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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1914)
THURSDAY, JULY 3d, 1914. PAGE S. V' mopOSFD rONSTITrTIOVAt AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The following proposed amendment to be constitution of tbe Srate of Nebraska, berel n after set forth In ful. in submit ted to the elwtom of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon, at the general election to be held TuesdaT, November 3rd, A. D. 1914. M1'(R a Joint resolution proposing amend merits to Section 1. of Article V. and Section 14. of Article V, of the Constitu tion f Nebraska, relating to term of office and salary of Governor and other executive officers. Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Peoplf of the State of Nebraska: Section i. That at the general election for state and legislative offices, to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon day In November, 1914. the following ur submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and -4. of Article V, of the Constitution ol Nebraska: Sec. 1. The executive department snail consist of a Governor, who 6hall hold hU offl'-e for a term of two years from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, next after his election, and until his successor Is elected and qualified. In addition to the Governor, the executive de partment shall Include the following offi cers: Lieutenant Governor. Secretary ol State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas urer. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Attorney General, and Commissioner ot Public Lands and Buildings, each of whom shall hold his office for the term of two years from the first Thursday after tha first Tuesday in January, next after his election, and until his successor fs elected anil qualified; Provided, however, that tb first election of said officers shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November, 111C. and each succeeding election shall be held at the same relative tluie in each even year thereafter. The Governor. Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re klde at the seat of government during theif ternn of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there, and shall perform su h duties as may be required by law. See. 2. The salary of the Governor shall le five thousand $o,OOu.OOi dollars per an num. The salaries of Auditor of Public Accounts and Secretary of Stat. Superin tendent of Public Instruction and Commis sioner of Public Lands and Huildinjrs shall he two thousand five hundred (..K'O.OOl dollars each per annum, and of the Attor ney General. four thousand dollars $4. ( t per annum, the salary of the Srate Treasurer shall be three thousand $3.tiO.Ort dollars per annum, and the Lieii teniint Governor shall receive one and one half the compensation of a senator, and after the adoption of this constitution they shall not receive to their own use any fees, costs, interests upon public moneys in their band., or under their control, jcrquisites of offii-e or other compensation, and all fee that may hereafter be payable bv law for fcervi.-es performed by an officer" provided for in this article of the constitution shall be paid in advance into the state treasury. There shall be no allowance for clerk hire In the offices of the Superintendent of uoiic instruction ana Attorney General. ec. 2. That at said election on the Tues nay sui-ceedinir the firf Mnn.i i r i v.... bcr. 1&14. on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there t.hall be printed or written the words: "For proposed amend - . T" ,ue constitution, nxlng the term of ofiV-e and salary for governor, and other executive officers." and "Against proposed amendments to the constitution, fixing the term of office and salary for governor, and yiitpr i?a-'iui ve orneers. Approved. Anril ?1 iftis I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of r .-Mate or ."Nebraska, do herehv certify that the foregoiur proposed amendment to the onstitution of the State of Nebraska rue and correct conv f the original enrolled and en bto.I Kill ... ....,.. i - the Thirty-third session of the Legislature '", fiare or .-Nebraska, as uppers from said original hill on file in this office and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for their !1 llnr.t Inn ...!..,..! ... the general election to be held on Tnedav the rd day of November, A. D. lf.14 In lestimony Whereof, I have hereunto thl ... u J n1 an,x the Great Seal of at LinT'D. this rd day of March vi ii , .r ocr ior'1- n Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the Independence of the United State th- One U?',r,Hd ?-nd '"fty-seventh. and of tL it ADDISON WAIT, Secretary of state. Seal PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. TWO. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full. Is submit ted to the eletor of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday. November 3rd, A. IX 1914. "A Joint Resolution to amend Section six if.) of Article one 1 of the Constitution or the Mate of Nebraska. Be it Enacted by the People of the Stat of Nebraska : Section 1- That Section six (C of Article one (1) of the Constitution of the Stat of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows : Section 6. The risht of trial bv JurT shall remain inviolate; but in all civil c;ise and in criminal cases less than felonies, five-sixths of tbe jury may render a ver dict and the Legislature mav authorize trial by a jury of ;t less number than twelve men in courts Inferior to the dls-tri.-t court. See. 2. That at th general election for state and legislative officers to be held in me tate or .Nebraska on the first Tuesibn after the first Mondav in November In Til i there shall bo printed upon the ballot of r-u.n elector ror ins approval or rejection the above ami foregoing amendment in ttit following form: "l or proposed amendment to the constitution providing that in al civil cases and in criminal cases less thai felonies, five-sixths of the Jtirv mav render a veniict. and "Atrainst the propose.! amendment to tli Constitution provided m mi inn eases ami in criumml case less than felonies, five -sixths ..f the jun mar r nder a verdii f." - Approved. April J. Id 1.1. I. Addison Wait. Sccretarv of State ol the Mate of Nebraska, do herebv certif that the foregoing to the Constitution of 1 1. State or Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original T-..H.U.-W nun engrossed a passed bv tiiirry-tnir.i session ,.r the lire of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on tile in this offl.-e and that said proposed amendment is submitted J" " qualified rulers of the State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection al the general election to be held on Tuesdav tbe :jrd day of November. A. D 1H14 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Don,. at Lincoln, this 2Hrd dav of March " year of our Lord. One Thousand Nin. Hundred and Fourteen. ai d of fh" Independence of the United state the One Hundred and Thirty-seveni h. and of this ISe-ll ADDISON WAIT. ",J Secretary of State. ' IX COINTV roiRT. STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Cass. ss. In the Matter of the Estate of E. G. Dovey. Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court the report of George E. Iovey, administrator of the estate of E. G. Dovey, deceased, praying therein that said report be approved by this court and he be dis charged as such administrator, to which report there Is now on file in said court the reply of Frank E. Schlater as special administrator of the estate of Jane A. Dovey, deceased. You are further notified that a hear ing' will be had upon said report and reply before the court in the county court rooms at Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 10th day of August. 1914. at 9 o'clock a. m. All persons will therefore govern themselves accordingly. Witness my hand and the seal of the Count v Court of said county this 20th day of July. 1314. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. 7-20-3wks Duy your rancy stationery al tha Journal office. Alvo Notes Ellon Snokf Iia? a n-v aulo mobile. " JaroD Kaiiini va. rri lie-ally ill Thursday nijrht. (ieiirfro Skills of Mimkx-k was in town .Monday. Mrs. Ciforgt Fnri'inan, jr.. is on thf sick lisl. Mrs. Clyde Hnyles rHiirnod In her home in lJncoin Thursday. Sam Cashnr-r was in Omaha on business Thursday and Friday. Miss Marie stroemer enterlain ed the Ladies' Heading class last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C M. .Ionian and Miss Stella Shessley wen- in Lin coln Friday. perry Foreman of JIavelock was in Alvo between I rains Tues day. Miss Laura Jewell of Lincoln spent Sunday as a guest nf Mrs. A. I. Hird and family. Mrs. Sam llardimrk and Mrs. .1. H. Foreman, jr., were trading in Lincoln Tuesday. Harold llaper of Lincoln called on Charles (Jodbery and family Sunday evening. Miss Hazel Harnsberger visited a few days last, week with Miss Alma Godbery. Mrs. Ceorge Curyea entertained her cousin. Miss Kniniii Smith, of Franklin, Neb., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Royles motored to the fish hatchery at Smith Rend Sunday. Fred Dreamer and family of Pleasant Dale, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stone and family. Paul Frohlich returned from Lead. S. D.. Thursday, when- be has been enjoyiMir an outing with a cou-iin. Mrs. Elmer Hanks and Mrs. O-car Kilzel and son were pas sengers Friday morning for Lin coln. A. P. Mussb-nd. wife and son started for Kearney Tuesday for a week's with his mother and brol her. Mis Alma Coiihery and Mar joy Hall spent. Saturday with friends in Elmwood and attended the matinee. (Jeorge Foreman, sr., and sons, Cleorire and John, autoed to Val paraiso Tuesday on business, re turning Wednesday. firnndma Foreman is entertain ing her sister. Mrs. Andrews, of Delaware. Ohio, and Mrs. Raker of Mnran. Ind., this week. Mrs. Alex Jones and children of South Rend came in Thursday evening for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Coon and children. Mr. and Mrs. King and daugh ter and Mrs. Townsend of Lincoln spent Sunday with our genial agent. Herbert Moore and family Johnnie Parsell has been nurs ing a boil on his thumb this week Dr. Muir lanced it and Johnnie thinks he can get some sleep now Miss Eda Marquardt of Avoea was in town Friday announcing her candidacy for county superin tendent on the republican ticket, Mrs. E. D. Friend and daugh ter, Irene, started for Deer Creek, 111., to visit Mrs. Friend's mothei Mrs. Mary Skinner, and other relat ives for a time. Mrs. William Case and nephew went to M unlock on No. 15 Friday. Mr. Casey autoed to Murdock and from there the party autoed to Omaha to be present at a family reunion. Will Case, while out with his auto Sunday last lost inner tube and his mud chains northeast of Alvo, tube was a 3i-i. Will the parly finding please let Mr. Casey know? Ezra Fishburn, jeweler, of Lin coln, is in Alvo each Wednesday repairing jewelry, watches and clocks. Work guaranteed and prices right. Leave your articles to be repaired at the drug store. S. C. Royles and C. H. Jordan accompanied Will Royles home Monday evening. They attended the democratic convention on Tuesday at Columbus, where they reported harmony prevailed to the fullest extent. Ren Appleman and son, Clif ford, and brother, Charles Apple man, autoed to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Arvilla Linch of University Place returned with them to visit with her mother, flrandma Fore man, and her aunts from the east. Word has been received from Mrs. Ed Bobbitt, en route with a party of autoists to Denver, Colo., that they would reach Denver Wednesday and had had a very enjoyable trip so far. Mr. Bob bitt was standing the trip fine. iet U y chaser, dip and poultry remedies from Alvo Drug Co. Herbert Moore has a new three wheel speeder for track usage. Oeorge Curyea has purchased a thoroughbred Jersey cow from Sam Cashnei'. Fred Prouty and John Murtey shiped hogs to the South Omaha market last week. Miss Frances Smith of Lincoln came down Saturday to visit Miss Mary Appleman for a few das. Mr. and Mrs. (leoige Ellison, who have been In-re during har vest, returned Wednesday to their home in Havelock. Word has been received here lhat lire had destroyed the home of Mr. and Lou Toland in Oklahoma. Friends are making up a box of clothing; etc.. to send lot hem. Miss F.a Lin h of Fniversity Pla.e is visiting relatives and friends here this week. She and Miss Oladys Appleman visited Tuesday with Mrs. (ieorge Fore man, -.r.. and family. A very enjoyable tarty was given Friday evening at the beautiful country home of Alma Ciodfrey, north of Alo, in honor of her friend. Miss Hariisberger, of Elmwood. A large number of young people were present. The lawn was lighted with Japanese lanterns. Contests were played, first prizes being won by Marie Appleman and Clarenee tienige; booby prizes by Vera Pmuty and Farley Young. The out-of-town guest were: Misses Miriauii Holofxm. Hazel Hariisberger. Merxle Carr; Messrs. Clarence Oeorge, orisl Cook. Farley Y"ung. Marvin Carr. FOR SALE FINE CASS COUNTY FARIV! 1, !'2 MILE OF MURRAY, PJES. Fine ."P'n-aere farm, could be divided in one iMnacre ami one ltjo-acre farm, all located one and one-half miles of Murray, splen did soil, line improvements, house, barn, i: raner ies, etc. orchard of small fruit, springs and running water. l.ron rods of bog-tight wire fencing. This js .me nf tin' best farm- in Cass county. I am advert ising" I hi- Farm in several Nebraska and Iowa papers and anyone interested hou!d see liie at mice for I will find a buyer soon, price si ro pel acre. T. H. POLLOCK, Plattsmouth, Neb. Tel: Office, 215; Res., 1. MAPLE GROVE. 4. Everybody says. '"going to rain." but each day brings a cloudless sky. Miss (Irate Porter spent a few lays last week with Mrs. Tom Tilson. Miss Mamie Husterholz spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Tom Tilson. Mrs. (ienie Reckner was operat ed upon last Thursday at tin home of her sister. Mrs. Win Pat terson. The Farmers company thresh er is doing fast work. I hey art almost ha f done witli their sea son's work. Maple (irove is bustling' village. The farmers are very much disappointed over the yield in wheat, it only making about two- thirds as much as last ear, and is of very poor tpiality. Miss Orace Dili and Mr. Oussie Cood were united in the holy bonds ttf wedlock last Tuesday at Nebraska City. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. Miss Vivian Fitzpatrick is one of the leading contestants for the Journal's Rooster Campaign. It is the hope of everyone in Maple (irove and vicinity that Miss Vi vian will be the lucky one. Mrs. Stephan Reckner is im proving slightly at this writing. She has suffered for such a long time now her many friends will be gbid to note she is improving and will hope for her speedy recovery. I have buyers for good Cass county farms. If you want to sell your farm, list it with me. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth. Tel. Office 215. ........ ....-...... MURDOCK. Lee DeFord went to Lincoln Friday. L Cm. Hornbeck was in Lincoln Sunday. Jerry McHugh was a Lincoln visitor Sunday. W. I. Weddle has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. Amgwerl returned to her work in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. .Mike Sorick was visiting her mother in Modale, Iowa, lart Week. Miss Lelia Dyer. from near Ashland, was visiting at the hotel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hart man were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kniil Kiielm a few days last week. Mrs. W. I. Weddle accom panied lo r mother, Mrs. Kruse, to her home in Minnesota Friday. The score of Sunday's base ball game between South Rend and Murdock was to I J in our favo r. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Smith or Lincoln have peeii visiting W. O. Oillcs-pie and fnmiK the pa-l Week. Mr. and Mi's. S. Fomer of Oiecnwood Were visiting the lat ler's mother. .Mrs. Charles Cakc nier. Sunday. It. V. McDonald and family and II. A. Tool and famiiy are spend ing a couple of weeks camping ami picnicking on the Platte river. Ferdiautl Ho.-enow and family of Kansas are here now visiting relatives and friends, and we are all glad to see theni back, for they u-cd to be very prominent in this vicinity. See my list of Cass county and other lands for sale, in this issue, and call on me for land bargains. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth. Tel. Office 215. Was Walter; Not William. Ii the statement of the trouble at Cedar Creek on the occasion of the ball game there la-l Sunday, and which appeared in this paper yesterday. it should have been Waller Schneider ami not Wil Hiani. who was involved in the c;:se, as was staled in the paper. Highway Siris Used Unlawfully. U media. July J'h A lir.iu! t r of re pons iiuvj Ijeeii cor.iii:. to the office 01' Stnie Ccn!il II. li. Wahhoa of the Lincoln Highway asso in regard 10 1 he uiilau mi c: Lincoln Idgh v.-ay roal siKiss. A rr.Mber o.' !usi nos riif-n v. ite-.-es cr IiUiTiiesi Jiit- ftli tt ily 0:1 The liijjiiway. al tiioncl; in towns aud vihayes through v hk h the ror.:l parses, are i:ssEg iho s:j:ns either in front of or in their es t.ibiisliTaeias. In speaking of tiie mat t r. Mr. Wahlion said: '"The Un coin highway rural markers and othe: biuns are protected by government copyrights and can be used only under the rules of the Lincoln Highway as Ko-ciation." Farm Loans made at lowest rates. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth. Tel. Office 215. Subscribe for the Journal. ruorosrr constiti'tioxal AMKXIISI KNT NO. OXK. Tho followinir i.i..ns-il aiiK'U'lment t thf iiitiiuti!i -t tu- Tal e r .euraska : luTtiiinfttT st-t fr-h In full, is sultniit t.l ti tlit -lftors of tlif Si;itc if N-l-ras kit. to ! voteil lirmii at tlie fr-nr-r:il clH-tiir t. In- lifld Tu'sl:iv, .'iviubT .".nl, A. 1) l'.'U. I'oU a Joint roli:t ion to atneml sftlor 1 .f Article of tin' Constitution of tin St:it of .Wl.raskn. relating to revenue B it Kcsolvoil ari'l Kna. tt-d by tlie IVoplt .f t lit- State of Nebraska: swtion 1. Tliat S- tion 1 of Article i of tin- Constitution of the State of Ne braska l.e itmomli-'l to rt-ail as follows: s,.. i. Tlie rules of taxation shall hf uniform as to anv jriven ciass anl taxes shall be levieil upon su-li property as tht Lesi-lature shall pres. ribe. Taxes may also be iuiposeil on iio-omes. priviieires arm o-eiipat ions, whii-li taxes may be rrailnat"0 ami progressive anU reasonable exempti'ii may be jirovi.leil. in mblition to those here inafter specUii-ally mentioned In section i of this article. Srr. . That at the freneral election ir November. 1!14. t'.iere hliall be siilniutt'il to the electors of the slate for their ap proval or rejection the forecroinjr propose.! amendment to the Constitution in th- f l lowiiifr form: "For amendment to tin Constitution providing for uniform am", progressive taxation" and "airai:isr saiil proposed amendment to the Constitution providing for uniform and projrressivt taxation." Approved. March 27. 101. I. Addison Wait, Secretary of State, ol the State of Nebraska, do hereby .-ertify that the f orecoinjr proposed anieiidmein to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska is a true and correct copy of tht original enrolled mid engrossed bill, a passed by the Thirty-thin! session of tli Legislature of the Stat" of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on tile in this office, nr.d that sajd proposed amend ment is submitted to the (j-ialiKed voter? of the State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to lit held on Tuesday, the ."r.l day of November, l a: d. ih. In Testimony Whereof. I have lierennle set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol the State of Nebraska. Ione at Lincoln, tnis -"rd day of Marfi In the year of oar Lord. One Thonsa:'.. -Nine Hundred and J-oiirteeii. ati.J of 1 hi lli(leM'inIeii-e of the 1'nited States the O:1 Iliin.lre.l and Thirty-seventh, and of thi; State the Forty-seventh. ADOISOX V,AIT. Seal Secretary of State. XOTIl'K Tl CltKOITOItS. In th County onrt f Iht- County of CtiNw. NeltrnMka. In Ue-Kstate of Alvara A. Fish. De ceased. You are hereby notified that hearings upon all claims airainst said estate will be had at the ornce of the County luflee. court House, ftattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska, on the Hlh day of Auprust. A. D. 1914, and on the 16th dav of February, A. D. 1915, at ten o'clock a. m. on ach of s-aid days. All claims not tiled by said hour on said last dav of hearing- will he forever barred. By the Court. ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. RAWLS & ROBERTSON. Attorneys. 7-23-4wks i tiik niTnicT corrtT op Tiif: (Kl XTV UV CASS, M-:imK.. Notice of Suit to Quiet Tllle. William Jean, Mary E. Charbonneau and i:mnia Charbonneau, I'laintfiTs, vs. Jfarriet I'atterson. et al.. Defendants. To the defendants, Lyeurgus H. J'at terson, Mr. Lycurjcus li. I'atterson. tirst ical name unknown, wife of Lycurgus B. I'atterson; Kannie T. Black, l'.lac-k. tirst real name unknown, husband of llannie T. Black; Lottie 11. 'irts, Virts. first real name un known, husband of Lottie II. Virts; Howard I'atterson, Mrs. Howard i'at terson, first real name unknown, wife of Howard I'atterson; Isabella Moore. Moore, lirst real name unknown. husband of Isabella Moore; Liilie .Toy, first real name unknown, husband of Liilie Joy; Irene I'atterson Murphy, Fred A. Murphy, James I'atterson, Kuphemia Bat terson, Edith I'. Kins, Charles H. KinK', Samuel li. Johnson, Martin E. Johnson. Edmund E. Wool sey, Helen M. Woolsey, nee Woodruff, also known as Helen M. Woodruff; Carl Graves, Nettie (iraves, Ethel tirade and William 11. OSrafre, Emily I'atterson, Mary I'atterson Storm. John Storm, Hiram H. Fowler, Mrs. Hiram 11. Fow ler, first real name unknown, wife of Hiram H. Fowler; Justus L. Cozad, Mrs. Justus . Cozad, first real name un known, wife of Justus 1. Cozad; Win. E. Bordee, Airs. Wm. E. 1'ordee, t;rs real name unknown, wife of Win. E. I'or.lee; Wm. 10. l'ardee, Mrs. Wm. 1. I'nrdee, lirst real name unknown, wife of Wm. E. l'ardee; William Miller. Mrs. William Miller, first real name unknown, wife of William Miller; Josephus Morion, Mrs. Josephus Mor ton, first real name unknown, wife of Josephus Morton: Sample Hurst fc Co., the unknown heirs, prrantees, succes sors and assigns of Sample Hurst & Co.. Mrs. James ym-en, lirst real name unknown, widow of James Queen, de ceased: A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown, wife of A. A. Jamison; Johnston Laird. Mrs. Johnston Laird, tirst real name unknown, wife of John ston Lairil; .lessee A. Cox, Mrs. .lessee A. Cox. fir-it real name unknown, wife of Jesse .. Cox; Ira 11. Joo.lwin; Mrs. Ira II. Goodwin, tirst real name unknown, wife of Ira B. Goodwin; John Aberheart, alias John Ebher hart; Mrs. John Aherheart, alias Ehber hart. tirst real name unknown; Flora San, widow of Joseph Sans, deceased; William Hutson. Mrs. William Hutson, lirst real i::urie unknown, wife of Wil liam Hutson; William W. Clemens, Mrs. William W. Clemens, lirst real name unknown, wife of William V,'. Clemens; Henry lliilbert, Mrs. Henry Hulbert, first real name unknown, wife of Henry Hulbert: Wm. S. McKni:?ht Co., the unknown heirs, grantees, successors and assigns of Win. S. McKniRlit i Co.: Jesse A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox; Mrs. Jesse A. Cox, lirst real name un known, wife of Jesse A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox: Mae I'atterson Qiiinn, Albert E. Quinn, James l'ierc, Mrs. James Fierce, first real name un known, wife of James Fierce; E. T. Fish, tirst real name unknown: Mrs. E. V. Fish, tirst real name unknown, wife of E. T. Fish: A. A. Jameson, tirst real name unknown; Mrs. A. A. Jame son, first real name unknown, wife of A. A. Jameson: Sample Hurst, Mrs. Sample Hurst, first real name unknown, wife of Sample Hurst. John W. Howell, Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name unknown, wife of John W. Howell; Mrs. Henry Hanr. first real name un known, wife of Henry Hann; Bachael Stafford, widow r.f Robert W. Stafford, deceased, also known as Robert Staf ford ar.d R. W. Stafford: George A. I 'avis, Mrs. Geoifre A. Davis, first real name unknown, wife of George A. Davis: Charles I'atterson. Susan Gros- claude. nee hecker; Grosclau'le. first real name unknown, husband of Susan Grosclaude: Kodolph Decker, Mrs. Rodolph Decker, first real name unknown, wife of Rodolph Decker; Hanson Docker, Mrs. Hanson Decker, first real name unknown, wife of Han son Decker: Jefferson Decker. Charles G. Iiun;-ra.te, Mis. Charles G. Iliingrate. first real name unknown, wife of Charles G. Huntrate: Harrison Hunpate, Mrs. Harrison Hi iiirate. first real name unknown, wife of Harrison Hungate: John Huncrate, Mrs. John Hunsate, first real name unknown, wife of John Hun-f-rate; Mary S. Roberts, nee Hungate; Roberts, first real name un known, husband of Mary S. Roberts; Cynthia J. Feed, nee Hungate: !!f e0. first real muiie unknown, husband of Cynthia J. Reed: James A. Hunfrate, Mrs. James A. Hunate, first real name unknown, wife of James A. Hunsrate; Nam-y E. Robinson, nee Hungate; KoMnson, nrst real name un known, husband of Nancy E. Robinson; Li!!a B. Inprraham. nee llunsate; Iniiraham, firsf real name unknown, husband of Lilla 1!. Inrraham; Edith Calder, Myrtle Calder. Fred Hunsrate, Ruth Hunjraie, Bessie lluntrate, Eugene Iliinprate. Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name unknown, widow of Theodore Decker, deceased: Sylvesten Decker, Mrs. Sylvesten Decker, first real name unknown, wife of Sylvesten Decker; Henrietta Decker, John M. Gable, Mrs. John M. Cable, first real name un known, wife of John M. Gable: Alex ander Gable, Mrs. Alexander Gable, first real name unknown, wife of Alexander Gable: John H. Crai.?, Mrs. John H. Craig, first real name unknown, wife of John II. Craig; James Gillet, Mrs. James Gillet, first real name unknown, wife of James Gillet; Andrew Hopkins, Hannah E. Hopkins, Joan Thompson, widow of James E. Thompson, deceased, also known as J. E. Thompson; Edward L. Thompson. Mrs. Edward L. Thomp son, first real name unknown, wife of Edward L. Thompson: Frank Thomp son. William H. Spratlen, also known as W. H. Spratlen, William 11. Splatlin and also known as W. H. Spratlin; Susan E. Spratlen. Susnan E. Splatlin, Miranda F. Towner, widow of Achat las C Towner, deceased: James H. Hopkins, Mrs. James H. Hopkins, first real name unknown, wife of James H. Hopkins; John L. Land. Eva Nash, John Glass. Mrs. John Glass, first real name un known, wife of John Glass; Leslie C. Baker. Mrs. Leslie C. Baker, first real name unknown, wife of Leslie C Baker; William R. Davis, Margaret An Lavis, also known as M. A. Davis: Mrs. San ford W. Spratlin. first real name un known, widow of Sanford W. Spratlin, deceased: Mrs. Simon Lucas, first real name unknown, widow of Simon Lucas, deceased; Eiigah Connors. Mrs. Eligah Connors, first real name unknown, wife of Eligah Connors; Elijah Conner, Mrs. Kliftah Conner, first real name un known, wife of Elijah Conner; Hannah li. Vaughn, Vaughn, first real name unknown, husband of Hannah B. Vaughn; George A. Biggs, Mrs. George A. Biggs, first real name unknown, wife of George A. l'.iggs; Mrs. George W. Lacy, Jr., also known as Sirs. George W. Lficy. first real name unknown, widow of George W. Lacy, Jr., de ceased, also known as George W. Lacy; Thomas I'enington. Thomas Bunington, Sarali E. I'enington, Sarah E. Buning ton, Mrs. Joshua Murray, lirst real name unknown, widow of Joshua Murray, deceased: John If. Higbee, Mrs. John H. Higbte, first real name unknown, wife of John H. Higbee: George A. Cutler, Mrs. George A. Cutler, first real name unknown, wife of George A. cutler; Henry C. Cutler, Mrs. Henry C. Cutler, first real name unknown, wife of Henry c. Cutler; Nancy Jane Spratlin. Spratlin, first real name unknown, j husband of Nancy Jane Spratlin: Sarah E. Young, widow of Francis M. Young, Sr., deceased, also known as F. M. Young: Samuel R. Johnson, Martha E. Johnson. Capitola Graves, nee Reed; J D. Graves, first real name unknown: Jacob Reed. Mrs. Jacob Reed, first real name unknown, wife of Jacob Reed; James Licas. Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C. Ewing, S. E. Ewing. first real name unknown: Mary, widow of Guilford D. Connally. deceased; Mrs. James G. Eomine, first real name un known, widow of James G. Romine, deceased: William Gilmour, Mrs. Wil liam Gilmour, first real name unknown, wife of William Gilmour: Margaret Byers, nee Gilmour: Byers, first real name unknown, husband of Mar garet Byers; Mary Archer, nee Shera; James Archer, James N. Shera, Mrs. James N. Shera, first real name un known, wife of James N. Shera; Ezra E. Reynolds, alias Erasmus E. Reynolds and E. E. Reynolds; Mary M. Reynolds, Olive Daffenbaugh, nee Graves; Daffenl augh, first real name unknown. husband of Olive Daffenbaughr Paul Graves, Rhoba Bates, widow of Isaac Bates, deecased; Burton Parker, Mrs. Burton Parker, first real name un known, wife of Burton Barker; Mary M. Bachelor, nee Bates; J. II. Bachelor, first real name unknown; Lemon Bates, Mrs. Lemon Bates, first real name un known, wife of Lemon Bates; John Bates, Mrs. John Bates, first real name unknown, wife of John Bates: Mrs. Adam Bafes. first real name unknown, widow of Adam Bates, deecased; Jacob Bates, Mrs. Jacob Bates, first real name unknown, wife of Jacob Bates; Julius Bates, Mrs. Julius Bates, first real name unknown, wife of Julius Bates: Leon ard Bates, Mrs. Leonard Bates, first real name unknown, wife of Leonard Bates: Susan Shamblin, nee Bates; Shamblin, first real name unknown, husband of Susan Shamblin; Jane Bachelor, nee Bates; Philip Bachelor, William Chandler, Alice Chandler, Isa bella Rainey, George Churchill, Mrs. George Churchill, lirst real name un known, wife of George Churchill; James Watson, Martha Watson, John G. Chandler, Martha E. Chandler, Amos Case, Mrs. Amos Case, first real name unknown, wife of Amos Case; Charles E. Carrell, Mrs. Charles E. Carroll, first real name unknown, wife of Charles E. Carrell; the unknown heirs and devisees of tlie following named deceased per sons, to-wit: Hiram II. Fowler, Mrs. Hiram 11. Fowler, first real name un known; Justus 1 Cozad, Mrs. Justus 1 Cozad, first real name unknown; Wm. E. Bordee, Mrs. Wm. E. Bordee, first real name unknown; Wm. E. l'ardee, Mrs. Wm. E. Pardee, first real name unknown: William Miller, Mrs. William Miller, first real name unknown; Josephus Morton, Mrs. Josephus Morton, first real name un known; James Queen, Mis. James Queen, first real name unknown; A. A. Jamison, firsf real name unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jamison, first real name unknown; Johnston Laird. Mrs. Johnston Laird, first real name unknown: .lessee A. Cox, Mrs. Jessee A. Cox, first real name unknown; Ira R. Good win. Mrs. Ira R. Goodwin, first real name unknown; John Aberheart, alias John Ebberhart; Mrs. John Aberheart, alias Ebberhart, first real name un known: Joseph Sans. William Hutson. Mrs. William Hutson. first real name unknown: William W. Clemens, Mrs. William XV. Clemens, first real name unknown: Henry Hulbert, Mrs. Henry Hulbert, first real name unknown; Jesse A. Cox, also known as J. A. Cox; Mrs. Jesse A. Cox, first, real name unknown: James Pierce, Mrs. James Pierce, first real name unknown; E. T. Fish, first real name unknown: Mrs. E. T. Fish, first real name unknown: A. A. .Tame son, first real name unknown: Mrs. A. A. Jameson, first real name unknown: Sample Hurst, Mrs. Sample Hurst, first real name unknown; John W. Howell, Mrs. John W. Howell, first real name unknown: Mrs. Henry Hann, tirst real name unknown: Robert W. Stafford, also known as Robert Stafford and R. W. Stafford: George A. Davis, Mrs. George A. Davis, first real name un known; Rodolph De.Uer, Mrs. Rodolph Decker, first rea.1 name unknown: Han son Decker, rMs. Hanson Decker, first real name unknown: Theodore Decker, Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name unknown; Sylvesten Decker, Mrs Slyvesten Decker, first real name un known; Henrietta Decker, John M. Gable, Mrs. John M. Gable, first real name unknown: Alexander Gable. Mrs Alexander Gable, first real name un known: John H. Craig, Mrs. John 11. Craig, first real name unknown; James Gillet. Mrs. James Gillet. first real name unknown; Andrew Hopkins, Hannah 1 Hopkins, William S. Latta, also known as W. S. Latta; Sarah E. Latta. William H. Spratlen, also known as . H Spratlen: Susan E. Spratlen, Achatias C. Towner, Miranda F. Towner, James H. Hopkins, Mrs. James 11. Hopkins, first real name unknown; John Glass, Mrs. John Glass, first real name un known: Leslie C. Baker. Mrs. Leslie C. Baker, first real name unknown; William II. Davis, Margaret An Davis, also known as M. A. Davis; Sanford W. Spratlin. Simon Lucas, Eligah Connors, Elijah Connor, Mrs. Eligah Connors, first real name unknown: Mrs. Elijah Conner, first real name unknown; Han nali B. Vaughn, Vaughn, first leal name unknown; Isaac Dyer. Al- resett S. Dyer, George A. Biggs, Mrs. George A. Biggs, first real name un known: I'ark Dobson, also known as Park (I. Dobson: George W. Lacy, Jr., also known as George . Lacy: Mrs George W. Lacy. Jr.. also known as Mrs. George W. Lacy, first real name unknown: Thomas I'enington, Thomas Punington. Sarah E. Penington. Sarah E. Punington, Joshua Murray, John H. Higbee, Mrs. John H. Higbee, first real name unknown; Nancy Jane Spratlin, pratlln. first real name un known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat lin; Francis M. Young, fer., James Lucas Nancv J. Lucas, Mary C. Ewing, S. E. Ewing, first real name unknown: Guilford D. Con nally, also known as G. D. Connally and C. I). Connally; James G. Romine, Mrs. Frank Thompson, nee Gilmour, first real name unknown: Henry Shera, James Walstow, also known as James Wolstow; Wells Sagers, also known as A ells Sager; Adam Bates, II. S. pur and, first real name unknown, and Lawrence B. Byers. the unknown own ers and occupants of the following described los and blocks in tlie village or Hock UlutTs. and North Hock Blurts, Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots one 1 and two 2i in Block three (3) West; Lots one CI) to four (4) inclusive in Block three ."! i North one (1) East; Lots seven C7 and eight (8 in Block three (3) North two CD East: Lots three (3 and four 4 In Block one 111 North one (1) East: East one-third 1 -3 of Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block three (3) North four (4) East Lots two (2). three (3) and four (4) in Block two !) North, one CI) East; all Block five (5) North, six ) East; all Hloek six 6 North, five (n) Hast: all Block seven (7 North, five (5) East: Lot two () in Block two (2) North; all of Block ten (10 North, four 14) East, and all of Block eleven (111 North, four 4) East, of the Public Square in said Village of Rock Bluffs, Nebraska. You are herehv notified that on July 16, A. D. 1914. plaintiff's filed their suit in tlie District Court of the County of Cass Nebraska, to quiet title to the following described land in said County of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the quarter section line running east and west thiough Section nine (9), Township eleven (11), .North Hange fourteen (14) in Cass County, Nebraska, 1574.6 feet east of the quarter section corner on the west side of said Section nine (9), thence running South 2.20:2 feet; thence east 412.3 feet; thence north 266 feet; thence east 978 feet; thence north S32 feet; thence east to the banks of the Missouri River; thence along the banks of tlie Missouri River In a north erly direction where said banks of the Missouri river Intersects the quarter section line running east and west through said Section nine (9); thence west along said quarter section line to the place of beginning; together with lands formed upon and against said described land by accretion, alluvion, reliction and evulsion. Said land Including the following described lots and blocks and the vacated streets surrounding tlie same In the village or Rock Bluffs, Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: The East 53.3 feet of the following described lots, to-wit: JUots one (1) to rour (4) inclusive m uiock two (2) North: Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclu sive in Block three (3) North: Lots one 1) to four (4) inclusive in Block four (4) North: Lots one (1) to four (4) inclusive in Block five (5) North; Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in Block six (6) North; Lots one (1) to four (4) inclusive in Block seven (7) North; Lots one (1) to four (4). in clusive In Block eight (8) North; Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in Block nine (9) North; Lots one (1) to four (4) Inclusive in Block ten (10) North, and Lots one (1) to four (4) in clusive In Block eleven (11) North, all numbered from the Public Square in the Village of Rock Bluffs, Nebraska. And all of Blocks two (2) to eleven (11) North. Range one (1) East inclu sive; all of Blocks three (3) to eleven (11) North. Range two (2) East. Inclus ive; all of Blocks three (3) to eleven 11) North. Hange three (3) East inclusive; all of Blocks three (3) to nine (9) North, Range four (4) East inclusive; and all of the land lying West of the West banks of tbe Missouri River and East of Blocks five (5) to nine (9) North, Range four (4) East inclusive; and Blocks ten (10) and eleven (11) North, Range three 3 Easr inclusive, all numbered from the Public Square in the Village of Rock Bluffs. Nebraska. Also Ixjts one (1) to twelve 12) in clusive in Block three 2) West, and all of Block one (1) North, Range one 1) East of the Public Square In tlie Village of Rock Bluffs, Cass County, Nebraska, with the portion of tlie vacated streets surrounding the same, belonging thereto, because of their adverse possession by themselves and grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or Interest, either legal or equitable. In or to said land, or any part thereof, and to require you to set forth your right, title, lien or interest therein, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff, and for general equit able relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, August 31, A. D. 1914. or your default will be dulv entered therein. WILLIAM JEAN, EMMA CH A RBONNEAP. MAR V E. CHARBONNEAI'. Plaintiff. Rawls & Robertson. Attorneys. ix the rorxTV coiiit ov vah OII IVTV, .N'KHHASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of refer Ilanrahan, Catherine Jlanrahari arid Peter J. Ilanrahan. Jr., Deceased. ProceedlugK to Kntabllab Title, The heirs and other persons Interest ed in the estates of the a lMve named persons are hereby cited to tak not Ice that a petition has been tiled stating among other things that more than two years have elapsed wince the death of Peter Ilanrahan and Peter J. Ilanra han, jr., and that Lot 1, in Block 4, Thompson's Addition, and Iot 32 of Wises Out Lot Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, be assigned to Mary G. Whelan and John Ilanrahan as children and sole heirs at law to said property. Also that Mary G. Whelan be specially appointed to collect, tlie pen sion due and payable by I'. S. govern ment to said Catherine Ilanrahan ot the time of her death. Said petition will he heard In the Countv Court at Plattsmouth, Neb., on the 3rd day of August. 114. at 1 o'clock a. m., and it is hereby ordered that this notice be served by being published in the Plattsmouth Journal for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated this 11th dav of Julv, 1914. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESo.V. County Judge. D. O. DWYER, Attorney. 7-13-3wkt NOTICE OK WALK. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Still!, Deceased. , Notice is hereby given that In pur suance to an order of Hon. James T. Begley, judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made on the 24th day of June, 114, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will he sold at the south door of the court house In the City of Platts mouth, in said County, on the Mh ilay of August, 1914. at ten o'clock a. m., Ht public vendue to the highest bidder for cash. 15 per cent of the bid to be paid at close of sale and the balance on or before confirmation of sale, the follow ing described real estate to-wit: An undivided one-sixth, subject to the dower and homestead right of Agatha Stull therein, of tlie east half of the northwest quarter of Section two t2). Township twelve (12), Range thirteen (13). containing seventy-four and 87-100 acres more or less; the east half of the southwest quarter of Section two (2), Township twelve 12. Range thirteen (13), containing eighty acrs more or less; lot four 4 In the north west quarter of Section thirty-six t .'!;), Township thirteen (13), Range thirteen (13), containing twenty-six acres more or less; lot three (3) In the northwest quarter of Section six (C). Towr.shlp twelve (12), Range fourteen 14). "n taining twenty-two and 7"'-100 acres more or less, all in Cass County, Ne braska. Said sale to remain open one hou r. Dated this 6th dav of July. 1914. C. LAWRENCE STL'IJ, Administrator of tlie Estate of Henry Stull, Deceased. D. O. DWYER. Attorney. 7-6-4wks LEGAL NOTICE. In the Dlalrlet Court of (' County. Nathan P. Schulze, Plaintiff. vs. William Street, et al.. Defendants. To the defendants, William Street, the unknown heirs of William Street. Jeramiah Wade, the unknown heirs of Jeramiah Wade, Herbert Robine and Clarence Robine. the only surviving heirs of Sarah C. 1. Robine, deceased. You are herebv notified that on the 16th day of July. 1914. plaintiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska, tlie object being to quiet the title in plaintiff to lot ten 10), In block five i5. in Plattsmouth. Nebraska; plaintiff alleges that lie is the owner in fee simple of said lot, and that he, and prior grantors under whom he holds, have been in actual, open, notorious, continuous, exclusive and adverse possession of said lot for a period of more than twenty years last past: that all defendants in this suit be enjoined, each and all of you, from having or claiming any right, title, in terest, or lien, either legal or equitable, in or to said lot or any part thereof; and you and each of you are hereby notified to set forth any right, title, or interest, you may claim in said lot. if any; and for such other and further relief as may le equitable. This notice is published pursuant to the order of the court. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of September, 1914, or your default will be duly entered therein." NATHAN P. SCHL'LZE. R. B. WINDHAM. Attorney. 7-23-4twkly NOTICE, In thp District Court of fmnm County, .Vrbranka. Doc. No. George Heim and Andrew Blum. Plaintiff. vs. John D. Kniffht, the unknown heirs and devisees of John D. Knight, de ceased. Defendants. To John D. Knight and the I'nknown Heirs and Devisees of John 1 . Knight, Deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that on tlie 17th day of July. A. D. 1914. George Helm and Andrew Blum, as plaintiffs, filed a petition in the District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, against you as defendants; that the object and prayer of said peti tion Is to quiet and confirm in the plaintiff, George Heim, the title to the northwest quarter (N. W. t ) of the northwest quarter (N. W. ',4 ) of Sec tion twenty-two (22). Township twelve (12) North, Range ten (10) East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska, and each and every part thereof, and in the plaintinff, Andrew Blum, the title to the south half (S. 't ) of the northwest quarter (N. W. M ) of Section twentv two (22). Township twelve (12) North. Range ten (10), East of the 6th P. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska, and each and every cart thereof, and to obtain a judgment decreeing that the plaintiffs; George Helm ana Anarew uium, are the owners in fee simple of said several tracts of real estate and every part thereof, and to forever bar and ex clude you and each of you from any right, title, interest or claim in and to said several tracts of real estate here inbefore described, or any part there of; plaintiffs claiming in their said petition to have acquired the title to said several tracts of real estate and each and every part thereof in them selves and their respective grantors, by virtue of open, notorious, actual, ad verse, hostile and continuous possession of the same under claim of ownership for over thirty years. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 7th day of Sep tember, A. I. lilt ANDREW BLUM. By ARTHUR C. PANCOART, Their Attorney. 7-23-3-wk.