The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Pk&t 9.
Mr. Wallop Swisher of Ohorlin,
Ohio, arrivoil WV'iJwsiiay ovoninpr
for a visit at I ho L. 1. Switzer
Hoy fSihorson arrived WVdrios
lay niplit from .Morris, Mian.,
whoro ho has taupltt school tho
last two years.
Dunbar imrchasoM last Friday,
through asronl .1. V. r.olhort, tho
.lames Carpor ItiO-acro farm four
miles west of town. This farm is
hollar known as llio Kerseen farm.
Timothy peters and sister, Miss
Till if, 1-ft Friday evening for
Verona, Wyoming, for a month's
Mrs. liert Coplizer and chil
dren returned to I heir homo at
Havelnrk Sunday evening- after
week's visit with tier parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. I). McN'urlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frisho and
family of (iuide Hock are visit in?"
Mr. Fri-ltf's sister, Mrs. J. V.
Colbert and family, ami old-time
friends in the community this
Miss .Janice Morgan of Lewis,
Iowa, came in Friday afternoon
for a visit with tier college friend,
Mr. Ed I.orenson. Miss Morgan
has hei-u superintending: clnol
work in I'orto Hico.
Mr. Henry Hohman of near
i-it with their brothers. Herman
and Walter. They were accom
panied by their cousin. Miss Clara
Hunter, of IMattsmoulh.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. flnidou
I'. H. Towlo, of Hartwell. .Neb..
Tueday, .Inly L'tflh, a son, weight
ton and one-half pounds. The
mother, who is the daughter of
r. and Mr A. (I. Welch, is at the
Welch homo. Mr. Towlo is also
in tow n visit in? at. tho Welch
home. This is tho first grand
child for Mr. and Mrs, Welch.
I'rof. H. J. l'oid was down from
Lincoln Friday with thirly-two
of his summer class botanizing".
This is Mr. pool's last week of
.chool and ho and his wife, in
company with his brother, Clar
ence I'ooJ and family, of Wabash,
leave the last of tho week for
Colorado for a vaeation in tho
Pike's peak vicinity.
News. 4
JtSmXmX-J, VA !
I r. Thomas reports a fine bipr
giil at (Jeorge Ford's.
A lino boy at. Charley Conrad's
was the report Tuesday morning-.
It rained south of hero last
week, but evidently was afraid to
cme on into town.
Robert Willis took Charley Roy.
or to Omaha Monday, where ho
was operated on in a hospital and
is reported as getting" along
I.. H. Burton and wife, who
have been here for a few weeks
visiting his mother, Mrs. C. W.
Snyder, and other relatives, left
Monday for Mayo. X. I).
Mr. and Mrs. (George Bailey of
fSrand Island are here visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Ketch, and
other relatives. They were resi
dents of Xehawka for years, hav
ing moved away a number of
years ago.
L'nion came up Sunday to see
whether Nehawka had slumped in
her ball playing" enough to bo
beaten by a bunch of amateurs.
We understand they are thor
oughly satisfied now that Ne
hawka can play. The score was
It to 2 in our favor.
Harley Thomas, who has been
helper hero for his brother for
the past, several months, will take
charge of the station at Mynard
the first of August. This will
make three of tho brothers sta
tioned in Cass county, as the
agent at P'attsmouth is also a
I.undberg has been watching
the rain clouds with as much in
terest as anyone. lie has .several
"prospects" that will depend al
together on how the cat jumps in
this moisture question. The
corn is not suffering" mucli yet,
but Mr. Farmer hesitates to buy
even as good a car as the Davis
unless tho rains come.
Seldom is a community of
this size called upon to mourn the
passing" of two such useful mem
bers at once. Mrs. Pollard and
Mrs. Opp had lived useful lives
and their contributions to hu
manity are of a kind that thouph
unostentatious will live long- in
the memory of those who are left
behind. There is a perosnal note
behind. There is a personal note
Opp, as he will miss her cherry
greeting day by day.
Local News
From Friday's Dally.
Olen Rhoden was a visitor in
Omaha yesterday for a few hours
looking- after some business mat
ters. I.oe Nickels of Murray was in
tho city yesterday for a few hours
attending" to some mailers of
business with the merchants.
2. !. Meisinger and wife wore
visitors in the metropolis today,
where they will spend the day with
friends at tho hospital in that city.
Sherman Cole and wife motored
in this morning- from their farm
southwest of the city to look after
some trailing" with the merchants.
I. aft Scott and wife departed
this morning" for Pacific Junction,
Iowa, whore they will make their
home in the future.
William Starkjohh departed
this morning" for Omaha, where
tie will visit for tho day with
friends at one of the hospitals in
that city.
Mrs. Nettie Stanton of Fnion,
who has been here visiting- her
sister. Miss Mary F.. Foster, for
tho past few days, returned home
this afternoon.
Harry llep.fon ami sister, Miss
Pearl, came in this morning" from
the.'r home i.enr Mynnid to -ii.
here for a few hours looking- after
some matters of business.
Rober t Troop of Fnion came up
this morning" from his home, en
route tt Red Oak. Iowa, where he
was called to look after some
matters of business in that (dace.
Mrs. Ceorge Rhoden departed
this morning" for Coleridge. Neb.,
where she will make a visit with
her sister in that place for a .short
lime before returning" homo.
Boyd porler and wife of Mynari
came in this afternoon from their
homo and wore passengers on th
afternoon Burlinglon train for
Omaha, where they will be joined
by Mrs. B. Porter, and the
party will then go on to Albany.
N. Y.. where they will make a
short visit.
Misses Jennie ami Dorothy Car
per of Manley. and Miss Dorothy
Croup of Louisville are hero for
a short visit as tho guests of
Misses Mario and Opal Fitzger
a'd. Miss Croup is en route home
fioni Peru, whore she has been
iiltendintr summer school, and
slopped nIV lion for a visit with
her friends.
From Saturday's Dally.
Fred Lohnes of Eight Mile
drove was among- the farmer
visitors in the city today, looking'
after I he week-end shopping".
Miss Virginia Waugh of Lin
coln, who has been hero visiting-
with the Misses Edith and Helen
Farley, departed this afternoon
for her home.
Andy Campbell ami Ray Camp
bell and wife, some of the worthy
residents of near Kenosha, wore
in the city today looking" after
some business matters and visiting-with
their friends.
C. J. Meisinger came in this
morning" from his farm home near
this city to look after some trad
ing", as well as to spent! the day
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Meisinger.
Mrs. D. R. Churchill , of Kim
berly, Idaho, who has been visiting-
in tho viciinity of Murray for
the past week, is hero for a short
visit at the home of her sister,
Irs. C. A. Rawls and family.
James W. Holmes ami son,
Ralph, departed this morning- in
their largo Burg- touring- car for
Dallas City, Illinois, where they
will visit for a week at the Burg
factory. Bert Reed, one of the repub
lican candidates for shorff, ac
companied by William Langhorst,
arrived this morning- from their
homo at Elmwood and spent the
day here looking- after some busi
ness matters.
William Dowd, the genial can
didate for sheriff, from Green
wood, was in the city today look
in? over the situation and visit
ing" with is friends. He was ac
companied to this city by William
l.aughlin, who attended to some
matters at the court house.
The following proiosed amendment t
the const it ut in of tue State f Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth In full. l submit
ted to the electors of the Slate of Nebras
ka, to Iw voted upon at ttie general electior
to lie lield Tuesday, November ."!rd, A. D
"1'OR a Joint resolution to amend settlor
1 of Article of the ( 'onstil utlon of tut
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Be it Resolved an. I Kna.-te.l by the People
tf the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article t
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska bo amended to read as follows:
see. 1. The rules of taxation shall ht
nniform as to any given class and taxe
shall be levied upon such property in tut
legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be Imposed on Incomes, privilege am!
occupations, which taxes may be graduated
and progressive and reasonable exemption)
may be provided, in addition to those here
inafter specifically mentioned in section i
of this article.
See. 2. That at the general election in
November, 1!14. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the t "onM it ut ion in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to lh
Constitution providing for uniform ami
progressive taxation" and "against siiitl
proposed amendment to the Constitution
providing for uniform and pr"irress
Approve.!, March 27. VMX
1. Addison Wait, Secretary of State, ol
the State of Nebraska, do hereby c.-i-lifv
ttiat the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, a
passed by the Thirty-third scxion 'if tht
legislature of the State of Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on tile ii:
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to t he iialilie.l voter."
of the State of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to In
held on Tnesdav. the Urd day of November,
A. O. 1!14.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the tjreat Seal ol
the state of Nebraska.
Pone at Lincoln, tnis 21rd day of March
In the year of nnr Lord. Otic Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of l h
Independence of the I'nited States tli tlio
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tliii
State the Knrty-aevent h.
Seal Secretary of State.
rnorosKD constiti tion a i.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka. voted upon at the general election
to fie lield -l uenday, November .;rd. A. J
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section si
(Ol of Article one 1i of the Coustltilt lot
of the State of Nebraska.
Be if Kn.icicl ,y 1 ivopio ,,f u,e Stat
of Nebraska :
Seetion . That Section six lC of Arth U
one tit of the C.oist it ut hoi of the Stat
of Neoraska be aiio-mlcd to read as fol
lows :
settlon . The right of trial by Jurv
snail remain iu; ,ih in civil eae
au.l in criminal as .-s than felonies
five i lis of i In- jury may ren.l.-r a v.r
lot the legislature may authorize
trial by a jury of a ,ss nmiiier than
tw'-tve men in courts inferior to the li
1 1 let court.
ec. S. That at the general flection fo
state and legislative officers to be held in
the Mate of .Nobra-ta on i !ie tirM Tucd-iv
utr the lir-l MoikI.-iv In November in 1!H
I tier.' shall be tn-iuled Upon the ballot .
-iii -ii eie. Tor lor his approval or icjf.-ii.ii
l he above and foreg-diig aiueinl'u-nt in th.
lolloping form: "l"..r proposed amendment
oiist :i in ion providing thai in
iv ii ens. s :.i:d tu criminal i ;ims less thai
e.onie,. live sixths 1. 1 the jurv ma v lend.
I erdi.-t." an. I "A fa ill si , he p,
:imcii.imei!f t. the Constitution provide.
" 1 an t-i;i .aes an,! in ciiuiinal .-as.
. -s ,-io:mcs. n-.-e-it us ..r the jur.
ii N.u-r a Ver.llcJ.
Approved. Anril 2. Ilil"
I. Addison -Willi. Srr.-lirv ..f ..
he state of Nebraska. .1.. 'hereby certify
ii.m ioregoing proposed a men d men I
o t:ie Cons:ini;,.i,-,,r t Slate of Ne,ra-ka
s a lrie an. i correct . of the or gina
i.ioi:e. ail.l engrossed bill, as passed b.
. .ii. I . I i.r.l session .f the I .eg: s!a I , rr
i i ue .aie or Ne briska. as a ...... -. ,s fr.,,,
"llfi'.al I. ii! on i; i;i ..rti.e. an
:haf s.i.d proposed a iii.-n.l ni.-n I is si.bniitte
'o the oiiali!i---l vol. rs .f r :. s;...... ..- v.
rask;: for tln-ir adoption .r rejection -i
if g.-fer-.l -Ve tioii to I-,- h.-l.l on I resd iV
hf dr.l day of X'.-.-f m b.-r. A. I . l'.'l I.
HI I ) S, m, . V V, I hive I...,-.....),
et my h .n.l and nffi-.e.i j,-, s...(1 j
the stale of Nebraska.
I ... at l.i:i.)dn. this ".:nl day of
v. ii" V . "r I-,,I',I 'ie Thousand
..cue, e., a,.,, i .Hirtei li. and f , l
...pelldel,,,. ,.f file ll,j;e, State l.e ( .! :,nd T:i.:;.v seven:!,, ami ..r tlii
state tl. Torn seventh.
AIIUS(iV wait.
Secretary of Slatv
rnorosEn constititiovai.
The following proposed amendment to
toe constitution of the stale of NfbrasKa
as hereinafter set forth in fill, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November old, A. l.
"I''olt a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Section I. of Arti.- V, and
Section '. of Article V. of tic Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating to term of
office and salary of Governor and other
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Kn acted by the IVopl
or ttie state or Nebraska:
section 1. That, at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tu.'s.Iay succeeding the tirst Mon
day in November, l'.14. the following he
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V, of the Constitution of
Nebraska :
See. I. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold his
office for a term of two years from the
first Thursday after the first Tm-sdav in
January, next after his election, and until
his successor is elected and otialllied. In
addition to tin Governor, the executive de
part men t shall include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of I'tibll Accounts. Treas
urer. Superintendent of Public instruction.
Attorney General, au.l Commissioner of
l'ubllc Lands and Ruildings, each of whom
shall hold bis office for the term of tw.i
years from the lirst Thursday after tlia
lirst Tuesday in January, next after hH
election, and until his successor fs elected
and iialltied; Provided, however, that tha
Drst election or said officers shall be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the tirst Monday
in November. l:1. and each sticceedini-
election shall be held at the same relative
time in each even year thereafter. Th
Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of
i-noiic Accounts, and Treasurer shall re
side at the seat of government .luring their
terms or tiflice. an.l Keen the mil. lie iwnnlt
books and papers there, and shall perform
au.-u unties as may no required uy law.
Sec. 24. The snlnrr of the Cov-ornnr dull
he five thousand ($.VMHi.Inh dollars per an
num, j ue salaries or .n.ntor or - i
Accounts and Set-retard of State. Snoerini
tendent of Public Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Ituihlings shall
be two thousand five hundred (S.otio.otii
dollars each per annum, and of the Attor
,'nea, fol,r thousand dollars
ift.OtHMNi) pt-r annum, the salarv of the
State Treasurer wl.-.ll . l,ri. i,.....i
($.l.uKMMl) dollars per annum, and the Lifii
tftiant ;ovfrnor f.hall receive one ;,n.I one
u:nr the compensation of a senator, and
ajter the adoption of this constitution they
stiali not receive to their own ..m-
costs, interests upon public nionevs hi thfir
,VAVk r l,"uer '"ir control, per.iuisites
or office or other .t.mpensation. and all fees may hereafter he j.ayable bv law for
services iM.rformed by officer provided
Z Jn- "ri f f the constitution shall
ThP,a Jnavan,e into tht s'at treasury.
L It sbai! be no allowance for clerk hint
K,hSfir!f('s.,of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney tieneral.
nPC. 2. r h tr fit amtA v. n
- rait rinium II I lit I lipq.
be? iTirred,nSf te .rst Monday In Nove.n
Ber. 111 4. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there .h.ii iJ" -i-fiV"!
Senttsntohrhr'ordf' : :iFr p&d-
, n!.1 to ne constitution, fixing the term
execuave11 om8"'11 governor? and ofb
executive officer' and "Asainst cronnl
amendments to the const it ill ion. fixing the
...... ... ..oe-e aim saiar.i lor governor, and
oi uer r .v.-.-in i ve omeers.
Anuroved Ar.i-il "t 1011
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amt-ndinent
to ttie t onstiturion of the State of Nebraska
Is a true an.l correct copy of the origin-il
e.ioie,, .,u fiigrosseti bill. as passed by
the '1 dirty-third session of the Lt-islatnre
,.?'t:,0.!:rh:,',.al.HPars from
-.... . . , lnls ottl.-e. and
ttiat said proposed amendment is submitted
fO the oie.litie.l i-riturj ttf I. -. . - -.
. . ...... , Nr .iaie r Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection it
the general election to be held on Tnesdtv
the ::rd .lav of Vo v..rtit.ei. i. ...... " Jt
c.J" f',.f.i!'.',n-!. .W,:r,','f' I h: i'er'eunto
7i,a w, ."""i '"'sen rue tireat Seal of
v.. flilic ntl .-HeorasKII.
Done at Lincoln, this 2Tird day of March
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred -.n.1 l-'on,. ' ' ",'J.""1
Independence of the I mtc.l st-Kv tie- t'ne
State the J ortv seventh. ' 1
S'" Secretary of state.
J (Jinifif-r.
.Mr. mill .Mrs. (. .. Hicli.-y ol'
-Oiiinlia wen' in ft.wii :i l'l-v, hours
.Mi.-s (i!;nlys 11 :t tioii of I'ni
vcrsily l'Inri' visiff,! Miss .My,-e
(llill'oril an.l otfu-r frn-inis in
l.ouisvillf ovt'f Siimlay.
I-:. I'nlrn.'r winl I.. F. HaiMon arc
i 1 1 1 p ! i;ir thi'ir rt'siWi'iicf inoi
.'ly on i'.hrrry slr.-i-l. ty liaviriff
i i iiii'iil walks iai.l.
lr. .f. O. Nys roin. a physician
count!-! fit wilti Koimtc t'ark
I'ark lioiital of Omaha, visilnl
lh" family of p. A. .Iacoi,,n over
A. :. Knisp.'t, niulil foifiiiaii of
I In' liauair.' ikoiik of I In Utir
iinploii a! J.incoln. has lifi-n
spi'inliiiir a few days in Louisville in I he Plat ( f river. .Mr.
Kuispt'l wa-i a roidcii! of Louis
ville ahoiil liffei'M cars :rirri.
Mr. ami Mrs. Huuh St-iei- of El
Hciio. (kla.. who haf liccn vi-il-iii":
rclalixes in (his icinity, lefl
for Itome .Momlay ia lMalLs-
Iiloillh. where they li.ppi-il fof a
horl vi-il. They also spent len
days in Lincoln hef.ue comiupr fo
Last week we tried lo keep I ah
on Ihe nuinhef of tish cauhl h
local anulei's an.l found that in
four days more than l.7m pounds
of cattish writ' !ak'!i from the
IMatle river, accordinir to tish
lories told us. It was loo much.
We ipiil keepini; fall.
Mrs. Anna S.di. 'emau went lo
Omaha Wednesday lo see her
daughter. Mrs. A. Itent x-hler. at
Ihe Methodist ho.-pilal. where she
ri-ceiiLiy, untjervneii t two ery
serious surgical oieral mns. she
was accompanied hy Mrs. Andrew
Schoeman. who inforined the
Omrier thai Mrs. schlei- is
!-eeo crj iu nicely.
.Mrs. Margaret senkop sus
tained a hroken arm Wednesday
eveninir. She had called at the
home of her daughter. Mrs.
I5lake. and stal led to return home
when she made a misstep and
fell from llic porch, a distance of
hut a few feel. In altcmptinir lo
lighten her fall she threw out her
left hand with Ihe result thai one
of tin hones of her wrist was
hroken ami protruded (liroiiph Ihe
Mesh. Mrs. Osscnkop has the sym
pathy of many friends in her mis
foil tine.
Infection and Insect Bites
Mosquitoes, Hies and other in
sects, which hree.l quickly in
fiarhajre pails, ponds of stagnant
water, hams, musty places, etc.,
ari' carriers of disease. Kvery
time I hey hite you they inject
poison into your system from
which some dread disease may
result. (! a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment. II is antiseptic and a
few drops will neutralize tho in
fection caused by insect biles or
rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment
disinfects Cuts. Inuises and sores
You cannot afford lo he without
it in your home. Money hack if
not satisfied. Only -jrc at your
druggist .
Mrs, Henry Horn and children
were among Ihe passengers this
afternoon for Omaha, where they
will visit over Sumlay.
Summer Constipation Dangerous.
Constipation in summer time
is more dangerous man in tho
fall, winter or spring. The food
you oat is often contaminated
and is more likely to ferment in
your stomach. Then you are apt
to drink much cold water during
the hot weather, thus injuring
your stomach. Colic, Fever, Pto
maine Poisoning and other ills
are natural results. Po-Do-Lax
will keep you well, as it increas
es the nikthe natural laxative,
which rids the bowels of the con
gested poisonous waste. Po-lio-Lax
will make you feel better.
Pleasant and effective. Take a
a dose tonight. 50e at your drug-
Notice of Suit lo Quirt Title.
William Jean, Mary K. Pharbonneau
and Km ma Cliarbonneau, Plaintiffs, vs.
Harriet Patterson, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants, lyonrKiis B. Pat
terson, Mrs. Iycurprus B. Patterson,
first real name unknown, wife of
Lyturgus B. Patterson: Hannie T. Blark,
Black, first real name unknown,
husband of Bannie T. Black; Lottie II.
Virts. Virts, first real name un
known, husband of Lottie H. Vir(s;
Howard I'atterson, Mrs. Howard Pat
terson, first real name unknown, wife
of Howard I'atterson: Isabella Moore,
Moore, first real name unknown,
husband of Isabella Moore; Lillie Joy,
tirst real name unknown, husband of
Killie Joy; Irene I'atterson Murphy,
Fred .V. MurTdiy, James I'atterson,
Kuidiemia Patterson, Kdith P. KinR,
"harles If. Klni?, Samuel 1J. Johnson,
Martha K. Johnson, Kdmund K. Wool
sey, Helen M. Woolsey, nee Woodruff,
also known as Helen M. Woodruff; Carl
(Iraves. Nettie liraves, Kthel (irage and
William H. firase, Kmily I'atterson,
Mary Patterson Storm, John Storm,
Hiram 11. Fowler. Mrs. Hiram II. Fow
ler, lirst real name unknown, wife of
Hiram H. Fowler; Justus It. Cozad, Mrs.
Justus 1... Cozad, tirst real name un
known, wife of Justus I.. Cozad; Wm.
K. I'ur.lee, Mis. Win. K. Pordee, first,
real name unknown, wife of Wm. K.
Pi.rdee; Win. K. Pardee. Mrs. Wm. K.
Pardee, first real name unknown, wife
of Wm. K. Pardee; William Miller.
Mrs. William Miller, first real name
unknown, wife of William Miller;
JoseidniM Morton, Mrs. Josephus Mor
ton, first real name unknowu, wife of
Josephus Morton: Sample Hurst & Co.,
the unknown heirs, grantees, succes
sors an.l assigns of Sample Hurst &
Co.. Mrs. James Queen, first real name
unknown, widow of James Queen, de
ceased; A. A. Jamison, tirst real name
unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real
name unknown, wife of A. A. Jamison;
Johnston Kaird, Mrs. Johnston I.aird,
lirst real name unknown, wife of John
ston I-air.l: .lessee A. Cox, Mrs. Jessee
A. Cox. first real name unknown, wife
of Jesse A. Cox: Ira 11. Goodwin;
Mr. Ira R. (ioodwin, first real
name unknown, wife of Ira XI. Goodwin;
John Aberbeart, alias John;
Mrs. John Aberbeart, alias Kbber
hart, first real name unknown: Flora
Sans, widow of Joseph Sans, deceased;
William Hutson. Mrs. William llntson,
lirst real name unknown, wife of Wil
liam Hutson; William W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, lirst real name
unknown, wife of William W. Clemens;
Henry Hulbert. Mrs. Henry Hulbert,
first real name unknown, wife of Henry
Hulbert: Win. S. McKnisbt & Co., the
unknown heirs, grantees, successors
and assigns of Wm. S. McKnitfht H. Co.:
Jesse A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox:
.Mrs. Jesse .. Cox, first real name un
known, wife of Jesse A. Cox, also
known as J. A. Cox: Mae I'atterson
Quinn. Albert K. Quinn, James Pierce,
Mrs. James i'ierce. lirst real name un
known, wife of James Pierce; JO. T.
Fish, tirst real name unknown: Mrs.
K. T. Fish, lirst real name unknown,
wife of K. T. Fish; A. A. Jameson, first
real name unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown, wife of
A. A. Jmeson: Sample Hurst. Mrs.
Sample Hurst, first real name unknown,
wife of Sample Hurst. John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first teal name
unknown, wife of John W. Howell:
Mrs. Henry Hann. first real name un
known, wife of Henry Hann: Bachael
Stafford, widow of Bobert W. Stafford,
deceased, also known as liobert Staf
ford and B. W. Stafford: George A.
Puvis, Mrs. George A. Davis, first real
name unknown, wife of George A.
Davis: Charles i'atterson. Susan Gros-
laude, nee Deeker; Grosclaude.
tirst real name unknown, husband of
Susan Grosclaude: Bodoiph Decker,
Mrs. Bodoiph Decker, tirst real name
unknown, wife of Bodoiph Decker:
Banson Decker. Mrs. Banson I tecker,
lirst real name unknown, wife of Ban
son Decker: Jefferson I ecker. Charles
G. Hungate, Mrs. Charles V,. Ilungate.
lirst real name unknown, wife of
Charles ;. Hungate; Harrison Hungate,
Mrs. Harrison Hungate. first real name
unknown, wife of Harrison Hungate:
John Hungate. Mrs. John Hungate, first
real name unknown, wife of John Hun
gate; Mary S. Boberts, nee Hungate;
Boberts, first real name un
known, hushand of Alary S. Boberts;
Cvnthia. J. Beed, nee Hungate:
Beed. ilrst real name unknown, husband
.-.f Cynthia J. Bred: James A. Hungate.
Mr. James A. llunprate. first real name
unknown, wife of James A. Hungate;
Nancy K. Bobinson. nee Hungate;
Bobinson. first real name un
known, husband of Nancy K. Bobinson;
I. ilia B. Ingraham, nee Hungate:
Ingraham, flrs real name unknown,
husband of Billa B. Ingraham: Edith
Calder. Myrtle Calder, Fred Hungate,
Both Hungate, Bessie Hungate, Kugene
Hungate. Sirs. Theo.lore Decker, lirst
real name unknown, widow of Theo.lore
Decker, deceased: Sylvesten Decker,
Mrs. Sylvesten Decker, first real name
unknown, wife of Svlvesten Pecker;
Henrietta Decker, John M. Gable, Mrs
Johq M. Gable, first real name un
known, wife of John M. Gable; Alex
ander Gable. Mrs. Alexander Gable, first
real name unknown, wife of Alexander
Gable: John H. Craig. Mrs. John If
Craig, first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Craig; James Gillet. Mrs.
James Gillet, first real name unknown.
wife of James Gillet: Andrew Hopkins
Hannah K. Hopkins. Joan Thompson,
widow of James K. Thompson, deceased
also known as .1. 10. Thompson; Kdward
I .. Thomnson. Mrs. Kdward U. Thomp
son, first real name unknown, wife of
Kdward Ij. Thompson: Frank Thomp
son. William H. Spratlen, also known
as W. II. Spratlen, William H. Splatlin
and also known as W. H. Spratlin;
Susan K. Spratlen, Susnan K. Splatlin,
Miranda F. Towner, widow of Ac-hatias
C. Towner, deceased; James H. Hopkins,
Mrs. James H. Hopkins, first real name
unknown, wife of James H. Hopkins;
John I... Band, Kva Nash, John Glass,
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known, wife of John Glass; Leslie C
Baker. Mrs. Leslie C. Baker, first real
name unknown, wife of Leslie C. Baker;
William B. Davis, Margaret An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis; Mrs. San
ford W. Spratlin. first real name un
known, widow of Sanford W. Spratlin,
deceased; Mrs. Simon Lucas, first real
name unknown, widow of Simon Lucas
deceased; Kligah Connors, Mrs. Kligah
Connors, first real name unknown, wife
of Kligah Connors: Klijah Conner, Mrs
l-.ligah Conner, first real name un
known, wife of Klijah Conner: Hannah
13. aughn, Vaughn, first real
name unknown, husband of Hannah 13.
Vaughn; George A. Biggs, Mrs. George
A. Biggs, first real name unknown, wife
or (ieorge A. Iiiggs; Mrs. George W
Lacy. Jr., also known as Mrs. George
W. Lacy, first real name unknown.
widow of George W. Lacy, Jr., de
ceased, also known as George W. Lacy;
Thomas Penington. Thomas Punington,
Sarah K. Penington. Sarah K. Puning
ton. Mrs. Joshua Murray, first real name
unknown, widow of Joshua Murray,
deceased: John H. Hitrbee. Mrs. John II
Higbee, first real name unknown, wife
of John H. Higbee: George A. Cutler.
Mrs. George A. Cutler, first real name
unknown, wife of George A. Cutler;
Henry C. Cutler. Mrs. Henry C. Cutler,
first real name unknown, wue oi iienry
C. Cutler: Nancy Jane Spratlin,
Spratlin, first real name unknown,
husband of Nancy Jane Spratlin; Sarah
K. Young, widow of Francis M. Young,
Sr., deceased, also known as F. M.
Young: Samuel B. Johnson, Martha K.
Johnson, Capitola Graves, nee Beed;
J. D. Graves, tirst real name unknown;
Jacob Beed, Mrs. Jacob Beed, first real
name unknown, wire of Jacob Beed:
James Lucas. Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C.
Kwing, S. K. Kwing. first real name
unknown; Mary Connally, widow of
Guilford I. Connally. deceased; Mrs.
James G. Bomine, first real name tin
known, widow of James G. Bomine,
deceased: William Gilmour, Mrs. Wil
liam Gilmonr, first real name unknown,
wife of William Gilmour: Margaret
livers, nee Gilmour: Byers, first
real name unknown, husband of Mar
garet Bvers: Mary Archer, nee Shera;
James Archer, James N. Shera. Mrs.
James N. Shera, first real name un
known, wife of James N. Shera: Ezra
E. Bevnolds, alias Erasmus E. Reynolds
and E. E. Bevnolds: Mary M. Reynolds,
Olive Daffenbaugh, nee Graves:
DafTenbaugh, first real name unknown,
husband of Olive Daffenbaugh; Paul
Graves. Rhoba Bates, widow of Isaac
Bates, deecased; Burton Parker, Mrs.
Burton Parker, first real name un
known, wife of Burton Parker: Mary
M. Bachelor, nee Bates; J. H. Bachelor,
first real name unknown; Lemon Bates,
Mrs. Lemon Bates, first real name un
known, wife of Lemon Bates: John
Bates, Mrs. John Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of John Bates; Mrs.
Adam Bajes, first real name unknown,
widow of Adam Bates, deecased; Jacob
Bates, Mrs. Jacob Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Jacob Bates; Julius
Bates, Mrs. Julius Bates, first real name
unknown, wife of Julius Bates; Leon
ard Bates, Mrs. Leonard Bates, first real
name unknown, wife of Leonard Bates;
Susan Shamblin, nee Bates;
Shamblin. first real name unknown,
husband of .Susan Shamblin; Jane
Bachelor, nee Bates: Philip Bachelor,
William Chandler, Alice Chandler, Isa
bella Balney, George Churchill, Mrs.
George Churchill, first real name un
known, wife of George Churchill:
James Watson, Martha Watson, John
G. Chandler, Martha K. Chandler. Amos
Case, Mrs. Amos Case, first real name
unknown, wife of Amos Case; Charles
K. Carrel 1, Mrs. Charles E. Carrel I, first
real name unknown, wife of Charles K.
Carreil; the unknown heirs and devisees
of the following named deceased per
sons, to-wlt: Hiram H. Fowler, Mrs.
Hiram II. Fowler, first real name un
known; Justus L. Cozad, Mrs. Justus K
Cozad, first real name unknown; Wm.
K. Pordee, Mrs. Wm. K. Pordee, first
real name unknown; Wm. K. Pardee,
Mrs. Wm. K. Pardee, first real name
unknown: William Miller, Mrs. William
Miller, first real name unknown;
Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus
Morton, first real name un
known; James Queen, Mrs. James
Queen, first real name unknown: A. A.
Jamison, first, real name unknown; Mrs.
A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown;
Johnston Laird, Mrs. Johnston Laird,
first real name unknown; Jessee A. Cox,
Mrs. Jessee A. Cox, first real
name unknown; Ira B. Good
win, Mrs. Ira It. Goodwin, first real
name unknown: John Aberheart, alias
John Kbberhart; Mrs. John Aberheart,
alias Kbberhart, tirst real name un
known: Joseph Sans, William Hutson.
Mrs. William Hutson, first real name
unknown: William W. Clemens, Mrs.
William W. Clemens, first real name
unknown: Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry
Hulbert, first real name unknown: Jesse
A. Cox, also known as J. A. (.'ox; Mrs.
Jesse A. Cox, first real name unknown:
James Pierce. Mrs. James Pierce, first
real name unknown; E. T. Fish, first
real name unknown: Mrs. K. T. Fish,
first real name unknown: A. A. Jame
son, first real name unknown; Mrs. A.
A. Jameson, first real name unknown:
Sample Hurst, Mrs. Sample Hurst, first
real name unknown: John W. Howell,
Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name
unknown: Mrs. Henry Hann, first real
name unknown: Bobert . Stafford
also known as Bobert Stafford and It.
W. Stafford: George A. Davis, Mrs.
George A. Davis, first real name un
known: Bodoiph Dec-Uer, Mrs. Bodoiph
Decker, first real name unknown; Ban-
son Decker, rMs. Banson Decker, first
real name unknown: Theodore Decker.
Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name
unknown: Svlvesten Decker, Mrs
Slvvesten Decker, first real name un
known: Henrietta Decker. John M.
Gable, Mrs. John M. Gable, first real
name unknown: Alexander Gable, Mrs
Alexander Gable, first real name un
known: John If. Craig, Mrs. John II
Craig, first real name unknown; James
Gillet. Mrs. James Gillet, first real name
unknown; Andrew Hopkins, Hannah E.
Hopkins, William S. Latta, also known
as W. S. Latta; Sarah K. Latta. William
11. Spratlen, also known as W. H
Spratlen: Susan E. Spratlen, Achatias
C. Towner, Aliranda F. Towner, James
H. Hopkins, Mrs. James H. Hopkins
first real name unknown: John Glass
Mrs. John Glass, first real name un
known: Leslie C. Baker, Mrs. Leslie
C. Baker, first real name unknown
William It. Davis, Margaret An Davis,
also known as M. A. Davis; Sanford
Spratlin. Simon Lucas, Ellgafi Connors
Klijah Connor. Mrs. Eligah Connors
first real name unknown: Mrs. Elijah
Conner, first real name unknown; Han
nah B. Vaughn, Vaughn, lirst
real name unknown: Isaac Dyer. Al
resett S. Dyer, George A. Biggs, Mrs,
George A. Biggs, first real name un
known: Park Dobson. also known as
Park G. Dobson: George W. Lacy, Jr.,
also known as George W. Lacy: Mrs.
George W. Lacy, Jr., also known as
Airs. George W. Lacy, tirst real name
unknown; Thomas Penington, Thomas
Punington. Sarah E. Penington, Sarah
E. Punington, Joshua Murray. John H
Hia-hee, Mrs. John H. Hiptvee, first rea I
name unknown: Nancy Jane spratlin
Spratlin. first real name un
known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat
lin: Francis M. Young. Sr., James Lucas
Nancy J. Lucas. Mary C.
Ewing, S. E. Ewing. first
real name unknown: Guilford D. Con
nally, also known as G. D. Connally
and C. D. Connally; James G. Romine
Mrs. Frank Thompson, nee Gilmour,
first real name unknown: Henry Shera,
James Walstow, also known as James
wolstow; wells Sabers, also known as
Wells Sager: Adam Bates. II. S. Dur
and, first real name unknown, and
Lawrence B. Byers. the unknown own
ers and occupants of the following
described lo(s and blocks in the village
or Bock iiiuiis. and North bock biiiiis,
Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots
one (1) and two 2 in Block three (3)
West: Lots one (1) lo four f4 inclusive
in Block three (3) North one (1) East:
Lots seven 17) and eight (8 in Block
three C!) North two (2) East: Lots
three (3) and four 4 in Block one (1)
North one (1) East: East one-third
(1-:d of Lots seven (7 and eight (8)
in Block three (3) North four (4) East;
Lots two (2). three (3) and four (4 in
Block two (2) North, one O) East ; all
Block live (f) North, six () i:ast: an
Block six (6) North, five (5) East: all
Block seven f7) North, five (5 East;
Lot two (2) in Block two (2) North;
all of Block ten (10 North, four 4)
East, and all of Block eleven (11)
North, four (4 East, of the Public
Square in said Village of Bock Bluffs,
You are hereby notified that on July
16. A. D. 1914. Dlaintiff's filed their suit
in the District Court of the County of
Cass Nebraska, to quiet title to the
following described land in said County
of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the quarter
section line running east and west
through Section nine (9), Township
eleven (11), North Range fourteen (14 J,
in Cass Counfy, Nebraska, 1574.6 feet
east of the quarter section corner on
the west side of said Section nine (9),
thence running South 2720.2 feet:
thence east 412.3 feet: thence north 266
feet: thence east 978 feet; thence north
532 feet; thence east to the banks of
the Missouri River; thence along the
banks of the Missouri River in a north
erly direction where said banks of the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running east and west
through said Section nine (9); thence
west along said quarter section line to
the place or beginning; together with
lands formed upon and against said
described land by accretion, alluvion.
reliction and evulsion.
Said land including the following
described lots and blocks and the
vacated streets surrounding the same
In the village of Itock Bluffs. Cass
County. Nebraska, to-wit:
The East 53. 3 feet of the following
described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block two (2)
North: Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclu
sive in Block three (3) North: Lots one
(1) to four (4) inclusive in Block four
(4) North: Lots one (1) to four (4)
inclusive in Block five (5) North: Lots
one (1) to four (4) inclusive in Block
six (6) North: Lots one 1) to four (4)
inclusive in Block seven (7) North:
Lots one (1) to four (4). in
clusive In Block eight (8) North;
Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in
Block nine (9) North; Lots one (1) to
four (4) inclusive in Block ten (10)
North, and Lots one (1) to four (4) in
clusive in Block eleven (11) North, all
numbered from the Public Square in
the Village of Rock Bluffs, Nebraska.
And all of Blocks two (2) to eleven
(11) North. Range one (1) East inclu
sive; all of Blocks three (3) to eleven
(11) North, Range two (2) East, Inclus
ive; all of Blocks three (3) to eleven (11)
North, Range three (3) East inclusive:
all of Blocks three (3) to nine (9)
North. Range four (4) East inclusive;
and all of the land lying West of the
West banks of the Missouri River and
East of Blocks five (5) to nine 9)
North, Range four (4) East Inclusive;
and Blocks'-ten (10) and eleven (11)
North, Range three (3 East inclusive,
all numbered from the Public Square
in the Village of Rock Bluffs, Nebraska.
Also Ixits'pne (1 to twelve (12) In
clusive in Block three (3) West, and
all of Block- one (1 North, Range one
(1) East of the Public Square in ttie
Village of Rock Bluffs. Cass County.
Nebraska, with the portion of tho
vacated streets surrounding the same,
belonging thereto, because of their
adverse possession by themselves onl
grantors for more than ten year prior
to the commencement of said suit, uml
to enjoin each and all of yon from
having or claiming any right, title. Hen
or interest, either legal or equitable, in
or to said land, or any part thereof,
and to require you to set forth your
right, title, -lien or interest therein, if
any, either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to the
title of plaintiff, and for general equit
able relief.
This notice Is made pursuant to (he
order of the court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, August
31, A. 1. 1914, or your default will l.ta
dulv entered therein.
william jean,
emma ci i a rbonn'e att,
Mary k. chabeonneaf.
Rawls & Robertson. Attorneys.
In the DUtrlet Court of Count;.
Nathan P. Schulze. Plaintiff".
William Street, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants. William Street,
the unknown heirs of William Street,
Jeramlah Wade, the unknown heirs t.f
Jeramlah Wade, Herbert Bobine and
Clarence Roblne, the only surviving
heirs of Sarah C. P. Robine, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
16th day of July. 1914, plaintiff filed
his suit in the District Court of Cuss
County. Nebraska, the object being lo
quiet the title in plaintiff to lot feu
(101, in block five (5, in Pla 1 1 smmil h,
Nebraska; plaintiff alleges that he Is
the owner in fee simple of said lot.
and that he, and prior grantors under
whom lie holds, have been in actual,
open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
and adverse possession of aid lot for a
period of more than twenty years last
past; that all defendants in this suit
be enjoined, each and all of you, from
having or claiming any right, title, in
terest, or lien, either legal or equitable,
in or to .said lot or any part thereof;
and you and each of you are hereby
notified to set forth any right, title, or
interest, you may claim in said lot. If
any; and for such other and further
relief as may be equitable.
This notice is published pursuant to
the order of the court. You am re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of September. 1914,
or your default will be duly entere.l
R. B. WINDHAM. Attorney.
In the nuirlcl Court of f'aaa Count r,
Doc. No.
George Heini and Andrew Blum.
John D. Knight, the unknown heirs
and devisees of John D. Knight, de
ceased. Defendants.
To John D. Knight and the Fnknown
Heirs and Devisees of John D.
Knight, Deceased:
Yon and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of July.
A. D. 1914. George Helm and Andrew
Blum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, against you as defendants;
that the object and prayer of said peti
tion is to quiet and confirm in the
plaintiff, George Ileiin. the title to ttie
northwest quarter N. W. i4t of the
northwest quarter (N. W. 'i i of Sec
tion twenty-two (22). Township twelve
(12) North. Range ten (10 East of the
6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, and
each and every part thereof, and in the
plaintinff, Andrew Blum, the title to
the south half S. of the northwest
quarter (N. W. l4 ) of Section twenty
two (22). Township twelve (12 North,
liange ten (10). East of the 6th P. l..
In ('ass County, Nebraska, and each and
every part thereof, an.l to obtain a
judgment decreeing that the plaintllTn.
George Helm and Andrew Blum, ure
the owners in fee simple of snil several
tracts of real estate and every part
thereof, unit to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from any
right, title, interest or claim in an.l to
said several tracts of real estate here
inbefore described, or any part there
of; plaintiffs claiming in their said
petition to ha'e acquired the title to
said several tracts of real estate and
each and every part thereof in them
selves and their respective grantors, by
virtue of open, notorious, actuul. ad
verse, hostile and continuous possession
of the same under claim of ownership
for over thirty years.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1914
Their Attorney.
In the t'ouuty Court of Ike ( iiubIt of
('in, ."ebraaka.
In Re-Estate of Alvara A. Fish, De
ceased. You are hereby notified that hearing
upon all claims against said estate will
be had at the office of the County
Judge, Court House, Plattsmouth. Can
County, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
August. A. D. 1914. and on the 16th day
of February, A. D. 1913. at ten o'clock
a. m. on each of said days. All claims
not filed hy said hour on said last da v
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
II. M. Soennlchsen, Plaintiff,
Charles M. Foster. Defendant.
To Charles M. Foster:
You are herehv notified that the
plaintiff, on the 27th day of July. 1914.
filed his Bill of Particulars in Justice
Court before M. Archer. Justice of the
Peace in and for Cass County. Ne
braska, against you to recover the sum
of $30 for goods and merchandise sold
and delivered, and costs of suit; said
cause was continued to the 10th day f
September, 1914, at 9 o'clock u. m. Yon
are required to appear and answer said
Bill of Particulars on or before the Kith
day of September. 1914. at 9 o'clock a.
m., and your failure so to do your de
fault will be taken and Judgment al
lowed for the amount claimed in naid
Bill of Particulars.
H. M. SOENNICIIfEN. Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, His Attorney.
County or Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of E. O.
Dovev. Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
Y'ou are hereby notified that there
has been filed in this court the report
of George E. Dovey, administrator of
the estate or E. Dovey, deceased,
oraving therein that said report be
aonrovpd by this court and he be dis
charged as such administrator, to
which report there is now on file in
said court the reply of Frank K.
Schlater as special administrator of
the estate of Jane A. Dovey. deceased.
You are further notified that a hear
ing will be had upon said report and
replv before the court in the county
court rooms at Plattsmouth, in said
county, on the 10th day of August.
1914. at 9 o'clock a. m.
All persons will therefore govern
themselves accordingly.
Witness my band and tne seat or the
County Court of said county this 20th
day of July. 1914.
(Seal) ALLB.N J. BEKSU.-V,
county juage.