The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    " PAGE 2.
MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914.
Well Known Family and Former
Residents of Cass County
Father, Son and Grandson.
An event u 1 1 i i i : in history
f lin" l";il Areh .Ma-onry "ii the
I'a.ii'n- coa-l. and in wliieh 1 1 1 f - -:.;!.,
i-.'imty n-.-i'I'Mils
w.Mv lii'- rliii-f tigim- was held ai'
Long I'.'ii'-li. California, on la-l
I t. .!.! evening, wlit n l.oyal
Areh a i-wi l't'i !'! on e-
:.; v "v. -ev ;'iL-'4 ? f
;:. il.-c . I..!-. ";iil.-r J..
I h.-.oa- a. id 1'. Clair I'horua-.
':;: f o t h -on a, id i:rand-
l! 'Mi I hat I he order
I ei : : ; .
i o; i l h ( ii era I i. e i
il.M- a!id the .-Ner,) a
a id. --j. read at tent ion on
' a d
I he ,-oa-!
h'i e the 'I'Ih 'iiias fa m-
i.y I in.' .ii!(
-ii 1 1 1 1 i r r-i 1 1 1 a !
I hat .-e
'i"n !!!! I'iai t -hMni ! h . line ears
I Ik- many friends of I he
Til - : i ; ; t !aiiiii in thi- eoii:t will
he j dea-ed ,, , ,.) jn ,,otah!e
ee:ii. a- we( a- the areoniany
' i,! . i !ic-,(- erecnl i I i
win were !'oj- so many years
a. io.i- !. i.e; rilj.-n- of Cass
rii!. The following iioni the
I . ! n .if I. o;i"; 1! aril i:ie- (he
i'.i I i : I - of . i , -
;; i lode .iji;.-i-r Mf f. 1 1
. . .
w i
al Areh Ma-on- ami olher
or iioni llie norili who
V.i!lie- ilie I'liiilcn-i'i" of )!.
U"al l;h d"-re,. iim,.1 time
, em-a I. on- I!.-aci I'ain
"l a! lit.- Ma-miie le-nple loni.i;hl
a- ried in .., Aiu.'l. la-l ni-hl
and we-,, hr. mi:: ill to .oi- e;e
a ! ! eri'oon j,, aulomojii,., ,v
Ca'ai haw and C.-oie C. fiini;-.
pa: ii, -ii p,-,'rs ,,f t.
llea'ii riiaplir. .No. ',n.
I ' I g-
( ;.
i lie
H aif ,r., I, I
d .h !m ;. .Mi.iholland
la-! two minn d pn.v iding llie n:o
I ' r ra r- w f he trip.
"I he grand b-de officers, head
ed b- irai:, High l'rie-t J I .,,-,,
feldt. will be entertained at dinner
af Hold Virginia by the local
lo.jge officials at r o'clock and all
are to be al Ihe Ma-ouic iempb
by ?:.';0, al which lime th,. een
ing's eeici-es are to ! gin.
A- announced a few davs ago.
the Jioval Arch degree js (, be
conferred upon Senator s. j..
Thomas, formerlyy of Xehraska,
who i- 78 years old aivd lives at
H37 Flm: Jiis -on, Walter L.
The mas, aged 3-', of i:'7Jiast
. x -3c "
? -
? Ti. -
" k
i H
M; - a f:
r .- j,
' - i -; .. -iC-w . ,-v.v.-' . v. -.f:
! -
I'.i.-venth street, manager of tiie
r.iny Beach Auto Company; and
his prandon. r . Clair 1 nomas.
alesman tor tlu same auto con-
. w 1 I .1 I 1 . 1 . - .
(i ll. I Ills is uriii' I'd ii' i ' "
lirsl lime in the histnry oT Huyal
Aivh Ma-'niy lliat a decree has
Immmi -ufr,ie( upon 1 Ii r- 'ii-
cral ions of a family.
AI iin' stauc f lln' ieiiM
work lonipht a rit-nch horn solo
will lf rendered hy ,f. S. Voelye
I'reiH'h lioin soloist in Hie
.Mnnieipal hand and a Royal Areh
A uiiipf nous haiKjuft will he
served after the decree work is
eompleted. and a numher of
luii'sIs of honor will irie short
lalks. II. C Slewarl. actinjr hih
priesl. will preside during the
e enin?.
lolm Malles, oT Nehra-ka Cily,
demoeiat ie candidale for the
slate -enate. aceomiaii ied hy his
wife, pa-e. through this city
this Mioriiiiir e:ii-oule to nmaha.
where they will vi-it for I he day
in that city. While in the city
Mr. Mattes was a caller at the
Journal for a few ininule and
de-ires lo express to the oeIS
of C.a-s county his deejiesl ap-
p.'eeialion of the splendid oe
aeeoide.l him. and as-ures litem
Ihal he will he alie to their he-t
i:if're-ls if sent lo (he -enaie to
-represent this di-tricl which
eompo-e- Ca-s and Otoe roiill-
I if.-. Mr. Malfe i a man of I he
people and keenly interested in
all the matters that will aid in the
interests of the people of the
di-lrict in which he has resided
on- a lifetime, if the olers of
the ,i!rict -end Mr. Malles to
the legislature they can rest as
sured that lie will make them a
representative that will he with
I hem ail the time and f-ee that llie
legislation thai the democratic
party is pledged lo is enacted in
to law and Ihal I he interests of the
common people lie sa fe-p uarded.
The 'lib annual inter-county
tennis luiiniaiiii'.'ii will be held in
this city on August ., Jti and -7.
and Ihe event i-- being- looked for
ward to with the greatest of in
terest by the lovers of this game,
a- they realize that the tennis e;i
Ihiisia-in in this city was never
greater than it. is today. The
cily tournament which was closed
-"llie two Weeks ago was Ihe
mean- of inspiring greater elforts
to be put forth in the inl er-countv
tournament. About twenty per
r ..... . ii.: . . i . .
sous iioni mis eji nave enierei
a:ii itifiui ine same numiier an
expected from out of l"v'ii to lakt
... .i.i i.i
pari m the ditferent contests that
will be pulled oil' during th
course of the tournament. Th
courts of (he Plaltsmouth Tenni
. . i . . i ii. i .
inn are ine nes ami most, coin-
ple.e j 1 1 every detail ot any in this
part of lhe stale and i! is a greal
plea-llle lo be able lo stage tin
tournament under such favorabb
circumstances. There will be ;i
list of twelve prizes offered, which
will be announced later, that, w
go tiie winners in the singles and
doubles of ihe lournameiil. Thi
... i : 1 1 ... i
'-eio, win cri-aie even gi'eaier en
thusiasm among lhc tennis sharks
and -onie mightv fast tennis may
be looked forward to during lhe
dilferent, events.
Reported as Getting Along Fine.
lhe reports from the beside of
Kverett Cooding, who js in one of
Ho- Omaha hospitals recovering
from Ihe etfecls of an operal ion
for appendicitis, continues to be
inosl pleasing, as lhe young man
is now apparently out of danger
and the prospects for his recovery
an- mos excellent. Mis mother,
Mrs. S. S. (binding, was enabled lo
return home, after having been
there during lhe critical period of
his illness, and Ihe family have
been promised that I'von-lt will
be able to return home in the next
I hree weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Uobb. rrom
soulh of drove up from
their homo yesterday for a few
hours" visit with Mr. Itohb's par
ents, .Mr. and Mrs. Muni Kobb, al
the Itiley. hotel. They remained
over night, returning home today.
Items of Interest to Our Readers
Gleaned from the Newspaper
Files of Many Years Ago.
A .voting: son of Mr. Benloii
Mrown was hilten hy a do-, which
he was leasing, last -Monday aft
ernoon. lion. I.awsnii
tow n on I'i ida ,
Sheldon was in
lie's after the
I'ountv 'coin's' yet.
t'ncle Thoiua?
ends us some
Jefferson Todd
very tine butler
end wants us to know that al least
one farmer's wife in ('ass county
can make bolter that will keep
".ooil for a great lenulh of time.
The hank men gae sin towards
the Fourth of .July fund.
The sidewalk on Vine si reel,
between Third and Sixth streets,
is horrible and absolutely danger
ous. II i- impassible at night and
ought lo be fixed at once. We
have called the city marshal's at
tention lo the same, and he savs
the lot owners have been warned
lime and a;:ain and neglect to re
pair. Somebody mu-l attend to
it speedily, or the city will have
damages to pay for broken limbs.
Lesley. the Plallsuioulh cilv
vegetable man. sends us the lines!
and the bigge.-t cabbage of the
Our sportsmen had a big I inula-!
Thursday at trap pigeoji
shooting out on the fair ground.
lr. Living-Ion and Mr. lloldrege
were chosen captains and it was
voted that the losing side pay for
the expense of getting the
pigeons. The sides were ehosep
as follows: Livingston Agnew,
Jones, streight, II. .J. Cunning
ham, A. Culler, lloldrege S. M.
Chapman. Leviug Vivian. Peter
sen. Mathews. Loading powder,
ad lib; shot limited to one and
one-quarter ounces; each man t'
have four minutes lo bring his
bird in; distance from trap, ' 1
. . f W t - Ik
yarns. tieierrees, '. v iaru
and A. W. McLaughlin. Living
-Ion's men won bv live birds and
tiie score wen. inn hi i
. i it j . i r
-hols I'll! Aciiew got o birds. sam
Ctiapniau got 5. The birds gav
out. iiml Culh-1 lloldrege and Liv
ingston ia. inl six . ho s. i wo
birds being left. hey were both
i ul in and Agnew got Poiii at a
double -hoi. Next Saturday tlo
boys hope o have another l:ia
and Mr. ll'ddrcge's side think they
i an gel awav with the baggage
uexl heat.
From Saturday's Dally.
esiornav anernoon i .. vv es.
colt returned home from Lincoln,
whore he was in attendance al a
-es-io of the state executive
committee of the Sunday School
association, held there on Thurs
day. The committee had a great
deal of important business to
transact at this meeting, includ
ing 'he selling of the dale for lh
next state convent ion. which w ill
bo bold n. .vi .lone in lO okei, l i,,w
r.n.l al which time it is expected
In ti.iv .. iii , 1 1 ..e , I i ...... I:iim,..i
Lawrence, general scerelarv of the
inlernal ioual association. Tin.
dale for the ("ass county Sunday
school convention was set foi
October 2 and 2;:. and will b
lo ld a Weeping- Water, which
cily has been the host for the con
vention for several limes in III
past, and Ihe hospitable treatment
received there causes Ihe church
workers to great v eniov meeting;
(here. The a-socialion is unde-
nioninal ional and includes dele-
gales from all the Protestant
churches of Ihe counly, who have
in lhe past deriv
e'd :i -real deal of
bench! from the
;e meetings.
Man Is Discharged.
From Saturday's Daily.
The board of 'insanity of the
county yesterday had Tom Zucker,
Ihe man who 'was brought in last
Moudav from' Hie Tritsch farm.
west of the city, up before them
for examiuatibii: and alter an ex-
iminaTion if was " decided that
there were V.o,ol io ;.
charg'e" ori'nsanilv ut.on and the
-""- I
m:tn vji or.Urod released
' I
The Journal advertisers are do. I
ng the business. I
Will Spangler Very Low.
Reports from the bedside of
William Spanpler of Weepinu Wa
ter, received in this city, indicate
that that yenlleman is in a most,
serious condition and that his
family and friends have given up
almost all hopes of his recovery,
and his death seems only a few
hours away. Mr. Spangler is af
tlieted with what seems to be can
cer of the stomach, and although
all possible has been done for his
relief the worst is feared.
The sad news was received in
Ibis city this morning al an early
hour announcing the death al her
home in Omaha of Miss Ida Conn,
a former resident of this cily for
several years. 'Lhe message did
not give Ihe particulars as to the
cau-e of the death. Miss Conn
was a -ister of Mrs. James Milch
ell, vvilh whom she has been mak
ing her home for a number of
years, and when the Mitchell fam
ily removed to Omaha a number
of years ago Miss C-onn accom
panied Ihem and has since made
her home there. While here Miss
Conn was very popular in church
and social circles and the news
of her death W'll be the cause of
the most profound regret from a
large circle of friends through
out the city. The body will ar
rive jn this citv over the l'urling
and al and Monday after
noon and will he taken direct lo
Oak Hill cemetery, where the in
terment will be made there in the
familv lot.
From Saturday's Paiiy.
This morning lhe span of mules
thai are used to haul lhe delivery
wagon of L. IL Kg en berg er. lie
grocer, decided lo take a short
-pin on their own account, and
while on .North lilli street started
to run, and came down that street
at a lively gail, and when Hearing
ilic Smith garage ran into a tele-
phono nolo, turninu the wagon
over and seal t ering the load of
groceries, as well as the driver.
Henry I'.genberger. all over thai
part of I he street. It is fortunate
that there was not a great deal of
damage done in the runway, both
to the wagon and the young- man
who was driving it, but as it was
there will be onlv a few minor re
pairs hecessary to the wagon. Af
ter the. -pill the mules were cap
lured and taken back lo the barn
where Ihev are kept. Henry came
mil of the exciting race without a
AH.'!- a long protracted lack of
bu-inoss in I lie license dopart-
"lent of lhe county judge's olliee,
,)udge Hoesou received
a visit from two Iowa young- peo
ple who announced that they de
sired lo become as one and as won
that the .judge lie the mat rimonia
knot. This he did in his usual
accommodating manner, although
he has grown a trille out of prac-
lice in the recital of Ihe solemn
vows in ii is necessary in iiiko
to enter into the bonds of wed.
lock. The eoiitraeling parlies
were ant l.. Alniey niiu .miss .wary
M. Mutton, both of Fmersoii, Iowa,
I . t . i . .- : II...:.. ........ .... -
"'"J i l Hivmg .... .. -
Following t he ceremony the young
P' PU' rellliliecl ! Ilieir liome ...
Mi s countv. having i riven io
this cilv in an automobile and re
turning by Ihe same route.
Returns Thanks to Friends.
my many friends, both
democrats ami republicans, who
ave me such splendid support
on both tickets at the late primary
Hertion. I desire
to return my
sincere thanks ami assure
that if elected I will endeavor io
fulfill lo I 111' best of Illy ability tile
otlice of county surveyoi.
i i
f '' I'dUCI-sOn.
Weddlna stationery at the
Journal office.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson ofj
Omaha have announced the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss
Mary Josephine Johnson, to Mr.
Donald Tracy Hagiiell of Lincoln.
The wedding will take place Wed
nesday, September J.", at the home
of the bride's parents in Omaha.
Miss Lorene Johnson, sister of
lhe bride, will be bridesmaid, and
Richard Thornton will serve as
best man at the wedding service.
Miss Until Jane Johnson, niece of
the bride, will carry the ring in a
rose, and the ribbons will be
stretched by Miss Laura Schwartz
and Mrs. Jack Fro. si.
The above notice, together with
a handsome portrait of lhe bride-to-be,
appeared in the Omaha
Sunday News and will be of great
interest here, where Miss Johnson
has visited so often at Ihe home
of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Johnson.
When The Oirl From lirigh
loii" comes to the Pailliele next
Monday night as Ihe lir.-t of I In
; races of Musical Comedy to be
oll'eled here. there will lie pre
sented for the admiration of tin
male I healer-goers an. I the envy
of the fair sex Ihe most, elab irate,
fashionable and stunning d:-pla
of feminine gear ever .witnessed in
Ibis city. Nearly seven lliou-and
dollars is represented in tin
gowns and co.-l nines worn by lhe
feminine principals and choristers
ri this production. Miss Flor
ence Coo, tie- prima donna, alone
remiires eleven huge wardrobe
trunks lo carry the fi.ilv r more i
gown- from which -In- selects!
several for each performance. II j
is indeed a great sartorial car- j
nival thai is pi-oini-e. the peopl.
of this cily.
Automobile Exhibit.
Automobile men are making
preparations for an excellent, ex
hibil at the Nebraska stale fair
September 7-1 I. All the up-lo
I oaf e model s w i I ! be slmwn and I h
patrons of the fair can gain ac
curate, tir.-t-hand in formal ion
about the l;nr types ,,f auto
mobiles. .Nebraska is the lirst
date in the union on the number
of aul oniobiles per capita and the
bumper crops this ear afford line
prospects for increased sales.
Miss I'lta Ih-ooks, grand record
er of the hegree of Honor, came
down yesterday from Lincoln, and
was a guest here of Mr. ami Mrs.
William llassh-r over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.
Frank (lobelman
iduoy Sunday and
evening, aeeoin-
es Velma and
aulo. d over to :
returned in Hp
tauied bv Mi-
Martha llialt. sister and cousin of :on No. 2 from their home at Have
Mrs, f'obelmnn. who will make a ' lock to visit for a short time at
few davs' visit in this cily, guests jfhe homo of Mr. Vallery's parents,
at the Cobelman home. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vallery.
Ann nn
September begins next week; soon the boys and girls
will be going to and fro in regular school day fashion.
Time then to be thinking of wardrobes. Right now you can save money
here on boy's school suits. Instead of buying odd Knicker pants, add $1
or $2 more and get a good all wool suit worth $5 and S6.
Mr. Man
It's our treat this week.
We intend to say good
bye to all that's left of
our straw hat stock.
Choice $1 in our west
The New Fall Clothes
are here and ready for your early inspec
tion. We have many new features to pre
sent to you for Fall that you will appreciate.
A New Shirt
This is going to be a
great shirt next season.
It has a low shawl col
lar and wing sleeves.
We are the first to show
them here. Price $1.
To the 2500 New readers of the Journal
We want to say a special word to you. No doubt you have
heard of this store. Perhaps you are already a customer. If
not we want you to be. We enjoy the distinction of having
the largest and oldest established clothing store in Cass coun
ty, and our trade is still growing. There must be a reason
we have what you want, when you want it and at a reason
able price. Our stocks are complete; our service the best. We
- invite you to look or to buy.
. r -.,
aiaiffMirhii'r'iifc ii
The Al lib tics, a ba-e ball team
composed of the young men of
this city, yesterday morning de-
parletj at an early hour for Mc-
Paul. Iowa, where thev tangled
with the team representing thai
place, with the re-ult Ihal when
the smoke of bailie cieare.l away
the lowans were the victors in a
well played game by a score of (
to r. The boys from this city
were in good trim and but for a
slight bobble in their work would
have succeeded in hanging one on
the Iowa boys. This team has
succeeded in lhe past few months
in developing some very fa.-t, tal
ent in the base hall line, that has
given a good account of them
selves, and with another season's
work the loam will be in good
-hape to argue with any of the
young teams.
W illiam Nailery, wife and little
on came in Saturday afternoon
Reduction on boy's school suits
Any boy's suits worth up to
$4.50, now
Any boy's suit worth up to
$6.00, now
Any boy's suit worth up to
$7.50, now..
Good assortments
Manhattan Sale
closes August 29. Pos
itively no Manhattans
sold at sale price after
this date. See our win
dow. War or no war
those 6 for 60c guar
anteed sox for men are
the biggest bargain
ever offered. It's all in
your favor. 4 shades
black, tan, gray &. navy.
escott s bons
For Sale at Bargain.
Residence properly, three
blocks of ground, four-room cot
tage in good shape. .ew im
provements, (bind barn and out
buildings. Everv thing jirst-cla-s
and up-to-date. Kasy to reach
business section. N'ill take s
ouo if taken soon. Write or iu
ejuire of . J. Adams, Nebraska
Cily, Nebraska.
Dance a Great Success.
The dance Saturday evening al
Coales hall was quite a plea-iug-a
(fair, as there was quite a num
ber of young people present to
lake part in the event, and until
a late hour the lime was spent in
dancing to the lively strains pro
duced hy the "lolly orchestra. Tie
dance was given under the
auspices of the Cosmopolitan
Roomers Wanted.
I am prepared lo accommodate
a limited number of roomers with
well located furnished rooms.
Apply lo Mrs. Crace Chaamhers,
between olll
and Olh streets, on
Buy your stationery
Journal office.
at the
in all sizes