The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914.
Cbe Plattsmoutb 'Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at P I a 1 1 e m o u t h. Nebr.
Entered at tbe l'ostoffice at I'lattsmouth,, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloej S1.50 Per Year In Advance
The best conduct a man
ran adopt is that which
aiui for him the esteem of
dhers without depriving
him of his own. Talmud.
Jf you are in dubt what to
t trv
watchful waiting.
. far the war has not develop
ed a Jean Paul Jones yet.
I'he Journal extends congratu
lations to Ctovernor Morehcad.
We ini'shl take care of the cot
ton crop before French war loans.
The defeated candidates do not
.-e.'in to be kicking very hard.
There is no ue in it.
Dead politicians never know
v. hen they are dead. Joe Cannon
i ruuniuir for congress again.
:o :
Jf Odumhus hadn't tliseovered
America we niicht all be over
I her,. lighting for the kaiser.
Primary election returns are
almost as exasperating as the
cable report-, from a (lernian bat-
:o :
F.indiMii sometimes gets sat
d"vn upon pretty hard. A certain
stale candidate realizes this fact;
by thi- time. J
l! i- lucky, perhaps, that Ross
llaiuni'iud was not nominated for
goi-r:ior, wit I the opposition of
e in ; ern..r Ablrich to light.
Aldrieh swore vengeance agrainst
H.- two jears ago.
The first of September ought to
ee the candidates moving around
pretty liey. The hardest work
i- ( to come and they will all
think -o by the lime the election
ndl-. aifjinl.
".liairmau Epperson of the bull
wing: of the republican
paity s.-cni- to be a target for
o:ni. of the republican stale candidate-
that were defeated for the
nomination. He was an ardent
supporter of Howell, to the
detriment of Kemp and Ham
mond. And the end is not yet.
The death of Charles M. Harey,
after a prolonged illness, removes
a well known man in newspaper
circle.-. JI- was a prolific writer
on political and historical topics,
and his name was a familiar one
in ariou publications. Of a
statistical character he was rated
an authority on many subjects.
The country is afflicted with loo
much middleman. He is numer
ous, lie is greedy, rapacious and
ueer fiefs enough. He is a price
fixed, a price-booster, and his paw
- in everyone's pocket. He is so
greedy he would scratch the moss
from a gravestone if he could sell
if for breakfast food. Swat him,
and swat him hard.
:o: .
The smoke of battle has about
cleared away, and the excitement
oer the primary has died down.
cav, weeks later a greater bat
.tle.will ensu and one in which
generalship and scouts will per
forin au important part, but the
rank and file will be there with
telling- ellect on I ho third day of
November, whn the great battle
will be fought.
I he oeinparatively meagre re
turns thus far received seem
to amply vindicate the judgment
of the star in its contention that
(iovernor Morehcad was the
strongest candidate the demo
crats could present, for the gub
ernatoiial nomination.
i ney also muicaie inai- me
democrats over I he state did join
in a call for a renomination of
the governor and that the use of
bis name did not involve hi
candidacy for a second term, but
the candidacy of an overwhelming:
majority of the democrats of the
They indicate that those who
scoffed at the suggestion that
there was any appreciable de
mand lor the governor s again
ubinitting his services to the
party were questioning the good
faith of the majority of democrats
who called him.
They indicate that the governor
had ample reason to conclude
that the democratic sentiment
was so overwhelmingly for him
that he owed it to his party, which
had honored him. not to desert it
in a crisis that seemed to chal
lenge his fidelity.
There seems to be no possibil
ity that when the complete re
turns are in Governor Morehcad
will not have received more votes
than both Mr. lierge and Metcalfe
together, so that the candidacy of
one against the other did not in
fact prevent the nomination of
Governor Morehead's majority
over both bids fair to exceed his
majority of two years ago over
Mr. Metcalfe alone.
It was after a careful test of
popular sentiment, among repub
licans as well as democrats, that
this paper has maintained the ut
most confidence that (Iovernor
Morehcad would be renominated.
Since he submitted to the demand
of a manifest democratic senti
ment, the governor has not made
a vigorous or extended campaign,
but it is manifest that he did more
than was necessary, possibly
spurred to it by the fact that
those who had forced him into the
race expected it of him, and by
the tremendous promises of ad
verse strength to be disclosed by
those who contested the nomina
tion with him.
In the face of the showing made
by the returns, it is hard to un
derstand the predictions made
by his rivals or to account for
their expressions of confidence.
Lincoln Star.
Governor Morehcad should be
proud of his large vole in Cass
county. It demonstrates that I he
range and file of the democracy
of this county have great faith in
him as a gentleman and chief
executive of the slate of Nebraska.
It, is also demonstrative of the
fact, that he has pleased the people.
Franklin Roosevelt is more BULL RAID IN FOOD PRICES.
modest than his Uncle leddy. lie in all probability official action
will be satisfied with controlling taken at Washington yesterday
merely one party m ISew oik. will go far toward immediately
:o: checking that unwarranted ad
Reavis is the republican stand- vance in food prices of which such
aid-bearer in this congressional bitter complaint has been heard
district. - But he will have lo run during the last few days. The
better than he did for district president, communicated with At-
judge a few" years ago or his name torney General Mclleynolds ask-
will be Dennis after the Novetn- ing whai action, if any, can be
her election.
Howell and Morehead are the
taken, under existing federal laws,
toward the proescution of dealers
for advancing prices of the neces-
opposing candidates for governor, saries of life, an advance which,
If Howell can pull otr a few more the president lightly concludes
stunts like that the other night lias no justification in the exist.
he may succeed in prelting in hail
ing distance of Governor More-
head at the November election.
President Wilson has given Mr.
Morgan and his associate finan-
ing condition of things. He also
asked the attorney general for
suggestions as to what new laws,
if any are needed, would, in his
opinion, meet the legal difficulties
of the case, and urged the begin-
ciers a gentle hint that his ad- "'"b" oi invesiigauons, uirougn
ministration does not look kindly me uisinci attorney s oinces in
on foreign loans at the present all parts of the country, for ascer-
time, and in this he will have the fining the nature and extent of
upport of the people of the en- l,H' impositions being practiced.
I rt. I. i . l. I..
lire countrv. 1 ut attorney general s repi
gave assurance of vigorous meas
ures in the desired direction. His
suggestions that in addition to
the officials of the department of
justice, those working in the de
partment of commerce could
widen the field of investigation
and facilitate the prompt action
We. are glad that Will, Maupin
ias made a successful rave for
ailway commissioner, because
we believe sincerely that he is a
stronger man than Ollis for the
)osition. Will Maupin is stronj
with laboring- men throughout the
tate, and if he cannot be elected which clearly needed in the
on the democratic ticket we can't
lect anyone.
In all first-class cities the.
treet sweeping and Hushing i
When the democrats urged
Goeruor Morehead to make the
race again they knew what was
best for the success of the party,
as the vote in the late primary
surely attests. There never was
any doubt as to the sincerity of
this call.
From present indications Villa
is liable to make trouble for Car
rauza in Mexico. The best thing
to do with Villa under the circum
stances is to hang him "higher
than llaman." He don't want
peace at any price.
done after busine
lere in Plattsmoulh it is. done at
time that it annoys everybody
who has business down town, and
pecially the ladies who cross
an recross ttie streets going to
and from the postotlice. The
Journal thinks the authorities
houbl change this work to a more
uopitious hour.
The Slate Journal says "the
lemocrats will be wise to try to
make the campaign on Wood row
Wilson rather than their candi-
ate for governor." When the
emocrats want any advice from
the State Journal as to the cam
paign m Nebraska lliey will ask
or it. Suggestions such as the
ournal has been in the habit of
giving always does more harm
than good, that's the reason they
ire so free to give democrats ad-
I'he war news from Kurope
seems to be rather uuiet for a
few days, and both sides seem to
be busy feel in
case, was promptlv acted upon.
We think it very likely that the
taking of this action will be at
once rellected in a drop, if not a
tumble, in many food prices. That
hours but I -'oe i"""-'"-1"
can be no doubt. I here can be
even less doubt, . oi tne entire
llintsiness of the claim that the
advance is a necessary effect of
which war in Kurope is the cause.
With exportation greatly obstruc
ted, and supplies not diminished
the effect of the European war on
prices should, white the obstrue
lions continue, be in the direction
of low and not higher prices
The foreign war is but a pretext,
and a very llimsv one, for extor
tions proving that human greed
is not a distinction oi ciass, aim
that railway managers are not the
only men in the business world
willing to take all a traffic can be
made to bear.
The position of the extortion
ists being as untenable as il clear
ly is, we may expect to see them
abandoning it at the very outset
of vigorous measures lending to-
The ultimate consumer seems
to be facing the usual fate of in
nocent bystanders.
Religion and politics are not
expected to mix very well. Hut in
many instances they do.
The Panama-Pacific exposition
authorities show high courage in
proceeding with the big show as
Governor Morehead very grace
fully accepts Mr. Metcalfe's offer
of aid in the campaign. This is
is it should be.
Will Maupin, it would seem
from the returns, will be the
democratic nominee for railway
Usually "decisive" battles do
not occur until late in a war. And
seldom has it been possible to tell
one until after it was over.
The republicans did not want
Governor Morehead renominated.
They realize his great strength
throughout the state.
If John E. Lamb of Indiana i
ent as ambassador to Mexico it
hould be made clear that he i
not as mild as his name might in
:o ;
Willi one or two exceptions
there never was a better stab
icket nominated by the deun
crats. it is a shame to have such
fellows creep in and endanger th
majority of candidates who an
lonorable, with clean character
and are worthy. Hut such is th
suit of the primary system of
making nominations.
rf 1 A'
ward prosecutions and convic
tions. Nevertheless the investiga
tions .should go forward rapidly
and thoroughly, particularly if
the position of the there is at present no federal law-
other, and while the outposts may under which such oppressions
bring on a general engagement, :an be reached. The present bull
it is just as probable that they raid in food prices has shown the
will dilly-dally along and do nolh-hilal necessity of such a law, and
ing for several more days. Such if there is none in existence now
has been the experience of many 'lie investigation should be push-
a war fought in the past on the
xery ground now occupied by the
belligerants. Let us therefore
keep cool and endeavor to do what
in us lies lo bring about peace
and stop this useless effusion of
blood and the waste of the world's
resources, for no matter who gets
the glory the cost falls at the last
analysis upon the backs of the
The outcry about breaking
pledges will cease now, as both
candidates for governor are equal
on that score, or if anything, the
republican candidate is deeper in
the mire. Governor Morehead
thought, of course, when he said
he would not run again, he was
honest in saying so, but Mr.
Howell made his statement in
black and white, and if he had not
promised Senator Kemp that he
would not run for governor, that
gentleman today would be the re
publican nominee instead of the
gentleman who broke his promise
to a gentleman who is head and
shoulders above Howell in every
thing that goes to make a gov
ernor of ability and one who
would reflect credit upon the
great state of Nebraska.
ed for the getting of testimony,
with a view to speedily lowering
1 lie extortionate prices now being
The boost in the price of living
is an excellent anti-fat remedy.
Ue wary! This war will be used
as an excuse for everything from
begging to burglary.
The nations are now vying with
each other in couretous treatment
of American tourists. There is
nothing like having a big neutral
A general boycott might slop
the advance of food prices if it
was not so inconvenient. Hut
everybody will be willing for
everybody else to try it.
The democrats of Cass county
know, or ought to know, what they
have got to do to elect their ticket,
and they had heller not get it into
their noodle that a nomination is
all that is necessary. No candidate
now has a cinch on the election to
any office, and any of them is lia
ble to find this out before the No
vember election.
Farmers should write to tin
l S. J e partnieiit of Agriculture
and get Farmers' Bulletin No.
Vi.J. That warns them of the
coming while grub plague, prob
ablv because of the swarms of
the June buus. and tells of the
ways ami means to combat tin
grub. In this grub. caused
millions of dollars of damage to
corn, timothy, potatoes, straw
berries, etc.
No matter what you think, voting-
by mail is a great nuisance,
and the law should be repealed.
There is too much red tape about
it and causes the election board
to put in a great deal more time
in counting up the vide. Here
tofore the vote could lie counted
in one day. now if takes a day
and a half, or mote. It is esti
mated that it will take ten days
to count, the vole, in consequence
of the returns by mail.
Our foodstuffs are accumulating-,
bumper crops are reported
from every direction. We can't
ship it to Europe, we have no
ships in which to ship lo South
America, and yet we are forced lo
pay higher prices war prices
lor what we eat. The government's
right in asking why, and compel
the answer. It is not the fault of
the small local retailer,"nor is it
the producer. It is the man be
tween who should be behind the
prison bars.
You wouldn't expect a politician
lo have so much common sense,
but William F. McCombs, demo
cratic national chairman, alter
two weeks of scouting the middle
west, has reached the conclusion
that the people are more inter
ested in their personal altairs
than in politics. In this he is
absolutely correct. People are
refusing, in greater number than
ever before, to be led around by
politicians. They have conic to
know that, as a general rule, they
have been tearing their shirts lo
et soft jobs fur friends who for
got them after election. The pri
mary election has doubled the
noxious dose, and may be the
traw that broke the camel's
, lul
i i :. . . 1
For Infants and Children.
": .
Sir 0
3 e-t U
tiic SioraiKlis flMBovelsof
Promotes DiSesttcnJCfacrfur
ness and RestXontalns nei&cr
OpiunuMcrphinc ncrJILiEral
ltirpkui Sua
jilx Sautn
C'.wfkd Sugar
Ancrfect Remedv for Consffc
tion , Sour Stomach Dlarrbora
ness andLoss or Sleep.
r&cSinnk 'Sigr-aturgof j
-The Centaur Compass
NEW i UK iv.
SraMecd under the
The Kind You Have
' Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Meanwhile the
brightly as ever.
un shines as
"I'm 'idslufTs are soaring,
the cry. Chasing the eagle.
:o :
one contented man in a com
munity is worth a whole armv of
calamity howlers. 5
Congress is stil in session, but
quite still. The European war is
making all the noise.
To avoid trouble we must all
grive and take
that Kurope,
riot learned.
It is a simple trut h
as obi a it is, has
We are more than satisfied to
continue in the peaceful if less
spectacular occupation of gath
ering in the crops.
It will lake more than a mes
sage of peace to stop tin; fighting
in Kurope; in fact, it seems cer
tain that someone is goiiig lo get
badly licked before it is all over.
:o :
The primary returns have drag-
; l.. ji.., ......... ,-. r
t- u ill Muni lllcIL II I m i J 1
those who were on the state ticket
don't know whether they were real
candidates or not. except Governor
Morehead and R. JJeecher Howell,
both of whom are nominated by a
big vote.
I'lenty lo eat, but how are we to
get il?
The Journal lakes as much de
light in honoring Thomas Jeffer
son as anyone possibly can, but
the proposition lo make his birth
day a national holiday looks like
overdoing the thing-. There are
enough holidays already, and if
many more are added they will
greatly interfere with the side oc
cupation of making a living.
Wedding stationery at th
Journal office.
The Journal does job work.
How's This?
Wc offer One nunJred Hollars Upward for anj
rase tif Catarrh I hat caiiuut be cured bf Uallf
Satarrli Cure. , .
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We. tlin undersigned, have known F. J.
Chenrv for tire last 15 years, and believe him
terfer'tlv honorable In all business transaction
nd financially nble to carry out any obligation
made by liia firm.
Toledo, Ohio,
rr-iii'a r.trrh Curo U taken Internally, actlnt
directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces 4
tlie system. Testimonials sent free. Trice 71
cents per bottle. Sold by all Urusjrlsts. q
Take, Hall's Family rills for conatlpaUaa.
sr IPpB
Plot Up But Down!
This week we are offering these bargains:
Daisy Worm Powder for horses and hogs $1.00 size
Iowa Poultry Powder... "
Iowa Horse Condition Powder.... I 00 "
Standard Stock Food 100 "
n u 50 "
" Worm Powder for hos 100 '
it t ti " &0
o o o o horsCs CO "
" Insect Powder -5 "
' Fly Shy quarts "
o .i gallons 1 50 "
" Liquid Flea Killer H gallon 65. " :
" Stock Dip 1 gallon 1 " 1
Scarless Stock Tonic. .. . .... oO
" Hog Worin Destroyer
" Poultry Tonic. ...''''' '
" Koup and Cholera Jiemedy 50 ' '
Webster's Lico Powder.. -. " "
Hobson's Chicken Cholera Kemedy 25
GriJen's Liquid Lice Killer 1 -gallon 1 25 . ":
Nebraska Stock Dip 1 gallon 1 $0 "
Carsolium Dip 1 gallon...... 1 2i 4 "
$ 69
I 8
I 03
I 03
. 18
Piatt smouth