The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 13, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 5.
THUnSDAY, AUQUST 13, 1914.
Murray Department
Pr.-i.ared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
I BYTME ' fj
A MAN of family has a big responsibility. He not only must con
serve the morals and education of his wife and loved ones, but he
must see to it that THEY SHALL NOT WANT. Is there a bet
ter way of helping his dear ones than by adding; to his BANK ACCOUNT !
It will provide against sickness and misfortune. Every man of family
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by tha State Guaranty Law.
I :!- Hakes has been numbered
Willi the sick fur the pas I few
Alf Nickels shipped a car of
!'-' In Sotilli Omaha Tuesday
ii iii .
Minford Creamer shipped a
rar of hogs In Soul Ii Omaha Tiles
day e 1 1 s n r .
Mr-. C. I. Carroll and Mrs. O.
K. powers were Omaha visitors
.f 1 1 n Stones has commenced
lh- work on his new barn and V.
W. Mainilloii and force of men
.in doing I In- work.
Mrs. H.-rl Hoot, who lias been
tv ill for Ihe past few weeks, is
impro i 1 1 r at this lime.
I.liii.'r Ilall-trom was visiting
among i'lat I siiiout h friends for a
f'v hours Wedensday v n inr.
Little loir Tilson has been
1 u i I sick for the past few days
suffering- wild simiin.T complaint.
Henry Creamer and Nick Klaur
eiis were looking after siniic busi
nrs mailers ju Omaha Wednes
day. Charles Hoer, who is recover
ing Trom an operation at the hos
pital a few weeks ago, js impi-ov-nur
in heall h.
Mrs. w. s. Smith entertained a
number of friends at a l o'clock
dinner last Thursday evening in
honor of her sister, Mrs. I . II.
Chin dull, who isisiting here
finiii Idaho.
Mrs. Will Hamilton entertained
a number of friends Wednesday
atteinoi.ii in honor of her sister,
Mrs. Price, of Manhattan, Kansas,
and Miss Price of Omaha. A very
pleasant time was enjoyed by all
We are Featuring....
a Ladies' Silk Foot Hose, double
heel and toe, comes in either
black or white, at a big bargain
price of
Be Sure and Inspect our Thousand Dollar
Jewelry Stock.
Murray, - -
Mr. and Mrs. M. ii. Churchill
wen- attending the circus in Oma
ha Monday.
Andy Campbell has been piile
sick for the past few days, but is
improving al this time.
M. !. Churchill was looking af
ter some business matters in
I'latl sinouth Wednesday after
noon. Mr. and .Mrs. Harmon Heck and
J)r. .1. I'. Hrendel went to Omaha
Wednesday morning via the auto
.lames Hrown has been shelling
and delivering his old crop of corn
to the Farmers' elevator this
Mrs. Must' Iliatt has been quite
ill for the past few days, suffering
from another attack of stomach
I rouble.
W. O. Hoedeker and family and
Mrs. .1. I.. Young- were in Omaha
Monday taking in the cirrus. They
drove up in I he auto.
Ted Harrows lias purchased one
of those line new lir Maxwell
cars, that will be delivered It. him
out of the first shipment of the
new models.
W. S. Scott, who has been
visiting for a few days with rela
lies down .at his old home jn
Kansas, returned home Monday,
and will resume his duties at the
M. I. station here next week.
The two operators that were
placed on (he second ami third
tricks at Ihis station a few days
ago, have been taken off again,
and the force here reduced to one
man. Mr. powers, who has been
on duly during the absenceo f Mr.
Scott, will be relieved next week
and he will be taken lo Lincoln.
- Nebraska
It. H. Nickels was a Plattsmouth
i-itor last Saturday.
W. It. Oood and family motored
to Plattsmouth la-l Sat urday.
C. W. Tinner was a business
visitor in Plat I -mout h Monday.
Frank and Pearl Dugay attend
ed the eircus in Omaha Monday.
Fred Campbell drove his new
Maxwell to Plat t-mout h la-t Sat
urday. William Nickels was transact
ing business in plattsmouth last
Sal unlay.
F. I.. Ithoden and wife were
transacting business in Nbra-ka
City one day this week.
J. I.. I.ewis ami wile and Mis.
It. II. Filch spent last Sunday with
Itobert Fitch and family.
Margaret ami Vera Moore were
quests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. I.. Ithoden one day this
w eek.
Miss Lena Klaureiis, who met
with the misfortune of being run
oer by a horse last week and
fractured her right arm. is im
proving slowly.
J. W. Holmes ami son. Halph,
returned home from ballas City,
Illinois, Monday. Jim left his
Berg car at- the factory, where it
will be given a new coat of paint.
.lames Itrowu and wife and
Henry Osl. ami wife will depart
next Monday for Ness City, Kan
sas, where I hey will make a visit
at the ranch of Mr. Brown and
Oeorgc Herder. They will make
I he trip ia I he auto route.
Frank Moore was a Plat t smoiil h
isitor last. Saturday.
Frank Moore has taken (he
lead in this locality as a water
melon raiser. He was in Murray
Wednesday wilh a few samples,
and we must say that they were
about the lines!, that we have seen
this season.
Chris Miller was looking after
some business mailers in Mur
ray Wednesday of this week. We
are informed that Chris will soon
place a produce wagon on the
road, and will cover Ihis entire
territory, buying all kinds of farm
produce. Chris understands Ihis
line and will be right at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hessen
llow. w ho have been visit ing at I he
home of Mrs. I lessen How's par
ents. .Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Moore,
for the past month, are preparing
to move to Hal-Ion. where Mr.
llesseiillow has bought an interest
in the elevator business. and
where they will make I heir future
Frank Moore, one of our valued
readers of this locality, comes to
the front Ihis week with consider
able aid lo our subscription de
parlmenl. He not only renews for
his own paper, but for I lie one go
ing lo L. W. Patterson at Narka.
Kansas, and also sends one to his
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hansen, at
La Porte, Colo. These are the sort
of readers that make the news
paper man smile all the time.
Say, when will the great county
of Cass give us a new bridge one-
hall mile west of Murrav? If tin
county is so hard up that they
cannot build the bridge, or rather
a sixteen-foot culvert, just call on
the Murray Ladies' Aid society
and your bridge will be built in
less than a week and in good
shape. Listen lo the farmers
from the west dis-cussing- the
bridge, and you will understand
why this lamentation.
The work on the new school
building- for Murray has been
started, the excavation all com
pleted and the foundation is be
ing laid, and the building; will be
rushed lo completion just as
rapidly as possible, Bids for the
new heating plant were opened
Wednesday evening- and several
linns were represented in them
Maker & Nickels for the Hound
Oak Co., John Hauer and John
Hall of Plat Ismouth were among
them, also Warga & Schuldice.
Mrs. Frank Moore and daugh
ter, Miss Frances, will depart next
Monday for La Porte, Coin., w here
Ihey will make a visit with their
daughter and sister, Mrs. Arthur
Hansen. Mrs. Moore will remain
a few weeks, and Miss Frances
will attend school in LaPorte for
the winter. The Moore home will
no doubt be a rather lonesome one
this winter, as Misses Margaret
and Vera will attend school in
Plattsmouth, leaving but few
members of the family at home. 1
If any of the readrrs of the
Journal know of ui.y sorial
event or item of int-ret in
tliis vk-inity. and will mail
same tothi.sofiire. It will ap-I-ar
under this headintr. We
want all news items K1itok
Mrs. ;. M. .Mm ford and daugh
ter. Miss Olga. wef t' Omaha visit
ors Friday of last week.
F. M. Mas-ie- and son, Louise,
of Ml. Pleasant precinct, were
Murray visitors last Sunday.
Ted Harrow- and wife were
looking' afl'-r some business mat
ters in Plait-mouth la-t Saturday.
Mis-es Hulh and ll"lli Flliiigton
of Omaha are isiling with rela
tives ami friemls in Murray this
W eek.
Mrs. Hay Frans and Mr. Pier
son, assistant, cashier of the Hank
of l in'on. were Sunday callers in
M ui nay.
H v. W. A. Ta lor and wife of
I iiion departed Wednesday for a
few weeks' i-il and vacation. trip
in Colorado.
Mrs. Suavely and Mrs. !air
Poller of I.'nion were visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Copeuha er Monday.
Miss I'.tta Nickels came in from
Ashland la-l Saturday afternoon.
where she had 1 n visiting with
friends for a few days.
Mrs. Johnson of Nebra-ka City,
mother of Mrs. W. C. Oilmore,
came in Wednesday for a visit
with he daughter.
Hen. Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Wile-, roi-eived a very pain
ful injury to his foot while plowing-
Wednesday forenoon.
Mrs. Kirkeiidall went to Weep
ing Water Wednesday morning-,
where she will spend a couple of
day- attending the chaulampia.
Miss Ilael Ioev and little
Aral elle Ailen of Plattsmouth are
-pending Ihe week at the J. A.
Walker home .-outh of this village.
Mrs. Nick Klaureiis received an
ugly gash in her hand .Monday
from a broken fruit jar. Tin
hemorrhage was alarming for ;
short time.
John Fngelkoiueier of Ml
Pleasant precinct is sporting a
bran new Marion aulomnhih
rond.-ler tins week. the car is
made for two only.
Mrs. Jo-eph Sans ami daughter.
Miss Iteiilah, returned home lasi
Thursdav after seeral weeks
-pent, in Colorado visiting wilh
friends and sight-seeing.
Lena, the daughter of Mr. ant
Mis. Nick Klurens, had hei
shoulder dislocated last Sunday
The accident was caused bv a
frightened horse trampling hei
beneath its feet.
Oeorge Campbell and daugh
ters. Misses Mable, Oeorgiaand
Tessa, of l.ellgrade. Neb., an
isit ing w it Ii friends and relative?
in this laeality this week, having
driven down in their aulo !ie fore
part of the week.
Dr. J. H. Ilungale of Weepim
Water spent two days of last week
among friends in ami about Mur
ray in the interests of his candi
dacy lor slate senator. lie is a
very able man for the place and
will poll a strong vole in this pari
or thfe COIIIllV.
Harrv Creamer and AI Hartlell
departed Tuesday morning for
various points in Minnesota. They
will make a visit at the home of
J. T. Porter and Steve Copenhavei
before returning. Mrs. Creamer
is making a visit wilh hei- mother,
Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., during tin
absence of Mr. ('reamer.
Herl Philpot was a Murray
visitor Tuesday, spending the day
with J. I). Shrador. Mr. Philpot
is the Cass county auto king, and
is sidling more cars than any
other agency. He has cleaned up
on all his 1U 1 line, and several
of the ID 15 models have been sold
and all purchasers are anxiously
awaiting I heir arrival.
Mrs. V.. O. Lyman of Helena,
Montana, who for the past two
months has been here visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). A.
Young-, near Murray, departed this
afternoon for Lincoln, from where
she will continue on to her home
in the west. Her sister, Miss
Clara Young, accompanied her as
far as the state capital.
When a village is beset by a
swarm of politicians, it is pretty
hard to tell just how to smile.
Every available pocket is crowded
with cards, your hands are full of
folders, and you promise some
thing- to each one, the suspension
is awful, but when at the dark
hour of midnight he shoves some
thing in your face and says "take
that," it startles you.
The following from one of the
Lewi-town, Montana, newspapers,
is the account of the wedding- of a
former Cass coutiiy young man,
A. W. Valb-ry, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Valb-ry, of the precinct, and
the friend- of the groom in this
section will be greatly ph ased to
b arn of his new-found happiness
and trust, the future years may
be lilb-d with joy;
A wedding dinner was given on
August I'd at the home of Mrs. J.
H. McElwain in honor of the mar
riage of their daughter, Dolly
Hay. to A. W. Yallery, which took
place at Lewj-town. Mont., July
The room- were tastefully dec-oraP-d
in pink and while, and (In
elaborate dinner was carried out
in the -ante color -Hterne.
The bride was beautiful in a
gown of pale blue cl'epe de chine
and while shadow lace. The groom
wore the conventional black.
Among- those present were: V.
K. Shepard-on, wife and son, Don;
Fd Yallery and wife, Hobeit Mc
l-'.lwain, jr.. Misses I.lanche and
(Joldie McElwain. Mis Lillie
Charhcaneau, Mr. and Mrs. Ira 1.
Hedge. Mr. and .Mrs. Hay Hod, Mr.
and Mrs. Ansel Hall and son, ;ind
.Mr. Fran!; Luebke.
The happy young couple re
ceived many useful and valuable
presents. They will be at home to
their many friends after October
I, on Iheir claim, three miles
llol ! beast of Teigeu.
Mr. Yallery is a son of Mr. C.
H. Yallery, one of the substantial
farmers of Cass county, Nebra-ka.
The many friends of the young
couple join in wishing- them a
pro-peioiis journey through life.
Accidents will happen, but Ihe
best, regulate. 1 families keep In
Thomas' Eclectic oil for such
emergencies. Two sizes, am
oi'c, at all stores.
Mrs. flrnce Hh' den was vi-itin
in Nebraska City Wednesday.
Dr. Oilmore made a profes
sioual call to Omaha Monday. i
Col. Jenkins was looking afte
some business matters in Omah
Mrs. L. L. Alix and daughter
Miss Freda, were Nebraska City
isilors Wednesday.
Mr-. Addie Stokes spent la
Sunday at Ihe home of her daugh
ler. Mrs. Arthur Copenhaxer.
Mrs. Clinton To! ten and Miss
Esther Llod were Nebraska City
visitors Tuesday of this week.
.Mrs. Clinton Totlen went 1
Louisville I Ins week tor a lew
weeks' visit wilh relatives am
Mrs. David Lloyd returned home
from Omaha Wednesdav morning
where she has been visiting with
friends and relatives for Ihe past
few weeks.
Mi.-s Fern Lloyd, who has been
making- her home in Plat I simnil h
returned home Wednesday morn.
ing ami will remain until Septem
ber first.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hrown
will make t heir home at t he James
Drown home next week, during the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hrown on
t heir I rip lo Kansas.
M. H. I'.eck of EIniwood was in
Murray a short time Monday
visiting his daughter. Miss Freda,
while en route to Plattsmouth In
look after some business matters.
William Minford and daughter,
Miss Willa. of EIniwood, made a
brief visit, in Murray Monday at
Ihe C. M. Minford home. Mr.
Minford went, on to Plattsmouth
lo look after some business mai
lers. Harrv Carl of Plallsniouth has
been in Murray for Ihe past few-
days looking aller Ihe trouble
business of the telephone lines in
this locality. He has been doing
good wnrk, and nw is the time In
report all your telephone I roubles
to the central station. Ihey will
be looked after.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Minford
ind daughter. Miss Olga. Waller
Mutt, Clara Young, Hulh Elling-
on. Mrs. Buck ami son, Hugh,
Clarence and Frank, Misses Char-
otte and Anna Huek, f Herlm,
composed a picnic party that
nent the day last Sunday v,l Old
King Hill, where a nio:f delight
ful time was enjoyed.
For In&nts and Children.
The Kind Yea Hava Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Right Wow is Pang Plow Season
And we want
The J.
Also the John Deere and Iron Clad Wagons
We will soon have a line of the high
grade BERG BUGGIES that ve
wish you to call and see when they
IVIurray, - .1 w.
Kectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Kectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
DR. TARRY Bee Cuildfng-Omah.
Who Was Shs?
.'o one knew' her- name, but she
was from way down south in Ala
bama. She was to meet her
riaui-e. Col. Calpepper, in
.Monday evening, but the evening
iasseni;er rallied her by I'nion
ami put her oil in Murray. Several
auto were ordered to car ry her lo
IMa ' I snioiit h. but when eaeh driv
er saw the yel hw" iJow e;s a dor 1 1 ing
her hat and Ihe inky faee beneath,
his ear- jumped ahead like a
startled deer. The gang about
the dpot railed up a popular
politician of Plattsmouth. who
was can assing- Murrav at the
iime. and stated the plight of I Ii
!ot ber from the south. Hi
big' ear soul) roared up to the sta
tion, but immediately moved on in
ihe direct ion of his home. He wa-
a nice man. but said something
very naughty. The accommodal-
inu agent stopped the flyer and th
lady met tier sweetheart m
i liiKiha.
Harsh phvsics react, weaken
the bowels, will lead to chioiiii
constipation. Ioans Hegulels
operate easily. iTx- a box at. al
.- tor es.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at the Lewis farm,
1 mile west of Plattsmouth. on
MONDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1914,
commencing- al 1 o'clock sharp,
Ihe following- described properly,
One mare and colt.
( )ne gr ay horse.
One brown horse.
One No. 1 fresh milk cow.
One good milk cow, fresh in
One 3-year-old heifer and calf,
Two calves.
Two sows and twelve shoals.
One mowing machine.
One wagon.
One plow.
One harrow.
One U. S. cream separator.
One hay rack.
One side spring buggy.
Two setts of double harness.
Household goods, nearly new,
and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale All sums of
$10.00 and under, cash in hand;
m all sums over $10.00 a credit
of six months will be given, pur-
chaser giving good bankable note
tearing 7 per cent, ilnerest from
late. All property must be set-
lied for before being- removed.
Q. K. Parmele, Auctioneer.
Geo. E. Dovey, Clerk.
Get the Molting
Ifnltlni, ;mi J licf limo thpTO
Al&Vl.i" - - -
x 4.U.. -C 1 l.;H
Get i t over Feed a good full ration
or.- ..Vira n fK IK nail
and all Pratts Product are guaranteed
. money back.
91 Have you. rratts txruury hook loupaaciu
For Sale by
i' e. - - - -
It's a gentle, inviporatinjr tonic just -what the hens need.
r,-,ffn lii-c Killer$l.on
to tell you that we
FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other
The Towrisend iun club of
Omaha will be here on Sunday
next to cjos bats with the pe.
x on the local diamond and a
very interesting- contest is look
ed forward to by the fans. The
Towiisends were here earlier- in
ihe seas. in and met defeat at the
hands of the locals, but since thai
time they have been strengthened
materially ami will be able lo fur
nish a good red-hot game for the
lovers of the great national sport.
The Red Sox are in good form
now- and will go right after the
gnat of the Omaha visitors wilh
determination to nail it on the
fence here. The new addition to
ihe grand stand makes the spec
tators much more comfortable
;:i!J keeps Ihe hot rays of the sun
from annoing them and Ihey
need hae no fear of discomfort
in attending the games at the lied
Sox park in Ihe future.
Notice to School Patrons!
We have worked out a course of
study for the ninth and t on I It
grades for the High school at
Murray lo correspond with the
work done in the same grades in
Ihe Plattsmouth High school.
Therefore credits earned in Ihe
High school al Murray will be ac
cepted by any .first-class High
school in Nebraska, if pupils de
sire to continue their work
through the full High school
(Signed :)
Mrs. Mary K. Foster, County
C 11. Cilmore, Director.
W. (I. Hoedeker, Treasurer.
Chas. Spangler, Moderator.
Taken Up Notice.
At my place are three spring
calves, two red and a brindle with
white face. Owner may have
same by paying for their care and
this notice. J. Ii. Shrader.
FOR SALE Two-cylinder Au-
Mirn aulo, in line running order.
Jood car for the money. Will
consider some trade. J. W.
Holmes, Murray, Neb.
FOIl SALE Nice pair of 2-year-old
bay mare colts; they are
good. Come and see them. J. W.
Holmes, Murray Neb.
Over Quickly
s? T nn ocr-ora with rhiW
- oo ..---
. .
and be sure to include
af Krt
satisfaction or
V. EGENBERGER, Plattsmouth.