The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 20, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY,- AUGUST 20; 1314.
Seliafer Brothers shipped hogs
to Sulh Omaha Tu'day.
H. G. Bailey made a busies trip
to Omaha Tuesday.
The Maple Crnvt- Thresher Co.
finish) threshing la-t Friday.
Mis's Laura and Knpel
kMiM'iir spMil Tuedav at Murray.
Adam S-hal'-i- is .-jifiniiut-; this
week iu I,up county visitiuir hi"
Louie Friedrich had the mis
fortune of losing oiip of liis
horse-; Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Yunr of
Coleridge are isiting relaties in
this community this wtek.
Unite a nunder from this lo
cality attended the Old Settlers'
picnic at lnin Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Oaks of Fair
lury ;re visiting with relatives in
thi coiMtniiiiity this week.
The Maple Orove Thresher Co.
declai ed a t hirt -) llar dividend
at their meeting Monday niL-lit.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. J. No. 11 and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Itcinu-r look in
Mingling lir ( luis -how at Lin
coln Monday.
. Mrs. H. J. N'oell and chiMivn
and Miss I'ltn Schwartz returned
last Friday from a month's iit
with relatives in Oregon.
A surprise party was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. otto
Puis Wednesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. llosa Friezel.
Archie (Jiegory ami Helen
Iieuchler plaed Mnile a surprise
on the people of this community
last week. They stole oil" to Oma
ha and secured one of Omaha's
hest marriage licenses.
(Special Correspondent.) !
Mr. and Mrs. II. a is are visit
ing relatives in Sidney, Iowa.
Th score of Sunda's hase hall
game was 5 to 7 in Lincoln's
lav or.
Miss Edna Johansen was
visiting in llavelock Thursday and
Miss Swanson of Wahoo has
heen visiting friends here tin past
W. I. Hayes ,,f Omaha was
visiting friends here Saturday
and Sunday.
Quit' a iiiiiiiImt of people at
tended the Chautauqua at Elm
wood Sunday.
Mrs. E. V. Everett left for her
Iminc in Elliott. Iowa, Wednesday
fr a week's vacation.
Miss Martha Kiait of Ithaca
was visiting the sisters,
Louise and Ella. Sutnlav.
U U tfaf 1MJ jfl 1 1 X
and E
We carry fresh stock
and only reliable goods
Weyricii & Hadraba
Prescription Druggists.
Miss Ella P,aur has been at St.
Joseph buying the fall goods for
her father's store.
The Misses Nellie and Jessie
Rush were Omaha visitors Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Miss Violet dilniore and broth
er, of Omaha, are visiting at the
iiist in home this week.
Jail MclKmald was an Omaha
visitor Friday and Saturday.
John Amgwert ami daughters
left Sunday for Council lilulTs,
where they will visit relatives for
a few days.
-,. ...... ..T.
(Special Correspondent.)
.-r '.'.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lansing were
Ashland visitors Friday.
Mis. W illiam Kittrell has been
on the sick list.
Mrs. N. Slreiuht was shopping
in Omaha Saturday.
Tena Wannainaker was a pas
senger to Louisville Friday morn
ing. Virg Kittrell and Lloyd Richard
son were Louisville- callers Satur
day. Mrs. O. T. McDonald left Friday
to visit her sister, who lives in
Charles Kopke anil family call
ed at the home of John Timm
Lowell Massie of Xehawka spent
a few days of last week with
Clvde Derge.
Mis. Ceorge Tiean and Lena
Wannainaker were Omaha shop
pers Saturday.
Mr. Outhman and family of
Muitlock called on Eula Weaver
Sunday evening.
Miss Lena Mcdinnis of Mitch
elville. Iowa, spent last week at
t he home of I'd Mc( i inn is.
Harry and Ira Wallan, Lincoln,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
heir sister, Mrs. Charles Hill.
Clvde Criichliebl of Omaha
spent a few days of last
week with his sister, Mrs. Ceorge
Ue sure and come to the dance
given by the M. W. A. Saturday
night, August 22. Creenwood
Pure can sucr.r by the sack, at
wholesale. Ask for delivered
price. Johnson I5ros.. Nebraska
City. Neb.
Tested Seeds.
Home grov.ii. recleaned alfalfa,
0 per cent pure. to s'.l.On
bushel; fall rye, kI.oo; blue grass.
K2.ini; red clover, A in. r0, and
timothy. Samples mailed free.
Johnson Urns.. Nebraska City.
Try the Journal for calling
- i lA'.Vi'.A.C'.S 1
11 5 a n H II II T f W T
high is
i. :!
Alvo Notes
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lin
coln Monday.
Mrs. S. C. Royles was on the
sick list last week.
Miss Ruth Bailey was shopping
in Lincoln Saturday.
Will Foreman of Have-lock vis
ited in Alvo Saturday.
Fay Parscll of Lincoln visited
friends here last week.
I)uii McCurdy was in Lincoln
Saturday 011 business.
Herbert Moore was in Lincoln
on business Wednesday.
Andrew Johnson returned from
Omaha Wednesday evening.
William Casey went to Omaha
Tuesday, returning home Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. F.d Casey were
passengers to Omaha Sunday
Mrs. N. Knott and son, levin,
were in Hav clock Saturday visiting-
relat ives.
Mrs. Charles Codbey is in Lin
coln doctorinir for blood poison
ing in her hand.
I'yron Foreman took C. P.
Foreman, sr.. to Lincoln Wed
nesday in his auto.
Mrs. Herbert Moore and daugh
ter, Hlanche, were visiting friends
in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark and
daughter, Mrs. Cleason. spent
Saturday in Havelock.
Joe Foreman went to Plaits
mouth Wednesday to take in the
primary election returns.
Jacob Kainin, jr.. is here from
Wood River, Neb., to visit his
father, who i quite poorly.
T. N. I'.obbitt returned from
Lincoln, where he had been visit
ing his sons Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Iale l'.oyles are
keeping house in the Leander
Frienil home just south of tin
Mrs. Sam Hardnock returned
last week from Wood River, Neb.,
where she had le-en visiting rela
tives. Herbert Moore and daughter,
Blanche, and Jake Shaffer were
fishing in South lb-ud Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Johnson
were in Lincoln Monday, where
Mrs. Johnson is having dental
work done.
The Misses Flo Hoyles and
Marie Sfroeiner attended the
teachers' institute at Platls
motith last week.
Miss Lola Reid of (tin a ha came
in Saturday to visit her parents,
.south of town, returning to Oma
ha Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stroeiner b-f
by auto route Tuesday for Uarne
ston. Neb., t' visit relatives and
try their luck at lishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsell and
children left Wednesday morning
for a week's camping on Wahoo
creek, north of Ashalml.
Mrs. Ceorge Curvea had a letter
from Mrs. Ceorge lless f Al
bainbro, California. this week
stating she is still improving.
F. M. Crove and wife and Elnn-r
lSarrelt and wife attended the
performance of Ringling
diow at Lincoln Mon-
i ay.
Mrs. Agnes Silversfrand and
son. of llub'lt, Wyo., came in
Tuesday to visit her mother,
Craudma Foreman, and other
Mrs. Inez Cleason left Tuesday
for her home at IJurr Oak, Kan
sas, after spending several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Clark.
Alvo Drug Co. handles Ir.
Hess' Panacea, Iip, Louse
Powder and Fly Chaser, and the
goods are all fresh, having been
recently purchased.
Mrs. (Jrace Foreman Thurson
and 2 weeks' old daughter. Mux
inn, of Chicago, arrived in Lincoln
Monday and are visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Ed Hobbitt and family.
Mrs. Nellie 15erk and daughter,
Miss Alia, of Vesta, Minn., after
visiting the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Thomas, left
Monday for their home.
There will be a barn dance at
Ed Casey's Friday evening. Music
by a l('-piece orchestra from
Lincoln. Everybody is invited.
Refreshments will be served.
Mrs. Henry Miller gave a birth
day dinner for her husband, who
was 58 years old last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore and daugh
ter, Hlanche, were present.
Ezra Fishburn, jeweler, of Lin
coln, Neb., is in town each Wed
nesday repairing jewelry, watches
and clocks. Work guaranteed and
prices reasonable. Leave your
work at the drug store.
Miss Edna Ware and Mrs. Har
riett Bailey of Oate City. Illinois,
visited Sunday and Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsell and fam
ily, taking dinner Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry parsell.
Mrs. C. C. Buc-knell and daugh
ter. Bertha, and son, Clarence,
and Ceorge Frohley autoed to
Sterling, Neb., Sunday to visit
Ceorge Bucknell. From there
they went to Teeuni-eh on their
ret 11 rn home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Co, ,11 were sur
prised Sunday by Mr. Ceorge
Pierson and sister. Miss Jennie
piersoii, and their nephew,
Irvin Rouse, of Oreenwood, who
came over in their new auto and
spent the day with tbeiu.
William Sutton and W. Mick
returned Thursdav from Iuel
county and report they saw the
best wheat they ever saw raised
in Nebraska. Ooi -e Ryan and
Tom Sutton were threshing
wheal which was making forty
bushels j,er acre.
Mrs. imn Williams and son re
turned home Monday from Cla
tonia. Neb., where tiny had been
visiting her parents. Mr. and .Mrs.
W. II. Suders. Sh- was accom
panied home by h-r si-der. Miss
Sarah Suders.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caslnn-r
and Mrs. Belle Beuie it left Wed
nesday evening' for an outing in
Colorado. They will visit Colo
rado Springs and Denver and
other points of interest while
Miss Lucy Hamilton uf Olidden.
Iowa, and Mrs. Ceorge Curyea
and children of Waverly, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben l.andis of Wa
verly called on Mr. and Mis. Ceo.
Curyea and Mr. ami Mrs. Morgan
Curvea and other relatives Tues
day. Orandma Foreman returned
Saturday from Omaha, where she
went with her sisters. Mrs. Hnker
of Morrow. 1ml.. and Mrs. An
drews of Delaware. Ohio, who
have been visiting her for se-ral
days. They were en route to
t heir homes.
Pap llaniel of Nelson, Neb.,
visited friends here Wednesday,
taking dinner with C. C. Hucknell
and family. Mr. llaniel came
down with Mr. ami Mrs. Lee
Suavely ami Mr. and Mrs. Walt
Hardnock. who wen! out to Nel
son in their aulos about ten days
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Foreman. Mr.
and Mrs. John Weiehel. Leander
Frienil. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone,
and son. LaVerne. c. F. Rosenow
and children. Miss Emma Sutton,
and Noel Foreman were among
those attending Ringling Broth
ers circus at Lincoln Monday.
CliJionl Applemari Had an ac
cident Saturday about noon when
in crossjng- a small ditch near Ed
Hurlbut's his motorcvele threw
him to (he ground, one pedal cutting-
him limb quite badly. Dr.
Talcotf was called and dressed
the wound. Clill'ord is recover
ing nicelv at this writing-.
John Albert and wife were
among- the visitors in the me
tropolis this morning, where they
were called on some matters of
Albert Wetenkamp, W. S. Wet
enkamp and Roy Howard departed
yesterday - for Fremont, Neb.,
where they will take in the annual
plow show iu that city.
Arthur Troop was a passenger
this morning for the metropolis,
where he was called for a few
hours to look alter sonn
of business.
Mis. Joseph Tuhbs and daugh
ter. Miss Millie, were among' the
passengers this morning for the
metropolis, where they will visit
for the dav.
Worthless Food.
Food that has no nutritive valiu
is perfectly worthless. Kverv-
body should well consider whiclu
food brings him the greatest
amount of nutrition. Should
anything disturb the regular di
gestion, we must at once try to
clean out the body thoroughly,
without weakening it. A depend
able remedy in such eases - is
Triner's American Klixir of Hit
ter Wine. It will not only expel
all waste matter from the in
testines, but will give them
enough strength t perform their
work without medicine. In dis
eases of the stomach, the liver
and the bowels Triner's Ameri
can Klixir of Bitter Wine is al
ways valuable. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1333
1330 So. Ashland Ave.. Chicaso.
111. In order to satisfy the many
calls for Triner's Liniment, we
are now ready to send it by mail
for CO cents. It is one of the best
liniments of the world.
Japanese Leader Who
Prepared and Sent the
Ultimatum to Germany.
':'. ? '
M.-l -i
Photo by Anipri.m I'ress Association.
tied in advance of the ballotins for a
si-.ceessor to P!ns X.:
The man chosen wilt be F.n Italian.
Austria cannot a.ain interpose a
veto in the sacred college.
Political considerations coupled with
the fact that a majority of the car
dinals are Italians make certain the
Fe'ection of a man of that nationality.
Mention of American cardinals or
those of Europe as possibilities has
no other value than a personal com
Fierce Baiils In Progress
Giest and Asrsciict-
Lcndon, An?. 20. A dispatch to the
Times from Brussels says:
-The (lerniaiis in strong forte, most
ly cavalry and artillery, have entered
A dispatch to the Daily Express
from The Hague .ays: -Bulletin port
ed here states that the Germans
Belgians ate fighting bitterly at Diest
p.nd Aerschot on their way to Ant
werp." English War Notes Arc Quickly Taken
Lc-ndon, Ait-. 20. A sum of $73,0ct.
uott in si?: mouths' treasury bills, re
Quired for war purposes, was offered
to the public and met with r. hearty
welcome. The anroiu.t applied lor was
over $21 0, 0 d.iii'O.
Germany to Reject Japan's Demand.
London. Aug. 2 '. The Rotterdam
correspondent of the Times says e
has learned from official sources in
Berlin that Germany will reject the
Japanese ultimatum.
Hoy V. pepperberg came in last
eveninir from th ea-t ami spent
the night here visiting with his
triends and looking after the in
terests ,,f f ! 1 pepperberg cigar
factorv in the sale of their cigars.
Ir. 15. V. l'.rendel of Murray was
iu the city last, evening for a few
hours looking after some matters
of business while e;i route home
from Omaha, where he had been
called on professional business.
'. M. Seybert of Louisville came
down this morning from his home,
bringing with him a prisoner who
was taken near that place last
evening and who is wanted for a
crime at South Hend. to snow ci si:.
In tlie District fiitirt of Cilsx County,
et: rnskii.
In the Matter of the Application of
William t llamsey, Aitini n it ru.tir of
the Instate of Alice Jt. Tncue, He--o;i.v.l,
fr l.i'.t-nsf to St 11 Ileal
Xiw, on this "V'y of August, 1914.
the alove entitled euuse tame on to be
hoard upon the petition, under oath, of
William C. liunisey. administrator of
the e.-tate of Alice AI. Tiim. deceased,
pray in;? for license to sell the follow-in-?
described leal estate of said de
ceased, to-wit: Lots three, four and
rie ( ;:, 4 and .".), in Mock seven (7), in
South Park Addition to the City of
l'iatt.smouth. t'onnty of Cass. State of
Nebraska, for the payment of debts al
lowed i-.-ainst the estate of said de
ceased, and expenses of administration,
and it appear nsr by said petition, that
there is not sullicient personal estate in
the Kands oT .-aid administrator, be
lo n prlii? to said estate, to pay the debts
outstanding against said deceased, and
the expanses of administration of said
estate, and, that it is necessary to sell
the whole of paid real estate, for the
lavmcnt of such debts and expanses,
it ni: THKiiKroiii'; okii:i:ki that
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me, at Chambers, in the
("ourt House, in the Yillasre of Papillion,
in the cocniv or r-arpy, m sai.i .MaiP,
on the MOth day of September, 1114, at
the hour of eleven o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why
license should not be jrranted tr said
administrator to sell said real estate,
to pav such debts and expenses.
IT IS nT.THKR )KIKl;Kr that a
copy hereof le published for four suc
cessive -weeks in The J'lattsmouth
C.w- - .
Juds-e of the Iistrlct tourt.
S-20-4wks-wkly I
The following proiosed amendment t
the constitution of the State of Nebraska
as hereinnfter set forrh In full, is snbnilt
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general eleetlor
to be held Tuesday, November Srd, A. v
-Fo'n a Joint resolution to amend sectioc
1 of Article of the Constitution of th
Stite of Nebraska, relatins: to revenue
Be it Resolved nnd Enacted by the Peopk
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article 1
of the Constitution of the State of Ive
brnsku be nmended to read as follows:
see. 1. The rules of taxation shall bt
unif irru as to any plven class and tax"
sliall be levied upon such property as tut
Legislature shall prescribe. laxes may
also be imposed on iucomes, privileges am:
oec-iipations, which taxes may be graduated
und pro-.-ressive and reasonable exemptions
tnav be provided, in addition to those here
inafter specitioally mentioued in section
of this article. ....
Sec. 2. That at the peneral election in
November, 1.U4. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the forepoins proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fob
lowiii? form: "For amendment to th
Constitution providing for uniform an3
progressive taxation" and "asrainst said
proposed amendment to the Constitntior
providing for uniform and progres.sivt
Approved. March 27. imit.
I. Addison Wait, Secretary of State, ol
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certifj
that the forejroing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of tht
original enrolled and engrossed bill, af
iiassed bv the Thirtr-third session of th
legislature of the State of Nebraska, at
appears from said original bill on file lc
this office, and that said proposed amend
nvnt is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for tlieir adoption
or rejection at the general election to b
held on Tuesdav, the urd day of November,
A. I. 1!'14.
In Testimony Whereof, I hnve herenntc
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Hone lit Lincoln, tuis 2rd day of March.
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of th
Independence cf the lriited States the Oi.
Hundred ami Thirty-seventh, and of tail
State the Forty-eventb.
Seal Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of th State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to lie voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November Urd, A. D.
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section nil
G of Article one (1) of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Enacted by the IVople of the State
of Nebraska :
Section 1. That Section six (? of Articl
one (ll of th Constitution of the Stat
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
section !. The right of trial by Jury
shall remain inviolate; but in all civil casei
nnd In criminal cases les than felonies,
live-sixths f the jury may render a ver
rli't find the Legislature may authorize
trhil by a jury of a less number than
twelve men in eourts inferior to the dis
trict court.
sec. -i. That at the ceneral election fot
state :ii:il 1 --ir i 7;i t ive officers to be held in
the Shite of Nebraska on the first Tnesrtat
illcr the I rst M. i, d. iv in November in 1!)14.
there -diali l,e printed upon the ballot ol
elei tor for his approval or rejection
the above and foregoing amendment in th
f;i.iiiug form: "For proposed amendment
0 the constitution providing that in all
ivil eases and in criminal cases less than
'eimiies. five-sixths ,.f t he jury may rcndei
1 crdlct." and "Against the proposed"it r the Constitution provided
'::l in all civil eases and in criminal casei
ess thftii fiOovies. five-sixths of the jury
u.,.v render a verdict."
API rove 1. Aoril 1, lUirt.
I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State, ol
State cf Nel r.:ka. do hereby certify
'iat the foregoing- proposed amendnien'l
the Constitution of the State or Nebraska
s a :rce and eorre. t cot.y f the original
c rolled and engrossed bill, as passed bv
Thirty-Cili-d session ,,f ft,,. Legislature
r tlie State of Nel raska, as appears from
i d on-. l id on tile in this office, and
hat s.,:d p'opes- d ::riend-noTst is submitted
t pi:: ii:ii d oters f.f the State of Ne-r-a-Ua
for their adoption or rejection at
' irei eral -hv-tioti to be held on Tuesdav,
he ::rd day of November. A. D. 1H14.
In Testimony Wii-reof, I bnve hereunto
t my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
Male of Nebraska.
!'iie at Lincoln, this l'.",rd dav of "March.
the year f our Lord. Utie Thousand
-e Hi'Tolred and Fourteen, and of the
ndej.eroleii.-e i t the United State the One! ami Thirty-seventh, and of thli
-tate tae Forty-seventh.
li!,eaiJ Secretary of State,
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in ful. is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, .November -ira, A. tt,
"FOR a Joint resolution proposing Amend
ments to Section 1. of Article V, aud
Section 14. of Article V, of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term of
office and salary of Governor and other
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first .Mon
day In November, 1!14. the following "o
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V. of the Constitution of
Nebraska :
Sec. I. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
office for a term of two years from the
first Thursday after the first Tuesday in
January, next after his election, and until
his successor is elected and qualified. In
addition to the Governor, the executive de
partment shall Include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas
urer, Superintendent of iubllc Instruction.
Attorney General, and Commissioner of
Fublic Lands anil Buildings, each of whom
shall hold his office for the term of two
years from the first Thursday after the
first Tuesday in January, next after hie
election, and until his successor t.s elected
and qualitied; Provided, however, that the
first election of said officers shall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
In November, H'lC. and each succeeding
election shall be held at the same relative
time in each even year thereafter. The
Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of
Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of government during their
terms of office,. and keep the public records,
books and papers there, nnd shall perform
such duties as may be required by law.
Sec. 84- The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand $5,000.00) dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Buildings shall
be two thousand live hundred ($2,500.00)
dollars each per annum, nnd of the Attor
ney General. four thousand dollari
$' per annum, the salarv of the
State Treasurer shall be three thousand
$.-!. 000.00) dollars per annum, aud the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own use anv fees,
costs, interests upon public monevs in their
or under their control, perquisites
of office or other compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by an officer provided
for in this article of the constitution shall
be paid in advance into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowance for clerk hire
In the offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney General.
Sec. 2. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday In Novem
ber, 1914. n the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, filing the term
or office and salary for governor, and other
executive offlcera.". and. ?Aalut rtopoaed
amendments f6 the constitution. Using the
term of office and salarv for Koyernor and
other executive officers."
Approved. April 21, 1913.
I, Addison Wait. Secretarv of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoinr proposed atnendmen'l
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Is a true and correct copv of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Thirty-third session of the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska, aa uppears from
said original bill on file in this offiee and
that said proposed amendment is submitted
to the qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday,
the jrd day of November, A. D. 1H14
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my Land ond affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 2lrd day cf March
V?, tLe-T'a,r our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen. Bnd of the
Independence of the United State the One
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this
State the Forty-teventh.
I"-1'! Secretary cf Stata.
la the DlMtrlcl Court of t ana Conaty.
Nathan P. Schulze, Plaintiff,
William Street, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants, William Street,
the unknown heirs of William Street,
Jeramiah Wade, the unknown heirs of
Jeramiah Wade, Herbert Itobine and
Clarence Robine, the only FurvivinK
heirs of Sarah C. P. Eobltie, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
ICth day of July. 1114. plaintiff filed
his suit In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, the object being; to
quiet the title in plaintiff to lot ten
(10), In block five (5), in Plattsmout h,
Nebraska; plaintiff alleges that he l-
the owner in fee simple of said lot.
and that he, nnd prior prantors under
whom lie holds, hav been in actual,
open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
and adverse possession of said lot for a
period of more than twenty years last
past; that all defendants in this suit
be enjoined, each and all of you, from
having- or claiming any right, title, in
terest, or lien, either legal or equitable,
in or to said lot or any part thereof:
and you and each of you are hereby
notified to set forth any right, title, or
interest, you may claim In said lot. if
any; and for such other and further
relief as may be equitable.
This notice Is published pursuant to
the order of the court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of Septem'-er, 1814,
or your default will be duly entered
R. B. WINDHAM, Attorney.
In the DUIrlet Court f Caaa Conaty,
Doc. No.
George Heim and Andrew Fdum.
John D. Knight, the unknown heirs
and devisees of John I. Knight, de
ceased. Defendants.
To John D. Knight and the I'nknown
Heirs and Devisees of John D.
Knight, Deceased:
Y'ou and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of July.
A. D. 1914, George Heim and Andrew
P.lum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition In
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, against you as defendants;
that the object and prayer of said peti
tion Is to quiet and confirm in the
plaintiff. George Heim, the title to the
northwest quarter N. W. 14) of the
northwest quarter N W. i ) of Sec
tion twenty-two (22), Township twelve
(12) North, Kange ten (10) Kast of the
Cth P. M., Cass County. Nebraska, and
each and every part thereof, and In the
plalntinff, Andrew Blum, the title to
the south half (S. M ) of the northwest
quarter (N. W. '4) of Section twenty
two (22), Township twelve (12) North.
Kange ten (10), Kast of the Cth P. M ,
in Cass County, Nebraska, and each and
every part thereof, and to obtain a
Judgment decreeing that the plaintiffs.
George Helm and Andrew Blum, are
the owners in fee simple of aald several
tracts of real estate and every part
thereof, and to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from any
right, title, interest or claim in and to
said several tracts of real estate here
inbefore described, or any part there
of; plaintiffs claiming in their said
petition to have acquired the title to
said several tracts of real estate and
each and every part thereof In them
selves and their respective grantors, by
virtue of open, notorious, actual, ad
verse, hostile and continuous possession
of the same under claim of ownership
for over thirty years.
Y'ou are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1914
Their Attorney.
In the County Court of the County of
Comm. .NrbraoLa.
In Re-Kstate of Alvara A. Fish. De
ceased. Y'ou are hereby notified that hearings
upon all claims against aald estate will
be had at the office of the County
Judge. Court House, Plattsmoiith. Casn
Countv, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
August. A. D. 1914. and on the 16th day
of February, A. D. 1915. at ten o'clock
a. m. on each of said days. All claims
not filed by said hour on said last day
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court.
County Judge.
Cass County, as.
H. M. Soennichsen, Plaintiff,
Charles M. Foster, Defendant.
To Charles M. Foster:
Y'ou are herebv notified that the
plaintiff, on the 27th day of July. 114.
filed his Bill of Particulars In Justice
Court before M. Archer, Justice of the
Peace in and for Cass County, Ne
braska, against you to recover the sum
of $30 for goods and merchandise sold
and delivered, and costs of suit; said
cause was continued to the 10th day of
September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. You
are required to appear and answer said
Bill of Particulars on or before the 10th
day of September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a.
m., and vour failure so to do your de
fault will be taken and Judgment al
lowed for the amount claimed in said
Bill of Particulars.
H. M. SOENNICHSEN. Plaintiff.
By A. L TIDD, His Attorney.
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