The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 27, 1914, Image 1

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Neb State Historical Soc
NO. 69.
Piatt s
Auto Driven by D. T. Tyson of
Near filvo Runs Over John
Ouile a serious accident iicrui'
mm Chicago acnue la-t een
i 1 1 ir shortly after o'clock, when
1 1 n aut iik dole lricii by I). T.
Tsni) ..r iifiir Alvt pan itito John
Swanson, . 1 1 the ) ssinir at Chi
cago a'iiu- and Rock street. The
automobile had been going- at a
slow rat f -pi'i'il following- an
other rap into the city anI ju-t
a- the h-ading car pas-ed nvt;r
I In- crossing on Chicago avenue
I In- car of Mr. Tyson swung east
to go no Rork street, ami on flu
em-sing collided with Mr. Swan,
-on who wa t.n his way home
from his work in 'h north part
of I In city. Tln man was ntifl
by llif occupants of the car as
I hey came u; from the avenue,
ami at that time he was standing
in tin enter of the crossing go
ing .-on Ih anil the driver of the
ear -wung the machine to the
north of the ci'ossinir out of the
io:nl. in order lo allow Swanson
to continue on his way, but the
man apparently became rattled,
as he .jumped backwards just as
the machine was passing in the
ie;ip of him. and was knocked
down, one of the front wheels
passing over him and inflict intr
- rious injury. The occupants
of jl:,' machine at once got out
and hastened to the side of the
injured man. who was lying in
I he road, and it was feared at
lir-t that he was fatally injured.
Swanson was at once fathered
up and hurried in a car to the of
fice of a surgeon where an exam
ination was made of his injuries
and it va- found that he was suf
fering from several broken ribs
as well as being greatly shocked
by the accident. Every possible
attention was given him and he
was ioiieed to his home in the
south part of the city, where he
was reported this morning as
r -1 1 i i easily. Mrs. Tyson suf
teied a severe cut on the lip from
-triking it against the side of tin
car when il .-truck the man, and
was al-o greatly shocked by the
accident a- w;is Mr. Tyson, who
deeply regrets tile unfortunate
accident. js a careful driver
and made every pos-jie allow
ance fop the man to escape get
ting struck, so'the eye witnesses
state, hut Swansoji becoming sud
denly frightened, evidently got
confu-eil and stepped back into
the wav of the advancing car.
J. dm Iirady and wife left early
this morning on No. 10 for the
east, where I hey go to visit at
Manchester, Ohio, their old home,
and to renew their childhood days
anions the once familiar scenes.
It has been some forty-six years
since our worthy friends have
visited in Manchester and the
visit there has been one they
have anticipated with pleasure fo,r
I he past few weeks. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Brady were born a few
miles from this place and here
some of the happiest days of
their lives were spent abrtig the
old Ohio river. Wore leaving
Mr. Brady elft with us a few
verses that reflects the pleasure
they expect in the visit:
Hack to the scenes of our youth,
To fake healthy regrowth
On the grassy banks of romping
That babbled us to sleep in child
hood. Wedding stationery at the
Journal office.'
Counties Interested.
Activily in the county exhibit
section of the Nebraska state fair
indicate-- that there will be a de
cided increase in the number of
county exhibits in the new Agri-cullural-Ilort
icult ural ball. Sep
tember 7 1 1 . Counties in the west
and northwest sections of the
stale are making commendable
efforts li boo.-t their com
munities by extensive agricultural
The announcement has been
received in this cityf the mar
riage at Omaha on last Monday
of Mr. Frank Phillips and Miss
Mary McElroy, both of that city.
The wedding was a very quiet one
the bridal couple being: unatted
ed at the ceremony, which was
performed at the residence of
the priest of the church of which
Miss Mc Kirov was an attendant.
The news of the wedding will be
quite a surprise to the many
friends of the bride in this city,
where she made her home for so
many years, but they will join in
wishing her the best of happiness
in her wedded life. The yuun;'
people will make their home in
Omaha in the future.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The three negroes who were al
leged to have been implicated in
the breaking into of a bunk car
near- Murdock on last Wednesday
morning were brought up before
Justice M. Archer yesterdav to
stand their preliminary hearing
on the charge preferred against
them. Two of the men, Ed Wil
son and Oeorge Lewis, were able
to gel themselves out of the
charge of taking a pair of shoes
which had been in the bunk car,
and the evidence against Launey
Bellnay, the third of the trio, was
largely circumstantial, as he was
seen with a pair of shoes during
the chase after him from South
Bend toward Louisville, but these
he claimed to have purchased
from a while man near Murdock
and fo hae lost them while run
ning from the men who were after
him. The shoes, so Bellany
claimed in his testimony, had
been lost by him while crossing a
cornfield near South Bend, and
he did not know what had become
of them, while other witnesses
lestitled that a thorough search
of the locality had failed to re
veal them. The justice, after
hearing- the evidence in the case,
decided to bind the man over to
the district court at its coming
term for trial, while Wilson and
Lewis will be held as witnesses in
the case. The bunk car where
the shoes were alleged to have
been taken from belonged to the
C. H. I. & P. and was occupied by
an Italian named Charles Mun
zielo, who was -engaged in work
fny the company. There was quite
a large crowd present to hear the
case and a great deal of interest
was manifested in it. The two
witnesses will be forced to remain
here until the case is disposed of
in the distirct court.
Friends Visit Wheeler Home.
Quite a number nf Memphis
friends visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. I). Wheeler Sunday.
Four auto loads were present, ar
riving at 11 a. m. and returning:
home in the evening-. Those pre-
Isent were O. D. Marks and family,
Frank Deck and family, Eli Keiser
and family, Elmer Eikenbary and
family, Charles Deck and family,
all of Memphis. W. D. Wheeler
and family, Misses Ida and
Elizabeth Tschirren.
The Journal does job work.
Traffic Police Appointed to Look
After Violation of the Road
Laws in City.
The drivers of automobiles,
wagons and buggies through the
city streets in the future should
be more careful in observing- the
rules of the road in driving
through the city, as the police
committee of the city council are
determined to see I hat some re
form is made in I he reckless
manner' in which the people drive
on the streets, some of them pay
ing- absolutely no attention to the
safety or rights of others in this
respect. There are very clearly
defined rules laid down in the
state law regulating- traffic that
compels vehicles to keep to the
right hand side of the road and
bv a strict observation of this
rule a great deal of trouble can
be avoided and lessen the chances
of anyone getting injured by be
ing- ran down by a car or other
vehicles. In turning- the corners
the drivers of automobiles should
exercise a great deal more car e in
following- out. the rules am!
regulations in this respect, as it
has been frequently commented
upon that there is but little heed
paid to them by the drivers in
tearing1 around the corners at a
breakneck rate of speed, and if
was for the purpose of keeping- a
better check on the regulation of
traffic that the council has de
cided to place a traffic policeman
on the streets for the next three
Saturday, and those who have a
habit of ignoring: the well estab
lished rules of the road will be
called down by the police and with
further infractions of the law be
arrested and fined.
This movement is no mor e than
right and really should have been
taken up long ago, as there has
been a great deal of complaint
from all quarters on this subject
and by an effort on the part of all
drivers of vehicles the condition
of the streets of the city eau be
made much safer for the pedest
rians who pass along- them.
On Friday evening", August 21,
a jolly crowd of young people
were entertained at the home of
W. P. Hutchison, south of this
city, the occasion being in honor
of A. It. Hutchison of Minneapolis,
Minn. The jolly company par
ticipated in various games on the
lawn, those being- interspersed
with music. During: the evening1
several large watermelons were
served, which were thoroughly
enjoyed by the guests. Just prior
to the close of this delightful
entertainment delicious ice cream
a cake were served. The guests
declare the Hutchisons excellent
entertainers and are very much
indebted to them for the delight
ful evening- spent. Those in at
tendance were: Misses DeElla
Venner, Eva Porter, Elizabeth
Oliver, Clara "oung. Lillian
Wheeler, pearl Henlon, Elsa Oap
en, Pearl Dugey, Winnie and
Marie Hutchison, Messrs. W. Rex
Young, Harry Henton, perry
Wheeler, Frank Dugay, Will
Smith, Robert Patterson, Roy
Cole, A. R. Hutchison, Minneap
olis, Minn.; Ernest, Claude and
Vern Hutchison, Will Oliver, Mes
srs. and Mesdames Carl R. Cole,
W. R. Carey, Cedar Creek; W. P.
L. D. Hiatt, the Murray mer
chant, came up yesterday after
noon from his home and spent a
few hours here looking after
some matters of importance.
Will Locate in Plattsmouth.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Dr. O. R. Davis of Rockwell
City, Iowa, was in the city yester
day and made arrangements for
locating- and practicing- his pro
fession in Platlsmoiilh. He has
rented the residence property of
Dave Babbiington, tin second
brick, on North Fourth street, in
which fop the present his office
will be located. Dr. Davis is a
graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy of Kirksvilb. and
has had a great deal of exper ience
in the work. He will arrive in
Plattsmouth on -Monday, August.
31. Dr. Davis conies to the city
well recommended.
On next Sunday the Platts
mouth Athletics will give an ex
hibition at the Red Sox park in
this city having as their oppo
nents the McPaul. bwa team.
The Iowa boys are a pretty fast
organization, and while they were
able to cop the game la-1 Sun
day at McPaul from the Athletics,
the boys here are determined to
win the game Sunday, and will
bend every effort to do so. This
is the first opportunity that has
been given for this team to play
ball here as J he Red Sox use the
park each Sunday, but they be
ing absent on this occasion at
Mauley the Athletics will furnish
the amusement fop the base ball
fans. There should be a large
crowd out to encourage the boys
in their playing- and to win the
contest from the Towa lads. The
game will be 1-alled at 2:30,
The management of the Platts
mouth base ball team has finally
closed an engagement for next
Sunday with the Manley base ball
team for a game in that place and
will take on the Cass County
leaguers. The question of secur
ing a means of transportation 'to
Manley was at first a very vexing
one fop the management of the
base ball team, but arrangements
have finally been made with the
different garages of the city
whereby the persons desiring- to
go out to the game may do so by
paying $1.50 for the round trip,
which will make the rate 75 cenis
for one way. This is not exces
sive and the owners of cars feel
that it is easily worth that much
for the trouble and wear- on the
car, as Manley is some twenty
miles away and it will be quite a
trip. All who are contemplating
going- to the game would do well
to see the local garages and close
I heir arrangements now for se
curing transportation before Sun
day in order that it will be pos
sible for the managers of the gar
ages to lignre on the size of the
crowd they will have to haul. The
Manley team will strive hard to
win the game and it will prove
one of the most interesting con
tests of the season and the Red
Sox are determined to make the
leaguers fake the losers' end of
the game if the5' can. The Man
ley team, when in this city, were
a very clever and gentlemanly ap
pearing bunch of ball players and
have promised to show the Platts
mouth visitors a royal welcome
to that city when they visit there.
Mrs. E. E. Hinton and daughter,
Miss Ethel, anil mother, Mrs.
Poindexfer, of Sf. Joseph, Mo.,
came in last evening for a short
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrvs.
J. W. Johnson. They have been
visiting in the vicinity of Mynard
with W. F. C-illespie and wife and
other relatives.
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
Germans Capture Two
Important French Cit
ies and 3,000,000
Russians Marching on
The late reports received from
the seats of the war in Europe
this afternoon point to a great
and decisive gain for the (Jerman
army, now advancing at a rapid
rate into France, where the scene
of the baldest fighting must now
occur. J he important cities of
Liliie and Yalcencies, both of
large population, have succumbed
to the invaders. Liliie was
abandoned by the French troops
without resistance and on the ar
rival of the Oermans there they
found the town peacefully await
ing, their arrival.
(Mi the border the Oermans
have also made great inroads into
the country, defeating the French
in several engagements.
Ow the Prussian frontier the
huge Russian army is pouring in
to (iermany, carrying all before
it by sheer force of numbers; 3,-
OOo.OOd are now on Oerman soil
and dispatches state that 5,000,-
000 more reserves will be pushed
into the campaign. The cry of
the Russians, aroused to a frenzy
of patriotism, is ' On to Berlin,"
where many of the wealthy are
making preparations In retire to
Sweden and Denmark to escape
the vast army of the czar.
A most delightful lawn party
was given last evening at trie
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bajeck
on Wes; Main street, when their
daughter, Miss Agnes, entertain
ed for a number of her voung
friends. The lawn was decorated
very prettily with fancy lanterns,
and here the young folks enjoyed
themselves at games for 'several
hours. During the evening very
dainty and tempting refreshments
were served to the company on
the lawn by Misses Janet, Pauline
and Elizabeth Bajeck and Miss
Delia Frans, and this feature of
the evening was one thoroughly
enjoyed by the jolly crowd. Those
who were present were: Misses
Adelia Sayles, Elizabeth Bajeck,
Blanche Sayles. Delia Frans, Mina
Kaffenberger, Abbie Brown, Ola
KalTenberger, Katherine (.order.
Katherine Schrack, Lenora Snyd
er, Bess Handley. Mary Welen-
kamp, Orace Nolting, Helen Liv
ingston, Anna Iliber, Lorene
Chambers, Messrs. Oeorge Snyd
er, Barley Wiles, Howard Wiles,
Albert Janda. Frank Palacek,
Will Nolting, Will Schmidlmann,
Arthur Wetenkamp. Major Hall,
Dewev Zuckweiler, Burdette
Briggs, Elmer. Wetenkamp. Her
bert Chriswisser, Raymond Lar
son, Edward Rebal. '
Ice Cream Social.
An ice cream social will be
given at the T. J. Sokol hall Sun
day afternoon' August 30th.
Everybody cordially invited. The
"Weary Willies" will furnish the
Attends Reavis Banquet.
From Wpdnepday' Dan v.
Hon. Matthew Oering departed
yesterday afternoon for Lincoln,
where he was in attendance at the
banquet given by C. F. Reavis at
the Lincoln hotel in honor of the
defeated candidates for congress
in the lirst district, in compliance
with the agreement among the
gentlemen I hat the winner1 should
dine the eight losing- candidates.
The meeting was very harmon
ious, and all were united in pledging-
their support to Mr. Reavis
for- elect ion.
This afternoon at o'clock
there was for five minutes a sus
pension of all work over- the en
tire Burlington system, when
trainmen. shopmen, telegraph
operators and every other em
ploye of the road stopped for that
period of time from their duties
to pay honor to the memory of
Darius Miller-, the beloved presi
dent of the Burlington system,
whose funeral services were held
at o'clock in Chicago. The
valuable services of Mr. Miller
will be greally missed in the con
duct of the affairs of the Burling
ton, as he was one of the foremost
r ailroad men of the past few years
anil his administration of the af
fairs of the Burlington has placed
that road among the best jn the
The hunters of this vicinity will
rejoice over the news that at last
the long-standing ban over the
hunting of (lucks on the Missouri
river is about to be lifted by the
federal government, and once
more the laminar sound ol me
duck hunter's gun will be heard
on the sit reams where it has been
silent for the past year. Mr. Em
mett C. Higgins, of Omaha, dis
trict inspector of the United
States federal migratory bird law,
was in the city today and an
nounced that on October first the
new law recently passed by con
gress would go into erTect
One of the features of the new
law that appeals to the residents
of this section is that which ex
tends the bounds of the open zone
from near the Kansas state line
to the upper Missouri river near
Sioux City, and which will allow
the shoot ing of ducks on the rivet
here until December Dth. Here
tofore the hunters from Nebraska
City and south have been able to
get into the huiiO'ng, while from a
point a few miles south of that
city north there has been a con
tinuous closed season all year.
The new law will cause a great in
crease in the number of hunters
on the river.
Last evening Albert Lenlz, who
is employed on the farm of Frank
Blotzer, near Cedar Creek, met
with a very painful accident that
will lay him up for some time. He
was engaged in driving up some
cattle when the horse on which
he was riding shied and became
frightened at some object and ran
into a barbwire fence, with the re
sult, that the young man received
several very severe gashes on. his
left leg that required the services
of a surgeon to close, and it will
be some time before he is able to
be around again with his usual
Try the Journal for calling
Assignment or Teachers and
Everybody in Readiness for the
Commencement of Fall Term.
The plattsmouth city schools
will open on Monday, September
7lh. this year for the commence
ment of the school ear at which
time all the pupils who expect.
lo ;ittend tile school will be on
hand to rereje their a-signment-
and be gien their studies fop the
term. As the 7th will be Labor-
day there will be only one hour's
session of the school and the
pupils will then be dismissed for
the remainder of the dav. In the
afternoon a meeting of the city
pupils will then be dismis-ed for
teachers will be held at which
time the superintendent and
teachers will discuss the school
work and get their plans perfect
ed for the carrying out of (he
education of the young men and
women of the rily. The parents
and students who desire to fall;
over the lines of studies and
other matters in regard to the
school work will be gien an ap-
poriunity to do so by calling at
the office of Superintendent
Brooks any afternoon of next
week from I :;to until 5 o'clock as
either the superintendent or
Principal ger- will be
there to take up the question wilh
either the students or parents. All
children who will be five ears obi
bv December 1st, are urged to be
present at the opening se-sjori of
the school on Monday so as riot
to lose any lime in gelling start
ed as after the school has been
organized for & few weeks the
new beginners will be well into
the work and those entering- late
will be handicapped as well as
making the work of the teacher-
a great deal mor e ditlicult.
Superintendent Brooks has
completed the assignment of the
different teachers who will be
iven the following studies and
rades during the year:
High School A. O.
ger, principal, history; .Vliss
Jessie Moore, science; Miss Mar
garet Oiberson, normal training:
Miss Anna Daniels, hemat ic-;
Miss Lucille Oass, l'iii;li-h; Mi-s
Estelle Baird. language.
Central building Elmer Frans
Miss Anna lleisel. Mrs. Mae
Morgan, Miss pearl Staats,
Seetll and Eighth grades. Mi-s
Teresa Hemple, sixth grade; Mi-s
Mai lie Lar-on, fifth and sixth
grades; Miss Clara Weyrich. fifth
grade; MNs Vern a Cob, fourth
grade; Miss Anna J. Frankum.
third and fourth grades; Mi-s
Elizabeth Kerr, second and third;
Miss Amelia Mar-tens, primary.
Columbia school Miss Hawks
worth, fifth and sixtli grade;
Miss Vesta Douglas, fourth ami
filth grades; Miss Alpha Peterson
second and third grades; Mi-s
Hazel I)oey, primar.
East fourth ward Mi-s Delia
Tarlsch, third and fourth; Mi-s
Edna Snoop, first, and second
South Park Miss Hilda Bar
wick, first and second grades.
First ward Miss Crete Briegs.
fir st and second grades.
East second ward Miss Chris
tine Hanson, ' first . and second
West second ward Miss Marie
Svoboda, first ami second grades
Mercer ille Miss Margaret
Porter, first to fourth grades. .. .
Mrs. Malfie Wirt and Mrs.
Lena Hoyt of Kansas City, Mis
souri, have been here for the pa-l
few days as guests of the Morgan
family. Mrs. Hoyf departed yes
terday for Omaha, from where she
will return to her home, while
Mrs. Wirt will remain for a long
er visit.
Buy your stationery at th
Journal office.