The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 06, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    - THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1914.
The following jroos-il amen Jtnent te
the constitution of tlir suite of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full. is submit
ted to the elector of tin- Start- of Nebra
ka. to be voted upon at the pencrnl elect ior
t be held Tuesday, November rd, A. L
"FOR a Joint resolution to amend sertior
1 of Article 0 of tlie Constitution of tin
State of Nelmiska. relating to revenue
B" it Resolved nnd Enacted by the Pec-plt
of the State of Nebraska:
section 1. That Section 1 of Arti-le t
of the Constitution of the Stub- of Ne
braska be nniended to ivuil r.s follow :
Se-. 1. The rules of taxation shall bf
uniform as to any plveit chis and taxe
Kluiil be levied tiion suc'i property as i lit
Legislature shall proscribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on in-otnes. privileges :r:.
Occupations, which taM-s may be eri'.ltiati't!
and propressiv- and roasounble exempt i -n:
may be provided, in addition to those here
inafter specifically mentioned in section 1
o this article.
.-cc. 2. 'J'hnt at the petieral clc-tion in
November. 1H14, thre vliall In? submitted
the electors of t'w state f.r ILir ap
proval or rejection the fnrepoin:' propose
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowinp form: "For amendment to tli
Constitution providinp f..r uniform urn!
prop-resolve taxation" and "up.-ilnsr sai.J
proposed amendment to the Con -d ittu h i
providinp for uniform and progressive
Approved. March 27. i:l?.
I. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, ol
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the for-poinp proposed :iiiioni!iii"it
to the Constitution of the Stare of No-,
braska Is a true and correct ropy of t li
original enrolled and nsrossed bill, as
passed by tie- Thirty-third session of th
Lcpislature of the State of Nebraska, a?
appears from said original bill on tile ir
this office, and tiiat said iropos-ed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voter
of the State of Nebraska for tlieir iu'oj ti'i.
or rejection at the pen. nil e!e-;jon to bf
licld on Tuesday, the ord dav of November
a. r. T.nt.
In Testimony Whereof. I have lieretintc
set my hand and atlixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Done r.t Lincoln, tn is 2.".rd day of March,
hi the year of our Lord. Our Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the Vnited States the One
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this
State the Forty-seventh.
Seal Secretary of State.
the crii)t:tlit!On f'virf tno
o and salary for t-overnor inri
term of oOi
vluvi ,:iru ol i .,.t
Approved. April 21.
J. .Addison Wait. Secret a rv of Sate o
to H e . f':"'o:n propr-sed atnendn.ent
to the Miiini, ,f ult. starp flf vt.b.ata
enrobed and cnprr.xsetf bill, as passed I t
the Thirty-tnird ms f t he L" A s , , f re
of .tne State of Nebraska, a ..pTrs f r ,m
F ii.l orfcrmal t ill fn. in t!,is .dfice a "
that said Proposed ,im,.,i ....i '
bra.,ka for their adoption or rejection at
the rriiier-.l .I....,: ' . ... ' .-" -' J '
the r, (.,r nf vV(,,i.,, , ,
T;t T .... . : , it.- ' - J-'O
- 'euuinu,i ii i crtur, i t
i . nac.i und atlixed the
the s:aie .f Nebraska.
i'one at l,i!in,:n, this ir.rd
--.-e jeuiumi arm j ourteen
iUt-l.-'imi'Ilcp Of tlie 1'jiit
Forty-seventh. ' ui lma
aunisiix WAIT.
Sei reiiiry of State,
ive hereuntn
ireat Seal of
lay of March.
ne Thousand
iind of the
State tiie One
State the
Local Kevvs
Mi's. William Schin i'JI mann ;unl
Mrs. ". C TijiiKsis w r, visitors
in I ll iii-li-(. nolis toiiav. ''njnfr that
Jar with Mrs. Sc-hiiihltmann on Jut
jouriit.y in 'o! tlai!J. r'..n.
sen u t-r
ln-i i! !ic'
i rntir
rut ion.
"ra:ik (Jhtu was a ias
lliis ui rniiiir for Omaha.
he will visit with her
in iliat city, where he
lroni the ell'ecLs of an
i nron) roNsnn tkix.vl
AMi:Mn:xT no. tv.o.
Tlie follow-;:::! proposed ani'iidnient to
the constitution of the State cf Nebraska,
as hereinafter set frth in fail, is submit
ted to the ele tors of the State of Nebras
ka, to he voted upin at the ueneral eb'i-tin
to be held Tuesday, November rd, A. D.
"A Joint Kesolutlou to amend Section sis
i; i,f Artb-ie on-- l t of tlie Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Fnaeted by the IYopie of the Sta?6
of Nebraska :
Section I- That Section s;;j; c I of Arti'lf
one ill of the Ce:ist if i:t ion of the Stntf
( Seorjre .. she
yesterday from a
iiail in the infer
comiiaity am! will
hort time with
rw M K
est of hi
visit her
reliit ive-
came hi
ml on the
for a
pan ied
w here
of Nebr
etin C.
sl:a,i remain
and i:i cri;;;
li ve-si ; lis e
diet and t .'
trial by a
tr; t ee.i,rt.
see. 1. Tt.
St.ile ;,! ..:
tle St::;.. . f
aska be amended to read
as foi-
' Co
e I.-
it in all
ess 1 1 : ; ; -1 fc
uay rei der :
"e n::iv a 'it
r to th
:ie trli'-r.!
tier - -each
t!ie :!
fo.;,.v. ;
to ti.e
-ivil e.
re',., j...
t ! an
n f .it
: 1 in
A. H. Weckha.'h,
hy hep tr-o (her.
Tst'i". were anion?
s this iiiorninir for
they will vjsjf for
Iaties and friend-
tlie pa
( maha.
nilic- Y
C'iill f'.e
J and tin
rhildren and
1 dek lioine to
:!v has Jieen
;as( two wie.
t i i-s.
iekclf depp.r-ted last
llaml.urir. Iowa, on
re i:;of fus wile tun I
accunipaiiied tln-m
this city. The fam
in Jlamlnirir fop flic
:s xisitin.r with r-!a-
Adani?, whc reside southwest of
town, Tuesday, July -jS.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Umland and
daughter. Ada. departed Wednes
day for West!iel.l. N. y fur three
weeks' visit with relatives.
W hile drivinir to town Monday
afteino'in one id" Bert l)opp"s
horses became alVecled by th"
heat and dropped over dead just
outside of I own.
Conrad Crabtree made a trip t
Lincoln the latter pari "f last
week ami purchased lit) larpe
watermelons, which will be slict
ami served tree at the picnic on
Thursday, August 01 h.
.Mr. O. l.eiiell or Oskaloosa.
Kansas, will arrive in a few days
to take up the duties of station
a-ent for Uie Missouri Pacifa
here to Jill the place mst i-ecentiv
made vacant by Hoy .tames.
A deal was closed Tuesday of
this week whereby I". Y. Blomen
kamp of llastipos. 'eh.. becaim
Opp is airuin back on
job at this place.
the owner of t he
having- purchase
B. Wals.m. Mr.
rie, the first of
Mrs. Celia
niece. Imnict
tlance. Iowa.,
last week fop
bom,, of Mi
son. Miss
F.a-le pharmacy.
j the same of .
Blonienkamp ar
the week to take
1'eleisoii and her
I. ax ford, of De
arrived Saturday of
a week's isit id t he
and Mrs. John peter
l'elerson is assisting
r inxoice his stock
rchaiid.ise t his week.
jo 1 i I iral column this
ars the name of M. (I.
Nehawka. dcnuicra t ic
for the noniimit ion of
sentatie for Cass county in
tale legislature. Mr. Kim"
her broth
general m
In our
week app'
I i m i of
camtiilat e
the .
h;ts been a resident fif this county
or a number of years and from
what we can b-arn no one is pciier
.pialilie.i in n;i i it o inn man is mi.
Knne. lie deserves yot:r support
at the primaries, August IS.
- -i
-v r
I '
t ! .!
the ;
f r lip r.
j :
f t ..
the ::r-i
t :c
! a.
t!.e Cn
i. -
i:t. . '
ate the
.1 ..f
? morn!:n cox stiti'TIonaTi
A.MKM)Mi:XT NO. TI'I:!-!'..
The follov.-ine; propos'-,; stm-. -Inert to
he constiriuioa of t !.. sr r - N braska,
ns herein aft "r set fortti It: fa!, is s...tnit
ted to tlie fl'-i'.r of the sta-e f f Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the sj.-ner:.! election
to lie held Tuesday, November Vr;, A. li.
"loi: a joint resolution propoi'.r a:ncr.d
merits to Ss-ti n 1. of Art i -in- V. :;tiJ
Sei-tion t. of Art'c V. of th- Cotistitu-
5. r latins To t
of Governor and
by the IVopl
tion of Nelirask
otliee and salary
eieoiitive otfie rs.
Tie it l:esoved and nnated
of the State of N-bra.ska :
e-tinn 1. That at the "eneral e:ectp-in
fir Stat" and 1- .ilaTive o"i-es. to be held
on the Tuesday su -eedins the first Mon
day in November. It'll, the following b
Milmii'ted a aniendiii. n; s to Se tions 1 un.1
"I. of Article V, of the Constitution ol
See. 1. The executive department shall
consist of a 'lovernor, who shall hold his
nlli'C for a term of two years fro-n th
first Thursday after tlie lirst Tuesday in
January, next after his elei-jon, and until
his suei-essor i elected r.nd qualified. In
iiddtliot! to t he Gov rnor. the txeentivo de
j.arttuent shall ln'-lnde the fo'lowinsr otli
rers : Lieutenant Oovernor. Secretary ol
Slate, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas
urer. Superintendent of I'nblic Instruction,
Attorney ;ner:il. and Commissioner ol
I'nb'ie hiitiiw and I'uildiiiss. eali of whom
.shall bold his efTi-e f..r the term of two
years f.-'-m the ;r.-r Thursday after the
lirst Tuesday in January, next af;-r h'H
ele-tion. and ut'til )p suecetisor f.s e.ected
und fiialiiied : I'rovi led. however, that th
first election of sai l officers shall be hold
on the Tuesday sivceed ins tlie lirst Monday
in November. V.'IC. and each succeeding
election bhall be held at the same relative
time in each even year thereafter. The
Jovcrnor. Secretary of ftate. Auditor o!
I'ublie Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of jr"Vern:nei.t during their
tPrms f office, atnl k. eji the puhHe ri'-nrils,
books and papers tinrt. aiol sliall perform
such duties may be required bv law.
See. 24- The salary of the C;,.voruor shall
pe nve Tnousaini i-.i,m'.ih ooi:ars per an
num. 1 he salaries ef Auditor of I'uhlic.
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of I'ul die Instruction and Comu
sloner of Public Lands and I!uilJir )i;
be two timusand hve hundred (S'..(ii.P
dollars each per annum, and of the AOor
ney Ceneral. four thousand dollars
if 4.i)KJ. i per antium. tie saiarv of the
State Treasurer s:u:Il be three thousand
IS.J.lKlMiti) dollars per annum, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
linlf tne eetnpeiinTioii 0f ;l senator, nnd
after tlie Adoption or t'A cotiKtit utl'n they
shall not receive to their own im- r.ny fees.
eosis. interests 1'pon ul-tl- i:.o::cvs pi their
lianus. ur under tt.eir control, lieroui i
. I';., . .1. - : . ' , . .
!! 'i;j'-- or oil. ci oui . iis:n lo':. ail'I a : Teen
that may hereafter be parab.e Jy law for
services performed by ua '.facer provided
fur in this artf.-Ie of the constitution sliall
le paid in advance Into the state treasury.
There shall b no a 1 Iowa nee for cleric hir
In the ottiee.rf of the Superintendent ol
Tublic Iustrnetlon and Attorney General.
' Sec. S. That at said election on 'he Tues
day succeeding the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1014. on the ballot of each elector
TotiDS thereat. There shall be printed or
written the words: "Pur proi,,.-,ed imuohj.
inenis to the constitution, fixing' the term
of o!3ce and salary for governor, and other
executive tfficer." and '.'Agsiast iropoita
Mr s. i:
some We
ill IT ller
F' lzcr ;
H -itiiaus.-n. w ho for
;s has be. -n here x i i i
si-lefs. Mrs. Joseph
.Mrs. William Schmiut-
!:.-; iii-other, I.-nry '.
rt'-d ibis ni'irnimr for-
home at I1'
re w ere ini i!
nds nt th.- r
he- U'' o oi- I l f
U-IItind. Oi-e
a nn inbej- of 1
lilway station
f 9
A lin
. baby
sday lo
Mis-. x;,dlie O
is vi.-il i;i al
In line this week
Charles Coi.b,
It il
' was b
and Mr-
irn ou
. Jmiil
.1 1
'lai tsmoiit h
H. Weichel
and family
(Special Correspondent.)
Hie tel
M d Thinii-'iin pu
passenger Jackson i
Mr. and Mr-. i.
;T:id daughter, rer-n.
F.d Mat ro-.v v. as a
' maha Suinlay on
1 1: Monday on A'o. 1
1 he li-lnet
rc based a -"i-ai"
1. William -on
were in lown
IS, r
si-ters. of I
Wood Were i - i t i ! I iT friends
relatives here Saturday.
Mrs. I.awlor, ,,r Wabn-h
vi-ilin,r tier -on. Homer and 1
ily, Saturday and Sunday.
The Sorick sise:-. Etta
Eva, were home over Sunday
in i ' Id! i es and friends.
Mi -
and was
Kat iiervn
O. (Jillespie
J "rid ay and
ijierator, lue
an 'i
were Omaha
Taylor, our
returned to
her wopk from her two weeks' va
ca ! ion.
Mis. .Fame
w as i-il in.-'
a few da s
s '.: it I ian of Lincoln
lriend- ami i-elati-last.
week in this i-
J in
tw ecu
Mr. and Mrs. Ichoif
ol Oklahoma came
visit with the hitter's
Craw ford.
A crowd of j niiii;'
llieir lunch baskets
ne win M'lii'wi
Ihey spent Sunday afleruoon and
et'nin' pl.iyiny panics and boal-ridinpr.
base bull ame played be
in. euw ood and Murdork
y was c to ir ui Murdotk's
and family
Iontiav for a
niol her, Mrs.
people filled
and went to
f-rroe, win-re
Harsh physics react, weaken
the bowels, will cad to chronic
constipation. I man's Hep-Uitds
operate easily. -jTn- a box at all
liorn To IIr. and Mrs. Amii
J'arkenin?-, Monday. July -.'7, an
e i it lit and oue-hal f-p"uud hoy.
An eit-'hl -pound f.rirl arrived at
the home of Mr. ami Mr. Guy
! U
. el
and sp
M rs. C.i .ok":
ouil: Klii
in--' in
now a i
Joe Mil"
Spr iii M
MIC :l. A b
live- stales
Miss lb
!?yiaut. Jnd
home of Mr.
She is tlicip
mot i r-Sundav
the day wit!
sister, Mrs. Lewis,
il , who ha- been w oik
phone oliice. ha
the position as as.
p. is! ' iiice.
n went to Eces;o
las! week lor treat-
(tel- 1'eei
. that he
d by re!a-improvin-
rtba Huckrie
, arried in ih
and will isit ;
and 3Irs. L. Ho"
U iece.
Last Tuesday Lloyd Ei.Jeii m il !er
d ju-t uotteu ihrouiili wcblin-'
a 'cup iron rod ami had put it on
Hie cement, sidewalk to Cool off.
. luv Lanlnu'st came alonp' and
i:ae it a shoe with bis bare fool.
Tiie result is that Ouy is oinp
aboul with liis foot tied up.
Hev. L. W. Myers ami family
b-ft for their new honm at lbth-
. v on Monday.
lie n pastor f
( huich here for
: ears and pi es
;!iis place to aect
of work and one
him slron-rly.
Ihe important
Rev. Myers has
the Christian
Ihe past three
up his work at
pt a lar.-re thud
that appeals to
has accepted
ilion of slate
:anier of Chris
the siale of Ne
evangelist and
ian churches
On Monday Charles Clapp re
ceived 87 head of yearlim-' steers
which he had taken lo his farm
and will feed this winter. He had
forty head on the place, so this
makes him a lotal of 107 head.
received weighed
from T0o to 77.j
is a fine bunch of
just in the ripht
p ood bipr si eci s
The bunch ho
ail tlm way
pounds. This
steers and arc
shape lo niak
when the feed is put into Ihe
i i
Miss Cora Mueller went to F.lm
wootl last Erid.ay eeninp- to make
a visit with relatives and friend-.
Misses Cleora and Eva Erans
were Sunday eveninp- passengers
to South Omaha, where they went
to visil relative.
Mrs. Matt McQuinn
Frank Huph-op depart
uriiay for 'al!hil! to
eral days visilinp: amonpr
relatives and friends.
Harry Rupe, lately third trick
operalop at the Mop depot, has
been transferred to Murray, und
-d last
the "owl'
Mrs. J. 0. Johson of Baldwin,
Kansas, arrived last week and has
been making a visit with her
father. J'. C. Kngell. and other
relatives and friend- in tbis vil
lage and vicinity.
Henrv Iioeek and wife of plalts-
nioulh, were visiting friends here
Wednesday afternoon while wait
ing for the evening train, going
to Avoca to attend the Odd Fel
lows' celebration yesterday.
John R. Pierson and wife de
parted Saturday eveninp- for Wis-
vill Spend
Cousin, where the
some lime enjoying a acafion
and escaping part of the hot
days that are now upon
su in niei
us Here.
Miss Verna Craig arrived home
Monday from Waltbill. where she
had been making a few weeks'
vi.-iS wilh relatives, she was ac
companied home b hep sister,
Mrs. Will Blevins. of Waltbill,
wiio came to visit u'r parents.
Moses Jlialt and wife of Mur-
rav. passed UiroiiPli here weil-
nestlav evening on ineir nome
from Rising City, where they had
bee., visiting their -on. Bcrrian
Hialf, and family.
this far with them
hi- home that evening.
I'.errian came
returning to
Stale Railway Commission Or
ders Gut of About 19 Per Gent.
Schedule Covers Ten Thousand Items
and Will Save Shippers About Sever
Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
IJneoui. Aug. C. TLe state railway
leninussion Lanutd (.own a mouihed
irdor in the l'rciiiht rate cases which
makes a reduction ou intrastate
freight trafOc of It per cent.
It is estinir.tea by Hate Expert Tow
til that the reduction will amount tc
about $011,000 annually. It is also
estimate;! that the tctal reduction on
inter-tale and intra-tate charges will
amount to about $730, OeO.
The new Echeduel is a distance tar
iff plating the jobbing towns of the
fi'-.te u;.-on an equalized basis. The
rates cover about 10,000 items, includ
irg all merchandise, groceries, agricul
tural implements and many of the
manufactured products. The tonnage
effect is about 15 per rent of the total
intrastate traffic and the earnings
from tins class amount to 30 per cent
of the whole. The new rate will be
in effect Sept 6.
HoHerbeck Files.
Judge Conrad Hollenbeck cf Fre
mont is a candidate for the office of
chief justice of the supreme court, the
petition bearing 7,120 names, coming
from sixty-four counties, having been
filed in his behalf with the secretary
of state. Judge Hollenbeck is and
has been for many years judge of the
district court of the Sixth judicial dis
trict. He is a Democrat.
Charter to Minden Bank,
The Minden State bank b.23 been
granted a charter by the state bank
ing board. The institution has a. cap
ital cf $0,nin.i and the officers are An
drew Jensen, president; Hans P. Pe
terson, vice president, and Val Jensen,
Omaha Banks Can Get Ten Millions of
Money if Needed.
Omaha, Aug. 1. The national banks
ot Omaha and South Omaha will prob
ably soon have available some $10,
OOo.ofio of currency under the Vree-land-Aldrkh
bill, providing they want
it. They have organized a National
Currency association locally to com
ply with the requirement of the bill
for participating in the advantages of
the act. They notified Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo of this fact, and
now expect soon to be invited to re
ceive their quota of currency under
this act. ITnder the provisions of the
l.i w they could draw to the extent of
some $lu,0'iti,000 if they chose, but
they do not believe they will ask for
anywhere near the limit.
Would Amend Navigation Laws.
Omaha, Aug. 6. At a meeting of
the Omaha Grain exchange a. resolu
tion was passed asking the govern
ment to amend the navigation laws
p.nd permit foreign vessels to come
under rnited States register, so as to
facilitate shipments at sea. The ex
portation of wheat is particularly in
mind and the step taken by the local
interests is to give American gram
an outlet to the rest of the world and
insure its delivery under neutral pro
Mullen, division superiu
of Ihe Ilurlinplon, came
morning from Omaha to
company bui-
r. it.
i endent
in this
look after some
Notice of Suit to Quiet Title.
"William Jean, Mary E. Charbonneau
and Emma C liarbonneau. Plaint ill's, vs
Harriet l'jjtterson. et al., Lfcfemlants.
To the defendants, Lycurgus B. Pat
terson, Mrs. Lycurgus B. Patterson
firt real name unknown, wile of
Lycurgus B. Patterson; Kantu'e T. Black
Black, Urst real name unknown
husband of Uannie T. Black; Bottle H
Yirt, Virts, first real name nn
known, husband of Lottie 11. Virfs
nowaru I'aiierson, Airs. Howard Kat
terson, first real name unknown, wife
of Howard Pa tterson ; Isabella Moore,
Moore, first real name unknown
husband of Isabella Moore; Lillie Joy
first leal name unknown, husband of
Lillie Joy; Irene Patterson Murphy
Fred A. Murphy, James Patterson
Kunhemia Patterson, Bdith 1. King
Charles II. Kintr, Samuel K. Johnson
Martha L Johnson. Kdmund K. Wool-
sey, Helen M. oolsey. nee oodruff.
also known as Helen M. "Woodruff; Carl
raves, Nettie Craves, Kthel Gratre and
William II. Gratre, Kmilv Patterson.
Mary Patterson Storm. John Storm
Hiram H. Fowler. Mrs. Hiram H. Fow
ler, first real name unknown, wife of
Hiram H. Fowler; Justus L. Cozad, Mrs.
Justus L. Cozad, first real name un
known, wife of Justus L. Coj-ad; "Wm.
K. Pordee, Mrs. "Wm. B. Pordee. first
real name unknown, wite or w m.
ordee; Wm. K. Pardee. Mrs. "Wm. K
Pardee, first real name unknown, wife
of "Wm. E. 1'ardee; William Miller,
Mrs. William Miller, first real name
unknown, wife of "William Miller;
Joseithus Morton, Mrs. Josephus Mor
ton, first real name unknown, wife of
Josephus Morton: Sample Hurst & Co.
the unknown heirs, grantees, succes
sors and assitrns of Sample Hurst &
Co., Mrs. James Queen, first real name
unknown, widow of James Queen, de
ceased: -A. A. Jamison, first real name
unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real
name unknown, wife of A. A. Jamison
Johnston Laird. Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown, wife of John
ston Laird: Jessee A. Cox, Mrs. Jessee
A. Cox, first real name unknown, wife
of Jesse A. Cox: Ira li. Goodwin;
Mrs. Ira B. Goodwin. first real
name unknown, wife of Ira B. Goodwin;
John Aberheart. alias John Kbber Mrs. John Aberheart. alias Libber-
hart, first real name unknown: Flora
Sans, widow of Joseph Sans, deceased;
Wiliiam Hutson. Mrs. William Hutson,
first real name unknown, wife of Wil
liam Hutson; William W. Clemens, Mrs.
Wiliiam W. Clemens, first real name
unknown, wife of William W. Clemens;
Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry Hulbert,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
Hulbert: Wm. S. McKnigrht & Co., the
unknown heirs, prantees. successors
and assigns of Wm. S. McKniirht & Co.;
Jesse A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox;
Mrs. Jesse A. Cox, first real name un
known, wife of Jesse A. Cox, also
known as J. A. Cox: Mae Patterson
Quinn. Albert K. Qninn, James Pierce,
Mrs. James Pierce, lirst real name un
known, wife of Janes Pierce; K. T.
Fish, first real name unknown: Mrs.
K. T. Fish, first real name unknown,
wife of K. T. Fish: A. A. Jameson, first
real name unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown, wife of
A. A. Jameson: Sample Hurst. Mrs.
Sample Hurst, first real name unknown,
wife of Sample Hurst. John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name
unknown, wife of John W. Howell;
Mrs. Henry Hann. first real name un
known, wife of Henry Hann; Bachael
Stafford, widow of Botiert W. Stafford,
deceased, also known as Bobert Staf
ford and B. W. Stafford: Georpe A.
Bavis, Mrs. George A. Davis, first real
name unknown, wife of Georpe A.
Davis: Charles Patterson. Susan Gros-
ciuude. nee Decker: Grosclaude.
first real name unknown, husband of
Susan Grosclaude: Bodolph Decker,
Mrs. Bodolph Decker, first real name
unknown, -wife of Bodolph Decker;
Hanson Decker. Mrs. Banson Decker,
first real name unknown, wife of Ban
son Decker: Jefferson Decker. Charles
G. Hunpnte, Mrs. Charles 5. Hunpate.
first real name unknown, wife of
Charles G. Huntrate: Harrison llunsate,
Mrs. Harrison Hunpate. first real name
unknown, wife f Harrison Hunpate:
John Hunpate. Mrs. John Hunpate. first
real name unknown, wife of John Hun
pate: llarv S. Boberts, nee Hungate;
Boberts. first real name un
known, husband of Mary S. Boberts;
Cvnthia J. Beed. nee Hunpate:
Beed. first real name unknown, husband
of Cynthia J. Beed: James A. Hunpate,
Mrs. James A. Hunpate, first real name
unknown, wife of James A. Hunpate:
Nancy B. Hobinson, nee Hunpate;
L Bobinson. first real name un
known, husband of Nancy K. Bobinson:
Lilla I!. Inpraham. nee Hunpate:
Inirraham, first real name unknown,
husband of Lilla B. Inpraham: Kditli
Calder. Mvrtle Calcer. Fred Hunpate,
Buth Hunpate, Bessie Hunpate, Kupene
tlnnirnte. Mrs. Theodore Decker, first
real name unknown, widow of Theodore
De.-ker, deceased: Sylvesten Decker,
Mrs, Svlvesten Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of Sylvesten Decker;
Henrietta Decker, John M. Gable. Mrs.
John M. Gable, first real name un
known, wife of John M. Gable; Alex
ander Gable. Mrs. Alexander Gable, first
real name unknown, wife of Alexander
Gable: John H. Craig-, Mrs. John H.
Craip. first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Craip: James Gillet. Mrs.
James Gillet. first real name unknown,
wife of James Gillet; Andrew Hopkins,
Hannah K. Hopkins. Joan Thompson,
widow of James E. Thompson, dec-eased,
also known as J. JZ. Thompson: Kdward
L. Thompson. Mrs. Edward L. Thomp
son, first real name unknown, wife of
Kdward L. Thompson: Frank Thomp
son. William IT. Spratlen. also known
as W. H. Spratlen, William H. Splatlin
and also known as W. H. Spratlin;
Susan E. Spratlen. Susnan E. Splatlin,
Miranda F. Towner, widow of Achatias
C. Towner, deceased: James H. Hopkins.
Mrs. James H. Hopkins, first real name
unknown, wife of James H. Hopkins;
John L. Land. Eva Nash. John Glass.
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known, wife of John Glass: Leslie C.
Baker. Mrs. Leslie C. Baker, first real
name unknown, wife of Leslie C. Baker;
William B. Davis, Marparet An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis; Mrs. San
t'ord W. Spratlin. first real name un
known, widow of Sanford W. Spratlin,
deceased: Mrs. Simon Lucas, first real
name unknown, widow of Simon Lucas,
deceased: Elipah Connors, Mrs. Elipah
Connors, first real name unknown, wife
of Elipah Connors: Elijah Conner, Mrs.
Elipah Conner, first real name un
known, wife of Elijah Conner: Hannah
B. Vauphn. Vaughn, first real
name unknown, husband of Hannah B.
Vauphn; Georpe A. Bigps, Mrs. Georpe
A. Bipps. first real name unknown, wife
of Georpe A. Bipps: Mrs. Georpe W.
Lacy. Jr., also known as Mrs. Georse
W. Lacv, first real name unknown,
widow of Georpe W. Lacy, Jr.. de
ceased, also known as Georpe W. Lacy;
Thomas Peninpton. Thomas Puninpton,
Sarah E. Peninpton. Sarah E. Puninp
ton, Mrs. Joshua Murray, first real name
unknown, widow of Joshua Murray,
deceased: John H. Hipbee. Mrs. John H.
Hipbee, first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Higbee: Georpe A. Cutler.
Mrs. Georpe A. Cutler, first real name
unknown, wife of Georpe A. Cutler;
Henrv C. Cutler, Mrs. Henry C. Cutler,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
C. Cutler; Nancy Jane Spratlin.
Spratlin. first real name unknown,
husband of Nancy Jane Spratlin: Sarah
E. Younp. widow of Francis M. Younp.
Sr., deceased, also known as F. M.
Younp; Samuel It. Johnson, Martha T-.
Johnson. Capilola Graves, nee Heed;
J. 1. Graves, first real name unknown;
Jacob Beed. Mrs. Jacob Beed, first real
name unknown, wire of Jacob Beed:
James Lucas, Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C.
Fwinp. S. E. Ewinp, first real name
unknown: Mary Connally. widow of
Guilford D. Connally, deceased; Mr.
James G. Romine, first real name un
known, widow of James G. Bomine,
deceased: William Gilmour. Mrs. Wil
liam Gilmour. lirst real name unknown,
wife of William Gilmour; --Marparet
Byers. nee Gilmour: Byers, first
real name unknown, husband of Mar
paret liver?; Mary Archer, nee Shera;
James Archer, James N. Shera, Mrs.
James N. Shera, first real name un
known, wife of James N. Shera: Ezra
E Bevnolds, alias Erasmus E. Reynolds
and E. E. Reynolds; Mary M. Reynolds,
Olive Batten ban ph. nee Graves:
I"2 fi'enbauph. first real name unknown,
husband of Olive Daffenbauph ; Paut
Gravee, Rhoba Bates, widow of Isaac
Bates, deecased; Burton Parker, airs.
in: 1 rancis xi. lounp. Sr.. James Lucas.
Nancy J. Lucas, Marv C.
Ewinp, S. E. Ewiner, first
eal name unknown: Guilford D. Con
nally. also known as G. D. Connally
nd C. D. Connally: James G. Romine,
Mrs. Frank Thompson, nee Gilmour,
first real name unknown: Henry Shera,
James Walstow, also known as James
Wolstow; Wells Sapers. also known as
Wells Saper; Adam Bates. II. S. Dur-
and, first real name unknown, and
Lawrence B. Byers, the unknown own
ers and occupants of the followinp
escribed lols and blocks in the villape
of Bock Bluffs, and North Rock Bluffs.
Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots
one (1 nnd two CM in Block three : I
West: Lots one Ml to four (4) inclusive
in Block three ( .". ) North one 1 East:
ots seven (") and eipht (M in Block
three 3) North two (i'- East: Lots
three (3) and four 4 in Block one (1)
North one- 1) East: East one-third
l-2 of Lots seven (7 and eipht (S)
in Block three (.1) North four ( 4 I East:
Lots two (2). three (3i and four (4i in
Block two ) North, one 1 Eas ; all
Block five (5) North, six (6) East; all
Block six f6) North, five (5) East: all
Block seven C7) North, five ( T. ) East:
Lot two (2) in Block two (2) North;
all of Block ten (10) North, four (It
East, and all of Block eleven (11
North, four 4 East, of tlie Public
Square in said Village of Bock Bluffs,
You are herebv notified that on Julv
16. A. D. 1914. plaintiff s filed their suit
in the District Court of the County of
Cass Nebraska, to quiet title to the
followinp described land in said County
of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencinp at a point on the quarter
section line runninp fust and west
through Section nine (ID. Township
eleven (11). North Banpe fourteen (14 1,
in Cass County, Nebraska, l." feet
ast of the quarter section corner on
tlie west side of said Section nine (!o,
thence runninp South 2720.2 feet;
thence east 412.3 feet: thence north 2'C
feet: thence east S7k feet; thence north
32 feet; thence east to the banks of
the Missouri River; thence alonp tie
banks of the Missouri River in a north
erly direction where said banks of the
Missouri river Intersects the quarter
section line runninp east and west
throuph said Section nine (ft); thence
west alonp said quarter sec tion line to
the place of bepinninp: topether witli
lands formed upon and against said
described land by accretion, alluvion.
reliction and evulsion.
Said land Including: the followinp
described lots and blocks and the
acated streets surroundinp the same
In the villape of Bock Bluffs, Cass
County, Nebraska, to-wit:
The East f.3.3 feet of tlie followinp
described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to
four (4) Inclusive in Block two (2
North; Lots one (1) to four (4) inclu
sive in Block three (3) North: Lots one
(I) to four (4 Inclusive In Block four
(4) North: Lots one (11 to four (4)
inclusive in Block five (5) North: Lots
one (1) to four (I) inclusive in Block
six (6) North; Lots one (1 to four (4
inclusive in Block seven (7) North;
Lots one (1 to Tour (4). in
clusive in Block eipht (S) North:
Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in
Block nine (9) North; Lots one (1 to
four (4) inclusive in Block ten (10)
North, -and Lots one (1) to four (4) in
clusive in -Block eleven (11) North, nil
iiumhwred ' f rom the Public Square in
the Villape of Rock Bluffs, Nebraska..-
And all of Blocks two (2 to;cleven
(II) North. Ranpo one (1 Bast inclu
sive; all of Blocks three (3i to eleven
(11) North, Ranpe two (2 East, inclus
ive: all of Blocks three (; to eleven (11)
North. Ranpe three (3 East inclusive;
all of Blocks three (3 to Co
North. Ranee four (4) Ete-t imluive;
and all of the land Ij inp West of'the
West banks of the Missouri River and
Eat of Blocks five (5 to nine (91
North, Range four (4) East inclusive;
Burton Pecker, first real name un
known, wife of Burton Parker; Mary
M. Bachelor, nee BiUes; J. H. Bachelor,
f rst real name unknown; Lemon Bates,
Mrs. Lemon Bates, first real name un
known, wife of Iemon Bates: John
Bates, Mrs. John Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of John Bates; Mrs.
Adam Bafes, first real name unknown,
widow of Adam Bates, deecased: Jacob
Bates. Mrs. Jacob Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Jacob Bates, Julius
Bates, Mis. Julius Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Julius Bates: Leon
ard Bates, Mrs. Leonard Bates, lirst real
name unknown, wile of Leonard Bates;
Susan Shamblin, nee Bates:
Shamblin, first real name unknown,
husband of Susan Shamblin; Jane
Bachelor, nee Bates: Philip Bachelor,
William Chandler, Alice Chandler, Isa
bella Eainey, Gworpe Churchill, Mrs.
Georpe Churchill, first real name un
known, wife of Georpe Churchill
James Watson. Martha Watson, John
. Chandler, Martha E. ( handler, Amos
Case, Mrs. Amos Case, first real name
unknown, wife of Amos Case: Chaile
E. Carrell. Mrs. Charles E. Carrell. first
real name unknown, wife of Charles E
Carrell; the unknown heirs and devisees
of the followinp named deceased per
sons, to-wit: Hiram ll. Fowler. Mrs.
Hiram H. Fowler, first real name un
known; Justus L. Cozad. Mrs. Justus L.
Cozad, first real name unknown: Wm.
E. I'ordee, Mrs. Wm. E. I'ordee, first
real name unknown: Wm. E. Pardee.
Mrs. Wm. E. 1'ardee, first real name
unknown: William Miller. Mis. Wiliiam
Miller, first real name unknown:
Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus
Morton, first real name un
known; James Queen, Mrs. James
Queen, first real name unknown: A. A.
Jamison, first real name unknown; Mrs.
A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown:
Johnston Laird, Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown; Jessee A. Cox.
Mrs. Jessee A. Cox, first real
name unknown; Ira B. Good
win, Mrs. Ira R. Goodwin, first real
name unknown: John Aberheart. alias
John Ebberhart; Mrs. John Aberheart,
alias Ebberhart. first real name un
known: Joseph Sans. William Hutson.
Mrs. William Hutson. first real name
unknown: William W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, first real name
unknown: Henrv Hulbert. Mrs. Hem
Hulbert, first real name unknown: Jesse
-V. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox: Mrs.
Jesse A. Cox, first real name unknown
James Pierce. Mrs. James Pierce, first
real name unknown; H. T. Fish, first
real name unknown; Mrs. E. T. Fish.
first real name unknown; A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown: Mrs. A.
A. Jameson, first real name unknown:
Sample Hurst, Mrs. Sample Hurst, first
real name unknown: John W. Howell,
.Mrs. John w. Howell, first real nam
unknown: Mrs. Henry Hann. first re:
name unknown: Robert w . Stafford.
also known as Bobert Stafford and R.
W. Stafford: Georpe A. Davis, Mrs.
ieorpe A. Davis, first real name un
known; Rodolph Decider, Mrs. Bodolph
ecker, first real name unknown; Ban-
son Decker, rMs. Banson Decker, first
eal name unknown: Theodore Decker.
Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name
unknown; Sylvesten Decker. Mrs.
Slyvesten Decker, first real name un
known; Henrietta Decker, John M.
lable, Mrs. John M. Gable, first real
name unknown: Alexander Gable. Mrs.
Alexander Gable, first real name un
known: John H. Craip. Mrs. John H.
Craip, first real name unknown; James
lillet. Mrs. James Gillet, first real name
mknown: Andrew Hopkins, Hannah H.
Hopkins, William S. Latta. also known
as w. s. l-'itta; Sarah I.. Latta. illiam
H. Spratlen, also known as W. H.
Spratlen; Susan E. Spratlen, Achatias
Towner, Miranda F. Towner. James
H. Hopkins. Mrs. James IT. Hopkins,
first real name unknown: John Glass.
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known: Leslie C. Baker, Mrs. Leslie
Baker, first real name unknown:
William il. Davis, Marparet An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis: Sanford W.
-pratlin. Simon Lucas, Elipnti Connors,
Elijah Connor, Mrs. Elipah Connors,
first real name unknown: Mrs. Elijah
tinner, first real name unknown: Han
nah B. Vauphn, Vauchn, first
eal name unknown: Isaac Dyer, Al-
resett S. Dver, Georpe A. Bipps. Mrs.
Jeorpe A. Bipps. first real name un
known: Park Dobson. also known as
'a 1 k G. Dobson: Georpe W. Lacv, Jr.,
also known as Georpe W. Lacv: Mrs.
Jeorpe W. Lacy. Jr.. also known as
Mrs. Georpe V. Lacy, first real name
unknown: Thomas Peninpton. Thomas
uninpton. Sarah E. Peninpton. Sarah
I. Punlnsrton, Joshua Murray, John H.
Hipbee, Mrs. John H. Hipbee, first real
name unknown; Nancy Jane Spratlin,
-pratlin, first real name un
known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat-
and Blo ks ten (10) and t '.even (11)
North, Kanpe three ( 1 i F:!st Inclusive,
all n umbered from the j t . i I i s.;..a re
111 the VUt.ipe of Rock Rluf:'.i. ka.
Also lo Is 01,,. i f
elusive 111 Block nice
all of Block ore- ( 1 1
( 1 1 East ol" the r ..bin
1 we!
1 :: 1
'1-1 1 :
beli, up
ad vers
pra un
to the
- of Bo. k Bin!
k.l. With the
I Sttvt- S'.ll l o'
hip there'e, b
f possession l.v
rs for more t i.;,
coin tn cti c in 1 n
1 .-. ( '
! Tl
n. 1 ! i i!
c, a i
t !-e!
li I.',
'. e 1 1
Uil life
.lie i:i
, .-til
' o : :
:i t :
M.IiT '
' t 1
Ml !!V
tl 1 :
a: - IT!
to enjoin
Lav inp or
or interest,
or to si: id
ea H: ;', i.u ;i ; I
hiiminp :itiv
either leu ill ,
land, or an-,
i 1 . : . til!
1 1
. 1,
and to require y.t t.
liirht. title, lien or :nt
any, either lepiil or e
have the .-.ime ad.i.i.!:;.
! it le of pii: hit i;r, and f
able relief.
This notice is niiide
or.b r of the court.
You are required
petition on or before
21. A. D. 1!M4. or you
uulv entered ihc-ein.
EMMA ' J I A I : I :i "
Bawls v Robertson, Attorn-
1 !:
t h
ant to
i 1
:i. 1
1 a i
il vv 1:1 ll.
. . 1 :
v s.
; 1 ;
t.i ;c. 1. Mini 1:.
In tin- IHtrift ( onrl l r.sN
Nathan 1". Schulze. I'laintif.,
William Street, et al.. D'f-iid.i:
To the dt fcnoii i:l s. V.'ilM.iin ;
the unknown h:rs of Win, .mi :
Jeraniiah W.i le, the unktu-v :i I..
Jeruniiali Wade. Herbert I . . 1 . j 1 .
Ciiireiie. Robine. the only sur
heirs of Sarah C. P. KcSine, !.-.
You sire herebv not ihe. 1 t! ;it -lt;th
day of Julv, litlt, p! ,-; i n t i i:
h!s suit Mi the District ";:'t
Comity, Nebraska, the b
4 on it I .
a i '
iv i:,
'H let the tit
I I'M. in block five
Nebra.-ka : plaintiff
the owner in fee
md that he, nnd p
whom he bob.s, 1
open, notorious,
and ad v rse p.
period of nior
past; that all
".i, in
hit; le ot
ior L.-r.ii
ive been
1 1 1 1 i n n o ! :
. 1 1 s
t hat
r i . r:
1 ll
f 'ii
1 11 -4
ol t'
:ii"i: I
1 1
i : r :
t i
X i i : I :
-session of sail ,.t t(
than twenty y , :, r.
def endj; tl I S ,N t.U
he enjoined, each and all of yon. fi
havinp or elaiminp anv title.
ten st . or 1 i n, either lepn 1 or e. j n i t a :
in or to said lot or any part tl i
and you and cadi of you are lo i.
notified to set t i;tli ape riiT! t. title,
interest, you niav tliuni in .-ail lot.
any: and for such other and furti
relief as may he equitable.
Tin'-- notice is published pursuant
the order of the court. Von ;;m- i
1 a
a - I
. i : i
i n -
quired t
before t
or y o i . r
R. B.
a nsvv.-r si' i
; Tt.i dav of
default will
pet i ;
her. l'.tl
' elltel,
WINDHAM, Attoin.
2.:--itw kiy
.No'i k i :.
In the Iilri-t Court of ( us Cnuiili,
1 oc.
Heim and Andrew B
and 1-
To John
Km pl.t.
Yon nt
not if'u-.l t I
A. I . l!'l
Blum, as
D. Kniirht.
visei s ol" J i
I. ii
t he i ijstt ict
braska, a
t hat the obj,
lion js to
plaintiff. G-
northwest q
D. Knipht
a ii 1 J v i
1 ot e:i- ed :
nd each
lit on tin.
I, llentEf
plaint iffs.
ur; 1: i
D. I,
I ef.
and ti
cs of
u in,
own hcii! lie-
k now ri
I.u J .
1 7
ti I
f c
T ll
northwest quart
t ion t u en t v-Umi
( 1 North. Ban-
".th P. M
each an.l
pla i n t ; n "',
the soi.t h
quarter (
1 v. o L' 2 ,
lire hctohr
:av of .Ji.u.
arid Andrew
i petition in
( .omtv. Ne
ll as defenda lib :
a yer ' I" sa j.l e t i-
"t.tirni in fb.-th-
i u b- I o t ! e
W. 1,1 f 1 ! e
) i X. V,'. ' , of s-. ,- .
(22 1. Tow n - I ;p t vv e, co
- ten i 1 'I 1 li s t of t
iiist y
it and t
;iii-'t a: il
rye II. ;m
:arte;- ( v
a ss 'on n 1 v,
-ry part t !..
.ndrw Bin
I. a t" (S. i . o
:. W. 1 , i "of :
Township tw
e v
I et
". th
ka. a
at t!
' : re -a
Bil II tie ten (Hi). East
in t ass County. X-
every part thereof,
.iiiilnmeiil dei re- inp tl
( leui'f; e 1 1 eirn a nd A n
the owners in f-e simp,.- ;'
traits of rial estate and
thereof, and to forever I
elude you and ea !i of vo.j
li' id. title, inter st or :.:,!.
said several tracts of it a!
inbefore described, or a.'iv
of: pla i nt i :! s ciaimitip in
petition to have acqi.iied
said several tracts of real
each and every part there
rash a.
. and ii
he tn-
"tl tw.
I I Z .N 1
' J e..y'
a i,
I :
,. ,
wi - t
nt - -
ii t ' i,
'. M .
I o
ot ii i ri
ll n d their
of open, Tl'
host ile and i
same under
! a cl !
, fro
i in
part t
!.- tit
es tat'
f in t
v I .
" J'.i
.1 e
u a :
id !
I . i
a tot
'pec' i e y,l
'toiious, a
o 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' l . ; ; -
claim of
t in
I. i
o w p. r- I i
sel V es
virt uc
of the
for over thirty :.'.; is.
You are required to
tion on or before tie
teniber. A. D. B'H
Their Attorne v.
i r.s we r sa id p-' i
Ttu !ay of Sep
MTM'i: TO ( ItlilM'l (n.
In tlie County Court of Ihe (un
('UK. N chriika.
In Re-Estate of Alvara A. Fish. De
ceased. Vou .-'r.' hctfl y notified t hat heai irn-j
upon all claims apairi-t said stat- v. .11
be had at th' ol!;, e of ti.o
Judpe. Court H-use. PI:' 1 1 sue.i; 1 1.. Ci, -
County, Nebraska, on the llth day !'
A i: trust. -. D. 1 I 4 , and on t h- ldn .ia .
of February, A. D. l!l"i. at t.n o' lo. h
a. m. on each of said days. All li.nin
liot tiled by said hour on Mii.l las! day
of will be forever bailed.
By the Court.
. ',i'i:si v.
lui.ty Ju'liit'
1 v I.
-i hi:
im:( i;
M ,
t I.; t
l .11 TICi: ( III II T
aim m:tt. .iiMicn oi'
IN AMI nut tlx
M'.ltlt VM.
STATU OF Ni;i!l:.S!v.V,
Cass County, ss.
II. M. So.n n iclisen. Plainti
Charles M. Fost r. I fi tel;
To Charles M Foster:
You an- 1 "i obv j,o( i.'i
plaintiff, on the 2Tth dav of July. 1!'
filed his Bill of particular; in .In--!
Court before m. Archer, .li.stj,,. ,,f
Peace in and for I'ass County, ."
braska, acainst v ou to r-c-. r t :, s
.f $.';o for poods and tuercha nd e
md lelivci 1.1, iinu en.-l- if sa.l: .-
cause was continued t ft th pith -lav
September, lliH. el It o'cl-e k ;i. in. .
are require. to and answer s;
Bill of Particulars on or b loie li e P
day of September, 191 t. at !
m., and your failure so to do
fault will be taken and j mis
lowed for the amount
Bill of Part ice hi ?-.-.
1 1. m. soi:xNicnsi:.v. p
By A. L. TIDD, His Attorn- .
i b..
1 ii
a I -a
It T.
County of (.'ass. ss.
In the Matter of the Estate,
Ilovey. Deceased.
To All Persons Interested;
You are hereby iiotii'.ed
has been filed in this court
of Georpe E. DoVev, adliiii
the estate of E. G. Dovev
prayinp therein that said
unproved by this court nnd
c-l.arped as f tich itdn: In is
wliich report 1 here is now
id court the reply of
Schlater us special
the estate of Jane A
1 1 nl i ft
-::- tw k-
of j:. g.
Vou are f art hi
Inp will be luid
reply ' before tl,.
court " rooms at
county, on tlie
that there
the Ii pol t
1st l ilt or of
, deceased,
report tie
he he ..- -trator.
on hi,, e,
Frank E
administrator of
Dovev, deceased.
r Iiotiliei
.upon f-a
court in tin
lotli qv of
L'H.;at " o clock n. m.
SAU .persons ' will ther fore
themselves accordinp! v.
Witness mv h.iiid ami the sc.-
that a he:-r-1-
report 'a n t
count v
In sa.'-t
'imty th
1 Of Co
"ountv iVnirf ,f said
day of July. 1 J 1 1.
(sjcal ALLEN J BEI'.SO N",
County Juare.
. . 7-iO-iwk
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