr
the local team, xxas there and over
in his work on the job, both in
Ihe hilling and fielding depart
ments of the game.
Buick Agency in Plattsmnuth.
T. H. Pollock has taken the
agency Tor the Muick automo
bile in this city, and is ready lo
talk car to anxoiie desiring Ihis
popular make. The line xvill
comprise three cars, ami are sell
ing at irn, si. -.':." and l,':,0:
the l,r0 car being the six
Good Reason for His Enthusiasm.
When a man has suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea
or other form of boxvel complaint
and I- then cured sound and well
by one or Ixvo doses of Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, as is oflep the
case, it is bul natural that he
.-hould " be enthusiastic in his
praise of the remedy, and espec
ially is this the case of a severe
attack xx hen life is 'threatened.
Try it when In iiced of such a
remedy. It never fails. Sold by
all dealers.
Tyowriter ribbons at tho'Jour-
Inal office.
t m r
New Ties
Every Week
Every Size
Overall Made
A Large Number of the Relatives
Meet at tho Old Homestead in
Eight Mile Grove.
Over sity of the relatives of
the laic John Mut. ami xvil'e. xxlio
In 'ii ;i-sl cadet! in Ca-s lounly.
about nine miles southwest of
Plat I siii"uth. in fs."i. held a fam
ily reunion on the old honeslend
:n Friday ami Saturday of n
week, at which the members of
tip' family gathered to enjoy a
vi-it among- themselves for Mie
ixxo da.xs. and the exeat xxiil long
tjvxell in their memory as one of
lip' uio-t pleasant exeiits of their
'ixes. John Mut. the founder of
Mp' family, .xxas. well knoxxn during-
his lifetime Miroug'hod Ca-s
eoiinly and "ii sexeral occasions
wa- honored bx his neighbors!
Willi election to public ollice.
xxhich trust he executed xxilh
credit to himself and his county.
All eight of the lixing children
of Mr. ami Mrs. Mut xxere pres
ent at the reunion, as follows:
deorge V. Mill. College Yl't'XX.
eb.: Au-tin C. Mut. Auburn,
X. b.: Waller Mul, Mary-x ille.
Missouri: William A. Mul,
Sacred ll'-ait. Minnesota: otto
Mut. Lincoln. Neb.: Albeit H.
Mut. Auburn, Neb.; Nellie Mut
Majors. Lincoln. Neb: Hall ie. Mul
sdexvarl. Montague, Michigan.
There eight son- and daughters
are the parenls ami grandparents
of more Mian eighty children ami
grandchildren, of wIphii about
iifty were present al the reunion.
The old homestead is not now
oxvnetl by a member of the family,
hut op il is now living Cha -les W.
Mut. a grandson of Ihe original
homesteader. It was by his in-
Over 5001are size
01 u z
This is
at our store.
Monday the school bell rings. All this week our store
rings with bargains for boys.
Special values this
are dandy good school suits and
This week boys shirts
"sized boys' waists
One lot of boys' caps for
Another lot new and nobby
Suspender Waist 1 0c Boys' Suspenders 1 Oc
Nobby 4-in-Hand Ties ... 1 5c Boys' Wool Sweaters 75c
Come this week and take advantage of these offerings.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
xitalion that the members of the
family gathered there for their
On the second day of the re
union obi friends of the family
were invited to be present and a
large number were there to enjoy
the delightful occasion. During
the course of (he afternoon each
of I lie sons ami daughters of John
Mut. made a short talk, in which
Ihey recounted some of their early
life on the home-lead, ami they
also s;tii: some of the old songs
Ihey used to sing al the church 011
the hill, and Mie strains of the
music brought back memories of
Ihe long ago in a Hood of recol
lectini. II was decided at the close of
Ihe reunion to Indd amdhcr next
year, ami probably the gathering
of this splendid family xvill be
made an annual event.
A Slight Accident.
Yesterday aflernoon about Ixvo
miles west of PlallsmouMi 011
Mie Louisville road, occurred
-light accident that might have
resulted a great deal more ser
iously. S. II. Carey, xvil'e am
babies xxere driving- abnig tin
roan when l.verett Wiles came up
from behind in his auto, passing
down ipiite a grade the hors
became frightened and unman
ageable by Mr. Carey, who xxas
Ihroxvii from Ihe buggy alight
ing on his head and shoulders,
but xxas uninjured xxilh the ex
ception of a fexv scratches ami
bruises. The horse ran doxxn
Ihe hill and started up the other
side, xxIpmi overtaken by the auto
with .Mi". Carey and Mr. Wiles,
other (ban being badly fright
ened Mrs. Carey ami (he babies
xxere uninjured. The wind shield
was broken from Ihe auto in the
chase to capture the runaway
Miss F.slhcr Larson was a pas
senger for Red Oak. Iowa, last
evening-, where she will visit for a
short visit with Mrs. Roy Hreese,
formerly Miss Maude Wells of
Ibis cily.
sample swatches of
from Ed. V. Price & Co., are
here for your inspection. They include
every good weave and pattern offered by
the markets at home and abroad. This is
the 12th consecutive season for our con
nection with this high-class tailoring es
tablishment, and coming after the largest
season's tailoring business we have ever
had, we feel greatly encouraged over the
prospects for Fall.
Come in, any time, select
,p!?&p your pattern; we'll take accurate meas
urements and descriptions and insure you
of perfect fitting garments. Delivery in
one week.
Prices range $20 to $50
week in Knicker Suits
$2.50, $3.50 and $4.50
these are way below war prices
at 25c. A few medium
5 for $1.00
R. L. Propst Sick.
Saturday afternoon R. L. Pi-op-l
came in from his home al Mynard
for the lirst time in ten days, hav
ing been sufl'eringg from a severe
attack of acute indigestion during
that, period of lime. Mr. propsl
had been enjoying- very good
health up (o this lime ami Me-sickne-s
which laid him up was
very severe and kepi him from all
activities for the entire (en days,
ami to a man used lo the aclixe
life of Mr. Props! this proved
most iiksonie. He was unable fiu
five days to touch any -olid food,
and only Saturday was pel-milled
to partake of the very lightest of
Certainly "Some" Pears.
This morning Joseph Jeliin-k
brought to the Journal office xxhat
wo consider to be the linesl col
lection of pears ever raised in Hp
icily, and both in the number ami
si.e (hey are certainly some pears.
I hey were raised on the property
of Mr. Jelinek in Hie west part of
the cily and consisted of Ixxo
small limbs or branches that are
loaded xxilh great, large. lucious
specimens of the fruit. One
branch has four ami one six large
pears. Mr. Jelinek lakes a great
pride and justly as to Ihe line fruit
Democratic Committee Meeting.
Notice is hereby given thai 1
have called a meeting of the
democratic county central com
mittee and all candidates, lo be,
held at Flmwood on Saturday,
September 5111. at 11 o'clock a.
... 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ....
in. All canuitiaies ami r mn' -
men are urgently reipiesled to be
present. L. F. Langhor-t.
How the Trouble Starts.
Consl ipalion is the cause of
1 1 1 a 1. nj
many aiinienis ami mson...
that make life miserable. Take
Chamberlains Tablets, keep the
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For bale hy all
new Fall woolens