The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 10, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY", AUGUST 10, 1314.
The following proosel amendment t
the ronstitntion of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forrh in full, is submit
ted to the elector of the State of Nebras
ka, to be roted upon at the general eleotlor
to be held Tuesday November Srd, A. 1)
FOR a Joint resolution to amend section
1 of Article of the Constitution of th
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue
"Be it Resolved and Knar-ted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article S
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows:
fee. 1. The rules of taxation shall b
tiniform as to anv given class and taxe
shall be levied upon such property as tht
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on incomes, privileges nnO
--tipations. which taxes may be graduated
and progressive and reasonable exemptions
mav be provided, in addition to those here
inafter specifically mentioned in section i
f this article. ,
See. S. That at the general election ir
November, l'.14. there shall be submitted
to the ele-tors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to tu
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "acainst snid
proposed amendment to the Constltutiot
providing for uniform and progressive
Approved. March "T. 1013.
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of Stat. ol
the Srat of Nehruska. do hereby certj5
that the foregoing proposed amendnieni
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
Lraska is a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, a
passed l.v the Thirty-third session of the
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, ai
appears from said original bill on tile ir
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voter?
of the State of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to b
held on Tuesday, the "rd day of November,
A. D. If 14.
In Testimony Whereof. I have herenntc
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol
the state of Nebraska.
Pone at tnis 'r.rd day of March
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the I'nited States the One
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tuii
State the Forty-sewn th.
I Seal Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter st forth in full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the genera! election
to be held Tuesday, November Srd. A. D.
A Joint Resolution to amend Section six
e of Arti'-le one (1) of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Enacted by the People of the State
of Nebraska :
section 1- That Seetlon six (fi of Article
one ill of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
Section B. The right of trial by Jury
shall remain inviolate: but in all civil eases
and in -rlmin.-il cases I.- than felonies,
five-sixths of the jury may render a ver
diet mill the Legislature may authorize
trial by a jury of 1-ss number than
twelve men in courts inferior to the dis
trict court.
See. 2. That at the reneral election foi
r.vte ntid h-rKhitive officers to be held in
the State ft Nebrata on the first Tuosd.-M
after the tirT Monday in November in 1'.l4
there wjiall be printed upon the ballot of
e;i.-h i-lei tor for his approval or rejection
the above :.n.i foregoing amendment in th
following form: "For proMied amendment
to the eon t it ur ion providing that in al
lvil ;: and in criminal cases less than
felonies. fi.-e-Mxths of the jury may rendet
a erdi-t." and "Against the proposed
amendment to the Constitution provided
that iu all civil cases :;n.l in criminal case.
le,s th::n felonies, tiv-sixths of the Jurt
may rentier a verdict."
Approved. April 1. VMS.
1. AddNoti Wait. Secretary of State, o!
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that I he foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
is a true anil correct copy of the original
enrolled and or-grossed l-ill. as passed bv
the Thirty-third -s.jon ,,f the Legislature
of the. State of Nebraska, as appears from
said orii-i.ial I i on ti i:i this oil: and
th::f said proposi d a mcndtiieti t is submitted
to the iu.-ilit.etl voters of the State of NV
bru.ka lor their ailoption or rejection at
the gei.-orul -U-.tiou to be belli on Tuesilav
the :;rd day of Nnvemlx-r. A. I. l:J4.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand end affixed the Great Seal of
the state of Nebraska.
Ii.!ie at Lin. ..In. this ir.rd dav of March
V-' ' -v,;l,r our Lord. One Thousand
.Njrie IIi!.,re.l and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the United State the One
Hundred mtd Thirty-seveuth. and of thia
State the I orty-seven fi.
I seal J Secretary of state.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In fill, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to tie voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November Srd, A. D.
"FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Section 1, of Artit-li V, aud
Set-tion 24. of Article V. of the Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term of
office and salary of Governor and other
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon
day in November, VM4. the following be
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V, of the Constitution ot
Nebraska :
See. 1. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
office for a term of two years from the
first Thursday after the first Tuesday in
January, next after his election, and until
bis successor is elected and qualilied. Id
addition to the Governor, the executive de
partment shall include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas
urer, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Attorney General, and Commissioner ol
Public Lands and Buildings, each of whom
shall hold his office for the term of two
years from the first Thursday after the
first Tuesday in January, next after his
election, and until his successor Is elected
and qualified; Provided, however, that the
first election of said officers bhall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
in November, IMC. and each succeeding
election shall be held at the same relative
time in each even year thereafter. The
Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of
Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re.
side at the seat of government during their
terms of office, nod keep the public records,
books ana papers there, and shall perforin
such duties as may be required bv law.
See. 24- The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand Kj.ono.Ou ) dollars per an
num. The salaries of Auditor of Public
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction and Commls
sioner of Public Lands and Buildings shall
be two thousand five hundred $J,oi.(N))
dollars each er annum, and of the Attor
ney General, four thousand dollars
( $4.(K0.00 per annum, the salary of the
State Treasurer shall be three thousand
$.',000.00 dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own use anv fees-
costs, interests upon public monevs in their
hands, or under their control, perquisites
of office or other compensation, and all fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by an officer provLled
for in this article of the constitution shall
be paid in advance into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowance for clerk hire
in the. offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney GeneraL
Sec. t. That at said election on the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1314. on the ballot of each elector
Toting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, fixing the term
of office and salary for governor, and other
executive omcert; ana "Against fropo&ed
amendment's' to the constitution, fixing the
term Of office nnrl en lirr frtv - nn
other executive officers."
Approved. April 21. 1013.
I. Addison Vnlt i.crut a O r.
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foi-ofvotn, f r - . .1.-.. .
- - ---- . .... ' ' w . -..-.i ulllfllUUlfUI
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
" imr anu correct copv or the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Thirtv-third e)..n ., t ... ...... '
t Nebraska, as appears from
.Kiuai win uu me in tins onice. ami
that sairl nrr.Tinpil i m i ..... . -. .
to the qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection" at
r,rc'i" rjcciiou iu oe aeia on Tuesday
the Srd day of November, A. D. 1M4
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln thia "".r-A it.. w
. - - - -. " j i a -iarcn.
rryr Sf our Lor(1- ne Thousand
oiiuuinj ana j ourteen. and of the
Independence of the United State the Ore
Hundred anil Thirty-seventh, and of thi
State the Forty-seventh.
1W"I Secretary of State.
tTom Saturday's Dally. fveiiinfr Iavo Amick ro
turiu'il home from a trip inl
southea-tTii Arkansas, whei-e Iih
has extensive land interests, ami
he returns lilloil with (h-Iijrht at
ttie conditions he found in tiiat
state. Aniiek's hoy, Thede, lias a
larpre farm near Montieello,
Arkansas, near that of his fattier,
and is lookinpr after the manage
ment of hoth of the places, and
the result of his efforts will he a
larpe crop of cotton, although the
season there has been rather dry,
buUas Mr. Amick described it, "If
it's dry they will have cotton and
if the usual rainfall is secured
there will be more cotton." The
conditions there are strange to a
man from the north, as the handl
ing of the cotton crop is vastly
different from the methods of
farminp: ued in Nebraska and the
corn and wheat producing: states.
In that state the farmers from
the north who have moved there
find that the ideal crop is cotton,
as the soil and conditions are
peculiarly adopted to the raisin?
of Ibis crop anl almost all the
farms are devoted In this crop to
the exclusion of others. Thede
Amick will, as his father states,
have a yield of at least one bale of
cotton to the acre, and this will
net from sro to SfiO, while the
cotton seed can be used in the
makintr of stock food that will
brinpr a pood price in the northern
markets. In Arkansas the labor
on the plantations is performed
almost exclusively by the neproes,
as they seem to be the only per
sons titled to handle the job of
carina: for and picking the cotton.
The wages paid to the colored
help in that state are very reason
able and it is an easy matter to
secure all that is needed.
At the recent meeting of the
county "commissioners the ap
plication of Mrs. Anna Doty for
permission to operate a ferry over
the Missouri river just below the
Burlington bridge was passed up
on and the application granted for
a period of lie years upon the
payment of the license fee of $3
per year and furnishing a bond in
the sum of -S 1 00. Mrs. Doty is the
owner of the ferry at present and
this is merely a renewal of the
license to operate the concern.
The ferry here is a good paying
proposition, as the heavy increase
in the use of automobiles has
made it greatly in demand by
parlies going to and from this
state into Iowa and from that
state over here. John Richardson
ha? the direct management of the
ferry and looks after it in excel
lent shape.
Happy Over a New Son.
The news has been received
her of the arrival at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds of a fine
bouncing nine-pound boy baby.
The little man is doing nicely, as
is the mother also, while Kd is
considerably proud over the ad
dition to the family. It is need
less to say that "Grandpa" li. J.
Reynolds is delighted over the
new arrival, as it is the first
grandchild and is therefore
the object of much admiration.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are
former residents of this city and
their friends will heartily rejoice
in their new happiness.
Nelson Jean and brother, Will
Jean, were in South Omaha today,
where they were attending a horse
sale being held on the market
Will Tarns, who was engaged
in some carpenter work on the
residence of Charles Miller in this
city, met with quite a painful ac
cident yesterday afternoon that
will lay him up for a short time.
He was working on a scaffold
some twelve feet, from the ground
in a place on the house where a
hornets' nest had been dislodged
a short time before, and the
aforesaid hornets suddenly re
turned to their former abode to
discover the cause of their heing
deprived of their nest and began
to hum dangerously near to Will,
who stepped backward, and in d
intr so fell from the scaffold
alighting with considerable force
on the ground and bruising him
self quite badly, lie hastened to
llu oHice of a physician lo have
the injuries examined. A very
severe bruise op contusion was
found on the right arm and wrist,
but it was impossible i find any
sign of a fracture and it is
thought that the patient will be
all right in a few days. He will,
however, enjoy a layolT from his
tint ies for a time.
From Saturday's Daily.
A message was received in the
city this morning from Avoca an
nouncing the sad news of the
death of Mrs. M. D. Maiquardt of
that place at S o'clock last even
in sr as a result of the hums re
ceived by her Wednesday after
noon in attempting to light a
gasoline stove. At the time it
was feared that the injuries minht
prove fatal, but all that was pos
sible was done without avail and
he steadily grew worse until her
The funeral will be held tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock from
her home in Avoca. and the inter
ment will be made in the cemetery
there. She was well known
throughout the southern portion
of the county and her death will
come as a bitter shock to h'
manv friends.
The splendid results of the
management of the county poor
farm, as well as the excellent
buildings maintained there, has
attracted a great deal of atten
tion throughout the state, and all
authorities concede that the Cass
county farm is one of the best
maintained as well as managed of
any in this section of the country.
The county supervisors of
Mills county, Iowa, were here
Wednesday to look over the farm
and were well pleased wilh the
way things looked there. The
Mills county farm suffered the
loss on Tuesday of the building
used as a resilience by the in
mates, as it was burned to the
ground, and their visit was to
look over the building recently
erected by the commissioners of
this countv. the visitors were
delighted with the results secured
at such a small outlay of money
in the building put up by the
county and were loud in their
praise of the commissioners for
llieir able management that secur
ed for the good people such re
sults. On looking over the man
agement of the farm the Iowa
gentlemen were still greater sur
prised to learn that the Cass
county farm was self-supporting
and under the management of
Superintendent Tarns a line profit
is accumulated each year. The
Iowa supervisors will in all
likelihood model their new farm
building along the lines of the one
in this city, as it is the most con
venient and teh cheapest that it
is possible to secure.
How the Trouble Starts.
Constipation is the cause of
many ailments and disorders
that make life miserable. Take
Chamberlains Tablets,- keep the
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all
To Meet in Pacific Junction.
The committee of arrange
ments of the famous Wiles Fam
ily Reunion was in Pacific Junc
tion on Wednesday, having in
view tossecure the city park for
this year's reunion. The reunion
is usually held the last Thursday
in August. This family's annual
gathering has become a well
known affair, both in Cass county,
Nebraska, and Mills county.
'lenwood Tribune.
The resilient: of the county
who live on tin branch of the
Missouri pacific running from
Avoca to Louisville are express
ing themselves in no mild terms
concerning the re.- nf change in
time on that line thai makes it
almost impossible for them to
reach laftsmoufh and return
without m akin? a stopover either
here or in Louisville. Under the
new schedule the Missouri Pacific
train from the south arrives in
Louisville at ;:10 in the morning
at the very minute when the Bur
lington train for Plat tsnioul h is
scheduled to leave. The after
noon train from Omaha has been
arranged so as to leave Louisville
at 3:."7 in the afternoon while the
Schuyler train of lh Burlington not arrive until i:10. too
late lo allow passengers from
Plattsuiouth to make the connec
tions. The Burlington in their
dealings with the people have
been very fair and have shown a
disposition to try and accommo
date as far as possible the travel
ing public but the Missouri Pa
cific certainly does not propose to
Hive the slightest improvement
in their service to IMattsmouth
and return, and on the contrary
have arranged their schedules
with the result that makes it al
most impossible for anyone in the
central part of the county to come
here without taking- almost as
much time as it takes to reach
Chicago. The inalter is one that
the state railway commission
should take up in justice to the
residents of the entire county.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening at the handsome
home of Misses Coenna and Bess
llandley the C. R. S. Cols club
entertained in a most charming
manner in honor of Miss Myra
Stenner, who is soon to leave for
Lincoln lo make her future home.
There were in addition to the
jolly crowd of young ladies a
number of the young men who
were schoolmates of Miss sten
ner present to make the evening
one of the rarest enjoyment. The
evening was .-pent delightfully in
-rames and music until a suitable
hour, when delicious light re
freshments were served that ad
ded greatly to the pleasure of the
occasion. Those taking part in
the pleasant affair were; Misses
Myra Stenner, Vera and Margaret
Moore, Ola and Mina Kaffenberg
er, Jladys McMaken, Lyilia Todd,
Sophia Hild. Delia Frans, Flor
ence Fgenberger. Mildred and Le
nora Snyder, Anna lliber, Messrs.
Arthur White, llarley Wiles, Leon
Stenner. Edward Rebal, Emil Hild,
Clifford Cecil, Oeorge Snyder,
Chester Tuey, Philip Campbell,
Ray McMaken. .Tames Connors and
Paul llandley.
Returns Home From Hospital.
From Saturday's Dally.
This afternoon William Plalt
gaster, who lias been at the Im
manuel hospital in Omaha for the
past five weeks, was enabled to re
turn home, feeling greatly im
proved in health over his former
condition. Mr. Piatt gaster was
compelled lo undergo two opera
tions at the hospital, one for ap
pendicitis and one for a tumor,
and his friends will be pleased to
learn that he has recovered so
nicely. Be was a member of the
Sons of Herman, which order
looked afler his interests while
he was in the hospital.
E. P. Stewart and wife and lit
tle daughter, Frances, were
among the passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where the little
girl will meet her aunt and go to
Hamburg, Iowa, for a short visit.
Xotloe of Snlt to Qnlet Title.
William Jean, Mary E. Charbonneau
and Emma Charbonneau, Plaintiffs, vs.
Harriet Patterson, et al., Defendants.
To the defendants, Lycurgus B. Pat
terson, Mrs. Lycurgus B. Patterson,
first real name- unknown, wife of
Lycurgus B. Patterson; Kannie T. Black,
iiiac-K. nrst real name unknown,
husband of Jiannie T. Black; Lottie H.
Yirts. Virts, first real name un
known, husband of Lottie H. Virf9;
Howard Patterson, Mrs. Howard Pat
terson, first real name unknown, wife
of Howard Patterson; Isabella Moore,
Moore, first real name unknown,
husband of Isabella Moore; Lillie Joy.
first real name unknown, husband of
Lillie Joy; Irene Patterson Murphy,
Fred A. Murphy. James Patterson,
Kuphemia Patterson. Edith P. King,
Charles IT. King, Samuel 11. Johnson,
Martha E. Johnson, Edmund E. Wool
sey, Helen M. Woolsey, nee Woodruff,
also known as Helen M. Woodruff; Carl
Craves, Nettie Graves, Ethel CJrage and
William 11. Grage. Emily Patterson,
Mary Patterson Storm. John Storm,
Hiram H. Fowler, Mrs. Hiram H. Fow
ler, first real name unknown, wife of
Hiram 11. Fowler; Justus L. Cozad, Mrs.
Justus L. Cozad. first real name un
known, wife of Justus L. Cozad; Wm.
E. i'ordee, Mrs. Wm. E. PorUee, rirsf.
real name unknown, wife of Wm. E
I'ordee; Wm. E. Pardee. Mrs. Wm. E.
Pardee, first real name unknown, wife
of Wm. E. Pardee; William Miller.
Mrs. William Miller, first real name
unknown, wife of William Miller;
.losephus Morton. Mrs. Josephus Mor
ton, first rral name unknown, wife of
Josephus .Murtnn: Sample Hurst & Co.,
the unknown heirs, grantees, succes
sors and assigns of Sample Hurst &
Co.. Mrs. James Queen, first real name
unknown, widow of James Queen, de
ceased; A. A. Jamison, first real name
unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real
name unknown, wife of A. A. Jamison;
Johnston Laird, Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown, wife of John
ston Laird: Jessee A. Cox, Mrs. Jessee
A. Cox, first real name unknown, wife
of Jesse A. Cox; Ira It. Goodwin;
Mrs. Ira Tl. Goodwin, first real
name unknown, wife of Ira R. Goodwin;
John Aberheart, alias John Ebber
hart; Mrs. John Aberheart, alias Ebber
hart, first rral name unknown; Flora
San, widow of Joseph Sans, deceased;
William Hutson, Mrs. William Hutson,
first real name unknown, wife of Wil
liam Hutson; William W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, first real name
unknown, wife of William W. Clemens;
Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry Hulbert,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
Hulbert; Wm. S. McKnight & Co.. the
unknown heirs, srantees, successors
and assigns of Wm. S. McKnight & Co.;
Jesse A. Cox. also known as J. A. Cox;
Mrs. Jesse A. Cox, first real name un
known, wife of Jesse A. Cox, also
known as J. A. Cox; Mae Patterson
Quinn, Albert K. Quinn, James Pierce,
Mrs. James Pierce, first real name un
known, wife of James Pierce: E. T.
Fish, first real name unknown; Mrs.
E. T. Fish, first real name unknown,
wife of E. T. Fish: A. A. Jameson, first
real name unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown, wife of
A. A. Jameson: Sample Hurst. Mrs.
Sample Hurst, first real name unknown,
wife of Sample Hurst. John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name
vnknown. wife of John W. Howell;
Mrs. Henry Hann. first real name un
known, wife of Henrv Hann; Kachael
Stafford, widow of Pobert W. Stafford,
deceased, also known as Robert Staf
ford and ii. W. Stafford; George A.
Iavis, Mrs. George A. Davis, first real
name unknown, wife of George A.
Davis: Charles Patterson, Susan Gros-
claude, nee Decker; Grosclaude.
first real name unknown, husband of
Susan Grosclaude: Podolph Decker,
Mrs. riodolph Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of P.odolph Pecker;
Hanson Decker, Mrs. Hanson Decker,
first real name unknown, wife of Han
son Decker; Jefferson Decker, Charles
!. Hungate, Mrs. Charles G. Hungate,
first real name unknown, wife of
Charles G. Hungate: Harrison Hungate,
Mrs. Harrison Hungate. first real name
unknown, wife of Harrison Hungate;
John Hungate, Mrs. John Hungate, first
real name unknown, wife of John Hun
gate: Mary S. Roberts, nee Hungate;
Roberts, first real name un
known, husband of Mary S. Roberts;
ynthia J. Reed, nee Hungate
Reed, first real name tinknown, husband
of Cynthia J. Reed: James A. Hungate,
Mrs. James A. Hungate, first real name
unknown, wife of James A. Hungate;
Nancy E. Robinson, nee Hungate;
Robinson, first real name un
known, husband of Nancy E. Robinson;
Lilla Tt. Ingraham. nee Hungate;
Ingraham, first real name unknown,
husband of Lilla B. Inerraham; Edith
Calder. Myrtle Calder. Fred Hungate,
Ruth Hungate, Bessie Hungate. Eugene
Hungate, Mrs. Theodore Decker, first
real name unknown, widow of Theodore
Decker, deceased; Sylvesten Decker,
Mrs. Syl"esten Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of Sylvesten Decker;
Henrietta Decker, John M. Gable, Mrs.
John M. Gable, first real name un
known, wife of John M. Gable; Alex
ander Gable. Mrs. Alexander Gable, first
real name unknown, wife of Alexander
Gable; John H. Craig. Mrs. John H.
Craig, first real name unknown, wife
of John 11. Craig; James Gillet, Mrs
James Gillet, first real name unknown.
wife of James Gillet; Andrew Hopkins,
Hannah E. Hopkins. Joan Thompson,
widow of James E. Thompson, deceased,
also known as J. E. Thompson; Edward
I Thompson. Mrs. Edward L. Thomp
son, first real name unknown, wife of
Edward L. Thompson: Frank Thomp
son. William II. Spratlen, also known
as W. H. Spratlen, William II. Splatlin
and also known as W. H. Spratlin;
Susan E. Spratlen. Susnan E. Splatlin,
Miranda F. Towner, widow of Achatias
C. Towner, deceased; James H. Hopkins,
.Mrs. James H. Hopkins, first real name
unknown, wife of James H. Hopkins;
John L. Land, Eva Nash. John Glass,
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known, wife of John Glass; Leslie C.
Baker. Mrs. Leslie C. Baker, first real
name unknown, wife of Leslie C. Baker;
William It. Davis, Margaret An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis; Mrs. San
ford W. Spratlin, first real name un
known, widow of Sanford W. Spratlin,
deceased: Mrs. Simon Lucas, first real
name unknown, widow of Simon Lucas,
deceased; Eligah Connors, Mrs. Eligah
Connors, first real name unknown, wife
of Eligah Connors; Elijah Conner, Mrs.
Eligah Conner, first real name un
known, wife of Elijah Conner: Hannah
B. Vaughn, Vaughn, first real
name unknown, husband of Hannah B.
Vaughn; George A. Biggs, Mrs. George
A. Biggs, first real name unknown, wife
of George A. Biggs; Mrs. George W.
Lacy, Jr., also known as Mrs. George
W. Lacy, first real name unknown,
widow of George W. Lacy, Jr., de
ceased, also known as George V. Lacy;
Thomas Penington, Thomas Punington,
Sarah E. Penington. Sarah E. Puning
ton, Mrs. Joshua Murray, first real name
unknown, widow of Joshua Murray,
deceased: John H. Higbee, Mrs. John H.
Higbee, first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Higbee; George A. Cutler.
Mrs. George A. Cutler, first real name
unknown, wife of George A. Cutler;
Henry C. Cutler. Mrs. Henry C Cutler,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
C. Cutler; Nancy Jane Spratlin,
Spratlin, first real name unknown,
husband of Nancy Jane Spratlin; Sarah
E. Young, widow of Francis M. Young.
Sr., deceased, also known as F. M.
Young: Samuel R. Johnson, Martha E.
Johnson, Capitola Graves, nee Reed;
J. D. Graves, first real name unknown;
Jacob Reed. Mrs. Jacob Reed, first real
name unknown, wife of Jacob Reed;
James Lucas, Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C.
Ewing, S. E. Ewing, first real name
unknown; Mary Connally, widow of
Guilford D. Connally. deceased: Mrs.
James G. Romine, first real name un
known, widow of James G. Romine,
deceased: William Gilmour, Mrs. Wil
liam Gilmour. first real name unknown,
wife of William Gilmour; Margaret
Byers, nee Gilmour; Byers, fir6t
real name unknown, husband of Mar
garet Byers: Mary Archer, nee Shera;
James Archer, James N. Shera. Mrs.
James N. Shera, first real name un
known, wife of James N. Shera; Ezra
E. Reynolds, alias Erasmus E. Reynolds
and E. E. Revnolds: Mary M. Reynolds,
Olive Daffenbaugh, nee Graves:
Daffenbaugh, first real name unknown,
husband of Olive Daffenbaugh; Paul
Graves, Rhoba Bates, widow of Isaac
Bates, deecased; Burton Parker, Mrs.
Burton Parker, first real name un
known, wife of Burton Parker; Mary
M. Bachelor, nee Bates; J. H. Bachelor,
first real name unknown; Lemon Bates,
Mrs. Lemon Bates, first real name un
known, wife of Lemon Bates; John
Bates, Mrs. John Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of John Bates: Mrs.
Adam Bajes, first real name unknown,
widow of Adam Bates, deecased: Jacob
Bates, Mrs. Jacob Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Jacob Bates; Julius
Bates, Mrs. Julius Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Julius Bates; Leon
ard Bates. Mrs. Leonard Bates, first real
name unknown, wife of Leonard Bates;
Susan Shamblin. nee Bates;
Shamblin. first real name unknown.
husband of Susan Shamblin: Jane
Bachelor, nee Bates: Philip Bachelor,
William Chandler, Alice Chandler, Isa
bella Rainey, George Churchill, Mrs.
George Churchill, first real name un
known, wife of George Churchill:
James Watson, Martha Watson, John
G. Chandler. Martha E. Chandler. Amos
Case. Mrs. Amos Case, first real name
unknown, wife of Amos Case; Charles
E. Carrell, Mrs. Charles E. Carrell, first
real name unknown, wife of Charles E.
Carrell; the unknown heirs and devisees
of the following named deceased per
sons, to-wit: Hiram H. Fowler, Mrs.
Hiram H. Fowler, first real name un
known; Justus L. Cozad. Mrs. Justus L.
Cozad. first real name unknown; Wm.
E. Pordee, Mrs. Wm. E. Pordee. first
real name unknown; Wm. E. Pardee,
Mrs. Wm. E. Pardee, first real name
unknown: William Miller. Mrs. William
Miller, first real name unknown;
Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus
Morton. first real name un
known; James Queen. Mrs. James
Queen, first real name unknown; A. A.
Jamison, first real name unknown: Mrs.
A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown;
Johnston Laird, Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown; Jessee A. Cox,
Mrs. Jessee A. Cox, first real
name unknown; Ira It. Good
win, Mrs. Ira It. Goodwin, first real
name unknown; John Aberheart, alias
John Ebberhart; Mrs. John Aberheart,
alias Ebberhart, first real name un
known: Joseph Sans, William Hutson,
Mrs. William Hutson. first real name
unknown: Wi liam W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, first real name
unknown: Henry Hulbert. Mrs. Henry
Hulbert, first real name unknown: Jesre
A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox; Mrs.
Jesse A. Cox, first real name unknown:
James Pierce, Mrs. James Pierce, first
real name unknown; E. T. Fish, first
real name unknown; Mrs. E. T. Fish,
first real name unknown; A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown: Mrs. A.
A. Jameson, first real name unknown;
Sample Hurst. Mrs. Sample Hurst, first
real name unknown: John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name
unknown: Mrs. Henry Hann, first real
name unknown: Robert W. Stafford,
also known as liobert Stafford and R.
W. Stafford: George A. Davis. Mrs.
George A. Davis, first real name un
known: Rodolph Decker, Mrs. Rodolph
Decker, first real name unknown; Han
son Decker, rMs. Hanson Decker, first
real name unknown; Theodore Decker,
Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name
unknown; Sylvesten Decker, Mrs.
Slyvesten Decker, first real name un
known; Henrietta Decker, John M.
Gabie, Mrs. John M. Gable, first real
name unknown: Alexander Gable, Mrs.
Alexander Gable, first real name un
known: John H. Craier. Mrs. John H.
Craig, first real name unknown; James
Gillet, Mrs. James Gillet, first real name
unknown; Andrew Hopkins, Hannah E.
Hopkins, William S. Latta, also known
as W. S. Latta; Sarah E. Latta. William
H. Spratlen. also known as W. H.
Spratlen: Susan E. Spratlen, Achatias
C. Towner. Miranda F. Towner. James
H. Hopkins, Mrs. James H. Hopkins,
first real name unknown; John Glass,
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known: Leslie C. Baker. Mrs. Leslie
C. Baker, first real name unknown;
William R. Davis, Margaret An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis: Sanford W.
Spratlin, Simon Lucas, Eligah Connors,
Elijah Connor, Mrs. Eligah Connors,
first real name unknown: Mrs. Elijah
Conner, first real name unknown: Han
nah B. Vaughn. Vaughn, first
real name unknown; Isaac Dyer, Al
resett S. Dyer, George A. Biggs. Mrs.
George A. Biggs, first real name un
known: Park Dobson. also known as
Park G. Dobson; George W. Lacy, Jr.,
also known as George W. Lacy: Mrs.
George W. Lacy, Jr., also known as
Mrs. George W. Lacy, first real name
unknown: Thomas Penington, Thomas
Punington, Sarah E. Penington. Sarah
E. PuhinR-ton, Joshua Murray, John H.
Higbee, Mrs. John H. Higbee, first real
name unknown; Nancy Jane Spratlin,
Spratlin, first real name un
known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat
lin; Francis M. Young. Sr., James Lucas,
Nancv J. Lucas, Mary C.
Ewine. S. E. Ewing. first
real name unknown; Guilford T. Con
nally. also known as G. D. Connally
and C. D. Connally: James G. Romine,
Mrs. Frank Thompson, nee Gilmour,
first real name unknown: Henry snera
James Walstow, also known as James
Wolstow; Wells Sagers, also known as
Wells Sager; Adam Bates. H. S. Dur
and, first real name unknown, and
Lawrence IS. Byers. the unknown own
ers and occupants of the following
described lofs and blocks in the village
of Rock Bluffs, and North rock BJuns
Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots
one (1) and two (2) in Block three (31
West; Lots one (1) to four (4) inclusive
in Block three (3) North one tl) East;
Lots seven T7) and eight (8) in Block
three (3) Narth two (2) East; Lots
three 3 ana four (4) in Block one ilt
North one 1) East: East one-third
(1-3) of Lots seven (7) and eight (b)
in Block three (3) North four (4) East:
Lots two (2). three (3) and four (4) in
Block two (2) North, one (1) East: all
Block five (5) North, six (6) East; all
Block six (6) North, five (a) East; all
Block seven (7) North, five (5) East;
Lot two (2 In Block two (2) Norm;
all of Block ten (10) North, four 4)
East, and all of Block eleven (11)
North, four (4) East, of the Public
Square In said Village or Rock Bluns,
You are hereby notified that on July
16. A. D. 1914. Plaintiff's filed their suit
in the District Court of the County of
Cass Nebraska, to quiet title to the
following described land in said County
of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the quarter
section line running east ana west
through Section nine (9). Township
eleven (ID, North itange rourteen un,
in Cass Counfy, Nebraska, 1574.6 feet
east of the quarter section corner on
the west side of said Section nine (9),
thence running South 2720.2 feet;
thence east 412.3 feet: thence north 266
feet; thence east 978 feet; thence north
532 feet; thence east to the banks of
the Missouri River; thence along the
banks of the Missouri River in a north
erly direction where said banks of the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running east and west
through said Section nine (9); thence
west along said quarter section line to
the place of beginning; together with
lands formed upon and against said
described land by accretion, alluvion,
reliction and evulsion.
Said land including the following
described lots and blocks and the
vacated streets surrounding the same
In the village of Rock Bluffs, Cass
County, Nebraska, to-wit:
The East 53.3 feet of the following
described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block two (2)
North; Lots one (1) to four (4) inclu
sive in Block three (3) North; Lots one
(I) to four (4) inclusive in Block four
(4) North; Lots one (1 to four (4)
inclusive in Block five (5) North; Lots
one (1) to four (4) inclusive in Block
six (6) North; Lots one (1) to four (4)
inclusive in Block seven (7) North;
Lots one (1) to four (4), in
clusive in Block eight (8) North;
Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in
Block nine (9) North; Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block ten (10)
North, and Lots one (1) to four (4) in
clusive in Block eleven (11) North, all
numbered from the Public Square In
the Village of Rock Bluffs. Nebraska.
And all of Blocks two (2) to eleven
(II) North, Range one (1) East inclu
sive; all of Blocks three (3) to eleven
(11) North, Range two (2) East. Inclus
ive, all of Blocks three (3 to eleven (11)
North. Range three (3) East inclusive;
all of Blocks three (3) to nine (9)
North. Range four (4) East inclusive:
and all of the land lying West of the
West bank of the Missouri River and
East of Blocks five (B to nine (9)
North, Range four (4) East inclusive;
and Blocks ten (10) and eleven (11)
North, Range three (3) East inclusive,
all numbered from the Public Square
in the Village of Rock Bluff's, Nebraska.
Also Lots one (1) to twelve (12) in
clusive in Block three 3 West, and
all of Block one (1) North, Itange one
(1) East of the Public Square In the
Village of Rock Bluffs, Cass County,
Nebraska, with the portion of the
vacated streets surrounding the name,
belonging thereto, because of their
adverse possession by themselves and
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of said suit, and
to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming any right, title, lien
or interest, either legal or equitable, in
or to said land, or any part thereof,
and to require you to set forth your
right, title. Hen or interest therein, if
any. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to the
title of plaintiff, and for general equit
able relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, August
31, A. V. 1914, or your default will be
duly entered therein.
Rawls & Robertson. Attorneys.
In the District Court of t'aaa Const?.
Nathan P. ISehulze, Plaintiff.
William Street, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants, William Street,
the unknown heirs of William Street,
Jeramiah Wade, the unknown heir of
Jeramiah Wade, Herbert I to bine and
Clarence Robine, the only surviving
heirs of Sarah C. P. Robine, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
16th day of July. 1914. plaintiff filed
his suit In the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, the ol.Ject being to
qufet the title in plaintiff to lot ten
(10). in block five (5). in Plattsmouth.
Nebraska; plaintiff alleges that he Is
the owner In fee simple of said lot.
and that he, and prior grantors under
whom he holds, have been in actual,
open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
and adverse possession of said lot for a
period of more than twenty years last
past: that all defendants in this sutr
be enjoined, each and all of you. from
having or claiming any right, title, in
terest, or lien, either legal or equitable,
in or to said lot or any part thereof;
and you and each of you are hereby
notified to set fortli any right, title, or
interest, you may claim in said lot. If
any; and for such other and further
relief as may be equitable.
This notice is published pursuant to
the order of the court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of September, 1914,
or your default will be duly entered
R. B. WINDHAM. Attorney.
In the District Court of Vmmm County.
Doc. No.
George Helm and Andrew Blum,
John IX Knight, the unknown heirs
and devisees of John D. Knight, de
ceased. Defendants.
To John D. Knfeht and the Unknown
Heirs . and Devisees of John D.
Knight, Deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of July.
A. D. 1914, George Helm and Andrew
Blum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, against you as defendants;
that the object and prayer of said peti
tion is to quiet and confirm in the
plaintiff, George Helm, the title to the
northwest quarter (N. W. 14 ) of the
northwest quarter (N. W". ) of Sec
tion twenty-two (22). Township twelve
(12) North, Range ten (10) Eat of the
6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, and
each and every part thereof, and In the
plaintinff, Andrew Blum, the title to
the south half (S. Vj. ) of the northwest
quarter (N. W. M) of Section twenty
two (22). Township twelve (12) North,
Range ten (10). East of the tn I. M..
in Cass County, Nebraska, and each and
every part thereof, and to obtain a
judgment decreeing that the plaintiffs,
George Helm and Andrew Blum, are
the owners In fee simple of said several
tracts of real estate and every part
thereof, and to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from anr
riirht, title. Interest or claim in and to
said several tracts of real estate here
inbefore described, or any part there
of: plaintiffs claiming in their fcaid
petition to have acquired the title to
said several tracts of real estate and
each and every part thereof In them
selves and their respective crantors, br
virtue of open, notorious, actual, ad
verse, hostile and continuous possession
of the same under claim of ownership
for over thirty years.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. li. 1914
Their Attorney.
In the County Court of the County of
Can, JSrbraxka.
In Re-Estate of Alvara A. Flh. De
ceased. Y'ou are hereby notified that hearings
upon all claims against said estate will
be had at the office of the County
Judge, Court House, Plattsmouth. Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
Auerust, A. D. 1914. and on the 16th day
of February, A. D. 1915, at ten o'clock
a. m. on each of said days. All claim
not filed by said hour on said last day
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court.
County Judge.
Cass Counts', ss.
II. M. Soennlcheen, Plaintiff.
Charles M. Foster, Defendant.
To Charles M. Foster:
Y'ou are herebv notified that the
plaintiff, on the 27th day of July, 1914.
filed his Bill of Particulars in Justice
Court before IL Archer. Justice of the
Peace in and for Cass County. Ne
braska, against you to recover the sum
of $30 for goods and merchandise cold
and delivered, and costs of suit; said
cause was continued to the 10th day of
September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. You
are required to appear and answer said
Bill of Particulars on or before the 10th
day of September, 1914. at 9 o'clock a.
m.. and your failure so to do your de
fault will be taken and judgment al
lowed for the amount claimed in said
Bill of Particulars.
H. M. SOENNICIIREN, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD. His Attorney.
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