-J L 4 ' PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS IMattsmotith. Aug:. 4, 191 1. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment, present, E. lleebner, ,!iilius A. Iitz and C K. Jordan, r.ounty Commissioners, and Frank .1. I.ibershall, County Clerk. .Minutes of previous session lead and approved, when the fol lowing business was transacted in regular form : County Treasurer filed state ment of receipts and disburse ments from December ;U. 1 1 1 3. to. June :. lpi ',. Com .!; Treasur er this day instnu n o lo relumi Hlance A. Strifes amount of taxes paid under protest on lots Til i and 575, (Ireenwood Vil lage, account error in assessment. Application of Mrs. Doty for license to operate ferry on Mis- -ouri river came on lor riearinir: Hoard beinir satisfied, after due consideration, that all require ments liad lieen complied with, Mrs. Doty was granted license to operate ferry immediately south f nurlintrton bridge for the term f live years and lived licence fee :tf s.'t.no per vcar. Same to be is-mk-iI upon the tiling of bond m si.l'll of S lllO. County Sheriff tiled report of Ves earned second quarter, ID! 1, s i 05.05. Contract entered into between Wilson steam Midler Co.. parly of the first part, and the Hoard of .utility Commissioners, parly of the second pari, for repairing of leuler at court house. The followintr resolution was adopted by Hoard of Commission ers : Wherea. The Nebraska Chil dren's Home Society of Omaha has taken and cared for sevral chil dren from Cass County, and saved the county the expense of drill;-: for tin in: therefore be it l;.--oIed. That the said society b. allowed the sum of S-5.n0 for furJIierinsr their work, and the County Clerk is hereby instructed to draw a warrant for said amount. The following claims were al lowed on the deneral fund of tlm county: V.. Meebnr. salary and mileage '1O.75 C. H. Jordan, same :). 00 Julius A. l'itz. same i...i Frank J. I.ibershal. sal ary and expense .... W. C. Orebe. assigned to Ouinton. uardin jail Hans "Sievers, salary and laundry 1. I. Kaslwooil. mdse. to jail and poor farm . . C. W. Havlor & Co., ice to court house; coal paupers N. D. Talbott. M. D.. professional services to Creens K. Manspeaker. salary deputy sheriff M. 11 ild. burial of un known tloaler A. W. White, supplies to Fullinuton and Mc- I'hei son IMatls. Sleam Laundry, laundry for jail ...... J. 11. Thrasher, bailiff's certificate John Hauer. auto hire to Commissioner Piiz . . I.. H. Kirenberjrer, mdse to Densons Win. lfassler, repairs for furnace at court house W. A. Tulene, diin'-' prrave for tloaler Hiatt it Tutt. mdse. to Mrs. Chambers C. K. Martin (Treas.) use , f tank at farm . . M. Hibl. supplies to court house I'niversity Iub. Co.. sup plies to Co. Supt I.. H. F.peiiberjrer. jtart labor on jail sewer. . . WVepinpr Water Repub lican., printing and supplies. C. K. Ileeb- ner John Hauer. repair work at old jail Mae Murphy, stenog rapher State vs. Ceo. Harr V;w;ra it Schublice. la bor and repairs at court house John Hauer, labor and supplies to court house Xeb. I.iphtinpr Co., sup plies for lipht connec tion at jail John Hauer, labor and material at farm Lorenz Bros., mdse. to county farm Will C. Grebe, guarding jail ....... - 200.01 8.00 78.00 i . 1 0 7 . i 0 7 .50 -45.00 10.00 1 .25 4 .00 0.00 10.00 .50 5.00 10.02 2.50 .50 58.50 12.85 l 1. 1.1 1 .00 25. li 1.75 4.20 1.15 13. G3 52.25 8.00; Kroehler Hros.. supplies lo farm and court house Fred Patterson, work on counly records Neb. J.ijihlinf; Co.. yas to court house C. II. Taylor, salary and expense J. II. Tains, salary and expense Dr. R. D. Cummins, in ebriate. Joseph Tracy J. M. l.eyda. same James Uoberlson, same Dr. R. D. Cummins, in sane, James C. llutter 81 .(')( 3-.50 3.50 127. 13 1)7 .30 8.00 3.00 5.50 1 I .00 C..00 8.50 20. 5 8 2 . ; o J. M. l.eyda, same James Itoberlson. same C. D. Ouinton, same .... C. IJ. 'Taylor, same Dr. K. D. Cummins, in- sane. John Mandeljz.. 11.00 J. M. l.eyda. same C.OO James Robertson, same. .(() C. D. Ouinton. same.... 10.58 Hans Sievers, same 1' in terpreter. 2.00 Kd Donal, same (inter preter 2.00 C. W. Clark, same (con stable 5-. 30 J. I.. Hurrows, iiard at jail 28.00 C. D. Ouinton. hoarding County prisoners and June salary 178.1)0 ('. 1). Ouinton. boardinir County prisoners and July salary I 87 . in C. D. Ouinton, postinir primary election pro clamation 20.30 Midland Chemical Co.. scrubbing compound.. 20.no Dr. Jas. H. llunuate, services rendered Joe Woods' family 20.00 Dr. Jas. 'li. Huuyate, services rendered lo Cross. Wood. I.oiitr. Youn-s lio.OO M. M. Soennich'-en. re- jtort of births and deaths 5.8." A. It. Stander. same.... 3.25 W. !:. Hand, same i . 00 Mrs. 1. D. Jones, same. . 1 .00 Ceo. Iteitter, same .... 2. or: H. T. Clements. same... 3.5c Win. II. Lyman, same .. 0.7 L. Pi. I'plon. same 1 . 25 i. I). Maseman. same. . . 2.0. Dr. L. Muir, same 1 . 2" R. Sturzenesrjrer. same.. ' .75 W. A. Tulene. same .... .'.in II. F. Kropp. same . Oo John Hauer, extras to new jail ll.lo Mary R. Foster, salary and expense 183. 8 K. Ma ns leaker, trip lo Cedar Creek for Oust Schilska 2.5f Wm. Holly, elolhiiiir lo county 15.2" Peter (loos, boardinir Fred Lowe 1 i . 0( -The following claims were al lowed on the Itoad fund of tin County: Ccor.e Timblin, road work. It. D. No. 11... 8.00 Win. llassler. sharpen ing trrader, R. D. No. to 2.50 Albert J. Hox. road work It. D. No. 1 ', ', .5C Fanners C-rain Co.. coal for It. D. No. 10 13.28 Win. Hush, road work, It. I). No. 7 5). 0( R. T. Tool. mdse. to It. D. No. 7 27.05 ft. S. McCleery, road work. It. D. No. 1 i . . . . 12.00 Claus Ohm. same, H. D. No. 15 1 1 . On W. V.. Newkirk, assigned (r. W. Curyea it Son. road work. It. D. No. 0 in. 00 (i. W. Leach, road work, R. D. No. 1 i 4 2. i 0 Hoy Hennell, assigned S. C. Hoyles, road work. It. D. No. 10... 28.80 Chas. Frohlich. road work, H. D. No. 10 ... 5.70 J. L. Hardnock. same, It. D. No. 10 0.00 C. A. Drum. same. It. D. No. 10 0.00 ohn II ibb'rbrand. same, It. D. No. 0 12.00 Fd SI one, same, R. D. No, 0 .' I). ',0 Troy Davis, same, It. D. No. II 2.80 Hoy Hennett, tame, R. D. No. 0 .4.80 W. II. Leesley, same, R. D. No. 0 , . 0.50 F. A. Mason, nails for R. D. No. 0 3.00 Ceo. V. Oehlerkinpr. road work. It. D. No. 15... 12.00 David Campbell, same, It. D. No. i 233.00 L. Neitzel. hardware and nails, R. D. No. 7.... -0.95 John II. Husche, road work. It. D. No. 2 37.00 Auffust Kreckler, same, R. D. No. 8 102.00 Wabash Crain Co., coal for srader. R. D. No. 8 15.90 Henry Kaufmann, road 3.00 D. No. 10 105.20 C. F. Vallery, same, It. D. No. 1 T. If. Pollock, same, R. D. No. 1 A. F. Seybert, same, R. Waller Hyers, same, R. 95.00 21 .30 37. 10 22.30 D. No. 2; Wm. lfassler, black smith work, It. D. No. 1 F. J. Itichey, labor lo R. D. No. 1 .85 9.20 The following bills were allow ed on the Commissioners' Road fund: Nebraska-Iowa SI eel Tark Co., culvert. Commissioners' Di.-.- trie I No. 2 7 - 28.01 It. S. McCleery, concrete culvert, same. No. .. 510.08 The following1 claims were al lowed on the Dragjrinir fund: work, It. D. No. 10. . . Hen I'.eckinan, same, R. Harry V. Hricker, drag pinjr roads, District No. 5 s . pu Chas. Frohlich, same. District No. 10 i .50 Chas. Farls. same, Dis trict No. 14 8.00 Nick Hecker, same, District No. 10 1 1 .55 Sherman llenriksen. same, district No. 10 3.30 I'. V. Cole, same, District No. 1 7.50 The following claims were al lowed on the Hridge fund of the County: A. A. Wallinircr, bridge work 13.95 It. V. Hruuell. same.... 7.20 Roy Hennelt. assigned o S. C. Hoyles, bridge work 3 4.oo Kd Stone, bridge work.. 1. 40 Math Sulser, same .... 8.00 C. II. Spohn. same .... 0.75 Daid Campbell, same.. 8.50 bdin II. Husche. same.. 4. 00 Hen Heckinan, same.... 29.30 C. F. Valb-ry. same .... 10. 00 T. II. pollock, temporary bridge 8.00 L.J. Richey, bridge lum ber 80.05 t. S. McCleery, bridge work 492 . 12 . F. Seybert, bridge spikes 2.95 W. H. Hanning, bridge material 58. 40 L C. Niday, bridg.wuk 3 4.80 Monarch I'ngineeiing Co., bridge work 0022.90 Hoard adjourned to meet Aug ust 5, 191 4. Platlsniouth. Aug. 5, 191 4. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment with all members present, vhen the following business was transacted in regular form: Hond of Mrs. Doty to operate ferry on Missouri river received and approved by Hoard. The following claims were al lowed on the Road fund: Math Sulser, road work, R. D. No. 1 :s 20.00 I. C. Niday, same, R. D. No. 11 C. R. Jordan, freight, R. D. No. 0 Lee Arnett, culvcrl. It. D. No. 7 Village treasurer Louis ville, proportion road fund. No. 18 00 .00 5.70 33.011 230.00 187 .00 Village treasurer Union, p,-. -portion road fund, No. 22 The lollowing claims were al lowed on the Ceneral fund: Lincoln Phone & Tele graph Co., rents and tolls Mrs. M. F. Pallerson, la bor at court house . . Platlsniouth Journal, printing and supplies to county Dr. F. W. Cook, profes sional services to Dean Wall Dr. F. D. Cummins, pro fessional services to Deaii Wall Neb. Children's Home, donation for care of children 15.15 3.00 139.00 18.00 10.00 25.00 The following claim was al lowed on the Commissioners Road fund: James Miller, concrete arches $ 450.90 The following claim was al lowed on the Hridge fund: Monarch Engineering" Co., bridge material . .$ 110.0 4 The following claims were al lowed on the Dragging fund of the county: Ed Dorr, Dragging District No. 15 ...... Village Treasurer South Hend, proportion of fund, District No. 19.. Village Treasurer AIvo, proportion fund. Dis trict No. 28 Village Treasurer Mur dock, proportion fund, 4.00 9. 10 17.85 20.79 Village Treasurer Oreen- wood, .proportion fund District No. 20 Village Treasurer El 111 wood, proportion fund District No. 25 Village Treasurer Eagle, Proportion fund Dis trict No. 20 53. 48 1 9 . 4 2 Village 'Treasurer Weep ing Waler. propori ion fund District No. 2 5 .. 75. Hoard adjourned lo meet Tin day, September 8. 191 4. FRANK J. LIHFRSHAL. Counly Clerk. Ml ME FROM EUROPEAN BATTLEFIELDS American People Should Not Be lieve the News of Sattle Before Reports Are Surely Correct. The tidings from the European battlelield, which cause the re joicing of thousands of aiiti-(!. i"- mans of our country, are, in nine parts out of ten, nolhing but mere fabrications of the phantasy of French, Helgiau and English rep- porters, who are engaged to keep Hie special war editors of the yel low iiress of our counlry busy day and night. The endless '"extras" published in our big cities prove: Da ist kein l.'nsinn nm'li so dumio. er lindet doch sein IMiblicuni. Let Us examine these exact news for a minute before literary indi;-rcs- liou makes us unable to digest the news to come. (Mi Wednesday. August 5 it was reported from Loudon that therejvas a "great atlle" on the North sea: the Eng lish beat the Cernians. of course. how could it be otherwise.' Hut a few hours laler London reported again that it was no great ballb at all, but a very "unimportant" one, that is to say the English lost, and so il was very '"unim portant." Twenty-four hours had passed and we were informed, via London, that Ihe English cruiser Amphion was safe in an English harbor, while in fact it was de- t roved, not by the steamer Koeuigin Louise, but by a small excursion boat of the same name. The Parisian triumphed because Ihe two Cernian cruisers, (loeben and Hreslau. were caught by the French, while all the world knows that these cruisers are in the Adrian sea. In big letters, our dailies announced the death of 25.000 Cernians at the bailie of Liege, while it is adlicially slated that 2,000 brave soldiers had bsl their lives. These fabrications could be augmented ad infinitum. No wonder the World-Herald of our metropolis commends Ihe war news bv a verv significant sen tence: "It must be noted that all the war news is coming from the English. French and Helgian sources and what fcftid of sources are they.'" The grand old Hisniark once insulted the late Queen Victoria of England verv much bv saying he wouldifl give the bones of one l'omerians soldier for the word of an Eng lish premier minister; and the old Reichs-Kenzler was certainly right saying about the French war news of 1870: (ielogen wie tclegraphiert. What would he have said about some of the American war editorials? II. Sieger. Annual PRATER NLA PICNIC at Veepin;r Water, Thursday AUG UST 27. A day of good, whole some enjoyment is promised. Weep ing Water wants you to enjoy it with her. 2t William Chassol, of l'oeassett, Oklahoma, is in Ihe eily, eominir up from his .southern home for a visit at the home of Mrs. I', C. Hanson and family. He is great ly pleased with his location, hut likes to visit Ihe old home here occasionally lo renew acquaint ance with his friends. Hoys This? We ofTiT One Hmulroil Dollars Ki-wanl for anj raw of ( at:irrb that camitit bo cur. ,1 by Hall I i'atarrh I'un-. , , ,t F. J. CHENET & CO.. Tole.lo. O. We. the muli'rslcriied. have known F J. Cheuey for lit- last 15 jeara. and b-lleve lilio erfettlT honnmble In oil barli).. transit oit nd linanclallv able to carry out auy ojlisaU:ji de by bl arm op COIIMEKCK. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure U ti!:on Internally aotlrj directly npou the blood and mucous surfaces j the system. Testimonials Kent free. 1 rl.-e -I cent per bottle. Sold by all KrujrKlst. Q Take Hall's Frnully i'illa lr couUiUtto District No. 21 1 GESznnn: "Come A running;" if you want New Things Men's fancy panel linen collars 2 for 25c Open mesh clastic sills garters 25c Elastic knee B V D style union suits. C. E. Wescott's Soils Everybody's Store I New Ties Every Week J THE COUNTY JAIL COMPLETED Hi IS II READINESS Counly Commissioners Inspect tho Euilding and Arc Remark ably Well Pleased. The new cuMiily jail ha- I"-.-;! eitmpirit'il ami i-nlay fin- lmuni il eniinly n : 1 1 1 1 i-.-ii:.T- i 1 1 j -t -i- f I Iiii i M i a;ni lli-'v ,i-iv iiii.lily Well Ica.- iI willi the I ': i : j imililiii' that ( .1 1 1 1 lac 1 1 i-. J.aix-n 11:1s luiii'M iicr in iiirin ai 1 tit- 1 oulhiv of what seems a verv .-mail sum when one looks oej- Ihe new jail huihlin-. Theie are few counties in the slate that will he aide to jioasf of a neater or more up-lo-daie slruclui" and its equipment will nn-el with fin .epilations in regard to lire pro--I ect ion. The iiiiiidinu' is of haials-.m-' red har.l finished hrkk. whirii i se o.'V nicely witii i ri ! i ; ;i i n - s of w hite -tone that n:ak - a ry neat a p;.ca.ra nee. The main en trance of th- jail i- hi) 1'oinih -lleet, Win-re the steps lead up to Ihe handsome doorway in the center of the lirst 11-tor of Ihe huihlinp". Here one enters the vestihule of the huiidimr. which is linished in yellow hard pine and cherry, making' a m at appearance with the hardwood floors and pe'.i erla note of cleaniness and ta-fe fulness. From Iheve-lihule there are -two doors, one leadin.- into the oihee of the sheriff, which i located on the south side of the huildintr in a hri.'ht, sunshiny room of ample sie. while another door admits into the residence part, of Ihe jail that will he oc cupied hy Sheriff Ouinton and family. In Ihe living apartments of the sheriff there is some mighty fine carpenter work, of which the contractor may well feel justly proud. Tile stairway leailinur to Ihe second floor is of yellow pine and heavy dark oak, that makes a very pretty condonation, and the panelling on the stairway, to gether with the banister, makes it one of the most attractive pieces of work on the entire buiblintr. On the first lloor of the build in fr, besides I lie sheriff's oH'ice. there is a parlor, dining room and kitchen for the use of the -lieriiV or jailor, all of which is equipped with the most modern arranire merits, and the woodwork i the same as in the otliee, that of yel low pine and cherry, with hand some hardwood floors. In the kitchen a pantry has been placed that has all t In cabinets and daces for- provisions that could be desierd. From this room there has been made a dumb waiter, where the food for the prisoners can be passed out into the entry way to Ihe cell room and allows the prisoners to receive their in'eals without inconvenience to the members of the jailor's fam ily. A door leads from the kitchen to the en try way from the si eel stairway on the south side of the huihlin? that will bejised for the transfer of prisoners to and from the jail, and this is the only means -.r (.nmmnnirfitinn between the 4.,- cm-iumc of the huihlinsr aiu!iJ H insures Ihe family residing there freedom from annoyance from the New Suits $5 and $10 See them in our west window Boys' Suits $2.00 Knickerbocker style and o. k. Genuine Panamas $2.00 Only few left. May be your size Men's Dress Shirts 50c Evtra value. See our 5th street window Men's Union Suits 50c Closed crotch all sizes I j G for 60c guaranteed sox j-erstms hi l:!i;y !? enillilie'l I li.-i Tin- jail pail f t!io fir.-f J 1 i-, is well as Hie sM-oinl l'.oitr, is as !i'"arly tl Ii '"!' as it is jmssilile ! i si-cuit'. a.s 111"' uly woiiiiwurk in 1 1 1 - iiuiiiJiiip is i:i tin- winiinw irani'-s. '1 In- i-t-il roi'iu is ail -n-.:cle M'l.i st'i'l. with a larpe slet-1 !! in tin cent"!-, win n- tin' more 'lae.-ermis prisoners can he coa iiiitii. Th- aiiiiar features of this par! of the jail are ee-llen!. there are ample facilities for Hi'- satn'aMo:) of Ihe person, ron in tin ; .-'utwer h:l h where She pri-oiMTs can haih I inniseh ( , lai'pe .-lee staii W'V plaeeil hy t!ie Mii-West l!oa '.. ij Omaha, lep.ils frm the jail s. .-li:; ! lo ;;e secoiMi story, where 'he ward for the female jirisoners a.-..', the h'opilal i'.v .-irk ward is il. Ih-re e'eryi hiii'jr is neat :a!,d '-lea!!, ana as :i l!;e !:!- lloor, h-oiulejy lifeproof. The liuhfinp' ' !:" l'" ','" I l :. . :.. (I.: . . ..i.l . . f !.. '. i 1 are swenum. as m-re, as on me irst floor, there i- a shower bath and toilets, both in the cell room and in Ihe hospital ward of tin-l.uihHir-r. where the prisoners will 1m- eared for when si . On the second lloor of the resi dence section of the buiblini; there is a laii:e, handsome hall with three I a rue bedrooms ami strictly umdern bath room. The liuht fixtures in the .-heriil's residence will be of the ri fle'; design and will cast a sofl and pleasing liuht over Ihe en! ii - rooms when'' they are u.-' d. In the basement is located the furnace room, laundry and cellar 0 7ioi; BLTrUUCC Every Woman Who Wishes to Be Well-Dressed needs the Autumn issue of that won- v derful quartetly "Butterick Fashions" Think of it! 600 distinct designs! j 2,000 illustrations. With each copy you A get any Buttenck rattern you like tree. 25 Cent a Copy at the Pattern Department The Very Latest Fancy I life mm W 1 , mm1 T I mmm - 1 mM I mm 1 v f C nnuifSnn rwJw.JmsKaaaa t UWHV: 1 iy 235E323SSia Every Size Overall Made j where provisions ean he stored for use. Here also is a small closet, made of hrick and steel, where the garments of Ihe pris oners can he thoroughly fumigat ed and cleaned without the odor pen if en I rat inir Ihroiih the huihl-in-'. Taken as a whole Ihe hu ildiiif-' is a heauty and a credit to ('ass county ami its proi-essnve people, and the contractor has certainly delivered a pood jo on the con tract for (lie erection of the huild in;r and Ihe workmen en'-'aped oti the je have completed it without a flaw in the construction. Are Married at Lincoln. At Lincoln yesterday afternoon John .1. Meeker1 of AIvo and Miss .May M. Creamer of Ka.Lrlc. this county, were united in the bonds of matrimony by County .Judue Ui.--er of Lancaster county. The bridal couple were accompanied by some twenty of their relatives and friends to be present on the very happy occasion. Moth of the eonlractiiiir parties are well known in Ihe western portion of Ihe county, where I heir friends are leuion. and upon the wedding they will receive the heartiest I.esl wishes of Iheir friends. W. S. Smith of Murray was in the city today for a few hours cn route from his home to Omaha, where he was called to look alter some matters of business for the day. Letter files at tho Journal office. n EI 1 We are now offering, while they last, some real excellent bargains in Organdie and Voile Waists-$2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 values at 14 Bleached Turk ish Towels! Just received a large ship ment of Turkish Towels 18x32 size, of which we are going to sell a window full of them, while they last, at 10c Each Neat and Nifty Boudoir Caps at 35 and 59c and $1.00 Roman Stripe 'Silks n I I f . y " i : 1 t