The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    nfiOWDAY, AUGUST 17, 1S14.
Local Mews
Prom Friday's Dally.
William Puis of nf-ar Murray
was in the city today for a fw
hours lookinsr after some matters
of lusine with the merchants.
Elmont Preston and Ben Olive
motored over from Weeping Wa
ter last evening t c attend the
hand concert and visited wiih
friends for a few hours.
Henry Uirz, jr., and wife were
anions the passengers this morning-
for Omaha, where they were
called to spend the day looking
after some matters of business in
that city.
Martin Steppat and wife of
Iilair, Neb., who have been here
visiting- at the home of their son.
Frank Steppat and family, de
parted this afternoon oer the
Burlington for their home.
Paul Morgan came in last even
ins from Washington, I). ('.,
where he has been for the past
few days hulking- alter some busi
ness matter-:. He will leave for
his home at Hay Springs. Neb..
1 1 1 i - afternoon.
Robert Hunter and molher. Mrs.
.1. it. Hunter, and sou. Paul, ami
daughter, Grace, departed this
afternoon for Hitchcock. S. !..
near where Robert ha some land
intere-ts. They were accompanied
as far as Omaha by J. it. Hunter.
Mrs. Sherman Cole mid .Mrs.
Garl Cole came in this morning
from thejr bono', southwest of
this city, and were passengers on
the early Burlington train for
omaha. where they will visit for
the day looking- after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. S. T. lluebner and daugh
ters. Misses Lillian ami Ethel,
who hae been enjoying- a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mi s. S. .
r.ole. near Mynard. departed this
morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, where they will
iit for a Iint time before re
tiiinirnr to their home at Burling
ton. Iowa.
Charles L. Craves came up lat
t-MMiiiiL' from his home at I'nion
to spend a few hours here looking
after some matters of buiiie-.
and visiting- hj friend-. Mr.
Oraes and Judge Beeon are
among the candidates who d led
need to worry at the primary, as
they both haw cinches on the
nomination for county judge.
V. H. Cunn iughum of Nehawka.
republican candidate for the nom
ination for heritl. was in this
city yesterday .-hakins hands with
his many friends. Mr. Cunning
ham is a Aery bright young- man
and sas that he has made a
thorough cana-s of this county
ami expects 1" receive the nom
ination for herilT next Tuesday.
Wm. Hunter and daughter. Miss
Helen, will depart for Chejenue,
Wo.. tomorrow, where they will
is-it relaties and friends ami at
tend the Frontier day festivities,
it has been several years since
Mr. Hunter has attended this
great, .-how. and he concluded it
was about lime for him to so
again. Mr. Hunter- has an aunt,
uncle and cousin living at Chey
enne, his uncle being a banker and
his cousin a lawyer.
From Saturday's raTT.
.1. N. .Jordan departed this aft
ernoon for Council BlutVs. where
he goes to secure some repairs for
his farm machinery.
W. E. Sharp came in la-t e en
ins from Omaha to spend a few
hours here with his mother and
other relatives and friends.
Put the difference in the bank. The
saving between Ford cost and heavy
car cost is "velvet" for the prudent
buyer. He knows the Ford not only
saves him dollars but serves him best.
It's a better car sold at a lower price
and backed with Ford service and guar-tee.
S440 for the runabout: $490
$('.V0 for the tosvn car f. o.
equipment. Get catalog aud
& Co. Keduce the cost of
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of
business with the merchants.
John Kaffenberger and family
motored in this afternoon from
their home west of the city to look
after some tradins with the mer
chants. Fiank Bauer of Union was in
the city today in attendance at I lie
final settlement, of the estate of
his mother, the lale Mrs. Eliza
beth Bauer.
Mrs. X. C. Abbott and children
of Nebraska City will arrive here
this afternoon . for a visit at the
home of Mrs. E. H. Wesrott for
a few days.
Mrs. Arthur Crisman of Lin
coln, who has been here for a
short visit with relatives and
friends, departed this afternoon
for her home.
Percy Wheeler, accompanied by
his friend. Robert Patterson, were
among the jrassengers this morn
ing' for Omaha, where they will
isif for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Williams of
Omaha, who have been siting- at
the home of the hitter's sister.
Mrs. Frank Ohm and family, for
a short time, returned home this
Mrs. John Beeson departed
yesterday afternoon for Havelock.
where she will visit for a few days
in that place with her brother.
Harry llull'er and family, and
take in the Oala day celebration.
Henry Lahoda was among the
passengers this afternoon for
Omaha, where he sot's to consult
an e e specialist in regard to his
eyes, which have been troubling'
him for some t ime.
Joseph NoNotncy and wife and
daughter-. Miss Lillian. were
among- the passengers this morn
ing on the early Burlington train
for Lawrence. Neb., where the
will isil for a few days in that
place with relatives and friends,
being guests at the John Jarnla
Train Is Somewhat Late.
Plat t sinoiit h parties who were
in the metropolis yesterday and
expected to return home on No.
f last evening oer the Burling
ton were greatly disappointed in
ibis, as the train, which is due
here at ::ni. failed to arrived un
til about i' o'clock. The delay was
caused by the fact that a freight
car on west-bound freight No. 77.
which came west just a short time
before ,'. 1 was due to leae
Lincoln, broke down, necessitat
ing . k'.ril liiii!?. nifL- ln'fitr. tii.
I I I n s1 ! -ill. rv w
pas-enger train could get through.
S. S. flooding- and daughter.
Miss Stella. departed vesterday
morning- for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day with Everett
at the hospital, where he is recovering-
from the effects of an
Good Reason for His Enthusiasm.
When a man has suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea
or other form of bowel complaint
and is then cured sound and well
by one or two doses of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Iiar
rhoea Remedy, as is often the
case, jt is but natural that he
should be enthusiastic in his
praise of the remedy, and espec
ially is this the case of a severe
attack when life is threatened.
Try it when in need of such a
remedy. It never fails. Sold by
all dealers.
for the touring car and
b. Detroit, complete with
particulars from Dovey
high living.
Townesend Gun Club of Omaha
Goes Down in Defeat by Score
of 6 to 4.
Anol her scalp was added to the
iist secured by the lied Sox when
they look the representatives of
the Townsend Cun club down by
a score of G to 5, and were assist
ed in the good work by the errors
of the visitors at opportune times
that allowed the Sox to do business-
with the score board and
hang the can onto the hopes "f 'he
visitors. Craig, the new first
sacker put on duly at the initial
base yesterday for the Red Sox
and put up some game, proving a
tower of strength al limes when
needed, as his lielding was one of
the features of the game. pele
lleidid was back of tile bat. and
his stopping- of the slants of Pike
were all that could be asked. Hi r
ohl. Pike and C. Smith were the
heaviest hitters in the contest
yesterday, securing two hits each.
The crowd was not as large as
the game really deserved, as maiix
were in attendance at the Eagles'
picnic, hut those who were present
were greatly pleased with the
showing" made by Pa Johnson's
hopefuls a4id that the victory was
won by flit Sox cheered them, as
it it showed the boys were in fine
form and ready to lake on any
proposition that might be oll'eied
Ihem. The line-up of the teams
w as a s fol low s :
AB. H. O. A. E
Carle, cl :: u o O o
Parriott, ss 1 1 1 i -1
C. Smith, s.l 1 -J -J -J -J
Cr aig-, fst :: o i:: o
llerol.I, c :t 1' 7 o
Mason. If i o 1 1 o o
A I l ie-. ;;d 1 1 1 i 0
L. Smith, cf :: 1 1 o
pike, i o
Total ::i i lt 1 1
TOW.NSK.Vb lif. CI.l'B.
A B. II. o. A. E
Burns. LM 1 o L' o
Adams. 1st T, 111 u o
plat. ;;.i :: i -j f t
Coe. e :; j i l
penny. s J u o ;; o
Xoone. rf i o o (i o
King-, cf i o 0 o o
Weber. If i ( O (I 1
Kline, p i 1 1 :t o
Tola I ::g g i i to ::
Among the marriage licenses
appearing in the Omaha papers
yesterday was that of two Platls
mouttt residents, who had visited
that city as two and returned as
one. The contracting- parties
were Mr. Leonard Jay and Mrs.
Nellie Sherwood, who" decided to
lake their friends by surprise by
slipping; oil" to the metropolis to
have the matrimonial knot. tied.
The groom has been a resident of
this citv for the past year and is
employed in the Burlington shops
and is a voting- man well liked by
all who have the pleasure of
knowing- him. The bride is the
daughter of James Williams of
this city and has made her home
here for a number of years, and
her friends will be greatly pleased
to learn of her marriage and will
trust that she and her husband
may enjoy a long- and happy mar
ried life.
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery.
"I was attacked with dysen
tery about July lath, and used the
doctor's medicine and other rem
edies wilh no relief, only pelting
worse all the time. I was unable
to do anything; and my weight
dropped from 1-5 5 to 125 pounds.
I suffered for about two months
when I was advised to use Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy. I used two bot
tles of it and it. grave me perma
nent relief." writes B. W. Holl,
of Snow Hill, X. C. For sale by
all dealers.
Ike Somer of Omaha spent Sun
day at the home of his sister, Mrs.
O. H. Tower and family, in this
Displays Great Bravery.
In stopping- the team of horses
that ran over little lone 'Lower
Saturday evening Ceorge Sitzman
of this city deserves much com
mendation, as the deed was one
that few men would want to un
dertake, and he did it without the
least fear and his prompt action
resulted in saving injury jo
oth'ers, as well as the destruction
of the buggy to which the team
was hitched. The gentleman
certainly showed his clearhead
edness in the excitement.
Saturday at Union saw the dose
of one of the mo-t successful old
Settlers" Reunions thai lias been
held iii the muiit), a, id the crowd
was tpiite large, coming from all
sections of the county to be pr
cut at this occasion, which has
been in existence since J is s '. . and
is one of the annual eenls looked
forward to wilh Ihe givalesl o!
pleasure by the old-time residents
as a time when they can ali meet
together and isi! m recalling old
times. The Burlington band of
this city furnished the musj,- at
ihe celebration on both days and
it was much enjoyed by the croud
of people present and those who
hae heard the hand boys know
well that they are i-iLilit ,.n the job.
On Saturday there was an un
usually large number in attend
ance from Plal I smout h. being
called there by the jiall game be
tween the Red Sox ami the Union
team, which resiilled in a score of
17 to : in favor of Ihe Platls
mouth aggregation of ball tossers.
and Ihe boys took the oppo! I unity
to add to their batting aerage-..
Carle adding to his laurels by a
home run. The speeches on Sa!
urday were delieied by Sttialoi--.Ned''
Ih-owii of Lincoln and Mrs.
l. A. Kirkpat rick, on I he suffrage
u ' -1 i 1 1 . J. E. Ilungate of Weep
ing' Water also spoke in the morning-.
The reunion was quite suc
cessful and the committee and the
residents of Union gae the visit
ors a splendid treat at the gathering-.
The near approach of the open
ing of the theatrical season has
created a desire on the pari of the
amusement-lo iug- public of the
city to Jearn I he intent ions of Ihe
maiiag'cmenl of Ihe Parmele thea
ter for- the coining season. Man
ager Shlaes has secured a very
line list of shows, which he will
present this ear, a great many of
them being musical comedies ami
high-class attractions of Ihe very
highest tvpe. The season will be
opened here on Tuesday, August
Ml. with the musical production.
"The Musical Craces," which the
manager feels will be most pleas
ing to the theater-going public.
The following is ;. partial list of
Ihe attractions that will be pre
sented aft'he Parmele during the
coining year: "The Oirl From
Luxemberg-," "The Blue Widow,"
"The Cow and Ihe Moon." Powell
and Mclnlyre in vaudeville revue,
"Where the Trail Divides," "Alias
Jimmy Valentine." "The Under
Dog," "The Call of the Cumber
land." "Aima. Where Do You
Live?" "The Calling- of Dan Mat
thews." ,f Cay Coney Island."
"Don'l Lie to Your Wife." Lyman
Howe pictures. "The Spendthrift."
"The Cood Samaritan," Powell
Harris' "indoor Circus," "The
Belle of Broadway," "peg- o'My
Heart," Powell's Minstreis, "The
Creat Majestic Show." "Fine
Feathers," "Mult and Jeff in
Mexico," "The Printer of Udell's."
"The Rose Oirl, Lhe Oirl From
the Movies," "September Muni,"
"Ole, the Swede Defective."
"Bought and iMid For" "Ma low's
AH While Minstrels," "'Lhe r.irl
and the Ranger," "The Modern
Eve." Laler oilier attractions
will be booked to lill up the time.
Hon. John MaMes. jr.. and City
Attorney A. P. Moran of Nebraska
City were here for a few hours
yesterday en route fo Omaha, and
the greneial candidate for senator
stopped for a short visit with his
friends in this cityy.
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
Items of Interest to Our Reuder
Ci lea net! from the Newspaper
Files vi Many Years Ajfo.
A Greenwood Letter to the Platts
mouth Herald Forty
Years Ago.
Ed. Herald : Sir: Thinking
you and the many readers of lhe
Proclaimer of Cass county would
like to know how the Oueeri City
of western Cass js progressing-,
has lieen the means of inducing us
to d; ie the quill for a few mom
ents. I'n thoe who have never seen
our beautiful town, we would say
(hat Oreei;wood is charmingly
situale.J o,i the banks of the ro
nianlic Saline rier, known in
vulgar parlance as Salt creek.
This is a splendid business point,
and we venture to assert thai the
time js in t far distant when
Oj-eeiiwood will rank first. "among
tli;' cities of the great west. The
town does no! exis that possesses
heller agricultural surroundings
than tin- town doe-, and herein
lies the secret of its greatness.
There are two etensie dry goods
and grocery stores lu re under the
management of W. Eiheredgre
Son. who are. doin-r a splendid
business. 7J r. Flheredge formeilv
resided in Plat t simml h. but some
i eais ago. recognizing- the fact
thai Oieenwood would some day
make a tine town, he wisely set
lied on a p ece of land about one
and a half miles from Oreenwood,
and about four months ai'n he
bought out lhe stock of (ins
llinkb y. The of lies store is
owned by the Tuil Bios., foi nierly
o! Platlsmouth. too. These gen
tlemen are too well known and
I-e-peeled to reijuil'e further Ho
lice here. We hae also two
resident phsiciaus of umpies
tionaMe skill, viz.: Drs. M. Youn.--sle.Jt
and II. D. Root. Dr. Young-
sledl keeps a Well-slocked drug
store and is doing- a good busi
ness. We have two blacksmith
shops and one wagon and carriage
shop, all appearing to be doing
well, considering- the season. Joe
Connor is here buying- corn, and
it is simply astonishing to see the
annuml of corn (hat comes in and
he buys. We understand that the
U. M. R. R. Co. arc contemplat
ing running- another train as far
;:s bul whether this
is ii'-d to accommodate Joe, or
whether they calculate running il
further than Creenwood we have
not yet ascertained.
We June jus! organized a debating-
society to be known as
"The Creenwood Debating- and
Lilcrary Society," with a good
siring of members. The officers
elected are. President. H. D. Root:
Vice-President. Edwin Jeary:
Treasurer, L. 0. Hanson: Secre
tary, S. o. Salisbury. The first
regular- meeting of Ihe above
mentioned society takes place al
Creenwood next Friday night, and
the subject for discussion is as
follows: "Res(,ived that tin
Crange Movement in the United
Stales was more a Detriment to
the Interest of the Farmer than a
iteiiefit." Affirmative, J. Connor,
M. Youngsledt, J. D. Rouse. V
Ktheredgc. J. Tutt. Olin Salis
bury, II. Knowles, L. C. Hanson
and John Faulk. Xefralive, 11. I)
Rool, X. A. Cornish. J. T. Wel-
hurn, II. .Tellers, r.. Youngsledt,
Kdwin Jeary, J. McWilliams. An
drew Tut I and W. J. Mastin
Craving pardon for intruding so
much on your valuable space, 1
am vmii's trulv,
SEVERAL desirable Cass county
farms for sale. T. H. Pollock,
Piattsmouth. Tel. 215.
Costly Treatment.
"I was troubled wilh constipa
tion and indigestion and spent
hundreds of dollars for medicine
and treatment," writes C. H.
Ilines. of Whitlow, Ark. "I went
to a St. Louis hospital also to a
hospital in New Orleans, but no
cure was efferled. On returning
home-l began taking1 Chamber
lain's Tablets, and worked right
along-. 1 used them for some
time and am now all right." Sold
by all dealers.
Dan O'Brien fame down from
Gibson yesterday and visited bere
over Sunday wilh relatives and
Mrs. Frank Sivey and father,
Al' irindle. returned this' after
noon from Tahor, where they had
been un a short, visit.
The following proosed amendniMit ti
the constitution of the StatP of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full. Is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka to be voted ujion at tbe peneral electior
to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. L
TOR a Joint resolution to amend section
1 of Article 8 of the Constitution of tht
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Be it Resolved and Knacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of -Article t
cf the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be nniended to read a follows:
sec 1. The rules of taxation snail bt
uniform as to any piven class and taxes
shall be levied upon suc! property as th
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on incomes, privilepes nnc
occupations, which taxes may be pradnated
and progressive and reasonable exemption
mav be provided, in addition to those here
inafter specifically mentioned in section j
of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the general election in
November. 1!14, there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the forepoinp proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowinir form: "For amendment to th
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "apainst paid
proposed amendment to the Constitutor
providing for uniform and propresslv
Approved. March 27. IMS.
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, ol
the State cf Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed utiieuduienl
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of tbf
original enrolled and engrossed bill, a
passed bv the Thirty-third session of tbf
Legislature of the Istate of Nebraska, an
appears from said original bill on file ir
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the Qualified voters
of the state of Nebraska for their adoptior
or rejection at the general election to b
held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November,
A. I). 1!'H.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand iind aftixed the Great Seal ol
the state of Nebraska.
lone ut Lincoln, tnis 2.1rd day of March,
in the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of tht
Independence of the United States the Otic
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, aud of thil
State the Forty -seventh.
Seal . Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
t'-d to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November i'.rd, A. 1).
"A Joint Resolution to nmend Section sli
(f!) of Article one (1 of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be It Knacted by the People of the Stat
of Nebraska :
Section J. That Section six (fl) of Articl
one 41 i of the Constitution of the Stat
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
e-tin (5. The right of trial by Jury
shall remain inviolate: but in all civil cas-j
and in criminal cases less than felonies
live-. six i hs of the jury may render a ver
iii''t and the Legislature may authorize
trial by a jury of a less number than
twelve men in courts inferior to the dis
trict court.
Sec. J. Thcf at the ceneral election for
state ti ,1 legislative ofii'-crs to be held in
the St:ile of Nebraska on the first TuesdaT
M'e r the l't-y: Monday i:i November in 1!14.
there s!ia!l !e printed upon the ballot ol
rich elect i.r for his approval or rejection
Ore above and foresridng amendment in t hf
i'"i!ou ing form : "For proposed amendment
the const ;t ut ion providing that in al
i-isi'.c ami in criminal cases less than
'cioiries. five-sixths of the jury mav rendei
i verdict." ...rid "Against the proposed
tnendment f.. the Constitution provided
:;at in civil cases and in criminal case.
ess t!i:n felonies, five-sixths of the jurv
nay i-.-n.j,.;. ;1 verdict."
Apj.rov.-d. April 1. ttiin.
- i. .ui.,m.'i .-:it. Secretary of Stare, of
ne M;ite r .e.raka. do hereby certify
':. tne lo-eironur proposed amendment
o tiie ( onsiitii:;l.a of the State of Nebraska
s a t-:.e j.i.d correct copy of the original
in" e-.i ai o engrossed bill, as passed bv
ic TairM - third session of the Legislature
r the State of Nebraska, as an-M-ars from
-Mil ..:-ri;.::l bill on l;e In this olhce. and
i:ar said proios d amendment is submitted
" i:i::.: 1 voters of the State of Ne
...... iv.-i ior ineir atiopiion or rejection al
c,...,,r.It ..,,.., I(, ,o jM.( ,,,, -i nesdav
tlie ,av of November. A. H. 1014
In IcsfiiMoriv Whereof. I hereunto
set my hand ami atrixed the Great Seal oJ
he St:.te of Nebraska.
l"Tic :if Lincoln, this "Hrd dav of -V-timl.
n year ,,f our Lord. One Thousand
Hi!-.. ire, .nid Fourteen, and of the
Ind 'iiende of the United State the One
Hundred ati.l Thirty-seventh, and of tbi
-iuie me r on.v-sevelitll.
l0"'! Secretary of State.
The following proposed -amendment to
the constitution of the State or NebrnsKa
as hereinafter set forth in ful. Is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebra
ka. to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November Srd, A. L),
"FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Section 1. of Artlcia . and
Section IM. of Article A', of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term of
olliee and salary of Governor and other
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Peoplt
or the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon
day in November, 1!14, the following be
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V, of the Constitution of
renraska :
Sec. l. The executive department shall
consist or a Governor, who shall noia ma
office for a term of two years from the
first Thursday after the first Tuesday in
January, next after his election, and until
his successor is elected and qualified. In
audition to the Governor, the executive de
partment shall include the following offi
cers : Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of I'ublic Accounts. Treas-
iu.ri mil nucuk 171. IIUI1L llinuui liuu.
Attorney General, and Commissioner oi
Public Lands and Ituildings, each of whom
shall bold his office for the term of two
years from the lirst Thursday after tha
lirst Tuesday in J miliary, next after hia
election, and until his successor Is elected
and qualified; Provided, however, that the
first election of said officers shall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
In November, 1910, and each succeeding
election shall be held at the same relative
time in each even year thereafter. Tha
Governor. Secretary of State, Auditor of
Puoiie Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of government during thell
terms of office, and keep the public records,
books and papers there, and shall perform
such duties as may be required by law.
Ker. 24. The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand $o,00).Wn dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Publie
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of I'ublic Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Buildings shall
be two thousand five hundred (fii.oOO.Ou)
dollars each per annum, and of the Attor
ney General, four thousand dollara
?4.000.noi per annum, the salarT of tha
i:,'re Treasurer shall be three thousand
(S.'!.tK0.(Kn dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
naif the compensation nf uenntnr and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own use anv fees,
costs, interests upon public monevs in their
hands, or under their Cf. TI t Tl 1 ttarnnlcllaa
of office or other compensation.' and all feci
mm may nerearter be payable by law for
services performed by un officer provided
tor in this article of the constitution shall
be paid in advance Into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowance for clerk hire
In the offices of ho t:,. r..i,. -.wi..
ublic Instruction and Attorney General.
Se. S. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1014. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For nronosnrt mnri.
nients to the constitution, fixing the term
or ottlce and salarv for POTPrnnr an si nt hA
executive officer.'! and. '.'Against proposed
amendments f3 fh. constltiTf Ion. fixing the
term of office and alary for governor, and
other executive officers."
Approved. April in. 1913.
.v1' Addi",,n Walt. Secretary of state, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certifv
that the foregoinr proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
is a true and correct copy of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, aa parsed by
the Thirty-third session of the Legislature
.be ftate.of Nehraska. aa ppeBrs from
said original bill on file in this office and
that said proposed amendment 1 submitted
to the qualified vuters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tneday
the ,ird day of November, A. P. 1014
In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto
Bet my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day cf March.
1. tuevea ?f our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the Fnited State th- but
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tLia
State the Forty-seventh.
'eaJI Secretary of Statev
In the DIntrict Conrt of (' County.
Nathan 1 JSchulze, Plaintiff,
xVilliam Street, et al., defendants.
To the defendants, William Street,
the unknown heirs of William Street,
Jeramiah Wade, the unknown heirs of
Jeramiah Wade, Herbert Kobine and
Clarence Ttoblne. the only FurvivinK
Iielrs of Sarah C. P. Hotline, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
16th day of July, 1H14, plaintiff filed
his suit In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, the object being to
quiet the title in plaintiff to lot ten
(10), in block five 5, in Plattsmout b,
Nebraska; plaintiff alleges that be is
the owner in fee simple of Kaid Wit,
and that he, and prior grantors under
whom lie holds, have been in actual,
open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
and adverse possession of Kaid lot for a
period of more than twenty years last
past; that all defendants in this suit
be enjoined, each and all of yon. from
bavin? or claiming; any right, title, in
terest, or lien, either legal or equitable,
in or to naid lot or any part thereof;
and you and each of you are hereby
notified to net forth any right, title, or
interest, you may claim in aid lot. If
any; and for nuch other and further
relief as may be equitable.
This notice Is published pursuant to
the order ut the court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of September. 1M14.
or your default will be duly entered
R. B. WINDHAM. Attorney.
In the District Court .f Caaa County,
Doc. No.
George Helm and Andrew Plum,
John D. Knight, the unknown lielra
and devisees of John D. Knight, de
ceased. Defendants.
To John D. Knight and the I'nknown
Heirs and Devisees of John D.
Knight, rieoeased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of July.
A. D. 1914, George Heim and Andrew
Blum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition In
the District Court of Caas County, Ne
braska, against you as defendants;
that the object and prayer of said peti
tion Is to quiet and confirm In the
plaintiff. George Helm, the title to the
northwest quarter (N. W. hi) of the
northwest quarter (N. W. V4 of Sec
tion twenty-two (22). Township twelve
(12) North, Kange ten (101 Hast of the
6th I'. M., Cass County. Nebraska, and
each and every part thereof, and in the
plaintinff, Andrew Blum, the title to
the south half (S. ) of the northwest
quarter (N. W. ) of Section twenty
two (22), Township twelve (12) North,
Kange ten (10), Kast of the 6th P. M .
in Cass County, Nebraska, and each and
every part thereof, and to obtain a
judgment decreeing that the plaintiffs.
George Heim and Andrew Blum, are
the owners in fee simple of said several
tracts of real estate and every part
thereof, and to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from any
right, title. Interest or claim In and to
said several tracts of real estate here
inbefore described, or any part there
of; plaintiffs claiming in their nald
petition to have acquired the title to
said several tracts of real estate and
each and every part thereof in them
selves and their respective grantors, by
virtue of open, notorious, actual, ad
verse, hostile and continuous possession
of the same under claim of ownership
for over thirty years.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1914
Their Attorney.
xoTK R to rni:niTORS.
Id the County Court of the County of
('mm. Nr-bratika.
In Re-Rstate of Alvara A. Fish, De
ceased. Y'ou are hereby notified that hearings
upon all claims against said estate will
lie had at the office of the County
Judge. Court House. Piattsmouth. Cass
Countv. Nebraska, on the 14th day of
August. A. D. 1914. and on the ICth dav
of February. A. D. ISMS, at ten o'clock
a. m. on each of said days. All claims
not filed by said hour on said last day
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
H. M. Soennlchsen, Plaintiff.
Charles M. Foster, Defendant.
To Charles M. Foster:
You are herebv notified that the
plaintiff, on the 27th day of July. 1914,
filed his Bill of Particulars In Justice
Court before M. Archer. Justice of the
Peace in and for Cass County, Ne
braska, against you to recover the sum
of ISO for roods and 4nerchandise sold
and delivered, and costs of suit: said
cause was continued to the 10th day of
September, 1914, at 8 o'clock a, m. You
are required to appear and answer said
Bill of Particulars on or before the 10th
day of Septemtier, 1914, at o'clock a.
m., and vour failure so to do your de
fault will be taken and Judgment al
lowed for the amount claimed in said
Bill of Particulars.
H. M. WIENMCHSKN, FiaintllT.
Bv A. U TIDD, His Attorney.
B. F. Wiles was a business
visitor in Omaha today, poinp to
that city on the early Burlington
train this morning:.
Ed Schulhof was a passenper
this morning: for Glenwood uhere
he was called to look after hi
business interests in that city.
St. Luke's rectory, Tuesday
evening-, August 18th a p. ni.
sharp. A drill and kindergarten
songs by the small children. A
play also. All for 20c.
Albert Grimble returned this
morning; to Pacific Junction after
an over Sunday visit in this city
with relatives and friends.