1 1- PLATTSMOUTH 8E Ml-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1914. FAQE 2. HOW CASE DISPOSED OF By JUDGE BEGLEY In Which There Has Been Con siderable Contention on BQth Sides of the Case. At th- session "f 1 1 diriet urt iirr alurday. Judge Me-ey h'tubd down, his .'i-!..n ia the ea-e "f Fd:-th Purai::ee v.-. J. M. Te- gard-:. in which the .justion of llo right of the lat Mr-. ;ett i d- M Vii.y .. deed certain -v i t which -in liad ac.'uir .( f'fM the fate lir hus band. tti late W. W. Wib-y. was r-f -i-rti up. Pi h. d-C!-i u the . urt f 1 1 1 i I for th defendant and tj.. ,..-;. ..f fhv ca-e were taxed luring Is-" lifetime. and ..-. d an xo.acre farm to Mr. T-ard:i and the art wa- cr t r;i:t d ly the ..u:t - I,e is i Th- plaintiff v-pl.-.i t. the d-- :i of the di-trnf court arid a- given forty days to prepare a of .-r..-pti..:i-. I h" -...:4rt al-o -a-'ii th' --- -'f l:-rnha:d - Wn-y v-. William N.ek!-. m which ih' -a:r p i:;t- were rai-e.J a- in . f p ;.ra:;:Cf ra as t the right ' Mr-. W'll-y b --i-ut the ded ;!; p:-..p-rty. Ii thi- -ase I - Fdward Vi!y app a: d - '.. i- .. . . ,r- Tli.. ? r i : '- ' r .... x , .. .i . ,til- i i ni i i in-- i- i f-- .lar.t. to utii.-h the p'an.lilT a:;. . xc-pt-d. I;.-!h "f ii-e i-a-es liae a?- '-ict.-! a ; .;. I-ai of a'tt-nti'-i'. ?'.--e '-.- in ir.v di !T''"ep.t ..f !v.v :-;.i-e.i nir.l tiiel -r..w ,.f the c;s the .nte.j r'-tali .n of the will j f th- late Wu-fiin-ton W. Wilev. wh:eh ha- i-e.-n iiiie,j r.p in I ; t -.i 4 t P I a -rea". n.aijv tune- m tm- . i ' Formn Plattsmouth Lad Wed. v v.-v .,,.... ...,,,,.. I ! fu LI i..- i.L'i-.:lTs safurdav ... ,.r- ..: wi.i-.-h th. c..n"fra.:tii: e-s w -ri M i.fv W.iW.r ..f t '.:!. a::d M.-- Kliah-th Jr.ck- - --. ..f ha. T!i.. r.-i.t . i- e'l i nad her w ne '. unruier i.-f ti - wi!h(!I her pa- -. Mr. a;.d Mr. A. J. , J.;r; ,:.;;::;: .-:;r,r;;,i . ii--; : . ; 'i : e n- u Mr-. Wai.v.-l "j a .-r-irddaii'-'ht.-r of Mr. and Mr-, lie r j Strej-hl of thi- city. 1 in- ;..a-. f; ! of th- l-ride w;i! et. ..j t.. h-r linir le-t r w:-h-'- for h-r fntuie happine--! i ..i welfare and a lon' a:;d hai'py! .niari-i-d life. Receives Deserved Recognition. Wliiie ! : attendance at tin and in vie-.v if the -plei'di.J ' -ian.1 p..le ..f the Li.yal Mv-tic -uit- of tl... a--- ciati n a f. i its I. -of Ain-rica. ;it Ha-t in--i pr eat .-xcelieii! eoi.Jiti.'i the la-t w.k. -I. I'eter-oit of thi- j opp..runpv tak- par t in til :'. .h- d.-lea'e fro;. lt.. Fir-1 i '-y n - dia'v w ill ! ..!. t-ii'' loi.ai ui-tiict. wa- urea.-! !y ii..;i..r.'. ly the it --in - piace.j ...i -ev. j al of the ne--- j -io,..' '...an P.iiiidnt- a--o-:atio; p.-ria .- iiii!i;t!. -. and wa- al-. ti-- in th pa-t arid vv .'Ii cnUni; I' i N ii a- worthy --co f t i.ivf'o y. f!f. -haeh-! ter- to p.- ,ir- f..-.-t ii'. Mr. J'eter-..;; i- otej.-e: .h id.i:d- or: their invct- ; the a- tue w.-rkvr- of the r ! at l In. had a t-.-at part itt tiiej w.eA o; tij,. io.i,. ni Piatt -mouth. I hav.::- h.i diil' ut iiiip ulant '''.:'-, and hi- recognition .r-a!l a pi e. nite.l hy t h Jnem- uder ta thi- cii. An Auto Party to Omaha. Tiii- niormn- an an; .in.o-.iie pa:', con-jsjit - ,,f Mr-. I'aul .'.;i;': a;.d daughter-. Mi--e- Mia ai d Itauora. a; J Mr-. 11- nry R.-r-o uiid -on-. Matthew and Henry, ai-.j lilt!- tlauvhter. L'r-ula. de parted for ( i.i.aliu. W hU e they viil r-r the day and take jtl the r::r?!-. T!i trio will hf greatly njoved and the party while in Omaha wili .. tiie i-'Ue-t- of Henry R. lO-riii;.'. Costly TreatmenL "T wa- troubled with con-tipa-t;o(t and i'ldi-'e-tiou and spent hundreds Jf d- Hars for medicine a:.d treatmen!.' writes C. H. nines. ,.f "W hitlow. Ark. T vye.ut fo a St. Louis hospital also to a Ii.-pijat in New Orleans, hut "no "enre was elfected. Ou returning home I besaii" taking llharnln'r laia's Tablets, and worked "right -'oi)i-' I used them for sonie t.r.. M'n.I a:ii r.o'va!l right." s.djf by all dealers-; - Marshall, Dentist, Coates Block. j Jasse McVey Here. ! Jce McVey surprised bis many frier. d 5 here by dropping- in Sunday TTicrning en No. 10 frcrn his etenre trip through the wt and southwest. Mr. Mcy ha been absent from thi oily -HHial month, during which time he ha l-en in Ohio and Il linois. fr'iriir from there to a swing through llo- southwest and a trip to Yellow-tone park, from where he cam' on t- this city to v i -1 1 fr a time with hi- numer ous friends. He is feeling tine and enjoy.-.! the trip greatly. CASS COUNTY TEACHERS' J.I 100 IN ATTENDANCE The Ca-- County Teachers" In stitute p-ned thi- ni'Tnini: at thr- ii-lricf c-ur r.ni witti lo. teach r- cnrdid. which i- a tine rc.rd f"-- tin- Kpfiiinir -'-iin of fh- t-a.?h.-r-" in-titute. Thi- aft r!'":i th-r- wer a :ireat many ..ttor- of the teacher- of th .'..:mt wlio appeared at th tIl"- .f the county -superintendent. Mi-- Mar K. F. and iuvl!-..-i f--r tin v...-ik of fin- m-titi:te. The i.piiiiicr ---ion wa- op i:--.J wil.li a half-h.-'ii: of mn-i. ami tfi program arra!!--d wa- car ried onf. invlndinr a -fn-rt ad-dre- py Ir. Win -hip. whih srea'Sy ir:ipre--e.l Uie tea-her- ! HoAev-r. tio i-a! wrk of th- tp.-'ituie wil! I-'--ir; i'.ntor-:-i.-,v. wti-;i all tin prdiminarie ;i?e t.v: and the teacher- i:- t .J.iwn to rr-al work. There I- !nn;c!i l,.-ni it d-ri-d from th tio!din' of there in-fifi;!.-- m tt.e tl'ii'lilldi!:'-' of the ,--i.A..'t -'er,i. and Ca- county has always had ihe le-t pn--ildj iectutr-- a'.o; tlw lines that w-.uld ten. I lai-e th.- -tandard f th cSi(...l-. The ' f thecurt ro..m i- f.;::ni t. .r c-nvement to , -achers. a- it l- centrally h.S-d : tiie !: r.i; T.r i - i i . :i . , " l" jln'tldir: an. I the -eating apr.ci; j tie ro. :n i- amp;. to c-ir. !or j i e::.!i,'s wtl.. fMe n haild t" atl.-t-d th ir.-titute. Mi-- Fo-f er Hia tak.u a sr-at deaf uf trotjhh Un.l care in providi;:- for th. t. a-ie. -. a- we.i a-. -.-Minn- up "f !ai":,: ' ir:" m''- c-t:i -e- ..f -tTi-iy. ai d her e;T.,.-;, 'have ?e-n!teil in ne of tti p..-! !:t-;'e- ev-r h-!d in the county. LIVINGSTON LOAN AND ANO BUILDING ASSOCIATION IN FINE CONDITION The l.w ini-t. .;i I. -.an A: liui!! iriz a---'ia; ii-n of thi- ci:y i- u.w ready ! i--!i- t.'v -erie- of j -to.-k that i- open to the p:ib.! I t rra p-:Id.c will We"il f . i .'i .i . I the',;-. !... ..f. The I.iv imr- ' i- a:. tin- i- e of tile r.e-t t',: mi iii-tiliitf.a- of p. kind in thr- -tat., th- oppot tnnity : i . -,. ; tie - : . w:S! me.li i a avir.r r.e-frr.nt fo; th,,,.. v.!c de-Ue to their- ti Ui T'Un CoU litior- let'e-.-d. and its .-a-y-pay-in- -y-ter.i i.:,es ?' p chance t-. -hare in j par . fia-inir of ti..--hare-. Th- f.dbnvm- tat.;.- ., th ie-.,;;j ,-e- an I liabilities of the co.;pa!1y that ii i- in tir-t-. la-- -haj.e; ItKSOI. r:f. I.oan- . 1 i . . e Real e-tare ,o -itruet- 2.7-'J I . -J 1 In-., tax- pahl and adan-i ".:. "jo Jhie from -toc'Khoid- er- l.i'a'n' . ' .a-h is; .37 R-nt account .'iTj .39 l"!a! .l35,;it.3ii FIAHILITIF. Capital stock ......-! . Re-.Te Fund ....... . Giu.no 1 i idends declared .. "4.C'.G.oG Hills payable ...... f, iOii.no Tola! The .-fa3.7I'J.a'i i crf m v of .th a-.-ocia- lion. 17. Fricke.-at the- Platts mouth Stat. ",b.ank.: is w:llin' lo explain. to all interested tiie worth of .the association as a means of giving those 1 takiag 'shares the b--t p.eisitde iriv e-truent. and those 'interested -houM make it a point to investigate it. "THE GRACES OF MUSICAL CO D AT THE PARMELE Big Organization Booked for Plattsmouth, and Will Be Red Letter Event. After niuii ::potia'.i:.' a- to terms. Manager Slilaes if the Iarmeh theater ha- contracted f.r the early appearance f Mil ton Schu-ter and the tirao's .f Musical t:'meiy. Ned Alvord. Inc.. directors uf the tour, in-i-ted on a hi-' Guarantee for the eiisa?e-ice-it. Mr. Shlaes was finally compelled to meet the .lemaud r !o-e the -how. Rather than de pri- tn- patrons f a vi-it from thi- hi- -how the local impre---aric a -reed t" as-unn the iiahility. The ,! a'e f .Mnricu! e.iy ha- t-ec...me a family watch word in this purl of the country. It i- regarded hv puhlic and -how-ifi-n alike a the -h.w that -et-the -tandard for other- ..f -imilar nature. Nearly ;wo--c.-!-.. perf'rmet-. -ta-e h-antie-. ai ti-ati- and hn-i-a-ent- are carried with the attraction. Th enza-erneiit here wit! he hr-f. During the ta i : u -i a! play- -elected from a re perii-ire . oii-i-tin? of The liiri Fr..:u J'ri-hton." "The Maid of M!c..." I'rince-- It'C.iIette." -The :ow and V. Moon. "The il;; I Fi ':i! I.uxemhu: ""'I h Ltlue W ii.ev."" a:t.j "Pret-y I'au-li;1-"" wri! j. pre-eiitetl. om-p!-te -cenic am! electrical e.pnp-itie:-.t for each of the several hill are carri-d. A BADLY NEEDED RAIN CAME SUNDAY EVENIN6 TO REFRESH THIS LOCALITY ne ,.f ttl" lf-t badly iie-.Je.J rair;- of th a-o:i -weL down o; thi- ;oea!it hi-t "i:i.iii-' -h'-rlly afi-r ' V!n'k and for -everai mirur!.-- ther -,a- a nn-.-t - :;erou- .lo'.vnpoi;r of rain that ca;:i- a- a -leu- . lief i the loat of the day ihat ha.i settled d 'Wn nv.-r th city. The storm came from the we-t and :nrth-we-f a w u aee: enpauied hy :.i:: h electrics! di-t url anc.. 1. 1 1 ;.i f alarr-e.i the ni'-n- fimiij of the :e-;.J..:;t- ,.f the city. The rain faii wa- i;ejrh an rich in the time that it fell and will he a h!e--iiiL' f tfie farmer- in Uii- Id eality, a- tin- ,-..!! d'irir.s the pa-t fe -hiy- !;as felt fie heat and dryrie-s extremely and the rain will tep. I t.. c---,-at!v refre-h tiie crop of c.-rn. The r ads in this i c.irity had le-cine .mit- du-ly and the heavy travl over them had been'.,. pjite .ji-a-ieeabl in the e.xtr.-m. from t!: hu-?i cp.n.i- of dn-t f!;it ato-e jri the wak- of th- ;i!ifom..bi!e- and waon-. It wa- not learne.l as whether t!ie -tornj wa- uen-ra! througlrout th. c u'ity. but fr.'m t!ii- -etion ,.f ta-- county i,' app-ars p. have be.-a seiiera!. THE K. S. DRAMATIC CLUB ENJOY A FINE PICNIC YESTERDAY Tli- dramatic club of the K. S. -ociety je-terday enjoy eJ ;1 tine picnic party ..a the Platte bottom n.-ar the mouth of Four Mile creek, and the event wa- one that they will remember with the cr.-ate-t of plea-ure. The picnicker- arrive. at an early hour ii t!ie morning laden with good lhinv to eat and plenty to make the c?ay one of enjoyment. The co. I and inviting -hud of the tree- afforded a line place for the hoMm- ,,f the picnic and here theer wa- enjoyed several hours in bathing and ill-porting Ihem-s.Ov.-s ia the water lo their heart's content. The parly also remain ed for Iunh in the evening, but as the. -torm clouds gathered there wa- a general rush for the conveyance- and they hastened home ja order to avoid the -Torm. County As.se-s,.r W. IL Bryan came in thi- morning from his farm at South IJenJ. where he has been locking after some matters there. He brought with him a few of hie famous apples, raised there. UNIQUE CEREMONY IN THE ANNALS OF ROYAL ARCH MASONRY Fie hundred or more ltoal Arch Ma-on-. iucludin? many of the grand officer- of the tate. are to meet her. Ausrurt 18 for a cere mony unique in the annals of Royal Arch Masonry. At that time the I.on- I?each chapter will confer the decree on rpre-ent-atives of three irenerationi. The candidate.-- are to he former Sen ator Thomas and his sou and jzrand-on. The ceremony has no parallel in the record- of the order, and the affair is to b' made the occasion of a district set-together meet in-. Special car- are fcem;r arranged hy the chanters in narly citie- and l.o- Anacles will send thr r four special cars. A number ,.f the 2 rand ollice; - have already iuni lied their intention of attendin-. I.ons Iteach Oal. Review. Local News Do you Know that the Journal office carries the finest lino of stationery In the city? Mi-- :!;'. Mueller .if Fau-Il came in thi- onirnins to attend tin teacher-" m-titute at the court hoii-e todav. Mi--.., A-ne- Horn ;md Annn K;;or!icek were pa-- f!-er- thi iiiorning f-r orur.ha. wh-re the w ii! v i-:t f..r lh day. i. W. C.heney Ilo!oj-.. i,p S;i' - urday from hi- home a! I'niori and -pent th..!ay lo-re be-king af ter so:n' bu-in'S, i iat:- -. A. 15. Fon'off ..f near Cedar Creek wa- in the city Saturday for a few hour- attendin-.- to -ome trading with the merchants. l. Mark- T near W; epirrg Water, accrnpau i.-d by hi- fam ily. riitoe.l ij thi- m--rniu'' from il;e:r hof:ne to ... p. the ,Iy. .Fame- I.oUohridire of Murray wa- he.e fo.Jay for ; f w fiour 1 'okin- after -om- matter- of iiii pvu tan- e nnvt's the inerclinnt." . I. uke Wile and wife w -r- iu th- metrop.di- today P r a fw hours attending to sopi.. u.att-r-of importance, a- well a- vi-:!iir' f rieuif-. llu-fi Robb and wife of Vj..:u irijr. Nh.. can-" up la-t evening and vi-ite.i with Mr. and !rs. Mont Robb of the H'-tel Rib-y. the parent.- of Mr. Robb. Oleii Rho.Jen and wife were anions those u'ii'- 'Mnalia ll:is morni'is. where they will attend to sorn- business matter.-. a weii a- take in the circu-. James v. Holme- nt.d .-on. R;i!p!i. returned hom- t!ii- mori. ifiu: on No. 1 from Chica-o and Iialla- City. Illinoj-. where tliey have been fop the pa-t few day-. Fdilor Charle- i;a.'. of the Fnion Ledger and one ,,f tfie cau- 'i:date.s for the .ft;ce of eotlftly jud-'e. came tip Saturday after noon and -pent some hours here look i ns after bu-ine-s matters and isitinjf hi- ho-t f friem!-. Frank Konfrst wa- awioiig tlio-e si.ins to .''acitic Junction this morniuc to look afiu- some carpenter work that he has in that city. bavins .pent Sunday here with his family. F. O. Maytieid. wife and m. Claude, were in the ci'y Saturday esning for a few hours vi-itiug among th.-ir friends and looking after .some matters of bu-ines-. Mr. and Mr.-. Maytieid have ju-t returned from a six weeks" trip through Colorado, during which time they camped and lived liuht i::i the open. Thomas M. Kivett and family of near Cedar Creek motored in this morning from their home and i-pjnt several hours here attend ing t't some trading with the merchant-, and while here Mr. Kiett paid a social call on the Journal, in company with ti. M. 3Iark of hawka. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. Thi fti Yea HaT2 ktszji EcrglJt Bears th Signature of Some Pay-Day Prices Prices, are always attractive, especielly when quoted by a reli able firm. These ara worth noting. Come in and compare them with the goods: I-f-.fr Men's Genuine Panama Hats in latest 1914 shapes, just a (to rlalS few left to close at P CI i One line men's fine rib dress shirts in plain white with mili- CA duiriS tary coller coat style for OUC Under- '117' Men's ecru color union suits in open mesh or plain rib with Cfn YYcal closed crotch UUC Men's Qiiif cms Here 's a snap. If you don't take it you'll be sorry. Men's A OllllS high grade suits to close $5 and P-1" Boys' S !ic fevv extra good suits with Knickerbocker pants, plain or o UllS fancy colors P These Prices Hold Good AH This Week. Cash Only. p, C. E. Wescott's Sons 3 Week Made EVERYBODY'S STORE Six for 60c Men's Hose Guaranteed Six Months. THE OLD SETTLERS' DAY AND SATURDAY The IPirlm-iou i.atid of this city will furni-h the mu-ic f'.-r t!ie Md Settlers reunion that will be held at Fnion on Friday and Sat urday of thi- week. The band will P-ave for our neighboring town on the morning of I ith and remain thre until Saturday evening. Thi- band ha- play.-.J there before and has j-iv. u almost universal satisfaction to such an extent that whenever po--ibl- their -ervices are secured. The reunion being -uch an obi e-'abii-he.l institu tion in tin county, will attract a larse number from both this and o'oe county and a gool time i b.'ins looked forward to by the dd-time re-ideiit-. who on this oeca-iori can cat her and visit arnoiic themselves and renew old acipiaintauces. Tln-re will be .juiie a number from this city in attendance at the reunion. a the tram service is such that makes ii ea-y to reach that dae from this City. UNION BASKET DINNER NEAR THE LOHNES' WEST OF PLATTSMOUTH F.a-t Sumlav a fnagiiiticeut union ba-ket Jinner was held a? the beautiful grove of Will I.ohnes. a few miles west of this citv. and beneath the shade of the trees some oV person enjoyed ne of the mo-t delightful of times, while over the occasion preaib-d the calm of the peace ful Sunday that the member spend in w.-r-hip. At the morn ing and evening religious serv ices president McLaughlin of York collect preached mo-t in- I struct ivt ly and eloquently to the lai-'e audience of worshipper. The mu-ic for both the morning and afternoon services was under the direction of Mr Norman of Louisville and the numbers given were rno-t delightful and inspir ing. Rev. J. H. Stegor of Platts mouth was in charge of the after noon -..ibices ami preached most eloquently, delivering a sermon that for it foreefulue- and clearness wa one that is seldom equaled. The success of the services has decide.! the members of the congregation taking part to hold another in the near fut ure, and they especially desire to express to Jam.- Terryberry and Mr. Norman their sincere thanks for their assistance in making the services so successful. P. P. Mcisinger, one of the sub stantial farmers from west of the city, was in the city Saturday for a few hour looking after some trading with the merchants. Hon. W. B. Price in City. This morninir Hon. W. Ii. Price of Lincoln, who is opposing &m-srt'.-aiaii Maguire for the demo cratic nomination for cou'-'re-s. was in the city meeting the voters and getting acquainted. Mr. Price while in the city was a call er at tin Journal ottie,. and spent a -hort time here rno-t asreeably and the visit of the able penlle man was orie of much pela-ure to the whole force. Mr. Price i.s a man of much force and will, if nominated, make a strong race, ... ...... und in the event of his election ' the per, pb? of the First district will be assurred of a forceful rep resentative in the halls of con gress. He has been making a tour of the district and has m-t with much encouragement in his campaign and he feels that hi-pro.-pects are growing better each day. Ms These ion raw Have You Been Hare fo See Them? Do You Care io Save Honey? Those are rather pointed questions; we intend them to be; we want you to take notice of the great reductions in good clothes for men and young men. For economy's sake you can't afford to pass it; for value-giving and variety of stock no sale here has ever equalled this one. We'll prove your advantage if you'll take the time to let us. Special Reductions Include : Any light-weight Suit, worth up to ft $16.50 Y8 Any light-weight Suit, worth up to Cft-f A $22.50 pl Any light-weight Suit, worth up to $30.00 Gel in on This Shirt Sale. Still have assortments of these soft collar attached shirts, worth $1.50, now selling for See Our WIndtms for Steison rfaf&Z &Al&ZCf Manhattan Hats UtttTrr Shirts i mm Tm ..Ci--'. Summer Constipation Dangerous. Constipation in summer ijm i- more danserous than in the fall, winter or sprins. The food you eat i.s often contaminated and is more likely lo ferment in your stomach. Then, you are apt to drink much cold water during the hot weather, thus injuring your stomach. Colic, Fever, Pto maine Poisoning and other ills are natural results. po-Do-Lax will li-on Vi.ii .vell .1 it ir'..ren- ' , "' , es the Itile.the natural laxative. 'which rids the bowels of the con gested poisonous waste. Po I-I.ax will make you feed belter. Pleasant and effective. Take a a dose tonight. 30c at your drug trisl. The Journal advertisers are do ing the business. $18 1.00 Bargain Opportunities. - ;,e. JAi : r f i r