The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 20, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, AUGU8T 20, 1914.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Published 8 mm l-W e e k I y at Plattsmouth, N a b r.
Entered at the Tost-office t Plattsmouth, Nebraka, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe: S1.50 Par Year In Advanoa
I- -I Im Kingdom of Hup-J-
i i 1 1 - . ' is in llw state of
mind. It is peopled with
r..nt'-!lt'-d, loVIHg thoughts.
Thought which arc jealous,
J- critical, whimsical, selfish -J-
and hateful, arc turned
hack, at the port of entry.
I- Km-U thought which i a loy
V al subject in "Th. Kin? of !
llappine-s" look iiol to itself l--
a- sufficient, l)iil constantly -I
in.:iiil In III.- Ill-lli'-l Iilltl- 1
J- cipb it knows. Selected.
If you want to keep sweet you
will hae to pay fur it now.
Smokers will be hard hit by tax
re-nit mg from the Kuropeau war.
A 'id chewers, al.-o.
When it comes to war the in
itial appears to be used more
than the referendum.
:o :
III.- battle with the ballots is
Uv over, and now comes the big
bat'1 If in November.
i; . :o:
The i.jno stranded Americans
in Hi in no doubt wish they could
do a the Romans io.
ro ;
The man who never advertises
i like the general who goes into
battle without ammunition.
:o :
The I'reiieh seem to be our
4-tpiais i ii protecting a poor, vveaw
woman who does no more than
kill a man.
War is popular until people
aetually get into if. Then they
wonder why o much attention is
paid to a fool.
France is prompter than the
Carnegie Hero commission. It
ha already given King Albert of
Itelgiiim a meilal.
:o :
Japan is doing its best to stir
up Mr. Iloh-oii. who has been in
llie dumps ever since the Ala
bama senatorial primary.
The primary campaign just
closed was one of the hotlesi in
I he hilory of Nebraska. There
were more candidates than ever
known before, and they made
things lively, fairly shelling the
VMM ii s.
The eampaign in I'.ass county
has not lieen one of a peroiial
and bitter nature, and whoever
lite nominees are today, the sue--"
Tail candidates leave no bad
feelings in the minds oT those who
go down to defeat. That's llie way
it should be.
Will whatever is gained by
Austria-llungaria or Germany or
Russia, or the rest, be worth the
terrible cost in human lives? Let
llie common people who do the
lighting ami get not the gain fur
nish the answer to this.
Soon be time for school. Some
children hail Hie first school day
with delight, while others dread to
see il come. Lei every child enter
the llrst day with a determination
to dodher very best, and it will be
much easier for you and your
teacher, and when your school
year is completed you'll find you
are far in advance or the one who
"play hookey" or perfers to loaf
aroyml town because "my folks
don t cur j if I do miss school."
J Here an1 a lot oi people in
Europe now who have had forced
upon them as never before the
I mill lli.if then, is m. nine, like
home. Thousands of Americans
had gone abroad in order to get
away from the stupid burdens of
home, away from the work and
duties that had grown irksome,
and from the friends and scenes
that seemed so commonplace and
dull, (ietting awav from home
ami a i, leas., re frin f.i
r- - - - i -
Kurope seemed like stepping out
of a treadmill into an air castle
among- the clouds. Everything
across the sea was so restful and
so full of interest, and everything
at home was so much like a grind,
and every day was just like every
other day. Many thousands of
Americans were lured away from
their homes, believing that they
should find sweeter pleasures and
keener excitement abroad than
they could find at home. And they that peace at any price is belter as the whole world trembles un
may have found all of these for any nation than war at the der the shock and clash of the
things, but when trouble came
inese allurments seemed tne most
trilling and useless things in all
the world. What they needed then
was the plain, old-fashioned folks
at home, and as the war clouds
gathered around them, the mem
ory of the old home back in
America became a picture that
outclassed the finest work of art
in all of the galleries of Kurope.
Never before had America seemed
more than a mere stretch of coun
try in which people lived and toil
ed and struggled for sxistence,
but now she rose up from Hie
western sea like a giant whose
arms could reach around the
world and whose strength was a
sufficient defense against all
dangers. Of a sudden, America
became a pillar of fire reaching
out over Europe's gathering night,
to protect and lead her wanderers
back to their old homes. And as
if by magic, the stars and stripes
became invested with a new
splendor, and brought a new mes
sage from the folks who were
waiting at the old home. And
these thousands of Americans
now in Europe are looking out
across the sea today to catch a
first glimpse of Obi Glory as the
messengers from home rise up
out of the western horizon. And
when the American Hag sails into
tin ports of Europe in search of
these homesick travelers, there
will be such a shout go up as war
ring Europe never heard before.
And when these travelers come
within sight of New England's
hills and church spires there will
be another shout go up that will
reach high into the heavens.
Truly has it been said that there
is no place like home. And hav
ing such convincing proof thrust
upon us, there should be none
among us who does not daily re
new his faith and love and devo
tion to his home, to his home
folks, and lo his country. The
prodigal must eventually return
lo his old home to get what the
world denies him. The stranger
wants none of his troubles, none
of his sororws, none of his dis
tress. The homo is our only
castle, and it were best that we
stay within. Europe may have
its allurements, but it has its
dangers also.
Mr. Itaijey told the democrats
of Texas that if they defeated
his resolutions he would run for
the senate in 1910. And they
seined so eager to have him run
that they defeated his resolu
tions bv a vote of 045 to 107.
Pull together and the load will
!not appear so heavy.
; n1
Don't paint the town; but in-
stead, paint your house.
War places the burden on those
who are least able to bear it.
war is useiui in snowing now
little we know of geography.
rn i a j i i I
ine more oi mem gei nuo u,
the more essential it is for Unce
Sam to keep out.
Looks like Italy ought to move
mio mat uesericu peace 1'aiaee
Jl 1110 lla?ue-
If you never expect to use it.
take this timely advice: Don't
invest your money in a gun.
It is not what the censors omit
which causes speculation so much
as what they may have inserted
Every American in (lermany
well taken care of. The Germans
are friends of America and Amer
1'be man that kicks the bud-
est after the primary is generally
the fellow who didn't go to the
polls at all.
In the long run il will be found
lowest price.
if you Were beaten yesterday,
don't sulk, but get in the band-
wagon and toot your horn for
(your successful opponent.
Going up in an areoplane may
be a dangerous undertaking, but
it is nothing compared to lying
down on Ihe railroad track to lake
a nap.
Internal ional marriages among
loyalty do not constitute a check
war. A king would as soon
fight his mother-in-law as any
bodv else.
The lit lie ones w ill be hit hard
ai iurisimas lime. i ne war in
Europe will cause toys to be
higher than ever and scarce. The
most of them are made in the old
:o : '
If tin Europeans will merely
look over the files of their news.
papers from IHM to 18C.j they
will be reminded that foreign
comment on a war is often based
on misunderstanding.
:o :
If a war lax shall be imposed
by congress it will apply only to
the manufacture and sale of
liquors and the importation of
tea and coffee. The presumption
is that congress will be ashamed
to make eatables any higher.
:o :
All the banker members of the
Federal Reserve Hoard had to
give up their official connections
with banks and sell all their slock
m hanking institutions and trust
eompanies. ihe law required jocks of trade have taken advant
this. They should be included in .,? r i rnh llm. oeonle. If. is as
Ihe gushing tributes to Mr. War-
Only two weeks from now till
Labor Day. Why can't we have
some kind of celebration in honor
of this event? It has been several
years since Plaltsmouth has cel
ebrated this day properly. Let's
try and get up a celebration in
honor of the many working men
of our city. What do you say?
The police should arrest every
one who leaves their teams stand
ing in any part or this city ujir
niLciieu; or. noi .j lied to hliehing
posts. Teams are liable lo get
scared at the least thing and run
away and hurt someone. The
police should keep, an eye on the
fellows who are in the habit of
leavinir t.tipir ltnni nnlioil Li
O - - . -w . I
It is strange indeed how quick-
I ly avarice lakes auvaiuage oi mis-
i. i. . i i r : .
fortune. We condemn Judas for
bartering away his Christ for
I few pieces of silver, and Shylock
has been held up to the scorn o
all the world. These two char
jacters fairly represent the ex
treme of human greed, one sell-
in,, nis soui lhe olher exacting al
i '
that an unconscionable law would
permit, even to the pound of
lleslli We calI lnese Uvo cnarac
ters the extreme of avarice, and
measured by the common stand
aids of morality and justice they
look the part, but be it known that,
they have their living counter
parts today and their progeny ha
multiplied and spread out over a
large portion of the earth. This
day and age has produced it;
Judas and its Shylocks, and the
unholy greed that gave these two
personages to the world is still
operating with all the vigor of its
original relentless appetite. Time
nor tide ever mellows the hard
bargains of avarice, and the pound
of llesh never grows less than a
pound. It would seem that the
war in Kurope is all the distress
that greed would care to inflict
upon tj,t, World at one time, and
that the remainder of mankind
outside of the battlefield would at
least be just and charitable with
each oilier. It would seem that
biggest armies and the deadliest
arms mat ever laced eaen oiner
in battle, avarice might relent a
little ami be satisfied with less
than the pound of llesh. It
would seem, inasmuch as
America is at peace with all the
world and is overllowing with gold
and grain and everything that
man migiii want, Americans
nugiu lair aim just wnu eaun
other while they watch the dread
ful struggle across the sea. It
would seem that Americans might
take their hands out of each
others pockets and might loosen
their grip upon the throat of want
and human need, while the great
est tragedy of history is being
taged. Hut not so, because mis
fortune is the harvest time of
greed, me war in r.urope is ne-
ing made an excuse in this coun
try for an advance in the price of
almost every kind of foodstuff,
and the already high cost of living
is going higher every day. In
most instances tins auvance in
price is uownrigiii mievery aim
.1 .1
cannot be excused or justified. In
i very large measure uns couuirv
i a . I
supports itself, and not only sup
ports itself, but under normal
conditions abroad it ships more
than a billion dollars' worth of its
products lo other countries every
year. Owing to the war, none of
our foodstuffs can now be shipped
away, consequently we nave, an
unusually large supply on hand,
and prices ought to be lower in
. t
stead of higher at this lime. This
country might laugh and grow fal
on its own products without buy
ing a single yard or pound from
other countries.
The war is
simply an excuse that the Shy-
cruel in spirit ns is the murder
Lulu v-:ii- Moil wo nil condemn. Is
(here no way to slop it? Is there
no power strong enough to protect
the poor?
Now Mr. Metcalfe can join the
bull moosers if he sees fit.
It you are, a lucky nominee don't
boast over your opponent of your
good luck. Mather, console by
telling him his day will come
after a while.
To demonstrate that a very
heavv vole was milled over the
stale was the late returns. The
ballot was a lengthy one, and in
many precincts it was 3 o'clock in
the morning before the work was
UVllU .
The hog seems to have follow,
ed the cow over the moon.
Aside from the railway mail
work, civil service is a sham.
A case of unreasonable jealousy
most generally results in a di
In the meantime our bumper
crops continue to annex more
To Mr. lierge: It pays to be fair;
it pays to be just, and it pays to
tell the truth.
You can't defeat an opponent by
abusing him. That's a foregone
Peace and plenty beats war and
famine every day in the week and
Sunday, loo.
You can't always tell when a
gun is loaded, hut you can always
tell when a man'is.
Nominces should bear in mind
that the rate is but half over. The
final heat is the one you must
:o :
True democrats do not believe
in bolting-. That is why H. L.
Metcalfe was so badly snowed
under Tuesday.
President Wilson earneslly ad
ises the people of the L'niled
States not to become parti.ans on
the European war.
The citizens of Lincoln think
pretty well of Governor Morehead,
notwithstanding- it is the home of
joth Herge and Metcalfe.
You may imagine some farm
ers aren't shrewd, but try to swap
horses with them and you'l
change your mind.
Someone wants to know if 1 1 1
tango is dead? Jon"t you think
it for a moment. It will be a long
while before the tango dies out.
The future woman may be bah
as one scientist predicts, but the
chances are that
casual acquaintance
none of her
will know it.
"All men are created equal,"
said the father of our country,
which goes to prove that talking
through your hat is not a modern
The vote on governor on tin
democratic ticket is fully con-
vincing that the call for (Jovernoi
.Morehead throughout
was genuine.
the stati
Although not generally known,
it is a fact that war with Mexico
was a possibility only two weeks
ago, just previous to the induc
tion of Carraua.
Hirniinghaiii, Ala., has annull
ed the ordinance forbidding kiss
ing in Ihe public parks. A new
supply of park benches should be
ordered at once.
The iconoclasts will be aroused
by the placing of the Pocahontas
memorial in St. (ieorge's church
at (iravesend, Kuglaud. The
tenacity with which the public
clings to beautiful stories, re
gardless of the result of research,
must discourage them.
:o :
With one of the biggest bar-
vests ever grown in me tiinu-u
States I his year, Ihe people of this
country need not be alarmed over
the scrap across the pond.
W hile it will be a little inconven
ient for some time to get action
on Ihe crop in ..moving it across
the water, when thoe fellows gel
gooil and hungry, they will see to
il that some way is provided for
its safe transportation and then
is when they are going to pay for
it, too.
III liltPsitfl
ting lite S lontaclis andltowels of
Promotes DigcstlonJCkerfuf
ncss and RestontainsnciiliT
Opiuni-Morphuic ncrl'liaaaL
NotNah cotic.
Hjaplui Scedm
jt'iiscSttd Jppr.tnint '
jfiCurtoaat itaa
liof.ii tftj
ClarSted Swjnr .
Wiajretu t'tanr.
Ancrfcct Remedv for Conslto
Hon , Sour Stomach Diarrhoea
ncss andLoss of Sleep.
TicSimile Signafureof i
'The Centaur Compato;
p"tifl X
Guaranteed underthe hood
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Protestant churches of
this country have united in an or
ganization to carry on missionary
work in Mexico. The idea is the
unity of forces so that they will
be better able to carry out a cam
paign of education in that coun
try, which .seems to have been
woefully neglected for centuries
ius livers, a former Cass coun
ty boy, and candidate fop the re
nomination for herilT of Lan
caster county on the republican
ticket, was an easy winner. Sam
lluikle, another -old Plattsmoutb
boy- and candidate for the nom
ination of register of deeds of
LancRster county on the demo
cratic ticket, failed to pull
According to a statement just
issued by the patent office, Thom
as A. Ldisou iias taken out more
patents than any olher man. The
reports say that up to 18J3 Ed
ison had received 711 patents, and
has added lo this total at the rate
of from three to twenty-three a
year. Some years ago lie took out
nineteen pal cuts and paid the
overnment in patent fees lhat
year s.j,um. i tie patent office
receipts for the quarter ended
ome Rare
Em, 'Guaranteed underthe towTar , nUf Ci l"
Separate Shirts and Drawers for men, each 25c
A small lot of Children's Dresses to close at 50c
A small lot of Children's Roumpers to close at 45c
A few Gingham Skirts to close out at 50c
Wo have the Bungalo Aprons to close at 50c
A small lot of Misses' Hose to close at 10c
A small lot of Ladies' Hose to close at 10c
We still have the $1.25 Princes Slips at 98c
An excellent line of Ribbon for girgles at 25c
Some New
Our new Dress Goods is in for Fall. We have never shown
such an extensive line as this. Remember that' every yard of
our Dress Goods (that sells at 60c and over) is full shrunk.
Our new Fall Silks are also in. You never saw a better
selection in Plattsmouth.
The Ribbons that we show in our window are brand new.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
June JO, broke all previous rec
ords, and amounted to $001,
137.70. During the liscal year
just ended applications at the
patent office totaled 0i,311 for
inventions, -J, ill for design?-.
18i for reissues of patents, 8,1 4o
for registration of labels, and 4J0
for registration of prints.
II is awful hard for republican
Iapers of the radical stripe to
give credit to the Wilson admin
istration for the present pros
perous condition of the country.
Some of these papers would have
delighted in a war with Mexico,
with the thought that it would
have injured President Wilson,
but that great mind was centered
on the welfare of the people of
the United States and went to
work to avert a war, if possible,
and he succeeded. The big ma
jority of the people of this coun
try are intelligent and become
posted as to the true condition of
affairs, and they no longer can be
led astray by false assertions. The
day for doing that is past.
Are you satislied with the re
sult Tuesday?
nal office.
Evening Journal. 10c per week.