PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JULY 27, 1914. POLITICS IN CASS COUNTY 40YEAHS AGO Very Few Are Left Who Partici pated in That Convention Long Ago. Today I lit democrats of Cass county art meeting in conv cut inn at i:iin nf. and there has not been the great interest attached t th gathering that charac terized the early-day convention when, partisan feeling was in tense in Nebraska and the demo crats very, very scarce. The fol lowing is taken from the tiles of the IMaltsniouth Herald forty -ais ago and shows t lie manner in whieli the rival iiolitical parties had of handing each other little hunches of compliments: The unterrilM'd met in the court house in I'latt.-mouth ahout "J "clock on Saturday last. Dr. Kin t'rtciu in the chair and Fd HutV ii. r secretary. The following delegates were elected to attend the state convention: Jacob Yallery. sr.. W. Mickbwaite. Dr. .Tohn Wack. M. McOuire, John Ilou-e. Harmon Smith, C. Schlat ter, Frank (iutliiiiaii, James M. I'at tei-soii. I'rice Cunninglicm. In the first place, though, they lecte.l Dr. It. It. Livingston, but the doctor went back on the un tcrrilied and sent worth like poor hi Oreeley. that he was not a democrat. neer was a democrat, and couldn't know how to repre sent a democratic constituency. nh. what a fall was there, my democratic countrymen. Some other man was put in Doe's place and the whole masse of 2 people gave three cheers for out and Mil t'V. A committee of lie was then appointed o wait on the inde pendents down stairs. The com mittee went down and cooled Iheir heels against the brick walls of lan Wheeler's xar.l in front of Flli-on's ollice. The iudepeiidiit convention, Mu-s met in Fllison's ollice about I o'clock. John Mulz old line dem. chairman, and D. S. Diaper people sec'y., and I hen they elected delegates to Iheir con eu I ion eoiioist iw of: Thus. Siiiith. L. Johnson. . Hubbard. It. It. Li iiiirslon. I.. ;. Todd. I). S. Draper. D. McC.iig. C. W'orlman. C. II . Kin-r. J. i.. liilmore. Of Hi delegates five are old 1 1 n . 1 1 1 1 1 I a I s. Fic were not pre-er.t at all. and no knowing whether they Will scre HI1 not. and one. D. MrCaiir. was down at Lincoln working his eel best in the regular republican stale con v ent inn t h n her day. L. . Todd give "em tils and -aid I hex mu-t pul the right kind "f men in the field and if it suited he would xole ami if no nix. I.itlle Mac of the anglo Irish liberal dem peopb-s' independent hard shell ant i-crusade Watch man made a rip-roarinir speech in -teiitoiiau and Ihunder tones lo the effect thai corruption was rampant and he was opposed lo I in pt ion in anxthimr or any body anx more, and then he moved that a committee or lie be ap pointed to meet tin same number of deins who were holding up the brick wall outside for he purpo-e f pulling a fusion coun ty ticket in the Held. "Hut the chairman didn't want that in his.' an. then the whole niiliil went for "LilUe .Mack's" motion ami finally they scared .Mr. King so badly thai he withdrew his second Id the motion and it was not even but "Mae"' left jn a tantrum, and the demmy's outside "agin" Ihe wall went round Ihe corner- in Slc a man and then each departed iiiournfullx for- home to mediate. There wefe voles in tin democratic mass convention of Cass comity ami about 18 in the llidepcildenl. A counly convention was de termined by Ihe independents for the l i 1 It of this month at Weep inir Water, and so ends Ihe first chapter of mass nun enl ions. Causes of Stomach Trouble. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, .insufficient, masti cation of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to xour age and occupation. Correct your habits and take- Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. Greenwood Visitors Here. F. I). Clymt-r, U. F. Laughlin, 11. H. Weideman and William Dowd, one of the democratic aspirants for the ollice of sheriff, was in the city this afternoon for a few hours looking after some business mat ters in the city. Mr. Dowd is busy in his candidacy for the ollice to which he aspires, ami by his pleasant manner is making a large acquaintance. Mr. Laugh Iin. while in the city, called at the Journal ollice. TWO YOUNG MEN FROM NEAR ASHLAND ARE FINED FOR FIGHTING From Saturday's Daily. This morning Heno and Zane Pierce, two young men residing near Ashland, in this county, were arraigned before Justice M. Archer on a charge of assault and battery upon the person of Frank Johnson, also a resident of that locality, and who was the com plaining witness in the case. The court, after hearing the evidence in the case, decided that the two young men were guilty of the of fense charged against them and decided to assess a line of ." and costs each, amounting lo some s'KJ. and this sum the young men paid over to the representatives of the law and returned to their homes in the west part of the county, rejoicing that the line had not been greater. BURLINGTON LAYING. HEAVY STEEL BETWEEN HERE AND JUNCTION The iWirliugtou is making some improvements in their trackage between this cily and Pacific Junction by lire lax rug of new heavy steel rails lo replace the old ones, which have been in use for- Ihe past few years. The new r ails ar e of n inet y-liv e-pound weight and will care for the heavy travel over this line in good shape. There, are two extra gangs of men employed on Ihe road, one on Ibis side ami one on Ihe owa side of the river, that are slapping the new rails down in fast shape, and in a few days the new rails will be all placed in position. During the progress of Ihe work the Irains running through here are proceeding un der slow orders over the line of tin relaying-. GETTING IN SHAPE FOR THE TENNIS TOUR NAMENT NEXT WEEK 'rem Saturday's Daily. The enli-v list for- Ihe cilx ten nis tournament shows a li-t of twenty some names, with the prospect of still more coming in. Play will begin Monday morning and continue for- four days. On account of the absence of Sec retary Hay Larson, drawings will in'1 be posled until Monday morn ing. The following is a partial list of entries: Hubert Walling. Harris Cook, F. Fricke, Fmil W url. John Faller, Hex. F. M. Druliner. Mallhew llendd, Millard Klein. Tracy Druliner, Harold Druliner. Alfred Humphrey, Hay Larson. Oeorge . Falter, pollock Parmele. Hex. II. O. MrClusky, c. II. Taylor, Fd Schulhof, II. II. Sin clair. Tin following list of prizes are now on display in the windows of Crahill's .jewelry store: Championship Singles Crab ill trophy cup. Championship ,,ubb-s A pair of sweaters. Hunnerup in Singles Frnbrella Hunncrsup in Doubles two pairs of tenuis shoes. Winner- in Consolation Singles x.1 older on Fricke's Fountain. Winner in Consolation Doubles Two pairs of culV links. Hunnerup in Consolation King, ies A silk hal. Hunnerup in Consolation sing Doubles Two four-in-hand ties. Hans Tains of Casper, Wyom ing, arrived in Plattsmoulh last Saturday evening for a brief visil with home folks. Mr. Tains is en gaged in erection of depots and section houses for the new line of the Burlington, in that section of the country, , BASE BALL TOURNAMENT IN PLATTSMOUTH There Is Considerable Talk of a Tournament In This City Ere the Season Closes. The base ball fans of the city are beginning to discuss among themselves the question as to the holding of a base ball tournament here this fall at the close of the playing season, and there is an almost unanimous feeling that such a move would more than re pay the promoters. Whether the teams entering the tournament were confined to the county or in cluded those from outside of Cass county would matter liltle, as good fast teams could be secured to lake part in the different games. The teams in Ihe different towns of Ihe county who carried out the suggestion made in the Journal in the winter of organiz ing a Cass county league, hax ninde a glittering; success of tin venture and all Ihe teams, xvilh one or two exceptions, have been playing a fast article of ball thai has drawn great crowds in the ditlereut lowns, and by their ap pearing here al the tournament contesting- for a suitable prize, a: well as the honor of winning of lire event, thev would be sure to bring with them an enthusiasiii bunch of boosters toM'heer them on to victory and to boost the ef forts of their friends. Mauley and Avoca, the two leaders of the league, would make excellent drawing cards, and the remaining learns in the league could put up some very entertaining contests l lie Keii six could participate in the event with the visitors, and with Ihe two fast teams of Ihe league leaders would be sure to give ihe fans more than Iheir money's worth. The team at Springfield, as well as Louisville, could also be secured lo lake part in Ihe tournament and add to jls inlerest. The Hed Sox bail park here is Well eipiipped for the holding of a tournament and a large crowd could be handled there with east ami everyone who attended the tournament be able lo enjoy to the utmost Ihe games. The matter is one thai will well be worth trying and tin management of the team here should get busy and arraugt for Ihe holding of Ihe tourna ment. EMIL J. MEISINGER GETS SUIT OF CLOTHES FOR FINEST WHEAT The firm of C. I-:. Wescolt's Son have on exhibition at, their store a specimen of wheat of Ihe crop uf 1 1 i that is certainly one of the finest I hal has ever been seen in Ihe cily. and it was gathered from the farm ofKmilJ. Mei-inger. near Cedar Creek, where this progressive young farmer is engaged in tilling the soil, and his able care of the crops is shown in Ihe results achieved in Ihe rid urns from Ihe wheat. This wheat turned out some Ihirly-live bushels to Ihe acre and the grains of the wheat are large and xvell filled. Some lime ago Ihe linn of Wescolt's Sons offer ed a prize for Ihe best specimen of wheat brought lit their slore, and Mr. Meisinger has succeeded in capturing Ihe prize and vvill re ceive free a line suit of clothes as the prize, which will come in very handy and prove a well earned re ward, in addition lo the excellent wheat crop. You're Bilious and Costivel Sick Headache; Jad lHealh, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indigestion, Mean Liver and I towels clogged. Clean up tonight, (let a l5c bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today and empty the stomach ami bowels of ferment ing, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel line. Effective, yet. mild. Don't gripe. 25c, at your Drug gist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Burns. Subscribe for the Journal. -.S, A ' : . ' i - i Lawyer, Statesman and Orator Candidate lor Congress from the First Matthew Gering, beiug a lican party in Cass county at carry the county in the general election by an overwhelming majority. His nomination J J . . and election means a great deal to Cass county, as well as the h rst Congressional District. AUTOMOBILE SPEEDING CASE IS APPEALED TO THE DISTRICT COURT An appeal has been filed in the ollice of the clerk of Ihe district court in Ihe case of Ihe Slate of Nebraska vs. Leslie W. ii-egoj-v . This is a case that was appealed from the justice court of J. S. Harnes at Weeping- Water in which the defendant is charged with speeding his automobile al more than the legal rale of speed through that city. In the trial of Ihe case at Weeping: Water, Cregory was found guilty and lined .5 and costs, amounting: to $I7.i5. ami he desires lo appeal it to the district court, where it will be tried before .Judge Hegley. An appeal bond accompanied Ihe filing of the appeal. EMIL WEYRIGH AND GUY WHITE EJOY A PLEASANT JOURNEY BY AUTO Sal unlay Fmil J. Weyrich and (riiy White returned home from their leu days' trip inlo Iowa and soulliern Minesoia, wiiieii iney made in the auto of Mr. Wey rich. The boys left this city and followed the auto road lo Omaha and Council Hlull's. thence going norlh through Missouri Vail ery uul Dennison, where they made a stop over uighl, and Ihe next day cached their destination at Lake Okohojij, where they spent several days enjoying themselves. After caving Lake Okobopi a shorl run was made up into soutueru Min nesota, and Ihe parly returned home bv way of Winlerset and Iher lowns in Ihe eenlral part of fowa, making- a toal of over K0 miles traveled. The trip was en joved very much and. both of. the travelers aeuuired a line deep coat of tan as a result of-their trip. Best results are secured by ad. vertising in the Journal. .,...i.. . . '.l-v ' .... i t T ;"k. t-?1 --iv'i, 1 s.i Jj,. - "Vjj I . ; :- .--V2-.v.i-i.'-f-,"--i,Vv -'-''V- : HON. MATTHEW GERSNG, Favorite Candidate. home man, should receive the the primaries, and if nominated should, and no doubt will, Will Now So Located Here. The many friend- of Far! Ila-s ler in this city will be very much pleased lo learn that Ibis genial young man is to be with us for some lime al least, as he has ac cepted a position at the .Manv drug store, and will be mi duly from today on. F.arl is a nio-i genial and pleasant vming man ami is well aide to look alter Ihe drug business, as he is a gradu ate of the Oeighton school of pharmacy, and has for the. past txvo years been engaged in phar maceutical work, at which he ha been most successful, and Mr. Mauzy will find him a mo-t valua ble addition lo t he store. LOUISVILLE PARTIES MEET WITH AUTO ACCI DENT NEAR OMAHA A number of r'ass counly gen llenicn driving from Louisville to Omaha met with tpiile a serious accident near thai place when their automobile turned turtle near Ouicordia park, on the Mil lard road. All the members of lire party, composed of John lieii iiings, James Heeney and J. . Tipton, were more or less injured in Ihe miNiip. Ilcnnings, who was driving Ihe car. tried to linn lin ear out of Ihe dilch into xshich he had driven, when he suddenly lost control of Ihe steering gear. The car turned out into a field and turned over twice. Ilcnnings re ceived a severe laceration of Ihe right leg and a badly sprained bark. Tipton and Heeney were painfully bruised. All were pick ed up by a passing ear and taken to Omaha, where I hey were at tended by a police surgeon. .None of the injuries weie I bought to be serious by Ihe surgeon who dress ed Ihe wounds and injuries of Ihe men. Mrs. .Charles Thornherg and daughter, Miss Alice, who have been here visiting at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. August Tarlsch. de parted this afternoon for their home at Sioux City. rl f -,' 1 Iffi . 7 S' T. . 7 . t .. " i Jt p. . -:t-v - ; Congressional District Cass County's 4 . " V 1 "Mii. -lohn Mattes of Nebraska united support of the repub- THE RILEY HOUSE , BARBER SHOP AGAIN open FOR business I in Hi ley. aibei- shop in which for Hi. tbe Hotel pasl two weeks has 1 n vacant, has been ili-oose.l nf lo Vi, l,,n Chilli nf 'e braska Cily, who yesterday as- summed control of the shop and -'-- - . ofieucd it uj for business. The new owner has a shop at Nebraska Cily.and has decided lo branch on! by locating here, ami vvill en deavor to satisfy all Ihe custom crs who patronize his shop. Messrs. Charles Morehouse and Charles Spurlock of Springfield Missouri, arrived vesterday nmrn- int: and will fake charge of tin shop for Mr. Chilli for the pres enl at least. The new owner wil not fie nere lor some nine, as he desires to have his husim affairs al Nebraska Cily in propel shane before comimr here. 'I'll I wo gentlemen shoo come vvel Ill Charge ol llieioi ine uemocrai ic xx a r noises in recommended as barheis and will make a bid for Iheir -hare of the barber business of fhe cily. Surprising Cure of Trouble. Stomach N hen vmi have double with your stomach or chronic con- I i 1 1 :l I i i I 1 1 ilnti'l i 11 I a L! i lie I 1 1 ; 1 1 lllll ,".s.i ii.iv.x.,1 lielo because .. ' . vour doclor fails to giv e you re- lief. Mrs. C Slcnglc, Hlaiiilield, X. J., w rites : "For over a month nasi I have been troubled with mv stomach. l'verything I at upset it terribly. One of Cham berlain's advertising booklets came lo me. Alter reading1 a tew ... - - - - - of Ihe letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tab- lets, decided lo try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package of them and can now eat Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar ..i.i i I. : .. i I. .. j t .... ... , aimosi eerxinnig mui i uiii. For sale by all dealers. L William A. Itoulon of Wabash, ,nw . i.i t ir t-.-ii i:ir resmenis in that locality, came in this morn- iior from his home to look after some matters at the court house for a lew nours. i- TY CONVENTION ATJLM10D Large and Harmonious Gathering of the Faithful and Given a Cordial Greeting. The democrats of Ca-.- couniy. in puisuance o the call ol' (lie couiily central committee, a--seinbled at Klnivvood on Salurday inoi jiing- at 1 1 o'clock, being railed to order- al I hal hour by . I . Wheeler chairman of the counly eenlral committee. There wa- a J u ge at tendance of h-cg;ii t i m the different precincts of Hie counly, with the exception nf IMallsinouth city, when- only a few delegates were in allendanee. owing to I he fact thai it was ;l x ery inopport une lime for I he biisine.-s men and shop employes to gel away l fake jiart in Ihe ie i i:e;it ions of the convention. An organization was perfected by he election of C. S. AldnVh of Klmxvootl as leinporarv- chairman ami lion, Y. ;. lianniiig of Fuioii as temporary secrel arv'. The leui- porarx m -gauizaf ion was later made iermaueul. The resolutions committee pre sented a series of resolutions commending Ihe wise and able ad ministration- of President " I row Wilson, and endorsed lion. W. II. Thompson ofilraiul Island for re-election the ollice of chairman of (he -tale central comuiil tee. which position he has filled during Ihe past three years. and Ihe delegates eb'cjed lo Ihe convention al Columbus were in- triicled to Voe f(i- his ieeec I ion. The delegates to the slate con vention were a s, ins rue ei In Xole for . . lieeler tor slate committeeman for this di-lriri. Cily. and Dr. .1. H. Iliinale of v(;ll7. ,,,,, ' 'tli w : i . . i i ... i i i : i . . i . . iri. t. were pre-eni at ihe coiuen- ' "-i"""i"'i "in. -ho, ) -peeches on tile leading Issues ol the day. The principal business of I lie the .-election of convention was the twenty deb-gales lo Ihe -late convention at Columbus, and for Ihe delegates to represent the deinocrarv of Cass counlx Ihe fol lowing were cho-eii : ft A 11-11 . I 1 .1. i Ui"".;.-n": .;::;,!::;,'.: t'nion: It. It. Stone. .N'ehawka: lolm Tighe, Mauley: A. 15. Sland- er. Louisville; I . . Nailery, Mur- ray; D. O. Dwver. Henry Mir, -r.. 1 F. Huffnei Mike Mauzy, II. mouth: William VallelV. I'li Lellb-r. l-.lmw I: S. U Hoxles, Alvo; C. (i. Hailey. (ireenxvood: Waller- Hail ing. ! reenvv oo.l : F.has. Jordan. Alvo; f re.f it. noruer. NVeeping Water-; N". D. NN'heeb-r, IMallsinouth NN". 15. Hamiin; Fnion. There was a general feeling of alisfacfion among the delegates over- the apparent Harmonious note id' Ihe convention, and all who were present were very san guine over the outlook foj- Ihe democracy al Ihe fall election. Ihe chairman of Ihe county eenlral conimiltee for Ihe ensuing campaign was also selected at this meeting, and L. F. Langhorst. one Slove Creel, fU'eciircl, was selecl- e, for the position, and will guide the destinies of the parlv in tin ensuing campaign. The conven tion adjourned in lime to allow I most of the delegates from Ihe east end of Ihe counly a chance to go home on fhe afternoon .Mis souri Paeilic train. There was tpiile a large allend anee of Ihe tlilferent, candidates for Ihe county oflices present at Iii i:.... I ...II no- co i . in cM- .-n plea-ed with the oulcome of tin meeting '"ward promoting hai niony. Has Your Child Worms? i.i'-. . i jiiiiiieii iij. A it'.'uirii .M,,rred Tongue; Strong Hreath; sn,,mach Pains- Circles nmlei Most children do.' A Coaled, h;V08; iaIc, Sallow Complexion: v,.rVous. Fretful: (irinding of jjreams anv one ol lliese inui- - ale Child has Worms. a box of Kickanoo Worm Killer at once it. kills Ihe Worms the cause of iviinr eni ii s ro'iiiiiinn. n live. and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to lake. 25c, at your uruggisi. IB C