The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 13, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1S14.
The following prooi-ii amendment tl
the coiistirut inu of the State of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forrti in full. D submit
te,i to the electors .f the State of Nebras
ka. to lie vote.l upon at the general electtor
to he held Tuesdav, November ard, A. D
l'oi: a Joint resolution to amend section
1 of Arth le t of the Constit utloa of th
St:it- of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Be it Kesolved and Kna'-ted by the I'eopl
f the state f Nebraska:
Section 1. That Se-i ion 1 of Article t
cf Hie Constitution of the Suite of Ne
braska ! n mended to read a follow:
?-. l. The rules of taxation shall b
t:ii:f'irui as to any given cl:is and taJ
Hiall he levied upon such iroperty a tin
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
lii b imposed on im-oaies. privilege am'
oi ii.atIiiis. which taxes may ! graduated
tnd progressive and reasonable exempt ions
Inav be provided, in addition to those here
lnaffer specifically mentioned In section i
cf this article.
Sec 2. That at the gcml c-lectlon IP
Novwntfr. 1!'14. thr-rc s' submitted
to tue electors of the lor their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing propost-c
Ullieliilment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to t !if
Constitution providing for uniform anil
progressive taxation" and "airain-t said
proposed aniendriient to the Constitutiot
providing for uniform and pro;rresivi
tjxjt ion."
Approved. M.irch 27. 101?..
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of Ptate. ol
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
tiiat the foreirolnsr proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true an.l correct copy of tlu
original enrolled and engrossed bill, af
Lissed by the Thirty-third session of th
t'islature of the State of Nebraska, a
appears from said original bill ou tile ir
this office, and that sail proposed amend
ment is submitted to the j ,1.-1 1 ;ic .1 voter?
of the State of Nebraska for their adoptioi:
or rejection at the general election t b(
held on Tuesday, the i!rd day of November,
A. D. ll'H.
In Testimony Whereof, I bare herenntr
pet my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Pone lit Lincoln, tnis CTlrd day of March
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred ami Fourteen, and of t he
1 ndependenep of the United States the one
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tid
State the Forty-seventh.
SealJ Secretary of State.
Thp following j.roposej amendment to
the constitution ol t .'i Stat" of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the elector of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held, November ord, A. I.
"A Joint liesolutlon to amend Section sis
(''i of Article .ne Ui of the Constitution
of the st:ite of Nebraska.
Be it Knacted by the People of the Statt
of Nebraska :
section i. Thr.t Section ix (fi) of Arth l
otie tit cf the Constitution of the Statf
ft Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows: Section !. T!i right of trial by Jury
shall re;i!-ii:i inviolate: bt:t in all civil case
and iti r;-iiit::il .-.ises 1,-ss tli.-in feloaies.
tiyi- ;. t!;s of the jury may render a ver
d' ! af -1 the;tre may authorize
triril ty a j:;ry t.f a l--s number than
I'' ''"- . i in courts i:;f, rii-r lo the dls
t! ; . i:;rt.
cc. Th:, at the central election for
st.,:- : ! !-;) -live !! -. rs to be lull in
the St:.!e ' . 1 -. -lea on the firs' T II'--. 1.1
s--tf-r t tie llr-t !-.!;.; in November in 1i14
tier.- v.-,;; ... ; rictc-l i:;m.!i the I allot of
e vli .r f - h;s a : .r. . v.i 1 or r- j- I i ii
t. :lo.,i. for .'-I'.u ; '1 I d '!l-ti f in I h
fo!..,, - r, r:M . -i .,r ,, :.,.. ,i ;, nea.l'ii.-nt
f- t -i ii -o j,r v;. ! ; !h.:t i-i
'ivi: . a it I i-i eriiuMi.-il eases than
f : -';-s . t the jury inav rei,d-i
a .-r a. :;.t the ',r...,.-.l
.jio-:,t i . tic- ..;ist:fl:i;,oi rovide.l
f ;t ' i s ::r ! iu erimiti-tl ease.
ie.. Its:: i. f-:-!.;. s. fi x . IiS ,,f tllt. jur.
!.:., ' r ,i :, r a Vei- ! : f "
-X; .;.r..-.,. j. .-, . -;i j;-,.-..
L -I...-, v.-.;r. Se -. v.rr f Sta- of
I..- , f N..1 r-..k.:. c . h- t-ebv c-rtif
III. ' t, e f..-,-,- ;,, -,.,. M.leo.l.-lient
to t. .. f ; ; ; ;. s,..f.. f N, k::
:' ;: a I'd ...r---t tl riL-ina;
: 'i .!::....'. 1 tit! r. I.,
; s. , f t:... K,.-; .ft in
Nei.f;..! a. ;w :n fr.o.i
f t'.e S-.:U
' ' . . ' ' ; "'' " " ,!'is aioi
' - i! :,i ,); . rmtteij
" 1 ;' -I !rf . f t,.e S-;,te f St-
" -r :..:o:.ti.-:i .r :ei...-t:,.
... ..... - ,,. , rl;,. : lv
th.- .. .. .i. ,.- .....;. , v ,, ,.,
V.-i-er . 1 l.-ive h,,
1 ' : :! :..-. iv.rd Jay of M;;rch
in .;! .! ..i:r l...r.i. n;. Tuo-t,:Mu!
;-.e ,j ,. .... . J.-., ,. ,.f
Jo. !;.,-.,,. u - f,e r:w. stare the li,f
', ': ' and of this
I-- -he i .r-, s..v,
Is. .. .i;:s(.v wait.
Se. ;..,.ir- f S(;lU..
f rRnrniKK (onsiititiovil
Thp following proposed amendment to
fhe constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in ft:!. !- submit
ted to the elti tors ..f t ho State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesdav, November rd, A. I.
If 14.
!' K a Joint resolution proposing ntnend
luetits to Section 1. of Articl; V. and
Section of Artii-K V. of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, rolr'og to term of
otli.-e and salary of (iotnoor and other
excel: live officers.
Be it Kesoived and Knacted by the I'eoplf
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon
day In November. 1V14. the following of
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
'4. of Article V, of the Constitution ol
Sec. I. The executive department shnll
consist of a Iovrnor. who shall hold his
office for a term of two years from tse
first Thursday after the first Tuesday in
January, next after his election, and until
Lis successor is elected and qualified. Iu
add'tion to th Governor, the executive de
partment shall Include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary ol
State, Auditor of 1'ublie Accounts. Treas
urer. Superintendent of "ublic Instruction,
Attorney General, end Commissioner ol
I'ublic Lands and Buildings, each of whom
shall hold his office for the term of two
years from the first Thursday after th
first Tuesday In January, next after bin
election, and until his successor fs elected
and qualified; Provided, however, that the
first election of said officers shall be held
on t lie Tuesday succeeding the lirst Mondaj
In November. Vj lti. and each succeeding
election shall be held at the name relative
time in each even year thereafter. The
Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of
I'ublic. Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of government during their
terms of office, and keep the public records,
books and papers there, and shall perform
such duties as may lie required by law.
Sec 2-1. The salary of the Governor shall
be live thousand tS.j.OOO.OOj dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Buildlncs shall
be two thousand live hundred $J.."Ki.O(i)
dollars each per annum, and of the Attor
ney General. four thousand dollars
$4.l0.i0) per annum, the salary of the
Sfaf Treasurer shall be three thousand
$."..(M .) dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own use any fees,
costs, interests upon public moneys in their
bands, or under their control, perquisites
of office or other compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by an officer provided
for in this article of the constitution shall
be paid in advance into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowance for clerk hire
In the offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney General.
Srr. S. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1914. on the ballot of each elector
Toting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, fixing the term
of office and salary for governor, and other
executive officers: and. '.'Against proposed
iiiiisi mi - isrrr- T
amendments to the constitution, fixing ttie
term of office and salary for governor, and
other executive officer.-."
Approved. April "1. i'JIX
I. Addison Wait. Seeretarv of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do herebv certifv
tuat the foregoing prop, sed amendment
to the onstiti:t;on of the State of Nebraska
is a true and correct cony of the original
enrol.e.1 and engrossed bill, as passed by
the I iiirty-third session of the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska, as appears from
said original bill on lile in this office, and
that said proposed amendment is submitted
to the qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption r rejection at
the genera! election to be held on Tnesd-iv
the r-l day of November, A. I. 1!.14
In 'iestimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the state of Nebraska.
Ione ar Lincoln, this 22rd dav of March
'n. the year of our Lord. One Thousatj
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of t iie
Independence of the United State the One
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this
State the Forty-seventh.
lmil Secretary of State.
ft 4 4
I Courier.
.Mrs. lau J-VtiVriiiuii ami Mrs.
W ill 1. riler of Klmwooi.l are here
tin's week visiliiiy 3Ir. and Mis.
Charles Phelps.
W. C. I)'irey has soM his resi
lience en W alnut street lo Frank
Malzke and will ie possession
Sejit'-inher 1st.
i-"r'd Petersen is littinir up the
room on Main street formerly oc
cupied by his father, p. Petersen,
as a shoe store, and will put. in a
stock, of drutis.
Miss Cecil tiondrich of Uni
versity Place is visit in; Mrs.
Krnest Ahl, in the country. They
spent tlw day in town Thursday,
the quests of Mrs. Henry Ahl.
The p. C. Slander home has
taken on somewhat of a funeral
air this week, as Mrs. Stander and
the children are camping at the
Kpwtiith assembly, leavintr P. ("..
to keep bachelor quarters at
Miss I) ra Scheel underwent an
operation for appendicitis at the
C.larksou hospital in Omaha Mon
day nioiitin". The operation was
successful and Miss Iora's many
friends in this vicinity hope fur
her speedy recovery.
Amoiitr the Louisville people
h. are attending the Epworlh
asemhlby are: Rev. C L. Norman
and family. Mrs. IJeda Stander
and 'family, Mrs. A. C.lephorn,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noyes. Mr.
and Mrs. John Oroup. Ruth Noyes
and Charles )rake.
Mrs. August Ossenkop. who re
cently underwent an operation
for appendicitis, lias returned
from a there weeks' isitwilh her
father and brother in Oklahoma,
where she went to recuperate. She
went in company with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Kuehl ami baby, who
were here from California on a
visit. Mrs. Kuehl and Mrs. in.
-enkop are sisters.
W". A. Clephorn received word
Thursday oT the death of his
brother, Arley Clephorn. of
tubercular trouble, at a sanitari
um in Custer. S. !.. and he left
at one- for Rapid City. S. D.,
where the funeral occurred today.
Arley was well known in Louis
ville, where he spent his boyhood
and he is remembered by many
old friends as a boy of Ioable
disposition. He was ill years old
and le:ie a wife and two daugh
5 Republican. J-
i. II. Olie was called (u In
dianola, Iowa, Monday morning
by the serious illness of his
father, who is over SO years old.
Frank Towle arrived Saturday
from Lon :-r Iteach. Cal., to look af
ter his lare farm interests and
to visit his -ins, Oeorge and Earl,
southwest of town. He stopped in
Furnas county on the way here to
look after farm inlerests there.
John Colbert and family and
Orandina Colbert left Friday for
a couple of weeks' visit in Illinois
and Michigan. They were accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Col
bert. While in Chicago Fred will
look after some school work rela
tive to his medical course.
Sunday visitors at the Mayor
(; order home were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Palmer and two children of
Nehawka, Mr. ami Mrs. John (lor
tier of Plattsmouth, and Mrs. A.
F. Pb.etz of Scotland. S. 1)., who
went o Plattsmouth Suinlay
evening: with her brother, John,
in his auto.
Mrs. C. C. Taylor and daughter,
Dorothy, of Conway Springs stop
ped over nisht Wednesday at the
Dr. J. H. Hunjrate home and went
from here, in company with Dr.
H ungate, to a hospital, where
Miss Dorothy will be operated up
on for appendicitis. Mrs. Taylor
is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Hun
pate. John Colbert sold the Andrew
Olson 80-acre farm, two miles
west of town, last week to Ausust
Hohman of Dunbar, consideration
was $y,200. This farm is better
known as the Rose farm. Mr.
Hohman is a brother to the man
who boupht the Carper farm, four
miles west of town.
H. A. Doty, Frank Wood. Loieu
Mickle and Dick Neumeister left
Monday afternoon for a ten days'
trip th rou trh the northwestern
part of the stale. The object of
their trip is to look up a location
where farm rent i cheaper. They
are making the trip in Doly's
Ford car.
Miss Sadie Rich went to Lin
coin Monday to lake a position i.
the state hospital. Miss Rich had
been employed at the hospital be
fore the family moved to Weeping
Water everi? I years sii:o. The
second call for her services at
the hospital is evidence of her
splendid qualifications.
Cbnii Perry, an enterprising
farmer in this end of the county,
has recently bought a tract
or with siv pan", plow attachment
and is learinp: up the black dirt
in ureat shape ".ettiuir ready to
sow wheat. Two of his neighbors
'ot the same kind of a ri:. but
(ilenii pot the J.uliie on them in
pel tiny started and had a lot. of
pround plowed last week already."
V 9
Miss Vera lhiriiick of Nehawka
is isit inp her sister.
Mrs. patt Mudd mid b:iby of
(Ireeiiwood spen; a few days of
last week at tile home of her
in-other, o. McDonald.
Mrs. ,elT Wapner and daugh
ters are visiiinp: at the home of
W. N. Wapn.-r.
Clodie Kiltlell spent I;s( week
at the home of her uncle in Mem
phis. Tessa McDonald of (in-enw 1
is jsj jnp in tow n.
Alle Kline and Yirpe Kiilreil
made a business trip to Alo on
Den Weaver and Alle Kline
spent Friday across the river.
Will W'aimer was a all.-r i!1
I.ouisv ille Monday.
.Mrs. tieorpe Campbell-Willard
spent the last part of the week
visiiinp- with relatives jn town.
Oleiiu Weaver was in Louis
ville Friday.
Pauline I.onir of 'I;iIIsiimiiI1i i
visitinp- with her si-Ni-, Mrs.
Charles Campbell.
Maude McCulley is isit inp' w it h
her p randmol her, Mrs. of
The dance i:iven by the M. W.
. Saturday niilit was larpely at
1 -i t i - 1 and all had ;. line lime.
There will be another pieu Aug
ust Ji. Same iiiusjc.
There will be an ice cream
social yiveii by the II. N. A.
lodpe Saturday . nipht. AupusJ -j-j,
at M. W. A. hall. Everybody come.
Lloyd Richardson made a busi
ness rip to Lmi is ie Saturday.
Miss Alice Kitlrell of Memphis,
and Lena Cluse ,,f Ashland are
visiiinp- Clodie Kiltlell.
Mrs. Jake Kline of Faiibury
sj.eul last week with iief mother
and father, Mr. and Mrs. W.
4 Ledger.
foseph Fetzer of Plattsmouth
was here last Friday, makinp a
visit with his dauphter. Mrs. J. M.
Mrs Matt McOuinn arrived
home Tuesday from a several
days visit with relatives at Walt
hiil and other joinls in that part
of the state.
Mrs. A-nes Louyhridpe of
Omaha, who formerly resided in
Murray, made a visit with friends
here, returnimr home Tuesday
Mrs. Will A. fi-aiis of Omaha
was here a few days visRiny her
parents and other relatives and
friends, returninp- home Monday
Mrs. Norman Cullop of Kansas
City, a cousin of Mrs. C. F. Har
ris, arrived Wednesday and is
makinp- a visit at the Harris
home, northeast, of town.
Jesse Dysart and family, who
have been res id in. a: on the Wil
li iam Hells farm, west of here,
moved to this villape last week
and are oceupyinp- the Saxon
property in the northeast part of
Mrs. John C. Watson of Ne
braska Cily and s. L. Kelloppr,
wife and danphfer Miss Rachel, of
Percival, Iowa, rami Monday to
spend two weeks visitinp- John
Larsh and wife, northeast of
Mrs. E. A. Hilbum of Lincoln
and Mrs. R. R. Wills of Seattle.
Wash., who had been called to;
Nehawka by the illness and death
of their mother, the late Mrs.
Isaac Pollock, came down Sunday
and visited with L W. Cheney
and wife.
The first symptoms ,,f the hi?
time for the Old Settlers' He
union were visible here Tuesday
when the Tubme Urns, arrived
and bepan unloading their merry
pniound and hnulimr it ouf to
the prove. fhe celebration would
no! seem complete without the
Iresence of those ji !!y 'fub-ne
boys and their revolvjn;r '-source
of pleasure."
A crowd from here are campiup;
oil Salt Cleek t.'ll's Week.
Our boys played Springfield on
Salurdav ami il was an interest iinr
pane-, the score bein- j (., j jn
Spj-iiiptielifs favor.
A number of teachers r,.m this
vii'itijiy are alteiidi'i"- the Teach
ers' Instil, :te a! Plat f - n; m':1 Ii this
vv eek.
.Mrs. siiale was in Omaha Sat
urday visiting- her dau'ht)'r,
)oi-a. who has had an operation
To;- appendicitis, but is improving
nicely now.
Will P.oelter sp. :if Saturday
and Sunday with relatives and
Miss Is.ibelle Davison of
PI.; 1 1 siiionl h has 1 si visitinp-
friends at the hotel this week.
Mrs. John A indwelt and daugh
ters. Marvel and Maxine, of p.e:,.
netl. have been isjtj;.". relatives
and friends here the past week.
Nurse Olsell of Oiiuilia has
been visitinp: Dr. Jones and family-a
few days the pal week.
Frank and Martha F.v eland have
been isiliuL;- relatives in the
western pari of I he si :.! e.
F.iud Kuehn iiurchasi-d a new
j-pnssen-er Ford car I neda'.
Miss Ida Wieshiel was v isit i'V-.'
her sister. Mrs. Will S.-nf. of Alvo.
Mrs. Will Schewe i visitinp
friends in Lincoln Ihisweek.
Miss Jessie Rush has been visii
inp her si-lei-. Mrs. P.uyniond
Wesllake. of Denton, the pasf
I'.eruard Heasai-k of Srinpfiehl
has been visitinp- relatives here
for a few days the past week.
W. L. llornbeek w;:s a Lincoln
v i i ! or Tuesday.
Sunday's Ks. ,!! panic which
vv.s played here '!!i Lincoln was
to !o 1 . in Lii'coln's favor. Never
mind. 'I iys. we all have our dull
. --J, --'-.:
t Y 9 V
Misses Laura Richardson and
Annetta Veale of Washuiploii
stale, who liave b-cn altendinp"
li;e Slate Norma! at pern, are
visiiinp- for a few weeks at I he
home of Horace Reeves.
On Tuesday ni-ht duriup the
shower liphlniup' struck one of
J. J. elites' calves and killed i!
instantly. lie h id six calves iu
the pasture, and this was the best
one of all.
Mrs. Lucre! ia Ransom and two
lit ! le dauphter, arrived Monday
inoruiii'P from Dixon, Illinois on
a visit with Mrs. Ransom's pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferpu
son, of I Ii is place.
.Mrs. R. Tolhnrst leH Wednes
day eveninp- for New Mexico,
where she will visit relatives.
She will spend several weeks vis
itinp with her sister, Miss Ida
Walker, who has a ranch there.
Mrs. Emma (irunden, of Lex
ington, visited at the Stark home
several days the lirst part of the
week. On Wednesday Mrs. (''.run
den and Mrs. Stark went to Lin
coln to spend several days visitinp
wilh relatives.
Mrs. W. K. Rosencrans, Platts
mouth. came down Monday, beinL
accompanied home by her mother,
Mrs. Secrist. who will live wilh her
in the future. Mrs. Secrist' s
home was in Colorado and she
has been visitinp- with her sister.
Orandnia l'ailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raker re
lumed from a visit at the Rosen
crans home at Plattsmouth, and
spent the day with Mrs. Henry
Miller. They left Monday on a
visit lo other places after which
Ihey will return to their home at
Edward Parriott. Deputy flrand
Master of the Ancient Older of
Fniled Workmen, was in the city
in the interest of the order. Ed
and the writer were at one time
employed on the same paper and
were prlad of the opportunity to
have a visit top-ether apain. He
will be present at the next lodpe
meeting- here. He expects to
work in tins teiritory lor a lew
I'll is week while plovvinp Earl
IJailey unearthed a pocketbook
that his fahr lost in the field
over three years a pro. The pock
etbook contained Ait.'in, sJ.aO
beiup in coin and a live dollar
lull. The dollars were not so
much the worse for the experi
ence, a nickle was pretty badly
tarnished and the bill was bepmi-Tu'np-
to fall lo pieces. Eiiouph
was left however so that it could
be considered a five-spot, and it
was sent to the F. S. treasury for
coi'MV op cass M:imsK.
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
William Jean, Mary E. Charbonneau
nrnl Kiriin.i C'luirl.orinenu, l'laimifTs, vs.
Harriet l atterson. et al., lel'eniant.s.
To the !eiVrilunts, l.yeurgus H. lJat
ffcrson, Mrs. Lycurfrus Ii. Patterson,
first rf-al name unknown, wife of
Lveurgus IJ. Pa Hereon : liannie T. lilac k,
U!a k. lirst real name unknown,
l.usl.aniJ cf Kannie T. lilack; Lottie 11.
Virts. 'irli:, first real name un
known. lM!s,anil of Lottie U. Virjs-;
Howard 1 'attt-rson, rs. Howard 1'at
tcison. first real name unknown, wife
of Howard Patterson: Isabella Moore,
Moore, first real name unknown,
!-j.-li;i!il of Isabella Moore: I.illie Joy,
first real name unknown, husband of
l-illie Joy; Irene 1'atterson Murphy,
Kred A. Murphy, James Patterson,
Kupiiemia Patterson, Edith P. Kingr,
Cliurlps H. Kin:?. Manuel 11. Johnson,
Maitiia K. Joiinson, Edmund E. Wool
sey, Helen M. Woolsey, nee Woodruff,
also known as Helen M. Woodruff; Carl
(Iraves, Nettie Graves. ICtliel Grace and
William 11. U rape. Emily Patterson,
Mary Patterson Storm. John istorm,
Hiram I. Fowler, Mrs. Hiram H. Fow
ler, first real name unknown, wife of
Hiram 11. Fowler; Justus E. Cozad, Mrs.
Justus E. I' first real name un
known, wife of Justus L. Oozad; Wm.
10. Pordee, Mis. Wm. E. Pordee, first
real name unknown, wife of Wm. E.
Pordee: Wm. E. Pardee, Mrs. Wm. 10.
Pardee, first real name unknown, wife
of Wm. E. Pardee: William Miller,
Mrs. William Miller, first real name
unknown. wife of William Miller;
Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus Mor
ton, first real name unknown, wife of
.Tost pi us Morton: Sample Hurst iV: Co.,
tl e unknown heirs, jrra r.tees, succes
sors and assigns of Sample Hurst &
'o.. Mrs. James Queen, first real name
unknown, widow of James Queen, de
eeased; A. A. Jamison, first real name
unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real
name unknown, wife of A. A. Jamison:
Johnston Laird, Mrs. Johnston Laird,
lirst real name unknown, wife of John
ston Laird: Jessee A. Cox, Mrs. Jessee
A. Cux, lii st real name unknown, wife
of Jesse A. Co: Ira K. Goodwin:
Mrs. Ira P. Goodwin. first reai
tiar:i - unknown, wife of Ira 11. Goodwin:
.loliri Al.erhearr, alias John Ebber
i ait: Mis. John Aberlieart, alias Ebber
hart. first real name unknown; Flora
Sans-, widow of Joseph Sans, deceased;
William Hutson. Mrs. William Hutson,
first real name unknown, wife of Wil
liam Hutson; William VV. Clemens, Mrs.
William W, Clemens, rirst real name
i nkriown. wife of William W. Clemens;
Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry Hulbert,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
Hulbert: Win. S. McKnipht & Co., the
nr. known heirs, grantees, successors
and assigns of VV'ri. S. McKninht Ac Co.;
Jesse A. Cox. also known as J. A. Cox;
Mrs. Jesse A. Cox, first real name un
known, wife of Jesse A. Cox. also
known as J. A. Cox: Mae Patterson
Quiim. Albert 10. Quir.n, James Pierce,
Mrs. James Pierre, first real name un
known, wife of James Pierce; 10. T.
Fish, first real name unknown: Mrs.
E. T. Fish, first real name unknown,
wif- of E. T. Fish: A. A. Jameson, first
real name unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown, wife of
A. A. Jameson: Sample Hurst. Mrs.
Sample Hurst, first real name unknown,
wife of Samtde Hurst. John W. Howell,
Mrs John W. Howell, fust real name
unknown, wife of John W. Howell;
Mrs. Henry Harm, first real name un
known, wife of Henry Hani; Pachael
Stu fiord, widow of Hubert W. Stafford,
deeeased, also known as Robert Staf
ford and J:. W. Stafford: Georjre A.
Davis, Mrs. George A. Davis, first real
r ame unknown, wife of Georjre A.
Davis: Charles Patterson, Susan Gros-
eiaude. nee Decktr: Grosclaude,
first real name unknown, husband of
Susan Grosclaude: llodolph Pecker,
Mrs. Hortolph Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of llodolph Decker;
Hanson Decker, Mrs. Hanson Decker,
lirst real name unknown, wife of Han
son Decker: Jefferson Decker, Charles
G. Hanirate, Mrs. Charles G. Hungate,
first real name unknown, wife of
I'harles 13. Hunirate: Harrison Hunsrate,
Mrs. Harrison Hunerate. first real name
im. known, wife of Harrison Huntrate:
John Hunirate, Mis. John Hunrrate, first
real name unknown, wife of John Hun
irate; Mary S. Hoberts. nee Hunsjate;
Huberts, first real name un
known, husband of Mary S. Huberts;
Cynthia J. Heed, nee Hunirate:
!:eed. first real name unknown, husband
of Cynthia J. Heed: James A. Hunirate,
Mrs. James A. Hunirate, first real name
unknown, wife of James A. Hunirate;
Nancy 10. Hobinson. nee Hungate;
Hobinson, first real name un
known, husband of Nancy E. Hobinson;
Lilla P.. lnirrah'am. nee Hunsrate:
Injrraham. tirsf real name unknown,
husband of Lilla P.. Intrraham; Edith
'alder. Myrtle Calder, Fred Hunerate,
Kuth Hunprate, Eessie Hunpate, Eufrene
Huncate. Mrs. Theodore Decker, first
real name unknown, widow of Theodore
Decker, deceased; Sylvesten Decker,
Mrs. Sylvesten Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of Sylvesten Decker;
Henrietta Decker. John M. Gable. Mrs.
John M. Gable, first real name un
known, wife of John M. Gable: Alex
ander Gable, Mrs. Alexander Gable, first
real name unknown, wife of Alexander
Cable; John H. Craig-, Mrs. John H.
Cra'pr. first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Craiir; James Gillet. Mrs.
James Gillet, first, real name unknown,
wife of James GiUet; Andrew Hopkins,
Hannah 10. Hopkins. Joan Thompson,
willow of James E. Thompson, deceased,
also known as J. E. Thompson; Edward
L. Thompson. Mrs. Edward E Thomp
son, first real name unknown, wife of
Edward L. Thompson: Frank Thomp
son. William H. Spratlen, also known
as W. H. Spratlen, William II. Splatlin
and also known as W. H. Spratlin;
Susan 10. Spratlen, Susnan E. Splatlin,
Miranda F. Towner, widow of Achatias
C Towner, deceased: James H. Hopkins,
Mrs. James H. Hopkins, first real name
unknown, wife of James II. Hopkins;
John L. Land, Eva Nash, John Glass.
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known, wife of John Glass; Leslie C.
Paker. Mrs. Leslie O. linker, first real
name unknown, wife of Leslie C. Baker;
William II. Davi. Marp-aret An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis; Mrs. San
ford W. Spratlin. first real name un
known, wilow of Sanford W. Spratlin,
deeeased: Mrs. Simon Lucas, firtt real
name unknown, widow of Simon Lucas,
deceased: Elisrah Connors. Mrs. Elisrah
Connors, first real name unknown, wife
ef Elisrah Connors: Elijah Conner, Mrs.
Elisrah Conner, first real name un
known, wife of Elijah Conner: Hannah
11. Vai'Erhn, Vausrhn, first real
name unknown, husband of Hannah B.
Vausrhn: C.eorpe A. Bitrsrs, Mrs. Georee
.V. Itiirps. first real name unknown, wife
of George A. Bitrprs; Mrs. Georjre W.
T.acv. Jr., also known as Mrs. Georfre
VV. "Lacv. first real name unknown,
widow of Ceorse V. Lacy, Jr.. de
ceased, also known as Georire W. Lacy;
Thomas peninerton. Thomas Puningrton,
Sarah E. Peninglon, Sarah E. Punins
ton. Mrs. Joshua Hurray, first real name
unknown, widow of Joshua Murray,
deceased: John H. Higrbee, Mrs. John H.
Hiirbee, first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Higbee: Georere A. Cutler,
Mrs. G-eorjje A. Cutler, first real name
unknown, wife of Georpre A. Cutler:
Henry C. Cutler. Mrs.- Henry C. Cutler,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
C. Cutler; Nancy Jane Spratlin,
Spratlin, first real name unknown,
husband of Nancy Jane Spratlin; Sarah
E. Youngr, widow of Francis M. Younp,
Sr., deceased, also known as F. M.
Young: Samuel 11. Johnson, Martha E.
Johnson. Capitola Graves, nee Heed;
J. D. Graves, first real name unknown;
Jacob Heed, Mrs. Jacob Heed, first real
name unknown, wife of Jacob Heed:
James Lucas, Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C.
Ewinpr, S. 10. Ewingr. first real name
unknown; Mary Connally, widow of
Guilford I). Connally. deceased: Mrs.
James G. Homine. first real name un
known, widow of James G. homine,
deceased: William Gilmour, Mrs. Wil
liam Gilmour. first real name unknown,
wife of William Gilmour; Margaret
livers, nee Gilmour: Byers, first
real name unknown, husband of Mar
garet livers; Mary Archer, nee Shera;
James Archer, James N. Shera, Mrs.
James N. Shera. first real name un
known, wife of James N. Shera; Ezra
10. Hevnolds, alias Erasmus 10. Heynolds
and E. E. Heynolds; Mary M. Heynolds.
Olive Daffenbaujrh. nee Graves;
Daffenbaufrh, first real name unknown,
husband of Olive Daffenhaujrh : Paul
Graves, Hhoba Bates, widow of Isaac
Bates, deceased; Burton Parker. Mrs.
Burton Parker, first real name un
known, wife of Burton Parker; Mary
M. Bachelor, nee Bates; J. H. Bachelor,
first real name unknown; Lemon Bates,
Mrs. Lemon Bates, first real name un
known, wife of Lemon Bates: John
Bates, Mrs. John Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of John Bates; Mrs.
Adam Baes, first real name unknown,
widow of Adam Bates, deeeased: Jacob
Bates, Mrs. Jacob Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Jacob Bates; Julius
Bates, Mrs. Julius Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Julius Bates: Leon
ard Bates, Mrs. Leonard Bates, first real
name unknown, wife of Leonard Bates;
Susan Shamblin, nee Bates:
Shamblin, first real name unknown,
husband of Susan Shamblin; Jane
Bachelor, nee Bates; Philip Bachelor,
William Chandler, Alice Chandler, Isa
bella Hainey, Gvorpre Churchill, Mrs.
Georpre Churchill, first real name un
known, wife of Georpre Churchill;
James Watson, Martha Watson, John
G. Chandler, Martha E. Chandler. Amos
Case, Mrs. Amos Case, first real name
unknown, wife of Amos Case; Charles
E. Carrell, Mrs. Charles E. Carrell, first
real name unknown, wife of Charles E.
Carrell; the unknown heirs and devisees
of the following named deceased per
sons, to-wit: Hiram H. Fowler, Mrs.
Hiram H. Fowler, first real name un
known; Justus L. Cozad. Mrs. Justus L.
Cozad, first real name unknown; Wm.
E. Pordee, Mrs. Wm. 0. Pordee. first
real name unknown; Wm. E. Pardee,
Mrs. Wm. E. Pardee, first real name
unknown: William Miller. Mrs. William
Miller, first real name unknown;
Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus
Morton, first real name un
known; James Queen, Mrs. James
Queen, first real name unknown: A. A.
Jamison, firsf real name unknown; Mrs.
A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown;
Johnston Laird. Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown; Jessee A. Cox.
Mrs. Jessee A. Cox, first real
name unknown; Ira H. Good
win. Mrs. Ira 11. Goodwin, first real
name unknown; John Aherheart, alias
John Ehberhart; Mrs. John Aberlieart,
alias Ebberhart, first real name un
known: Joseph Sans. William Hutson.
Mrs. William Hutson. lirst real name
unknown: William W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, first real name
unknown: Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry
Hulbert, first real name unknown; Jesse
A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox; Mrs.
Jesse A. Cox. first real name unknown:
James Pierce. Mrs. James Pierce, first
real name unknown; E. T. Fish, first
real name unknown; Mrs. E. T. Fish,
first real name unknown; A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown: Mrs. A.
A. Jameson, first real name unknown:
Sample Hurst, Mrs. Sample Hurst, first
real name unknown: John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name
unknown: Mrs. Henry llann, first real
name unknown: Hobert W. Stafford,
also known as Hobert Stafford and K.
W. Stafford: Georse A. Davis. Mrs.
Georsre A. Davis, hrst real name un
known: Hodolph DecUer, Mrs. Hodolph
Decker, first real name unknown; Kan
son liecker, rMs. Hanson Decker, first
real name unknown; Theodore pecKer,
Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name
unknown; Sylvesten Decker, Mrs
Slyvesten Decker, first real name un
known: Henrietta Decker, John M
Gable, Mrs. John M. Gable, first real
name unknown: Alexander Gable, Mrs,
Alexander Gable, first real name un
known: John H. Craig-. Mrs. John H.
Craicr. fitt real name unknown: James
Gillet, Mrs. James Gillet. first real name
unknown: Andrew Hopkins, Hannah 10
Hopkins, William S. Latta, also known
as W. S. Latta; Sarah E. Latta. William
H. Spratlen. also known as W . H
Spratlen: Susan 10. Spratlen, Achatias
C. Towner, Miranda F. Towner, James
H. Hopkins, Mrs. James H. Hopkins
first real name unknown; John Glass,
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known: Leslie C. Baker, Mrs. Leslie
C. Baker, first real name unknown:
William 11. Davis. Marpraret An Davis
also known as M. A. Davis; Sanford W.
Spratlin. Simon Lucas, Hliprah Connors,
Elijah Connor, Mrs. Elijah Connors,
.first real name unknown: Mrs. Elijah
Conner, first real name unknown; Han
nah B. Vauprhn. Vausrhn, first
leal name unknown: Isaac Dyer, Al-
resett S. Dyer. Georpre A. BiFprs. Mrs,
Georpre A. BiKtrs. first real name un
known: Park Dobson, also known as
Park G. Dobson: Georpre W. Lacy, Jr.,
also known as George W . Lacy; Mrs.
Oeorge Yv . Lacy, Jr.. also known as
Mrs. Georpe W. Lacy, first real name
unknown; Thomas Peninprton, Thomas
Puninprton. Sarah E. Peninprton. Sarah
E. Puninerton, Joshua Murray, John 11.
Hicbee. Mrs. John H. Hiprbee. first real
name unknown; Nancy Jane Spratlin,
Spratlin. first real name un
known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat
lin: Francis M. Younpr. Sr., James Lucas
Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C.
Ewinsr. S. E. Ewinpr, first
real name unknown; Guilford D. Con
nally. also known as G. D. Connally
and C. D. Connally; James G. Homine
Mrs. Frank Thompson, nee Gilmour,
first real name unknown; Henry Shera,
James Walstow, also known as James
Wolstow; Wells Saprers, also known as
Wells Sasrer: Adam Bates. H. K. Dur
and. first real name unknown, and
Lawrence B. livers, the unknown own
ers and occupants of the following;
described lots and blocks in the vlllapre
of Hock Bluffs, and North Hock Bluffs,
Cass County. Nebraska, to-wit: Lots
one (1) and two (2) in Block three (3)
West; Lots one (1) to four (4) inclusive
in Block three (3) North one (1) Last;
Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block
three (3) North two (2) East; Lots
three (3 and four (4) In Block one (1)
North one (1) East: Eart one-third
(1-31 of Lots seven (7) and eierht (8)
in Block three (3) North four (4) East:
Lots two (2). three (3) and four (4) in
Block two (2) North, one (1) loast: an
Block five (5) North, six (6) East; all
Block six (6) North, five (5) East; all
Block seven (7) North, five (5) East;
Lot two (2) in Block two (2) North;
all of Block ten (10) North, four (4)
Fast, and all of Block eleven (11)
North, four (4 East, of the Public
Square in said Village of Hock Bluffs,
You are herebv notified that on Julv
1C. A. D. 1914. plaintiffs filed their suit
in the District Court of the County of
Cass Nebraska, to quiet title to the
following described land in said County
of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the quarter
section line running east and west
through Section nine (9), Township
eleven Cll, North Hange fourteen (14),
in Cass Counjy, Nebraska, 1574.6 feet
east of the quarter section corner on
the west side of said Section nine (9),
thence running South 2720.2 feet;
thence east 412.3 feet: thence north 266
feet; thence east 978 feet; thence north
532 feet; thence east to the banks of
the Missouri Hiver; thence along the
banks of the Missouri Hiver in a north
erly direction where said banks of the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running east and west
through said Section nine (9); thence
west along said quarter section line to
the place of beginning; together with
lands formed upon and against said
described land by accretion, alluvion,
reliction and evulsion.
Said land including the following
described lots and blocks and the
vacated streets surrounding the same
in the village of Rock Bluffs, Cass
Couuty, Nebraska, to-wit:
The East 53.3 feet of the following
described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block two (2)
North: Lots one (1) to four (4) inclu
sive in Block three (3) North: Lots on
1) to four (4) inclusive in Block four
(4 North: Lots one (1) to four (4
inclusive in Block five (5) North; Lots
one il) to four (4) inclusive in Block
six (6) North: Lots one (1) to four (4
inclusive in Block seven (7) North;
Lots one (1) to Tour (4), in
clusive In Block eight (hi North;
Lots one (1) to four (4) inclusive in
Block nine (9) North; Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block ten (10)
North, and Lots one (1) to four (4) in
clusive in Block eleven (11) North, all
numbered from the Public Square in
the Village of Hock Bluffs, Nebraska.
And all of Blocks two (2 to eleven
(11) North. Hange one (1) East inclu
sive; all of Blocks three (3 to eleven
(11) North.. Hange two (2) East, inclus
ive: all of Blocks three (3 to eleven 1 1
North, hange three (3 East Inclusive;
all of Blocks three (2 to nine (9
North, Hange four (4) East inclusive;
and all of the land lying West of the
West banks of the Missouri Hiver and
East of Blocks five (5 to nine ()
North. Hange four (4) East inclusive;
and Blocks ten (10) and eleven (11)
North, Hange three (3) East inclusive,
all numbered from the I'ublic Square
in the Village of Hock Bluffs, Nebraska.
Also Lots one (1) to twelve (12) in
clusive in Block three (3) West, and
all of Block one (1) North. Hange one
1 East of the I'ublic Square In the
Village of Hock Bluffs. Cass County,
Nebraska, with the portion of tho
vacated streets surrounding the same,
belonging thereto, because of their
adverse possession by themselves and
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of said suit, and
to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming any right, title, lien
or interest, either legal or equitable, in
or to said land, or any part thereof,
and to require you to set forth your
right, title, lien or interest therein, if
any, either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to the
title of plaintiff, and for general equit
able relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, August
31, A. D. 1914, or your default will b
duly entered therein.
Bawls & Robertson, Attorneys.
In the Dlntrlet Court of Cuailr,
Nathan 1. Schulze. Plaintiff,
William Street, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants, William Street,
the unknown heirs of William Street.
Jeramiah Wade, the unknown heirH of
Jeraniiah Wade, Herbert Hobine and
Clarence Hobine, the only surviving
heirs of Sarah C. I. Hobine, deceased.
You are herebv notified that on the
ICth day of July. 1914, plaintiff filed
his suit In the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, the object being to
quiet the title in plaintiff to lot ten
(101. in block five (5), in Plattsmouth.
Nebraska: plaintiff alleges that he Is
the owner in fee simple of said lot.
and that he, and prior grantors under
whom he holds, have been in actual,
open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
and adverse possession of said lot for a
period of more than twenty years last
past: that all defendants in this suit
be enjoined, each and all of you, from
having or claiming any right, title. In
terest, or lien, either legal or equitable,
in or to said lot or any part thereof;
and you and each of you are hereby
notified to set forth any right, title, or
interest, you may claim in said lot. if
any; and for such other and further
relief as may be equitable.
This notice is published pursuant to
the order of the court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of September, 1914,
or your default will be duly entered
T.. B. WINDHAM, Attorney.
Ia tlie Dlntrlet Court of Cans County,
Doc. No.
George Heim and Andrew Blum,
John D. Knight, the unknown heir
and devisees of John D. Knight, de
ceased. Defendants.
To John D. Knight and the I'nknown
Heirs and Devisees of John D.
Knight, Deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of July.
A. D. 1914, George Helm and Andrew
Blum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, against you as defendants;
that the object and prayer of said peti
tion is to quiet and confirm in the
plaintiff. George Helm, the title to the
northwest quarter (N. W. ) of trre
northwest quarter (N. W. of Sec
tion twenty-two (22), Township twelve
(12) North, hange ten (10 Hast of the
6th I. M., Cass County, Nebraska, and
each and every part thereof, and In the
plalntinff, Andrew Blum, the title to
the south half (S. Vi ) of the northwest
quarter (N. W. 'i ) of Section twentv
two T22), Township twelve (12) North.
Hange ten (10), East of the 6th P. M..
in Cass County, Nebraska, and each and
every part thereof, and to obtain a
judgment decreeing that the plaintiffs,
George Heim and Andrew Blum, are
the owners in fee simple of said several
tracts of real estate and every part
thereof, and to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from any
right, title, interest or claim in and to
said several tracts of real estate here
inbefore described, or any part there
of: plaintiffs claiming in their fald
petition to have acquired the title to
said several tracts of real estate and
each and every part thereof in them
selves and their respective grantors, by
virtue of open, notorious, actual, ad
verse, hostile and continuous possession
of the same under claim of ownership
for over thirty years.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1914
Their Attorney.
In the County Court of the Couuty of
( , .rhraka.
In Re-Estate of A 1 vara A. Fish. De
ceased. You are hereby notified that hearing
upon all claims against said estate will
be had at the office of the County
Judge, Court House, Plattsmouth, Cass
Countv. Nebraska, on the 14th day of
August. A. D. 1914, and on the 16th dav
of February, A. D. 1915, at ten o'clock
a. m. on each of said days. All claims
not filed by said hour on said last day
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
II. M. Soennichsen, Plaintiff,
Charles M. Foster, Defendant.
To Charles M. Foster:
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, on the 27th day of July. 1914.
filed his Bill of Particulars Jn Justice
Court before M. Archer, Justice of the
Peace in and for Cass County, Ne
braska, against you to recover the sum
of $30 for goods and merchandise sold
and delivered, and costs of suit: said
cause was continued to the 10th day of
September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a, m. You
are required to appear and aniwer said
Bill of Particulars on or before the 10th
day of September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a.
m., and your failure o to do your de
fault will be taken and judgment al
lowed for the amount claimed in said
Bill of Particulars.
II. M. SOENNICHSEN. Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, HU Attorney.