The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, - AUGUST 17, 1514.
Che plattsmoutb journal
Published S a m l-W e k I y at Plattmouth, Nebr.
Entered at the Tostoffice at riattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publiiher
Subtorlptlon Prlooi $1.50 Per Year In Advene
v vw
J The habit of viewing
things cheerfully and of $
& thinking about life hopefully
J may be made to prow up in "l
5 us like any other habit. $
S. Smiles. 4-
At any rate, the American
farmers have the best end of the
Vote for Hon. John Mattes for
stale senator. We all know he is
a democrat.
The results of the various en
gagements in Europe depend
much n the source of the dis
patches. :o:
The European war means a cut
ting oil" ,.r s a year in
reenu" for the United States.
For one. we are not. going to
ak the next legislature to pass
any new laws. There's plenty,
and more,' too.
- ?:o:-
The International Harvester
rompany will appeal its case to
the I'nited Slates supreme court.
The last resort.
With all the new inventions for
carrying mi a modern war, war
r.i!i iuiies to be just war with the
dd definition, and that is all you
t an make out of it.
Josejdi B. l-'oraker has auain
been laid u poll the shelf. Last
Tue-day he was defealeil for Hie
republican nominal ion for sen
ator in Ohio. The people are tired
of Mich statesmen as l-'oraker.
Hut three more days till the.
primary. Hemenibcr when enter
ing the primary and vote for your
faorite, and if he is not nomin
ated, you are in honor bound to
support his uccesful opponent
at the general election. Don't be
a bolter.
Three times in congress is long
enough for anyone to sere.
Thai's the reason why so many
democrats art; ii:ig to ole for
W. B. Price next Tuesday. Mr.
Price is an able man and is
worthy of the support of. the
oters in eery concidvable wav.
O. .1. Hunt of Bridgeport is a
candidate for supreme judge
on the non-partian ticket and we
be!ioe the voters of Cass county
can consistently support him as a
gentleman eminently qualified for
the important position. He is
one of the ablest lawyers in the
Who among us that cannot
sing with a new meaning; today,
"My country "lis of thee, sweet
land of liberty.'" and find a deeper
and sweeter exultation in con
trasting our own land of peace
and prosperity with war-distress-id
countries across the sea? And
who among' us that does not hope
and pray that the message of
'peace on earth, good will to
ward man," has taken such a hold
upon the hearts of the American
pej"ple-i,that.. our ; example, in the
future-' may' inspire the othcr'na
iijn.s of the world to make this
niisi-ab? the unalterable law- of
all Ihe generations jet unborn
jlhat all mankind may praise God
for giving- the Ameiicjn nation to
the world?
If you want
keep moving-.
to be nominated
If you are in doubt what to do
try "watchful waiting."
A vote for John Mattes for sen
ator means a vote for the right
man for the right place.
. :o :
A cry to increase the American
army has gone up as a result of
the European crisis. Well, an
army of fair size is a good thing
to have in any country.
Good-by, teachers. The Jour
nal hopes your short visit in
Plattsinouth was a pleasant one.
And may the ensuing school year
be a successful one, filled with
happy thoughts of the future for
each and every one of you.
When the heads of nations that
are at war can stop long enough
to send condolences on the death
of the leading lady of a neutral
land, it looks like they would be
tender-hearted enough to stop
awhile and arbitrate their differ
ences, according to the desire and
wishes of our noble president,
Woodrow Wilson.
The ticket nominated next
Tuesday may not be your choice
or mine, but it will be the choice
of the majority, and should re
cede the support of every voter
who goes into the primary,
whether he gets his choice or not.
If you are not willing to abide by
Ihe result of the primary, slay
away entirely.
Governor Morehead should be.
renominated. His administration
has Ihe approval of a big ma
jority of the people of Nebraska,
and is free from graft and scan
dal. .o matter who is nominated,
the democratic party of Nebraska
must stand on his record. The
only sensible and reasonable
thing for the party to do is to re
nominate him, and let him lead
the light on the record he has
Al the very appearance of war
in Europe, with its threatened in
jury to the linances of all that
section of the world, our govern
ment oilers the banks of this
country that complied with the
provisions of the new law the use
of all necessary funds during any
temporary tie-up in the money
markets of the world. It is
bound to dawn on these people in
time that there were wise minds
behind the construction of the
new currency measure and that it
is made to meet all manner of
Will Maupin1 s Mid-West Maga
zine has done more good in the
way of good roads and building
up the interests of the taxpayers
of Nebraska generally than all the
papers in Nebraska combined.
Mr. Maupin is not a man of
means, but is a gentleman of con
siderable ability. He is a candi
date for railway commissioner on
the democratic ticket, and truly
deserves the support of the demo
crats of Cass county at the pri
mary election next Tuesday.
When we say that Will Maupin is
one of the best qualified men in
Nebraska .. for railway. comniisr
sioner, we '. mean . just- what we
say. He has not only ability but
is full of grit and energy and will
fill the position to the entire
satisfaction of all interested in
the business of the railway com
missioner's office.
Reports from Lincoln are to
the effect that fear that the vote-
by-mail law, enacted at the 1913
legislature may open the way for
gigantic election frauds in the
state, is groundless if the election
officials attend to their duties
That is the belief of state offi
cials who have examined the new
statute and who have heard tha
the law had been attacked on ac
count of alleged weakness.
In effect the law sets out that
the votes shall he cast and sent
to the counties of the elector
along- with the elector's affidavit
to the effect that he resides in the
county to which the ballot has
been sent and where he was not
present on election day. A fur
ther provision stales:
"The board of county canvass
ers and the county clerk of each
county wherein any vote or an
absent elector is received as
herein provided shall keep the fact
of such vote and the person for
whom the same is recorded and
the contents thereof secret and
?hall not divulge or reveal the
The last clause contains the
ground for the fears of those
who believe the law is deficient.
But the state supreme court has
said that election boards can ex
ercise a reasonable discretion in
he mailer so as to protect them
selves against lrauduient voting.
lence, if the law fails to provide
specific means for doing- this,
they will be expected to provide
some method of their own which
meets the demand and which, at
the same time, prevents the vole
of the absent elector from being
known to the public.
While the vote-by-mail hill
was on its passage it was urged
against it that it shattered the
undamental principles upon
which the Australian ballot sys
tem was built. That is true to
some extent, but it is a payment
which the voter must make by
eason ol being absent from
lome on election day.
Tlie law is admittedly not as
I ron g- as it might be, but with
county canvassers using diligence
in the matter it will be impossible
for fraud to be practiced to any
President Wilson proposes to
know- why the sudden rise in food
If you desire the continuation
if Governor Morehead's excellent
administration, you will most cer
tainly aid in bring this about by
oing to the polls next Tuesday
and assist in his renoniination. If
nominated, he will surely be elect
ed. Then do your duty.
:o :
Every citizen should come out
and vote next Tuesday. It is your
duty to. do so; and remember that
it will be two years before you
will have a chance to vole at an
other general primary. This is
one of such importance that you
cannot afford to pass it up.
It is less than three weeks un
til school time. The boys and
girls of the present age enjoy
educational privileges which were
not known when men and women
now of middle age never dreamed
of. Such of them as are wise and
take advantage of their oppor-
unilies will be the winners in the
race of life.
We can see no reason for the
newspapers of the country being
prejudiced in their editorial state
ments in reference to the war in
Lurope. Most of the people in
the United Stales are Americans,
while many are foreign born. And
they,, represent every nation that
. -. . . .. ,
is warring. ' America is i neutral
grounds, and it matters im
materially with which country
you sympathize, it is your duty to
keep cool and not incite unneces
sary trouble that might arise
rom too much agitution.
"Morehead and Victory," the
slogan next Tuesday.
He sure you are right, then go
and vote next Tuesday.
The Mexican news is likewise
subject to change without notice
n.i t...... ;.. 1...1.1;..
1 lit 4llL lllllt JUaU 13 HWlUUlfj
all-night cabinet sessions indi
cates that it is taking the war very
Secretary Houston deserves all
the praise Secretary McAdoo has
given, and his knowledge is not
to financial questions, either.
This seems to be a war in
which the participants like those
blind men from Hindustan, all are
partially in the right and all are
in the wrong.
According to the United Stales
district court, the International
Harvester company is a combina
tion in restraint of trade. All of
which must be so.
Unwarranted lifting of prices
for the necessaries of life will not
be tolerated by President Wilson.
Here is a president of the United
Stales who proposes to protect the
common people, and is commend
ed by all true Americans.
:o: "
"The Nebraska Issue,"' a
humb-screw paper printed at
.incoln by the Anti-Saloon league
is trying- to do ,some political
work, but it is very apparent that
but very few candidates will have
anything to do with the Issue.
Thursday evening is set apart
or the band concert. People
congregate there to hear the
music, as was evidenced lliurs-
day evening, when the suffrage
peaker started in and a great
many left the park in perfect dis
gust at this interference with the
Don't forget that W. B. I'rice,
andidate for congress, is an abb
awyer, a line speaker, and pos
es ses all the requirements to till
the congressional bill to perfei
lion. Every democrat should go
to the polls next Tuesday and aid
in nominating this sterling advo
cate of Ihe principles of true
The republicans are counting
on getting possession ol the next
congress. Jn tins respect they
ipe somewhat after the old woman
who always insisted upon count
ing her chickens before they were
hatched. Like her, also, they are
doomed to disappointment. The
5rreat majoritv of the voters of
this country will stand by our
noble president, Woodrow Wilson.
They know he is generally right,
and it would be suicidal to inllict
upon him a republican congress
to harrass and pester him in his
good work for the people. The
ensible voters are not yet ready
lo turn the "dogs of war" upon
the heels of our great and noble
Ihe Teachers' Institute closed
yesterday, with one hundred and
fifty teachers enrolled, and it is
ho universal sentiment of those
present that it was one of the
most successful sesisons ever
leld in Cass county. Miss Foster,
county superintendent of schools,
las been untiring in her efforts to
place the schools of Cass county
at the head of the more success-
ul schools of the state, and from
eports generally over the county
by directors, parents and teachers,
she has succeeded most admirably
in carrying out her heartfelt de
sire. Miss ,i-osier nas ceriamiy
won the reputation of being one
of-the most competent and ener
getic county superintendents in
he state, and it is a pleasure for
ier to know that patrons of the
chools truly realize this import
ant fact.
The report comes from the
stale capital that the republican
who wins the gubernatorial nom
ination, be it Iloss Hammond, R.
B. Howell or J. H. Kemp, will
have Harry Sackett of Beatrice to
tight on the third party's ticket.
That is the positive information
that has been going out in pro
gressive literature durinj
last few days. It is also the
"guide word" that has been sent
out to the party's legions in this
state. By Chairman Corrick it is
stated it will be the assurance
that will keep thousands of the
new parly's men in line and which
will enable them to light along in
telling fashion after the primary
battle has been concluded.
Republicans everywhere in the
state have been coached to inti
mate that if J. II. Kemp is nom
inated Mr. Sackett will retire from
the race. Mr. Sackett, however,
has no such an idea. He proposes
to carry on his light just the same
as if he had a seasoned parly be
hind him. He intends to battle
just as aruently ami constantly
against the republican party as
rainst the democrats, lie knows
the magnitude of his labor and
knows that defeat may be meas
ured out to him in emphatic
terms. But he knows also that all
parties vhad their start, and that
sacrifices had Jo be made by their
leaders. He is said by Chairman
Corrick to have been willing to
assume all the humeri ami
more, so me ciiairman writes
to his lieutenants, if the party's
ife can be perpetuated his can
didacy will have fulfilled its mis-
There are any number of re
mblieans here who believe that
if Hammond is nominated there
will be a visible republican defec
tion to Sackett. There are others
who believe that if Howell is nom
inated there will be a republican
defection lo the democratic nom
inee. And still others believe
that if Kemp is nominated there
will be a double-barreled defec
tion, part to (be democratic camp
and the balance lo the Sacked
One thing certain, the war
ought lo put the finishing touch
on our post-graduate course in
geography that will make even the
causal observer capable of a
sheepskin. Certainly there's noth
ing like war for the vivid pre
sentation of geographical sub
jects. :o :
And now some enterprising
citizen of Omaha has taken the
job to "bust" the blue sky law.
You can find men in Omaha who
will undertake most anything-, if
suilicient money accompanies the
-t. :-
-ALCOHOL 3 Pfcli CKN i
5muaun5 inciootfandRcgLla
ting lite Storaacis anlBovdsof
Promotes DigestfonJCtewfur
ness and Itest.Containsneitlirr
Opiuru.MorpIiine nor Mineral
NotNah cotic.
Yiaatipttti Fttmr.
Apcrfect Remedy for Consflp
lion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoea
3 and Lo ss of Sleep.
rsicSimile Signarureof
The Centaur Compass
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
rtn.iranteed under the kk
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
"Anything to heat Howell" is
the cry in Omaha.- This may he
a haruVr job than they counted
Japan will apparently tret into
this complicated eonilict, hut it
will play a minor part; a sort of
Asiatic sideshow to the big- per
formance in Europe.
American army ollicers are
warned aain.t commenting on
the European conflict. It is just
as well for the private citizen to
take some- of the warning to hini-.-elf
and keep a little quiet on his
comments, also. There is no use
in it only making' matters worse.
There's a good crop of ultima
tums, regardless of the drouth.
Chronic kicking is brain de
stroying. Better smile occasion
ally and try to be happy.
A habitual criminal is one who
has been at it long enough to ac
quire friends in high places.
Sugar is still soaring skyward.
The American people can get
along without too much sweet
ness, anyway.
1'our years ago H. L. Metcalfe
bolted the nomination of Jim
J'ahlman for governor on the
democratic, ticket. ?sot only that,
but be went over the stale and
made speeches for Aldrich, the re
publican candidate. Democrats
should pay him back in his own
coin by going lo the polls tomor
row ami give him to understand
by their votes that he cannot treat
a democratic nominee with im
punity. A vole for Governor
Morehead means something. It
means the endorsement of a good
goernor, a good democrat and
one who has been fair lo all the
people alike.
The British destroyer Varago
must have been christened after
the militant suffrage movement
was well under w ay.
This is also the season when
one can tell that summer is wan
ing, by noting the sallow com
plexion of the straw hat.
There is as much divergence of
opinion on Ihe economic effect of
the war on America as there is on
the result of the war itself.
It was only a fJv generations
ago when the educational system
of this country was in the pri
mitive slate. But now we have a
system of public schools and col
leges that arc second to none on
the face of the globe.
We have just received from the Royal Society people
the latest and newest things in needlework, among
them being the two attractive
cuts here shown.
JATwciSY goods stand for
QUALITY, and their colored
embroidery flosses are guaran
teed to be absolutely fast to
You vould be pleased with
our assortment of stamped
hemstitched pillow cases.
We wish to announce that
our new art needlework cata
logue has just arrived, and
anything you may desire to
have which we do not have in
stock we will be pleased to
The Daylight Store
( I
Phones 53 and 54.