The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 30, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    page e.
Meets With Accident.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray andv Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
THIS bank pays ESPECIAL ATTENTION to accommodating:
TREASURERS of fraternal orders, clubs, social organizations, etc.
Usually such officers hold complimentary positions. They are ex
pected to disburse certain moneys or keep them in reserve. Often the
BOOKKEEPING is a BOTHER or a WORRY. Treasurers who bank
their funds with us feel SAFE, and their RECEIPTS are always in
.Mr. Bert Rout lias been quilt
-i-k fr Hit pa-l ftv days.
J. W. Ilt'Imt's and James
Lug hridpe wei r in Plat t snimil h
Tue-day t- en iutr.
Mr , n. A. Davis and Mrs. Vance
Pitman were Omaha visitors
Wedne-day of lllis Week.
Mr. W. R. Dull and Gladys
Mra-ek were Omaha visitors for
ft-ral tlays tin pat week.
Mi-s Jeanellc Rutherford re
turned to lu-r limine in Plaits-la-t
Friday, after a few weeks
i-il wilh Mr. V. K. Dull.
Mrs. I.. I). Hialt was a Plalts
nloulh visitor .Monday and Wed
nesday of this week, having some
dental work done.
Mrs. J. D. Mei'sjnper and son.
I.eltoy. t.f Lincoln. viiled at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
r.reanier Iat week.
Mrs. William ;ilmore has re
turned home from Nebraska City,
where he was making a few tlays
i-it wilh her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Steiner and
little daughter. Mildred, of Lin
eoln an visiting in Murray this
week with Mrs. Sleiner's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. j. v. Helper.
Ted Harrows and family. Wal
ter Sans and family. W. ;. Hoed
eker ami faniilv and John ami
Charles Sans t-ompose an auto
mobile parly that motored up to
Lake Manawa last Sunday to
perid the day.
"Seotty."' our genial elation
apenf. has once more been re
lieved of a great ileal of work that
he has been dning around I he
Missouri Pacific headquarters in
Murray for the past few months,
by the company returning the
three operators to this station
this week.
H&t Of tern
Will you find as complete a line
of SHOES carried in the small town as you
will find in our store. Our new styles for
fall have arrived and it's time for your new
pair, and you'll pay more for the same goods
at other places because we don't add clerk
hire and high rents to our prices.
Maybe you need something from
our catalogue. Remember our prices are the
same as all mail order houses, and when you
are sending your orders through us you are
taking no chances of inferior goods. We guar
antee them.
M !
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Mrs. ;alen Hhoden was a Ne
braska City visitor Wednesday.
I. . D. Hialt and M. L Churchill
were Palttsmouth visitors Tues
Paul I.utz of Plaltsmouth was
visiting with Murray friends and
relatives last Sunday.
.Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Thiele of
Mt. pleasant precinct were Mur
ray visitors last Tuesday.
Hay J-'rans. ihe voting Tnion
merchant, was attending to some
business mailers in Murray Sun
day evening.
A ileal was consummated last
Thursday whereby Mrs. ilnirpf
Wagner of Kip lit Mile 'rove pre
cinct becomes owner of the farm
of Ted Harrows, two miles east f
II. C. I.oiifr. who has been
spending Ihe past two weeks in
Furnas county. Neb., and in
noi l hern Kansas, w her e he has
land interests, returned home
Monday evening. Henry says crops
never looked better in the Western
part of the slate.
J. I-. Young of Coleridpe was
on the Omaha caltle and hog
markel apain Wednesday morn
ing wilh live cars of cattle ami one
of hops, mcclinp- a market that
was very pleasing to him. His
cat He hrotipht t'.7.", anl the hops
sold well. John expected to pay
his old Murray friends a visit on
Ibis trip, but business matters
compelled him to return home
Well Digging and Stump Pulling.
I am prepared to do slump
pulling on contract ami also to
dip- wells, and solicit work in this
line. Satisfaction guaranteed in
every instance. T. B. Smith.
3 J
W. It. (Jood ami family motored
(o Plaltsmouth Satifnlay.
William Nickels was a Plalls
nioiilli visitor Tuesday.
W. J. Philput was a Platls
rnoiilh visitor Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. W. l.etper has been on
the sick list for Hie pas few tlays.
Hel l Philpot of Weeping Water
was a Murray visitor la! Sunday.
Charles Wolfe ami wife were
Nebraska City visitor. Tuesday.
Prof. Asch was visil ing friends
in I'nion Salurday afternoon.
JetV Lew is was I ransart ing
business in Nebraska Cily Friday.
A. J.. Haker was a busi
ness visitor in the county seat
Mr. ami Mrs. I'd Oansemer wen
Plaltsmouth visitors Tuesday aft
ernoon. Mrs. A. Haker and dauphler.
Opha. were Omaha visitors last
Fri I ay.
Pearl Inipau .spenl a few tlays
litis week visilinp Mrs. Young al
F. I.. Hhoden and wife were
transacting business in Nebraska
City Tuesday.
Miss Kit a M. Nickels was look-in?-
after the Spirella business in
Tnion Friday.
J. I ). Shrader and daughters.
Mai pie ami Marie, were in Omaha
Tuesday of this week. v
Mrs. Ona Lyman spe-il the day
Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Schnei
der near Cedar- Creek.
A. M. Holme went lo Plalts
mouth last Fr iday, wlnm lie was
isit ing- until Tuesday.
Mrs. j,.e Hathaway and daupli-
ter. Miss Fern, were isitiup
friends in I'nion I'ridav.
Mrs. John Chalfant left f..r
I.usk. Wyoming. Friday morning.
where she will spend tile slimmer
visilinp wilh her children.
J. W. Kdmunds ami 'line" f.onp
threshed l.-OO bushels of wheat
from lifly acres of pround this
year. Not so had for a poor vear.
Mrs. Oiio J.awlon and little son
returned home from North Da
kola last Friday, where they liae
been visiting for Ihe past two
It is saitl that Fred Campbell is
making one of the best auto ex
perts in this locality. He and Fred
Ileal are bepirminp to handle Iheir
cars like old-l inters.
Mrs. 1. It. Churchill, who is
visit inp- here from Idaho, spent
Ibis week visilinp- at the home of
J. W. Thomas and Frank Wiles
am) families.
John Hohschiedt, Charles Tip
ner and Jack Chalfant went to
Rock HlutTs Sunday on a lishinp
lishinp (rip. No one has heard
how many lish were caupht..
Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Holmes. Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Smith, A. M.
Holmes and Ralph Holmes look
dinner ami spenl the day wilh Mr.
ami Mrs. O. V. Yirpin last Sunday.
I'ncle Oeorpe Shrader was vis
ilinp wilh his son, Mont, in Ne
hawka last Saturday, ami Sunday
they drove to Nebraska Cily, ami
Uncle Oeorpe relumed home
(irandma .Maun ami dauphler,
Mrs. Woolvin. of Moorehcad.
Iowa, are in Murray visilinp- al
Ihe home of Mrs. Mann's dauph
ler, Mr. ami Mrs. D. A. Younp-,
east of Murray.
Hert Philp.d, Ihe Weeping Wa
ter aulo man, is amonp- the first
to close his contracts for U)l.r
cars, lie has already closed wilh
Ihe Maxwell people, and will soon
be lookinp- for his' 11)15 model
Arthur Freeze, cousin of Chas.
Freeze, w ho has been work inp- for
tin past few months for Charles
Wolff, departed Tuesday for his
home in Missouri, where he will
put in a crop of fall wheal on his
father's place.
William Fiphl. from near My
nard. called in Murray early Wed
nesday morniiip- for Win. Hamil
ton and his bunch of carpenters.
With this husflinp- gang of me
chanics his home will soon be
ready for use.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Herder. Mr.
anil Mrs. K. M. Steiner ami lit lie
dauphler. James Brown and fam
ily, Henry Ost and family and
Louie Shumaker and family com
prised a picnic parly that spenl.
the day last Sunday at King Hill.
A pleasant lime was enjoyed by
I hem all.
If any of tlie readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tliis vii-iiiity. mill will mail
same to I liis office, it will ni
pear tui(lr t his lieutlintr. We
want all new.i items Kuixok
Col. .Jenkins ami mother motor
ed lo Omaha Tuesday.
Frances Campbell was visilinp
with Miss Heck Sunday.
William Hendricks has been
sick for I lie past week.
.Mrs. Charles Frieze has been
ijuile sick for the past few tlays.
Uncle Hen lierknian has been
on the sick li- for Ihe past week.
Air. and Mrs. KM Smilh. liviug
easl of Union. hae a very sick
iuy Slokes and Arthur Copen
haver were Plal Ismoul h visitors
Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Copeii
haver were plat Ismoul h ii!ors
Ia Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe Adams
have a child sul'i'erinp from chol
era infantum.
Iir. Will Hrciidel ami wife of
Aoa spent a few hours in Mur
ray last Thursday.
Krn Carroll of orchard. Neb.,
made a few tlays visil with home
folk I lie past week.
Mr. and .Mrs. Olen perry and
little son were I'latl smotil h visit
ors Monday of this week.
ThTi" il l let h ild of M rTTiFr.l'MTs.
Oeorpe Park has Ih-cm on the sick
list for Ihe past few tlays.
Miss Clara Copenhaver is visil
inp at the home of Mr. ami Mrs.
Illair I'orlei'. in Union, this week.
All' NickeN. who has been suf
fering wilh rheumatism for the
pat few ear i painiup- sfreni;tli
at this lime.
Charles Reaves, the li-yea;--
dd son if Mr. ami Mrs. Reaves,
fell from a tree last Tuesday and
pol l t il
lli back iMlile se
lf Nickels, who was
o seriously ill lal week i
to be up ami around ;i-ain.
Iraineti !urse was relievetl
'Tuesday eveninp- and r-eturm-d
lu-r home in ( imaha.
Mrs. Karl Ji nkin-
of Rosalie is
visilinp relatives at the old home
this Week. Oeorpe Jenkins, who
has been makinp his home at
Rosalie, returned wilh her and
will remain al home. She report
eveiytlliup eV prosperous in
their new home.
Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wheeler.
Percy Whet
Lizzie. Joe
Rose May.
ler ami isler. Miss
Creamer and iei
in company wilh a
number of reall i t
visit inp- al t he
Wheeler home from Texas, com
posed another parly that spent
Ihe day last Sunday al Kinp Hill.
Olen perry possibly ha Ihe
larpesf acreape in small prain
Ibis season of any farmer in Ibis
locality. He had ISO acre in
wheal, from which he threshed
:!.( io bushels, ami in
oats, from which he
l.rN0 bushels. Pretty
acres in
lair crop
or a poor year.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hiatl of
Sidney. rwa. were in Murray
Wednesday, where I hey were
lookinp alter Iheir farm interests,
closnip Ihe rental of toe same for
another year with K. R. Oueen.
They came over in the aulo and
made a short visit with Mrs.
iliatt's brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark White.
Mr. II. Hellas nf South Auburn,
who has Ihe contract for Ihe
erection of the new school build
ing al Murray, was here Wednes
day makinp- arrangements with
Mi'. Kirkendall, our lumberman,
for Ihe material for I lie new
buildinp'. The work will be com
menced immediately ami rushed
lo completion just as rapidly as
Jark Chalfant of Union, John
Hobscheidl and John llobscheidt.
jr., Chas. Tipner and John Van
Horn ami several others composed
a lishinp- parly I hat spent Ihe d;iy
last Sunday at Old Kinp- Hill. 'They
are not like Ihe usual, lishinp
parlies lhal have the hip fish
.lories lo lei! on relurninp", but
this lime (I is a snake story. On
Iheir arrival at Kinp- Hill Ihey
found a larpe limber rattler ready
lo preet I hem. 'The snake was an
t-xlra larpe one, nieasuriup- full S
feel iii lenplh. and had nine rat
lies and one button. 'This is no
story, absolute Iruth. ask any of
FOR SALE Two-cylinder Au
burn aulo, in tine runninsr order,
(iood ear for (he money. Will
consider some trade. J. W.
Holmes, Murray, Neb.
Mr. Oeorpe Slamm, a cousin of
Louie Rheinackle. from Moline,
Illinois, who is visit here for a
few days.' received a serious in
jury o his lep at Ihe home of
Uncle Hen lleckman Monday
eeiiiup. Mr. Slamm had jul ar
rived al the lleckman home wilh
his family, and sleppinp on a cob,
which rolled beneath his fool, he
fell wilh Ihe knee strikinp upon
a fruit jar, which broke and pae
him a M'ly uply pash in his llesh
above the knee. 'The injury re
ceived immediate medical al
tenlion and he is etljnp- abmp
A Peculiar Accident.
A rather peculiar accident oc
curred on lln J. A. Walker farm
lasl 'Thursday eveninp-. which
came very near lo endinp Ihe
earlhlv career of "Missouri Hill."
w heal
Ihreshinp- al lhal plain some one
accidentally placed Ihe line of a
pilchfork into (he rapid runnini:
transmission belt. This broken
line was carried to the ll wheel
of Ihe eilpille. where il was liber
al I'd al the velocity of a bullet
from a i-iile. It passed throuph
Ihe bi im.of .Missouri Hill's" hat.
and -hot on for- a hundred feel,
where it bur ied itself in the end
pale of a wapou. The proof of
which .Missouri l!il!" comes
forth with Ihe hole in his hal and
the formable missile in hi
SALT. .Nice pa
f 2-
;d bay mare coll.-
: Vlrv
a re
Co; i i e a ild see I hei 1 1 . J
, Murray Neb.
Big Circus Sound This Way or
Five Great Trains Loaded
With Wonders.
'hildren are now on I heir
behaviour in anticipation
real holiday Ilea! on Auuhi-
p i H i i
of a
I to.
when Rinplinp l.rothers" World's
Oi-eate-t Shows will exhibit in
Omaha. It i cxpecled lhal
P'allsmouth will send more than
its usual number of '"sawdust"
fans to welcome (his popular
cireii. .
Rinpiinp- Hrolhers romise
many noe!lies and inoation
and a 'bip-per and heller every
thing" is (he slogan. Precedinp
the repular circus jierl 'ormance
the new spectacle of Solomon
and Ihe quei n of sheba" will be
enacted on the larpest stape in
the world. This iiianiniolh l.-T)U
characler papeant cost sl.oun.nuo
and Ihe costumes, scenery ami
stape properties are said to b
a reelation in porpeousliess.
Amonp- lln' "isr arcnic acts are
.-cores of equestrians includinp
Ihe Lloyds, famous llnplish rid
ers; tin Ilorsini. rollinp- plobe
lists; ihe ltalkanis, whirlwind
riders from the Haikan moun
tains; the live hiphest perch acts
eer presenli'd: bo.xinp and wrest,
linp- kanparoos; live herds of
hick elephants; ."( clowns; l'l
families of aerialists and a niap
nificent horse show and speed
lournamenl. 'The mena.perie is
larpt'r and more complete than
ever and features many animals
never before exhibited in Amer
ica. A free street parade will be
piven on the morniiip- of show day.
If you are wish
ing for a republi
can success in the
coming campaign,
nothing will con
tribute more tow
ard it than by cast
ing your ballot at
the primary elec
tion, August 18th,
for EVlatthew Gor
ing of Plattsmouth
for Congressman
of the First Dis
trict. His nomin
ation at the pri
mary means sure
success in the No
vember election.
Political Advertisement.
Right ovv is Gang Plow Season
And we want
The J-
Also the John Deere and Iron Clad Wagons
We will soon have a line of the high
grade BERG BUGGIES that we
wish you to call and see when they
Murray, -
The niy-lery of the identity of
the parly who has for some time
past been Ieepinp in (he barns
ami shells nf the jiersons residinp
"U Iliph School Hill has been
-ied. as Chief of police Itainey
caupht the parly who has been
makinp- much excitement ther e,
last nipht. as he soiipht his rest-!!''-r
dace in one of Ihe barns in
that neiphborhood. It devebmed
lhal the party was Herman Seise,
an aped German, who has been
arotimJ here for some lime a!id
was for a short time at Ihe county
farm. The man was absnlulely
linrruless and promised the police
that le would not oll'eml any fur
ther and would leave Ihe cily. and
was allowed to po on that condi
tion. The discovery of the man
will be ijiiietinp- lo Ihe nerves of
the residents of that pari of lown.
This morninp Mr. F. 15. Thomas
of Chicago, the lecturer for the
aletv i irst department ot tin
Hurlinpton, arrived in the city
wilh his car and thi eveninp- at S
o'clock will deliver a lecture to
the extra gang- of track men work-
inp- here tn the means of prevent
ing- numerous accidents that have
in Ihe past greatly served to make
railroad work dangerous. Mr
lliomas lias met with great suc-
cess iii the s 1 1 read i n r of this
movement and during- Ihe time he
has been lecturing for the safety
of the railroad employes he has
had iMUliH) persons visil the car
iii his travels over the Hurlinpton
system. Mr. Thomas will lecturel
at Pacilie Junction tomorrow
evening-, and expects to return in
about six weeks to deliver an il-
luslraled lecture hert for the
benelit of the shopmen employed
her e in the Hurlinpton shops. Mr. I
Thomas is a most genial gentle-
man to meet and one who makes
everyone his
goes, ami his
ways looked
friend wherever he
visits here are al
forward to with
Just Returned From Trip.
Yeslerday Dan Helps ami sis-
ters, Misses Margarite ami Ruth,
arrived in this city"- en route to
their home at Long Beach, Call-
fornia, after a visit in Kngland
with relatives. W hile abroad they
wen guests of their grandmother
in London, as well as an aunt,
Mrs. Lorimer, who for a number
of years resided in Omaha. J lie
young people greatly enjoyed the
I rip over the sea, but were well
pleased to again reach home, ami
decided to ston otf for a visit at
he tdil home here, where their
parents, Mr. ami ;urs. n. ,j. neips,
had resided for a great many
years. nue m me cuy uie
younp- people are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. II. X. Dovey
and family. Their many friends Lj. Everyone is invited to at
here were very much pleased lo A tend and the best of music- $
see them again. U
Mrs. V. V. Leonard departed
this afternoon for the metropolis,
where she will visit with relatives
1 for the day.
to tell you that we
Local News
Remember the dance Saturday
evening at Coates' hall and be
present to have a good time.
Henry Hirz, sr., was in the cily
yesterday for a few hours lookinp;
after- some Iradinp- wilh Ihe inert-ban
I s.
Mrs. Rober t Kniphl of Malvern,
Iowa arrived in this city yester
day aflernoon for a visit wilh her
sister-, Mrs. John Wiles, south of
1 1 iwn.
Mrs. A. Doty was a passenger
this morninp- for I'aeilic Junction,
when she will make a short visit,
in lhal cily wilh relatives and
Mrs. L. 1. Ranard was a pas
senper this morninp' on the early
Hui-Iiupton train for Omaha,
where she will visit for the day
wit h f 1'iends.
.Mrs. A. V. Seyherl was a pas
senper this afternoon for Omaha,
where she was called lo spend a
lew hours lookinp1 after some
mallei's of business.
Claude Rand of Louisville came
in I his morninp' to attend the
hearing- of tin I rouble growing
out of the difficulty at the ball
panic at Cedar Creek last Sunday.
J-rank nioetzer, jr.. ol near
Cedar Creek came down this
I morning- from his home to look
afler some business matters here
with the merchants for a few
Frank Raker and wife of Im
perial, Neb., who were called to
Kim wood to the. funeral of their
little daughter, came over last
evening- from lliat place for a
short visit here with Mr. and Mrs.
K. Rosencrans and family be
fore returning' home to Imperial.
Have your shoes repaired at the
up-to-date Electric Shoe Store.
Bottom prices and neat work. So.
6th slreet. 7-8-d&v
Good times as a rule at the
Cosmopolitan dances, and the one
Saturday evening at Coates' hall
will be no exception to the rule.
Be sure and attend.
The heirs of the late Gertrude
M. Wiley propose to sell about 82
acres of timber land belonging to
said estate and situated opposite
h,0 Lewis ton church and adjoin-
jng the cemetery, two and one-
half miles southeast of Murray.
Sealed bids wilL be received by
Mrs. A. Dove Asch, at her home
near Murray, Nebraska, until
Iloon Saturday. August 1. 19ii.
The heirs reserve the right (o re-
ject any an(j an bids.
Mrs. A. Dove Asch,
Murray, Nebraska.
ft. . I I-I-II I-I I
The Cosmopolitan club f
-I will give another social
dance at Coates' hall on
J Saturday evening, August 1. J
will be furnished.
.TTtMjMfMTMT..TMT..j..TrMj..;..;.,.T,.T..j., -
Wedding stationery at the
Journal office-