The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Page 6,.
i - ' f ' ii
Clacier National Park is in Northwest Montana, and with its scenery
and excellent auto roads, is becoming one of the famous parks of the
Within the Park comfortable quarters are to be had at Glacier Park
Hotel and the various chalet camps. All charges, circuit tour rates in
fact, the entire scheme of service to tourists is under the supervision of
the Great Northern Railway Company.
The detours consume from one to five days. They include automo
biles, launches, coaches, hotels, and cover distances of from 80 to 150
Park Station at 8:35 P. M.; the Park Hotel is nearby the station, and you
are ready the next morning for one of the systematized and well man
aged park tours.
I will gladly provide you, free of charge, with
attractive publications descriptive of this scenic and
recreative region.
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent
L. W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Ailvtrt isemen Is iinl r tl.ix
fiv- eenls .t-r I i r i - f:-li
Six woiils will I"' on u l-1 i
sirn! tin ml vvrl ls-inent laken
I nan t-n 'nts.
Insert ion.
,s ;i lite
for l-.-s
LOST Oil .Illiv lr.lll, between
Mvnard and Lincoln, a presfi,
I. tank, ic "IJ." nickel
plated, with reducing alve at
tached. Reward will be gien
f..r its return. It. O. Cole, M
n:m!. .Wb . 7 --'!- t w
I (il .Mi On .Mam lii-ef. a p.n-k-a'f
containing a pair of ladies'
Mark hose. Owner may ha
.-aim- l.y ralliir-' at !!iis ill
am paying I"'" i I ad -i I ise
miit. 7-.".i-tfl
Rev. Druliner Takes the Trophy
Cup After Hard-Fought Battle,
With Several Good Seconds.
Championship DoiiWps Rev
MeClnsky and Ray Larson, sweat
er coats; runners-up. Rev. Dm'.
liner and John I alter, tennis
Consolation Singles Ed Fricke
umbrella; runner-un. a Milliard
Klein, silk bat.
Consolal ion Doubles Wini
and Fricke, eufl billions; runners
up, Druliner and Druliner, neck
COIt S A LK Two-story brick re.-d-
deuce on Main and Eight Ii M reeta:
contains rooms, not including hath
room and closets. Beautifully located
ai.d modern fixtures. Two and one
half lots, with trees, harn and out
houses. For further particulars ad
dress Silas Lng, C4S North i!;tli .street,
Lincoln, Neh. 4-f-lino-dA.w
oZAHKS r.n ani's. liand-oinely
improved, oml orchard, pood
water. r!os to town, Jt) acres
timber; a tine dairy, poultry,
truck, fruit, plain or grass
farm; miles smith of Kaii-
as City, on Kansas City Smith
in Railway. Price, s.' ;
terms, r. ii. p,;it,.s.
Anderson. Mo.
ITOn. SALE - The Mrs. McVieker
i-f iid n, on North
In particulars
Sixth street.
.J, 11.
poll SAI.H The l Switzor
quarter, three, miles southwest
of NeJiawka. l-'or particulars see or
write Henry M. Pollard, N hawka.
Col: SALK Farm ef 121 acres, o'i
ndles northeast of Union. 1 acres
hay land, 20 acres pasture timber. rest
in cultivation: well improved. Price
riht if taken soou. Address Miss
Ftta Nickels, Murray. N.-hr.
IF Vol' WANT any
or cleaning, i.r res
well diirpinp
pools or cjs
terns ( leaned call on W. M.p.arr
or Frank Rice. 7-r.':-.'v-dv
Wanted--lo-i! i.-ii as farm hand
hy the 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 or year aroiuid.
or janitor work in the city. Ad
dress P.o ln. Plattsmouth.
There has Jieen considerable
complaint of laic concerning the
praelire of a ureal many auto
dller- i t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 aloup the l'ecfs
wilhoiil their lights lit up alter
dusk ami the attendant danger.
that result to other machines or
pero.Ms on fool are apl to result
sejo!-y .-clili' of these days.
I'.ven the machine- that are elec
tric lipiiied. win-re il only reipiircs
tin pre--ini:' of a button to turn
on the iihl. are allowed to run
without an li-ht- for .-omelimes
ipiite a Ici'-;lh of time after fhey
-llotlhl Ire lit Up.
When rumiinp aloup a du.-tv
roail without liplil.- in Itie paiher
inp eeniup !iadows (here is al
was a ilianco of a collision and
tin prealesf care -iiould he taken
to -ee that all automohiles are
lighted up at the proper lime.
.Jll-I !l tlie-e little l!!:'tt!'!,s of
-neh importance -iiould he pa-s
ed hy i- liaid to see Ulile-s it a
de-ire t se ju-t how far the pro-vi-ioiis
of l!ie law ori this -uhiei-l
can he -trained itefote there is a
luestion rai.-ed.
The .-ese of self pl'ol ec I ii Ml
-Iiould warn the automohile driv
ers o lii-ht up at the proper lime
without the liece-sily of file
anllioi ji i.s peliinp out and lak
iii in a uiiiiihcr for vi..l.l!ion of
the law. This failure to lipid up
and the fact ihat the drivers of
wauons. anlos and other ehices
do no oit-ere the rules of the
road in regard to the nnniiii-' of
Iheii- machine- w ill i-e-ult some
tii he-e line days in a lively mix
up. as it is noticeahle that the
vehicles are driven ahmp the
street without any i-epard for any
rule- and Dial they o up or down
oil either tile li'jhl or ef -ide oT
the street.
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
T. H.
Loans made at lowest
Pollock, Plattsmouth.
Tel. Office 215.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday moruinp on the
courts of the I'lattsniouth Tennis
ci in. i e. jiruiiiier won l ie
heautiful Irrmhv eun nflVre! hv
lohu (Irahill for the chanipioii--1
1 i f sinples in the city tennis
tournament. The results of the
closinp days of the tournament
are as follow s ;
In the championship sinples
Rev. Druliner defeated Ray Lar
son, i'i-'i, C)-5. H-ll, and then Rev.
Druliner haltled in a warm rou-le.-i
with Rev. McClusky, winninp
after a hard-foupht haltle, S-,
c.-i, 2-i, 2-i'. -:;.
In the match hetweon Rev. Dru
liner and Ray Larson the players j
were iimnerc) py the wet court,
hul nevertheless the match was a
pood one. Larson had a afe lead
of four Jove and o-.'t in the lirsl
and third sets, hnt Rev. Druliner
managed to pull himeslf out of
the holes and won. If was a case
of a promisinp youthful player
apainsi a sea-oned veteran.
The match between Rev. Dru
liner and Rev. .Mci!lusky was the
best of the tournament. Rev.
Druliner won the first two se
arter a lively liphl. I lien Rev. Mc-Clu-ky
braced and took the third
and fourth .-efs quite easily; he
had his vicious cross-court -hid
woi kiup admirably and it was one
of the hardest problems Rev. Dru
liner had to face, fn the fifth and
decidinp set. both players were
tirinp and it was anbody's until
the end. Rev. Druliner winninp.
Moth players showed form and
-kill epial to that of any players
in the stale.
In the champion-hip doubles,
Larson and McClusky defeated
Schulhof ami Ilerobl, tl-1,
and the winners then pro
ceeded to lake on Rev. Druliner
ami John Falter, defeatinp them
by a -core of .'fC. C,2, "-!, 'i-2.
Larson and MrCIIusky retaliate.!
upon their conqucrer by defeat
Rev. Druliner and John Falter
for the chamioiiship doubles.
Larson ami Mcf'.lusky proved a
smooth runninp pair in the double-
ami ran ofT with the prize
sweaters with ea.-e.
in the consolation sinples, F.d
Fricke defeated Milliard Klein in
the finals by a score of U-'i, (-.'!.
In the consolation doubles,
throiiph a inisunderstandinp
deeply reprclted by those in
charpe of the tournament, Wal
linp and Humphrey were default
ed to Druliner and Druliner. In
the finals Wurl and Fricke de
feated Druliner and Druliner,
C,u, 1 .
Championship Sinples Rev. F.
M. Drliner, Crahill trophy cup;
runner-up. Rev. McClusky, 2
check on the Rexall fountain.
From Friday's Dally.
T. W. Vallery returned this
morninp from a short trip to
Creiphton, Neb., where lie visited
his dauphler, Mrs. Wade Poller
and family, there for a few days.
Mr. Vallery reports the potter
family as doinp well in their new
home, hut that the crop orospecis
fhrouph that section are no of
the best, as the corn seems to be
Tar behind that oT the Smith Platte
country and has suffered from the
dry weather considerably. Mr.
Vallery visited other points in
that section of the stale and re
turns home well satisfied with old
Class county. He was one of the
deiepales to (fie stale democratic
convention from this county, and
at the close of the meetinp decid
ed to lake a trip up to visit his
dauphler and lamily peion
turniup home.
The case in which" Walb
Schneider, John Wolff and Claud
Rand were charged with assault
ami battery on the persons ol
I'Joyd Rockwell and Leo Tiphc,
two members of the Mauley base
ball team was broiiphl. to trial this
morninp at the court room of
lust ice Archer, before whom the
complain! was filed. The court
room was crowded to its capacity
by the larpe crowd interested and
there was a larpe number from
ledar Creek, where the alleped as
ault took place, and Mauley, the
home of the complaiiiiiip wit
nesses. I lie defendants, Waller
Schneider and .inliii olJ tfuoupli
their attorney, William A. Robert
son, entered a plea of puilty, but
by an apreement with County At
tornek Taylor, it was apreed to
postpone the fixinp of the fine un
til after the Jiearinp of the 'eases
in the trial of the complaint
against Claud Rand, who entered
a plea of not puilty. There were
a preat many witnesses on both
sides to pje the different Versions
of the affair. The exainininp of
Hie wilnes-es occupied all the
morninp session of (he court and
was resumed at :'.)() in the after
noon on the asseinbliiipinp of the
c hi rl .
Nebraska Military Academy
The Nebraska Military Academy offers healthful location, mod
ern fireproof buildings, the best care and instruction. Good
. rooms, good beds and good things to eat. Prepares for college
and business. Enrollment has begun. School Opens Sept. 16
For information, visit the school, talk to our patrons, send for
catalog. Address
D. B. HAYWARD, Superintendent. Lincoln, Nebraska
Local News
Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
Karl Ossenkop of Louisville
was in the city today lakinp in
the Cedar Creek-Mauley hall
trouble in Justice Archer's court.
I'd Ossenkop of Lousivillc was
here for a few hours today, com
inp down to attend the trial of the
ba-e ball trouble in Justice
Archer's court.
leorpe Slander was amonp the
Omaha passenpers this morninp.
where he was called to look after
me matters of business in fhat
cilv for a few hours.
From a Plattsmouth Citizen.
A. S. Will, who has just re
covered from an operation at one
f the Omaha hospitals, was a
passenper tins morninp' lor the
metropolis, where he was called
on some misiiiess mailers.
Mrs. J. M. Young III.
Mrs. J. M. Younp. who for
pa.-t few months has been in i
poor health, is reported as
beinp as well and her family
friends are feelinp quite worrii
over her condition. If is to hi
iiopeq mat sue mav ranv and soon
be abb In be up and around apain
Certainly a Worthy Choice.
I tie Omaha News of vesterdav
contained a portrait, of I'dwan
I rancis Patler-on. the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Patterson
The pholopraph of this bripht lit
tle man has eeii chosen to hi
placed in the Temple of Child
hood thai will be erected at tin
Panama-Pacific exposition, ani
the judpes certainly showed preat
care in the selection of this hand
some little lad for a represent
alive, as he is one of the hand-
soiiie-i chiiircn in lit city and
also one of (tie most chariniup in
his speech and manners am
there is hardlv anyone who meets
F.dward who i- not raptiwilcd by
R. D. Stine in the City.
This morninp R. I). Stine, who
enjoys Hie distinct ion of beinp tin
onlv socialist candidate at the
cominp primary for a county
oilice. came up from his home
near Union. Mr. Stine is a candi
date for county commissioner
from the Second district and is
poinp ripht after the nomination
with both feet, lie is a very pleas
ant, pentlenian and a well-to-do
farmer in Liberty precinct, where
he is hip lily esteemed.
The Annual Picnic of Plattsmouth Aerie, No. 365, F.
0. E., will be held at Koukal's Grove, one mile
West and one North of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
imnd&ft Align
Everybody Come Bring Your Family and a Basket Lunch and! have a good
time. Automobiles and Carryalls will convey Passengers to and
from the Grounds. 1 :
ElQusic by Plattsmouth Orchestra
Desires to Thank Her Friends.
I, the undersipued, wish to ex
press tnv most sincere thanks to
all of my friends and neiphbor?
who so willinply assisted me in
the Journal liooster ('ampaipn.
not only in Plat tsmout liw. but, in
other cities as well. To the mem
hers of the executive council of
the Woodman Circle I desire to
express my nppreeial ion of the aid
piven mc and the I rue fraternal
feelinp displayed in my behalf.
Mrs. Joseph Droepe.
Fine 300-aci-e farm, could be
divided in one 200-aere and one
IGO-acre farm, all located one and
one-half miles of Murray, splen
did soil, line improvements, house,
harn, praneries, etc. Orchard of
small fruit, sprinps and runninp
water, 1,000 rods of hopr-tiprlit
wire fencinp. This is one of the
best farms in Cass county, r am
advertising; this farm in several
Nebraska and Iowa papers and
anyone interested should see me
at once for I will find a buyer
soon. Price $i.r0 per acre.
: , Plattsmouth, Neb.
Tel: Office, 215; Res., 1.
Rev. F. M. Druliner and Ray
mond Larson were passengers to
Wayne, Nebraska, this morning,
where they will attend the state
te n n i st ou r na m en t ,wh i c h will be
held in I hat plase this week.
The leslimoiiy if the ease eoil-
tiniii'il until .'! o'clock, when il was
submitted to the iu dye with a
brief statement from the counsel
in tiiilh sides. The Hand case was
the niie on which the test was
made, as Schneider, Wolff and
Rockwell bad oil entered a plea of
puilty. and Rami and Tiirhe not
puilty. 'I he court, considerinp
the testimony in the case, derided
that lie would assess a fine uf sil
each apainsi Schneider, Wnltf and
Rockwell, and 5 apainsi Rand,
who from the e fdence produced
had held Rockwell until the base
hall which he had in his hand dur
inp tlie miv-up with Wolff, ha
been removed, and then let him
po. so that he and Wolff eoul
lipht. I.eo Tiphe was discharpei
as the court fnumi tliat he wa
only try inp to prevent the fiphl
and had no intention of lakiiiip
part in it.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Foster and
little daughters, of Fnion motored
to this city yesterday morninp
and spent the day with Mrs. Fos
ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. (1.
L. F. Lanphorsf and dauphler.
Miss Ihiisy, and Miss Lottie Lane,
r F.lmwood. were over Sunday
isifors in this city, beinp puesls
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Rosencrans.
The United Stales povernment
has been for the past Near or hv
enpraped in takinp close observa
tion of the atmospheric conditions
in the altitudes of the air by scm
inp up small balloons containing
delicate instruments that rcpislei
perferllv the temperature, as wel
is the pcieral condition of l!n
upper air currenis. line m inesi
balloons was discoxered on tin
farm of Charles Schwab, tivi
miles southeast oT Murray, on
Saturday, July 25, by a younp man
named .A. Nickels, who is
nephew of Mr. Schwab, and wbo
was work i up on the place. The
balloon was pretty well torn up
but the basket of the machine i?
preserved intact and in this the
instruments were found. Tin
lalloon contained an envelope
with a card statinp IhaL it had
een sen! up from the povernment
(bservaforv at lilueniont, Vir-
i . 1 , . .
puna, on July tn, ami nan neeu
carried almost half across the
ontiiicnt before it alighted. Mr.
Schwab was in the city yesterday.
ringing the balloon in with him.
anl prepared it for shipment back
lo its starling point, where the
records secured will he preserved
y the government. The instru
ments used in registering me
ondifions of the air are very
lelicafe and the greatest of care
. ii. ... : . il...
was taken in placing mem in m-
asket of the balloon to insure
their being preserved without in-
jury. I lie uiscovery auracieu a
great deal of attention anil me
finder will doubtless receive a
nit able reward for his discovery.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
8inatu of C6a
Do you Know that the Journal
otflQO. carries the . .flneatT.I'na .of
stationary In the city?
Matthew Scboemau uf Wauke
sha. Wisconsin, a brother of (ieo.
Scboeman of this city, is here
making a snort isit with relatives
in this city, and after a short stay
here and in Louisville will return
to his home in t he east .
lharles W. Morgan, wife and
lillb- child of Little Rock. Ark.,
are in the city for a short visit
with the Morgan family. They are
en ro'ute from their home to Cali
fornia, where they will visit with
relatives fop a time.
i.i'Uiily Commissioner C. I
Ilei'liner wile and dauphler were
in the cilv saturiiay tor a lew
hours, motoring up from theii
home in the car of Charles Chris-
wisser. and spent the dav here
looking after matters with th
From a I'lat tsmout h Citizen:
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache esppeeially after
Is there a soreness in the kid
ney region ?
These symptoms suggest weak
If so there is. danger in delay.
Weak kidneys ge fast weaker.
Jie your trouble prompt at
tention. Doan's Kidney Rills are for
weak kidneys.
Your neighbors use and recom
mend them
Read this I'lattsmouf h testi
mony: Good Reason for His Enthusiasm.
When a man has suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea
or other form of bowel complaint
and is then cured sound and well
by one or two doses of Chamber
Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, as is often the
case, it is but natural that he
should be enthusiastic in his
praise of the remedy, and espec
ially is this the case of n severe
attack when life is threatened.
Try it when in need of such a
remedy. It neer fails. Sold by
all dealers.
Henry Weiiieman. wife and sis
ter. Miss Alma Weideman, came
over from Hreenwood Saturday
een inp to witness I he dose of
the Journal's Itoosler Contest,
and they returned in the Overland
auto won by Miss Alma in the,
Buy Toll Coupon
per cent discount.
Bridge Co.
Books at 50
Returns Home From Hospital.
Milliard ;rassman, who has
been for the past few weeks at
immanuel hospital in Omaha
recovering from an operation for
appendicitis, was abb Saturday
afternoon to return home to this
ity, feeling greatly improved. He
has had splendid success in the
operation and feels that his re-
- i. :
covery is assureu. as me pn.vsi,
rians state if was thoroughly suc
cessful and free from any coin-
dications thai so often result. His
friends were more than delighted
to see him back in Uieir mntst
feeling so well.
Constipation Causes Sickness.
Don't permit yourself lo be
come constipated, as your sys
tem immediately begins to ab
sorb poison from the backed-up
waste matter. Use Dr. Kinp's
Xcw Life Pills and keep well.
There js no better safeguard
against illness. Just take one
dose tonipht. 25c at your drug
gist. (
Mrs. Oscar Wilson was a pas
senper this morning for Omaha,
beinp accompanied to that city by
her uncle, Harvey Adams, of Fast
Hrady, Pennsylvania, who. with
his wife and family, are here for
a short visit nt the J. S. Hall
How the Trouble Starts.
Constipation is the cause of
.. . j l: 1
many ailments aim uisiu uers
that make life miserable. Take
Chamberlains Tablets, keep the
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all
Jonathan Halt, general store
keeper, il i Main St.. Plattsmouth,
says: "I consider Doan's Kidney
Pills a very good remedy for
backache and other kidney trou
bles. They have proven their
value to me. Others of my family
have also tried Doan's Kidney
Pills, procured at Oering & Co.'s
Drug Store. They think jusl as
much of them as I do."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simpiv asii lor a kinney remedy
get. Doan's Kidney Pills the
same that Mr. Hatt had. Foster
Milburn Co., props, Buffalo, X. Y.
Ho.w's This?
We offr On Hundred Dollars Rpwanl fur any
ran of Catarrh tbat canuot be cured by Hallf
i'utarrli Cure.
V. 3. CnCXEY & CO., Toled.. O.
We. the undersigned, hare known I' J.
Cbeuer fur toe luxe 15 yeur, and bt-lieve blui
yerfeetly honorable In all bu.slnesH trn.i-t !
and financially uble U carry out any uhligstio:
made br bis Arm.
Toledo. Ohio.
ITall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken internally, artliia
direct ir urxnj the blood and mucous turfuce it
lie s.yntem. Testimonials fnt free. frier "
nents per bottle. Sold by all Dmuuiftii, ' q
TakA i'.ll's Cuml'lT INIlx . fnr ennliiMltjMk.
Real Estate, Insurance,
aj i t-kSr-
-1 -
Office Coates Block.