The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 13, 1914, Image 1

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NO. C5.
Elks' Home the Scene of Much
Pleasure and Enjoyment in
Honor of Teachers.
rrom y'ss Tzi'-y.
One of til.- in. ha-aiil so
cial till- --a-mi was in id
la-i i- fiwii. ;.t I k- b ::rA : dun
h.m-e of I'i.itl-M.'ti'h lad-- No.
T.'m. I:, P. i . ) ... w U i-;i i im-n;-b.-r-
of th- ..rd-.-r had L.-i'!iv:'.iii-!y
placed ill.- ! 1 -r ' of tlm C."u
I I ' - i .1 1 dob lor the li'-!ii:!l 1
t o 1 1 m i i ! i . i -
t'-at lmr- ami i!m eM;.;
of j!a! ti!!"i;' h. Tlmie a an
i'M-i-j.i h paliy iai - ; w. i pr s
i i : ! i it" i . - i n . n ' : ; i : : - ;u a -s.-era!
li t : i i :--! . am! t h i o-; lem I
t h- tn; III i ! t! -
' : iaim-.l in r. m -' : y -.1 man
m-r iiiat w.i- : i mi. hi v uioy.-
I y tin- t.-mh.-r- n;:,! I mir ! mm
1 in- I-t: i!.!i:-. u!,i-h i- ...... ofh'"-- City, an-l -I
Im ha:!ii'i:4'-'
!;t!. re: i
if k ; i : i :;i i
. i...,. , ,r i ..;...(:. ! . .",.- t, '
h:i nn : - -. !!. ) irnii. -
! ! i .
till.-.l th- m- !!:
..f tin- !.:;;. ii !t. ; :..
in !!;
a t ! -; . . i i i i a ! 1 '.'.-i
-'- mi;'- ::!!i;;u !!f i'-;;in-j.
i" ' a a :n--.i m - ra:.i f tin
!.-;.. tit .! !...i.-.I:i:- of til.'!
.lay. 'iii" t. ;;.!:.!'- v .1 - , .n . ; .
taih' ti willi L, ; i:u;.il t '!'
.:!h th, .r-.t- . n - -
aim !!: !a! u- c; I va- MiVi n '.
int.. Mi' ! -a:-: y 1'n 1 : f
f.-r.-nt .-,.nt--;-. n: ! In r- tin-y.un'2-
ji'i'v'.' n:'n-h .I-a-
am! a -i' a! ! ' in.-l-:,i?:!":it
- a- .i.-riN f : 'n tin- j ! i:n
Th.- !: !.' ! hv a
.-r laru" MTj:, :':. ,.f tln 1 i
-...! "1' "i.i-i. ..r t !'. cii v. ami I
tjj,.;,. p !,;(-..;: .-i:i"!".t ; r - ' - i
- i ii; '. in- ;-i-!i! ha:n! !' w !' n
!':.. m t!m -i iy- - h- a- ! !:
r. ion of 101 ; v. ;i! h.mj h.- v.':-
!.!.T;-a; Uv r. ":'!!.!! --.I hy ..n-y-
n.' ia att.'-'.ianf". 'i'hi' Vi-lr-ola
!. : '-: in - t . t i- '. 1; :--'i wa- j
.!a -.! in lio- ! 'a.inm i its " i f !i"
in--! !!"'-. f-j!-ni-!i". a .:-! .1--1
1 ! 1 1 ft 1 1 mn-ii-a! j.; i ram. ami wa
.ni.. ..f th.- n nnla:- !" i!r:.- ..f th"
4'M'nint:'- .-ni --T-i -i i I m--nt that vm-
: i.i iy o. 5 hy .'iimr ami " '1 a!;!-:-.
Th.'' 4 i n !i:-"n- !n !-it v. a.- o:m
L:!-4a' l'i- -n.-'-.'-- ami I .-.1
ui-.-at cr.-iht nmm th- c 'a : : if '
a:-rai'-in' !'; it. an. I ihm-- i- :"
l.-nh! !ha! it fa- -x -. -1 1 ' . 1 any tlia.t
tin- h-rvt r !. 1.4'4-n li- in i'."r" in
til- l-n-l.
Tin- ti a.-h'-! - ai.- i;nil. hn-y !
.!- at th- in-tilnt" in takim' in
! In- ilifl'i-i --ni !! u.'v- t !:; ar- t im
nain f--itii!
I In- in-t it ;-. an.i
limy ';-ov nmt- ami nan-c (.'.-a.-,
in' a Sh iiM i-iin jnot:)('--i -.
From Tuesday's Dally
Yc-li-r.lay afternoon lh-n. .John
J. Cm-lin of Mniilock wa- in Urn
i-itv fop a i.-w hours vi-hiii-v with
his fri-rul- an. I looki,;- o.-:- Ih.
I. 1 : t i.-ti 1 T-it ua: i"n in r.-- a iai to
his canili-hu-y for i-i'i.ri -.nitat i -from
tin- S- am ili-!ii'-t. Mrs.
iu-tin aci-oiiipani.-.l lor liu-'aaiai
to this city, ami uhii- Inn.- limy
c! ;u.'-ts at th- lion:- of 31 r.
I Mih. ,1. 31. 3I-iin'-r. 31'-.
-tin whil- lii'ic -a!!."l at th-
tournal olTic- for a -h; ! i-it. II.'
at li!t ihirimr th- camiiaiuu
uuw il!im-r lo i';',Iit t h- i-ac- for !"- j
: i -I -
rl-ctioii. hut was finally pr-v:iil-.l
upon hy his fnVmls to eiil-r into
Ih- contm-t ami is rmw se-kinc t'i--utTra--
"f tfm voters. He is a
ery pl-a-ant p-nihuian am! on
whom it a pl-a-ure to in. -el.
Fcrrrer Resident Visits Here.
Krom Wi-iinesday's ai!y.
!hi- mornini- J. 15. Fohmanu,
!rae'n'n.r i-t :-f ti t a! of the
Nm t hwe-tern Harbwire Cm. i.f
Si"!in. Illinois, was in tin- ciiy
li-i'ki.'u after tli.- i "t r.--l .- . t" his
company, as will a- t" isif his
former f : i f t 1 1 -. 3Ir. . -hman ;i.
I i i- ifi!in a! 1 ' k i i i . Illinois.
a! p'-"-.;i! . i- a f-'mn-r I of
ti:i- r;ly. where !m wa- intei-st".!
in the !i;i!-c!v;'i"i' business i . i i
-weuiy years .".-. ami in irr.-atiy
ioy.-.l hi- i-it lmre amoni: Un
familiar srem's.
From Tuesday's I.'ti:y.
Thi- r ! ; i ? i i i : u at 1 o'clock a!
t im h ni . 1 1' h'-r in 'i In-;-. 31 1-. J. s
ph miih. in this chy, 3I:-s Sb Ila
Cr-. n ii 1 av. :;y after a li::--.ei-
i"-; l!!u ; of fomteen
m. nibs' -i,!V. f.-m i tlm! .h-.-a.j
, , . i ..!- . . . i - i . i . t , f ; . . 1 1
;! !) va oi;!y '.if.- i'" i'j:i
;mn thf !:-';.-'
pif. 1 v.liii.- -in' a iiin- in
:' ;;- at 1 1
n-:ht in-.'!n' ! i t 1 1 ; i i Si r !n r-.
S-:'..!ily i!.' i;.;ti inn-
! in i!! - u:i!y. I"a. a 1V
I !.'!.
I . . i : : 1
'"'lit i" h'." 1'ai
it:.-, '.
an.1" i!i-'-:i-' that lain n
t li-n: Iian.l nj.-n thai ! tin-
. i l-i ! 1 1 f "I' I... .!..: I . .f t ii i- v. .ii
ny will !"- in-t ji !" tii i !i !--!'.-!-il
iy h'-r- many fri ml- In-n
i, . . ; ,. , ... . . , i i . .
i a-' 1" : ' v. , lain i!y.
riOfl. filATihEW Gtii KG Wl
in- many i'.-i.-mi- i?i t i 1 1 - 'i(y ..f
i ! 1 "i . Mat'.n-w ;Tin, i - if Mr
"' ;m! l:.'-a:i -n '' ' (, ' 1 ' I' ('"!!-
- - ' ' ha- at ran.;. l t' h"l.l a
railv !i. !-f in th- Inmn- of thm
;.n!ar '-' ' ! .-ma n. mi
.-ii i 2. Tin- n ! i;m- w iil h- h-!.i
at 111. !:.-'; r :i-I'' th.-al"!- at S o"i lo.-k
,i : I ail tin' i'iiiz'i ai- inviti'.i I"
;." n.--' at ami In-a:- IM :: f I - m- ': i h'
innnliih' '- -i;it- hi- po-iiion on tit
,;..,.-! i, a,- of Ih- lay. Kvi ryn:n'
'.it., i an -h'.nhl h- i!-' -i'!it ami
iai-.- part in th- mii-'iim'. a- Him
- I:..- ;ii-.-l tiTiit- thi- city iias h l
. i."n lli- ' ! -i" n t u !! i 1 y to h-ar- Mi",
'nine -!!:- Ih.- anmninci'mriit
i iii- i-amli.iai'y
C..unt Alio! ii. y C. If. Taylor
lia- i!"i-;.:. 1 lhat h" ha- r-in;iim"!
i'-:m mnih oul-iii- of iln- rank
of anl oiiiol.j Ic ov:mr. of th"
oi;;i!y ami ha- puicha-id him-
,, I,,. ;,.., sy.
am! 4-.iii!i!iii'nt. Tiii- mak- of Ih.
marhi::.' i- tii.' C ;-, ami lh car
i- cmtainly a h-auiv ami on- that
jvill '-:i- th" owmn- th- h--f of
-al i-la- ion. ami now im can -pin
a-ro-s Jin' county ilffv th-
raiiioa.i-. Th- m-w a-Mitm:: to
t!o- malo o-.vmn-s in th- court
leu-- 1ms fumi-hi-il ;iial Iioih--."ai'i'ii'-'
th"-,- who o jio-si'-s
cars of 4-ii.ioyin' a lii ith th-L-a
iai cour.ty al t"rn-y.
Quick Return of Keys.
rrom Wf-dtiesday's Pally.
I.a-t 4'i'uim-r whil- n 3Iai;i
sire" (ttlo I ; i 1 1 i o- a hunch of
ki - l.i'loni: im: to him. which w-r."
nick-.l uu a f'v ininut-s later hv
R--y r.ui-.lick. anJ ;s limy hail a
r . . a I - - i a , 1 - 1 l
ta'r front th- We-colt clotlun
.-t.-re atlai h-il. th. y w-r- returne1
the;- Jiy Mr. Hur.iick, whfrf an
i t i e-t ijrat ion of the rrsrister ilis
4-Io-4l tlm fact that they wm e the
property of Mr. Ihiliu.
TiONAPPO!NTED Those Who Wi!l Serves as Judges
and CJerks of Primary Elec
tion Tuesday, August 18.
T!m follow jnir li-t of jmi.-n's
ami clmks of i-lectioii f..;- t!ie
pri:nary Aimu-t lsth ha- i'.'.-n
appoiuti-il .y Cle:k of Ih- Ih-lrift
Court Janms Hoiu-ri -.m, on tiie
i-.Toinnn-mlat i. n !' the iliiiei ent
chaii-m-n ami coimn itt ."m.-n of
i'. t!i th- !. j.uh'ican am! !-mo
ci-atic partm-:
'l ipfon lu-.' Im!---. .1.
A'ia'i!-. Jal Cur-. Coin. i.i Crali-li---:
cl.;k-. .1. ii. Ii 'ii t .r. . .1.
V-". m-r.
m.-iniwoo.! Ju -'-iiH-f In i---.
Ik'an.k l)ai-. liaii-y Appl-man.
.Iann - (i!-o !; i 1-: k-. Sam .loi.ia.'i.
Ioh:i Skim;-!-.
a!t Cr--k i'1-ecinci -.Tmi-t-.
W". Ik Ha.m.i. ). 31. Tal-otl. I.ymaa
!am.--. i:. K. H ; ci.-:k-. C. A.
3iathi-. A. 1'.. l'ailm-'.
Sio. Ci-4-.-k IT".-i act .1ml-. -.
Al.i.-n Turk. V.'. N. 3Iuiio;-,l. laui
Mar.-hall: c!. 'k. C. 'i'. Coun-r. V.
.1. .l-ary.
1. 1 n ; o. .il pr-c im l T mi - --.
Cha;-1. - 1. I.o:i-r. W'ai. '. .)"!!,
ha i i. ..-w oil ii : cmrk-. W. s. il-uii-h.-k.
ilaiohi Tool.
Sowtli H-u.l I'l-.-cimt .Tmi---.
IT-i-u '.-aer. Frank C-mnm:
H-nry stami-:. . '. Zaar:
'1-rks, '. ( i. l'hinman, 'i!lia!u
Ua hanls.
.'vptu Vaii'i. -IM 4-4'iMyi. .
.Tu'14--. A. il. Cu-oiVe. I.. A. Hay.
Lav. i enc" J'h-min-. W. ('. W'oil-n:
del i .-l .'i".'ir. l.'t V 4 w iiT, i a
. ! ! ' - o ; ;
Cenicr pr.-cinc! lmif-"-. A!-
.Mil;.-!-. . A. Coon. Fi---i 1T--1;-mau-i.
C. J. Cah'-l. YV. -I. Ran:
.-!';-. Cli;,.t Ainl.'vw-. W'iiiuun
a li-r. I.- .. Ti-:!;.'.
i...u;s ;!: i'fi-c i net 1 m!-.-s.
John i r m ji. John lo;. j. ( .. .
3!ayli"hl. Sam Bail. lal ikmer;
cmrKs, neriua!! i-.i'ikouui, .. i..
Nov. -. Frank Ni-h..!-.
Avoca lu-.'cinct. Jm!---. John
II. F. llhu-'e. 31. 31. Siraul.. !5.
W'oinh. Johii Cmp; clerk-, H.
riiii'i-. Kay .Morri-.
311. IM -.-"i-a. ut I i ! l t Jmi---.
Vi!--m ;il!iio!-,', lIi-iH-y Fri-h.
William Sh."-han: cl rk-. S. Hay
Smith. Al f.' -.i .an-n:er.
Fi'j'iit 3Ii!- .i-o' l'!-.-cim-
Jml-. Ii. W. Ward. Harry Km!.
W. 11. M-yia rl ; cl-i k-. W. J.
Sch m ii!m-. 1 ! i n ry Ileil. ir.
.eiia-.ka iM-eciuct Imie-, Ik
A. Kii-kpat rick. J. W. 3ia.:-uey,
F.-aiik Sh-lilon. 1-ui Tm-k.-r. IJoh
Alfor.l: clerks. Hay l'oilar.i. I.-.'
( aip-:'.
Lih. ily 1'r-ciucl Ju-lm -. J. I.
r.rambl.'tt. Fn"l Ymum'. 31. H.
Shoiinak-r : clerk-. Him I-'ians.
W. A. Ta lor.
l"i;-t Hock lthilfs I i 1 - .
Nick Friedi ich. T. W. Vall-ry. II.
L. (ihlham; c!-ik-. .Ien I '.oeih-ki-:-.
Sam lMtman.
S"-onil Hock BiufV; Imbi'S
Art Sullivan. John Smith, (ie.n't:
He mol.i-: clerks. I'rank Lil'.ie. F..1
Mi c.ulloch.
Flat t-mout h I'i .'cimt Tin lues
John 3!eisiimer. IF hin Horn. Hen
limning: clerks. VA Spam:l-r, Al
h.'il Wile-.
W-epin Waifr C.ily
'First Ward .Judu-s. j4--s,.
Ia i-. J. F. K-nm'dy. Hand. I 3Iar--hall.
H. i. 3T(Nur!in. Ed Jewell:
. d'erk-. W. II. Fman, O. V. Horn-,
1'. F. Cherry.
Second Wnr.l Tud-ms. II.
Kl. it -cli, W. A. Oudeii. C. S. New
Ion. John McKay: cl -ik-, S. F.
lirardc!. H. S. (iilismi, Janu s
Johnson, jr.
Thir.l Ward Tmiu.'s, J. 31.
Fowhr. lii'ii, 1'. S'oni's, S. I.
Complori: cler-ks. i4oipe S;.ohn.
I. H. Harmn-r.
Flat t -mouth City
1 ir-t Ward Judcres. William
Ha-.-Ier, J. H. Thra-lo'r. I.
3l4---( rsm il h : clerks, John. Coi y.
"iro I'l-ri'ir 1 invfy.
Si'i-niul WanS .Tud-'es. Claud
HoelL'l, sr.. Jacob Trilsc h, Wil
liam W.-h-r: clerks. J.J. Svohoda. j
3s. l.-on J. an. i
Thir.l Ward Tm:-.. J. 31.
Vomlran, 1'. J. Val!er. J. if. ',e, k
er. I!.! W-aer. J. F. 3Ia-mi:
. !-rk-. 1". S. Vi.-ti -. Ho'.rr!
N.-v.'!l. Fd H'.man. J. F. I"imia--.
Fourth Ward Jm!-.--. (;. i.
31"iiim-r. Auuu-t T: rt-cn. Joim
W eyrn-h: cl"ik. Jan- - Ami:.w-.!
J. C. Fet-r-oii.
I'iftii Wan! .Tud-"-. Jam. -lIi!-'.
Hoiici-l liicl;:. --. Ccoi-e
Schanv: ci.-h -. H. C. llyi!-. Fa;-!
M. ."i-".
10RSE THIS IH6j;t, rAJ
from AVtdnF(!ays Ta!ij-.
Altf-d Crei U. th- soil of j
31 r. and 3Ir. ". ). o- cm, iin-
niorn in-.- im-t wilh a ny -.. ;e
a-cidenl in a mix-up with a h.i - i
tie wa- ii'.iin-. 1 Si- i:".v wa
the north pai t of Hm cdy it. d
in t lie w a - .ei when I he !:."-- -iai-!
i! e : : ! v -! a a! d to run a -a m-. a i i d ' h e (
an III on"- !-an. lo iiai';
. , . , . . I . , ,
!I" !,!;" ,::"!a.:-u..! a! (,o!!(eam-r u, t!
to Im-K. and v. 'n ii , iv iiTi ,. ,. ,,,
j .od a.i m. -o A ! t !'-d - I :. i -
d a la
o,, his ,.fi
m- i
tiici'-d p:ile a -' .-: a ..n:-d 1 1 ; : : t
liei-e-i ! a ed tile --T- je.-- . . f a !;.-!
i: or; and - i .-! i ! i-iies do-.-. T" : i !
1 1. 1- w a - r . - i i ' ". '
!.- i,
u m and ,
;,,,!! ! -.1
- i o i j . . i' !
made a - e m : i !' ;' ! a i 1 ' . a
(al v. iii h-' ut of cono
a. !. w d i - at l.-a-l !
ah'e to !,e around "
alam ily.
Frrnn Weilncfday's Lai!v.
Ye-tcrday in liie c..unly c -ut:
a heai im: was had in the C. I .
Kunz e- iat". from m-ar Fin:wa.o j.
on !:. ina.!!.-!' of lie- l-uacy of sr..
u'.m h-t't hv 31 r. Km: t. tris -;--on.
A'u-t Ha-t. FmhT the law
a apuii'd to tin' laving of j.t-
lu rit ai:c-. ti'e hid r- not .. !' h! !
: lal ion hav- b-iui ! ix-d a b-a ;!
ia.le iiiau tlmse ..r id I r-laiieu. !
and 31 r. Ua-f d ;. !.. d ! ieui--
ompt'lli d to pay a ral- of J p. r
Ci'li! on the value of Ihe i!!i!e!-;t
am-". He warn only .'t ears "l-;
when his mother and Mr. Kun
v.e;-e mari-ieij ami ha- ay
made his home with tlmm and
was treaded as Ii timr children
in th- family hy 31 r. Kunz. Tin ;
matter wa- omlmued jo allow ! :m
county attorney time to prepare a
Srief i-Mi-!'in. tin- c;ise. a he ren
'.-e-e-iled the coundy in tii- ta
mad l-r.
Arrives From New York.
From Tuc.-eaiy"? Pui'y.
This 3!i -. Fred Trims
deli ;ind lil tie dau-ht.u-. ar
rived in thi- city u No. 1 from
th.-ir home jn ..-w York City, and
will -pend two montlm Imi-e
ia-. .al th- home of Mrs. Trues,
d.di"- parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ceoia-e Ik o ey. I iii- is Ih- ;-si
time in Hirei- years tlnit 3!rs.
Trim-del! has been aide lo -njoy a
i-it iiom-. w il h h-!- p;i!-eu( s. and
il is uniieees-ary t" state that llm
i-il will he one of the -ireitest
joy lo the entire family.
Makes a Short Trip to iowa.
I..T Suudiy IMiilip Trft.-cli
ami family motored er to Jowa.
where they visited at th- farm "f
31 r. Tritsch near- Tiiurman. in
that, stale. 31r. Tritsch. on re
turuin."; yeser.i;iy a fl.u-nooii. sla.t-
il that the crop eomlil ioiis theie
were uio.-t excidleii! ami ihat there
was evci'y ro.-p.-et for- a ery
heavy yield of corn, 'i'he farm of
3Ir. Tritsch is one of Ih. line.-, in
Hint section of our ?mm hhori np:
state ami the excellent crop pros-pi-els
is rno-t phuisin": to tiiis
muith nian. 3Ir. Tritsch called at
thi' Journal ntVc- ye.-terday for n
sSiort visit, en rout.' home in hi
him iarpr- touriruj: ear.
Try the Journal Want Ads.
A ilE Tfi!P TO
Rosds in Fine Chspe and Crops
Looking Eettcr Than for
Many Years.
Sunday imn-niim John K.m-r.
jr.. J' hu and Will W.-hri-.-in and
i-'rani; li--t"" s'a.'-!"-i l!"iu this
jfot- j!.,. far-ni '! Joha Weiirh-in
im '.;!-!.; county. Th- t::p wa. -
j maiie in pl"iai:d I im-. a- t
.'!!,' C I ' I'I'I'I i
!:- di-tam-
-at sham- and llun
w a -
in.! hum- F au-e a -in-::.' d-la
( .! i he v. a v
i ue part pa-
i l.ii'coln . Seward and
V'i'k. t a :. i i ! what i - known a - the
-o;;ih r -ad. and pa-s. t ii.'-oimii
-a,, :. j.iii.-s of the i.i-a.nt i !':;!
,, . .
I ! ' :i 1 : i - j .1 a t. i"
.f X. ira-ka a ad
i he e !-op
I il !o'i - !io; , !
k- d line a-ni ail iadi-a! ion-;u.-i!
I o one of l h" h.-a ie-
m fh.- ,:-!..ry of th- -ta!-.
i- ! Ii tio n and w h-;d wm
: ..m !; : and in '.;' a 1 e w
:.!: i ; i: .-: i - w t (:.;. any
u !!" en u
. , . ,,
i-ai 'y. e dheloi . -'.
a " "
i . i . ; . i
.:-. '.v in
;. !-.! : of Mi-. We!ir h.-in, win--top
of -!!! I. : !i was I, .ad".
.-.j h".-e Ih.- - .: -o ':!! j crop
Coot.; wa - -. iced ;i- i I h- hip
f'O-'--. :i-o e:i!i.e ea-t ov -r t i" road
..!' (!'- lam--dn Ihui.Wi'.y m:d to!
r t i - . -.. ; , ,-. .... v t o t , :.-
claim wa- file hues- roadway ihat
.ould h- f.-mi.i anywhrn-" in the
-Iai". iii" t " t ! r " i trip a -lop
wa- mad" at (oai'. I l-!a::d. the
III. f l-oli. j j - ..! II,.- W e-t i-T") pal'l of
Iln- -iale. ;.nd hm e th- im-mLer-
. !' !) pa'i'y we;.- we I jdea-.-d
v- :! h t he onder-i'ii spiri: of ro
W : i
making thi- city
f t he Pit-"..-:.! in th s -1 1 i
i he huibiinu i .era t ion - t ln-r-
." - uoin- o; ;d a rapid ro'e.
!::;!' -1 op- w .-re a ! mad" at
i!a-!im:- and I.-a;-:uv ami the
!,umh ar:ic. leu n Tue-day'
. iaiim- i"!mhti-d wilh the hue
trip a . i ! ihe co u . :y I h n ui - h
- !i .!; I !i". had passed. Th- tidid
(o-ia-ice lrae!ed wa- '3 1 i niih'
aad fin :- wa- mt ;i .-i-n of udk
iiiL' m I'm part f Ih-ir- aut"
liiohij,. ami limy f el tlml lb
ei'an. is ee;-!;imly -erne car.
Frem Weenies.! ay's Daily.
T!m couuly comm i-simiei-s th.i-nio!-n
i a ir met the cunt lmu-e
(o -ipialie iln- levy for th- com-in'-
yar upon the taxable prop
erly of Ih- county. The I-y will
be ina mills this year ami Urn rat
as ii v .i- las' y.-ar. The stale h-vy
js and S-Ht mills; lu idm-. null-:
'oa.d. ." mil-: -eneiiil fund h-vy.
r anal -J-H mill-. Tlm h-vy for
Ihe jail of last year enabb-il the
4-omrnissioneis to coni'dete tlm
-tru-ture ami thi- year tiler- will
b- 'I. f Si in ir to ay mi this building
aa.d tlm cs( of -ecurip": thi- tin-buildi";-
ha- been so little, scat
tered anion'-- Hi- taxpayers of th
coimty. that they have hardly
not icd it .
To Post Up Notices.
From Tuesdav'B Dnllv.
County Clerk Fiher.-lml depart
ed this mornnm f"i- a swi;:u
throim-h tin' couaty po-tim' up
lists of the candidates fur tlm lif
ferent ollices at. the primary eb-c-lion
on Tim-day. Au-uist llh.
The hall rts w ill -o.-u be ready ami
th- task of 4lisl T-ihut in z them will
t-e lakmi up. The hallo this year
is quite a 1-npthy one. as there
are a preat many c-andidates for
lb- different ofliccs.
Ice Piant Secures Motor.
Fi-iiin AWdr.esday's Daily.
Ih.- ar-tiii-iai ice pdajii. whi-'n
ha- 1 i n out of conuni.-i-ou for
:!i" pa-! tew day- owiim- to a
in a k-d.. ii ia (he mmi'im of the
plaui. e-t.-rday wa- ai-!.- lo rc op.'ratii n-. as a ."u hor-.-
o . .'v. : 4-lcclric iiiolm' wa- in-tailed
to lak" the place of th.. mmine
m fuin :-!i im-' tlm powe- for the
niaid. T;ie delay lias h-en i',-
an uov i ni:
to t!;e oWil-!
o! til-
plant, hut now they fe.-l that i;
wiM n-'f occur a-ain. The hreak
d..,, n. h-er. did no! interieif
V.l'tll the service to ti'e nalions of
liie ice dealers. - the -upplv on
haml wa- u-.-d to limnih i-e o
! ! i 1 1- .-on - ii : M'.'-s.
'F'he (rip (o Furnas cimty
whi -h Fi -d (i. F-i !ii.ei u-i' ami C.
F. Ya!!eiy umi-rtool; Suialay
p!oi-d a ino-i i-njoyidd'' one to
! im u.-jillenu'ii. who retui-ned
lion!,' (his morning. While in
Furna- counly lln-y vi-ite I at the
home- of lieori:.' lloin. sr.. l'r-d
Horn and Ja-.-h Hummel, ail for
mer' Cass county resident-, and
found ih.-iu ail e:itjoyinir the h-sl
of headlh ami with th- l---t pro-
n- i- !o- tii.-ir crops they lias
had f. r -oai- v m -. T!ie w ima!
. .
-;-i.p in thi'
' , , ,.
ic.-ljou vi-i!ed .y
.Mi-.-srs. ! "i ; ! ..-V r aii.l aliery
i- .me of the "-! in year- ami the
sp-inu wh-at i- rimuini:- at wha!
i- e-tiriuded from lo J ' hu-!i 1
"er a-ie of ece!ient "juaiity. 'i'he
crop i- l'ej;.r cut and thr-sh-d
11, ,M- ...wl II,.. . t 1 -IT-..
,. jiiiiniy jie i-m io ine ni
tlia.t -eciion. Corn lookin
io ..I. aithoije'h in sjol.- it shows
-i"U- of loo mucii fmat. iml laken
a- a whole it is one of the b"s
plo-pecls thai the residents ther-
hae had for some y.-ais t. -ecip-i
! ;1 . ''';',!
i of both corn and
.vh.-a!. The former Pia 1 1 smou'. h
pe..;de tliet-e are all keenly ill-
ieiesi.d in the happenings jn .dd
Cass counly and await each week
io r--f!e th- news from llmir "hi
fri.-mls and imi-hbrs. and of
cour-e they are all supplied with
ihe Journal t.. a-sisf Ihem.
I'ejuily sheri.'l' 31. E. 3Ian--p(
,lk' r received il IIK'sf u!H'Xiei't
..I ami p!ea.-aul -urprisi' Monday,
when he ii'i-i'iM-il a i-it li-oni a
mphew. a sou of his brollmr,
Frank .Mauspeaker. whom h- had
ni'M'!' seen, and it lias been since
(NTS since I a -1 Im had th- pb-a--ure
of heiim- with his brother, and
the i-ii of ihe m-phew w;;is uie
thoroughly enjoyed by the uncle
and m-phew. Tin- neplmw . Cluu h's
.Matisp.-aker, had been mil ;i! las
Aimejes. California. ami mi his
reluru deci did to di-of. in and
Visit t in' uiiri'.'. w lioiu he had
:ieer seen. ;uul ariisiiii: here in-
t u i i I 111" Wllereilboul of Mi-.
31 ;:n-peaker. ami vi-iled tlmm
home, auimuneiiiir his name, and
I lull' is no need lo -tale that he
rcreised .a most hearty welcome
from b'dli iiis uncle ami aunl, ami
il was valli regret that they al
lowed him to continue hi- journey
InMiicw a id.
To Visit in the West.
Miss Nejl Cook ami emisiu, 3.1iss
Fm-ilii Cook, of H -aer City, Xidn,
who has.' li.'i'ii xi-ilinir rehilises
in P at i sinout h, b it. on Ihe after
noon train for Also, where I hey
will visit fr a week, after which
I hey will o o Heaver C.ily. where
Miss Nell wil Ispi-nd a few weeks,
an dfrom then until the fall term
of school staris she will i.-il in
I)ener ami otln-r jednts of in-ti-re-l
in C'dorado.
Sell your property through the
Journal Want Ads.
r urnii
Il K
The List of Teachers Is Corrposcd
Mostly of Young Ladies IVho
Teach the Rural Schools.
The 'teacher-' n-tillle here
llii- u-;i" i- la-l -lowing iiiio .,!;.
of the la ri ,.- jn pond of at l ",d
;i lice ami nil ere -1 that Ii a - - r
! -a n In-hl iii the co'iuty. a.- th-re
were a hire number of auditi-mal
feiichels p.'es. !,f at Hie lln'ctliu
ye-lei-day at the four! h.n--.
comiui: in from iinT.-renl .fi I in e
"f 1b- counly. a- w.-ll a- from
oiher pari- of the -lal- where in-
ieaell'-r- liile ri"! b.'.-il -ie;i t.'le
ad ;i n t ;ii:e- of -m-i an .ids a in-. -d
Wo'-k il- Cil 1 lie -e.'ll"ll ii) ill" l.i--titlile
her-. Tile lchoe- -iel
i.y tin- ilnf-rim! in-l r uci , at llo-iu-lilute
h;ie proi"i ino-i ni
-;rm-lie ami are l-liser-d in a
.-lea." m umer thai i- ea-ily L"-.i-p-
d by th" feacher- j i al '
Prof. Hi-ad'oid of the Male Agri
cultural school, who i- ,.;'.' of Ike
ect u !-.'!-s. ha- prol- one of the
-t.-oiiLe-t fi atuie- of the in-hlide
Wjiil hi- lecture- oil Hi"' fopic- of
Hi.- day. The re"i-! ral imi ha
becn ipiii- larje ;i!,. Ihe fo!!-.v
i u ir teach"!-- hae -' -1 .!-.! (Imui-mini.--,
while a number of th---e
A ho V"'e Ullilide to alt"lld We;.'
eXeilseiJ ;
3Ii--e- H-.s,. paochn-kc. Chri--tine
Hanson, 31 dlidde ou:d. ..-l-!ie
SliuiloM. Hilda Haiwak. Al;ai
peter-'-n. Ho-e Jirou-.-k. Mill ;.'
Jiroii-4-k. Miiide Adam-. F.-nlah
Sa,;-, Anna IJetu-ick. Cl.liie H.."k
meyei-, Sophia Flric.h. l.-'a Ja' k-.
i:ii;ib.'iii Holly. Aim;: loy. Flor
ence Hummell. F- Me Sp. ck. 3!at
lie F;u-ou. Yiid.-r II. K-u-er. 3'el
ma is, FI ial.ei h ! , ' d-u
ll;iy-. ;.'iti-ud" Cob. .Void Si-my.
.Mma H. VH!!i;ii'-!V. Mit- Hark'-r.
.May Martin ib-n. Clara Huih-r-f.u-d.
H- 11- Hii!:i-b, !'-. ie paii
Iiuisl. Arm -1 1 i i . U-n -nice
31"iillon. 31 arv u-i-it e poller.
Syiia Cilmoi.'. Amy Hilimau.
Josediin" Hys. Anna Us. lie ie
llill lwick. Yi'det Fl'ce-e, I'iilllli
Pal.i-ik. .Mrs. Ftii.-l Hud. Hoy H.
Hull. Yeda il.aynie. J. ni 'e J.:i' ---ion.
p. dra Ami-r-on, C -it Mucl-!.-r.
Fdua F. M en -i-..;i. 1. ih
Hrown. Edna Siioj.p. (o.idia 3'o
id.-. nni Carp-!-. K. M. nydei-.
Flm.-r Fr;iiis. Cr.---j,. 1 i aw kh":as .
Josje Ki-er. Mata-aia'!
it. F
bill ni,if!i, A-m-s p'al-. Maiy F.
F.e.-ker. I.oi II 3Ii's-e. F'.llicc-
Ciinipbe!!. Etimi IFmU-r. 3I;ir-a!.-;
ohlf;i! lh Sophia Waiiawny.
Pea i I I o.i n. I I b-u iik-u ! i. r.
oi'olhy (i-iMip. .Mamie Hahh'. m.
Maid-- W;trd. i!-;:yce A'ewkiik.
El-ie . t ; i a b;i i iu h . Hlaiiche 3I'-in
cen. Selma lleudr ick-'-n. Cln l-.i
J.--;ik. IP'-- U'houm-ll. Ellen
lendrick-en. l.oa iuii'-k-. a.
I'e: ii Y'i-bl m. Y-rn Hahiwm, 31. d
tic F. Ihii.-ker. Helia Malmr. J...
-ephine llilchiiuin, (Hadys I)..-.
i.-r-. I.uey Muleilon. I.t:el!;i sawye r,
Arlhiir F. Mil!.-;-. Ci;ids- peter-..:'.
Iai-v piirk-. ir;iM-e Haib'.v, Iai!"
i'o' i-iiia ii. I'ear I H l'!i:t
Si-hwart. A-;iiha .lone-. M:-.
Mae 3b.i-aii, Fselyn F. Wolfe.
Hulh .Miller. iiadvs Mar-halk
Jes-i.. Hariiier. I.ebi .Mc.ina.'.
He--ie Yau-e:d:er'. Judith C.
Slraub, Phylis Slii.ub, .Mai.'e
Herard. J. II. sb .! Imw . ?. Alice H.
!!'ozie!', 31iuni" Sul hm land. iny
Fan-, .-llie Fan-. 3li!d:e. H.iil- .
Ani' 3lc k-irroll, ;;i ?i lA. i.-lt.
Ellnd Filpiil l ick, Marm Sslioda.
J. W. Ilen.h i. ks-n, Miiud- Hu-l-r-lii.ll,
A. F. H-ck-r, Ho-- Clin. .
Fllu I Scalteiiiood. Yi'det St. John,
flu Hi H"'cs, Aniiii All.'au-mi.
(lye Hurk4'. Wiila Mumil. Mi-s.
A. F. iass. Fucilb' dass. Fin ila
Cici-.-e. I. nla Edwards, s-iu i
Itranchle. Anna Swau-on. Teie-a
ll. iuple. Harv.-y lloap. Mr. E. A.
.May tield, Ed i Iii D-an. Julia K rr.
J. nnie Hitchman. Miyn- F"W b r.
Amii-ey I'rowu, Villa Hapen. I'lor-4-nee
Walcli for the New Orleans
minstrel's parade, 31m!ay. Aim
ust 1 T tii.